Author Topic: Unknown program in Calhoun County  (Read 18374 times)

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Comments: "Amerson says he asked for FBI investigation" #s 4
« Reply #30 on: April 25, 2011, 10:07:37 AM »
More comments left for the above article, "Amerson says he asked for FBI investigation" (by Cameron Steele; Apr 05, 2011; The Anniston Star), #s 41-60:

another1gone wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 07:09 PM
    Are you aware that Sheriff Amerson's stepson works in the video room at the county jail? Rumors has it that he was tired of the way his stepdad was treating his mother so he turned the video over the the Anniston Star. If this is true, THANKS and KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. The citizerns of Calhoun County deserve better than what they have in a sheriff.
Jesus_Hates_Sinners wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 07:22 PM
    The follower of Christ is in a lot of trouble:

    ANNISTON, Ala. (AP) - A woman has filed a federal lawsuit claiming her 14-year-old son was roughed up by Calhoun County Sheriff Larry Amerson in a jailhouse incident that was captured on videotape.

    Stacy Brown sued Tuesday claiming the sheriff mistreated her son, who she had enrolled in a "scared straight" program after he got in trouble at school. He was at the jail to learn a lesson.

    The lawsuit claims a jail officer threatened to kill Brown's son and called him a racial slur before he was taken into a small room where a video surveillance camera was running. The suit says it was inside that room that Amerson manhandled the boy, who was seated on a bench in handcuffs and shackles.

    Amerson says the FBI is reviewing the tape at his request.
arizonagirl wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 07:26 PM
    I have two interesting observations:

    One - Where is 'Honestgovernment' and his posts on this forum - on this subject? Interesting that he/she always has something to say to blast anyone who disagrees with law enforcement in this town.

    Two - Am I the only one reading these posts who honestly believes that the FBI is an unbiased and honorable 'independent and appropirate' group to be investigating its own?

    The type of behavior that goes on in the sherrifs office is anything but professional and appropriate.

    Amerson blatantly abused a juvinile and he should be placed in an orange and white jumpsuit with hands and feet shackeled and placed in the very jail where he committed this crime.
arizonagirl wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 07:29 PM
    In addition....maybe 'Honestgovernment' is not posting because he/she is way too close to this situation ......
another1gone wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 07:33 PM
    Somewhere I read in the Bible, BE SURE YOUR SINS WILL FIND YOU OUT, and another one, WHATSOEVER A MAN SOWETH, THAT SHALL HE ALSO REAP. What about, the golden rule, DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU? One thing that bothers me about the sheriff bragging about his christianity. I have always been of the opinion that a true Christian does not have go around wearing his religious belief on his sleeve or bragging about how good he/she is. Another bothersome thing, if the sheriff is such a great family man, where was his families at the press conference? Where was his pastor and church members? Where were all the deputies who work for him? I think these are fair comments and I hope the Anniston Star will not delete them. The sheriff is a public servant and has to answer to the citizens. This sitution is far from being over.
madmac013 wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 07:37 PM
    Here we go. The court of public opinion is now in session. Let's just skip due process, an investigation, and, if necessary, a trial. Let's go right to execution. None of us have all the facts. We can't even be sure if the Star released the entire video. Remember Rodney King? The press showed him being beaten by police officers. What the press chose not to show were the moments following up to that where King was throwing officers around like rag dolls because he was on PCP. That part wasn't shown until the trial. As far as I can tell, no one on this forum is a video expert or has seen the entire series of events leading up to this, or even after the event. Rumors an innuendo just make it worse. Keep your rumors to yourselves. Let's wait until all the facts come out before we make a decision. Even then, it will ultimately be up to a jury of his peers in a proper trial with a judge to decide.
heimsman wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 07:55 PM
    A Christian huh? He wasn't such a 'Christian' when he was married to his first wife. Changing tags on his county issued SUV to meet his girlfriend who is now his current wife. These meetings took place in secluded locations throughout the county, motels, side of the road and even at his office. It is amazing how a sheriff needed his 'administrative assistant' so much.
ImpartialTruth wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:09 PM
    Can we please stop with the Christian/non-Christian crap? It has absolutely no bearing on the outcome of this situation and I'm personally sick of these uneducated posts about who's committed what sin and who's going to hell and who's not. Judge, judge, judge. Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather know concrete facts than pass judgment.
honestgovernment wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:17 PM
    arizona girl, Yes I am close to this one and will tell you up front that Amerson is a friend. I don't turn my back on my friends. That being said I believe that there are some folks out to get Amerson and you have to weigh that with everything that is being leaked and postured.

    Would you rather any sheriff just tell everyone to kiss off and not bother them with trying to educate and keep folks out of jail? One really has to understand that the scared straight program is not part of the assigned duties but volunteer work by the officers to try to help kids. You won't have much luck changing the heart and mind of a gang banger by playing rook with them and serving them cupcakes.

    Is it better to just tell all the blacks to lump it and don't bother anyone till their kids get to age 18 and get indicted by the grand jury. I for one say no, we can help all people and races but they have to want help.

    Look at the State Troopers, do you think they give a rip about your age, race or trying to help you out, no you are just a pawn on thier chess board. Whether you like Amerson or not at least he was trying where no one else would.

    I can tell you for sure that the Star wants to stick Amerson in the back because he won't give them exclusive access to stories. See what happens to you when you stand up to the red star
coonhunter911 wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:33 PM
    Long Term Effects?

    What about the long term affects of this lawsuit? Lets say hypothetically the kid wins and Momma and him get rich off of you (the taxpayer) what kind of message is that gonna send to the rest of the juveniles in Calhoun County for that matter the rest of the country? If you get expelled from school then spit on law enforcement then you get to file a civil lawsuit reap millions and happy ever after?

    Is anyone considering the long term effects? There has to be a line somewhere just because you are a professional does not give other "non professionals" the right to act like animals then get treated like millionaires.

    Humans don't spit animals do so which is he?

heimsman wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:46 PM
    ImpartialTruth - The sheriff is the one who played the 'Christian' card on the video. I exercised my 1st amendment right by making note of his integrity and accountability.

    In God we trust, all other are investigated by the FBI.
coonhunter911 wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 09:10 PM
    Fascinating..... ... 2#42434542

This 8 year old gets maced by police after 3rd incident in school. What the helll are police suppose to do parents?

Start fining parents, start taking their tax refunds away, start taking their foodstamps away lil junior gets hungry enough he might start behaving. Rewarding them with lawsuits and this is why officers are getting mad and police brutality is on the rise not only do they have to police society but raise your spoiled brats as well.....

What happens when you violate our traffic laws? You get your liscense took away maybe we ought to take away "child credits" when Mom and Dad can't do their jobs.

planeman wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 06:35 AM
    Why should there be an investigation it's on video their spyware caught up with them and this is an example how they think they are above the law, from Mike in Atlanta.
Evil_Phillip_Tutor wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 07:23 AM
    This is just like our own StarriLeaks.

    Now all we have to do is find our Manning.
setsail98 wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 08:17 AM
    Well, well, well... Muslim wanna "b" Little makesto abdul's little frakus but is a NO SHOW for city business... Throw his arse under the bus!!! Funny, I don't remember any of those Abdul-ha nor kalah-haha types when I was growing up here.
nonhyphenatedAmerican wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 09:01 AM
    Hey Star online editor, what part of the truth in my post here didnt you like that caused you to delete it?
nonhyphenatedAmerican wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 09:07 AM
    Exactly setsail . Ole being little couldnt get enough media exposure doing good work for the city. But let him march and just like magic, there he is.
arizonagirl wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 10:22 AM
    planeman: EXACTLY - what needs to be investigated? The video does not lie.

    Honestgovernment: It is honorable for you to stand up for your friend.....however, just because your 'friend' is a Sherrif, does NOT give him the right to use physical violence or force on a juvinile. Amerson got caught doing what he has probably done for 16 years only this time it is on tape,undisputable truth, he is a bully, and a pathetic one at that, he is an adult, he should act like one!
1SGRock wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 11:32 AM
    WAKE UP!!! All of you Amerson suck-ups make me totally sick at my stomach! The real issue at hand is not the kid larry alledged to have violated his rights. Larry Dean Amerson isn't an angel either. The real issue is that Larry got caught on tape doing something that was wrong and you can't throw it under a rug and make like it never happened. I hate it that Larry has something on many of you and you kiss his arse to survive. He is a dishonest person who hides behind a badge. He has been reported before and I guess it pays to have others watching your back. This is hopefully not going away and lets hope the truth will come out and many will fall. I honestly don't give a damn charlotte. Calhoun County needs a real Sheriff who honestly cares about all of you and not just those who are on his payrole. He would burn you in a New York minute if given the cnahce because he is very vindictive. Just ask all of those honest people who were run off for being so. How may drug dealers do you know that hide behind a badge? Tell me, what is the difference between being dishonest and being dishonest with a badge on your breast? There are many Honest Police Officers & Deputies in this County that deserve proper recognition! Then there are those like Larry who just wear a badge! If you think any different, you honestly have not a clue!
peoplernuts wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 01:51 PM

    I am suprised to read that you are friends with the Sheriff. I figured you to be one of the many nut cases we have around here who is tied up in the same package with people like Ben Little, Debra Jones and Larry Barton. I find all of them and the Sheriff to be a JOKE!!!!!!!!

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Comments: "Amerson says he asked for FBI investigation" #s 6
« Reply #31 on: April 25, 2011, 10:15:50 AM »
Comments left for the above article, "Amerson says he asked for FBI investigation" (by Cameron Steele; Apr 05, 2011; The Anniston Star), #s 61-62:

licketysplit wrote on Thursday, Apr 07 at 07:52 AM
    1SGRock, I am one of those former Sheriff's office employees that just didn't feel comfortable doing what was asked of me, such as dealing with minors whose parents couldn't deal with them so they brought them to the jail for someone to wave a magic wand and make their kid behave.

    There were far too many youngsters working in that place who felt that once they put that badge on they were invincible and that badge covered their butts.

    I do not miss the Judge Dredd-like atmosphere there at all.
arizonagirl wrote on Thursday, Apr 07 at 10:30 AM
    First, I want to applaud C. Steele for being bold enough to report the truth.

    I have had conversations with this reporter in the past about articles she has written which seemed very one sided - tilted towards the Sherrif's office.

    During those conversations, much to her surprise, she found that some of the information she had been given by the 'authorities', and actually printed, was not all factual. SURPRISE SURPRISE!

    I encouraged her to be a 'fair and equitable' reporter, not to just report what she was told by the authorities, as the whole truth.

    For far too long, those who have reported on crime/police issues have reported only what they were told by the 'authorities' is such a relief that finally there is a reporter in Calhoun County who wants the truth and not just what the 'authorities' want printed.

    C. Steele, do not let these bullies scare you. If the truth be known, they are scared of you. They are not comfortable being in the presence of 'honest' people who demand the truth!

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Offline Ursus

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Boy's mother sues sheriff over incident in videotape
« Reply #32 on: April 25, 2011, 10:54:18 AM »
Here comes the lawsuit...

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The Anniston Star · Alabama

Boy's mother sues sheriff over incident in videotape

Anniston Star
Apr 05, 2011

ANNISTON, Ala. (AP) — A woman has filed a federal lawsuit claiming her 14-year-old son was roughed up by Calhoun County Sheriff Larry Amerson in a jailhouse incident that was captured on videotape.

Stacy Brown sued Tuesday claiming the sheriff mistreated her son, who she had enrolled in a "scared straight" program after he got in trouble at school. He was at the jail to learn a lesson.

The lawsuit claims a jail officer threatened to kill Brown's son and called him a racial slur before he was taken into a small room where a video surveillance camera was running. The suit says it was inside that room that Amerson manhandled the boy, who was seated on a bench in handcuffs and shackles.

Amerson says the FBI is reviewing the tape at his request.

Copyright © 2011 Anniston Star.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Edward Kahn

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Re: Unknown program in Calhoun County
« Reply #33 on: April 25, 2011, 10:58:24 AM »
Do you know if this program accepts out of state referrals and what they charge?  There could possibly be a margin in there somewhere.  Do you have contact information for the program director?
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Offline Ursus

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Re: Unknown program in Calhoun County
« Reply #34 on: April 25, 2011, 12:37:57 PM »
Quote from: "Edward Kahn"
Do you know if this program accepts out of state referrals and what they charge?  There could possibly be a margin in there somewhere.  Do you have contact information for the program director?
This appears to be a community based "Scared Straight" program, Mr. Kahn, called "Success Academy." It's run by an organization called Family Links, Inc.

The Executive Director of Family Links is Lyndsey Gillam, MS, LBSW, LPC. You can contact her directly via her email address: ...or the program itself via specs on their Contact Us page.

I could be wrong 'bout this, but I was under the impression that the federal government is no longer interested in supporting "Scared Straight" programs. They don't work. Some studies have even shown that they backfire. By use of the word "supporting," I'm referring to the reliance on federal funds.

Interestingly enough, Family Links, Inc. is funded in part by the Governor's Office of Faith-Based Community Initiatives and the ADECA Governor's Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools. Clearly, Alabama seems to feel differently than the federal government.

I wonder... does Alabama's Governor's Office of Faith-Based Community Initiatives and/or ADECA Governor's Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools receive any federal funding? Or are these purely state funded initiatives?

Family Links, Inc. is also funded in part by AmeriCorps, which *IS*, most assuredly, a federal agency.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Edward Kahn

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Re: Unknown program in Calhoun County
« Reply #35 on: April 25, 2011, 01:19:58 PM »
Thank you, Ursus!  That is great information.  Many programs with which I work are supported by taxpayers via the largesse of the federal government.  That usually means a healthy margin for people in my line of work can be found.  

I could potentially refer dozens of at-risk children to this wonderful program and collect my fees straight from the government, thusly saving the hard-working parents' dime.  This could work out for everyone!  I'm going to contact Lyndsey right away.  Thanks again for the lead!
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Re: Unknown program in Calhoun County
« Reply #36 on: April 25, 2011, 03:59:03 PM »
Quote from: "Edward Kahn"
Thank you, Ursus!  That is great information.  Many programs with which I work are supported by taxpayers via the largesse of the federal government.  That usually means a healthy margin for people in my line of work can be found.  

I could potentially refer dozens of at-risk children to this wonderful program and collect my fees straight from the government, thusly saving the hard-working parents' dime.  This could work out for everyone!  I'm going to contact Lyndsey right away.  Thanks again for the lead!
It appears that you misread me, Mr. Kahn. This is decidedly a local program. The kids spend the day at the Calhoun County Jail, doing menial chores and whatnot, and go back home at night.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Comments: "Boy's mother sues sheriff over incident..." #s 1-
« Reply #37 on: April 25, 2011, 04:47:34 PM »
Comments left for the above article, "Boy's mother sues sheriff over incident in videotape" (Apr 05, 2011; The Anniston Star), #s 1-20:

another1gone wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:03 PM
    another1gone wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 07:33 PM »

    Somewhere I read in the Bible, BE SURE YOUR SINS WILL FIND YOU OUT, and another one, WHATSOEVER A MAN SOWETH, THAT SHALL HE ALSO REAP. What about, the golden rule, DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU? One thing that bothers me about the sheriff bragging about his christianity. I have always been of the opinion that a true Christian does not have go around wearing his religious belief on his sleeve or bragging about how good he/she is. Another bothersome thing, if the sheriff is such a great family man, where was his families at the press conference? Where was his pastor and church members? Where were all the deputies who work for him? I think these are fair comments and I hope the Anniston Star will not delete them. The sheriff is a public servant and has to answer to the citizens. This sitution is far from being over.

    Read more: Anniston Star - Amerson says he asked for FBI investigation
honestgovernment wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:05 PM
    I would be willing to bet this woman plays the race card even though the Sheriff was going above and beyond his normal duties to try to get this kid to change his actions so he doesn't become a Life long customer of the jail system. You just can't help some folks.

    As for Mrs Brown, when your kid robs or kills someone and gets a big sentence, YOU are the one to blame.
mommyto3 wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:05 PM
    The kid was 14! just gets worse and worse for Amerson. I don't blame the mother. When she signed up for the program, she didn't sign up for her child to be threatened and assaulted. I would sue ..sue..and sue! I would make sure they never did this to another child again.
another1gone wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:09 PM
    cvaldez wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 01:13 AM »

    Amerson,well the Lord is there and the truth shall be revealed. Wade you are next. The Lord is God. Let the truth be known.

    report abuse

    Read more: Anniston Star - FBI confirms preliminary investigation of Amerson
Jesus_Hates_Sinners wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:09 PM
    « arizonagirl wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 07:26 PM »

    I have two interesting observations:

    One - Where is 'Honestgovernment' and his posts on this forum - on this subject? Interesting that he/she always has something to say to blast anyone who disagrees with law enforcement in this town.

    Two - Am I the only one reading these posts who honestly believes that the FBI is an unbiased and honorable 'independent and appropirate' group to be investigating its own?

    The type of behavior that goes on in the sherrifs office is anything but professional and appropriate.

    Amerson blatantly abused a juvinile and he should be placed in an orange and white jumpsuit with hands and feet shackeled and placed in the very jail where he committed this crime.
another1gone wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:13 PM
    « luvinmylife wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 01:06 PM »

    Your sheriff didnt ask for the FBI to come here snooping into the way he operates his jail,the man is still lying!!!!His actions will never be justified in my opinion.He was caught in the act of abusing a child.Theres no telling what all this man has done to break the law that we havent seen.Why should the star be served with a warrant??What goes on at that county jail should be an open book especially if they are going to have minors there.You all that defend this man need to look past your prejudice beleifs and see this for what it is,abuse of force on a minor.My parents used a switch and belt to my backside a few times but they never choked me,slammed me against a wall nor grabbed on me like a ragdoll.If this boys parents would of done this they would be in jail so why is it that the sheriff shouldnt have to be made accountable for the actions that he took?How was this child a threat to him when this boys hands and feet were restrained??

    Read more: Anniston Star - Amerson says he asked for FBI investigation
another1gone wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:16 PM
    « luvinmylife wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 01:06 PM »

    Your sheriff didnt ask for the FBI to come here snooping into the way he operates his jail,the man is still lying!!!!His actions will never be justified in my opinion.He was caught in the act of abusing a child.Theres no telling what all this man has done to break the law that we havent seen.Why should the star be served with a warrant??What goes on at that county jail should be an open book especially if they are going to have minors there.You all that defend this man need to look past your prejudice beleifs and see this for what it is,abuse of force on a minor.My parents used a switch and belt to my backside a few times but they never choked me,slammed me against a wall nor grabbed on me like a ragdoll.If this boys parents would of done this they would be in jail so why is it that the sheriff shouldnt have to be made accountable for the actions that he took?How was this child a threat to him when this boys hands and feet were restrained??

    Read more: Anniston Star - Amerson says he asked for FBI investigation
another1gone wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:19 PM
    Former KKK Leader Seeks Office... as a Dem - ShortNews

    Mar 28, 2011... 1981 in Mobile, Alabama. Donald was beaten up and his throat was cut. Paulson says, “They hung him from a tree and they were sued in court .... the " white vote" vs wearing a white sheet and going after a black guy. ... ... 1397&rub... - Similar

The Last Lynching

Oct 13, 2008 ... I'm in Philadelphia now, but I was from Mobile, Alabama, .... That would be the case even if there is a black man in the White House[/list]
another1gone wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:22 PM
    Lets hope this is not the kind of mentality that exists in Calhoun County. I realize there are a lot of "skinheads" and KKK and some of them serve on jurors. By the comments some of the folks are making on this issue, makes one believe there are a lot of racists in our area.
nonews wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:31 PM
    Yes sue that is the answer..that will make your son behave!! Try parenting...that would work much better! Just sayin! wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:36 PM
    I am not surprised that the mother is filing a lawsuit.

    I am totally embarrassed over Sheriff Amerson's actions. He is a disgrace to the citizens of Anniston!
nonews wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:40 PM
    WOW...justhetruth, you are nothing of the truth!! Jeez...some of you need a hobby!! Where do you get this bullcrap you are making up??
honestgovernment wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:50 PM
    justhetruth, this comment has nothing to do with Amerson as I don't know his personal circumstances. You stated that folks can't be a deacon if divorced.

    Let me ask you one question that might give you something to consider. I agree with your understanding of Timothy but what about this? IF a man is unsaved and divorces his wife, then years later is burdned by the spirit and gets saved, is he a new man in Christ? Is he free to remarry? Is he now eligible to be a deacon since he is a new man in Christ?

    I would never presume to speak for God but I do lean to the idea that this one exception may have biblical backing. The great thing is that I am sure my Master will tell me right quick if I was right or wrong when he calls me home.

    take care
luvinmylife wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:54 PM
    Good for you,Ms.Brown!!!Its about time somebody took a stand against the adults we trust to take of our children.Im sorry that your son suffered abuse of this nature.I can only imagine how hurt and confused you must feel but rest assure that he will one day have to stand accountable for his actions.Continue being the strong woman you are,please dont blame yourself...We as mothers only want what is best for our children and you were right to think this program would help him.Continue to pray while all of us that sympathize for you pray for you all.
jville wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:54 PM a 14 year old youth gets into trouble. The parent places the youth in a program designed to help youth understand where a life of crime leads. The illegal video shows a youth being pushed on the shoulder. Thoese are the only facts known at this time. The parent, who places the youth in this program is convienced that the youth was abused.......go call the lawyer. This is so so so predictable.

    This is not about race, there was no abuse.

    The so called newspaper is the criminal in this. They are the ones that deserved to be sued.
jville wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:58 PM
    One other thing....all of you whom are judging the sheriff for his life style and his actions is this issue.

    Well maybe you should removed the log from your own eye first.
Steven1l2 wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 09:08 PM
    This is rediculous. Sherrif Amerson is a good Sherrif and a better man. The boy was being scared straight!!!! I'd much rather have an incorrigible youth treated in the fashion he was treated then go down the wrong path in life. Whatever the outcome is, this youth will have benefit in the long run.
catbird572 wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 09:23 PM
    Those who are saying that Sheriff Amerson is not a Christian, that he 'is a disgrace to the citizens of Anniston', and the ones who are trying to mask their using of the 'race card' need to look at themselves first, and decide whether or not the same could be said about themselves. Only the Sheriff and Our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ know the man's heart, and you don't have to look hard to see the Anniston City Clowncil is a disgrace to her citizens, and to those who are playing the worn-out race card, you probably don't agree with nonews in the fact that PARENTING probably would have prevented the 'kid' from being at the jail in the first place. Filing a lawsuit is going to do nothing to help straighten the young man out. Sheriff Amerson, Chief Deputy Wade, and the entire Sheriff's Dept. have a gargantuan task at hand every day in this drug infested county maintaining law and order as it is, and they DON'T have to try to help steer young people in the right direction before they become a burden to those of us who pay taxes by becoming a lifelong member of the criminal justice/penal system. They are trying to fill the gap left open by inept parents. If the Sheriff is such a bad person, then why has he been re-elected, what, 4 times? Count your Blessings that we have such a man as the 'top Cop' here in Calhoun County.
justhetruth wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 09:28 PM
    All of you who are taking up for the sheriff and jumping on others for speaking out about his christian life, he is the one who brought it up. I believe the Bible tells us to fret not thyself from evildoers, for they soon shall be cut down and wither. The sheriff is about to wither. Like another person who has commented, I wonder why his pastor has not spoken up or his family. Maybe they know that there are numerous folks who really know the truth about the sheriff. As far as the Anniston Star being the criminal, I applaud them for running the story. If Sheriff Amerson is above board, then he will be exonarated. If not, he could wind up in his own jail and fined millions of dollars. Just maybe it is time for all of US to step back and let this sitution play out through the legal process. Our opinion is not really worth anything because we don't know what the real truth is. Only the Sheriff, the 14year old and God. If the sheriff is lying and continues to lie, and gets away with the way he has treated this young man, the sheriff will have to face a just God who will not be swayed by public opinion. Isn't this refreshing.
John5299 wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 09:33 PM
    I had nothing to do with Watergate", "I did not have sex with that woman", "What we have here is a failure to communicate". Does Amerson fit in here?

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Comments: "Boy's mother sues sheriff over incident..." #s 21
« Reply #38 on: April 25, 2011, 04:55:03 PM »
Comments left for the above article, "Boy's mother sues sheriff over incident in videotape" (Apr 05, 2011; The Anniston Star), #s 21-34:

msmimi wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 10:24 PM
    So not surprised to read that this 'mother' is now sueing the person she placed her son in custody of, to be SCARED straight. With that type of character mother, this boy is destined to go far in life. Crying foul all the way. On seeing the boy was black and Amerson white, it was a matter of hours before the race card would be brought into play. Is that deck ever going to be used up???? UGG! Will we ever move forward or forever live in the 60's. Sheriff Amerson you are a credit to your position, and have NOTHING to regret. You have served this county well and we are better for it.
Gannon99 wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 10:27 PM
    Another1gone, your and idiot, and you don't know what you are talking about!!!! And why try to throw Wade into this? He wasn't in the video!!! He hasnt done anything in this issue except not answer anyone's questions. He so has my vote for Sheriff next election, because he helps out so much around the county, and is nice to everyone, and goes above and beyond to help those in need
another1gone wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 10:40 PM
    Gannon99, speaking of stupid, I have more knowledge about Amerson than most in this county. I could write a book. As far as Chief Deputy Wade, please share with all the folks where I have mentioned him. I think Mr. Wade is one of the finest law enforcement officer anywhere. He is helpful and returns phone calls. I think he would make an excellent sheriff when ther becomes a vacancy. You need to make sure your brain is in gear before running your mouth.
another1gone wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 10:43 PM
    Gannon99, I believe if you will go back and check the comments,you will find that a cvaldez is the one making comments about Mr. Wade. I guess you got so excited, you got blindsided. Diahrreha of the mouth will cause this also. Take a dose of pepto bismol and go to bed. You will be o.k. tomorrow.
ImpartialTruth wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 01:17 AM
    The mother has every right to file a lawsuit, as this is America by God, where we can file a lawsuit for hot coffee.

    Let's see--Ms. Steele and the Star received stolen property, published a video with the visible face of a minor who is protected under law, made damning unresearched accusations against an elected law enforcement officer, and singlehandedly provoked a racially motivated civil rights "march" that culminated with the mother of this juvenile filing a lawsuit. I wonder if they went out for drinks to celebrate?

    Can we all see how this would have turned out differently had the Star not stirred the pot?

    Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, and it is not the foul stench of the Chocolocco Treatment Plant.
impeachamerson wrote on Friday, Apr 08 at 11:04 AM
    Well I am glad the Mother filed the law suit to expose what kind of person Larry Amerson really is. I hope the next headline about this in the Anniston Star reads "Sheriff Amerson Indicted by Federal Grand Jury" followed by "Roy Snead Jr. Appointed Sheriff by Gov. Bentley". Larry Amerson has been a disgrace to the Sheriff's Office since day one.
jthomas1979 wrote on Friday, Apr 08 at 12:10 PM
    Everything would have went alot smoother if they would have given him cupcakes and a Xbox while he spent his day at the jail.... That would have shown him how to straighten up.
Guest3406191kn wrote on Saturday, Apr 09 at 06:59 PM
    Not a lot of difference between this and Rodney King, except this was a minor and chained, cuffed and shackled before the beating.
justnotright wrote on Saturday, Apr 09 at 07:39 PM
    Here,here, Impartial,my sentiments exactly.Maybe it was an inside job.They agreed ahead of time to split the money.
justnotright wrote on Saturday, Apr 09 at 07:47 PM
    Once again,there was no beating.If you see some kind of licks being thrown,you're delusional.I guess some people see what they want to see.Nothing here but dollars,no story.
Jimmy_Jo_Johnson wrote on Sunday, Apr 10 at 10:21 AM
    "Not a lot of difference between this and Rodney King"

    Really? Maybe when this kid becomes a man he will remember and act on the values his Mother is currently displaying. He can go out and find him a "Reginal Denny" and stick it to the man. Rodney King was out drunk, driving and resisting arrest. If anyone is out drinking and driving, they are inviting law enforcment into their life and are disregarding the lifes and safety of others. If you then resist arrest the police just might use force, but remember, Rodney King invited the police into his life when he made a choice to drink and drive.

    Lets now talk about another beating that took place after the Rodney King verdict was read. Reginal Denny was trying to earn a living driving a concrete truck. The young thugs who beat Reginal,threw bricks at his head and then did a touchdown dance in celebration are the kind of people Sheriff Amerson was trying to prevent this young man from becoming. But you all go ahead victimize him, tell him that he should stick it to the man any time he can. Tell him society and "the man" owes him a living. Tell him he should sue any time he can. And when he cant sue, tell him to start robbing and stealing because "the man" is out to get him. Tell him its "the white mans" fault that his choices have put him in a cage "like an animal". Then when he has children he can demonstrate the same type of behavior to his kids and it can keep going and going.
redbone21 wrote on Monday, Apr 11 at 03:53 PM
    policeman always abuse their authority every chance they get. as you can see amerson didnt put his hands on him until the other officers left
Edwardh wrote on Monday, Apr 11 at 07:55 PM
    Every time a black child is abused by the system, some of you blame the child and subsequently put him and his family on trial. Abuse is abuse, if this kid were white you people would be demanding the sheriff's head. instead some fool is talking about Rodney King. Grow up and become a real American, and if this kid were my mind I would file criminal charges against this idiot Sheriff
hillbilly7722 wrote on Tuesday, Apr 12 at 11:44 PM
    to Redbone

    You said, "policeman always abuse their authority every chance they get. as you can see amerson didnt put his hands on him until the other officers left"

    If that were the case why would he care whether or not any of the others were in the room? You said the police always abuse their authority, so why would one cop care whether the others were there or not? I am a police officer, white I may add, and I am not racist, nor do I abuse my authority. I do my job, and like most cops, I do it well. Don't make broad statements that you can't back up.

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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2 sides of Amerson story
« Reply #39 on: April 25, 2011, 09:55:36 PM »
Here's a compilation of what appear to be Letters to the Editor:

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The Anniston Star · Alabama

2 sides of Amerson story

by our readers · Anniston Star
Apr 06, 2011

The publicity of Cahoun County Sheriff Larry Amerson's use of manual force on a male juvenile is unnecessary and serves no useful purpose, especially since it is based on a short video clip.

No reason has been given and no evidence has been presented as to what prompted it. Do we expect our law enforcement to stand by and be insulted, even spit on, and not retaliate? They are only human, and all of us reach a breaking point.

What has appeared in the press so far has not been positive for the sheriff, but we have not heard the "rest of the story." In fact, all we know at this point is what we have seen on the video. I suspect many of us of the older generation have suffered more at the end of a peach-tree switch when we were growing up than this juvenile did at the hands of the sheriff.

The Star frequently criticizes the actions of the Anniston City Council, and when it does, it usually has the facts. In the Amerson case, The Star apparently has no facts other than a short video. Could The Star not have presented what it received to the proper authorities for investigation? That would let them determine if the action was justified before putting out opinions and speculations that have cast a darker shadow on a community that needs some sunshine on its reputation.

Thomas Bryant

Amerson didn't hurt anyone

Re "Unjustifiable behavior: Incident deserves proper attention" (Editorial, April 1):

Whoever wrote this editorial should be ashamed. The video of Sheriff Larry Amerson with the juvenile in no way showed unacceptable action.

This boy would not have been there if his parents had not brought him because they could not handle him. They wanted him helped, which is precisely what the sheriff was attempting to do.

It is obvious that he was trying his best to talk to the boy, but the boy was having no part of it and turned away to keep from listening. The sheriff was only trying to make him listen.

Anyone who thinks the sheriff should have said, "OK, sweetheart, but please try to be a better boy," is lacking. He didn't hurt the boy, he only tried to make him listen.

Joel Hendon

Don't defend the sheriff

Calhoun County residents should be outraged at the actions of Sheriff Larry Amerson. No matter the age, race or crime, his actions sure look criminal. Just imagine that it was your child. It's odd that no one of authority seems to care. People who have not even seen the video are defending the sheriff. He says that it's not what it looks like. Well, seeing is believing.

Tyrone Lindsey

Copyright © 2011 Anniston Star.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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Comments: "2 sides of Amerson story"
« Reply #40 on: April 25, 2011, 10:01:04 PM »
Comments left for the above compilation of Letters to the Editor, "2 sides of Amerson story" (reader input; Apr 06, 2011; The Anniston Star), #s 1-5:

cfreese1977 wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 05:23 AM
    By leaking the tape someone inside the Calhoun Calhoun County Jail wants the Sheriff gone.
LorettaNall wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 06:10 AM
    Didn't do anything wrong, huh? I guess you think it is ok for the Sheriff to be running an ILLEGAL Scared Straight program then? What other illegal activities is it ok for the Sheriff to engage in? He needs to be removed from office/step down and then be prosecuted for assault and for operating a program that is illegal under both federal and state law.

    And Kudos to the Star for getting this information out to the public. If a parent shackled the hands and feet of a child and then assaulted them it would be a serious crime. Why is there such a double standard when those who we pay to enforce the law are caught breaking it?
SoYouSay wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 09:43 AM
    Personally I wished this program was in effect about 10 years ago. To make a long story short property was stolen by a relative. DID NOT do the community service and was a adult but got the plea of youthful offender. went to jail in the county and was beaten up by the 2 big boys(so it says). other family members went to judge and got a bond and got him out. he was never punished for his actions and to this day it thinks everyone owes it because everyone has always gotten it out of trouble what ever it shall be. I believe that you have to take what is coming to you for your illegal actions. maybe if he was punished for what it does it will not be in the shape it is in today. I believe that everyone should regardless of age be punished some how for their illegal actions regardless of offense if they know they have broken the law. SHOULD BE PUT UP A mid age jail or prison? we have a juniville jail,(which is not strick enough, a big people jail.(now they cant be in contact with them) UP TO 12 in juville and 12-18 in mid age and regardless of crime 18 and up in JAIL. or let us parents have our control back and place at belt back on the hindends and DHR but out. We need to take control back and get this generation straight for crime will be going to the mad max days. last words.......keep your kids away from BAD people. get Backgrounds checks. TIME FOR YOU TO TAKE CONTROL.
downindixie wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 07:56 PM
    All right,just everybody settled down! This is true,if your haven't lived in this type of enviroment,shut up! I was a former police officer and I know this. This type of situation happens a lot.We read about it happening all the time. I know Mr.Amerson personally and believe he is a very good man,but good men mess up all the time.We know it,we read it in the news,,and the internet.

    You know what a good idea would be,sit back,relax and enjoy your family! and let the investigation begin.
justnotright wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 09:04 PM
    I said the same thing on the other article and got hammered for it.I'm with D.I.D.,sit back and watch the fiasco that ensues.

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Edward Kahn

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Re: Unknown program in Calhoun County
« Reply #41 on: April 26, 2011, 06:57:41 AM »
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "Edward Kahn"
Thank you, Ursus!  That is great information.  Many programs with which I work are supported by taxpayers via the largesse of the federal government.  That usually means a healthy margin for people in my line of work can be found.  

I could potentially refer dozens of at-risk children to this wonderful program and collect my fees straight from the government, thusly saving the hard-working parents' dime.  This could work out for everyone!  I'm going to contact Lyndsey right away.  Thanks again for the lead!
It appears that you misread me, Mr. Kahn. This is decidedly a local program. The kids spend the day at the Calhoun County Jail, doing menial chores and whatnot, and go back home at night.

We have a solution to that, Ursus.   We call them "host families".  Problem solved!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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Re: Unknown program in Calhoun County
« Reply #42 on: May 06, 2011, 01:46:32 PM »
Quote from: "Edward Kahn"
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "Edward Kahn"
Thank you, Ursus!  That is great information.  Many programs with which I work are supported by taxpayers via the largesse of the federal government.  That usually means a healthy margin for people in my line of work can be found.  

I could potentially refer dozens of at-risk children to this wonderful program and collect my fees straight from the government, thusly saving the hard-working parents' dime.  This could work out for everyone!  I'm going to contact Lyndsey right away.  Thanks again for the lead!
It appears that you misread me, Mr. Kahn. This is decidedly a local program. The kids spend the day at the Calhoun County Jail, doing menial chores and whatnot, and go back home at night.
We have a solution to that, Ursus.   We call them "host families".  Problem solved!
Funny that you should bring that up, Mr. Kahn...

The climate in Calhoun County leading up to the implementation of this "Scared Straight" program was apparently, to paraphrase, one of great frustration with the "increasingly incorrigible youth of today." According to at least one article that I came across, Calhoun County parents at the end of their rope began resorting to calling up the local police dept., and having an officer come over to talk some sense to Junior.

There are several on this forum who believe one of the great contributing factors in the genesis of Straight, Inc. to have been the consolidation and subsequent organization of just such parental frustration. Supported, of course, by local law enforcement and anti-drug abuse organizations (kinda like certain entities on the funder list for Family Links, Inc., which runs "Success Academy" for Calhoun County).

Straight, Inc. also made use of "host homes."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Legality of jail program questioned
« Reply #43 on: May 08, 2011, 11:17:28 AM »
Moving right along...

The Calhoun County Sheriff's Office may claim it's not a "Scared Straight" program, but it sure sounds like one to me!


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The Anniston Star · Alabama

Legality of jail program questioned

by Cameron Steele · · Anniston Star
Apr 06, 2011

    The Calhoun County Jail is shown in this file photo from 2003.[/list]

    A Calhoun County Sheriff's Office program for youthful offenders and suspended-from-school teenagers to work in the county jail sounds remarkably similar to programs banned by federal and state law, officials and child advocates say.

    Those programs, commonly called "scared straight" or "shock incarceration" programs, became popular in the 1970s as a way to scare or shock youthful offenders or juveniles prone to misbehaving into more appropriate behavior, a policy expert at the Washington D.C.-based Coalition for Juvenile Justice said.

    But a range of state and national juvenile-justice officials said that years of research have proven the scared straight concept to be in error; those same officials say that such programs are violations of the federal and Alabama laws, which prohibit youthful offenders from being detained or confined in adult corrections facilities.

    And all of those officials say the description of a Calhoun County program jointly run by the Sheriff's Office and Family Links, Inc., a children's behavior task force for the county, falls under the umbrella of those legally questionable programs.

    The program has come under scrutiny since The Anniston Star published a video last week that shows Sheriff Larry Amerson using manual force against a boy in a jail jumpsuit. A lawsuit filed Tuesday by the boy's mother claims he was at the jail as part of a scared-straight program.

    The sheriff's office says the program doesn't qualify as a scared-straight program and says it's a way for children to perform community service when they might otherwise be unsupervised.

    Only a few details of the program have been made available to the public. But child advocates say it sounds like a scared-straight program.

    "This (Calhoun County) jail program, while well-intentioned, I wouldn't spend my money on it," said Linda Tilly, the executive director of Voices for Alabama's Children, a state children's advocacy group. "It wouldn't have much impact in changing behavior... This (Calhoun County) program sounds like it has the same intent without going quite as far as most scared straight programs did. The point to me is this program doesn't get to the root of the behavior in the first place."

    Tara Andrews, the deputy director of the national nonprofit agency Coalition for Juvenile Justice, said the Calhoun County program might not be as hardcore as some scared straight programs, but said its operations are still questionable.

    "It may not be as extreme in that the young person isn't being turned over to the custody of the prisoners, but you don't have all the details so you don't really know what happens, or what goes on," Andrews said. "I would label it a scared straight program. The goal is to frighten the young person; it's negative reinforcement."

    Sheriff's Office: Not a scared straight program

    Multiple attempts to reach Calhoun County Sheriff Larry Amerson, Chief Deputy Mathew Wade and Family Links Director Lyndsey Gillam to discuss the details of the jail program were unsuccessful Tuesday.

    But a news release posted on the Sheriff's Office website Monday stated the juvenile jail program was not a scared straight program but, instead, 'an opportunity for community service."

    "The program is intended to give parents an alternative to having their children unsupervised while out on suspension. The activities will be structured in an environment that will educate the student about responsibility, respect and discipline under the direct supervision of a corrections officer," the release said. "The child will be required to perform manual labor tasks such as cutting grass and cleaning."

    The release also noted that juveniles who participate in the program do not have direct contact with inmates, one of the main issues juvenile justice officials have with scared straight programs in general.

    Other than the release, Amerson and Gillam have provided scant details about the juvenile jail program, except to say in interviews with The Star last week, that the Sheriff's Office and Family Links began the program as a way to let high-risk kids see what jail might be like.

    But that kind of reasoning is exactly what Andrews is talking about.

    "That's what makes it a scared straight program: 'let me show you what prison life looks like to scare you away from prison life,' " Andrews said.

    Anthony Petrosino, a senior researcher at a Massachusetts nonprofit dedicated to researching and children's education and development, has spent much of his career studying scared straight programs.

    "If we were doing a review of these programs now, we would include this (Calhoun County) program as a juvenile awareness program that attempts to deter them (juveniles) or scare them," Petrosino said.

    How the Calhoun County program works

    Juvenile justice officials say that the details the sheriff has provided about the way the jail program is structured indicate the program may be in violation of federal and state law.

    Parents sign a waiver for their children to arrive at the jail at 8 a.m. and to be picked up by 3:30 p.m. While at the jail, the juveniles dress in orange-striped inmate jumpsuits, eat the food that is served to the inmates and perform menial labor tasks under the supervision of jail officers, Amerson has said.

    Gillam noted last week the program was only for students who have been suspended from school or youthful offenders who have been ordered by the court to attend the Success Academy, which is a Family Links service program.

    Parents of youthful offenders who act violently at the Success Academy or threaten violence are given options.

    The juvenile's probation officer can be contacted and he or she might have to face a family judge in court again, or the parents can sign a waiver and allow their children to participate in the jail program as "kind of our last step" before having to go back to juvenile court, Gillam has said.

    Juvenile justice officials question program legality

    What bothers most juvenile justice officials about those descriptions of the program is that the federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJPDA) expressly prohibits youthful offenders from having any sort of sight or sound contact with inmates.

    Furthermore, the Alabama Juvenile Justice Act restricts children under public authority — like the ones who are Success Academy students — from being "in secure custody in a secure section of a jail, lockup or correctional facility for adults as a disposition of an offense or as a means of modifying his or her behavior."

    "If the child is under public authority, if they take kids in and handcuff to them any sort of unmovable object, that's a violation (of federal and Alabama law). If they lock them in anywhere, if they (the children) are behind any locked door, that's a violation," said Joe Vignati, the coordinator for the Governor's Office of Children and Families in Georgia.

    Basically any sight or sound contact, "meaning the juveniles can be seen or heard by adult inmates," are violations of federal law, Vignati and Andrews said.

    And the waiver the Sheriff's Office has parents sign does not "relieve the violations of the JJPDA act," Vignati said.

    Details about where exactly in the jail juveniles work, how long the program has operated, how many juveniles have participated in it and how much it costs to run the program are unclear. Requests to provide The Star with paperwork that document the procedures and history of the jail program went unanswered Monday and Tuesday.

    Alabama Department of Corrections spokesman Brian Corbett said it is DOC policy not to allow youthful offenders to even tour state prisons, because that would be a violation of the Alabama Juvenile Justice Act.

    'Different developmentally and physically'

    Officials point out that localities or states in violation of the federal law could stand to lose federal funding through U.S. Department of Justice grants.

    "Folks take this (federal law) and get emotional about it, but realistically we have two separate systems: we recognize that kids are different from adults," Vignati said. "The reason isn't to mollycoddle kids or to be soft on kids; the reason is to recognize they are different developmentally and physically from adults."

    And scared straight programs don't pay enough attention to that difference, juvenile-justice officials say.

    "Juveniles who went through scared straight, and similar types of programs like it, committed more new delinquent offenses than the juveniles not exposed to the program," Petrosino said of a 2003 review he and other scholars conducted on the effects of scared straight programs.

    Petrosino said the information available about the Calhoun County program indicating that it isn't technically a scared straight program is inaccurate.

    "This sounds like they've toned down on the language, but it's interesting, they've increased the experience of incarceration...putting kids in the inmate clothes, working around the jail," he said.

    Contact Star Staff Cameron Steele at 256-235-3562.

    Copyright © 2011 Anniston Star.
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    Offline Ursus

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    Comments: "Legality of jail program questioned"
    « Reply #44 on: May 09, 2011, 10:11:34 AM »
    Comments left for the above article, "Legality of jail program questioned" (by Cameron Steele; Apr 06, 2011; Anniston Star), #s 1-10:

    LorettaNall wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 05:50 AM
      My, my,, my, my, my..........So the sheriffs office is operating an illegal program involving juveniles? Had a friend ask around about Family Links Inc. and learned that they got a lot of their funding from Bob Riley's "faith based' nonsense programs and ADECA. Did the sheriff's office profit from this in any way? Funny how the person in charge of enforcing the law is breaking the law with this program. When you look at the video it looks sort of like the good sheriff is trying to mount that kid. Seriously........
    jville wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 09:34 AM
      lorettanail, you should apply for a job with the star. Your writting style is exactly like what they print, TRASH!!!!

      You mush not have been happy with your living arrangement in the county jail.
    LorettaNall wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 10:23 AM
      jville...I take your intended slight as a compliment. It just so happens that I think the Star is the best paper in this state and working for them would be an honor. So, thank you.

      As for the rest of your comment...hehehe...I've never been in the Calhoun county jail son. Why are you of the mindset that everyone who disagrees with your opinion on this is a criminal or a criminal sympathizer? Perhaps some of us care about the standards that law enforcement, who we pay through taxes, are held to. They don't get to break the law while enforcing those same laws on the rest of us. Allowing such a thing would lead to a police state. If you like the idea of living in a place where the people tasked with enforcing the law are not required to follow it themselves I can make some suggestions of where you would fit in and be happy.
    arizonagirl wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 10:31 AM
      jville: why is it that when the media reports something positive about the law enforcement agencies in this area, you say they are practicing 'fair and balanced' journalism.

      BUT, when the media reports the truth / the absolute honest facts about the corruption in the law enforcement agencies in this area, in this case the Calhoun County Sherrifs Office, you call it trash?

      You and your biased opinons are neither fair nor balanced and you make yourself look unbalanced!
    ImpartialTruth wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 10:37 AM
      Cameron--this should have been the FIRST story published. The video never should have made it to the paper.

      It seems like you intended to enact positive change in the juvenile justice system, and I have no issue with that. But from an ethical standpoint, you could have enacted change by starting with this story, and putting the pieces together from there. Fanning the flames of racial division does nothing useful for our society.

      You have lost my confidence as a fair and balanced reporter.
    John5299 wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 12:17 PM
      "I have been in the editorial business going on fourteen years, and it is the first time I ever heard of a man's having to know anything in order to edit a newspaper." Mark Twain
    nonhyphenatedAmerican wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 12:40 PM
      For anyone who thinks the Star is the best "paper" in the state , you must be smoking something ! LOL
    tugboat2 wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 12:42 PM
      What jail have you been carried to? I know but just had to ask
    tugboat2 wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 12:45 PM
      i mean Loretta what jail have you been carried to?
    luvinmylife wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 01:31 PM
      I considered sending my child through this program if and when she was suspended from school.I called the sheriff office to learn more about the program and was told they would be picking up trash and things of that nature.I was not told that they would be interacting with adult inmates period.I was not told that if she acted out she would be placed in handcuffs and shackles and be abused.I wonder why,lol!!!Anybody with any sense knows that violence is not the answer.The sheriff and the deputies involved acted irresposible and for their actions they have to be held accountable.The very ones that we entrust to ensure our safety violated this childs rights.PERIOD.By the way,keep up the great work Ms.Steele...thank you for keeping us loving,devoted,caring,taxpaying,nonviolent and never been to jail parents informed.We as parents have the right to know when our children are being abused.We as parents have to devote our lives to making sure our children know right from wrong.If his mom thought it was ok for him to be suspended why whould she care that he was home alone??She cared so much that she dropped him off to the one place he should of been safe going to....what a disgrace for a program that I even once thought might benefit some of our "not perfect teens"...

    Copyright © 2011 Anniston Star.
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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