Author Topic: Defending Danny B.  (Read 71891 times)

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Offline DannyB II

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Re: Defending Danny B.
« Reply #570 on: October 15, 2011, 06:02:20 PM »
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
BTW stupid, that's how someone who is falsely accused deals with it. You didn't because you're guilty

Wayne you didn't do anything. We just got off the phone with the police where she lives and your ass is being checked. But, since it is Canada, dumbass,
we were rerouted back to your place of living which we so conveniently have. So it is actually your police station that has been alerted you are potentially stalking and
harassing a young lady on facebook. That you are lying about and spreading slanderous statements and that you are using the word rape and are scaring her. That
there is a possibility that you wanted to rape her, maybe you just meant it to scare her but who knows. To much conversation of such violent acts and people become
confused with intent.
Good Luck.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline DannyB II

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Re: Defending Danny B.
« Reply #571 on: October 15, 2011, 06:09:01 PM »

This is another example of Waynes idea of helping fellow survivors. This is your hero Fornits, CAFETY and Reddits ya know the guy who wrote the book.

Wayne Kernochan
 Lee took money from Danny Bennison to get information on me. I copied and saved all of our private messages so I have proof that she has threatened to hurt herself and blame me. She did the same thing to Doug Douglas Hannah

I don't get it, and I don't want to. Threatening to kill yourself and blaming someone else for it is the most vicious kind of emotional blackmail. I blocked her and won't unblock her.

She needs help
7 hours ago · Like
« Last Edit: October 15, 2011, 06:29:03 PM by DannyB II »
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Offline DannyB II

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Re: Defending Danny B.
« Reply #572 on: October 15, 2011, 06:12:54 PM »
This was a lie, Lee never called.
Plus Wayne(or whoever he is) is not married he is freeloading off his fathers retirement and his brothers disability checks and living with them.
Check out the whining at the end of this post, Wayne crying like a 2 year old, "I want equal time".

Wayne Kernochan
 Lee just called my house and shrieked at my wife that she's killing herself and its my fault. I called the police
19 hours ago · Like
 Wayne Kernochan
My wife is shaking.

Wayne Kernochan

I told you I didn't kick you out. And, please stop blaming Elan survivors for your problems. You threatened to kill yourself and blame doug hannah, then you told me you cut yourself because of us, and today you said you put a knife to your throat because of us. None of which has anything to do with us.
19 hours ago · Like · 1 person

Lee Goldman
yes it does u all no I have boderline .. seeing as this is a mental illness thread lets look at know that i have servere issuse with abandoment and yes u did kick me out.
19 hours ago · Like

Wayne Kernochan
Susan I blocked her. This is ridiculous. She's an attention seeker and she threatens to kill herself whenever someone confronts her. Douglas Hannah will tell you. Danny Bennison is giving her money and sending her to our group to cause trouble.
If she's going on your show I want equakl time
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Troublemaker

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Re: Defending Danny B.
« Reply #573 on: October 15, 2011, 06:59:02 PM »
Are you this Danny Bennison?
« Last Edit: October 15, 2011, 07:05:34 PM by Troublemaker »
The troubled teen industry is ineffective because advocates are after money, fame or are as abusive as the programs they\'re fighting

Offline Troublemaker

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Re: Defending Danny B.
« Reply #574 on: October 15, 2011, 07:00:39 PM »
Quote from: "Troublemaker"
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
In the beginning he was posing as a survivor in a survivor group

In the end I got Danny to admit to raping one resident, and beating four more into false confessions that ruined Wayne Weaver. Danny says Peter McCann made him do it. My friendship with him was very successful. But I wasn't fooled by him for a second. I swear by everything that is pertinent to his crimes against us in 1978, and his continuation of abuse online

Take the time to read this and you'll see that Danny is still a stalker and abuser. He does it online now.Believe what I say or don't, I can't change that. His sexual language prior to my accusation is very telling. Anyway, let's not skip over his admission to raping Yvette

Wayne Kernochan said:
While I was posting chapters on the book page I was taking out the sexual abuse because I saw what a clod and abuser he still is. It's embarrassing enough talking about being raped without your abuser being an internet joke.

Think about what he would have done to Anne in the middle of the woods of Maine, with the power he had

He wasn't a joke in 1978. He was a nightmare

Paul "I" am not in a tight spot because "I" am not in your world Paul. Why do I care at this point what Wayne says, if it is not factual then it is easily dealt with. Yes I was caught off gaurd as I'm sure anyone would have been but what doesn't kill you only makes ya stronger. I've have all my ducks in a roll now, so life moves on.

Paul realize I am not here for the social party so therefore I don't concern myself with my exchanges. example; You started it, you finsh it, I'm in a tight spot ect..... WTF.

I am just going to try to get this clear. You are not here for the "social party", and therefore you are not concerned with exchanges( those things you constantly participate in)

and your example is " you started it, you finish it" - a universal idea, that spreads far outside of forum exchanges.

Indeed, you are so against exchanges, by which I mean a conversation, and against finishing what you start, that the idea of it makes you exclaim "What the Fuck!", while rolling on the floor laughing.


I always seem to have trouble understanding you.......

If you folks want to run around crying about how a 17 year old kid/staff member abused you, by all means go for it. But ya see that is not what your doing, (lack of integrity) you know damn well I was no more a staff member for a treatment center then I President of the United States[/u].


December 8, 2009
Wayne Kernochan
Hey, you have Danny Bennison as a member. He was my director. What's his story?

December 8, 2009
Sharon Gaines
omfg i knew he was a lair
 please go get him and expose him at

December 8, 2009
Wayne Kernochan
I have no anger towards the man anymore Sharon. But he was one of the worst abusers. He took pleasure in it.

 He tied Mary Jones to the back of a car and dragged her around the grounds. He was the one who drilled holes in the paddle for spankings to draw blood.

 I would leave him alone for now to see what he's up to

Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
From Reddit

–]CryerZ 1 point 1 hour ago

I wish who ever is deleting my posts would stop it. You don't seem to have a problem posting that I raped and sodomized people. What I am posting is factual backed up by evidence. These messages show the true character of Wayne Kernochan. How could any survivor do this. He is not a survivor and I am sick and tired of being abused by him. My survivor status is clear and documented.

Liar liar liar lair

These have been reported, don't bother deleting them Dan

16 minutes ago
Danny Bennison wrote:

 How can you say you are impartial when you PM me from a facebook account that says Wayne and you.
 Susan, Wayne is after damage control, period. You are one of his pawns. I would of thought more from you but as I can see his charm has you smittened too.
 This guy has spenty the l;ast week threatening me, accussing me of rape and sodomy, threatened my sister and her daughter and spoke very unkindly of my brothers murdered son. This all in the last week.
 All because I rebutted his book on fornits.
 Now you ask me to have a conversation with a guy like this, you don't even know him or who he really is.
 Wayne is a liar, not one person has ever in two years come forward and said they know him, ever.
 Many folks no me and know about me while I was there and not one has ever characterized as Wayne has in that book.
 No Susan, I will not have anything to do with Wayne trying to capitalize off his Book of fucking lies.
 Here are some emails this manipulating, lying twisted fool sent me on Fornits. Now know one thing that as fast as Wayne does something his reaction is faster.

I never accused you of sodomy Dan. But you do seem preoccupied with my ass

Re: Lies Told by (Wayne K) that went Awry of Elan!
... never mentioned that. You also said at that very time you drove Cabs in NYC. How the in the heck can you do both. Wayne I am going to be up your ass from here on out, everything you try people will know that you are the "James Frey" of the internet. Until you come clean the campaign ...

Re: The rape of Yvette P by Danny Bennison
  I will Wayne because there is nothing, I mean nothing, you can pull out of your ass that will convince any one here that you can tell the truth. So please go get somebody call them Yvette or whoever you want and parade them around. Have the Attorney General ...

Re: Defending Danny B.
... about the procedures concerning the boxing gloves, getting the boxing gloves, setting up the ring ect.... As usual you are talking out your ass and someone is feeding you this information. Oh and anyone can google the Prison in Enfield.

Re: Lies Told by (Wayne K) that went Awry of Elan!
... way, I can not say what will happen to your image and reputation you have worked so hard to fabricate. Your thumbdrive is usually right up your ass along with what you call your brain. Trust me no body cares about your thumb or the emails.

Why? Because you want to embarrass me into shutting up about what you did to me. The day Danny sent me the private message saying our friendship was over he finally realized who I am. He was on the phone talking about Tracey Robbin's ass and I went silent. He sensed something and hung up

I do remember the whole Wayne Weaver screwing this girl and that girl and Peter McCann dogging me about doing something about it. You know that Peter was the official Director of this house when I first got there.
Denise had a fit over that whole fiasco

March 28Danny Bennison
Yvette Portella
Just some inside information, Yvette and I had a thing while we were residents, while I was in re-entry and while I was staff. Which is one of the reasons why I left E-7 so abruptly. Yes we did hook up after she left, her brother almost killed me along with her cousins they did not like white guys in New Haven.
This is the truth, I loved her a great deal. I got my heart broken big time.
Hey I don't want to fight with you. I am asking for forgiveness for crimes I can't remember, honestly Wayne. I have had sleepless nights trying to remember you, I don't. I have a family and a business so I am very careful about things that would harm them. I know you can understand this.
Lets just lay the swords down and let this go for a while and work at shutting Elan down. Maybe in time we can see more of each others souls through our writings here. Many of the people that support your book are my friends some are not. But they asked me how I felt about them supporting your book, I said go for it this is between Wayne and I. Ya see Wayne no one else has wrote a book we could show people so they could read what went on in Elan. Not as explicit as yours. You know your not done writing there is so much more to tell. You are a great writer and Elanians need someone like you to tell their story, please collaborate with others get the real info and get it out there. I believe until Sharon, Jeff and Marty see their names written out their they won't shut down Elan.
Thanks for reading if you did,

Take care

Yvette was an underage resident in your care and you had the power to beat and torture her. She had no choice but to be "in a relationship" with you. That's called rape you fucking piece of shit.

In your mind it might not be, but in legal terms it is.

The same as your "relationship" with Cathy and Willie

Go ahead and deny it you child molesting turd. I reported this PM to Face Book when you sent it.

Who else were you "in a relationship" with when you were the ass director?

Is that why you won't call the 108 precinct and report me for criminal libel?

If I'm lying they'll throw me in jail and your name will be cleared Dan.

You're guilty. There's no doubt to anyone reading

For those who don't know, Danny stood Yvette in front of a GM and asked the men "If I walked out of here and let you people do what you want, who would rape this bitch? The guys all raised their hand, including me, because if we didn't we would have gotten tortured and beaten

This was also shortly after the rumor that Joe Ricci and Jeff Gottlieb let a girl and a gay kid get raped and beaten by two convicted sex offenders.

So, Dan, where did Yvette live most recently? Mark can find her and clear your name

We can get to the bottom of this

Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
To sum up

Douglas Hannah
when i was in elan i was there from 1972 -1978.yes i do know yvette portella,she was in 7 with me.i do remember her.
Wayne Kernochan
How old was she?

Douglas Hannah
when yvette portella ,came to elan 7 she couldn't be no older then 15ys if some one had sex with her its called "RAPE ".how do i no because pam told me if i had sex with her i was going to jail,she was to young.
Unlike ·  · Share · 8 minutes ago

Douglas Hannah

there no reason to thank me those are the facts,she was to young hell i was just about 18ys i knew better,plus she from right here in Bridgeport .
Douglas Hannah
what grown ass man would want to have sex with a kid,now if a person held a position in elan as staff an did this they would be in big big trouble with the law because that resident was under there care.
49 minutes ago ·

Wayne Kernochan
Danny Bennison would and did. There are more victims. Now, maybe they'll speak out.

 Thank you again pal
14 minutes ago ·

Douglas Hannah
HOLD UP,what are you saying.
Wayne Kernochan
Danny admitted to it
13 minutes ago
Douglas Hannah
there has to be a mistake,i will try an ask Danny myself did he rape Yvette.i was wandering why he told me i did not no her.when she was there with me.i need to show this to her people .
8 minutes ago
Wayne Kernochan
He admitted it three or four times on Fornits. But he said she was 19.

Douglas Hannah
there is no way she could have been 19,not in way.

Douglas Hannah
wayne i thought you an danny were best of friends.together fighting the good fight,willing to take on rapist,kids that are being,WOW just blows my mind.

Wayne Kernochan
Doug, I was playing him. I was after information about his sex crimes and I got it. I sent you a private message, check it out

Wayne Kernochan
Hang on, what do you mean by "I have to show this to her people?"

Douglas Hannah
well don't you want her family to know what was done to her.
Wayne Kernochan
You know her family?

Douglas Hannah
Edwin rodriguez,knows yvettes family,willie bentenzes,knows her family,an they were both in parsonfield when danny was they both live in P.T.Barnum apts.right here in Bridgeport.

Wayne Kernochan
Edwin was in 7 with me. He left when I was new.If the family can get you in touch with her, have her call me would you? Danny put her in front of a GM and asked the house if he let the house do what they wanted, who would rape her?

 I raised me hand. We all did because we knew he would beat us for not raising our hands.

 She looked scared out of her mind. I never forgot the look on her face. I want to say I'm sorry. Yvette was one of the few good things in that fucking place and I've never forgiven myself for that. If she doesn't want to talk to me, tell her I'm sorry.

Douglas Hannah
i will be out in the streets so i will run into some one who can put a hand on this .so lets find out were she is .tuesday is a good day to start.

Danny sexually assaulted two residents in Elan Seven and they want him to take me to court so they can say so under oath. One is Cathy Collins and the other is Willie Garcia

I didn't see it, but II believe it

I believe them, but I don't care if they're making it up, I want to see your face when they say it Dan

Let's face it, you'll never take me to court you worthless rapist piece of shit. You knew they were waiting to nail you

I shouldn't have mentioned their names in that discussion

Now if you don't sue me everyone will know its true. I'm accusing you of a sex crime

You know where I live, please serve me. I'm waiting. I look forward to it

My opening for Susan's show


Thank you Susan,

When I was on your show last time, I spoke about my book, A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School, which is a true story of my  time there from 1978-1980. At that time I was friends with my abuser, Daniel Lee Bennison, and he gave me permission to have my publisher release the book in e-reader and paperback on Amazon, Barnes&Noble, and on my publisher's site,

When I became friends with Danny people questioned my sanity because he is an internet stalker and abuser, and his actions in the past have ranged from bad to criminal. If you Google search Danny Bennison and Elan you will understand what I mean. He hasn't changed one bit from the days he beat and abused us in Elan. My friends were worried about me and rightly so.

What they didn't know is that I had become friends with Danny to gather information. I hadn't told the whole story in my book. There was much more.

Together Danny and me started an Elan survivor group on Face Book, and  to the world we looked like  the epitome of forgiveness. People told me how much it meant to them that he and I were able to forget the past and fight abusive programs like Elan together. Danny seemed like a changed man, and my ego took over. I began to believe that I had helped to cure him of the sickness that was inside him, but that came crashing down one day.

Danny has repeatedly told me that he doesn't remember me, and my therapist told me that was very possible because to him I was an object. That changed when we spoke on the telephone. He hung up on me abruptly one day, and sent me a private message on Face Book saying that our friendship was finished.. He wanted to keep it private, but I posted it on a few of his favorite groups and blogs, and Danny began his campaign against my book. After having given me permission to print the book, he then said it was a lie, and that I had never been to Elan. This is important because he sensed that I may actually come forward and tell the stories of his sex crimes against children in his care. Before Danny hung up on me that day he hesitated, and stammered, when he finally realized who I am.

On the website fornits, Danny admitted to raping one resident, and didn't deny raping another, and that was because he was too busy denying that he forced a young boy to give him oral sex. His admission to raping the girl wasn't really an admission. He said he was in a relationship with her. I pointed out that a 15 year old girl cannot give consent, so he claimed she was 19. When I brought a witness who knew her forward who said she was in fact 15,  he started a thread saying that Doug is a liar, and titled it “Wayne K's witness to Rape and Sodomy, Doug Hannah”

This is important because I never accused him of sodomy. I accused him of rape, and I accused him of forcing a young boy to give him oral sex. Sodomy was never mentioned. The title of his discussion on fornits is Danny's second admission of guilt, and it means he remembers me because I was the one he sodomized.

I was ashamed to say what he did to me but after he realized who I am he became particularly vicious. His attacks became anti gay, and very sexual. Search the fornits site and you will see subtle innuendos like, “I'm going to be up your ass,” and “What are you going to pull out of your ass next” and “I'm going to strip you naked,” and more. Anyone who is familiar with Danny's attacks will agree that this is his way of trying to embarrass me into not saying anything about what he did to me.

Today I could care less. Danny won't go to jail or be sued because the statute of limitations is up for his crimes in Elan. I'm not saying these things for money because there won't be any. I also don't say this to defame him. He can't be defamed. I confronted him about the sex crimes he committed on fornits and the people there weren't surprised at all. His reputation is such that I couldn't make him look worse.

Danny's language is foul. He's been reported on Face Book for calling me a faggot, a bitch, a cunt, and a punk, among other things. He has threatened to send people to my house, and when I said online that I was going to the celebration in NYC  for the closing of Elan he was reported for posting that new York is dark, and bullets are cheap. Danny doesn't scare me but I have private messages from women who are. He has threatened many of them.

Abusive ex staff members troll the internet looking for their victims, so they can bully them and shut them up. One such example is the Face Book group, I survived the horrors of Aspen Ranch, a fake survivor group that ex staff member like Amber Speiss and Steve Burr use to bully survivors who come there in an effort to keep them from connecting and corroborating the statements of other survivors who have lawsuits against Aspen Group. They should both be investigated for tampering with possible witnesses. This is a serious crime.

Unlike Danny, they haven't been accused of sex crimes, but the 2000 violence against women’s act, made internet stalking a part of the federal stalker law. Yet it goes on with impunity. It needs to be enforced.

Thank you
You have no idea how much I have on you Dan. I've been watching you for years

Enjoy the show you rapist piece of shit

Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Danny Bennison said

When Michael finally came back to start his residency and was subjected to the abuse he went through at first I felt he deserved this (I know this is sick on so many levels) because I believed he knew who killed Martha (I still do)

Wayne Kernochan wrote:
So, because you "believed" he knew who killed her, Mike deserved to be abused.

Then you were ready to testify against him even though the statement was beaten out of him

You were a piece of shit then and you're a piece of shit now


This speaks volumes about Danny Bennison. He thought Mike Skakel deserved to be abused because he knew who killed Martha. He raped Cathy because he believed she was a slut and a pig. He forced Willie to give him oral sex because Danny believed he was a faggot and a freak. He also knew (like a good predator) that they would not be believed.

From 26 Mar 2010, in Name that Abuser/Director:
"Anne this post will be one of my worst probably to date because I find you very disgusting down to your filthy avatar, which speaks volumes about you.
No I will not talk to you about anything to do with Mary O'Brian, nor do I really want to discuss anything else with you.
Your a douche bag, ya know the kind that provides a service and then when your done ya throw it away. Your time is over....bye. Only in your case the repulsive smell never goes away.
You don't give a shit about these kids, you care about your 15 mins. of attention. How you look on Fornits, you make me sick. Your a publicity whore. You and Felice.....
So please stay away from me...just fuck off.

Please repost this over and over and stick on your bedroom mirror.

K Lynn, Albert, Jerry aka Wayne K. cont. attacks.

by DannyB II » Yesterday, 00:27
K Lynn nothing more has to be printed because I will tell you exactly what I think of you right here in front of everybody. I truly believe you are a spiteful, angry lonely 50 year old woman who is over weight and considered by any body other then her family to be a unruly bitch. That's right I called you a bitch. You are a vindictive immature brat who has been trolling me for ever. All because I told you in a email (privately) that you were full of shit when you said you knew me.

I don't know what else to say. I am fucking young girls, making boys blow me and fucking Wayne in the ass. Shit this is better then Sodom and Gomorrah. I had a real Roman orgy going on.
I just wonder who will play Danny in this adaptation of "The Orgy of Poland Springs".

DannyB II wrote:
I'm creeping you You spread your legs in the open and you have the mouth to go with it.

What the hell are you talking about? I get the potty mouth reference, but wtf is the spreading the legs deal? This is why people are seriously starting to wonder about your sanity.

Annie darling you have no concept of just how crazy I am....LOL. That is what most like so much about me is my insanity. Your avatar Anne spread it wider[/size].

Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
.Meet Diablo, aka, Danny Bennison

By Mark – April 6, 2011

“Matty be careful I visit your hometowne [sic] with about 250 other AA men for a conference every May look it up. I should be seeing you in May. We just may corral you and before you know it you be brainwashed. Oh and If I forgot to tell you that I come to your hometown ( like I forgot to tell you about being a Ex-Ass. Dir.) sorry I was going to surprise you.

Now I know you don’t want to start talking about the mother of your children do you Matt, please leave mine out of this conversation. I mentioned it for reference, she went on to post to Ursus. Not you.

Matt whenever you want to crawl out of your whoa is me, the Ex Ass Dir is picking on me routine that would be nice. Your [sic] 51 now grow up. Remember you said that you worked thru [sic] this, well act like it.

This is Danny now has been since 1978….So nice try so many others were there before you pulling this shit, read it Matt. What are you 15 again. If that is the case then please be serious for the sake of others. Matt you can’t spin this on me buddy sorry take your latent anger out on your counselors. I gave you every opportunity to get honest and you never did. Why because Matty did not want to look like he was siding with a Ass.Director in front of all his Elan resident buddies. Boy that would look horrible….Go back Matt to a phone call I had with you asking you why Mark was posting on facebook that I was a driver flunky for Joe. He knew I was a Ass. Director from my post on a site Sharon had. No this is the explanation you wanted to believe in order to hang out with me. Fine I could have accepted that if you had from the beginning just said I have a problem with associating with you because of.

But you did not you chose a very disrespectful way trash me publically [sic], remember you started this publically [sic] I spoke first in private, so don’t go running around acting like your [sic] innocent.

- Danny”

“I have 21 yrs. in A.A. It does work if you work it.Stay in touch - Danny “

The above quotes are from a guy named Danny Bennison, an AA with a spotted history, and a vicious mean streak. Currently, he writes for “McGowdoghouse,” a blog dedicated to this blog’s existence. His handle over there is “heretikreb,” but he is better known among those who peruse our comment section as “Diablo” (also “Cuggle,” and whatever other sockpuppet he may have slinked through our filter). Understanding the context of the quote requires a bit of background information, both of Diablo (Danny) and the recipient of the comment. It all started with Elan School.

Elan is a private school in Maine, dedicated to helping wayward teenagers. It employs a type of therapy known as “therapeutic community,” which makes the 12-steps look like walk through the park. Its most famous alumnus is Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel, made famous for the murder of his neighbor, Martha Moxley – an act he committed prior to attending Elan. Like Michel Skakel, most of those housed there are from well-to-do families, with the current annual fees costing upwards of $50,000.

Diablo was at Elan, starting in the mid-seventies, for almost three and a half years. First as a student, and later as a resident staff member. He made quite the impression on the other students, with threads in internet forums dedicated specifically to him, by former students of the school who characterize him with terms such as “monster.” People now in their fifties, were so traumatized by him, that multiple internet sites and forums have been started to help his victims connect and cope.

One such student, Wayne Kernochan, was so traumatized by his experience at Elan School, that he wrote an online book about his and other students’ experiences there – with our resident troll, Diablo, as the central figure in the plot: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School. Among the many abuses chronicled in the book, was a time when Diablo tied a girl up and dragged her behind the back of his car. She was overweight, and this was Diablo’s method of convincing her to lose weight. As horrific as this sounds, it’s an incident to which Diablo fully admits, and for which he has no regrets. This is from an internet forum where Diablo engages his victims:

“…As far as the dragging incident I am not nor will I be ashamed at programs and the courses it takes, I know that the once Fat Girl thanks me now. I will help any of you lose wight [sic] like here [sic] just call me….”

What kind of sadistic ass-clown ties someone up and drags them around behind the back of a car? And with no remorse. This was written after he had written one of his “amends letters™” to those in this forum whom he had abused. Among the highlights in the amends letter™:

Wayne I also want to take this time to apologize for any and all harm I caused you either directly or indirectly. I was put in charge to care for you (whether Elan wanted me to do this or not) I knew that you needed to be protected and I failed horribly.

 I can only hope in time you can see just how sincere I am.

Now I would also like to take the time to express my sincere apologies to others to have gone to Elan that I was unkind to and down right [sic] rude to over the last year or so. As I have said before I could not have prepared myself enough to understand the impact of emotions that stormed back into my life when I ventured onto this site and others concerning Elan.

I did not handle the emotions from others well. I can only hope that Felice, Sharon, Matt, Mark, Wayne and others can forgive my intolerable behavior I displayed here and other sites a while back. My ongoing amends to you all has been to leave you alone and to empathize with your pain and how I can irritate this with my behavior.”

Notice his mention of those who he had been “unkind to and down right [sic] rude to.” He’s making reference to his numerous meltdowns and continued degradation toward those who he had abused years ago. Today, most of these have been deleted by forum moderators, but there are still fragments of conversations – responses containing quotes from now deleted posts – which give a fairly clear picture of Diablo’s emotional instability. A quick google search of “Danny Bennison Elan” will give you a treasure trove of sociopathic-like behavior, both from Diablo’s words, and from the accounts of his victims. For years, Diablo has been trolling the forums set up to discuss him. His comments teeter from belligerence to apologetic. From anger, to amends™, and back to anger again. It’s the same bi-polar M.O. he operated under here. Often in the same, slogan-ridden language of AA – using the standard catch words and aphorisms. It makes Bill Wilson’s personality look like the epitome of stability. Diablo is just flat-out crazy.

Every human has a few skeletons in their closet, and has people in their past they may have harmed and taken advantage of — but how many people have treated others so badly, they have forums dedicated to help their victims cope with the abuse that they’ve had imposed on them. Who has been so abusive in their life that someone from thirty years in their past decides to write a book about it? Who has friends in high school refer to them as a “monster”?  How can this possibly be rectified in an amends letter™?

We have debated whether or not to post about this, but we decided to do so for a few reasons. First, Diablo posted his name openly in our comment section, so the question of anonymity on his part was not a problem. We will not disclose anyone’s name publicly, even those with whom we disagree; and even someone as vicious as Diablo.

Secondly, a rumor has started among a couple of people who were vaguely aware of Diablo’s identity, that he was somehow involved in a murder, which is not remotely true. Diablo has done enough to make himself look bad, without any help from false accusations and innuendo. As big of a jerk as Diablo is, even the implication of his involvement in a murder is unconscionable. The truth is that Diablo claims to have been deposed as a witness in the Michael Skakel trial, which is entirely possible, because they were both at Elan School at the same time. There was a question as to whether Skakel had confessed to the murder of Martha Moxley while he was a student at Elan. Diablo involvement as a witness (if he actually did testify) was ancillary, and he had no involvement in the incident. It happened well before Skakel had entered the school, or met the other students (including Diablo).

Finally, and most importantly, he has since we banned him, made contact with some of the readers of this blog, whose emails he acquired after contacting them as a member of the community forum. Our primary reason for getting rid of the forum, is because we could not prevent internet predators and trolls from gaining the trust, and potentially harming, other members. Not just with Diablo, but others, as well. If Diabo (or “heretikreb” or “cuggle” or any of his other aliases we are unaware of) has made contact with you, be aware of the type of person you are dealing with. Diablo, Danny Bennison, is a sick person, and he is aptly named.

Diablo has been an AA for over twenty years. He has sponsored people and worked his way through the AA social circle. No doubt those he sat next to in meetings, sponsored, gained trust from, and coached through the program; had no knowledge of his past, and most likely his present. A person who is inclined to drag a girl around on a rope with a car, has problems that stem well beyond drinking. Clearly, just judging from actions here on our blog, his manipulation and abuse never really ended. At least with us, it was simply head games on the internet, which makes him fairly harmless (unless any of you were foolish enough to share email or telephone information). In AA, it is different. This is a person you are told to trust, that his – not your – judgment is what matters. This is who you are asked to give yourself over to. This Diablo is team McGowdog’s, but there are tens of thousands of Diablos throughout AA. This is the guy sitting next to you at a meeting.

- MA

Elan School
« Last Edit: October 15, 2011, 07:04:58 PM by Troublemaker »
The troubled teen industry is ineffective because advocates are after money, fame or are as abusive as the programs they\'re fighting

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Re: Defending Danny B.
« Reply #575 on: October 15, 2011, 07:03:16 PM »
Quote from: "Troublemaker"
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
.Meet Diablo, aka, Danny Bennison

By Mark – April 6, 2011

“Matty be careful I visit your hometowne [sic] with about 250 other AA men for a conference every May look it up. I should be seeing you in May. We just may corral you and before you know it you be brainwashed. Oh and If I forgot to tell you that I come to your hometown ( like I forgot to tell you about being a Ex-Ass. Dir.) sorry I was going to surprise you.

Now I know you don’t want to start talking about the mother of your children do you Matt, please leave mine out of this conversation. I mentioned it for reference, she went on to post to Ursus. Not you.

Matt whenever you want to crawl out of your whoa is me, the Ex Ass Dir is picking on me routine that would be nice. Your [sic] 51 now grow up. Remember you said that you worked thru [sic] this, well act like it.

This is Danny now has been since 1978….So nice try so many others were there before you pulling this shit, read it Matt. What are you 15 again. If that is the case then please be serious for the sake of others. Matt you can’t spin this on me buddy sorry take your latent anger out on your counselors. I gave you every opportunity to get honest and you never did. Why because Matty did not want to look like he was siding with a Ass.Director in front of all his Elan resident buddies. Boy that would look horrible….Go back Matt to a phone call I had with you asking you why Mark was posting on facebook that I was a driver flunky for Joe. He knew I was a Ass. Director from my post on a site Sharon had. No this is the explanation you wanted to believe in order to hang out with me. Fine I could have accepted that if you had from the beginning just said I have a problem with associating with you because of.

But you did not you chose a very disrespectful way trash me publically [sic], remember you started this publically [sic] I spoke first in private, so don’t go running around acting like your [sic] innocent.

- Danny”

“I have 21 yrs. in A.A. It does work if you work it.Stay in touch - Danny “

The above quotes are from a guy named Danny Bennison, an AA with a spotted history, and a vicious mean streak. Currently, he writes for “McGowdoghouse,” a blog dedicated to this blog’s existence. His handle over there is “heretikreb,” but he is better known among those who peruse our comment section as “Diablo” (also “Cuggle,” and whatever other sockpuppet he may have slinked through our filter). Understanding the context of the quote requires a bit of background information, both of Diablo (Danny) and the recipient of the comment. It all started with Elan School.

Elan is a private school in Maine, dedicated to helping wayward teenagers. It employs a type of therapy known as “therapeutic community,” which makes the 12-steps look like walk through the park. Its most famous alumnus is Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel, made famous for the murder of his neighbor, Martha Moxley – an act he committed prior to attending Elan. Like Michel Skakel, most of those housed there are from well-to-do families, with the current annual fees costing upwards of $50,000.

Diablo was at Elan, starting in the mid-seventies, for almost three and a half years. First as a student, and later as a resident staff member. He made quite the impression on the other students, with threads in internet forums dedicated specifically to him, by former students of the school who characterize him with terms such as “monster.” People now in their fifties, were so traumatized by him, that multiple internet sites and forums have been started to help his victims connect and cope.

One such student, Wayne Kernochan, was so traumatized by his experience at Elan School, that he wrote an online book about his and other students’ experiences there – with our resident troll, Diablo, as the central figure in the plot: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School. Among the many abuses chronicled in the book, was a time when Diablo tied a girl up and dragged her behind the back of his car. She was overweight, and this was Diablo’s method of convincing her to lose weight. As horrific as this sounds, it’s an incident to which Diablo fully admits, and for which he has no regrets. This is from an internet forum where Diablo engages his victims:

“…As far as the dragging incident I am not nor will I be ashamed at programs and the courses it takes, I know that the once Fat Girl thanks me now. I will help any of you lose wight [sic] like here [sic] just call me….”

What kind of sadistic ass-clown ties someone up and drags them around behind the back of a car? And with no remorse. This was written after he had written one of his “amends letters™” to those in this forum whom he had abused. Among the highlights in the amends letter™:

Wayne I also want to take this time to apologize for any and all harm I caused you either directly or indirectly. I was put in charge to care for you (whether Elan wanted me to do this or not) I knew that you needed to be protected and I failed horribly.

 I can only hope in time you can see just how sincere I am.

Now I would also like to take the time to express my sincere apologies to others to have gone to Elan that I was unkind to and down right [sic] rude to over the last year or so. As I have said before I could not have prepared myself enough to understand the impact of emotions that stormed back into my life when I ventured onto this site and others concerning Elan.

I did not handle the emotions from others well. I can only hope that Felice, Sharon, Matt, Mark, Wayne and others can forgive my intolerable behavior I displayed here and other sites a while back. My ongoing amends to you all has been to leave you alone and to empathize with your pain and how I can irritate this with my behavior.”

Notice his mention of those who he had been “unkind to and down right [sic] rude to.” He’s making reference to his numerous meltdowns and continued degradation toward those who he had abused years ago. Today, most of these have been deleted by forum moderators, but there are still fragments of conversations – responses containing quotes from now deleted posts – which give a fairly clear picture of Diablo’s emotional instability. A quick google search of “Danny Bennison Elan” will give you a treasure trove of sociopathic-like behavior, both from Diablo’s words, and from the accounts of his victims. For years, Diablo has been trolling the forums set up to discuss him. His comments teeter from belligerence to apologetic. From anger, to amends™, and back to anger again. It’s the same bi-polar M.O. he operated under here. Often in the same, slogan-ridden language of AA – using the standard catch words and aphorisms. It makes Bill Wilson’s personality look like the epitome of stability. Diablo is just flat-out crazy.

Every human has a few skeletons in their closet, and has people in their past they may have harmed and taken advantage of — but how many people have treated others so badly, they have forums dedicated to help their victims cope with the abuse that they’ve had imposed on them. Who has been so abusive in their life that someone from thirty years in their past decides to write a book about it? Who has friends in high school refer to them as a “monster”?  How can this possibly be rectified in an amends letter™?

We have debated whether or not to post about this, but we decided to do so for a few reasons. First, Diablo posted his name openly in our comment section, so the question of anonymity on his part was not a problem. We will not disclose anyone’s name publicly, even those with whom we disagree; and even someone as vicious as Diablo.

Secondly, a rumor has started among a couple of people who were vaguely aware of Diablo’s identity, that he was somehow involved in a murder, which is not remotely true. Diablo has done enough to make himself look bad, without any help from false accusations and innuendo. As big of a jerk as Diablo is, even the implication of his involvement in a murder is unconscionable. The truth is that Diablo claims to have been deposed as a witness in the Michael Skakel trial, which is entirely possible, because they were both at Elan School at the same time. There was a question as to whether Skakel had confessed to the murder of Martha Moxley while he was a student at Elan. Diablo involvement as a witness (if he actually did testify) was ancillary, and he had no involvement in the incident. It happened well before Skakel had entered the school, or met the other students (including Diablo).

Finally, and most importantly, he has since we banned him, made contact with some of the readers of this blog, whose emails he acquired after contacting them as a member of the community forum. Our primary reason for getting rid of the forum, is because we could not prevent internet predators and trolls from gaining the trust, and potentially harming, other members. Not just with Diablo, but others, as well. If Diabo (or “heretikreb” or “cuggle” or any of his other aliases we are unaware of) has made contact with you, be aware of the type of person you are dealing with. Diablo, Danny Bennison, is a sick person, and he is aptly named.

Diablo has been an AA for over twenty years. He has sponsored people and worked his way through the AA social circle. No doubt those he sat next to in meetings, sponsored, gained trust from, and coached through the program; had no knowledge of his past, and most likely his present. A person who is inclined to drag a girl around on a rope with a car, has problems that stem well beyond drinking. Clearly, just judging from actions here on our blog, his manipulation and abuse never really ended. At least with us, it was simply head games on the internet, which makes him fairly harmless (unless any of you were foolish enough to share email or telephone information). In AA, it is different. This is a person you are told to trust, that his – not your – judgment is what matters. This is who you are asked to give yourself over to. This Diablo is team McGowdog’s, but there are tens of thousands of Diablos throughout AA. This is the guy sitting next to you at a meeting.

- MA

Elan School
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
.Danny's Hate: Manifesto.
 My name is Daniel Bennison, I was in Elan from 6/75 till 1/77 as a resident and a employee from 1/77 till 11/78.

 I bring this up because of past and recent events and interactions with other residents. Guys this will be the last post I do to defend really (the indefensible) the abuse committed while I was affiliated with Elan. Whooter has informed me that he is writing a book and that I am in it on Chap. 5 because of abuses on committed at Elan while as a employee. This was my response to him after being told this,"I want you to quote this in your book. I did not say I did not abuse kids because I did as a resident and a employee. As a resident I fought in the ring for the house, screamed at folks during GM's, during a haircut, encounter groups and screamed at folks shot down while walking the house.As a employee I committed all of the abuse I mentioned above plus directed residents to verbally assault and demean residents. Did I physically abuse people, ? Yes. Now does this make me a better person then the next employee,? Yes it really does. All I am doing here is stating a fact."John has also taken the liberties of threatening me with exposer concerning accusations of abuse and that I had committed while staff, with 5 or more witnesses to these incidents.I don't think that you folks really want a all out war of words on this site but on the other hand I can see where it is constructive to have a resident call out a staff member of Elan who posts here, on supposed abuses. I don't mind that a book is being written about Elan and the abuses Staff committed. Just remember though I will not apologize to anyone for any abuses I did commit.There was enough bullshit that happened from 75-78 for me to have given a lifetime of nightmares to others, without anyone making me do something I truly don't mean. John says I was Staff/Ass.Director (E-7). I was staff/Ass.Director E-7 from 2/78 till 8/78, I transferred to a different position/different house till 11/78. I am curious as to how John knows I arrived at E-7 in 1978. Anyway I post here and I am open to conversation, you would think that John would use my information to his advantage, for he is also an abuser of others. there are also other staff and Ass. directors who have information that would help in exposing Elan, John and Felice are both frauds, As far as the dragging incident I am not nor will I be ashamed at programs and the courses it takes, I know that the once Fat Girl thanks me now. I will help any of you lose wight like here just call me,Now first off Felice is very well prepared for this sort of thing because she has been haunting this sites for over 10 years. The only thing one has to do is ask Felice about her family sibling, parents and children and you can see the abuse. Far after she left Elan and still present today. I will not get into specifics right now only to say her garbage is still going on. This is of her own making though she will blame everyone else a common trait of Art and herself. Then pick on other residents if their still not satisfied. Felice you are still very sick, you hang out with Art and you harass people. A nother side of Felice is her brilliance with Art, she is masterful, she also has great ability with filming herself in the wild, and last her passion is trolling survivor sites, Felice stay with your strengths and stop with the dirt business it is unbecoming of you, Felice is a much more horrible woman then any of us would dream of,That's right Felice and your still an idiot and maybe if you had not posted your crap, I would let you satisfy me and get me into the mood lady friend, you and I would be alright, but no you had to stoop to a disgusting level. So you keep posting away to prove your point. As far as I'm concerned you have no class what so ever. You call yourself a woman, please. Run to Art.

 And "Anne" I list you with them, your someone who know nothing about programs and Elan.

 As far as the car dragging incident, I did plenty of shit in the program that I don't regret now. Hell yes! You may already know this but Straight took the mutual- abuse thing to another level. A good portion of each day was spent abusing each other in group in one form or another. Virtually everyone there did shit to somebody else that they don't regret it now. I understand how people got caught up in that shit at Elan but I don't understand the why the car incident is such a big deal. You really don't upset me about it at all. I mean, I feel no guilty about poking people in the back, helping restrain people and confronting people. When I had dragged that girl behind a car, I held my head with pride and I would do everything I could keep helping people in programs. I would oppose programs that don't have some kind of abuses as part of the atonement for those sins of the residents, towards their family's and friends. I did't care then and I don't care now,it's the past, and I did what I had to do, and would gladly do it again ,

Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
.Hi Dan, just thought I'd show you how fooled I was by your friendship request  :roflmao:

I sent this to Matt
June 19
Wayne Kernochan

Danny has a writer on his Face Book wall. I told you he was up to something. He's writing a book

Since he's noy talking about it I'm sure he's setting me up, but for what? He gave me permission to publish it

He's a moron if he thinks I believe this shit
Then you sent this to me
June 20Danny Bennison
I was sent this post from "I went to Elan"
This from Matt, am I missing What is the matter with K Lynn and Matt.
When did I start writing a book, I don't know if I even know how.
Though you would find interest in this. 

Matt Hoffman wrote:
"danny bennison is writing a book ...good grief...trying to make money on the pain of survivors and , wait a minute didn't you create survivors while you worked at elan, at least thats what I got out of a book called A life gone Awry : My Story about the Elan School by Wayne Kernochan.

Hey danny you are the best.... I mean isn't that kinda like screwing the pooch and then trying to sell the puppies.The unmitigated gall, no danny I am not on your level at all. and yes iI am better than you because I am a caring compassionate human being that has a conscience, no old boy I am not like you or on your level by any means.

At least I don't steal air by breathing. And danny whats your point about not liking me ,do you think I really give a hoot about that , I don't see you as even human ,why would that bother me that you don't like me ,you are so stupid it is utterly amazing ."
Then I sent this to Matt
August 5
Wayne Kernochan

Dude, check this out from fornits :)

by DannyB II » Yesterday, 20:48

 The book is about a character that is supposed to resemble me. But make no mistake that book is not about me. Wayne had a message he wanted to get out, he used whatever resources that were at his disposal. I accept that.
 I know the truth and really that is all that really matters at this point.
 I hope people benefit from the book, that it allows them to purge their demons (as Wayne did). If using me helps survivors fine then it was all worth it.
 Am I a martyr? No! I am no victim either. I just can not control what others want to do.
 As crazy as this sounds I support Wayne and his journey, I mean this sincerely.
 As far as you go None Ya, I didn't care a year ago what you thought and it hasn't changed much today.
 Take care.

And this
August 6
Wayne Kernochan
He has no idea. I want people to wonder why I'm not responding.

 Wait and watch my friend. He's leading himself to the slaughter. I got a few things for his ass.

Then Go Go Rach said this

Go Go Rach says


Marry Danny Bennison? Really. Ew.

Hi Wayne! Congratulations on your book!

Sally, yes. I do think that was what it was about, until he realized he could not control me, even though I was in a bad situation.

DeCon. My friend. Oh how I miss you and our chats!

One other thing I ought to note here is that Danny said he wanted me to help him to write a book to defend himself against this one. He said he was paying me to do research, which I did do. I read this book on Facebook and spent hours online reading all the weird stuff he writes.

I even defended him to FTG and tried to get her to see him in the light that he showed me, which was a nice guy, who went through a bunch of crap and wanted to make up for it.

I told him I would be happy to help him out, but that he needed to promise that he would stop posting online because he wasn’t helping the situation. He agreed, while he was posting…when I was told that he had not made good on our agreement, he lied to me…so. There it is.

Holy Crap. I haven’t felt this awful, since, well, I walked away from A.A.


*hangs head in shame*
September 11, 2011, 7:21 am

And, waaaaay before that we had this little exchange, remember?

Danny Bennison:
Dude your a idiot and you have me all wrong, you keep trying to make this a violent conversation that is not my thing Wanye, that is obviously what you do. No I will just let my lawyer take care of you. Your not going to lie about me and get away with it. I have the money to take care of my business.
I never physically hurt anyone as a employee. Period.

Danny Bennison:
Wanye I never threatened anybody, Matt stabbed a good friend of mine at Elan.
What I said to him was a joke whether you want to believe that or not.
All I'm asking you is to stop slandering me, dummy I am from Connecticut.

 Wayne Kernochan:
 Good. I look forward to getting up in court and telling the world what you are. You beat on people you cruel bastard. I was there. I saw you.
 You're in Connecticut? Is that a threat? Bring it on little man.

Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Danny, are you a writer? Or are you just stalking Wayne across the internet trying to refute what he says in his book? Because quite frankly, this is a site for WRITERS, not flame wars.

 Wayne doesn't promote his book here. For one, 'promotion' doesn't really apply to free books. Second, this site isn't about book promotion. Wayne has, however, discussed his book here with his peers in the writing community, and his story was gripping enough to cause many of us to check into the history of Elan School and the charges against it.

 Here's the major facts as they apply here to this site:

 1--If you're here to refute Wayne's book, you're here under false pretenses. You are a cyber stalker, cluttering up a writer's forum with your own personal agenda.

 2--No one here cares about who you are, what your history is, or what you did or did not do at Elan. No one here cares if you remember Wayne or not. His book is about what HE remembers from Elan, not you, and it is not his responsibility to compensate for your lack of memory regarding him.

 3--It's not our responsibility to investigate the 'war of words' you're having with Wayne beyond what occurs on this site. And, quite frankly, I find it so utterly, horribly creepy that ANYONE would cyber-stalk a victim of abuse and challenge him to verify that abuse or corroborate it in some way that I can honestly say all you're doing is undermining yourself. This behavior is the behavior of an abuser, not a victim. So all you've accomplished with this at least as far as I'm concerned is to confirm everything that Wayne has said--a confirmation, I might add, that has been already provided by hundreds of other Elan victims across the internet.

 I'd suggest that it is in your best interests to stop the stalking and just let it drop, Danny. You're not doing yourself any favors with this behavior. All you're doing, in fact, is making his case for him. I would assume that's not your intent?

 Let it go. And leave the Elan controversy on the Elan sites, instead of dragging them onto writers' forums that aren't involved.

Best wishes for your future endeavors.

Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Do you want me to link to all the Face Book groups I posted this in?

Absolutely please everyone. Keep going don't stop to ask me. You are defaming me and slandering me why should you stop. Your disregard for the truth should never slow you down.

Claimant is incapable of further defamation–e.g., the claimant's position in the community is so poor that defamation could not do further damage to the plaintiff. Such a claimant could be said to be "libel-proof", since in most jurisdictions, actual damage is an essential element for a libel claim. Essentially, the defense is that the person had such a bad reputation before the libel, that no further damage could possibly have been caused by the making of the statement

WA Sez…”I just posted a response over there. A person over there is saying yeah abuses happen everywhere. But when those abuses happen you have a place to go to make sure the person is held accountable, not so in aa.”

WA sez – The person responding over there dismissing the abuse is Danny Bennison, a former troll here who we banned. Read about him here. This is not a nice guy, so be careful engaging him. He’s a sick person.

AnnaZed says

Different Danny Violet, that’s Danny S who is a bit whack but not in my opinion a dangerous psycho like out Danny B; whole ‘nuther ball game really.

just sayin’

A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School, is now available on Amazon. I have not read the whole book, but I have skimmed over the parts that reference one of our resident trolls, Danny Bennison (aka; Diablo/Cuggle/Quagmire/Claude). Currently, he’s cyber-stalking some of our readers, and is taking up residence with two other AA stooges and ST trolls, Mondotuna and A.A. Alfie, over at the JREF forum. They’re just like the Three Amigos, if the Three Amigos suffered from delusion and sociopathy.

This must be a proud moment in Danny’s career. It’s one thing to gain recognition as an assclown on internet blogs and forums, but quite another to have a book written about him, chronicling his real-life victimization of vulnerable teenagers. Congratulations, Danny!


Posted in Kooks.

Tagged with a life gone awry, A.A. Alfie, danny bennison, elan school, jackasses, mondotuna, nutjobs, sociopathy, trolls.

Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
He can't get enough of the cyber thrill of abusing me online any more. He's gone completely insane. When he thought I'd never say what happened back in Elan, he thought he had me again. When I told it, I was free of him forever.

It's kinda nice.

Danny isn't the only one posting from his profile. The grammar and spelling are too good. I think it's Marc Rosenberg. If the things I read about him are true he'd be interested in preventing Danny from calling a lawyer. An investigation into sex abuse at Elan might kick up his name. Even if he was falsely accused it's going to be investigated. It wouldn't look good for him if I'm right

I'd like to know more about the checks Danny gets from his investment in the race track. That'd be nice

So long Forniters. I think I'm finally done here

I may sneak in to edit. I'm an editer, dinna tell ya?

Wayne's sexual fanatsies Of DannyB

by DannyB II » Yesterday, 20:48

I don't know what else to say. I am fucking young girls, making boys blow me and fucking Wayne in the ass. Shit this is better then Sodom and Gomorrah. I had a real Roman orgy going on.
I just wonder who will play Danny in this adaptation of "The Orgy of Poland Springs"

Nothing helps you defend your good name like child rape jokes Dan
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The troubled teen industry is ineffective because advocates are after money, fame or are as abusive as the programs they\'re fighting

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Re: Defending Danny B.
« Reply #576 on: October 15, 2011, 07:24:11 PM »
   Wayne's sexual fanatsies Of DannyB

    by DannyB II » Yesterday, 20:48

    I don't know what else to say. I am fucking young girls, making boys blow me and fucking Wayne in the ass. Shit this is better then Sodom and Gomorrah. I had a real Roman orgy going on.
    I just wonder who will play Danny in this adaptation of "The Orgy of Poland Springs".

    Nothing helps you defend your good name like child rape jokes Dan

I loved this. I thought it was one of my better goes at comedy writing.[/size]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Stand and fight, till there is no more.

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Re: Defending Danny B.
« Reply #577 on: October 15, 2011, 07:31:37 PM »
Re: Defending Danny B.

Postby Troublemaker » 28 minutes ago

    Troublemaker wrote:

        Wayne Kernochan wrote:In the beginning he was posing as a survivor in a survivor group

        In the end I got Danny to admit to raping one resident, and beating four more into false confessions that ruined Wayne Weaver. Danny says Peter McCann made him do it. My friendship with him was very successful. But I wasn't fooled by him for a second. I swear by everything that is pertinent to his crimes against us in 1978, and his continuation of abuse online

        Take the time to read this and you'll see that Danny is still a stalker and abuser. He does it online now.Believe what I say or don't, I can't change that. His sexual language prior to my accusation is very telling. Anyway, let's not skip over his admission to raping Yvette

            Wayne Kernochan said:
            While I was posting chapters on the book page I was taking out the sexual abuse because I saw what a clod and abuser he still is. It's embarrassing enough talking about being raped without your abuser being an internet joke.

            Think about what he would have done to Anne in the middle of the woods of Maine, with the power he had

            He wasn't a joke in 1978. He was a nightmare

            Paul "I" am not in a tight spot because "I" am not in your world Paul. Why do I care at this point what Wayne says, if it is not factual then it is easily dealt with. Yes I was caught off gaurd as I'm sure anyone would have been but what doesn't kill you only makes ya stronger. I've have all my ducks in a roll now, so life moves on.

            Paul realize I am not here for the social party so therefore I don't concern myself with my exchanges. example; You started it, you finsh it, I'm in a tight spot ect..... WTF.

            I am just going to try to get this clear. You are not here for the "social party", and therefore you are not concerned with exchanges( those things you constantly participate in)

            and your example is " you started it, you finish it" - a universal idea, that spreads far outside of forum exchanges.

            Indeed, you are so against exchanges, by which I mean a conversation, and against finishing what you start, that the idea of it makes you exclaim "What the Fuck!", while rolling on the floor laughing.


            I always seem to have trouble understanding you.......

            If you folks want to run around crying about how a 17 year old kid/staff member abused you, by all means go for it. But ya see that is not what your doing, (lack of integrity) you know damn well I was no more a staff member for a treatment center then I President of the United States[/u].



            December 8, 2009
            Wayne Kernochan
            Hey, you have Danny Bennison as a member. He was my director. What's his story?

            December 8, 2009
            Sharon Gaines
            omfg i knew he was a lair
            please go get him and expose him at

            December 8, 2009
            Wayne Kernochan
            I have no anger towards the man anymore Sharon. But he was one of the worst abusers. He took pleasure in it.

            He tied Mary Jones to the back of a car and dragged her around the grounds. He was the one who drilled holes in the paddle for spankings to draw blood.

            I would leave him alone for now to see what he's up to

            Wayne Kernochan wrote:From Reddit

                –]CryerZ 1 point 1 hour ago

                I wish who ever is deleting my posts would stop it. You don't seem to have a problem posting that I raped and sodomized people. What I am posting is factual backed up by evidence. These messages show the true character of Wayne Kernochan. How could any survivor do this. He is not a survivor and I am sick and tired of being abused by him. My survivor status is clear and documented.

                Liar liar liar lair

            These have been reported, don't bother deleting them Dan

                16 minutes ago
                Danny Bennison wrote:

                How can you say you are impartial when you PM me from a facebook account that says Wayne and you.
                Susan, Wayne is after damage control, period. You are one of his pawns. I would of thought more from you but as I can see his charm has you smittened too.
                This guy has spenty the l;ast week threatening me, accussing me of rape and sodomy, threatened my sister and her daughter and spoke very unkindly of my brothers murdered son. This all in the last week.
                All because I rebutted his book on fornits.
                Now you ask me to have a conversation with a guy like this, you don't even know him or who he really is.
                Wayne is a liar, not one person has ever in two years come forward and said they know him, ever.
                Many folks no me and know about me while I was there and not one has ever characterized as Wayne has in that book.
                No Susan, I will not have anything to do with Wayne trying to capitalize off his Book of fucking lies.
                Here are some emails this manipulating, lying twisted fool sent me on Fornits. Now know one thing that as fast as Wayne does something his reaction is faster.

            I never accused you of sodomy Dan. But you do seem preoccupied with my ass

                Re: Lies Told by (Wayne K) that went Awry of Elan!
                ... never mentioned that. You also said at that very time you drove Cabs in NYC. How the in the heck can you do both. Wayne I am going to be up your ass from here on out, everything you try people will know that you are the "James Frey" of the internet. Until you come clean the campaign ...

                Re: The rape of Yvette P by Danny Bennison
                I will Wayne because there is nothing, I mean nothing, you can pull out of your ass that will convince any one here that you can tell the truth. So please go get somebody call them Yvette or whoever you want and parade them around. Have the Attorney General ...

                Re: Defending Danny B.
                ... about the procedures concerning the boxing gloves, getting the boxing gloves, setting up the ring ect.... As usual you are talking out your ass and someone is feeding you this information. Oh and anyone can google the Prison in Enfield.

                Re: Lies Told by (Wayne K) that went Awry of Elan!
                ... way, I can not say what will happen to your image and reputation you have worked so hard to fabricate. Your thumbdrive is usually right up your ass along with what you call your brain. Trust me no body cares about your thumb or the emails.

            Why? Because you want to embarrass me into shutting up about what you did to me. The day Danny sent me the private message saying our friendship was over he finally realized who I am. He was on the phone talking about Tracey Robbin's ass and I went silent. He sensed something and hung up

                I do remember the whole Wayne Weaver screwing this girl and that girl and Peter McCann dogging me about doing something about it. You know that Peter was the official Director of this house when I first got there.
                Denise had a fit over that whole fiasco.

                March 28Danny Bennison
                Yvette Portella
                Just some inside information, Yvette and I had a thing while we were residents, while I was in re-entry and while I was staff. Which is one of the reasons why I left E-7 so abruptly. Yes we did hook up after she left, her brother almost killed me along with her cousins they did not like white guys in New Haven.
                This is the truth, I loved her a great deal. I got my heart broken big time.
                Hey I don't want to fight with you. I am asking for forgiveness for crimes I can't remember, honestly Wayne. I have had sleepless nights trying to remember you, I don't. I have a family and a business so I am very careful about things that would harm them. I know you can understand this.
                Lets just lay the swords down and let this go for a while and work at shutting Elan down. Maybe in time we can see more of each others souls through our writings here. Many of the people that support your book are my friends some are not. But they asked me how I felt about them supporting your book, I said go for it this is between Wayne and I. Ya see Wayne no one else has wrote a book we could show people so they could read what went on in Elan. Not as explicit as yours. You know your not done writing there is so much more to tell. You are a great writer and Elanians need someone like you to tell their story, please collaborate with others get the real info and get it out there. I believe until Sharon, Jeff and Marty see their names written out their they won't shut down Elan.
                Thanks for reading if you did,

                Take care

                Yvette was an underage resident in your care and you had the power to beat and torture her. She had no choice but to be "in a relationship" with you. That's called rape you fucking piece of shit.

                In your mind it might not be, but in legal terms it is.

                The same as your "relationship" with Cathy and Willie

                Go ahead and deny it you child molesting turd. I reported this PM to Face Book when you sent it.

                Who else were you "in a relationship" with when you were the ass director?

                Is that why you won't call the 108 precinct and report me for criminal libel?

                If I'm lying they'll throw me in jail and your name will be cleared Dan.

                You're guilty. There's no doubt to anyone reading

                For those who don't know, Danny stood Yvette in front of a GM and asked the men "If I walked out of here and let you people do what you want, who would rape this bitch? The guys all raised their hand, including me, because if we didn't we would have gotten tortured and beaten

                This was also shortly after the rumor that Joe Ricci and Jeff Gottlieb let a girl and a gay kid get raped and beaten by two convicted sex offenders.

                So, Dan, where did Yvette live most recently? Mark can find her and clear your name

                We can get to the bottom of this

                Wayne Kernochan wrote:To sum up

                    Douglas Hannah
                    when i was in elan i was there from 1972 -1978.yes i do know yvette portella,she was in 7 with me.i do remember her.

                    Wayne Kernochan
                    How old was she?

                    Douglas Hannah
                    when yvette portella ,came to elan 7 she couldn't be no older then 15ys if some one had sex with her its called "RAPE ".how do i no because pam told me if i had sex with her i was going to jail,she was to young.
                    Unlike · · Share · 8 minutes ago

                    Douglas Hannah

                    there no reason to thank me those are the facts,she was to young hell i was just about 18ys i knew better,plus she from right here in Bridgeport .

                    Douglas Hannah
                    what grown ass man would want to have sex with a kid,now if a person held a position in elan as staff an did this they would be in big big trouble with the law because that resident was under there care.
                    49 minutes ago ·

                    Wayne Kernochan
                    Danny Bennison would and did. There are more victims. Now, maybe they'll speak out.

                    Thank you again pal
                    14 minutes ago ·

                    Douglas Hannah
                    HOLD UP,what are you saying.

                    Wayne Kernochan
                    Danny admitted to it
                    13 minutes ago

                    Douglas Hannah
                    there has to be a mistake,i will try an ask Danny myself did he rape Yvette.i was wandering why he told me i did not no her.when she was there with me.i need to show this to her people .
                    8 minutes ago

                    Wayne Kernochan
                    He admitted it three or four times on Fornits. But he said she was 19.

                    Douglas Hannah
                    there is no way she could have been 19,not in way.

                    Douglas Hannah
                    wayne i thought you an danny were best of friends.together fighting the good fight,willing to take on rapist,kids that are being,WOW just blows my mind.

                    Wayne Kernochan
                    Doug, I was playing him. I was after information about his sex crimes and I got it. I sent you a private message, check it out

                    Wayne Kernochan
                    Hang on, what do you mean by "I have to show this to her people?"

                    Douglas Hannah
                    well don't you want her family to know what was done to her.

                    Wayne Kernochan
                    You know her family?

                    Douglas Hannah
                    Edwin rodriguez,knows yvettes family,willie bentenzes,knows her family,an they were both in parsonfield when danny was they both live in P.T.Barnum apts.right here in Bridgeport.

                    Wayne Kernochan
                    Edwin was in 7 with me. He left when I was new.If the family can get you in touch with her, have her call me would you? Danny put her in front of a GM and asked the house if he let the house do what they wanted, who would rape her?

                    I raised me hand. We all did because we knew he would beat us for not raising our hands.

                    She looked scared out of her mind. I never forgot the look on her face. I want to say I'm sorry. Yvette was one of the few good things in that fucking place and I've never forgiven myself for that. If she doesn't want to talk to me, tell her I'm sorry.

                    Douglas Hannah
                    i will be out in the streets so i will run into some one who can put a hand on this .so lets find out were she is .tuesday is a good day to start.

                Danny sexually assaulted two residents in Elan Seven and they want him to take me to court so they can say so under oath. One is Cathy Collins and the other is Willie Garcia

                I didn't see it, but II believe it

                I believe them, but I don't care if they're making it up, I want to see your face when they say it Dan

                Let's face it, you'll never take me to court you worthless rapist piece of shit. You knew they were waiting to nail you

                I shouldn't have mentioned their names in that discussion

                Now if you don't sue me everyone will know its true. I'm accusing you of a sex crime

                You know where I live, please serve me. I'm waiting. I look forward to it

            My opening for Susan's show

                Thank you Susan,

                When I was on your show last time, I spoke about my book, A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School, which is a true story of my time there from 1978-1980. At that time I was friends with my abuser, Daniel Lee Bennison, and he gave me permission to have my publisher release the book in e-reader and paperback on Amazon, Barnes&Noble, and on my publisher's site,

                When I became friends with Danny people questioned my sanity because he is an internet stalker and abuser, and his actions in the past have ranged from bad to criminal. If you Google search Danny Bennison and Elan you will understand what I mean. He hasn't changed one bit from the days he beat and abused us in Elan. My friends were worried about me and rightly so.

                What they didn't know is that I had become friends with Danny to gather information. I hadn't told the whole story in my book. There was much more.

                Together Danny and me started an Elan survivor group on Face Book, and to the world we looked like the epitome of forgiveness. People told me how much it meant to them that he and I were able to forget the past and fight abusive programs like Elan together. Danny seemed like a changed man, and my ego took over. I began to believe that I had helped to cure him of the sickness that was inside him, but that came crashing down one day.

                Danny has repeatedly told me that he doesn't remember me, and my therapist told me that was very possible because to him I was an object. That changed when we spoke on the telephone. He hung up on me abruptly one day, and sent me a private message on Face Book saying that our friendship was finished.. He wanted to keep it private, but I posted it on a few of his favorite groups and blogs, and Danny began his campaign against my book. After having given me permission to print the book, he then said it was a lie, and that I had never been to Elan. This is important because he sensed that I may actually come forward and tell the stories of his sex crimes against children in his care. Before Danny hung up on me that day he hesitated, and stammered, when he finally realized who I am.

                On the website fornits, Danny admitted to raping one resident, and didn't deny raping another, and that was because he was too busy denying that he forced a young boy to give him oral sex. His admission to raping the girl wasn't really an admission. He said he was in a relationship with her. I pointed out that a 15 year old girl cannot give consent, so he claimed she was 19. When I brought a witness who knew her forward who said she was in fact 15, he started a thread saying that Doug is a liar, and titled it “Wayne K's witness to Rape and Sodomy, Doug Hannah”

                This is important because I never accused him of sodomy. I accused him of rape, and I accused him of forcing a young boy to give him oral sex. Sodomy was never mentioned. The title of his discussion on fornits is Danny's second admission of guilt, and it means he remembers me because I was the one he sodomized.

                I was ashamed to say what he did to me but after he realized who I am he became particularly vicious. His attacks became anti gay, and very sexual. Search the fornits site and you will see subtle innuendos like, “I'm going to be up your ass,” and “What are you going to pull out of your ass next” and “I'm going to strip you naked,” and more. Anyone who is familiar with Danny's attacks will agree that this is his way of trying to embarrass me into not saying anything about what he did to me.

                Today I could care less. Danny won't go to jail or be sued because the statute of limitations is up for his crimes in Elan. I'm not saying these things for money because there won't be any. I also don't say this to defame him. He can't be defamed. I confronted him about the sex crimes he committed on fornits and the people there weren't surprised at all. His reputation is such that I couldn't make him look worse.

                Danny's language is foul. He's been reported on Face Book for calling me a faggot, a bitch, a cunt, and a punk, among other things. He has threatened to send people to my house, and when I said online that I was going to the celebration in NYC for the closing of Elan he was reported for posting that new York is dark, and bullets are cheap. Danny doesn't scare me but I have private messages from women who are. He has threatened many of them.

                Abusive ex staff members troll the internet looking for their victims, so they can bully them and shut them up. One such example is the Face Book group, I survived the horrors of Aspen Ranch, a fake survivor group that ex staff member like Amber Speiss and Steve Burr use to bully survivors who come there in an effort to keep them from connecting and corroborating the statements of other survivors who have lawsuits against Aspen Group. They should both be investigated for tampering with possible witnesses. This is a serious crime.

                Unlike Danny, they haven't been accused of sex crimes, but the 2000 violence against women’s act, made internet stalking a part of the federal stalker law. Yet it goes on with impunity. It needs to be enforced.

                Thank you

            You have no idea how much I have on you Dan. I've been watching you for years

            Enjoy the show you rapist piece of shit

            Wayne Kernochan wrote:

                Danny Bennison said

                When Michael finally came back to start his residency and was subjected to the abuse he went through at first I felt he deserved this (I know this is sick on so many levels) because I believed he knew who killed Martha (I still do)

                Wayne Kernochan wrote:
                So, because you "believed" he knew who killed her, Mike deserved to be abused.

                Then you were ready to testify against him even though the statement was beaten out of him

                You were a piece of shit then and you're a piece of shit now


                This speaks volumes about Danny Bennison. He thought Mike Skakel deserved to be abused because he knew who killed Martha. He raped Cathy because he believed she was a slut and a pig. He forced Willie to give him oral sex because Danny believed he was a faggot and a freak. He also knew (like a good predator) that they would not be believed.

            From 26 Mar 2010, in Name that Abuser/Director:
            "Anne this post will be one of my worst probably to date because I find you very disgusting down to your filthy avatar, which speaks volumes about you.
            No I will not talk to you about anything to do with Mary O'Brian, nor do I really want to discuss anything else with you.
            Your a douche bag, ya know the kind that provides a service and then when your done ya throw it away. Your time is over....bye. Only in your case the repulsive smell never goes away.
            You don't give a shit about these kids, you care about your 15 mins. of attention. How you look on Fornits, you make me sick. Your a publicity whore. You and Felice.....
            So please stay away from me...just fuck off.

            Please repost this over and over and stick on your bedroom mirror.

            K Lynn, Albert, Jerry aka Wayne K. cont. attacks.

            by DannyB II » Yesterday, 00:27
            K Lynn nothing more has to be printed because I will tell you exactly what I think of you right here in front of everybody. I truly believe you are a spiteful, angry lonely 50 year old woman who is over weight and considered by any body other then her family to be a unruly bitch. That's right I called you a bitch. You are a vindictive immature brat who has been trolling me for ever. All because I told you in a email (privately) that you were full of shit when you said you knew me.

            I don't know what else to say. I am fucking young girls, making boys blow me and fucking Wayne in the ass. Shit this is better then Sodom and Gomorrah. I had a real Roman orgy going on.
            I just wonder who will play Danny in this adaptation of "The Orgy of Poland Springs".

            DannyB II wrote:
            I'm creeping you You spread your legs in the open and you have the mouth to go with it.

                What the hell are you talking about? I get the potty mouth reference, but wtf is the spreading the legs deal? This is why people are seriously starting to wonder about your sanity.

            Annie darling you have no concept of just how crazy I am....LOL. That is what most like so much about me is my insanity. Your avatar Anne spread it wider.

    Wayne Kernochan wrote:

        .Meet Diablo, aka, Danny Bennison

            By Mark – April 6, 2011

            “Matty be careful I visit your hometowne [sic] with about 250 other AA men for a conference every May look it up. I should be seeing you in May. We just may corral you and before you know it you be brainwashed. Oh and If I forgot to tell you that I come to your hometown ( like I forgot to tell you about being a Ex-Ass. Dir.) sorry I was going to surprise you.

            Now I know you don’t want to start talking about the mother of your children do you Matt, please leave mine out of this conversation. I mentioned it for reference, she went on to post to Ursus. Not you.

            Matt whenever you want to crawl out of your whoa is me, the Ex Ass Dir is picking on me routine that would be nice. Your [sic] 51 now grow up. Remember you said that you worked thru [sic] this, well act like it.

            This is Danny now has been since 1978….So nice try so many others were there before you pulling this shit, read it Matt. What are you 15 again. If that is the case then please be serious for the sake of others. Matt you can’t spin this on me buddy sorry take your latent anger out on your counselors. I gave you every opportunity to get honest and you never did. Why because Matty did not want to look like he was siding with a Ass.Director in front of all his Elan resident buddies. Boy that would look horrible….Go back Matt to a phone call I had with you asking you why Mark was posting on facebook that I was a driver flunky for Joe. He knew I was a Ass. Director from my post on a site Sharon had. No this is the explanation you wanted to believe in order to hang out with me. Fine I could have accepted that if you had from the beginning just said I have a problem with associating with you because of.

            But you did not you chose a very disrespectful way trash me publically [sic], remember you started this publically [sic] I spoke first in private, so don’t go running around acting like your [sic] innocent.

            - Danny”

            “I have 21 yrs. in A.A. It does work if you work it.Stay in touch - Danny “

        The above quotes are from a guy named Danny Bennison, an AA with a spotted history, and a vicious mean streak. Currently, he writes for “McGowdoghouse,” a blog dedicated to this blog’s existence. His handle over there is “heretikreb,” but he is better known among those who peruse our comment section as “Diablo” (also “Cuggle,” and whatever other sockpuppet he may have slinked through our filter). Understanding the context of the quote requires a bit of background information, both of Diablo (Danny) and the recipient of the comment. It all started with Elan School.

        Elan is a private school in Maine, dedicated to helping wayward teenagers. It employs a type of therapy known as “therapeutic community,” which makes the 12-steps look like walk through the park. Its most famous alumnus is Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel, made famous for the murder of his neighbor, Martha Moxley – an act he committed prior to attending Elan. Like Michel Skakel, most of those housed there are from well-to-do families, with the current annual fees costing upwards of $50,000.

        Diablo was at Elan, starting in the mid-seventies, for almost three and a half years. First as a student, and later as a resident staff member. He made quite the impression on the other students, with threads in internet forums dedicated specifically to him, by former students of the school who characterize him with terms such as “monster.” People now in their fifties, were so traumatized by him, that multiple internet sites and forums have been started to help his victims connect and cope.

        One such student, Wayne Kernochan, was so traumatized by his experience at Elan School, that he wrote an online book about his and other students’ experiences there – with our resident troll, Diablo, as the central figure in the plot: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School. Among the many abuses chronicled in the book, was a time when Diablo tied a girl up and dragged her behind the back of his car. She was overweight, and this was Diablo’s method of convincing her to lose weight. As horrific as this sounds, it’s an incident to which Diablo fully admits, and for which he has no regrets. This is from an internet forum where Diablo engages his victims:

        “…As far as the dragging incident I am not nor will I be ashamed at programs and the courses it takes, I know that the once Fat Girl thanks me now. I will help any of you lose wight [sic] like here [sic] just call me….”

        What kind of sadistic ass-clown ties someone up and drags them around behind the back of a car? And with no remorse. This was written after he had written one of his “amends letters™” to those in this forum whom he had abused. Among the highlights in the amends letter™:

        “Wayne I also want to take this time to apologize for any and all harm I caused you either directly or indirectly. I was put in charge to care for you (whether Elan wanted me to do this or not) I knew that you needed to be protected and I failed horribly.

        I can only hope in time you can see just how sincere I am.

        Now I would also like to take the time to express my sincere apologies to others to have gone to Elan that I was unkind to and down right [sic] rude to over the last year or so. As I have said before I could not have prepared myself enough to understand the impact of emotions that stormed back into my life when I ventured onto this site and others concerning Elan.

        I did not handle the emotions from others well. I can only hope that Felice, Sharon, Matt, Mark, Wayne and others can forgive my intolerable behavior I displayed here and other sites a while back. My ongoing amends to you all has been to leave you alone and to empathize with your pain and how I can irritate this with my behavior.”

        Notice his mention of those who he had been “unkind to and down right [sic] rude to.” He’s making reference to his numerous meltdowns and continued degradation toward those who he had abused years ago. Today, most of these have been deleted by forum moderators, but there are still fragments of conversations – responses containing quotes from now deleted posts – which give a fairly clear picture of Diablo’s emotional instability. A quick google search of “Danny Bennison Elan” will give you a treasure trove of sociopathic-like behavior, both from Diablo’s words, and from the accounts of his victims. For years, Diablo has been trolling the forums set up to discuss him. His comments teeter from belligerence to apologetic. From anger, to amends™, and back to anger again. It’s the same bi-polar M.O. he operated under here. Often in the same, slogan-ridden language of AA – using the standard catch words and aphorisms. It makes Bill Wilson’s personality look like the epitome of stability. Diablo is just flat-out crazy.

        Every human has a few skeletons in their closet, and has people in their past they may have harmed and taken advantage of — but how many people have treated others so badly, they have forums dedicated to help their victims cope with the abuse that they’ve had imposed on them. Who has been so abusive in their life that someone from thirty years in their past decides to write a book about it? Who has friends in high school refer to them as a “monster”? How can this possibly be rectified in an amends letter™?

        We have debated whether or not to post about this, but we decided to do so for a few reasons. First, Diablo posted his name openly in our comment section, so the question of anonymity on his part was not a problem. We will not disclose anyone’s name publicly, even those with whom we disagree; and even someone as vicious as Diablo.

        Secondly, a rumor has started among a couple of people who were vaguely aware of Diablo’s identity, that he was somehow involved in a murder, which is not remotely true. Diablo has done enough to make himself look bad, without any help from false accusations and innuendo. As big of a jerk as Diablo is, even the implication of his involvement in a murder is unconscionable. The truth is that Diablo claims to have been deposed as a witness in the Michael Skakel trial, which is entirely possible, because they were both at Elan School at the same time. There was a question as to whether Skakel had confessed to the murder of Martha Moxley while he was a student at Elan. Diablo involvement as a witness (if he actually did testify) was ancillary, and he had no involvement in the incident. It happened well before Skakel had entered the school, or met the other students (including Diablo).

        Finally, and most importantly, he has since we banned him, made contact with some of the readers of this blog, whose emails he acquired after contacting them as a member of the community forum. Our primary reason for getting rid of the forum, is because we could not prevent internet predators and trolls from gaining the trust, and potentially harming, other members. Not just with Diablo, but others, as well. If Diabo (or “heretikreb” or “cuggle” or any of his other aliases we are unaware of) has made contact with you, be aware of the type of person you are dealing with. Diablo, Danny Bennison, is a sick person, and he is aptly named.

        Diablo has been an AA for over twenty years. He has sponsored people and worked his way through the AA social circle. No doubt those he sat next to in meetings, sponsored, gained trust from, and coached through the program; had no knowledge of his past, and most likely his present. A person who is inclined to drag a girl around on a rope with a car, has problems that stem well beyond drinking. Clearly, just judging from actions here on our blog, his manipulation and abuse never really ended. At least with us, it was simply head games on the internet, which makes him fairly harmless (unless any of you were foolish enough to share email or telephone information). In AA, it is different. This is a person you are told to trust, that his – not your – judgment is what matters. This is who you are asked to give yourself over to. This Diablo is team McGowdog’s, but there are tens of thousands of Diablos throughout AA. This is the guy sitting next to you at a meeting.

        - MA

        Elan School

Last edited by Troublemaker on October 15th, 2011, 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

    phpBB Familiar Face
    phpBB Familiar Face
    Posts: 32
    Joined: October 9th, 2011, 10:24 pm


Re: Defending Danny B.

Postby Troublemaker » 26 minutes ago

    Troublemaker wrote:

        Wayne Kernochan wrote:

            .Meet Diablo, aka, Danny Bennison

                By Mark – April 6, 2011

                “Matty be careful I visit your hometowne [sic] with about 250 other AA men for a conference every May look it up. I should be seeing you in May. We just may corral you and before you know it you be brainwashed. Oh and If I forgot to tell you that I come to your hometown ( like I forgot to tell you about being a Ex-Ass. Dir.) sorry I was going to surprise you.

                Now I know you don’t want to start talking about the mother of your children do you Matt, please leave mine out of this conversation. I mentioned it for reference, she went on to post to Ursus. Not you.

                Matt whenever you want to crawl out of your whoa is me, the Ex Ass Dir is picking on me routine that would be nice. Your [sic] 51 now grow up. Remember you said that you worked thru [sic] this, well act like it.

                This is Danny now has been since 1978….So nice try so many others were there before you pulling this shit, read it Matt. What are you 15 again. If that is the case then please be serious for the sake of others. Matt you can’t spin this on me buddy sorry take your latent anger out on your counselors. I gave you every opportunity to get honest and you never did. Why because Matty did not want to look like he was siding with a Ass.Director in front of all his Elan resident buddies. Boy that would look horrible….Go back Matt to a phone call I had with you asking you why Mark was posting on facebook that I was a driver flunky for Joe. He knew I was a Ass. Director from my post on a site Sharon had. No this is the explanation you wanted to believe in order to hang out with me. Fine I could have accepted that if you had from the beginning just said I have a problem with associating with you because of.

                But you did not you chose a very disrespectful way trash me publically [sic], remember you started this publically [sic] I spoke first in private, so don’t go running around acting like your [sic] innocent.

                - Danny”

                “I have 21 yrs. in A.A. It does work if you work it.Stay in touch - Danny “

            The above quotes are from a guy named Danny Bennison, an AA with a spotted history, and a vicious mean streak. Currently, he writes for “McGowdoghouse,” a blog dedicated to this blog’s existence. His handle over there is “heretikreb,” but he is better known among those who peruse our comment section as “Diablo” (also “Cuggle,” and whatever other sockpuppet he may have slinked through our filter). Understanding the context of the quote requires a bit of background information, both of Diablo (Danny) and the recipient of the comment. It all started with Elan School.

            Elan is a private school in Maine, dedicated to helping wayward teenagers. It employs a type of therapy known as “therapeutic community,” which makes the 12-steps look like walk through the park. Its most famous alumnus is Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel, made famous for the murder of his neighbor, Martha Moxley – an act he committed prior to attending Elan. Like Michel Skakel, most of those housed there are from well-to-do families, with the current annual fees costing upwards of $50,000.

            Diablo was at Elan, starting in the mid-seventies, for almost three and a half years. First as a student, and later as a resident staff member. He made quite the impression on the other students, with threads in internet forums dedicated specifically to him, by former students of the school who characterize him with terms such as “monster.” People now in their fifties, were so traumatized by him, that multiple internet sites and forums have been started to help his victims connect and cope.

            One such student, Wayne Kernochan, was so traumatized by his experience at Elan School, that he wrote an online book about his and other students’ experiences there – with our resident troll, Diablo, as the central figure in the plot: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School. Among the many abuses chronicled in the book, was a time when Diablo tied a girl up and dragged her behind the back of his car. She was overweight, and this was Diablo’s method of convincing her to lose weight. As horrific as this sounds, it’s an incident to which Diablo fully admits, and for which he has no regrets. This is from an internet forum where Diablo engages his victims:

            “…As far as the dragging incident I am not nor will I be ashamed at programs and the courses it takes, I know that the once Fat Girl thanks me now. I will help any of you lose wight [sic] like here [sic] just call me….”

            What kind of sadistic ass-clown ties someone up and drags them around behind the back of a car? And with no remorse. This was written after he had written one of his “amends letters™” to those in this forum whom he had abused. Among the highlights in the amends letter™:

            “Wayne I also want to take this time to apologize for any and all harm I caused you either directly or indirectly. I was put in charge to care for you (whether Elan wanted me to do this or not) I knew that you needed to be protected and I failed horribly.

            I can only hope in time you can see just how sincere I am.

            Now I would also like to take the time to express my sincere apologies to others to have gone to Elan that I was unkind to and down right [sic] rude to over the last year or so. As I have said before I could not have prepared myself enough to understand the impact of emotions that stormed back into my life when I ventured onto this site and others concerning Elan.

            I did not handle the emotions from others well. I can only hope that Felice, Sharon, Matt, Mark, Wayne and others can forgive my intolerable behavior I displayed here and other sites a while back. My ongoing amends to you all has been to leave you alone and to empathize with your pain and how I can irritate this with my behavior.”

            Notice his mention of those who he had been “unkind to and down right [sic] rude to.” He’s making reference to his numerous meltdowns and continued degradation toward those who he had abused years ago. Today, most of these have been deleted by forum moderators, but there are still fragments of conversations – responses containing quotes from now deleted posts – which give a fairly clear picture of Diablo’s emotional instability. A quick google search of “Danny Bennison Elan” will give you a treasure trove of sociopathic-like behavior, both from Diablo’s words, and from the accounts of his victims. For years, Diablo has been trolling the forums set up to discuss him. His comments teeter from belligerence to apologetic. From anger, to amends™, and back to anger again. It’s the same bi-polar M.O. he operated under here. Often in the same, slogan-ridden language of AA – using the standard catch words and aphorisms. It makes Bill Wilson’s personality look like the epitome of stability. Diablo is just flat-out crazy.

            Every human has a few skeletons in their closet, and has people in their past they may have harmed and taken advantage of — but how many people have treated others so badly, they have forums dedicated to help their victims cope with the abuse that they’ve had imposed on them. Who has been so abusive in their life that someone from thirty years in their past decides to write a book about it? Who has friends in high school refer to them as a “monster”? How can this possibly be rectified in an amends letter™?

            We have debated whether or not to post about this, but we decided to do so for a few reasons. First, Diablo posted his name openly in our comment section, so the question of anonymity on his part was not a problem. We will not disclose anyone’s name publicly, even those with whom we disagree; and even someone as vicious as Diablo.

            Secondly, a rumor has started among a couple of people who were vaguely aware of Diablo’s identity, that he was somehow involved in a murder, which is not remotely true. Diablo has done enough to make himself look bad, without any help from false accusations and innuendo. As big of a jerk as Diablo is, even the implication of his involvement in a murder is unconscionable. The truth is that Diablo claims to have been deposed as a witness in the Michael Skakel trial, which is entirely possible, because they were both at Elan School at the same time. There was a question as to whether Skakel had confessed to the murder of Martha Moxley while he was a student at Elan. Diablo involvement as a witness (if he actually did testify) was ancillary, and he had no involvement in the incident. It happened well before Skakel had entered the school, or met the other students (including Diablo).

            Finally, and most importantly, he has since we banned him, made contact with some of the readers of this blog, whose emails he acquired after contacting them as a member of the community forum. Our primary reason for getting rid of the forum, is because we could not prevent internet predators and trolls from gaining the trust, and potentially harming, other members. Not just with Diablo, but others, as well. If Diabo (or “heretikreb” or “cuggle” or any of his other aliases we are unaware of) has made contact with you, be aware of the type of person you are dealing with. Diablo, Danny Bennison, is a sick person, and he is aptly named.

            Diablo has been an AA for over twenty years. He has sponsored people and worked his way through the AA social circle. No doubt those he sat next to in meetings, sponsored, gained trust from, and coached through the program; had no knowledge of his past, and most likely his present. A person who is inclined to drag a girl around on a rope with a car, has problems that stem well beyond drinking. Clearly, just judging from actions here on our blog, his manipulation and abuse never really ended. At least with us, it was simply head games on the internet, which makes him fairly harmless (unless any of you were foolish enough to share email or telephone information). In AA, it is different. This is a person you are told to trust, that his – not your – judgment is what matters. This is who you are asked to give yourself over to. This Diablo is team McGowdog’s, but there are tens of thousands of Diablos throughout AA. This is the guy sitting next to you at a meeting.

            - MA

            Elan School

    Wayne Kernochan wrote:

        .Danny's Hate: Manifesto.
        My name is Daniel Bennison, I was in Elan from 6/75 till 1/77 as a resident and a employee from 1/77 till 11/78.

        I bring this up because of past and recent events and interactions with other residents. Guys this will be the last post I do to defend really (the indefensible) the abuse committed while I was affiliated with Elan. Whooter has informed me that he is writing a book and that I am in it on Chap. 5 because of abuses on committed at Elan while as a employee. This was my response to him after being told this,"I want you to quote this in your book. I did not say I did not abuse kids because I did as a resident and a employee. As a resident I fought in the ring for the house, screamed at folks during GM's, during a haircut, encounter groups and screamed at folks shot down while walking the house.As a employee I committed all of the abuse I mentioned above plus directed residents to verbally assault and demean residents. Did I physically abuse people, ? Yes. Now does this make me a better person then the next employee,? Yes it really does. All I am doing here is stating a fact."John has also taken the liberties of threatening me with exposer concerning accusations of abuse and that I had committed while staff, with 5 or more witnesses to these incidents.I don't think that you folks really want a all out war of words on this site but on the other hand I can see where it is constructive to have a resident call out a staff member of Elan who posts here, on supposed abuses. I don't mind that a book is being written about Elan and the abuses Staff committed. Just remember though I will not apologize to anyone for any abuses I did commit.There was enough bullshit that happened from 75-78 for me to have given a lifetime of nightmares to others, without anyone making me do something I truly don't mean. John says I was Staff/Ass.Director (E-7). I was staff/Ass.Director E-7 from 2/78 till 8/78, I transferred to a different position/different house till 11/78. I am curious as to how John knows I arrived at E-7 in 1978. Anyway I post here and I am open to conversation, you would think that John would use my information to his advantage, for he is also an abuser of others. there are also other staff and Ass. directors who have information that would help in exposing Elan, John and Felice are both frauds, As far as the dragging incident I am not nor will I be ashamed at programs and the courses it takes, I know that the once Fat Girl thanks me now. I will help any of you lose wight like here just call me,Now first off Felice is very well prepared for this sort of thing because she has been haunting this sites for over 10 years. The only thing one has to do is ask Felice about her family sibling, parents and children and you can see the abuse. Far after she left Elan and still present today. I will not get into specifics right now only to say her garbage is still going on. This is of her own making though she will blame everyone else a common trait of Art and herself. Then pick on other residents if their still not satisfied. Felice you are still very sick, you hang out with Art and you harass people. A nother side of Felice is her brilliance with Art, she is masterful, she also has great ability with filming herself in the wild, and last her passion is trolling survivor sites, Felice stay with your strengths and stop with the dirt business it is unbecoming of you, Felice is a much more horrible woman then any of us would dream of,That's right Felice and your still an idiot and maybe if you had not posted your crap, I would let you satisfy me and get me into the mood lady friend, you and I would be alright, but no you had to stoop to a disgusting level. So you keep posting away to prove your point. As far as I'm concerned you have no class what so ever. You call yourself a woman, please. Run to Art.

        And "Anne" I list you with them, your someone who know nothing about programs and Elan.

        As far as the car dragging incident, I did plenty of shit in the program that I don't regret now. Hell yes! You may already know this but Straight took the mutual- abuse thing to another level. A good portion of each day was spent abusing each other in group in one form or another. Virtually everyone there did shit to somebody else that they don't regret it now. I understand how people got caught up in that shit at Elan but I don't understand the why the car incident is such a big deal. You really don't upset me about it at all. I mean, I feel no guilty about poking people in the back, helping restrain people and confronting people. When I had dragged that girl behind a car, I held my head with pride and I would do everything I could keep helping people in programs. I would oppose programs that don't have some kind of abuses as part of the atonement for those sins of the residents, towards their family's and friends. I did't care then and I don't care now,it's the past, and I did what I had to do, and would gladly do it again ,

    Wayne Kernochan wrote:.Hi Dan, just thought I'd show you how fooled I was by your friendship request :roflmao:

    I sent this to Matt

        June 19
        Wayne Kernochan

        Danny has a writer on his Face Book wall. I told you he was up to something. He's writing a book

        Since he's noy talking about it I'm sure he's setting me up, but for what? He gave me permission to publish it

        He's a moron if he thinks I believe this shit

    Then you sent this to me

        June 20Danny Bennison
        I was sent this post from "I went to Elan"
        This from Matt, am I missing What is the matter with K Lynn and Matt.
        When did I start writing a book, I don't know if I even know how.
        Though you would find interest in this.

        Matt Hoffman wrote:
        "danny bennison is writing a book ...good grief...trying to make money on the pain of survivors and , wait a minute didn't you create survivors while you worked at elan, at least thats what I got out of a book called A life gone Awry : My Story about the Elan School by Wayne Kernochan.

        Hey danny you are the best.... I mean isn't that kinda like screwing the pooch and then trying to sell the puppies.The unmitigated gall, no danny I am not on your level at all. and yes iI am better than you because I am a caring compassionate human being that has a conscience, no old boy I am not like you or on your level by any means.

        At least I don't steal air by breathing. And danny whats your point about not liking me ,do you think I really give a hoot about that , I don't see you as even human ,why would that bother me that you don't like me ,you are so stupid it is utterly amazing ."

    Then I sent this to Matt

        August 5
        Wayne Kernochan

        Dude, check this out from fornits :)

        by DannyB II » Yesterday, 20:48

        The book is about a character that is supposed to resemble me. But make no mistake that book is not about me. Wayne had a message he wanted to get out, he used whatever resources that were at his disposal. I accept that.
        I know the truth and really that is all that really matters at this point.
        I hope people benefit from the book, that it allows them to purge their demons (as Wayne did). If using me helps survivors fine then it was all worth it.
        Am I a martyr? No! I am no victim either. I just can not control what others want to do.
        As crazy as this sounds I support Wayne and his journey, I mean this sincerely.
        As far as you go None Ya, I didn't care a year ago what you thought and it hasn't changed much today.
        Take care.

    And this

        August 6
        Wayne Kernochan
        He has no idea. I want people to wonder why I'm not responding.

        Wait and watch my friend. He's leading himself to the slaughter. I got a few things for his ass.

    Then Go Go Rach said this

        Go Go Rach says

        Hi ALL!

        Marry Danny Bennison? Really. Ew.

        Hi Wayne! Congratulations on your book!

        Sally, yes. I do think that was what it was about, until he realized he could not control me, even though I was in a bad situation.

        DeCon. My friend. Oh how I miss you and our chats!

        One other thing I ought to note here is that Danny said he wanted me to help him to write a book to defend himself against this one. He said he was paying me to do research, which I did do. I read this book on Facebook and spent hours online reading all the weird stuff he writes.

        I even defended him to FTG and tried to get her to see him in the light that he showed me, which was a nice guy, who went through a bunch of crap and wanted to make up for it.

        I told him I would be happy to help him out, but that he needed to promise that he would stop posting online because he wasn’t helping the situation. He agreed, while he was posting…when I was told that he had not made good on our agreement, he lied to me…so. There it is.

        Holy Crap. I haven’t felt this awful, since, well, I walked away from A.A.


        *hangs head in shame*
        September 11, 2011, 7:21 am

    And, waaaaay before that we had this little exchange, remember?

        Danny Bennison:
        Dude your a idiot and you have me all wrong, you keep trying to make this a violent conversation that is not my thing Wanye, that is obviously what you do. No I will just let my lawyer take care of you. Your not going to lie about me and get away with it. I have the money to take care of my business.
        I never physically hurt anyone as a employee. Period.

        Danny Bennison:
        Wanye I never threatened anybody, Matt stabbed a good friend of mine at Elan.
        What I said to him was a joke whether you want to believe that or not.
        All I'm asking you is to stop slandering me, dummy I am from Connecticut.

        Wayne Kernochan:
        Good. I look forward to getting up in court and telling the world what you are. You beat on people you cruel bastard. I was there. I saw you.
        You're in Connecticut? Is that a threat? Bring it on little man.

    Wayne Kernochan wrote:

        Danny, are you a writer? Or are you just stalking Wayne across the internet trying to refute what he says in his book? Because quite frankly, this is a site for WRITERS, not flame wars.

        Wayne doesn't promote his book here. For one, 'promotion' doesn't really apply to free books. Second, this site isn't about book promotion. Wayne has, however, discussed his book here with his peers in the writing community, and his story was gripping enough to cause many of us to check into the history of Elan School and the charges against it.

        Here's the major facts as they apply here to this site:

        1--If you're here to refute Wayne's book, you're here under false pretenses. You are a cyber stalker, cluttering up a writer's forum with your own personal agenda.

        2--No one here cares about who you are, what your history is, or what you did or did not do at Elan. No one here cares if you remember Wayne or not. His book is about what HE remembers from Elan, not you, and it is not his responsibility to compensate for your lack of memory regarding him.

        3--It's not our responsibility to investigate the 'war of words' you're having with Wayne beyond what occurs on this site. And, quite frankly, I find it so utterly, horribly creepy that ANYONE would cyber-stalk a victim of abuse and challenge him to verify that abuse or corroborate it in some way that I can honestly say all you're doing is undermining yourself. This behavior is the behavior of an abuser, not a victim. So all you've accomplished with this at least as far as I'm concerned is to confirm everything that Wayne has said--a confirmation, I might add, that has been already provided by hundreds of other Elan victims across the internet.

        I'd suggest that it is in your best interests to stop the stalking and just let it drop, Danny. You're not doing yourself any favors with this behavior. All you're doing, in fact, is making his case for him. I would assume that's not your intent?

        Let it go. And leave the Elan controversy on the Elan sites, instead of dragging them onto writers' forums that aren't involved.

        Best wishes for your future endeavors.

    Wayne Kernochan wrote:.

        DannyB II wrote:

            Wayne Kernochan wrote:Do you want me to link to all the Face Book groups I posted this in?

        Absolutely please everyone. Keep going don't stop to ask me. You are defaming me and slandering me why should you stop. Your disregard for the truth should never slow you down.

        Claimant is incapable of further defamation–e.g., the claimant's position in the community is so poor that defamation could not do further damage to the plaintiff. Such a claimant could be said to be "libel-proof", since in most jurisdictions, actual damage is an essential element for a libel claim. Essentially, the defense is that the person had such a bad reputation before the libel, that no further damage could possibly have been caused by the making of the statement

        WA Sez…”I just posted a response over there. A person over there is saying yeah abuses happen everywhere. But when those abuses happen you have a place to go to make sure the person is held accountable, not so in aa.”

        WA sez – The person responding over there dismissing the abuse is Danny Bennison, a former troll here who we banned. Read about him here. This is not a nice guy, so be careful engaging him. He’s a sick person.

        AnnaZed says

        Different Danny Violet, that’s Danny S who is a bit whack but not in my opinion a dangerous psycho like out Danny B; whole ‘nuther ball game really.

        just sayin’

        A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School, is now available on Amazon. I have not read the whole book, but I have skimmed over the parts that reference one of our resident trolls, Danny Bennison (aka; Diablo/Cuggle/Quagmire/Claude). Currently, he’s cyber-stalking some of our readers, and is taking up residence with two other AA stooges and ST trolls, Mondotuna and A.A. Alfie, over at the JREF forum. They’re just like the Three Amigos, if the Three Amigos suffered from delusion and sociopathy.

        This must be a proud moment in Danny’s career. It’s one thing to gain recognition as an assclown on internet blogs and forums, but quite another to have a book written about him, chronicling his real-life victimization of vulnerable teenagers. Congratulations, Danny!

        Posted in Kooks.

        Tagged with a life gone awry, A.A. Alfie, danny bennison, elan school, jackasses, mondotuna, nutjobs, sociopathy, trolls.

    Wayne Kernochan wrote:He can't get enough of the cyber thrill of abusing me online any more. He's gone completely insane. When he thought I'd never say what happened back in Elan, he thought he had me again. When I told it, I was free of him forever.

    It's kinda nice.

        Danny isn't the only one posting from his profile. The grammar and spelling are too good. I think it's Marc Rosenberg. If the things I read about him are true he'd be interested in preventing Danny from calling a lawyer. An investigation into sex abuse at Elan might kick up his name. Even if he was falsely accused it's going to be investigated. It wouldn't look good for him if I'm right

    I'd like to know more about the checks Danny gets from his investment in the race track. That'd be nice

        So long Forniters. I think I'm finally done here

        I may sneak in to edit. I'm an editer, dinna tell ya?

        Wayne's sexual fanatsies Of DannyB

        by DannyB II » Yesterday, 20:48

        I don't know what else to say. I am fucking young girls, making boys blow me and fucking Wayne in the ass. Shit this is better then Sodom and Gomorrah. I had a real Roman orgy going on.
        I just wonder who will play Danny in this adaptation of "The Orgy of Poland Springs".

        Nothing helps you defend your good name like child rape jokes Dan
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Stand and fight, till there is no more.

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Re: Defending Danny B.
« Reply #578 on: October 15, 2011, 07:42:33 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The troubled teen industry is ineffective because advocates are after money, fame or are as abusive as the programs they\'re fighting

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Re: Defending Danny B.
« Reply #579 on: October 16, 2011, 05:03:59 AM »
Straight from the horses ass himself[attachment=0:2d4o07wv]WAYNE 9.mp3[/attachment:2d4o07wv]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: Defending Danny B.
« Reply #580 on: October 16, 2011, 10:26:24 AM »
Susan Schofield II wrote:
Okay, no more posting from the Elan Survivor Group on can all come on Bipolar Nation Radio and talk with each other about your issues inside of abusive residential facilities... but I don't want you attacking each other because it's not productive. Everyone here is in the same boat and think of all the kids currently inside of these facilities that are going through what all of you went through years ago?
Like · · 14 hours ago ·

 Wayne Kernochan Too late. Danny took what Lee said and is posting it all over the internet and saying I was stalking and abusing Lee, and that I tried to rape her
        14 hours ago · Like

        Wayne Kernochan Thanks guys. You've given the man who abused and raped me ammunition to abuse me some more
        14 hours ago · Like

       Coin Allen Richard Isacc is Danny Bennison so he's stalking and abusing right here on your wall.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Defending Danny B.
« Reply #581 on: October 16, 2011, 06:29:44 PM »
Is susan starting to see that Wayne is a real whack job?
Will Danny be accused of being even more people?
Will sombody step forward and say "I raped Wayne"?
Does anybody really want to rape Wayne?
Will I be able to prove that I'm not Danny?
tune in.............
 :jerry:  :jerry:  :jerry:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #582 on: October 16, 2011, 06:54:08 PM »
« Last Edit: November 02, 2011, 09:22:42 AM by cum guzzler »

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Re: Defending Danny B.
« Reply #583 on: October 17, 2011, 10:55:23 PM »
So now it turns out that Susan Schofield has a financial intrest in Wayne's book!? This just keeps getting better.He goes on her show,spews a bunch of second hand stories that are not even in the book,and then give the host a cut of the book. This wasn't an interview,but rather an info-mercial.I'm tellin' you folks, we just keep gettin' hosed.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Defending Danny B.
« Reply #584 on: October 18, 2011, 03:57:16 AM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Re: Defending Danny B.

Postby Troublemaker » 28 minutes ago

    Troublemaker wrote:

        Wayne Kernochan wrote:In the beginning he was posing as a survivor in a survivor group

        In the end I got Danny to admit to raping one resident, and beating four more into false confessions that ruined Wayne Weaver. Danny says Peter McCann made him do it. My friendship with him was very successful. But I wasn't fooled by him for a second. I swear by everything that is pertinent to his crimes against us in 1978, and his continuation of abuse online

        Take the time to read this and you'll see that Danny is still a stalker and abuser. He does it online now.Believe what I say or don't, I can't change that. His sexual language prior to my accusation is very telling. Anyway, let's not skip over his admission to raping Yvette

            Wayne Kernochan said:
            While I was posting chapters on the book page I was taking out the sexual abuse because I saw what a clod and abuser he still is. It's embarrassing enough talking about being raped without your abuser being an internet joke.

            Think about what he would have done to Anne in the middle of the woods of Maine, with the power he had

            He wasn't a joke in 1978. He was a nightmare

            Paul "I" am not in a tight spot because "I" am not in your world Paul. Why do I care at this point what Wayne says, if it is not factual then it is easily dealt with. Yes I was caught off gaurd as I'm sure anyone would have been but what doesn't kill you only makes ya stronger. I've have all my ducks in a roll now, so life moves on.

            Paul realize I am not here for the social party so therefore I don't concern myself with my exchanges. example; You started it, you finsh it, I'm in a tight spot ect..... WTF.

            I am just going to try to get this clear. You are not here for the "social party", and therefore you are not concerned with exchanges( those things you constantly participate in)

            and your example is " you started it, you finish it" - a universal idea, that spreads far outside of forum exchanges.

            Indeed, you are so against exchanges, by which I mean a conversation, and against finishing what you start, that the idea of it makes you exclaim "What the Fuck!", while rolling on the floor laughing.


            I always seem to have trouble understanding you.......

            If you folks want to run around crying about how a 17 year old kid/staff member abused you, by all means go for it. But ya see that is not what your doing, (lack of integrity) you know damn well I was no more a staff member for a treatment center then I President of the United States[/u].



            December 8, 2009
            Wayne Kernochan
            Hey, you have Danny Bennison as a member. He was my director. What's his story?

            December 8, 2009
            Sharon Gaines
            omfg i knew he was a lair
            please go get him and expose him at

            December 8, 2009
            Wayne Kernochan
            I have no anger towards the man anymore Sharon. But he was one of the worst abusers. He took pleasure in it.

            He tied Mary Jones to the back of a car and dragged her around the grounds. He was the one who drilled holes in the paddle for spankings to draw blood.

            I would leave him alone for now to see what he's up to

            Wayne Kernochan wrote:From Reddit

                –]CryerZ 1 point 1 hour ago

                I wish who ever is deleting my posts would stop it. You don't seem to have a problem posting that I raped and sodomized people. What I am posting is factual backed up by evidence. These messages show the true character of Wayne Kernochan. How could any survivor do this. He is not a survivor and I am sick and tired of being abused by him. My survivor status is clear and documented.

                Liar liar liar lair

            These have been reported, don't bother deleting them Dan

                16 minutes ago
                Danny Bennison wrote:

                How can you say you are impartial when you PM me from a facebook account that says Wayne and you.
                Susan, Wayne is after damage control, period. You are one of his pawns. I would of thought more from you but as I can see his charm has you smittened too.
                This guy has spenty the l;ast week threatening me, accussing me of rape and sodomy, threatened my sister and her daughter and spoke very unkindly of my brothers murdered son. This all in the last week.
                All because I rebutted his book on fornits.
                Now you ask me to have a conversation with a guy like this, you don't even know him or who he really is.
                Wayne is a liar, not one person has ever in two years come forward and said they know him, ever.
                Many folks no me and know about me while I was there and not one has ever characterized as Wayne has in that book.
                No Susan, I will not have anything to do with Wayne trying to capitalize off his Book of fucking lies.
                Here are some emails this manipulating, lying twisted fool sent me on Fornits. Now know one thing that as fast as Wayne does something his reaction is faster.

            I never accused you of sodomy Dan. But you do seem preoccupied with my ass

                Re: Lies Told by (Wayne K) that went Awry of Elan!
                ... never mentioned that. You also said at that very time you drove Cabs in NYC. How the in the heck can you do both. Wayne I am going to be up your ass from here on out, everything you try people will know that you are the "James Frey" of the internet. Until you come clean the campaign ...

                Re: The rape of Yvette P by Danny Bennison
                I will Wayne because there is nothing, I mean nothing, you can pull out of your ass that will convince any one here that you can tell the truth. So please go get somebody call them Yvette or whoever you want and parade them around. Have the Attorney General ...

                Re: Defending Danny B.
                ... about the procedures concerning the boxing gloves, getting the boxing gloves, setting up the ring ect.... As usual you are talking out your ass and someone is feeding you this information. Oh and anyone can google the Prison in Enfield.

                Re: Lies Told by (Wayne K) that went Awry of Elan!
                ... way, I can not say what will happen to your image and reputation you have worked so hard to fabricate. Your thumbdrive is usually right up your ass along with what you call your brain. Trust me no body cares about your thumb or the emails.

            Why? Because you want to embarrass me into shutting up about what you did to me. The day Danny sent me the private message saying our friendship was over he finally realized who I am. He was on the phone talking about Tracey Robbin's ass and I went silent. He sensed something and hung up

                I do remember the whole Wayne Weaver screwing this girl and that girl and Peter McCann dogging me about doing something about it. You know that Peter was the official Director of this house when I first got there.
                Denise had a fit over that whole fiasco.

                March 28Danny Bennison
                Yvette Portella
                Just some inside information, Yvette and I had a thing while we were residents, while I was in re-entry and while I was staff. Which is one of the reasons why I left E-7 so abruptly. Yes we did hook up after she left, her brother almost killed me along with her cousins they did not like white guys in New Haven.
                This is the truth, I loved her a great deal. I got my heart broken big time.
                Hey I don't want to fight with you. I am asking for forgiveness for crimes I can't remember, honestly Wayne. I have had sleepless nights trying to remember you, I don't. I have a family and a business so I am very careful about things that would harm them. I know you can understand this.
                Lets just lay the swords down and let this go for a while and work at shutting Elan down. Maybe in time we can see more of each others souls through our writings here. Many of the people that support your book are my friends some are not. But they asked me how I felt about them supporting your book, I said go for it this is between Wayne and I. Ya see Wayne no one else has wrote a book we could show people so they could read what went on in Elan. Not as explicit as yours. You know your not done writing there is so much more to tell. You are a great writer and Elanians need someone like you to tell their story, please collaborate with others get the real info and get it out there. I believe until Sharon, Jeff and Marty see their names written out their they won't shut down Elan.
                Thanks for reading if you did,

                Take care

                Yvette was an underage resident in your care and you had the power to beat and torture her. She had no choice but to be "in a relationship" with you. That's called rape you fucking piece of shit.

                In your mind it might not be, but in legal terms it is.

                The same as your "relationship" with Cathy and Willie

                Go ahead and deny it you child molesting turd. I reported this PM to Face Book when you sent it.

                Who else were you "in a relationship" with when you were the ass director?

                Is that why you won't call the 108 precinct and report me for criminal libel?

                If I'm lying they'll throw me in jail and your name will be cleared Dan.

                You're guilty. There's no doubt to anyone reading

                For those who don't know, Danny stood Yvette in front of a GM and asked the men "If I walked out of here and let you people do what you want, who would rape this bitch? The guys all raised their hand, including me, because if we didn't we would have gotten tortured and beaten

                This was also shortly after the rumor that Joe Ricci and Jeff Gottlieb let a girl and a gay kid get raped and beaten by two convicted sex offenders.

                So, Dan, where did Yvette live most recently? Mark can find her and clear your name

                We can get to the bottom of this

                Wayne Kernochan wrote:To sum up

                    Douglas Hannah
                    when i was in elan i was there from 1972 -1978.yes i do know yvette portella,she was in 7 with me.i do remember her.

                    Wayne Kernochan
                    How old was she?

                    Douglas Hannah
                    when yvette portella ,came to elan 7 she couldn't be no older then 15ys if some one had sex with her its called "RAPE ".how do i no because pam told me if i had sex with her i was going to jail,she was to young.
                    Unlike · · Share · 8 minutes ago

                    Douglas Hannah

                    there no reason to thank me those are the facts,she was to young hell i was just about 18ys i knew better,plus she from right here in Bridgeport .

                    Douglas Hannah
                    what grown ass man would want to have sex with a kid,now if a person held a position in elan as staff an did this they would be in big big trouble with the law because that resident was under there care.
                    49 minutes ago ·

                    Wayne Kernochan
                    Danny Bennison would and did. There are more victims. Now, maybe they'll speak out.

                    Thank you again pal
                    14 minutes ago ·

                    Douglas Hannah
                    HOLD UP,what are you saying.

                    Wayne Kernochan
                    Danny admitted to it
                    13 minutes ago

                    Douglas Hannah
                    there has to be a mistake,i will try an ask Danny myself did he rape Yvette.i was wandering why he told me i did not no her.when she was there with me.i need to show this to her people .
                    8 minutes ago

                    Wayne Kernochan
                    He admitted it three or four times on Fornits. But he said she was 19.

                    Douglas Hannah
                    there is no way she could have been 19,not in way.

                    Douglas Hannah
                    wayne i thought you an danny were best of friends.together fighting the good fight,willing to take on rapist,kids that are being,WOW just blows my mind.

                    Wayne Kernochan
                    Doug, I was playing him. I was after information about his sex crimes and I got it. I sent you a private message, check it out

                    Wayne Kernochan
                    Hang on, what do you mean by "I have to show this to her people?"

                    Douglas Hannah
                    well don't you want her family to know what was done to her.

                    Wayne Kernochan
                    You know her family?

                    Douglas Hannah
                    Edwin rodriguez,knows yvettes family,willie bentenzes,knows her family,an they were both in parsonfield when danny was they both live in P.T.Barnum apts.right here in Bridgeport.

                    Wayne Kernochan
                    Edwin was in 7 with me. He left when I was new.If the family can get you in touch with her, have her call me would you? Danny put her in front of a GM and asked the house if he let the house do what they wanted, who would rape her?

                    I raised me hand. We all did because we knew he would beat us for not raising our hands.

                    She looked scared out of her mind. I never forgot the look on her face. I want to say I'm sorry. Yvette was one of the few good things in that fucking place and I've never forgiven myself for that. If she doesn't want to talk to me, tell her I'm sorry.

                    Douglas Hannah
                    i will be out in the streets so i will run into some one who can put a hand on this .so lets find out were she is .tuesday is a good day to start.

                Danny sexually assaulted two residents in Elan Seven and they want him to take me to court so they can say so under oath. One is Cathy Collins and the other is Willie Garcia

                I didn't see it, but II believe it

                I believe them, but I don't care if they're making it up, I want to see your face when they say it Dan

                Let's face it, you'll never take me to court you worthless rapist piece of shit. You knew they were waiting to nail you

                I shouldn't have mentioned their names in that discussion

                Now if you don't sue me everyone will know its true. I'm accusing you of a sex crime

                You know where I live, please serve me. I'm waiting. I look forward to it

            My opening for Susan's show

                Thank you Susan,

                When I was on your show last time, I spoke about my book, A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School, which is a true story of my time there from 1978-1980. At that time I was friends with my abuser, Daniel Lee Bennison, and he gave me permission to have my publisher release the book in e-reader and paperback on Amazon, Barnes&Noble, and on my publisher's site,

                When I became friends with Danny people questioned my sanity because he is an internet stalker and abuser, and his actions in the past have ranged from bad to criminal. If you Google search Danny Bennison and Elan you will understand what I mean. He hasn't changed one bit from the days he beat and abused us in Elan. My friends were worried about me and rightly so.

                What they didn't know is that I had become friends with Danny to gather information. I hadn't told the whole story in my book. There was much more.

                Together Danny and me started an Elan survivor group on Face Book, and to the world we looked like the epitome of forgiveness. People told me how much it meant to them that he and I were able to forget the past and fight abusive programs like Elan together. Danny seemed like a changed man, and my ego took over. I began to believe that I had helped to cure him of the sickness that was inside him, but that came crashing down one day.

                Danny has repeatedly told me that he doesn't remember me, and my therapist told me that was very possible because to him I was an object. That changed when we spoke on the telephone. He hung up on me abruptly one day, and sent me a private message on Face Book saying that our friendship was finished.. He wanted to keep it private, but I posted it on a few of his favorite groups and blogs, and Danny began his campaign against my book. After having given me permission to print the book, he then said it was a lie, and that I had never been to Elan. This is important because he sensed that I may actually come forward and tell the stories of his sex crimes against children in his care. Before Danny hung up on me that day he hesitated, and stammered, when he finally realized who I am.

                On the website fornits, Danny admitted to raping one resident, and didn't deny raping another, and that was because he was too busy denying that he forced a young boy to give him oral sex. His admission to raping the girl wasn't really an admission. He said he was in a relationship with her. I pointed out that a 15 year old girl cannot give consent, so he claimed she was 19. When I brought a witness who knew her forward who said she was in fact 15, he started a thread saying that Doug is a liar, and titled it “Wayne K's witness to Rape and Sodomy, Doug Hannah”

                This is important because I never accused him of sodomy. I accused him of rape, and I accused him of forcing a young boy to give him oral sex. Sodomy was never mentioned. The title of his discussion on fornits is Danny's second admission of guilt, and it means he remembers me because I was the one he sodomized.

                I was ashamed to say what he did to me but after he realized who I am he became particularly vicious. His attacks became anti gay, and very sexual. Search the fornits site and you will see subtle innuendos like, “I'm going to be up your ass,” and “What are you going to pull out of your ass next” and “I'm going to strip you naked,” and more. Anyone who is familiar with Danny's attacks will agree that this is his way of trying to embarrass me into not saying anything about what he did to me.

                Today I could care less. Danny won't go to jail or be sued because the statute of limitations is up for his crimes in Elan. I'm not saying these things for money because there won't be any. I also don't say this to defame him. He can't be defamed. I confronted him about the sex crimes he committed on fornits and the people there weren't surprised at all. His reputation is such that I couldn't make him look worse.

                Danny's language is foul. He's been reported on Face Book for calling me a faggot, a bitch, a cunt, and a punk, among other things. He has threatened to send people to my house, and when I said online that I was going to the celebration in NYC for the closing of Elan he was reported for posting that new York is dark, and bullets are cheap. Danny doesn't scare me but I have private messages from women who are. He has threatened many of them.

                Abusive ex staff members troll the internet looking for their victims, so they can bully them and shut them up. One such example is the Face Book group, I survived the horrors of Aspen Ranch, a fake survivor group that ex staff member like Amber Speiss and Steve Burr use to bully survivors who come there in an effort to keep them from connecting and corroborating the statements of other survivors who have lawsuits against Aspen Group. They should both be investigated for tampering with possible witnesses. This is a serious crime.

                Unlike Danny, they haven't been accused of sex crimes, but the 2000 violence against women’s act, made internet stalking a part of the federal stalker law. Yet it goes on with impunity. It needs to be enforced.

                Thank you

            You have no idea how much I have on you Dan. I've been watching you for years

            Enjoy the show you rapist piece of shit

            Wayne Kernochan wrote:

                Danny Bennison said

                When Michael finally came back to start his residency and was subjected to the abuse he went through at first I felt he deserved this (I know this is sick on so many levels) because I believed he knew who killed Martha (I still do)

                Wayne Kernochan wrote:
                So, because you "believed" he knew who killed her, Mike deserved to be abused.

                Then you were ready to testify against him even though the statement was beaten out of him

                You were a piece of shit then and you're a piece of shit now


                This speaks volumes about Danny Bennison. He thought Mike Skakel deserved to be abused because he knew who killed Martha. He raped Cathy because he believed she was a slut and a pig. He forced Willie to give him oral sex because Danny believed he was a faggot and a freak. He also knew (like a good predator) that they would not be believed.

            From 26 Mar 2010, in Name that Abuser/Director:
            "Anne this post will be one of my worst probably to date because I find you very disgusting down to your filthy avatar, which speaks volumes about you.
            No I will not talk to you about anything to do with Mary O'Brian, nor do I really want to discuss anything else with you.
            Your a douche bag, ya know the kind that provides a service and then when your done ya throw it away. Your time is over....bye. Only in your case the repulsive smell never goes away.
            You don't give a shit about these kids, you care about your 15 mins. of attention. How you look on Fornits, you make me sick. Your a publicity whore. You and Felice.....
            So please stay away from me...just fuck off.

            Please repost this over and over and stick on your bedroom mirror.

            K Lynn, Albert, Jerry aka Wayne K. cont. attacks.

            by DannyB II » Yesterday, 00:27
            K Lynn nothing more has to be printed because I will tell you exactly what I think of you right here in front of everybody. I truly believe you are a spiteful, angry lonely 50 year old woman who is over weight and considered by any body other then her family to be a unruly bitch. That's right I called you a bitch. You are a vindictive immature brat who has been trolling me for ever. All because I told you in a email (privately) that you were full of shit when you said you knew me.

            I don't know what else to say. I am fucking young girls, making boys blow me and fucking Wayne in the ass. Shit this is better then Sodom and Gomorrah. I had a real Roman orgy going on.
            I just wonder who will play Danny in this adaptation of "The Orgy of Poland Springs".

            DannyB II wrote:
            I'm creeping you You spread your legs in the open and you have the mouth to go with it.

                What the hell are you talking about? I get the potty mouth reference, but wtf is the spreading the legs deal? This is why people are seriously starting to wonder about your sanity.

            Annie darling you have no concept of just how crazy I am....LOL. That is what most like so much about me is my insanity. Your avatar Anne spread it wider.

    Wayne Kernochan wrote:

        .Meet Diablo, aka, Danny Bennison

            By Mark – April 6, 2011

            “Matty be careful I visit your hometowne [sic] with about 250 other AA men for a conference every May look it up. I should be seeing you in May. We just may corral you and before you know it you be brainwashed. Oh and If I forgot to tell you that I come to your hometown ( like I forgot to tell you about being a Ex-Ass. Dir.) sorry I was going to surprise you.

            Now I know you don’t want to start talking about the mother of your children do you Matt, please leave mine out of this conversation. I mentioned it for reference, she went on to post to Ursus. Not you.

            Matt whenever you want to crawl out of your whoa is me, the Ex Ass Dir is picking on me routine that would be nice. Your [sic] 51 now grow up. Remember you said that you worked thru [sic] this, well act like it.

            This is Danny now has been since 1978….So nice try so many others were there before you pulling this shit, read it Matt. What are you 15 again. If that is the case then please be serious for the sake of others. Matt you can’t spin this on me buddy sorry take your latent anger out on your counselors. I gave you every opportunity to get honest and you never did. Why because Matty did not want to look like he was siding with a Ass.Director in front of all his Elan resident buddies. Boy that would look horrible….Go back Matt to a phone call I had with you asking you why Mark was posting on facebook that I was a driver flunky for Joe. He knew I was a Ass. Director from my post on a site Sharon had. No this is the explanation you wanted to believe in order to hang out with me. Fine I could have accepted that if you had from the beginning just said I have a problem with associating with you because of.

            But you did not you chose a very disrespectful way trash me publically [sic], remember you started this publically [sic] I spoke first in private, so don’t go running around acting like your [sic] innocent.

            - Danny”

            “I have 21 yrs. in A.A. It does work if you work it.Stay in touch - Danny “

        The above quotes are from a guy named Danny Bennison, an AA with a spotted history, and a vicious mean streak. Currently, he writes for “McGowdoghouse,” a blog dedicated to this blog’s existence. His handle over there is “heretikreb,” but he is better known among those who peruse our comment section as “Diablo” (also “Cuggle,” and whatever other sockpuppet he may have slinked through our filter). Understanding the context of the quote requires a bit of background information, both of Diablo (Danny) and the recipient of the comment. It all started with Elan School.

        Elan is a private school in Maine, dedicated to helping wayward teenagers. It employs a type of therapy known as “therapeutic community,” which makes the 12-steps look like walk through the park. Its most famous alumnus is Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel, made famous for the murder of his neighbor, Martha Moxley – an act he committed prior to attending Elan. Like Michel Skakel, most of those housed there are from well-to-do families, with the current annual fees costing upwards of $50,000.

        Diablo was at Elan, starting in the mid-seventies, for almost three and a half years. First as a student, and later as a resident staff member. He made quite the impression on the other students, with threads in internet forums dedicated specifically to him, by former students of the school who characterize him with terms such as “monster.” People now in their fifties, were so traumatized by him, that multiple internet sites and forums have been started to help his victims connect and cope.

        One such student, Wayne Kernochan, was so traumatized by his experience at Elan School, that he wrote an online book about his and other students’ experiences there – with our resident troll, Diablo, as the central figure in the plot: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School. Among the many abuses chronicled in the book, was a time when Diablo tied a girl up and dragged her behind the back of his car. She was overweight, and this was Diablo’s method of convincing her to lose weight. As horrific as this sounds, it’s an incident to which Diablo fully admits, and for which he has no regrets. This is from an internet forum where Diablo engages his victims:

        “…As far as the dragging incident I am not nor will I be ashamed at programs and the courses it takes, I know that the once Fat Girl thanks me now. I will help any of you lose wight [sic] like here [sic] just call me….”

        What kind of sadistic ass-clown ties someone up and drags them around behind the back of a car? And with no remorse. This was written after he had written one of his “amends letters™” to those in this forum whom he had abused. Among the highlights in the amends letter™:

        “Wayne I also want to take this time to apologize for any and all harm I caused you either directly or indirectly. I was put in charge to care for you (whether Elan wanted me to do this or not) I knew that you needed to be protected and I failed horribly.

        I can only hope in time you can see just how sincere I am.

        Now I would also like to take the time to express my sincere apologies to others to have gone to Elan that I was unkind to and down right [sic] rude to over the last year or so. As I have said before I could not have prepared myself enough to understand the impact of emotions that stormed back into my life when I ventured onto this site and others concerning Elan.

        I did not handle the emotions from others well. I can only hope that Felice, Sharon, Matt, Mark, Wayne and others can forgive my intolerable behavior I displayed here and other sites a while back. My ongoing amends to you all has been to leave you alone and to empathize with your pain and how I can irritate this with my behavior.”

        Notice his mention of those who he had been “unkind to and down right [sic] rude to.” He’s making reference to his numerous meltdowns and continued degradation toward those who he had abused years ago. Today, most of these have been deleted by forum moderators, but there are still fragments of conversations – responses containing quotes from now deleted posts – which give a fairly clear picture of Diablo’s emotional instability. A quick google search of “Danny Bennison Elan” will give you a treasure trove of sociopathic-like behavior, both from Diablo’s words, and from the accounts of his victims. For years, Diablo has been trolling the forums set up to discuss him. His comments teeter from belligerence to apologetic. From anger, to amends™, and back to anger again. It’s the same bi-polar M.O. he operated under here. Often in the same, slogan-ridden language of AA – using the standard catch words and aphorisms. It makes Bill Wilson’s personality look like the epitome of stability. Diablo is just flat-out crazy.

        Every human has a few skeletons in their closet, and has people in their past they may have harmed and taken advantage of — but how many people have treated others so badly, they have forums dedicated to help their victims cope with the abuse that they’ve had imposed on them. Who has been so abusive in their life that someone from thirty years in their past decides to write a book about it? Who has friends in high school refer to them as a “monster”? How can this possibly be rectified in an amends letter™?

        We have debated whether or not to post about this, but we decided to do so for a few reasons. First, Diablo posted his name openly in our comment section, so the question of anonymity on his part was not a problem. We will not disclose anyone’s name publicly, even those with whom we disagree; and even someone as vicious as Diablo.

        Secondly, a rumor has started among a couple of people who were vaguely aware of Diablo’s identity, that he was somehow involved in a murder, which is not remotely true. Diablo has done enough to make himself look bad, without any help from false accusations and innuendo. As big of a jerk as Diablo is, even the implication of his involvement in a murder is unconscionable. The truth is that Diablo claims to have been deposed as a witness in the Michael Skakel trial, which is entirely possible, because they were both at Elan School at the same time. There was a question as to whether Skakel had confessed to the murder of Martha Moxley while he was a student at Elan. Diablo involvement as a witness (if he actually did testify) was ancillary, and he had no involvement in the incident. It happened well before Skakel had entered the school, or met the other students (including Diablo).

        Finally, and most importantly, he has since we banned him, made contact with some of the readers of this blog, whose emails he acquired after contacting them as a member of the community forum. Our primary reason for getting rid of the forum, is because we could not prevent internet predators and trolls from gaining the trust, and potentially harming, other members. Not just with Diablo, but others, as well. If Diabo (or “heretikreb” or “cuggle” or any of his other aliases we are unaware of) has made contact with you, be aware of the type of person you are dealing with. Diablo, Danny Bennison, is a sick person, and he is aptly named.

        Diablo has been an AA for over twenty years. He has sponsored people and worked his way through the AA social circle. No doubt those he sat next to in meetings, sponsored, gained trust from, and coached through the program; had no knowledge of his past, and most likely his present. A person who is inclined to drag a girl around on a rope with a car, has problems that stem well beyond drinking. Clearly, just judging from actions here on our blog, his manipulation and abuse never really ended. At least with us, it was simply head games on the internet, which makes him fairly harmless (unless any of you were foolish enough to share email or telephone information). In AA, it is different. This is a person you are told to trust, that his – not your – judgment is what matters. This is who you are asked to give yourself over to. This Diablo is team McGowdog’s, but there are tens of thousands of Diablos throughout AA. This is the guy sitting next to you at a meeting.

        - MA

        Elan School

Last edited by Troublemaker on October 15th, 2011, 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

    phpBB Familiar Face
    phpBB Familiar Face
    Posts: 32
    Joined: October 9th, 2011, 10:24 pm


Re: Defending Danny B.

Postby Troublemaker » 26 minutes ago

    Troublemaker wrote:

        Wayne Kernochan wrote:

            .Meet Diablo, aka, Danny Bennison

                By Mark – April 6, 2011

                “Matty be careful I visit your hometowne [sic] with about 250 other AA men for a conference every May look it up. I should be seeing you in May. We just may corral you and before you know it you be brainwashed. Oh and If I forgot to tell you that I come to your hometown ( like I forgot to tell you about being a Ex-Ass. Dir.) sorry I was going to surprise you.

                Now I know you don’t want to start talking about the mother of your children do you Matt, please leave mine out of this conversation. I mentioned it for reference, she went on to post to Ursus. Not you.

                Matt whenever you want to crawl out of your whoa is me, the Ex Ass Dir is picking on me routine that would be nice. Your [sic] 51 now grow up. Remember you said that you worked thru [sic] this, well act like it.

                This is Danny now has been since 1978….So nice try so many others were there before you pulling this shit, read it Matt. What are you 15 again. If that is the case then please be serious for the sake of others. Matt you can’t spin this on me buddy sorry take your latent anger out on your counselors. I gave you every opportunity to get honest and you never did. Why because Matty did not want to look like he was siding with a Ass.Director in front of all his Elan resident buddies. Boy that would look horrible….Go back Matt to a phone call I had with you asking you why Mark was posting on facebook that I was a driver flunky for Joe. He knew I was a Ass. Director from my post on a site Sharon had. No this is the explanation you wanted to believe in order to hang out with me. Fine I could have accepted that if you had from the beginning just said I have a problem with associating with you because of.

                But you did not you chose a very disrespectful way trash me publically [sic], remember you started this publically [sic] I spoke first in private, so don’t go running around acting like your [sic] innocent.

                - Danny”

                “I have 21 yrs. in A.A. It does work if you work it.Stay in touch - Danny “

            The above quotes are from a guy named Danny Bennison, an AA with a spotted history, and a vicious mean streak. Currently, he writes for “McGowdoghouse,” a blog dedicated to this blog’s existence. His handle over there is “heretikreb,” but he is better known among those who peruse our comment section as “Diablo” (also “Cuggle,” and whatever other sockpuppet he may have slinked through our filter). Understanding the context of the quote requires a bit of background information, both of Diablo (Danny) and the recipient of the comment. It all started with Elan School.

            Elan is a private school in Maine, dedicated to helping wayward teenagers. It employs a type of therapy known as “therapeutic community,” which makes the 12-steps look like walk through the park. Its most famous alumnus is Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel, made famous for the murder of his neighbor, Martha Moxley – an act he committed prior to attending Elan. Like Michel Skakel, most of those housed there are from well-to-do families, with the current annual fees costing upwards of $50,000.

            Diablo was at Elan, starting in the mid-seventies, for almost three and a half years. First as a student, and later as a resident staff member. He made quite the impression on the other students, with threads in internet forums dedicated specifically to him, by former students of the school who characterize him with terms such as “monster.” People now in their fifties, were so traumatized by him, that multiple internet sites and forums have been started to help his victims connect and cope.

            One such student, Wayne Kernochan, was so traumatized by his experience at Elan School, that he wrote an online book about his and other students’ experiences there – with our resident troll, Diablo, as the central figure in the plot: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School. Among the many abuses chronicled in the book, was a time when Diablo tied a girl up and dragged her behind the back of his car. She was overweight, and this was Diablo’s method of convincing her to lose weight. As horrific as this sounds, it’s an incident to which Diablo fully admits, and for which he has no regrets. This is from an internet forum where Diablo engages his victims:

            “…As far as the dragging incident I am not nor will I be ashamed at programs and the courses it takes, I know that the once Fat Girl thanks me now. I will help any of you lose wight [sic] like here [sic] just call me….”

            What kind of sadistic ass-clown ties someone up and drags them around behind the back of a car? And with no remorse. This was written after he had written one of his “amends letters™” to those in this forum whom he had abused. Among the highlights in the amends letter™:

            “Wayne I also want to take this time to apologize for any and all harm I caused you either directly or indirectly. I was put in charge to care for you (whether Elan wanted me to do this or not) I knew that you needed to be protected and I failed horribly.

            I can only hope in time you can see just how sincere I am.

            Now I would also like to take the time to express my sincere apologies to others to have gone to Elan that I was unkind to and down right [sic] rude to over the last year or so. As I have said before I could not have prepared myself enough to understand the impact of emotions that stormed back into my life when I ventured onto this site and others concerning Elan.

            I did not handle the emotions from others well. I can only hope that Felice, Sharon, Matt, Mark, Wayne and others can forgive my intolerable behavior I displayed here and other sites a while back. My ongoing amends to you all has been to leave you alone and to empathize with your pain and how I can irritate this with my behavior.”

            Notice his mention of those who he had been “unkind to and down right [sic] rude to.” He’s making reference to his numerous meltdowns and continued degradation toward those who he had abused years ago. Today, most of these have been deleted by forum moderators, but there are still fragments of conversations – responses containing quotes from now deleted posts – which give a fairly clear picture of Diablo’s emotional instability. A quick google search of “Danny Bennison Elan” will give you a treasure trove of sociopathic-like behavior, both from Diablo’s words, and from the accounts of his victims. For years, Diablo has been trolling the forums set up to discuss him. His comments teeter from belligerence to apologetic. From anger, to amends™, and back to anger again. It’s the same bi-polar M.O. he operated under here. Often in the same, slogan-ridden language of AA – using the standard catch words and aphorisms. It makes Bill Wilson’s personality look like the epitome of stability. Diablo is just flat-out crazy.

            Every human has a few skeletons in their closet, and has people in their past they may have harmed and taken advantage of — but how many people have treated others so badly, they have forums dedicated to help their victims cope with the abuse that they’ve had imposed on them. Who has been so abusive in their life that someone from thirty years in their past decides to write a book about it? Who has friends in high school refer to them as a “monster”? How can this possibly be rectified in an amends letter™?

            We have debated whether or not to post about this, but we decided to do so for a few reasons. First, Diablo posted his name openly in our comment section, so the question of anonymity on his part was not a problem. We will not disclose anyone’s name publicly, even those with whom we disagree; and even someone as vicious as Diablo.

            Secondly, a rumor has started among a couple of people who were vaguely aware of Diablo’s identity, that he was somehow involved in a murder, which is not remotely true. Diablo has done enough to make himself look bad, without any help from false accusations and innuendo. As big of a jerk as Diablo is, even the implication of his involvement in a murder is unconscionable. The truth is that Diablo claims to have been deposed as a witness in the Michael Skakel trial, which is entirely possible, because they were both at Elan School at the same time. There was a question as to whether Skakel had confessed to the murder of Martha Moxley while he was a student at Elan. Diablo involvement as a witness (if he actually did testify) was ancillary, and he had no involvement in the incident. It happened well before Skakel had entered the school, or met the other students (including Diablo).

            Finally, and most importantly, he has since we banned him, made contact with some of the readers of this blog, whose emails he acquired after contacting them as a member of the community forum. Our primary reason for getting rid of the forum, is because we could not prevent internet predators and trolls from gaining the trust, and potentially harming, other members. Not just with Diablo, but others, as well. If Diabo (or “heretikreb” or “cuggle” or any of his other aliases we are unaware of) has made contact with you, be aware of the type of person you are dealing with. Diablo, Danny Bennison, is a sick person, and he is aptly named.

            Diablo has been an AA for over twenty years. He has sponsored people and worked his way through the AA social circle. No doubt those he sat next to in meetings, sponsored, gained trust from, and coached through the program; had no knowledge of his past, and most likely his present. A person who is inclined to drag a girl around on a rope with a car, has problems that stem well beyond drinking. Clearly, just judging from actions here on our blog, his manipulation and abuse never really ended. At least with us, it was simply head games on the internet, which makes him fairly harmless (unless any of you were foolish enough to share email or telephone information). In AA, it is different. This is a person you are told to trust, that his – not your – judgment is what matters. This is who you are asked to give yourself over to. This Diablo is team McGowdog’s, but there are tens of thousands of Diablos throughout AA. This is the guy sitting next to you at a meeting.

            - MA

            Elan School

    Wayne Kernochan wrote:

        .Danny's Hate: Manifesto.
        My name is Daniel Bennison, I was in Elan from 6/75 till 1/77 as a resident and a employee from 1/77 till 11/78.

        I bring this up because of past and recent events and interactions with other residents. Guys this will be the last post I do to defend really (the indefensible) the abuse committed while I was affiliated with Elan. Whooter has informed me that he is writing a book and that I am in it on Chap. 5 because of abuses on committed at Elan while as a employee. This was my response to him after being told this,"I want you to quote this in your book. I did not say I did not abuse kids because I did as a resident and a employee. As a resident I fought in the ring for the house, screamed at folks during GM's, during a haircut, encounter groups and screamed at folks shot down while walking the house.As a employee I committed all of the abuse I mentioned above plus directed residents to verbally assault and demean residents. Did I physically abuse people, ? Yes. Now does this make me a better person then the next employee,? Yes it really does. All I am doing here is stating a fact."John has also taken the liberties of threatening me with exposer concerning accusations of abuse and that I had committed while staff, with 5 or more witnesses to these incidents.I don't think that you folks really want a all out war of words on this site but on the other hand I can see where it is constructive to have a resident call out a staff member of Elan who posts here, on supposed abuses. I don't mind that a book is being written about Elan and the abuses Staff committed. Just remember though I will not apologize to anyone for any abuses I did commit.There was enough bullshit that happened from 75-78 for me to have given a lifetime of nightmares to others, without anyone making me do something I truly don't mean. John says I was Staff/Ass.Director (E-7). I was staff/Ass.Director E-7 from 2/78 till 8/78, I transferred to a different position/different house till 11/78. I am curious as to how John knows I arrived at E-7 in 1978. Anyway I post here and I am open to conversation, you would think that John would use my information to his advantage, for he is also an abuser of others. there are also other staff and Ass. directors who have information that would help in exposing Elan, John and Felice are both frauds, As far as the dragging incident I am not nor will I be ashamed at programs and the courses it takes, I know that the once Fat Girl thanks me now. I will help any of you lose wight like here just call me,Now first off Felice is very well prepared for this sort of thing because she has been haunting this sites for over 10 years. The only thing one has to do is ask Felice about her family sibling, parents and children and you can see the abuse. Far after she left Elan and still present today. I will not get into specifics right now only to say her garbage is still going on. This is of her own making though she will blame everyone else a common trait of Art and herself. Then pick on other residents if their still not satisfied. Felice you are still very sick, you hang out with Art and you harass people. A nother side of Felice is her brilliance with Art, she is masterful, she also has great ability with filming herself in the wild, and last her passion is trolling survivor sites, Felice stay with your strengths and stop with the dirt business it is unbecoming of you, Felice is a much more horrible woman then any of us would dream of,That's right Felice and your still an idiot and maybe if you had not posted your crap, I would let you satisfy me and get me into the mood lady friend, you and I would be alright, but no you had to stoop to a disgusting level. So you keep posting away to prove your point. As far as I'm concerned you have no class what so ever. You call yourself a woman, please. Run to Art.

        And "Anne" I list you with them, your someone who know nothing about programs and Elan.

        As far as the car dragging incident, I did plenty of shit in the program that I don't regret now. Hell yes! You may already know this but Straight took the mutual- abuse thing to another level. A good portion of each day was spent abusing each other in group in one form or another. Virtually everyone there did shit to somebody else that they don't regret it now. I understand how people got caught up in that shit at Elan but I don't understand the why the car incident is such a big deal. You really don't upset me about it at all. I mean, I feel no guilty about poking people in the back, helping restrain people and confronting people. When I had dragged that girl behind a car, I held my head with pride and I would do everything I could keep helping people in programs. I would oppose programs that don't have some kind of abuses as part of the atonement for those sins of the residents, towards their family's and friends. I did't care then and I don't care now,it's the past, and I did what I had to do, and would gladly do it again ,

    Wayne Kernochan wrote:.Hi Dan, just thought I'd show you how fooled I was by your friendship request :roflmao:

    I sent this to Matt

        June 19
        Wayne Kernochan

        Danny has a writer on his Face Book wall. I told you he was up to something. He's writing a book

        Since he's noy talking about it I'm sure he's setting me up, but for what? He gave me permission to publish it

        He's a moron if he thinks I believe this shit

    Then you sent this to me

        June 20Danny Bennison
        I was sent this post from "I went to Elan"
        This from Matt, am I missing What is the matter with K Lynn and Matt.
        When did I start writing a book, I don't know if I even know how.
        Though you would find interest in this.

        Matt Hoffman wrote:
        "danny bennison is writing a book ...good grief...trying to make money on the pain of survivors and , wait a minute didn't you create survivors while you worked at elan, at least thats what I got out of a book called A life gone Awry : My Story about the Elan School by Wayne Kernochan.

        Hey danny you are the best.... I mean isn't that kinda like screwing the pooch and then trying to sell the puppies.The unmitigated gall, no danny I am not on your level at all. and yes iI am better than you because I am a caring compassionate human being that has a conscience, no old boy I am not like you or on your level by any means.

        At least I don't steal air by breathing. And danny whats your point about not liking me ,do you think I really give a hoot about that , I don't see you as even human ,why would that bother me that you don't like me ,you are so stupid it is utterly amazing ."

    Then I sent this to Matt

        August 5
        Wayne Kernochan

        Dude, check this out from fornits :)

        by DannyB II » Yesterday, 20:48

        The book is about a character that is supposed to resemble me. But make no mistake that book is not about me. Wayne had a message he wanted to get out, he used whatever resources that were at his disposal. I accept that.
        I know the truth and really that is all that really matters at this point.
        I hope people benefit from the book, that it allows them to purge their demons (as Wayne did). If using me helps survivors fine then it was all worth it.
        Am I a martyr? No! I am no victim either. I just can not control what others want to do.
        As crazy as this sounds I support Wayne and his journey, I mean this sincerely.
        As far as you go None Ya, I didn't care a year ago what you thought and it hasn't changed much today.
        Take care.

    And this

        August 6
        Wayne Kernochan
        He has no idea. I want people to wonder why I'm not responding.

        Wait and watch my friend. He's leading himself to the slaughter. I got a few things for his ass.

    Then Go Go Rach said this

        Go Go Rach says

        Hi ALL!

        Marry Danny Bennison? Really. Ew.

        Hi Wayne! Congratulations on your book!

        Sally, yes. I do think that was what it was about, until he realized he could not control me, even though I was in a bad situation.

        DeCon. My friend. Oh how I miss you and our chats!

        One other thing I ought to note here is that Danny said he wanted me to help him to write a book to defend himself against this one. He said he was paying me to do research, which I did do. I read this book on Facebook and spent hours online reading all the weird stuff he writes.

        I even defended him to FTG and tried to get her to see him in the light that he showed me, which was a nice guy, who went through a bunch of crap and wanted to make up for it.

        I told him I would be happy to help him out, but that he needed to promise that he would stop posting online because he wasn’t helping the situation. He agreed, while he was posting…when I was told that he had not made good on our agreement, he lied to me…so. There it is.

        Holy Crap. I haven’t felt this awful, since, well, I walked away from A.A.


        *hangs head in shame*
        September 11, 2011, 7:21 am

    And, waaaaay before that we had this little exchange, remember?

        Danny Bennison:
        Dude your a idiot and you have me all wrong, you keep trying to make this a violent conversation that is not my thing Wanye, that is obviously what you do. No I will just let my lawyer take care of you. Your not going to lie about me and get away with it. I have the money to take care of my business.
        I never physically hurt anyone as a employee. Period.

        Danny Bennison:
        Wanye I never threatened anybody, Matt stabbed a good friend of mine at Elan.
        What I said to him was a joke whether you want to believe that or not.
        All I'm asking you is to stop slandering me, dummy I am from Connecticut.

        Wayne Kernochan:
        Good. I look forward to getting up in court and telling the world what you are. You beat on people you cruel bastard. I was there. I saw you.
        You're in Connecticut? Is that a threat? Bring it on little man.

    Wayne Kernochan wrote:

        Danny, are you a writer? Or are you just stalking Wayne across the internet trying to refute what he says in his book? Because quite frankly, this is a site for WRITERS, not flame wars.

        Wayne doesn't promote his book here. For one, 'promotion' doesn't really apply to free books. Second, this site isn't about book promotion. Wayne has, however, discussed his book here with his peers in the writing community, and his story was gripping enough to cause many of us to check into the history of Elan School and the charges against it.

        Here's the major facts as they apply here to this site:

        1--If you're here to refute Wayne's book, you're here under false pretenses. You are a cyber stalker, cluttering up a writer's forum with your own personal agenda.

        2--No one here cares about who you are, what your history is, or what you did or did not do at Elan. No one here cares if you remember Wayne or not. His book is about what HE remembers from Elan, not you, and it is not his responsibility to compensate for your lack of memory regarding him.

        3--It's not our responsibility to investigate the 'war of words' you're having with Wayne beyond what occurs on this site. And, quite frankly, I find it so utterly, horribly creepy that ANYONE would cyber-stalk a victim of abuse and challenge him to verify that abuse or corroborate it in some way that I can honestly say all you're doing is undermining yourself. This behavior is the behavior of an abuser, not a victim. So all you've accomplished with this at least as far as I'm concerned is to confirm everything that Wayne has said--a confirmation, I might add, that has been already provided by hundreds of other Elan victims across the internet.

        I'd suggest that it is in your best interests to stop the stalking and just let it drop, Danny. You're not doing yourself any favors with this behavior. All you're doing, in fact, is making his case for him. I would assume that's not your intent?

        Let it go. And leave the Elan controversy on the Elan sites, instead of dragging them onto writers' forums that aren't involved.

        Best wishes for your future endeavors.

    Wayne Kernochan wrote:.

        DannyB II wrote:

            Wayne Kernochan wrote:Do you want me to link to all the Face Book groups I posted this in?

        Absolutely please everyone. Keep going don't stop to ask me. You are defaming me and slandering me why should you stop. Your disregard for the truth should never slow you down.

        Claimant is incapable of further defamation–e.g., the claimant's position in the community is so poor that defamation could not do further damage to the plaintiff. Such a claimant could be said to be "libel-proof", since in most jurisdictions, actual damage is an essential element for a libel claim. Essentially, the defense is that the person had such a bad reputation before the libel, that no further damage could possibly have been caused by the making of the statement

        WA Sez…”I just posted a response over there. A person over there is saying yeah abuses happen everywhere. But when those abuses happen you have a place to go to make sure the person is held accountable, not so in aa.”

        WA sez – The person responding over there dismissing the abuse is Danny Bennison, a former troll here who we banned. Read about him here. This is not a nice guy, so be careful engaging him. He’s a sick person.

        AnnaZed says

        Different Danny Violet, that’s Danny S who is a bit whack but not in my opinion a dangerous psycho like out Danny B; whole ‘nuther ball game really.

        just sayin’

        A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School, is now available on Amazon. I have not read the whole book, but I have skimmed over the parts that reference one of our resident trolls, Danny Bennison (aka; Diablo/Cuggle/Quagmire/Claude). Currently, he’s cyber-stalking some of our readers, and is taking up residence with two other AA stooges and ST trolls, Mondotuna and A.A. Alfie, over at the JREF forum. They’re just like the Three Amigos, if the Three Amigos suffered from delusion and sociopathy.

        This must be a proud moment in Danny’s career. It’s one thing to gain recognition as an assclown on internet blogs and forums, but quite another to have a book written about him, chronicling his real-life victimization of vulnerable teenagers. Congratulations, Danny!

        Posted in Kooks.

        Tagged with a life gone awry, A.A. Alfie, danny bennison, elan school, jackasses, mondotuna, nutjobs, sociopathy, trolls.

    Wayne Kernochan wrote:He can't get enough of the cyber thrill of abusing me online any more. He's gone completely insane. When he thought I'd never say what happened back in Elan, he thought he had me again. When I told it, I was free of him forever.

    It's kinda nice.

        Danny isn't the only one posting from his profile. The grammar and spelling are too good. I think it's Marc Rosenberg. If the things I read about him are true he'd be interested in preventing Danny from calling a lawyer. An investigation into sex abuse at Elan might kick up his name. Even if he was falsely accused it's going to be investigated. It wouldn't look good for him if I'm right

    I'd like to know more about the checks Danny gets from his investment in the race track. That'd be nice

        So long Forniters. I think I'm finally done here

        I may sneak in to edit. I'm an editer, dinna tell ya?

        Wayne's sexual fanatsies Of DannyB

        by DannyB II » Yesterday, 20:48

        I don't know what else to say. I am fucking young girls, making boys blow me and fucking Wayne in the ass. Shit this is better then Sodom and Gomorrah. I had a real Roman orgy going on.
        I just wonder who will play Danny in this adaptation of "The Orgy of Poland Springs".

        Nothing helps you defend your good name like child rape jokes Dan

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Because you are a TROLL"