Author Topic: 1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead at own hand  (Read 4675 times)

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Offline DannyB II

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1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead at own hand
« on: October 08, 2010, 10:54:08 AM »
This story here resembles stories I've read here on Fornits about children in programs that committed suicide from years ago. It still happening in public schools and by the looks of it, it is getting worse. ... .One.Town/

1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead at own hand

MENTOR, Ohio — Sladjana Vidovic's body lay in an open casket, dressed in the sparkly pink dress she had planned to wear to the prom. Days earlier, she had tied one end of a rope around her neck and the other around a bed post before jumping out her bedroom window.

The 16-year-old's last words, scribbled in English and her native Croatian, told of her daily torment at Mentor High School, where students mocked her accent, taunted her with insults like "Slutty Jana" and threw food at her.

It was the fourth time in little more than two years that a bullied high school student in this small Cleveland suburb on Lake Erie died by his or her own hand — three suicides, one overdose of antidepressants. One was bullied for being gay, another for having a learning disability, another for being a boy who happened to like wearing pink.

Now two families — including the Vidovics — are suing the school district, claiming their children were bullied to death and the school did nothing to stop it. The lawsuits come after a national spate of high-profile suicides by gay teens and others, and during a time of national soul-searching about what can be done to stop it.

If there has been soul-searching among the bullies in Mentor — a pleasant beachfront community that was voted one of the "100 Best Places to Live" by CNN and Money magazine this year — Sladjana's family saw too little of it at her wake in October 2008.

Suzana Vidovic found her sister's body hanging over the front lawn. The family watched, she said, as the girls who had tormented Sladjana for months walked up to the casket — and laughed.

"They were laughing at the way she looked," Suzana says, crying. "Even though she died."


Sladjana Vidovic, whose family had moved to northeast Ohio from Bosnia when she was a little girl, was pretty, vivacious and charming. She loved to dance. She would turn on the stereo and drag her father out of his chair, dance him in circles around the living room.

"Nonstop smile. Nonstop music," says her father, Dragan, who speaks only a little English.

At school, life was very different. She was ridiculed for her thick accent. Classmates tossed insults like "Slutty Jana" or "Slut-Jana-Vagina." A boy pushed her down the stairs. A girl smacked her in the face with a water bottle.

Phone callers in the dead of night would tell her to go back to Croatia, that she'd be dead in the morning, that they'd find her after school, says Suzana Vidovic.

"Sladjana did stand up for herself, but toward the end she just kind of stopped," says her best friend, Jelena Jandric. "Because she couldn't handle it. She didn't have enough strength."

Vidovic's parents say they begged the school to intervene many times. They say the school promised to take care of her.

She had already withdrawn from Mentor and enrolled in an online school about a week before she killed herself.

When the family tried to retrieve records about their reports of bullying, school officials told them the records were destroyed during a switch to computers. The family sued in August.

Two years after her death, Dragan Vidovic waves his hand over the family living room, where a vase of pink flowers stands next to a photograph of Sladjana.

"Today, no music," he says sadly. "No smile."


Eric Mohat was flamboyant and loud and preferred to wear pink most of the time. When he didn't get the lead soprano part in the choir his freshman year, he was indignant, his mother says.

He wore a stuffed animal strapped to his arm, a lemur named Georges that was given its own seat in class.

"It was a gag," says Mohat's father, Bill. "And all the girls would come up to pet his monkey. And in his Spanish class they would write stories about Georges."

Mohat's family and friends say he wasn't gay, but people thought he was.

"They called him fag, homo, queer," says his mother, Jan. "He told us that."

Bullies once knocked a pile of books out of his hands on the stairs, saying, "'Pick up your books, faggot,'" says Dan Hughes, a friend of Eric's.

Kids would flick him in the head or call him names, says 20-year-old Drew Juratovac, a former student. One time, a boy called Mohat a "homo," and Juratovac told him to leave Mohat alone.

"I got up and said, 'Listen, you better leave this kid alone. Just walk away,'" he says. "And I just hit him in the face. And I got suspended for it."

Eric Mohat shot himself on March 29, 2007, two weeks before a choir trip to Hawaii.

His parents asked the coroner to call it "bullicide." At Eric's funeral and after his death, other kids told the Mohats that they had seen the teen relentlessly bullied in math class. The Mohats demanded that police investigate, but no criminal activity was found.

Two years later, in April 2009, the Mohats sued the school district, the principal, the superintendent and Eric's math teacher. The federal lawsuit is on hold while the Ohio Supreme Court considers a question of state law regarding the case.

"Did we raise him to be too polite?" Bill Mohat wonders. "Did we leave him defenseless in this school?"


Meredith Rezak, 16, shot herself in the head three weeks after the death of Mohat, a good friend of hers. Her cell phone, found next to her body, contained a photograph of Mohat with the caption "R.I.P. Eric a.k.a. Twiggy."

Rezak was bright, outgoing and a well-liked player on the volleyball team. Shortly before her suicide, she had joined the school's Gay-Straight Alliance and told friends and family she thought she might be gay.

Juratovac says Rezak endured her own share of bullying — "name-calling, just stupid trivial stuff" — but nobody ever knew it was getting to her.

"Meredith ended up coming out that she was a lesbian," he says. "I think much of that sparked a lot of the bullying from a lot of the other girls in school, 'cause she didn't fit in."

Her best friend, Kevin Simon, doesn't believe that bullying played a role in Rezak's death. She had serious issues at home that were unrelated to school, he says.

After Mohat's death, people saw Rezak crying at school, and friends heard her talk of suicide herself.

A year after Rezak's death, the older of her two brothers, 22-year-old Justin, also shot and killed himself. His death certificate mentioned "chronic depressive reaction."

This March, her only other sibling, Matthew, died of a drug overdose at age 21.

Their mother, Nancy Merritt, lives in Colorado now. She doesn't think Meredith was bullied to death but doesn't really know what happened. On the phone, her voice drifts off, sounding disconnected, confused.

"So all three of mine are gone," she says. "I have to keep breathing."


Most mornings before school, Jennifer Eyring would take Pepto-Bismol to calm her stomach and plead with her mother to let her stay home.

"She used to sob to me in the morning that she did not want to go," says her mother, Janet. "And this is going to bring tears to my eyes. Because I made her go to school."

Eyring, 16, was an accomplished equestrian who had a learning disability. She was developmentally delayed and had a hearing problem, so she received tutoring during the school day. For that, her mother says, she was bullied constantly.

By the end of her sophomore year in 2006, Eyring's mother had decided to pull her out of Mentor High School and enroll her in an online school the following autumn. But one night that summer, Jennifer walked into her parents' bedroom and told them she had taken some of her mother's antidepressant pills to make herself feel better. Hours later, she died of an overdose.

The Eyrings do not hold Mentor High accountable, but they believe she would be alive today had she not been bullied. Her parents are speaking out in hopes of preventing more tragedies.

"It's too late for my daughter," Janet Eyring says, "but it may not be too late for someone else."


No official from Mentor public schools would comment for this story. The school also refused to provide details on its anti-bullying program.

Some students say the problem is the culture of conformity in this city of about 50,000 people: If you're not an athlete or cheerleader, you're not cool. And if you're not cool, you're a prime target for the bullies.

But that's not so different from most high schools. Senior Matt Super, who's 17, says the suicides unfairly paint his school in a bad light.

"Not everybody's a good person," he says. "And in a group of 3,000 people, there are going to be bad people." founder Parry Aftab says this is the first time she's heard of two sets of parents suing a school at the same time for two independent cases of bullying or cyberbullying. No one has been accused of bullying more than one of the teens who died.

Barbara Coloroso, a national anti-bullying expert, says the school is allowing a "culture of mean" to thrive, and school officials should be held responsible for the suicides — along with the bullies.

"Bullying doesn't start as criminal. They need to be held accountable the very first time they call somebody a gross term," Coloroso says. "That is the beginning of dehumanization."


Associated Press writer Jeannie Nuss in Columbus contributed to this report.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: 1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead at own hand
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2010, 11:45:39 AM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
This story here resembles stories I've read here on Fornits about children in programs that committed suicide from years ago. It still happening in public schools and by the looks of it, it is getting worse.

No, the difference is that program staff are the bullies, not the "students".  These kids in public school were bullied by their peers, not their teachers.  Doesn't make it any less sad, but there is a huge difference.  Bullying is part and parcel of LGATs, which are widely used in programs.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

Offline DannyB II

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Re: 1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead at own hand
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2010, 11:56:56 AM »
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Quote from: "DannyB II"
This story here resembles stories I've read here on Fornits about children in programs that committed suicide from years ago. It still happening in public schools and by the looks of it, it is getting worse.

No, the difference is that program staff are the bullies, not the "students".  These kids in public school were bullied by their peers, not their teachers.  Doesn't make it any less sad, but there is a huge difference.  Bullying is part and parcel of LGATs, which are widely used in programs.

Read the stories (this story), teachers and school did nothing to help. Teachers are more to blame then the kids actually because they watch the incident manifest and make the decision not to intervene, (the kids will handle it).
In programs it is different from what you are describing Anne, the upper tier/longer term residents were the bullies, they had the power (not all were like this but enough).

Anne, you can not bullshit me like you do with Whooter, I was in one of the most abusive hell holes this country has ever seen, so please when you want to debate with me, you had better hit those keys a little harder.

As far as yesterday and your rude personal comments, you are forgiven. I now understand that you were having a very difficult day yesterday, I will not get into the details but I was given some inside info. I hope things worked out for you.
Please, if you would though, don't bring your personal problems to fornits.
Take care and thanks.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2010, 12:10:42 PM by DannyB II »
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Offline Ursus

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Re: 1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead at own hand
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2010, 11:58:40 AM »
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Quote from: "DannyB II"
This story here resembles stories I've read here on Fornits about children in programs that committed suicide from years ago. It still happening in public schools and by the looks of it, it is getting worse.
No, the difference is that program staff are the bullies, not the "students".  These kids in public school were bullied by their peers, not their teachers.  Doesn't make it any less sad, but there is a huge difference.  Bullying is part and parcel of LGATs, which are widely used in programs.
Well.. I would say that there is plenty of bullying done by kids in programs, but it is orchestrated by the program via the staff, it being a key feature of behavior modification via "positive peer culture."

It appears as though this country is trying to install PPC in all aspects of our lives, most especially in our educational system and in the social fabric of our work environments. How better to "control" chaos and squelch the threat of anarchy?  :D

Of course, PPC and other such TC-modalities are not very healthy for a lot of folks, perhaps even the majority. There's bound to be some backlash...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Troll Control

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Re: 1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead at own hand
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2010, 12:00:24 PM »
DrunkyB II, we're all pretty sure you were never in any program.  You're going to have to offer some proof, bucko.  It's pretty obvious you're just a troll like Whooter.  Whooter's confession to lying about his entire family history is below:

Whooter finally admits his whole story here is straight cock-and-bull nonsense.

Here he admits to having his SON sent to Second Nature Wilderness:

Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Speaking of wilderness programs and sex, it happens all the time... at least when I was there it did. Its not like they handed out condoms so I wouldn't be surprised if some of the girls go home from wilderness with a whole new set of issues brewing inside them. I never saw a wild tribe like orgy until I was in wilderness, and don't think the staff don't join in. Parents have no idea what happens out there, it was insane.

Thanks guest,I knew it wasnt as bad as people were saying here.  The kids do have fun on these trips, I kind of thought that.

Your welcome, my son really liked it and would like to become a counselor some day which has motivated him to study harder.

Face got busted buddy boy.

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

I admit that, Anne, but read through the thread and see what they did to this woman "worried Anne" and calling her son gay and pretending to be survivors with her son.  
I dont see it as being wrong at all.  I feel sorry for the woman.  I would probably do it again if the situation warranted.


Finally forced to admit his whole story here is bullshit.  Priceless.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The Linchpin Link

Whooter - The Most Prolific Troll Fornits Has Ever Seen - The Definitive Links
"Looks like a nasty aspentrolius sticci whooterensis infestation you got there, Ms. Fornits.  I\'ll get right to work."

- Troll Control

Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: 1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead at own hand
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2010, 12:07:25 PM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Quote from: "DannyB II"
This story here resembles stories I've read here on Fornits about children in programs that committed suicide from years ago. It still happening in public schools and by the looks of it, it is getting worse.

No, the difference is that program staff are the bullies, not the "students".  These kids in public school were bullied by their peers, not their teachers.  Doesn't make it any less sad, but there is a huge difference.  Bullying is part and parcel of LGATs, which are widely used in programs.

Read the stories (this story), teachers and school did nothing to help.

I did read the stories Danny.  That's how I knew that the kids weren't bullied by the teachers.  The teachers may be wrong for doing nothing to stop it, but they weren't doing the bullying, unlike programs.

In programs it is different from what you are describing Anne, the upper tier/longer term residents were the bullies, they had the power (not all were like this but enough).

Yes, so they, along with the program staff, bullied kids.  There is a difference.

Anne, you can not bullshit me like you do with Whooter,

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

Whew....that's funny stuff right there.  You are waaaaayyyyy too easy.  I sometimes feel badly when dealing with I'm picking on the retarded kid.  At least Whooter has a modicum of intelligence.

I was in one of the most abusive hell holes this country has ever seen

What do you want, a fucking cookie?  So was I. It's not a contest and you don't get an internet tuff guy badge for who was in the biggest and baddest.  

so please when you want to debate with me, you had better hit those keys a little harder.


As far as yesterday and your rude personal comments, you forgiven.

And you stupid and still can't manage to write a coherent sentence.  I don't need nor do I desire your forgiveness.

I now understand that you were having a very difficult day yesterday, I will not get into the details but I was given some inside info. I hope things work out for you.

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

Then you were given some really bad intel there buddy boy.  I was actually having one of the better days I've had in a while.  Good things are/were happening.

Please, if you would though, don't bring your personal problems to fornits.
Take care and thanks.

 :twofinger:  :twofinger:

You're good for a laugh, I'll give you that.  :beat:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

Offline DannyB II

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Re: 1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead at own hand
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2010, 12:19:57 PM »
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Quote from: "DannyB II"
This story here resembles stories I've read here on Fornits about children in programs that committed suicide from years ago. It still happening in public schools and by the looks of it, it is getting worse.
No, the difference is that program staff are the bullies, not the "students".  These kids in public school were bullied by their peers, not their teachers.  Doesn't make it any less sad, but there is a huge difference.  Bullying is part and parcel of LGATs, which are widely used in programs.

Well.. I would say that there is plenty of bullying done by kids in programs, but it is orchestrated by the program via the staff, it being a key feature of behavior modification via "positive peer culture."
It appears as though this country is trying to install PPC in all aspects of our lives, most especially in our educational system and in the social fabric of our work environments. How better to "control" chaos and squelch the threat of anarchy?  :D

Of course, PPC and other such TC-modalities are not very healthy for a lot of folks, perhaps even the majority. There's bound to be some backlash...

It doesn't appear, it has happened. PPC should be the 8th deadly sin. A natural instinct that can be corrupted as the seven before.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: 1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead at own hand
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2010, 12:28:36 PM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
I will not get into the details but I was given some inside info.

You can always tell when I'm getting to DannyBoi....he resorts to his "inside info" line of crap.  Maybe he needs a "secret agent man" badge to go along with his others.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

Offline DannyB II

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Re: 1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead at own hand
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2010, 12:39:49 PM »
Ok, were you able to get all out of your system now. For some one like yourself that is supposed to be so smart, why are you a clerk sitting at a desk, trying to hide communicating with me. While I'm sitting in my satellite office on 2nd street in downtown Oklahoma City, overlooking the project were doing. I'm flying to Vegas in a few hours because I can, to meet with some folks who used to be in Elan.
Gee Anne, I have offices in Atlanta, Hartford, Tampa and now Oklahoma City and soon to be in Dallas (though on a smaller scale), ya I am just a dumb mutherfucker, that's what everyone says about me.
All because I don't have command of the English language...... :rofl:
This coming from a clerk, who steals time from her employer to make fun of people.

Back to the topic, teachers have their pets and kids they don't like, they can orchestrate the bullying by just doing nothing.
No,  do I think they want kids to kill themselves or injure others but this is what is happening.

What the hell is up your ass about LGAT's you freaking did not even do them. Straight had a version, which was pretty pathetic really from all I heard.
This is what we mean, you talk about methods you have read about and act as if you really experience them.
These kids here were talking about in my post, they experience a LGAT that you could not even conceive. Their "large group awareness trainers" (bullies) help kill them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: 1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead at own hand
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2010, 12:47:56 PM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Ok, were you able to get all out of your system now. For some one like yourself that is supposed to be so smart, why are you a clerk sitting at a desk, trying to hide communicating with me.

I'm hiding?  Weird, I didn't know that.

While I'm sitting in my satellite office on 2nd street in downtown Oklahoma City, overlooking the project were doing. I'm flying to Vegas in a few hours because I can, to meet with some folks who used to be in Elan.
Gee Anne, I have offices in Atlanta, Hartford, Tampa and now Oklahoma City and soon to be in Dallas (though on a smaller scale), ya I am just a dumb mutherfucker, that's what everyone says about me.
All because I don't have command of the English language...... :rofl:

Sweetie, people that really are a success don't feel the need to brag about it on the internet.  But it's kinda cute that you're trying.  {pats DannyBoi on the head}  You get a A for effort today little one.

This coming from a clerk, who steals time from her employer to make fun of people.

Awww, did I strike a nerve?  :rofl:

What the hell is up your ass about LGAT's you freaking did not even do them. Straight had a version, which was pretty pathetic really from all I heard.

They're downright dangerous for kids and just plain silly for adults.  Chasing and following wannabe gurus is completely idiotic, IMO and you admit that you've done that pretty much your entire adult life.  New Warrior Indeed!   :roflmao:   Sorry, that shit really does crack me up.  Do you guys dance around a fire, beat on your chests, talk about man-stuff and how the wimmin are stealin' yer masculinity?

This is what we mean, you talk about methods you have read about and act as if you really experience them.

Yup. Because I have.

These kids here were talking about in my post, they experience a LGAT that you could not even conceive. Their "large group awareness trainers" (bullies) help kill them.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

Offline DannyB II

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Re: 1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead at own hand
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2010, 01:33:36 PM »
Anne wrote:
Sweetie, people that really are a success don't feel the need to brag about it on the internet.  But it's kinda cute that you're trying.  {pats DannyBoi on the head}  You get a A for effort today little one.

Coming from a girl who showed her ass off on her boat.....  :rofl:
Not bragging baby it is a fact.
Whooter and I appreciate toying with you everyday, actually some days it is the highlite.
What I find hilarious is your attempts to "one up" everyone. As if you really understand the behavioral methods used in this industry.
Anne, as I explained before to you many months ago, we all have women like yourself in our offices typing away, you all are well indoctrinated in the English language (ya better be), "Boo Ya" for you, remember who you are.
So please, when a post my achievements on this damn board, first take the cotton out of your ears and place it in your mouth and step up, little sister. You are younger, now would be a good time as any to start listening for a change.
I am not your daddy so stop blaming me for your inadequacies. I know, you are unaware you do this. Ask around they will tell ya if your willing to listen.
My achievements came from hard work, setting goals and completing them. Having a vision and garnering the intestinal fortitude to see it through, nothing I have done has been easy. Why?  My emotional and mental issues, they would work like the devil to destroy any positive action I took, through many avenues of help I overcame and built a business that will stand. My son and daughter will carry this business on and they are proud of this.
What have you done Anne, outside of trying to castrate every male that walked into your life. Oh, I'm sure if your husband spoke about you he would share.... :rofl: , you don't save this temperament just for us, Anne.  
Go deal with your daddy issues.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Stand and fight, till there is no more.

Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: 1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead at own hand
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2010, 01:58:58 PM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Anne wrote:
Sweetie, people that really are a success don't feel the need to brag about it on the internet.  But it's kinda cute that you're trying.  {pats DannyBoi on the head}  You get a A for effort today little one.

Coming from a girl who showed her ass off on her boat.....  :rofl:

You consider that bragging?  You must have been impressed then.  Thanks.  ;)

Not bragging baby it is a fact.

Like I said, truly successful people don't feel the need to publish it, brag, whatever you want to call it.  They're comfortable enough with their lives and what they've done that they don't need to run around telling everyone about it.  Apparently, you're not.  It's the insecure one's who play internet tuff guy, secret agent man and he man woman hater.  You guys are really easy to spot.

Whooter and I appreciate toying with you everyday, actually some days it is the highlite.

Good, I'm glad I can brighten your day.  If it makes you happy to threaten me and make believe you have some secret access to my life, go for it.  You apparently need something to make you feel important.

What I find hilarious is your attempts to "one up" everyone. As if you really understand the behavioral methods used in this industry.

What I find hilarious are (note the difference when referencing a plural) your attempts to write a coherent sentence.  As if you really understand the English language.

Anne, as I explained before to you many months ago, we all have women like yourself in our offices typing away, you all are well indoctrinated in the English language (ya better be), "Boo Ya" for you, remember who you are.

Yes and y'all wouldn't be able to function without us, so be grateful.  My boss is.  He's gone out of state about 9 months out of the year so he understands what and how much I do and is very appreciative.  I don't have to hide anything from him.  He knows I post on message boards and even set me up with full cable so I have something to do when I'm not "toying" with you.  See, you're trying to make me feel small by referring to me as a lowly clerk (you asked me before what I did for a living and I told you, but you won't use that term) but it only reveals your own insecurities as a man.

So please, when a post my achievements on this damn board, first take the cotton out of your ears and place it in your mouth and step up, little sister. You are younger, now would be a good time as any to start listening for a change.

"When a post my achievements"?  What??  "Step up"?  What??  English!  Learn it!  And yes, I am younger and it feels goooooooood!  :seg:   I try to listen to you, but since your grasp of the English language is iffy at best, it's kinda difficult.  If you'd take a remedial course or something, it would help.  Thanks.

I am not your daddy so stop blaming me for your inadequacies. I know, you are unaware you do this. Ask around they will tell ya if your willing to listen.

Who?  I'll be glad to ask "them".

My achievements came from hard work, setting goals and completing them. Having a vision and garnering the intestinal fortitude to see it through, nothing I have done has been easy. Why?  My emotional and mental issues, they would work like the devil to destroy any positive action I took, through many avenues of help I overcame and built a business that will stand.

Good for you darlin'.

My son and daughter will carry this business on and they are proud of this.

Wonderful.  I'm glad you're good to your kids.

What have you done Anne, outside of trying to castrate every male that walked into your life.

Unlike you, I'm comfortable enough with what I've done in my life to not have to list them for a bunch of strangers on the internet.

Oh, I'm sure if your husband spoke about you he would share.... :rofl:

Why yes, yes he would.  He's an absolutely wonderful and amazing man and we've shared 20+ years together now.

you don't save this temperament just for us, Anne.

"Us"?  Who?

Go deal with your daddy issues.

I am, thanks to him realizing the damage that Straight did to me.  Thanks for thinking of me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

Offline DannyB II

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Re: 1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead at own hand
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2010, 02:54:42 PM »
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Ok, were you able to get all out of your system now. For some one like yourself that is supposed to be so smart, why are you a clerk sitting at a desk, trying to hide communicating with me.

I'm hiding?  Weird, I didn't know that.

Good, happy I have your full attention now. You are hiding, if your boss knew the amount of time and effort you put in on this site, while on his dime. You would be fired.

While I'm sitting in my satellite office on 2nd street in downtown Oklahoma City, overlooking the project were doing. I'm flying to Vegas in a few hours because I can, to meet with some folks who used to be in Elan.
Gee Anne, I have offices in Atlanta, Hartford, Tampa and now Oklahoma City and soon to be in Dallas (though on a smaller scale), ya I am just a dumb mutherfucker, that's what everyone says about me.
All because I don't have command of the English language...... :rofl:

Sweetie, people that really are a success don't feel the need to brag about it on the internet.  But it's kinda cute that you're trying.  {pats DannyBoi on the head}  You get a A for effort today little one.

This coming from a clerk, who steals time from her employer to make fun of people.

Awww, did I strike a nerve?  :rofl:

Anne, your abusing your bosses graciousness.

What the hell is up your ass about LGAT's you freaking did not even do them. Straight had a version, which was pretty pathetic really from all I heard.

They're downright dangerous for kids and just plain silly for adults.

You have nothing to back this up.

Chasing and following wannabe gurus is completely idiotic, IMO and you admit that you've done that pretty much your entire adult life.  New Warrior Indeed!   :roflmao:   Sorry, that shit really does crack me up.  Do you guys dance around a fire, beat on your chests, talk about man-stuff and how the wimmin are stealin' yer masculinity?

Is this what I have been doing, man I thought it was so much more then that. Oh, you forgot going over to Bali to run around with, "the big guy" for 2 weeks. I have been naked for 11 days without anyone to talk with in 29 Palms California, doing a "Pathways to the Heart" LGAT. That was awesome.
MKP was so much more then your definition, actually I was naked blindfolded and left on this mtn. for 3 days, I stayed in the same spot with a blanket and rations of nuts, fruit, bread and water.
I spent 2 weeks in Brazil just outside of San Paolo's on a very interesting hike. What a LGAT that was, sorry I am not going to give out any more info, more guys are going soon. This will definitely test any male warrior. No, not part of MKP. All Brazilian.
Yes Anne you are right, I have said it before, I do not like women like you, most mature adult males would not. I have been blessed with two of the most amazing women, my first wife (may god be with her) and my second. Both have/had the spirit of a lioness.
You keep giving me a peek at the real you. Thanks.

This is what we mean, you talk about methods you have read about and act as if you really experience them.

Yup. Because I have.

OK, explain.

These kids here were talking about in my post, they experience a LGAT that you could not even conceive. Their "large group awareness trainers" (bullies) help kill them.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Stand and fight, till there is no more.

Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: 1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead at own hand
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2010, 03:13:05 PM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Good, happy I have your full attention now. You are hiding, if your boss knew the amount of time and effort you put in on this site, while on his dime. You would be fired.

That's funny.....he's in the other room right now (he's back for a few weeks) and was watching me post a little while ago.  But keep your little fantasies if it makes you feel better.

Anne, your abusing your bosses graciousness.

Good thing that his opinion is all that matters on the issue, huh?

You have nothing to back this up.

We have, you've just chosen to ignore it.

Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Chasing and following wannabe gurus is completely idiotic, IMO and you admit that you've done that pretty much your entire adult life.  New Warrior Indeed!   :roflmao:   Sorry, that shit really does crack me up.  Do you guys dance around a fire, beat on your chests, talk about man-stuff and how the wimmin are stealin' yer masculinity?

Quote from: "DannyB II"
Is this what I have been doing,

I dunno....that's why I asked, but it's what I've heard other men describe it as.

man I thought it was so much more then that. Oh, you forgot going over to Bali to run around with, "the big guy" for 2 weeks. I have been naked for 11 days without anyone to talk with in 29 Palms California, doing a "Pathways to the Heart" LGAT. That was awesome.

Ummm, ok.  Whatever blows your skirt up.  :ftard:

MKP was so much more then your definition, actually I was naked blindfolded and left on this mtn. for 3 days, I stayed in the same spot with a blanket and rations of nuts, fruit, bread and water.
I spent 2 weeks in Brazil just outside of San Paolo's on a very interesting hike. What a LGAT that was, sorry I am not going to give out any more info, more guys are going soon. This will definitely test any male warrior. No, not part of MKP. All Brazilian.

 :eek:   I don't know whether to laugh or be frightened.

Yes Anne you are right, I have said it before, I do not like women like you,

Awww, I'm crushed.  :rofl:

most mature adult males would not.

Well, that certainly counts you out.

I have been blessed with two of the most amazing women, my first wife (may god be with her) and my second. Both have/had the spirit of a lioness.

Good.  You better cherish them.

You keep giving me a peek at the real you. Thanks.

No problem sweetcheeks.  ;)
OK, explain.

I already have, dozens of time.  If you weren't paying attention or have the memory span of an ant, that's not my fault.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

Offline DannyB II

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Re: 1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead at own hand
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2010, 03:37:47 PM »
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Good, happy I have your full attention now. You are hiding, if your boss knew the amount of time and effort you put in on this site, while on his dime. You would be fired.

That's funny.....he's in the other room right now (he's back for a few weeks) and was watching me post a little while ago.  But keep your little fantasies if it makes you feel better.

Shut the fuck up. You can't make up your mind what you want to say.

Anne, your abusing your bosses graciousness.

Good thing that his opinion is all that matters on the issue, huh?

Especially when he is not there.

You have nothing to back this up.

We have, you've just chosen to ignore it.

Anne, you have nothing. Thank You for being honest.

Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Chasing and following wannabe gurus is completely idiotic, IMO and you admit that you've done that pretty much your entire adult life.  New Warrior Indeed!   :roflmao:   Sorry, that shit really does crack me up.  Do you guys dance around a fire, beat on your chests, talk about man-stuff and how the wimmin are stealin' yer masculinity?

Quote from: "DannyB II"
Is this what I have been doing,

I dunno....that's why I asked, but it's what I've heard other men describe it as.

You were asking questions. Hmmmm...all along I thought you were judging.

man I thought it was so much more then that. Oh, you forgot going over to Bali to run around with, "the big guy" for 2 weeks. I have been naked for 11 days without anyone to talk with in 29 Palms California, doing a "Pathways to the Heart" LGAT. That was awesome.

Ummm, ok.  Whatever blows your skirt up.  :ftard:

No, I wasn't wearing a skirt, I was naked.

MKP was so much more then your definition, actually I was naked blindfolded and left on this mtn. for 3 days, I stayed in the same spot with a blanket and rations of nuts, fruit, bread and water.
I spent 2 weeks in Brazil just outside of San Paolo's on a very interesting hike. What a LGAT that was, sorry I am not going to give out any more info, more guys are going soon. This will definitely test any male warrior. No, not part of MKP. All Brazilian.

 :eek:   I don't know whether to laugh or be frightened.

You should not be anything, just listen, Anne.

Yes Anne you are right, I have said it before, I do not like women like you,

Awww, I'm crushed.  :rofl:

No, you should not be. You found someone.

most mature adult males would not.

Well, that certainly counts you out.

Instead of taking this so cavalier, you really should listen, your relationship is not going that well. I know you like to spin it like everything in your life is great but we know better. It can't be, why would you be spilling all this crap if it was.

I have been blessed with two of the most amazing women, my first wife (may god be with her) and my second. Both have/had the spirit of a lioness.

Good.  You better cherish them.
Always have they don't worry. You on the other hand have made some children's lives hell as well I'm sure a husband. Work Anne, go back in and get to work, your bleeding all over me.

You keep giving me a peek at the real you. Thanks.

No problem sweetcheeks.  ;)

This fits your self centered personality to the Tee. I was referring to your soul.

OK, explain.

I already have, dozens of time.  If you weren't paying attention or have the memory span of an ant, that's not my fault.

Well, you have time to ridicule, promote your victimization and gloat about yourself. I thought you could spare a few moments here to explain.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Stand and fight, till there is no more.