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Re: Lies Told by (Wayne K and friends) that went Awry of Ela
« Reply #135 on: October 08, 2011, 01:37:31 PM »
Damn it Danny, even your "friends" don't like you much. You're bad for their image.But why would they need a moron like wayne to build a website? There just using him to raise cash.And I bet not much either.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline shaggys

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Re: Lies Told by (Wayne K and friends) that went Awry of Ela
« Reply #136 on: October 08, 2011, 02:51:02 PM »
Danny you are such a FREAK dude!!!!! I have been reading the posts by your brother Barney over in the free for all section. You even abused your own brother! Or is Barney lying too Danny?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: ....
« Reply #137 on: October 08, 2011, 06:51:53 PM »
I have moved this all to a private site solely dedicated to Wayne. The info all collectively put together will be brought back and posted in one large post so it can be read without interuption.
Wayne thrives on subterfuge, well we are going to make it difficult.
Till then bye.....
The book will be rebutted in it's entirety.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Stand and fight, till there is no more.

Offline Troublemaker

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Re: Lies about Elan that went Awry
« Reply #138 on: November 11, 2011, 12:43:06 PM »
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Just a quick heads up. One of our trolls, Danny Bennison, has been commenting here again under the name of “Quagmire.” His other aliases include the names: Cuggle, Diablo, Heretikreb and Danny B II. We’ve banned him, but like all cyber stalkers, he doesn’t respect other people’s boundaries. In addition to this, he is trying to ingratiate himself with anyone remotely associated with our blog. He is also commenting and trying to shut down dialog in the stories we link, and in the comment sections of of stories and topics about this blog.
G2K says

Danny tried to get into Soberclub Soberfriends Network today and I denied him access.

This guy just can’t take a hint.
June 27, 2011, 11:04 am
witness4justice says

 “Spammy” Benniscum is now trolling over here: (as Quagmire)
 He is also back on Fornits (as Danny B II) “pretending” to care…..this is getting old!
August 15, 2011, 7:20 am
MikeAugustine says

Danny is once again spouting on the jref forum that he has 25 years AA experience and none of the meetings he attended have prayer. Yet he refuses to name them. What a sick, pathological liar.

JR Harris says

One word of caution should also be made. Danny appears to be doing a “Phishing” ploy to get personal information from his prospects using facebook. If you have a facebook account and you click on the link while you were logged in he will automatically have access to pictures of you and a list of all of your friends and family, as well as pictures of them. I have detected where I believe this has been attempted 4 times in the last 2 weeks. Be very careful.

Instructions on Facebook and privacy settings and what information is gathered at each level:

PsiCop says

FWIW this fellow ambled over to my own blog. I’ve dealt with some “motivated commenters” in my time, particularly from another religion which at one time was known for being EXTREMELY activist on the Internet, going so far as to sue people for publishing their materials on Usenet or the Web. Had to clean up my blog from all of their comments after it became clear there’d been several people working together.

I’d feared this guy was the vanguard of a similar effort by AA and/or its fanbois, but it sure looks as though it’s an individual thing with him and not an orchestrated effort. But I plan to keep a close eye on this.

As it stands, Danny Bennison has been monitoring Stinkin’ Thinkin’ in order to keep tabs on what forums I, or other readers of this blog, are paying attention to, where he will either use an alias or comment as DannyB II, in an effort to personally attack or harass, derailing any productive discussion on any other forum. He has done this at the LA Times, Opposing Views, Dispatches from the Culture Wars, The Fix, and today, at Miscellanea Agnostica. He has made an effort to insinuate himself into the confidence of people who are connected to this blog in some way, even while using aliases to personally attack them on other venues.

He was banned from Stinkin’ Thinkin’ for his abusive behavior, and has tried to use aliases — new IP’s and email addresses — to insinuate himself back into the community. Most recently using the handle “Quagmire.”

This is genuinely distressing. I cannot engage in discussions elsewhere online without him showing up. Whenever something we write is picked up by another venue, he will go there to turn the discussion into a personal match between himself and readers of this blog, copying and pasting comments from here into other conversations in order to engage them, and effectively ending all conversation. I am disinclined to comment freely, knowing that he will show up and address me personally, commenting on what he perceives to be my motives and intentions. I’m concerned about the contact he has made with people I consider close to me — people who know my personal contact information. And, he has stated that he has a photo of me, which means that he has been searching for my personal information.

Go Go Rach says

Danny aka Diablo aka whatever else he feels like calling himself on that day was CLAUDE over on my blog and tried to get me to move to Tulsa, OK with him, probably so he could chop me up in little, tiny pieces after he raped me repeatedly.

He did send quite a bit of cash to me, while I was in trouble. It musta sucked to find out I AM NOT FOR SALE. I took the money, though. The way I see it, anyone who is stupid enough to send over a grand to a woman whose online persona is a total nut job deserves to be ROBBED. LMAO off all the way to the bank! *wicked giggle!*

Um, yeah. DeCon. Nice to see ya…miss ya.

Take it easy, peeps!

Go Go Rach says

Hi Violet!

I appreciate your support and encouragement, but I do believe I did something wrong by posting an irrational comment that I did not put much thought into at four in the morning, or whatever time it was. The ramifications of this mistake are much more than I could even imagine.

First, I am shocked at the cruelty of MA’s reaction to what I wrote and how quickly he is willing to dismiss me as a low life, scam artist.

After all of the good I’ve done in our community and all of the times I have linked this site, sung it’s praises and sent my readers and friends here, I cannot believe the way he has responded to me. I do not deserve this.

On top of his nasty comment, he has removed my site from the blog roll, which is nothing compared to the DANGER he has put me in with his response and refusal to remove a comment I made in haste.

Danny Bennison is a certifiable nutcase who is also an abuser of people, especially women. He has already contacted me via email and I feel so threatened by him that I have packed up my belongings and relocated to another location where I will be able to HIDE FROM HIM.

Also, I just got off the phone with my DAD who is sending me enough money to relocate from my new city to another because I may be killed, due to MA’s total negligence in this situation.

I am waiting for my ride and will draft a post about this entire experience as soon as I am settled in ANOTHER STATE.

Danny Bennison lives in Tulsa, which is an easy trip to make to murder me.,

This is serious. Very serious.

This may be the last you all hear from Go-Go Rach. I’ve received death threats on my blog many times over because this is a DANGEROUS FIGHT.

As much as I want to make a difference in the world, nothing. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is worth dying for.

I wish you all the very best from the bottom of my heart. Stay strong. Don’t give up. Change your minds. THE CULT LIES,


Go-Go Rach

JR Harris says

Cuggle and Diablo Story on ST:

Diablo posting to me, note IP address: ... osock1.jpg

Cuggle trying to say that she wasn’t him: ... update.jpg

Heretikre, Diablo and Danny sdmiting ti know each othr on Mcgowdogs site:

Friday, March 18, 2011

I came across this on ST’s shitlist and was wondering about this guy. I don’t usually read their drivel so I have no history to fall back on. I’m sure some of you guys are familiar with him and was wondering what the consensus was. He seems ok to me, but I haven’t read all his stuff yet. Diablo – you’ve spent some time with ST, any story here?

heretikreb said…

Diablo here,
 I have no story here. DannyS has the respect of FTg though.
 What a post, thanks Joe.
 I have to process this info t/o the weekend. I hope we can generate some conversation here.
 March 19, 2011 4:23 PM
 heretikreb said…

 March 19, 2011 4:24 PM ... is-my.html

I can give you many other instances if you would like.
September 11, 2011, 12:32 pm
:on phone:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The troubled teen industry is ineffective because advocates are after money, fame or are as abusive as the programs they\'re fighting

Offline Ruaraidh

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Re: Lies about Elan that went Awry
« Reply #139 on: November 13, 2011, 12:18:39 AM »
Go Go Rach says

Danny aka Diablo aka whatever else he feels like calling himself on that day was CLAUDE over on my blog and tried to get me to move to Tulsa, OK with him, probably so he could chop me up in little, tiny pieces after he raped me repeatedly.

He did send quite a bit of cash to me, while I was in trouble. It musta sucked to find out I AM NOT FOR SALE. I took the money, though. The way I see it, anyone who is stupid enough to send over a grand to a woman whose online persona is a total nut job deserves to be ROBBED. LMAO off all the way to the bank! *wicked giggle!*

Um, yeah. DeCon. Nice to see ya…miss ya.

Take it easy, peeps!

Go Go Rach says

Hi Violet!

I appreciate your support and encouragement, but I do believe I did something wrong by posting an irrational comment that I did not put much thought into at four in the morning, or whatever time it was. The ramifications of this mistake are much more than I could even imagine.

First, I am shocked at the cruelty of MA’s reaction to what I wrote and how quickly he is willing to dismiss me as a low life, scam artist.

After all of the good I’ve done in our community and all of the times I have linked this site, sung it’s praises and sent my readers and friends here, I cannot believe the way he has responded to me. I do not deserve this.

On top of his nasty comment, he has removed my site from the blog roll, which is nothing compared to the DANGER he has put me in with his response and refusal to remove a comment I made in haste.

Danny Bennison is a certifiable nutcase who is also an abuser of people, especially women. He has already contacted me via email and I feel so threatened by him that I have packed up my belongings and relocated to another location where I will be able to HIDE FROM HIM.

Also, I just got off the phone with my DAD who is sending me enough money to relocate from my new city to another because I may be killed, due to MA’s total negligence in this situation.

I am waiting for my ride and will draft a post about this entire experience as soon as I am settled in ANOTHER STATE.

Danny Bennison lives in Tulsa, which is an easy trip to make to murder me.,

This is serious. Very serious.

This may be the last you all hear from Go-Go Rach. I’ve received death threats on my blog many times over because this is a DANGEROUS FIGHT.

As much as I want to make a difference in the world, nothing. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is worth dying for.

I wish you all the very best from the bottom of my heart. Stay strong. Don’t give up. Change your minds. THE CULT LIES,


Go-Go Rach

Ok here is the gal Go Go Rach (her blog) that Matt, Felice, Mark and Wayne want you to believe Danny was harassing. She even writes above how Danny supposedly harassed her. Just after she posted the above post on Stinkin Thinkin she was banned by the admins for lying.  The person she is referring to (MA) is Mark the owner Admin of the blog. She harassed Mark also as you can see above. I highlited the comments. Wayne was this a oversight on your part??
Wayne asked her to do this for him, write this crap. Guys this is good stuff if you are of the mentally disturbed kind.
Guys you picked a beaut of a gal, here she is being arrested for the umpteenth time. Always concerning stealing, scamming, drugs, free loafing off of people and not wanting to go.
Wayne, Felice and Mark you folks should know a lot about this kind of behavior.
Danny and several other people were close to having her arrested for the same charges about 7 months ago.
This is Wayne Kernochan's friend and fellow writer. Matt, Felice and Mark along with Wayne used this gal to set up the phony emails and usernames to orchestrate this whole campaign where Danny was posting on these various sites. This is what Rachael G. told us anyway. We are not sure she is telling the truth but why would she lie....riiiight.   :rofl:  
My point is Wayne's friend makes for interesting reading fodder.
When we were dealing with her she was leaving Alameda Ca. to Las Vegas. Her mom had kicked her out for stealing and not working (at 40 yrs. old). The last we heard from her was on Danny's cell phone she left a message saying she was being chased by a big Mexican drug dealer because he thought she had stole crystal meth from him. Danny never answered the message and never had contact with her again. ... .html#more
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Friday was the day I was supposed to leave North Carolina for good, but then I got a phone call from the Haywood County Sheriff's department because I have a WARRANT FOR MY ARREST for "cyber stalking."

I actually have to stay here to deal with this bullshit.

The county I have to turn myself into is FIFTY miles away from Asheville, which is a huge problem for a person without a car. I'm working on a ride out there to deal with more FOOLISHNESS.

Then I MAY have to wait for a court date...


As you may have noticed, I have been OFF LINE since the last time the police where LIED to about me.

My laptop is BROKEN.

I get on-line maybe twice a week, if I am lucky.

And, I am not "cyber stalking" anyone.

Especially not the DOUCHE BAG who lied to the police TWO TIMES about me.

By the way, douche bag is more than appropriate.  The words are separated because she is not even worth the container referenced.

I make up lots of words.

I have it like that.

CUNT is almost too nice for the likes of a person who is so *JEALOUS* of me that she would use the police to try to hurt me SOME MORE.

As you saw in my last post, I was featured in the Citizen-Times newspaper within a WEEK of moving to Asheville because I actually CONTRIBUTE to the community...

I am a WRITER.

It's what I do.

I tweeted the facts, mixed in with a few choice names. I also wrote a post about my experience in CANTON. I finish the story in my book, VIPERIZE ME, due for release as soon as I am settled.

Yes, I had a melt-down the night she called the police with a FALSE claim that I was "squatting," after she accepted rent from me.

She lied, then put my Tolstoy and I out on the streets of a town in the middle of the mountains, with no place to go or any means to get anywhere.

I was furious.

You would be too.

Within the next two days, I deleted those tweets because I realized I looked like a psycho.

Douche bag used the now non existent tweets for evidence.


This is not "cyber stalking" or against the law IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM.

It's something one phony bitch wants me NOT TO DO.

She wrote a pretentious post in her defense that a friend insisted I had to hear.

We laughed our asses off, as she read it to me over the phone  (I'll never go to her "blog" again, she blocked me on FB so I couldn't read her LIES about me and her twit made me snore ages before she fucked me over).

There is no defense for ruthlessness.

The most interesting thing to me is how she adored my writing and I, until my dad refused to pay her over-due mortgage payments.

Now I have a "blog?"

Thirty five thousand AUTHENTIC hits in less than a year is pretty amazing, if I do say so myself.

I'm never mistaken for a porn star.

My site traffic comes from people who are actually searching for ME, help with extrication from Alcoholics Anonymous or from other reputable sites around the web where I am linked, including Intervention's A & E.

As far as "helping someone who is not willing to help themselves."

It's hard to help yourself after someone else has helped themselves to the last dollars you have for an inhabitable shit hole in the middle of nowhere.

You may remember that I had eight interviews I was forced to cancel because I had NO WAY TO GET THERE.


My mother and the final viper have several things in common.

They both lie, steal and cheat their way through life.

They both need good lighting, make-up and fancy hats to look "pretty."

Both live in a fantasy world based on the Internet and stories.

Both USE people, places and things to get by in life.

They both used me.

I will never need any of these things to feel good about who I am.

I know I am special and wonderful.

They are just two more bitches in a SEA OF VIPERS.

Pretentious, empty douche bags.

One prides herself on celebrity sightings, open mics and ice cream cafe shows.

The other loves stuff more than anything in the world.

How pathetic.

My friend list on Facebook has several famous people whom I've worked with and personally know, but it's only visible to me.

I've been back stage more times than I can recall, but I typically keep the stories to myself, since I don't need to drop names to prove my worth.

Name-dropping is WEAK.

Actually, it's quite SAD.

It's true, nobody plucked me out of loser-ville to encourage me to go to school.

My mother kept me under wraps most of my life.

When I put myself through Emerson College, I pulled myself out, with loads of encouragement from the "hardest professor" at my college.

He is now the Dean of the Film Department and would love to help me with anything he can.

The only reason I'd bother him is for a reference to grad school, when and IF I decide to do so...

Just like most of the professors who teach at one of the most respected PRIVATE universities in the country, he is also a well known published author and filmmaker.

You can look him up.

I'll take their opinion of me, with grace, thank you.

Finally, I'll NEVER *GET* the pathetic act of calling the police on a person without true cause.

That's just LAME.

My mom is LAME.

The final viper is LAME.

Two COWARDS who manipulated the police to annihilate my life.


This nightmare will end.

In the meantime, I am writing the outline for my fourth book.


I said FOUR.

The last in my series will be THE ADVENTURES OF GO-GO RACH AND TOLSTOY.

When this is over, I have a publisher who looks forward to getting their hands on my books.

One more thing.

Every single one these books will be on printed on paper I've earned through the merit of my writing, not stolen by my "husband" from our work place in the middle of HIS shift.

Of course, I'd never treat my husband like that...

or my job, no matter how menial.

'Till Next Time.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2011, 12:53:21 AM by Ruaraidh »

Offline Xelebes

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Re: ....
« Reply #140 on: November 13, 2011, 12:33:54 AM »
Fuck off, Danny.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Horatio

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Re: ....
« Reply #141 on: November 14, 2011, 07:32:17 PM »
Quote from: "Xelebes"
Fuck off, Danny.

Wayne have you told members here that you use this username (Xelebes) on your absolute writers blog also.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Xelebes

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Re: ....
« Reply #142 on: November 14, 2011, 07:46:06 PM »
You're a sad, little man, Danny.  The paranoia has certainly gotten to ya, hasn't it?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »