It just seems that having the visual representation and articulate discussion in a legitimized docu-setting might reach "believers" more readily. Before, it is too easy to shrug off "fucked up" kids. They brought into the criminalization of youths, and thus their undeservability of having a voice. This movie combined with the very real and obvious 20 year after effects should be somewhat convincing.
I think one of the freaky things still is how it operated out in the open. I mean it was sort of hidden in plain view, whereas a program like CEDU was in a remote setting. Even our groups were small. When we had raps, students were broken into randomized 10-15 kids and sequestered in different rooms for hours (good luck if you needed a rest room), and the overriding mandate is nothing said here leaves here. It was all secrecy shrouded in secrecy. Parents were given the dog and pony show maybe every 3 or 4 months and they did not stay on campus.
My understanding is that Straight parents were more available but that the open family meetings were watered down - so they didn't understand that the Straight only meetings were as out of control and freaky as they were? Yes/No? I'm sorry, but motivating is a freak show. It reminds me of populaces living under tyranny that are required to show devotion to a regime with extreme gesticulations of undying submission.