Since Wayne K. made the allegation why don't you ask him. Btw why don't stumble over to the Elan Facebook site "Elan The After Years" and pose this question, chicken shit.
None Ya you are a man with no balls and you hide behind your fake username and your undocumented barely 5 months in a treatment facility.
Dude you could not even hold my underwear, for christ sake.
Nah, still just me white trash. Tell you what, remember the game you and Whootie liked to play? Not the one with you sucking him off, but the other one. The one where you would make baseless claims about a person, and then claim it was contigent upon the person you accused to disprove your claim. You insisted if a person that if a person couldn't disprove your lie, it somehow made it true. Well now we're going to play that game.
You tied and dragged an inmate behind a car. You almost killed her. Prove that you didn't or the claim stands.