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Offline Anonymous

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Post on Amazing Forums
« on: November 25, 2003, 09:51:00 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2003, 10:26:00 PM »
I was there last night. There was a lengthy "WWASP/RR Seminar bashing" letter from a parent who didn't, how shall we say, "appreciate" the seminar experience.
Be sure your virus software is up to date if you're gonna visit. Not sure if it's even possible, but I think I picked up a virus there last night.
Something like "Backdoor Flood--something or other" thing that takes over your homepage with a picture of santa dumping in a chimney. Hey, at least they had a sense of humor.
Anyone else know anything about this or have the same experience?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Froderik

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« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2003, 11:01:00 PM »
Check out this link. Somewhere in there it mentions AdAware which might help get rid of it, if you haven't already. Also, using a browser that won't run pop-ups isn't a bad idea. Check out crazybrowser.  :tup:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2003, 11:16:00 PM »
A friend cleaned it up rather quickly. I was busy, but he mentioned things like exe file, spyware, trojan. Greek to me, but apparently pretty dangerous.
I've asked before- Does anyone know who owns that site?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2003, 04:06:00 AM »
Heres the post:


JC posted 11/23/03 7:39 PM

[email protected]

To: Diane Curtis
Northeast Region Staffing Coordinator
Date: November 23, 2003
(Please note I am sending copies of this e-mail to the captain and co-captain of the December Discovery service team, as well as to Ian O'Betz at Resource Realizations. ) and known staffers and known participating parents of the WWASPS programs.)
Please be advised, let me clarify with you and all the staffers along with resource realizations that it was I who rescinded my volunteering and the staffing the Discovery Seminar upon returning from the Focus Seminar on November 19, 2003. Please do not twist this information too!!!!!!!! I experience you as lying. Look at yourself- when has this happened to you before and your past? When has someone experienced you as lying and a phony! Stop, accept this feedback! It is only feedback. Don't say anything, experience it. There is no right or wrong! I hope you are uncomfortable, for that is how you will change. Keep your feet flat on the floor, back up against the chair and hands in an open position and do not look to the side and talk to anyone. This is confidential and you have a contract. Do not even think you know anything about me. You do not! Nor do you know the other participants. Yet, do not reveal this to anyone. I know you only are conscious of 10%, but dig deeper, look inside and internalize it, let all that crap come up. I call you on your crap. I experience you are being defensive..... STOP. Don't say anything. Look inside yourself and see where you have experienced this before. Accept it! Now, thank me for caring about you enough to be honest and open with you! Hey, stand up. Step out of the box. I didn't tell you to sit down when feedback is given. Now go to the next person and let them give you feedback. Now, let me see if you are working the program or shall I say programming!!!!!!! Diane, you are such a passionate, proactive, empowered woman..... YES YOU ARE!!!!! NOW RUN DOWN AND WRITE IT-QUICK WHO ARE YOU? SAY IT AGAIN, AND AGAIN?QUICKLY. LET US CLAP FOR YOU RUN, RUN, RUN. SIGN IT ON THAT PAPER. OOO, Now I am experiencing you as being full of yourself and your crap ... now I experience you as being Angry!!!!!!!!!! STOP, YOU HAVE HIDDEN ISSUES?LOOK INSIDE.
You have chosen a stretch now here are the directives: I want you to take off your shoes and walk around barefooted on the floor and you must wear clothing that shows you are in service, very simple clothing, no makeup, no jewelry to show off, do not look at others, and you cannot speak to anyone until I tell you. You cannot leave the room. Just be, experience. Don't ask why you have chosen this stretch. Yes, you chose this stretch. Say it, you chose this stretch. You have to work the program!!!!!!!!!! OOOOOOOO good news, your husband has chosen a stretch too!!!!! He is to shave off all body hair.. everywhere on his body. He chose this stretch. Guess what? He chose to dress up like a hooker and shake his body in front of people and let it all hang out. Do you know why? Because he chose it!!!!!!!! Hurray!!!!! I hope you and he feel uncomfortable.. for that is what I am trying to do.. so you will change! You cannot change without feeling uncomfortable. Your beliefs have to match your actions otherwise you must change your beliefs to match your actions. The best part of the stretch is - he has chosen is a song for you! He needs to purchase the CD and get it back to me by 11 am. He chose to sing to you, Diane, which notes his experience of you ?it is called "The Bitch is Back." OO everyone is laughing. But are they not laughing at you or are they? Is this right or wrong........ OOOOOOOOOO but there is no right or wrong. OOOOOOO I perceive you aren't working the program, you are now in a coffin, dead and everyone is looking down at you and tossing dirt upon you. Dirt, on your body. What are they saying about you? Did you write on your tombstone yet? Don't talk?I now see why you have a child in the specialty program with parents like you!!!!!! What is your accountability in not doing it? What was more important to you?
Just like you call the children, and parents on their crap and program them to use your "working phrases and lingo." You seem to use that word a lot. You should have received my e-mail informing you of my decision to not staff the seminar via your e-mail along with the other people who will be Staffing the Seminar in December and other seminar participants...who feel obligated to show their support of their child so they can communicate with them. Do not forget if you go to the seminar and get into a car accident, you chose to die. You unconsciously chose to die. You are suicidal! Yes, you are. You unconsciously chose to kill yourself. Does this sound familiar to you? Go deep inside. Look at your issues. You didn't have to get into that car. If you didn't open the mail I sent you, what was Your accountability in not doing so? What are your issues? I experience that you are using: Avoidance! I have written you a label you are to wear noting you as a Devilish Dodger, for you chose this unconsciously. You are to accept this otherwise you are not working the program. You're wasting your time and the time of your child. Why are you here? Your child will die, you will die, you are dead for you are not in the lifeboat. You choose to die! Does that sound familiar to you, Diane? OOH just step to the left and let it go. What? Why are you are stepping to the left? Why did you step to the left when I really wanted you to step to the right? What is your accountability in this? What is your issue? Why did you think you were to step at all? You thought I was saying to step ?you chose to be an analyzer paralyzer. This is why you do not move forward in life. You think. Just experience it. Dig deep inside, remember, you are only 10% conscious.... Get that crap up ?all that negative stuff ?take a deep breath ?let it out, close you eyes and stand up and walk around ?now kneel before a chair. And palms down ?hit the chair and do not stop until I tell you ... keep it going. Give me a primal shout. Remember your mother? Your father. Was your mother a disappointment to you? Who abandoned you? Shout out what you want to say to that male or female who represented the authority figure in your life. That is it ?get it out. Keep it going. Now go to that safe place and find that "magical child".. Flip through the book and see when you were 30, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13........ now you are in the womb surrounded in the warmth of love. Or is it love? Hear all those hateful words your mother said when she found out you were inside her. You are Life's Biggest Mistake! O now we have to change that label you are wearing. You chose that too!!!!!!! Life's biggest Mistake. You chose it unconsciously. O feel the arms of compassion surrounding you. Forgive her. Hold your magical child's hand. Skip with her, run with her, dance with her ... fly with her. See the cliff?Listen to the music now and let go. Fly around the room. You chose this! O' let us dance around the room in folly. Carefree. You're free! Or are you? Why did you perceive to be free? STOP, look inside, when did you perceive to be free before when you were not? Just experience it. I perceive you as untruthful! Stop, look inside, when did you experience someone saying you were untruthful? Dig down deep. You should feel uncomfortable ?otherwise you will not change.
Diane, I experience you as being Sarcastic... STOP. Look inside. Does this make you feel uncomfortable? When has this happened to you before? Don't ask any questions you are not to think ?just experience it. Now, thank me for caring enough about you to give you honest feedback.
Yes, after "experiencing" the Focus seminar, I determined, not you that I was not in support of the WWASPS program, its abuse, deceitful goals and hidden agendas.
Related to your comment: "Your intention in staffing is not to be in service to others, but to serve your own agenda." Diane, do not think you can tell me what my intentions were at the time I had signed up to staff the Discovery Seminar. Let us turn your words around to reveal what the truth actually is Diane. Your intention Diane is not to serve others but to serve your own hidden agenda along with the WWASP program that you represent. Take this feedback Diane: I experience you and WWASP as having control issues. I experience you as liars and as mentally and emotionally abusive towards human beings, I experience you physically exhausting the children and parents, I experience you: lift them up and tear them down to the point of tears. I experience you and WWASP as having the hidden agenda total control issues related to WWASP and those poor souls who have been brainwashed or the attempt of brainwashing them. It is brainwashing attempt and Mind control!
You would do yourself a big favor if you aren't already brainwashed yourself. Go online or the library and look up brainwashing techniques and mind control. See what techniques are used!
I was shocked to experience how you so unjustly treated human beings, judged them and then informed them with your twisted beliefs and double-talk that they "chose" things which you had psychologically badgered, pressured and put upon them. That is what actually saved my child's life. She was not going to die or be killed physically, mentally, emotionally nor spiritually by WWASP. Interesting ?like a WASP ?to sting ?but of course, it does not hurt, for it is only an experience.
I was enlightened to how our children were being treated. Upon showing up in Utah (Cross Creek Manor) of course they would not let myself and my family member see the compound for they were not prepared to dress it up nor prime our children. Seeing my daughter in old, tattered clothing and how extremely fearful she was-she was removed from this abusive program! Even prisoners are treated better than our children in this program. Did you inform the parents what the children are fed, what you are telling our children at the same time you are encouraging us to not talk to the parent rep. weekly, go on vacation and write a letter to our child "We are away without you and having a good time." Did you tell these parents how the children were told "How do you feel that your parents are abandoning you." Did you tell them some staff members are one of several wives and tell the children this. They tell the children of their romance, rocky relationships with their boy/girlfriend. How using a speaker phone with the counselor was being a facilitator in our conversation with our children no private conversation. How they eat food in front of the children when they are not supposed to especially when the children are hungry especially candy. Guess what, our children are afraid to tell what is truly happening. They are afraid of having points taken away if they say they are hungry and have to stay in the program longer. The cost of the food given them is pennies per child.
Please, let the parents know how you actually treat the children! How you use them in trying to get other parents to bring in their child. You have them use the fake smile, while monitoring them, whereas they have the hope of getting to the next level so they can work in the kitchen and get more food. Boys get double. Imagine a biscuit and gravy for bkfst. That was the treat. Another day, a cup of yogurt for bkfst. Wow, how generous you are. For a special dinner it is one hamburger and a few fries. And I mean a few. Oh yes, one bottle of bottled water to last two short weeks, otherwise they have to refill the bottle from the sink. Doesn't sound too hygienic to me. Tell them how thin my child was, how a doctor saw her when I requested same. Guess what she didn't have an eating disorder. Oh ?and how fearful of the telephone, to see a magazine, to walk into a room without permission, to ask me fearfully, can I take a shower and for how long? Fearfully, to walk on the street with us and tell us she was going to die because she was taken out of the program.
Let them know, my child had to leave the facility in pajamas for they wanted the uniform back.
Now, let me rate you on a scale of 1 to 10. You are a 0.
I never said, I couldn't come out of the box and rate otherwise. So I allowed you to do it. You chose the 0. There are no accidents?You chose this!
Now, thank me for caring enough about you to give you honest feedback! Now, you work the program ... but remember, that doesn't mean you and your child will not die even when and if I decide that they have completed the program for you may have to stay in it longer for you and your child are half-cooked! When have you heard that before? Stop, do not answer again, you are running your numbers. I call you on your crap!!
Hey Diane, I choose life!!!!!!!!
Now, as per our agreement, you and WWASP, as per you representing this organization as their Northeast Region Staffing Coordinator/speaker are to pay me for my expert education in the amount of $100,000,00 dollars plus interest. I am an experienced educator and this is my fee. Remember to have other people sign up for my lecture otherwise this free lecture will cost you if you do not sign up now. O do not forget to go into the street, stores and tell people about my great program or deprogramming. I have 99.9% success rate unlike WWASP with their 96% success rate. You will receive a reduction in your tuition cost next month or I will donate the monies to a worthy cause. You chose this to allow me to do this. I expect you to send $25.00 to me to cover the advertising expenses which will be shipped to you upon receipt. You chose to do this stretch. Be committed! Remember you have a contract! Share with me your issues, the medication your on, your life disappointments, and hurts, why you decided to send you child into the program, how your child is a terrorist. Sound familiar? STOP. Don't forget to send me your picture so I can post it on Internet along with the other staffers. Be accountable! Stop running your numbers.

Diane's letter to me:
I have attempted to reach you by telephone without success. Since I am leaving this afternoon for a week, I am choosing to send this e-mail instead. You may call me on my cell phone (908-803-6395) if you want to talk. I will be on the West coast.
I am removing you from the staff team for the December 12-14 Discovery here in New Jersey. After getting to know you in Focus, talking with your small group leader, and then receiving additional information that you sent via e-mail to several members of your Focus group, I have determined that you are not in support of the WWASPS program and its goals. Your intention in staffing is not to be in service to others, but to serve your own agenda. I am concerned that you would be a disruption to the staff team and the training were you to remain.
Thank you for volunteering to be on the team. As you may note from the cc: I am sending copies of this e-mail to the captain and co-captain of the December Discovery service team, as well as to Ian O'Betz at Resource Realizations. I encourage you to contact Ian if you have questions about my decision that you prefer not to address directly to me.
I enjoyed meeting you, and wish you the best on your journey with your child.
Diane Curtis
Northeast Region Staffing Coordinator
Six Conversion Techniques
Cults and human-potential organizations are always looking for new
converts. To attain them, they must also create a brain-phase. And they
often need to do it within a short space of time--a weekend, or maybe
even a day.
The following are the six primary techniques used to
generate the conversion. The meeting or training takes place in an
area where participants are cut off from the outside world. This may be
any place: a private home, a remote or rural setting, or even a hotel
ballroom where the participants are allowed only limited bathroom
usage. In human-potential trainings, the controllers will give a
lengthy talk about the importance of "keeping agreements" in life. The
participants are told that if they don't keep agreements, their life
will never work. It's a good idea to keep agreements, but the
controllers are subverting a positive human value for selfish purposes.
The participants vow to themselves and their trainer that they will
keep their agreements. Anyone who does not will be intimidated into
agreement or forced to leave. The next step is to agree to complete
training, thus assuring a high percentage of conversions for the
organizations. They will USUALLY have to agree not to take drugs,
smoke, and sometimes not to eat . . . or they are given such short
meal breaks that it creates tension. The real reason for the agreements
is to alter internal chemistry, which generates anxiety and hopefully
causes at least a slight malfunction of the nervous system, which in
turn increases the conversion potential.
Before the gathering is complete, the agreements will be used to
ensure that the new converts go out and find new participants. They are
intimidated into agreeing to do so before they leave. Since the
importance of keeping agreements is so high on their priority list, the
converts will twist the arms of everyone they know, attempting to talk
them into attending a free introductory session offered at a future
date by the organization. The new converts are zealots. In fact, the
inside term for merchandising the largest and most successful human-
potential training is, "sell it by zealot!"
At least a million people are graduates and a good percentage have
been left with a mental activation button that assures their future
loyalty and assistance if the guru figure or organization calls. Think
about the potential political implications of hundreds of thousands of
zealots programed to campaign for their guru.
Be wary of an organization of this type that offers follow-up
sessions after the seminar. Follow-up sessions might be weekly meetings
or inexpensive seminars given on a regular basis which the organization
will attempt to talk you into taking--or any regularly scheduled event
used to maintain control.
long-term control is dependent upon a good follow-up system.
Alright. Now, let's look at the second tip-off that indicates
conversion tactics are being used. A schedule is maintained that causes
physical and mental fatigue. This is primarily accomplished by long
hours in which the participants are given no opportunity for relaxation
or reflection.
The third tip-off: techniques used to increase the tension in the
room or environment.
Number four: Uncertainty. I could spend hours relating various
techniques to increase tension and generate uncertainty. Basically, the
participants are concerned about being "put on the spot" or encountered
by the trainers, guilt feelings are played upon, participants are
tempted to verbally relate their innermost secrets to the other
participants or forced to take part in activities that emphasize
removing their masks. One of the most successful human-potential
seminars forces the participants to stand on a stage in front of the
entire audience while being verbally attacked by the trainers. A public
opinion poll, conducted a few years ago, showed that the number one
most-fearful situation an individual could encounter is to speak to an
audience. It ranked above window washing outside the 85th floor of an
office building. So you can imagine the fear and tension this situation
generates within the participants. Many faint, but most cope with the
stress by mentally going away. They literally go into an alpha state,
which automatically makes them many times as suggestible as they
normally are. And another loop of the downward spiral into conversion
is successfully effected.
The fifth clue that conversion tactics are being used is the
introduction of jargon--new terms that have meaning only to the
"insiders" who participate. Vicious language is also frequently used,
purposely, to make participants uncomfortable.
The final tip-off is that there is no humor in the communications .
. . at least until the participants are converted. Then, merry-making
and humor are highly desirable as symbols of the new joy the
participants have supposedly "found."
I'm not saying that good does not result from participation in such
gatherings. It can and does. But I contend it is important for people
to know what has happened and to be aware that continual involvement
may not be in their best interest.
Over the years, I've conducted professional seminars to teach
people to be hypnotists, trainers, and counselors. I've had many of
those who conduct trainings and rallies come to me and say, "I'm here
because I know that what I'm doing works, but I don't know why." After
showing them how and why, many have gotten out of the business or have
decided to approach it differently or in a much more loving and
supportive manner.
Many of these trainers have become personal friends, and it scares
us all to have experienced the power of one person with a microphone
and a room full of people. Add a little charisma and you can count on a
high percentage of conversions. The sad truth is that a high percentage
of people want to give away their power--they are true "believers"!
Cult gatherings or human-potential trainings are an ideal
environment to observe first-hand what is technically called the
"Stockholm Syndrome." This is a situation in which those who are
intimidated, controlled, or made to suffer, begin to love, admire, and
even sometimes sexually desire their controllers or captors.
But let me inject a word of warning here: If you think you can
attend such gatherings and not be affected, you are probably wrong. A
perfect example is the case of a woman who went to Haiti on a
Guggenheim Fellowship to study Haitian Voodoo. In her report, she
related how the music eventually induced uncontrollable bodily movement
and an altered state of consciousness. Although she understood the
process and thought herself above it, when she began to feel herself
become vulnerable to the music, she attempted to fight it and turned
away. Anger or resistance almost always assures conversion. A few
moments later she was possessed by the music and began dancing.
A brain phase had been induced
by the music and excitement, and she awoke feeling reborn. The only
hope of attending such gatherings without being affected is to be a
Buddha and allow no positive or negative emotions to surface. Few
people are capable of such detachment.
Before I go on, let's go back to the six tip-offs to conversion. I
want to mention the United States Government and military boot camp.
The Marine Corps talks about breaking men down before "rebuilding" them
as new men--as marines! Well, that is exactly what they do, the same
way a cult breaks its people down and rebuilds them as happy flower
sellers on your local street corner. Every one of the six conversion
techniques are used in boot camp. Considering the needs of the
military, I'm not making a judgement as to whether that is good
or bad. IT IS A FACT that the men are effectively brainwashed. Those
who won't submit must be discharged or spend much of their time in the
Decognition Process
Once the initial conversion is effected, cults, armed services, and
similar groups cannot have cynicism among their members. Members must
respond to commands and do as they are told, otherwise they are
dangerous to the organizational control. This is normally accomplished
in a three step Decognition Process.
Step One is ALERTNESS REDUCTION: The controllers cause the nervous
system to malfunction, making it difficult to distinguish between
fantasy and reality. This can be accomplished in several ways. POOR
DIET is one; watch out for Brownies and Koolaid. The sugar throws the
nervous system off. More subtle is the "SPIRITUAL DIET" used by many
cults. They eat only vegetables and fruits; without the grounding of
grains, nuts, seeds, dairy products, fish or meat, an individual
becomes mentally "spacey." INADEQUATE SLEEP is another primary way to
reduce alertness, especially when combined with long hours of work or
intense physical activity. Also, being bombarded with intense and
unique experiences achieves the same result.
Step Two is PROGRAMED CONFUSION: You are mentally assaulted while
your alertness is being reduced as in Step One. This is accomplished
with a deluge of new information, lectures, discussion groups,
encounters or one-to-one processing, which usually amounts to the
controller bombarding the individual with questions. During this phase
of decognition, reality and illusion often merge and perverted logic is
likely to be accepted.
Step Three is THOUGHT STOPPING: Techniques are used to cause the
mind to go "flat." These are altered-state-of-consciousness techniques
that initially induce calmness by giving the mind something simple to
deal with and focusing awareness. The continued use brings on a feeling
of elation and eventually hallucination. The result is the reduction of
thought and eventually, if used long enough, the cessation of all
thought and withdrawal from everyone and everything except that which
the controllers direct. The takeover is then complete. It is important
to be aware that when members or participants are instructed to use
"thought-stopping" techniques, they are told that they will benefit by
so doing: they will become "better soldiers" or "find enlightenment."
There are three primary techniques used for thought stopping. The
first is MARCHING: the thump, thump, thump beat literally generates
self-hypnosis and thus great susceptibility to suggestion.
The second thought stopping technique is MEDITATION. If you spend
an hour to an hour and a half a day in meditation, after a few weeks,
there is a great probability that you will not return to full beta
consciousness. You will remain in a fixed state of alpha for as long as
you continue to meditate. I'm not saying this is bad--if you do it
yourself. It may be very beneficial. But it is a fact that you are
causing your mind to go flat. I've worked with meditators on an EEG
machine and the results are conclusive: the more you meditate, the
flatter your mind becomes until, eventually and especially if used to
excess or in combination with decognition, all thought ceases. Some
spiritual groups see this as nirvana--which is bullshit. It is simply a
predictable physiological result. And if heaven on earth is non-
thinking and non-involvement, I really question why we are here.
The third thought-stopping technique is CHANTING
All three-stopping techniques produce an altered state of
consciousness. This may be very good if YOU are controlling the
process, for you also control the input. I personally use at least one
self-hypnosis programming session every day and I know how beneficial
it is for me. But you need to know if you use these techniques to the
degree of remaining continually in alpha that, although you'll be very
mellow, you'll also be more suggestible.
True Believers & Mass Movements
Before ending this section on conversion, I want to talk about the
people who are most susceptible to it and about Mass Movements. I am
convinced that at least a third of the population is what Eric Hoffer
calls "true believers." They are joiners and followers . . . people who
want to give away their power. They look for answers, meaning, and
enlightenment outside themselves.
Hoffer, who wrote THE TRUE BELIEVER, a classic on mass movements,
says, "true believers are not intent on bolstering and advancing a
cherished self, but are those craving to be rid of unwanted self. They
are followers, not because of a desire for self-advancement, but
because it can satisfy their passion for self-renunciation!" Hoffer
also says that true believers "are eternally incomplete and eternally
I know this from my own experience. In my years of communicating
concepts and conducting trainings, I have run into them again and
again. All I can do is attempt to show them that the only thing to seek
is the True Self within. Their personal answers are to be found there
and there alone. I communicate that the basics of spirituality are
self-responsibility and self-actualization. But most of the true
believers just tell me that I'm not spiritual and go looking for
someone who will give them the dogma and structure they desire. Never
underestimate the potential danger of these people. They can easily be
molded into fanatics who will gladly work and die for their holy cause.
It is a substitute for their lost faith in themselves and offers them
as a substitute for individual hope. The Moral Majority is made up of
true believers. All cults are composed of true believers. You'll find
them in politics, churches, businesses, and social cause groups. They
are the fanatics in these organizations.
Mass Movements will usually have a charismatic leader. The
followers want to convert others to their way of living or impose a new
way of life--if necessary, by legislating laws forcing others to their
view, as evidenced by the activities of the Moral Majority. This means
enforcement by guns or punishment, for that is the bottomline in law
Some human-potential movements are far too clever
to ask their graduates to join anything, thus labeling themselves as a
cult--but, if you look closely, you'll find that their issue is anyone
and everyone who hasn't taken their training. The True Believers
are mentally unbalanced or insecure people, or those without hope or
friends. People don't look for allies when they love, but they do when
they hate or become obsessed with a cause. And those who desire a new
life and a new order feel the old ways must be eliminated before the
new order can be built.
Persuasion Techniques
Persuasion isn't technically brainwashing but it is the
manipulation of the human mind by another individual, without the
manipulated party being aware what caused his opinion shift. I only
have time to very basically introduce you to a few of the thousands of
techniques in use today, but the basis of persuasion is always to
access your RIGHT BRAIN. The left half of your brain is analytical and
rational. The right side is creative and imaginative. That is overly
simplified but it makes my point. So, the idea is to distract the left
brain and keep it busy. Ideally, the persuader generates an eyes-open
altered state of consciousness, causing you to shift from beta
awareness into alpha; this can be measured on an EEG machine.
First, let me give you an example of distracting the left brain.
Politicians use these powerful techniques all the time; lawyers use
many variations which, I've been told, they call "tightening the
Assume for a moment that you are watching a politician give a
speech. First, he might generate what is called a "YES SET." These are
statements that will cause listeners to agree; they might even
unknowingly nod their heads in agreement. Next come the TRUISMS. These
are usually facts that could be debated but, once the politician has
his audience agreeing, the odds are in the politician's favor that the
audience won't stop to think for themselves, thus continuing to agree.
Last comes the SUGGESTION. This is what the politician wants you to do
and, since you have been agreeing all along, you could be persuaded to
accept the suggestion. Now, if you'll listen closely to my political
speech, you'll find that the first three are the "yes set," the next
three are truisms and the last is the suggestion.
"Ladies and gentlemen: are you angry about high food prices? Are
you tired of astronomical gas prices? Are you sick of out-of-control
inflation? Well, you know the Other Party allowed 18 percent inflation
last year; you know crime has increased 50 percent nationwide in the
last 12 months, and you know your paycheck hardly covers your expenses
any more. Well, the answer to resolving these problems is to elect me,
John Jones, to the U.S. Senate."
And I think you've heard all that before. But you might also watch
for what are called Imbedded Commands. As an example: On key words, the
speaker would make a gesture with his left hand, which research has
shown is more apt to access your right brain. Today's media-oriented
politicians and spellbinders are often carefully trained by a whole new
breed of specialist who are using every trick in the book--both old and
new--to manipulate you into accepting their candidate.
The concepts and techniques of Neuro-Linguistics are so heavily
protected that I found out the hard way that to even talk about them
publicly or in print results in threatened legal action. Yet Neuro-
Linguistic training is readily available to anyone willing to devote
the time and pay the price. It is some of the most subtle and powerful
manipulation I have yet been exposed to. A good friend who recently
attended a two-week seminar on Neuro-Linguistics found that many of
those she talked to during the breaks were government people.
Another technique that I'm just learning about is unbelievably
slippery; it is called an INTERSPERSAL TECHNIQUE and the idea is to say
one thing with words but plant a subconscious impression of something
else in the minds of the listeners and/or watchers.
Let me give you an example: Assume you are watching a television
commentator make the following statement: SENATOR JOHNSON is assisting
local authorities to clear up the stupid mistakes of companies
contributing to the nuclear waste problems." It sounds like a statement
of fact, but, if the speaker emphasizes the right word, and especially
if he makes the proper hand gestures on the key words, you could be
left with the subconscious impression that Senator Johnson is stupid.
That was the subliminal goal of the statement and the speaker cannot be
called to account for anything.
Persuasion techniques are also frequently used on a much smaller
scale with just as much effectiveness. The insurance salesman knows his
pitch is likely to be much more effective if he can get you to
visualize something in your mind. This is right-brain communication.
For instance, he might pause in his conversation, look slowly around
your livingroom and say, "Can you just imagine this beautiful home
burning to the ground?" Of course you can! It is one of your
unconscious fears and, when he forces you to visualize it, you are more
likely to be manipulated into signing his insurance policy.
The Hare Krishnas, operating in every airport, use what I call
SHOCK AND CONFUSION techniques to distract the left brain and
communicate directly with the right brain. While waiting for a plane, I
once watched one operate for over an hour. He had a technique of almost
jumping in front of someone. Initially, his voice was loud then
dropped as he made his pitch to take a book and contribute money to the
cause. Usually, when people are shocked, they immediately withdraw. In
this case they were shocked by the strange appearance, sudden
materialization and loud voice of the Hare Krishna devotee. In other
words, the people went into an alpha state for security because they
didn't want to confront the reality before them. In alpha, they were
highly suggestible so they responded to the suggestion of taking the
book; the moment they took the book, they felt guilty and responded to
the second suggestion: give money. We are all conditioned that if
someone gives us something, we have to give them something in return--
in that case, it was money. While watching this hustler, I was close
enough to notice that many of the people he stopped
exhibited an outward sign of alpha--their eyes were actually dilated.
Subliminal Programming
Subliminals are hidden suggestions that only your subconscious
perceives. They can be audio, hidden behind music, or visual,
airbrushed into a picture, flashed on a screen so fast that you don't
consciously see them, or cleverly incorporated into a picture or
Most audio subliminal reprograming tapes offer verbal suggestions
recorded at a low volume. I question the efficacy of this technique--if
subliminals are not perceptible, they cannot be effective, and
subliminals recorded below the audible threshold are therefore useless.
The oldest audio subliminal technique uses a voice that follows the
volume of the music so subliminals are impossible to detect without a
parametric equalizer. But this technique is patented and, when I wanted
to develop my own line of subliminal audiocassettes, negotiations with
the patent holder proved to be unsatisfactory. My attorney obtained
copies of the patents which I gave to some talented Hollywood sound
engineers, asking them to create a new technique. They found a way to
psycho-acoustically modify and synthesize the suggestions so that they
are projected in the same chord and frequency as the music, thus giving
them the effect of being part of the music. But we found that in using
this technique, there is no way to reduce various frequencies to detect
the subliminals. In other words, although the suggestions are being
heard by the subconscious mind, they cannot be monitored with even the
most sophisticated equipment.
If we were able to come up with this technique as easily as we did,
I can only imagine how sophisticated the technology has become, with
unlimited government or advertising funding. And I shudder to think
about the propaganda and commercial manipulation that we are exposed to
on a daily basis. There is simply no way to know what is behind the
music you hear. It may even be possible to hide a second voice behind
the voice to which you are listening. The series by Wilson Bryan Key,
Ph.D., on subliminals in advertising and political campaigns well
documents the misuse in many areas, especially printed advertising in
newspapers, magazines, and posters.
The big question about subliminals is: do they work? And I
guarantee you they do. Not only from the response of those who have
used my tapes, but from the results of such programs as the subliminals
behind the music in department stores. Supposedly, the only message is
instructions to not steal: one East Coast department store chain
reported a 37 percent reduction in thefts in the first nine months of
A 1984 article in the technical newsletter, "Brain-Mind Bulletin,"
states that as much as 99 percent of our cognitive activity may be
"non-conscious," according to the director of the Laboratory for
Cognitive Psychophysiology at the University of Illinois. The lengthy
report ends with the statement, "these findings support the use of
subliminal approaches such as taped suggestions for weight loss and the
therapeutic use of hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming."
Mass Misuse
I could relate many stories that support subliminal programming,
but I'd rather use my time to make you aware of even more subtle uses
of such programming.
I have personally experienced sitting in a Los Angeles auditorium
with over ten thousand people who were gathered to listen to a current
charismatic figure. Twenty minutes after entering the auditorium, I
became aware that I was going in and out of an altered state. Those
accompanying me experienced the same thing. Since it is our business,
we were aware of what was happening, but those around us were not. By
careful observation, what appeared to be spontaneous demonstrations
were, in fact, artful manipulations. The only way I could figure that
the eyes-open trance had been induced was that a 6- to 7-cycle-per-
second vibration was being piped into the room behind the air
conditioner sound. That particular vibration generates alpha, which
would render the audience highly susceptible. Ten to 25 percent of the
population is capable of a somnambulistic level of altered states of
consciousness; for these people, the suggestions of the speaker, if
non-threatening, could potentially be accepted as "commands."
This leads to the mention of VIBRATO. Vibrato is the tremulous
effect imparted in some vocal or instrumental music, and the cyle-per-
second range causes people to go into an altered state of
consciousness. At one period of English history, singers whose voices
contained pronounced vibrato were not allowed to perform publicly
because listeners would go into an altered state and have fantasies,
often sexual in nature.
People who attend opera or enjoy listening to singers like Mario
Lanza are familiar with this altered state induced by the performers.
Now, let's carry this awareness a little farther. There are also
inaudible ELFs (extra-low frequency waves). These are electromagnetic
in nature. One of the primary uses of ELFs is to communicate with our
submarines. Dr. Andrija Puharich, a highly respected researcher, in an
attempt to warn U.S. officials about Russian use of ELFs, set up an
experiment. Volunteers were wired so their brain waves could be
measured on an EEG. They were sealed in a metal room that could not be
penetrated by a normal signal.
Puharich then beamed ELF waves at the volunteers. ELFs go right
through the earth and, of course, right through metal walls. Those
inside couldn't know if the signal was or was not being sent. And
Puharich watched the reactions on the technical equipment: 30 percent
of those inside the room were taken over by the ELF signal in six to
ten seconds.
When I say "taken over," I mean that their behavior followed the
changes anticipated at very precise frequencies. Waves below 6 cycles
per second caused the subjects to become very emotionally upset, and
even disrupted bodily functions. At 8.2 cycles, they felt very high...
an elevated feeling, as though they had been in masterful meditation,
learned over a period of years. Eleven to 11.3 cycles induced waves of
depressed agitation leading to riotous behavior.
The Neurophone
Dr. Patrick Flanagan is a personal friend of mine. In the early
1960s, as a teenager, Pat was listed as one of the top scientists in
the world by "Life" magazine. Among his many inventions was a device he
called the Neurophone--an electronic instrument that can successfully
program suggestions directly through contact with the skin. When he
attempted to patent the device, the government demanded that he prove
it worked. When he did, the National Security Agency confiscated the
neurophone. It took Pat two years of legal battle to get his invention
In using the device, you don't hear or see a thing; it is applied
to the skin, which Pat claims is the source of special senses. The skin
contains more sensors for heat, touch, pain, vibration, and electrical
fields than any other part of the human anatomy.
In one of his recent tests, Pat conducted two identical seminars
for a military audience--one seminar one night and one the next night,
because the size of the room was not large enough to accommodate all of
them at one time. When the first group proved to be very cool and
unwilling to respond, Patrick spent the next day making a special tape
to play at the second seminar. The tape instructed the audience to be
extremely warm and responsive and for their hands to become "tingly."
The tape was played through the neurophone, which was connected to a
wire he placed along the ceiling of the room. There were no speakers,
so no sound could be heard, yet the message was successfully
transmitted from that wire directly into the brains of the audience.
They were warm and receptive, their hands tingled and they responded,
according to programming, in other ways that I cannot mention here.
The more we find out about how human beings work through today's
highly advanced technological research, the more we learn to control
human beings. And what probably scares me the most is that the medium
for takeover is already in place! The television set in your livingroom
and bedroom is doing a lot more than just entertaining you.
Before I continue, let me point out something else about an altered
state of consciousness. When you go into an altered state, you transfer
into right brain, which results in the internal release of the body's
own opiates: enkephalins and Beta-endorphins, chemically almost
identical to opium. In other words, it feels good . . . and you want to
come back for more.
Recent tests by researcher Herbert Krugman showed that, while
viewers were watching TV, right-brain activity outnumbered left-brain
activity by a ratio of two to one. Put more simply, the viewers were in
an altered state . . . in trance more often than not. They were getting
their Beta-endorphin "fix."
To measure attention spans, psychophysiologist Thomas Mulholland of
the Veterans Hospital in Bedford, Massachusetts, attached young viewers
to an EEG machine that was wired to shut the TV set off whenever the
children's brains produced a majority of alpha waves. Although the
children were told to concentrate, only a few could keep the set on for
more than 30 seconds!
Most viewers are already hypnotized. To deepen the trance is easy.
One simple way is to place a blank, black frame every 32 frames in the
film that is being projected. This creates a 45-beat-per-minute
pulsation perceived only by the subconscious mind--the ideal pace to
generate deep hypnosis.
The commercials or suggestions presented following this alpha-
inducing broadcast are much more likely to be accepted by the viewer.
The high percentage of the viewing audience that has somnambulistic-
depth ability could very well accept the suggestions as commands--as
long as those commands did not ask the viewer to do something contrary
to his morals, religion, or self-preservation.
The medium for takeover is here. By the age of 16, children have
spent 10,000 to 15,000 hours watching television--that is more time
than they spend n school! In the average home, the TV set is on for six
hours and 44 minutes per day--an increase of nine minutes from last
year and three times the average rate of increase during the 1970s.
It obviously isn't getting better . . . we are rapidly moving into
an alpha-level world--very possibly the Orwellian world of "1984"--
placid, glassy-eyed, and responding obediently to instructions.
A research project by Jacob Jacoby, a Purdue University
psychologist, found that of 2,700 people tested, 90 percent
misunderstood even such simple viewing fare as commercials and "Barnaby
Jones." Only minutes after watching, the typical viewer missed 23 to 36
percent of the questions about what he or she had seen. Of course they
did--they were going in and out of trance! If you go into a deep
trance, you must be instructed to remember--otherwise you automatically
I have just touched the tip of the iceberg. When you start to
combine subliminal messages behind the music, subliminal visuals
projected on the screen, hypnotically produced visual effects,
sustained musical beats at a trance-inducing pace . . . you have
extremely effective brainwashing. Every hour that you spend watching
the TV set you become more conditioned. And, in case you thought there
was a law against any of these things, guess again. There isn't! There
are a lot of powerful people who obviously prefer things exactly the
way they are. Maybe they have plans for us?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2003, 12:12:00 PM »
JC is in SERIOUS need of help!  OMG!!! My Lord called as an e-mail address??  I could apply the "truth" that is told in various religions as brainwashing too.  What a LONG crock of shit she wrote.  SCAREY!! :rofl:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2003, 06:53:00 PM »
Using netscape rather than explorer will solve the popup problems.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline MelissaR

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« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2003, 08:38:00 PM »
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute... is that Joyce, like Joyce Joyce.... the one that is a facilitator!??!?!?

Anyone that is familiar with WWASP knows who I'm talknig about.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2003, 12:22:00 AM »
JC could be talking about Dr. Phil, Tony Robbins, ...any number of people that do personal growth seminars both private and in your place of business.  This lady is truly a wacko.  As for TV.  of course it brainwashing!! The nightly news is the worst next to commercials.   :lol: What's she got against life in general....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2003, 10:52:00 AM »
JC could be talking about Dr. Phil, Tony Robbins, ...any number of people that do personal growth seminars both private and in your place of business.

About this ^

Your right, she could be talking about any of these; but that dosen't make her wakko; She is still correct in her assessment.

LGAT seminars are brainwashing sessions; no matter who conducts tham.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2003, 11:01:00 AM »
Can someone provide some perspective on the original post?  Who wrote it?  Who was it written to?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2003, 11:38:00 AM »
I'd like to add some comments.  I'm probably one of the people the original author would consider extremely suggestible---I self-hypnotize very easily, I go into altered states very easily.  And when I was younger I was much more susceptible to true-believerism.

One of the things the author doesn't consider enough is that big caveat: as long as it doesn't go against the listener's morals, religion, or self-preservation.

With the exception of the last, in some sense and to some extent we're talking about the person's prior "programming."

Except there's that self-preservation caveat.  What happens when a person is exposed to a LOT of alpha-state manipulation in multiple directions?

Remember when he/she was talking about army programming and that cynicism meant it "didn't take"?

There's a real world "experiment" in the person of  the large numbers of kids following the baby boom generation---kids who grew up in front of the TV and maybe as kids wanted to buy everything advertised on it.

The advertisers first named this generation "generation X" when they noticed that there was a gap in their marketing---a group of people they were having real trouble selling to.  A group characterized by a cynicism and an unwillingness to be "sold".


Self preservation.

How many people in that generation begged their parents for a toy that looked good on TV, or saved their money for it, only to find out it was a piece of crap?  Lots.

When the environment gets saturated with a lot of conflicting "buy me" signals, people's self-preservation sense kicks in and triggers cynicism as a survival reflex.

This is why to really brainwash someone, and keep them that way, you have to have isolation and physical control over them---you have to be able to screen out conflicting suggestions, or just suggestions that compete for enough of their behavior to trigger self-preservation wholesale rejection of a large class of suggestions.

I strongly suspect that this is why secularism increases where freedom of religion is present.

It's not necessarily rational to panic about all attempts at subliminal programming in the broad environment.  It is rational to be very concerned about an organization or group being able to isolate people and control their sources of information so that the organization's programming is the *only* programming hitting the person's brain.

Again, the big danger of restrictive boarding schools is their power to isolate the kids.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2003, 12:04:00 PM »
This is why to really brainwash someone, and keep them that way, you have to have isolation and physical control over them---you have to be able to screen out conflicting suggestions, or just suggestions that compete for enough of their behavior to trigger self-preservation wholesale rejection of a large class of suggestions.

That can explain why, or suggest, that the kids in these programs may be or may have been brainwashed...but, that does not explain why the parents who place their kids in these programs can claim to also have been brainwashed. I think the parents who place their kids in these programs are tyring to brainwash their kids.  I think that is exactly what they want the end result to be.

The parent who claim they too were brainwashed are just disatisfied consumers.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2003, 12:05:00 PM »
If you think about it, life is one big behavior modification program.  Thank God for sex, drugs and Rock 'n Roll.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2003, 12:09:00 PM »
Does anyone have access to all of the WWASP contracts that parents signed when placing their kids in WWASP programs?  I would like to see exactly what is spelled out in writing in each agreement between parent and program.  I am not interested in the "glossy brochures", it is the fine print in the contracts that  I would like to see.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »