Author Topic: Provo Canyon -- Educated Commentary  (Read 5377 times)

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Offline Deborah

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Provo Canyon -- Educated Commentary
« on: November 04, 2003, 07:37:00 PM »
It was tough to decide whether to put this in the "Lon on Scarcity" thread- it's such a reality check to his bs- or give it it's own thread. Rampant Talking. It seems like the momentum is growing and people are finding the available message boards. ... ID=8.topic

I am so glad to have found this place. I have been looking for an outlet for my experience for almost 8 years. I was incarcerated at Provo Canyon School for 14 months, from 1995 to 1996. I was not a drug addict, a prostitute, or a criminal. I suffered from depression, anxiety disorder, rape, and a broken home.

If I can just say one thing: KEEP YOUR CHILDREN AWAY FROM THAT PLACE!!!

I now hold degrees in both Human Biology and Psychology, and am a first year medical student at the University of Washington. So, I can give you not only my personal experience, but some educated commentary as well.

PCS runs a punishment based behavioral modification program. No, they probably won't beat or rape your children. But, their patients are subjected to an intense psychological abuse. Do some research and you will find that the literature shows no evidence that punishment techniques are positive or productive. Laboratory rats subjected to punishment in order to extinguish a behavior do in fact stop displaying that behavior. But in its place they show anxiety and fear reactions, overall neurotic behaviors.

If you have a child that always pulls the dog's tail, and telling him not to has not worked, every time he pulls the tail, try zapping him with a cattle prod. I guarantee he will stop pulling the dog's tail after not very many tries, but try to imaging what kind of psychological consequences that might have on the child's mental health.

Another point, it you have a teenager who is mouthy and rebellious, and she calls you and @#%$, and you locked her in the closet for several hours as punishment, would you not expect child services to consider that abuse? That is equivalent to PCS's time out room: a freezing cold, concrete closet with nothing in it, not even a blanket. Yet, if an institution locks a child in a closet for mouthing off, it considered therapy. That's because PCS would be shut down if they beat or starved the children in their care, so they utilize isolation and sensory deprivation techniques instead.

This illustrates the philosophy of "treatment" at PCS. It is a behaviorist institution, and as such, it only cares about behavior. As long as your child conforms to the rules and doesn't swear or talk openly about non-mainstream religous or political beliefs, her therapists will report a progress and that the program is working. What they do not review is the broken psychological state of the child who has learned that she is powerless under her staff and must simply conform to avoid aversive situations. They will not report on the suppression of that child's personality, that what their school really seeks to produce is a herd of same-thinking, same-dressing, un-opinionated adolescents who will never question or challenge authority on any point.

As a last comment, I want to point out that PCS not only uses isolation in their concrete closet, but they also use physical and chemical restraints. Now, when a person is so distraught that they may attempt to hurt themselves or others, such restraints are sanctioned methods to keep everyone physically safe during the crisis. However, PCS uses these restraints not only in these situations. They will be used as a means of punishment for refusing to conform to the rules. In oder to restrain your child, they need a doctor's order. So, the nurse calls a doctor at home, says "I think this child is a danger", and viola, the child is restrained, without an actual review by a physician in person. I was once injected with Haldol. When I had an allergic reaction, which is very common with this drug, I was made to wait for two hours until they considered it "safe" for me to come out of the closet, before I was given the antidote, cogentin. It was excruciating pain, intense muscle cramping for two hours.

Please, feel free to email me.
[email protected]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline cherish wisdom

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Provo Canyon -- Educated Commentary
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2004, 06:01:00 PM »
It was great to read this commentary which so closely coresponds to all of the other testimonies that have been shared on-line. Unfortunately this ezboard link has been disabled. I'm bringing it forward once again - since this person is obviously a credible sourse of information.

As your attorney, it is my duty to inform you that it is not important that you understand what I'm doing or why you're paying me so much money.  What's important is that you continue to do so.
--Hunter S. Thompson's Samoan Attorney

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
If you lack wisdom ask of God and it shall be given to you.\"

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2004, 06:33:00 PM »
Another point on punishment-based behavior modification:

When punishment is applied arbitrarily and in such a way that the subject---whether rat, dog, pigeon, or human---cannot avoid being doing something that will  result in punishmen, or will be punished for *something* no matter what he does, a phenomenon called "learned helplessness" sets in.

A rat or a dog or a pigeon (or a human) afflicted with learned helplessness will, for example, sit on an electric shock floor passively receiving repeated painful electric shocks, when a non-shock floor is just inches away---it never even thinks to try to get away from the bad environment.  "Battered Wife Syndrome" is in its essence learned helplessness.

Rats who have had learned helplessness induced in them will, when placed in a bucket of water, stop swimming and drown far sooner than rats that have *not* had learned helplessness induced.

Learned helplessness is serious psychological damage, with serious adverse life consequences for those afflicted with it.

Another thing about punishment is that, while it is effective at extinguishing undesired behaviors,  people or animals who have their behavior consistently modified with punishment become sullen, resentful, and tend to hate the people who caused the punishment to be inflicted.

They also tend to avoid those people, and the punished behavior is *only* extinguished when the organism punished has reason to believe it is likely to be observed (caught) by the punisher.

Also, the BM facilities that claim to work by positive reinforcement are, largely, lying.

They apply boredom, unpleasant food, lack of privacy, and social isolation to *all* incoming inmates/patients/subjects.  They then *remove* these negative conditions when the subject complies with the desired behaviors--and reapply them when the subject misses complying in any small matter.

That's negative reinforcement to start with, combined with punishment.

*Nowhere* in the program is there genuine "positive reinforcement"----not until you reach a few things at the higher "levels"---and even then the reinforcing stimuli is not applied *correctly*---as an immediate reward for an immediate desired behavior---it's applied as a general privilege for the "level."

Negative reinforcement is frequently cheaper than genuine positive reinforcement.  But it's mostly used out of sadism, mental laziness, and incompetence on the part of program owners/architects.

Hogwarts house points in the Harry Potter novels are an example of genuine positive reinforcement in a boarding school environment.  Nobody is punished for not having enough points, nobody is punished for losing points (except occasionally by peer pressure)---gaining points is just a tangible reward towards winning coveted team competition.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline cherish wisdom

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« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2004, 01:14:00 AM »
What's so outrageous is the fact that the staff members are the ones who employ the behavior modification tactics. Supposedly they learn this from some sort of training at the facility.  These are usually unskilled workers who lack the professional skills necessary to use behavior modification effectively with human beings.  They are truly doing more harm than good.  
These programs, like Provo Canyon, do not disclose their use of behavior modification to potential clients. Families are kept in the dark and parents are lied to and manipulated.  These programs do nothing to bring families closer together.

"If you lack wisdom ask of God and it shall be given to you."[ This Message was edited by: cherish wisdom on 2004-05-22 22:16 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
If you lack wisdom ask of God and it shall be given to you.\"

Offline Deborah

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« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2004, 01:15:00 PM »
Examples of the "treatment" my son received by a "counselor" who was young, just out of school, who frequently had to look in the manual to determine the "appropriate" consequence, which was always black and white.

In group she asked what was up for him. He expressed concern about his older brother who was having a difficult time. She placed him on restriction (limited calories, no interaction with peers, work detail) for "lying", until he could be "honest". He wanted off restriction so he made up a lie. She liked it and released him.

What might he learn from this? To think and/or respond only in the way that is acceptable to them? That it's not ok to be concerned about someone else or to express it? Even though my son was aware of their manipulation, when one is subjected to this kind of thought control and conditioning for extended periods it will have a negative impact on their spontaneous and honest reaction and expression. He rarely shares his feelings or thoughts now. They conditioned him to think that others aren't interested and his "truth" is unacceptable. My observation of him now is that he is overly concerned about what others might think of him, that other's aren't interested in how he feels or what he thinks and don't want to be bothered. Even with me, who he knows he can trust and be honest with, he will fabricate unnecessarily. I call him on it and remind him that he's no longer in a mind control prison and that I'm not one of "them". We have a good laugh and he relaxes and expresses the truth. But, isn't that the kind of teen parents expect to return- one who doesn't bother them, who stays quiet, keeps their thoughts to themselves, only speaks the "acceptable"? He learned to lie in order to please, and to wrongly assume that everyone expects what the program expected. The programs argument- the teen must stay focused on "their work", can't think about anyone else. I consider their methods to be extreme and austere. A skilled and effective counselor would have let him talk about his concern for his brother and explore how, if at all, that might relate to himself.

My son had a female and male counselor, surrogate parents if you will. An example of how they "parented" him.

He told me that he didn't feel like he was getting enough time with them. Having lost my court battle to bring him back home- soley due to the lies presented to the judge by his father and the program- and resigned to the fact that he would be there for 22 months, I decided to make an attempt to "work with" his counselors. In confidence I shared his concern with the female, told her that he was probably just needing some individual attention, a "mom", and could she make herself available to him. She violated my confidence. She and the male called him in, grilled him for an hour and a half and put him on restriction for "manipulation". Their interpretation- He lied to me about how much time they spent with him. She certainly found time to lecture him on how many kids they had to care for (18 or so at the time) and how he got "ample" time with them, yet couldn't make time to give him individual attention. This was early on in his 20 month stay. It certainly set the tone for my son and I. I never divulged another thing he told me and we both "got it"- he was in the hands of dictators who were free to weild their "power" in abusive ways. They weren't interested in a working relationship with me. They wanted me to defer to their methods and expect nothing of them. The headmaster declined to explain how the handling of this situation was beneficial for my son. How the act of violating my confidence was good modeling when the teens were consequenced for the same.

The following week his counselor told me that he had something to say about his "lie" the previous week. I asked him if he lied. He replied yes. I asked him if he felt they were spending enough time with him. No. I told him that there was a difference between how much time they actually spent with him and his opinion as to whether it was enough. I asked again if he felt like he received enough individual time with them. He said he didn't know. Obviously confused and trying to answer honestly without violating the perameters they'd set for the interaction. I restated the question. Did he lie or was he expressing how it felt to him and what he wanted. Was it enough? He said no, but he understood that they had alot to do and limited time. I asked how he had arrived at this conclusion. He said they had called him in for an hour or more to "discuss it". They pointed out how much time they spent with him. I asked a final time if he truely felt he was getting enough individual time. He said no. I assured him that he did not lie, but expressed a need which they were not willing (or able) to meet.

He then announced that he needed to tell me about another incident he was on restriction for. The entire group had "confronted" him about being nice in group, but not outside group. Then two girls confronted him about violating confidentiality. He attempted to respond to one of them about their false accusation and the counselor silenced him. He told her that the constitution gave him the right to speak. She kicked him out of group and told him he had the right to think in the hall and assigned him to work duty. I asked if he was now clear on the procedure for rebutting others accusations in group and about the "rule" he had apparently violated. He replied no.

The following week I told his counselor that my purpose for sharing was in hopes that she could address the issue and asked if she could entertain the possibility that he hadn't "lied" but was trying to communicate a need in the best way he could. She went off telling the story again and that he had been given the opportunity to discuss it during the hour and 40 minute period. I asked if he was punished for lying or for poorly expressing a need. She had to go- late placing the next call. I expressed my resentment- anytime I had a question she had no answer or had to get off the phone. She reminded me that she only had 20 minutes. I reminded her that most of our calls were 10 minutes and she was frequently late calling me because she'd spent extra time with the previous parent. She said that my comment was not "an accurate representation of reality". I told her it damned well was and that I'd start documenting it. And further, that I wanted to return to the discussion the next week. I didn't receive my weekly call from her or my weekly call with my son for the following two weeks.

When I finally spoke to him again he expressed concern that he might be headed for wilderness because he was taken for a physical the day before. He was extremely distressed and afraid that he would loose his 8 month home visit. He asked if I knew anything about it. Refusing to lie to him, I told him that I'd had a conference call with his counselors and the Dir of counseling and they had asked me not to discuss it with him. I asked how the physical went. He said he refused to take it. They sent him without it, telling him he'd "have to take the consequences." I asked him if he'd ever been sent to pre-wilderness. No. A violation of their stated procedures. I posted this on a message board and shortly after parents received a new protocol to replace the old in the parent manual, giving them the right to refer to wilderness "as needed".

Some of the most unreasonable and irrational people I'd ever encountered. The headmaster accused me of harrassing the staff on campus and at home, of searching out his home email address. He must have felt like an idiot when I suggested that he check his outbox and mailed a copy to all parties concerned. Of course, he didn't retract his accusations or apologize. They knew they had my ex wrapped around their finger so they colluded with him in restricting my contact with my son overtly and covertly- totally ignoring my parental rights. When I took the matter to family court they worked together to spin the illusion that my son was "on a slippery slope" and that I was attempting to interfere with the "treatment" he needed. A very simple task when small town politics were at play and the county JP was representing my ex.

When I reported them for operating without a license and opening an unlicensed wilderness program I was labeled advarsarial and frequently did not receive my weekly phone calls. They were very covert in accomplishing this- problem with the phone lines (ongoing?). Called but I wasn't there? Or the line was busy (I had call waiting)? He was off-campus at his scheduled phone time?

I also requested that his counselor make an attempt to attend some of his baseball games-  didn't attend one game all season, even though she knew this was important to him- she'd stated in a previous conversation that he practically begged her to attend. She confessed a lack of time. He was 14 for god's sake, a skilled athelete and accustomed to a mom who was involved in his life and sports, who over night found himself in a facility where no one was genuinely interested in him outside of the money his participation brought in. They were incapable of nurturing or thinking well about the teens. No kid wants their parental role model to be a full-time "counselor", constantly pointing out their "faults" -real or perceived. Checking a book or manual to decide what their consequence will be. The only activities she attended were the "therapeutic" events at the facility. In fact, charades designed to "demonstrate" for the parents how their teen was "growing".

How does this condition them for their own role as a parent? It's not healthy for a parent or parental role model to be in "therapeutic" mode 24/7. There is ample research to support the notion that the overuse of punishment is detrimental, and even more so when it's not accompanied by nurturing.

A female peer accused him in group of having a "relationship" with one of the girls. No questions asked, he was placed on restriction. The girl later confessed that she had lied but he remained on restriction. Why? In case her confession was a lie? Is this their method of "teaching/conditioning" the teen to stay on good terms with all their peers so no one "falls out" on them. Sick and twisted, but certainly could provide the illusion that there is camaraderie among the teens.

Even their language and terminology was manipulative and deceptive. Ex: They refered to their rules as "agreements". One was "out of agreement" if they violated a "rule". Doesn't ageement imply that two or more have actually agreed to something? The teens did not agree to follow those rules by any stretch of the imagination. A democratic process in which the teens participated in a group consensus on how they would function as a group was not in place. Is that good training for future social interaction- I make the rules in our relationship and call them agreements which I expect you to comply with? No two ways about it. It teaches how to lie and/or be deceptive and certainly doesn't teach one how to accurately use the english language or how to accurately interpret situations.

He was denied a home visit because he was caught smoking. An older boy had given his friend a cigarette. The two of them went into the laudry room and fired it up. The older boy followed and banged on the door to alert security. The facility is 10 miles from the nearest town. They were irritated when I asked how the boy might have acquired tobacco and if he too was "consequenced". The boy had denied it, but they "thought he was lying". No consequence, even though my son and his friend reported who they got it from. And a direct contradiction to what had previously happen to my son- punished for an accusation that wasn't proven. To this day I question if it was a set up. Any participant will tell you that tobacco, dip, and drugs can be acquired by staff. I absolutely believe their agenda is to prevent the teen from having their scheduled visits home, particularly in the early days and also if they have a parent who is not completely supportive.

It took an act of congress to get him home for my father's funeral. They finally agreed that he could be off campus 24 hours, mind you to fly 1000 miles, attend a funeral, and fly back. Their manipulative way of saying NO. By this time all communications had to go through their attorney's assistant who was actually a decent man but limited by the program and his boss. He overrode their decision and gave me 36 hours. Said if there was a stink about it to refer them to him. An example of how good people get sucked into colluding with these abusive facilities.

The owner is a PhD psychotherapist who financed the creation of an idustry association- to spin the illusion that its members were somehow better and more distinquished than the "used car salesmen" in the industry. He is an Ed Con and only refers to his own programs- a TBS and Wilderness program. The cost- $5000+ a month for 20+ months. All staff were "credentialed". While I'm not aware of isolation rooms or blatant physical abuse, they employed many of the same more covertly abusive techniques as other programs- monitored phone calls and mail, no access to a public phone, no contact with siblings and family, work detail and limited calories/variety of food while on restriction which could literally go on indefinitely for minor infractions, denying access to parents as punishment, and while presenting as a non-restraint facility it was occasionally used. Like a maximum security prison, there was walky-talky communication among staff when a teen was moving around campus alone. Parents were not allowed on campus unnanounced.

I took a drive to the facility the evening before our first off-campus visit. I pulled in and saw my son walk around the corner of a building. On closer observation I noticed that he was in work clothes, carrying a black trash bag and a pole used to pick up trash. I was driving over to say hello when someone stopped me and told me that I must leave and not return until the next morning. I couldn't even say hello. Everything they did and said was designed to enforce the fact that they were the ultimate authority over the teen, that the parent was no longer making or involved in decision making. In a rage, I fought the urge to "kidnap" my son and head for Mexico. As I later found out, he was on restriction and had been for a month. Meaning that he'd had work detail except while in school, limited calories, and no contact with peers. He was thin and pale, grey like a lizard. He'd had diarrhea for 3 days prior and most of our 36 hours were spent treating his physical ailments. He was extremely anxious about making mistakes, very self-critical, avoided eye contact with people in public, avoided making decisions when given the opportunity. This was not my son, to feel ashamed and overly self conscious. I likened it to a cowling dog who had been beaten into submission. And what really broke my heart was when he asked me not to show him love or affection, stating that it was "too confusing". We both cried about the insanity of a situation that neither of us could change. It was beyond either of our wildest imaginations that such a place could exist in the 21st century.

I felt awkward, then disgusted as the headmaster described a past student to the proper, middle-class parents in the room, "Birkenstocks, baggy pants, tobogan" with a tone of disapproval and judgment. I looked down at my birkenstocks while feeling his obvious lack of appreciation or acceptance for diversity. One size fits all. Standing there in his duckhead slacks, polo, and loafers he assured parents that teens did not need designer clothes, and birks and baggies were unacceptable too. What's left? Prison uniforms?

Every individual I interacted with lied and manipulated on a regular basis, ironically the thing they professed to "treat". If time allowed I'd outline all the lies they told. Suffice it to say they were chronic, habitual liars. The most blatant-lying to the state about their classification and operating without the appropriate license for 7 years. My ex even grew tired of their BS and pulled our son two months early, when they attempted to deny a visit that was important to him. Of course this voided the "warranty", as did his decision not to send our son to the traditional boarding school they had recommended upon graduation. They certainly don't want the teen returning home and shattering the illusion that the program was successful.

They employ the same technique that politicians use. Speak what you want the public (parent) to believe, most will believe it, despite their observations to the contrary. While they profess to re-build trust and closeness, they actually interfer with healthy familial bonds. I think on some level they believe that parents who would consider abdicating responsibility are not bonded with their child to begin with. I do believe they possess the same disdain for parents as they do for the "defiant teens". They absolutely know they are not going to 'heal' the relationship between teen and parent. Healthy independence is a good thing. I don't believe for a minute that is what these teens leave with. More accurately they realize and resign themselves to the fact that they will never have a genuinely close relationship with their parents.

I hate that my son was subject to and lived with complete and total imbeciles who modeled/taught nothing about cooperation and appropriate social interaction and who did nothing to foster a healthy self-esteem, but indeed damaged his self image and created undue anxiety and confusion in a confident, happy-go-lucky, young man who once believed that the world was a fairly safe place to be, and who considered himself to be a valued and respected member of society.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Anonymous

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Provo Canyon -- Educated Commentary
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2004, 01:36:00 PM »
Well said, Deb!  It really is horrible that your son was abused in the name of treatment but I guess if there is a silver lining, it is that the "program" could not break your will or your spirit (e.g. rampant talking out of group!!)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Provo Canyon -- Educated Commentary
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2004, 02:08:00 PM »
The sad but true thing is that the world is *NOT* a basically safe place, and a fundamental part of adulthood is realizing that.  It's the responsibility of adults to protect our children as much as possible from the bad things that can happen to them in this unsafe world, and from realizing how unsafe the world really is until they're psychologically capable of taking it---which is about puberty.

The *way* he learned that is horrible.  Nobody should be traumatized like that.

I think you handled a bad situation as well as you could have.

It sounds like he did, too.

It would probably be good if he could bring himself to trust a *competent*, *licensed* psychologist who is experienced with post-trauma counseling.  Getting counseling now from a *competent* counselor might reduce the risk or severity of PTSD symptoms later.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline cherish wisdom

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Provo Canyon -- Educated Commentary
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2004, 08:32:00 PM »
Once a person has been abused in the name of therapy they no longer trust most trained psychologists and psychiatrists because these same professionals contributed to their aubse or failed to intervene to stop it. The teen industry demonstrates that there is clearly a very dark and evil side to the psychological industry. These so called professionals order druggings, isolation, restraints and other abusive measures to be inflicted on children in these programs.  How can anyone who has been there have any trust whatsoever?  

May the fleas of one thousand llamas infest your armpits
--One ticked off sysadmin

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
If you lack wisdom ask of God and it shall be given to you.\"

Offline Anonymous

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Provo Canyon -- Educated Commentary
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2004, 11:29:00 PM »
What happened to this person happens every day at Provo Canyon School. Nothing has changed. I was just released.  Everyone is full of fear. I hope that it will be shut down. :rofl:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2004, 12:04:00 AM »
Point of clarification- my son was not at Provo, but there are many similarities.

[ This Message was edited by: Deborah on 2004-05-25 21:05 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline darkhunterhope

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« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2004, 12:45:00 PM »
On 2004-05-25 20:29:00, Anonymous wrote:

"What happened to this person happens every day at Provo Canyon School. Nothing has changed. I was just released.  Everyone is full of fear. I hope that it will be shut down. :rofl: "

If you don't mind me asking, I was wondering as to who you are, course I don't expect you to post it on the world wide net for your own caution, but please e-mail me, I am interested in what you have to tell. My name is Hope and I was a former student at PCS from 2000-2002 and am seeking legall action against them to sue for abuse and close them down until they can get it right, that you don't abuse children in the name of 'help'. You can e-mail me at [email protected]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
o be able to look back upon one\'s past life with satisfaction is to live twice.

-  Marcus Valerius Martial

Offline Anonymous

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Provo Canyon -- Educated Commentary
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2004, 02:16:00 AM »
Taken from the petition to close Provo Canyon School:

I suffered greatly as a result of my time spent at PCS (years of nightmares, fear, shame...severe anxiety, anger, etc...)  Now ten years later, I have come to terms with what happened to me there.  I am able to step back and look at it through the eyes of a young professional- and I am appalled at what I see!  How could this have happened??  Who allowed this facility operate??  Why hasn't more been done to protect these children from such abuse??

If this program is properly and thoroughly investigated, I am quite sure it will not be allowed to continue operating.


*** please note that the children at this facility have been instilled with fear... they are threatened with harsh punishment should they speak negatively about the program to ANYONE.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Provo Canyon -- Educated Commentary
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2004, 09:38:00 AM »
Angela?s Commentary

Imagine a place where people who tell the truth are hushed.  Imagine a place where abuse is commonplace.  Imagine a place where there are no rights for victims.  Imagine a place that gets away with murder, and worse, torture.  Imagine a place with no windows.  Imagine a place where hierarchy and hope exist only if you sell your soul.  Imagine being sent to such a place by the people you love and trust to take care of you and protect you against such atrocities.  Unimaginable, right?  Wrong.  Places like this exist all over the United States of America.  They are called behavior modification programs.  They are called reform schools.  They are, as remembered by survivors, hell.


These places can?t exist.  They violate national and international human rights laws.  They get away with it by operating in states with little to no patient protection laws.  They operate by brainwashing, beating, and sometimes killing those in their care.  It?s a tragedy when these ?accidents? happen.  But, they pick their locales very carefully.  In rural communities and on sites with acreage surrounded by treacherous mountains and desert sands are windowless buildings filled with unheard and unseen suffering, pain, and tragedy.  


I have no proof but my memory, my experience, and my words.  My fellow survivors have no remedy for their proof is like mine and falls too often on disbelieving parents.  It is more often than not that the horrors experienced are locked in a vault in the minds of the victims guarded by post- traumatic stress, shrouded in the most heinous fears.  These centers of ?behavior modification? employ unethical, violent staff who hide behind college degrees and the illusion of respectability to avoid proper and much needed prosecution.  If a survivor goes to an attorney, we are told that our stories will be combated with doctor?s reports stating that we made it up, were on medications that cause paranoia, anxiety, hallucinations, or other psychosis, that we have a history of exaggeration or lying and that we should be disbelieved by any ?rational? human beings.  


I doubted my experience for a short time because of their excuses.  But, after writing down my memories and re-reading my journals from back then as well as receiving countless e-mails from other survivors, I know that my memories are real and that these concentration camps for teenagers exist.  Please visit my pages on Provo Canyon School and visit to learn what you can do to help stop this American tragedy.  Thank you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline nite owl

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Provo Canyon -- Educated Commentary
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2004, 09:24:00 AM »
Provo Canyon School is a school for students with adjustment problems (I think this is a nice way to say reform school). I chose PCS as site of the day for several reasons: First, and foremost, PCS has a well designed web page which reviews the school's programs, admission policies, recreation therapies and shows a stunningly beautiful campus that I would love to attend. This is a grade A web site. It looks like a professionally run organization. I especially enjoyed the slide show of the campus.

I have not worked with Provo Canyon School, I am not familiar with the school nor its teachers. Likewise, I have not spoken with students who attended the school. I am simply looking at web sites, and the web sites have an interesting tale to tell.

NOTE: Many of the following sites are on free boards that use popups.

Doing a Google Search on Provo Canyon School brings up a mixed bag of reviews. For example, one former student from 1984 created an Unofficial Alumni page to gather horror stories from the students at PCS. This EZ Boards forum has threads with comments on emotional abuse from the school. Complaints tend to focus on naive and abusive instructors. They mention a string of bankruptcies and ownership changes which prevent the students from being able to sue the school.

One of the most unbiased reviews is on TeenProgram.Info by Hope. She admits that her best and worst experiences in life happened at the school. In her words: "It all depends on the person that you wish to send there if they'll truely recieve [sp] the help that they need."

Back to the site of the day. PCS provides a mixed collection with a slick corporate brochure site, and the long list of negative reviews. Overall, it is a great example of how the web works, and the difficulty in understanding the true story behind a product from a weg page. Several things might be going on with this collection of sites. For example, you will often see companies with bad PR trying to compensate by spending more on the web site.

As for the complaints, unhappy customers are always more willing to post negative reviews than those that fit the program. The school is dealing with troubled teens--a very demanding demographic. There also appear to be a large number of culture clashes between LDS instructors and non-LDS students.

The complaints note that the school itself has changed hands several times (making it difficult for the students to sue). The facility is now owned by United Health Services of Pennsylvania; So it is possible that the school is much improved.

The web pages regarding PCS provide an interesting and heart breaking story of clashing cultures and values. My favorite page in this series of sites was written by Angela Smith who's turned her anger toward the school into an impassioned plea for spoiled baby boom parents to learn to deal with their children before sending them away to a reform school.

May 12-13: Sowed Hemp at Muddy  hole by Swamp. August 7: Began to separate the Male from the Female at Do - rather too late.' target='_new'>George Washington (Diary)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Provo Canyon -- Educated Commentary
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2004, 11:26:00 PM »
was only thirteen years old when admitted to PCS. They said I was just touring it. Then as soon as I was behind closed doors they put me in a room with a woman whom I have never met before. She told me I was staying there and couldn't say goodbye to my mom. I was pretty scared. At the time I was a rebellious teen girl, with an attitude. By the time I left there I was an adult. They diagnosed me with an illness I am sure doesn't even exist. They called it oppositional defiant disorder. They forced me to speak of things painful to the thought let alone the tongue. My therapist had me admitting to things I had never done. He had a way with words. I was punished because of a physical ailment. I was unable to bend at the knee so I couldn't bend over to clean the bottom of my shower. I sat on the investment unit for a long time just because I was impaired. I saw things I never should have seen at thirteen. Suicide attempts, unexplainable psych illnesses. Feces rubbed on the floor and walls ,constant screams and cries in the night.(I heard dial nine in my sleep for years after leaving there) I am from Las Vegas and almost 8 years ago I was sent to PCS as a guinea pig for an insurance company thinking of covering the program on their rehabilitation policy. I smoked pot. And at 13 not very often. I was not crazy. My mother was misinformed about my treatment. In fact it seemed there were always secrets. I left there in February of 1997. I was too scared to leave my house until November that same year. Nine months I sheltered myself from the world. Trying to hide from the world I viewed in there. I saw things at that young age that most people living full lives never see. In the end being around the older girls only educated me of the drugs I had yet to conquer. After my nine month hibernation I emerged only to hide the pain I felt, the shame I felt. Everyone treated me like I was crazy I figured why not act the part. Besides that, from the day I was admitted to PCS and to this day now, I am different. I!

 think differently. I was an outsider to my peers, with memories that made me somewhat queer. I was quiet and withdrawn. I didn't think anyone would even begin to understand. I kept quiet. It ate at my soul.  I let my self-esteem run my life for the next 5 years. I battled a massive addiction to methanphetamines. Hell, I fought with addiction to everything. I was finally incarcerated into a state facility. I didn't need it, but I deserved it. I did not deserve PCS. I am and have always been a strong willed leader of a person. I have a kind soul and a genuine heart. No one will ever be able to take that away from me again. No one will ever coerce me to believe otherwise. Today I am a mother of a 2 year old little girl. I don't have the perfect life but I try everyday. I still think of those screams I still remember the girl who pulled out her hair whenever she got mad. I bet they have forgotten me. (the staff and counselors). I believe they admitted me there for money and knew I was an average brat of a girl. Thank You
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »