Author Topic: The Only Instance of Abuse "Admittance" by Staff of MBA  (Read 9853 times)

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Offline Troll Control

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Re: The Only Instance of Abuse "Admittance" by Staff of MBA
« Reply #45 on: December 06, 2009, 05:34:02 PM »
Whooter should sit on the haircut chair and wear a sign that says Don't Trust Me.  I'm A Lair.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: The Only Instance of Abuse "Admittance" by Staff of MBA
« Reply #46 on: December 06, 2009, 06:20:55 PM »
Quote from: "RMA Survivor"
I believe she has cried enough about having to wear such signs or be labeled as such in these abusive programs. That's why she is a survivor. Normally I would say you missed the point of the thread yet again. However, by calling her a whore again, I would say you really did stick with the thread for once. Somehow it just doesn't improve your image. I guess because you like the idea of making girls cry and calling them whores. No, not a guess... I am certain that is the reason why your image is so poor.

Ha,Ha,Ha you are a bit thin skinned my man.  No one called her a whore.... here let me refresh...“ I bet you would be the first one to cry a river if you had to wear a sign around your neck in a program reading “Sociopath” or “Whore” etc. .”.  As usual you heard only what you wanted to.  RMA,With Your great deductive skills you should join my personal troll and add this one to his list...

I think people want to label you because you are clearly of the sort of ilk that would find such activity acceptable. As therapeutic. But the followup comments showed that everyone sees you for what you are. An industry hack, with no sense of empathy for the pain of others. To you it is a joke. To us, you are a joke. You do validate our points. Every time you post, people new to this site see what the industry represents. What you represent. The abuse you and they sell as therapy. All of your posts are about supporting continued abuse, or covering up abuse, or as someone just said, basically portraying abuse as minimal, just a few bad apples, or whatever mindless drivel of an excuse you can give to deflect criticism on the industry you make a living from. And of course there is the worn out "Blame the teens!" You love that one, don't you?

Again, no facts, no links, just your perception of me.  See I push for facts and this is something that bothers the crap out of you.  You want people to just take your word for everything.  If a kid commits suicide 5 ...10 years out you are so itching to blame some program he attended 10 years ago that you ignore the events leading up to the kids death.  You are so biased and void of facts that anyone reading here for the first time can spot it.

Oh, and don't forget to suggest that Enola faked those Alex letters. That's another favorite of yours.
Wow you are pissed!!

Or maybe suggest she prove they are authentic?

Oh no!!  We should not ask that!!!  We reserve that for those for the pro-program  We never question a survivors story!!!!!!  Watch your mouth RMA Survivor.

I'm really surprised you didn't demand proof. But as usual, you did draw a dumb parallel by using another thread, with no link, to bolster a petty argument suggesting that programs trying to diagnose behavioral disorders over the phone or internet is in the same league with people identifying you as a blithering idiot and industry hack.  It don't take a rocket surgeon to size you up.

So sociopath is easier to diagnose than ADHD?..... you are convincing me with your vast knowledge RMA... lol

But a child being placed in to therapy should receive the best diagnosis by a well trained professional in person, and in every instance. No exceptions!

Agreed,  but some here like yourself believe you can do it thru the internet. (no link needed!)  We have come full circle.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: The Only Instance of Abuse "Admittance" by Staff of MBA
« Reply #47 on: December 06, 2009, 06:36:32 PM »
Whooter you have proved yourself invalid. Your behavior contradicts your beliefs. You are ill, and I really can help you. Come on back.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RMA Survivor

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Re: The Only Instance of Abuse "Admittance" by Staff of MBA
« Reply #48 on: December 06, 2009, 06:47:11 PM »
I didn't mention or blame a suicide 5 to 10 years out on any program.  Where did you get that quote from?  So you are the one bringing up claims with no links to support them, just your word that I have said such things.  Gee, what a surprise.  I didn't have links, because I wasn't linking to anything.  Nothing I said in my post required a link.  

By mentioning whore to her in a thread where she declared she was labeled as one, is the same thing as calling her a whore.  It shows you have no empathy, you can't think about the abuse you cause to others and simply don't care that your words might hurt her.  

And we label you because we can.  We can make our own judgments of you.  That is called an opinion.  Anyone can come to a conclusion based on what you write whether it is nonsense or of some value.  And I have.  As have many who post here.  The general consensus seems to be that you are a heartless jerk, who has no concept of sensitivity for others feelings, who cheer leads for programs on a site obviously populated by survivors who don't hold the programs in a positive light.  Nobody here thinks you are going to change your stripes.  Nobody here really cares.  You love attention, and we give it to you.  As I said, every time you post, it is great advertising for us about how abusive the industry is because you are their cheer leader.  I wouldn't want you to ever stop posting here.  Others might want you to leave, but I have decided your presence here just makes our jobs easier.  

It really bothered you that I would come to her defense.  That I can see that your words would be hurtful when you cannot.  That others can show empathy for the feelings and emotions of people who express difficult feelings when you are unable to do so.  That you cannot understand that even the use of the word whore in reference to her is insulting and cruel.  Sociopath didn't bother me.  That was just another label you wanted to see her wear.  Along with whore.  Where you got it from?  It's part of your sick and twisted mind.  You chose sociopath for her, because one insult is not enough for you.  A woman comes to this site, tells a sad story, and your response is to make fun of her crying, make fun of her being labeled, make fun of her pain.  Every survivor story is a joke to you.  All survivors stories you try and portray as happening decades after leaving the schools even when the story is told as happening during the program.  It's always about blame with you.  Just like the programs.  How ironic.  You truly would enjoy watching young girls crying in a chair after being called a whore, wouldn't you?  You would want to be the one calling her that, wouldn't you?  You would revel in her pain and anguish, her fear as she looked around wondering if anyone else thought the same thing, wouldn't you?  We have a label for that as well.  It is called sadism.  You enjoy causing pain to others.  And then laughing about it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Whooter

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Re: The Only Instance of Abuse "Admittance" by Staff of MBA
« Reply #49 on: December 06, 2009, 07:17:22 PM »
Quote from: "RMA Survivor"
I didn't mention or blame a suicide 5 to 10 years out on any program. Where did you get that quote from? So you are the one bringing up claims with no links to support them, just your word that I have said such things. Gee, what a surprise. I didn't have links, because I wasn't linking to anything. Nothing I said in my post required a link.
Exactly, sucks doesn’t it.  Do you think links are important?  or only for the other person?

By mentioning whore to her in a thread where she declared she was labeled as one, is the same thing as calling her a whore. It shows you have no empathy, you can't think about the abuse you cause to others and simply don't care that your words might hurt her.

See this is how your mind works.  No one called her a whore, you just read it that way because you cant see past your own bias.  I was called a sociopath because she read it somewhere else, who cares?

And we label you because we can.
Oh, thats comforting.  I guess we can all believe what you say now.
Who gave you the power?
We can make our own judgments of you. That is called an opinion. Anyone can come to a conclusion based on what you write whether it is nonsense or of some value. And I have. As have many who post here. The general consensus seems to be that you are a heartless jerk, who has no concept of sensitivity for others feelings, who cheer leads for programs on a site obviously populated by survivors who don't hold the programs in a positive light. Nobody here thinks you are going to change your stripes. Nobody here really cares. You love attention, and we give it to you. As I said, every time you post, it is great advertising for us about how abusive the industry is because you are their cheer leader. I wouldn't want you to ever stop posting here. Others might want you to leave, but I have decided your presence here just makes our jobs easier.
If I left then fornits would lack balance and people like yourself would try to convince the world that every kid that committed suicide did it because they either went to a program, were going to go to a program or were thinking about a program.  By labelling these kids the way you do you are disgracing them and using their death to support your cause.  You have no idea why a child takes their own life but you have no problem using their death and degrading their surviving family to spread your hatred.  It is so absurd that I find it funny sometimes and with your perfect radar you cant see that I am laughing at you.

It really bothered you that I would come to her defense. That I can see that your words would be hurtful when you cannot. That others can show empathy for the feelings and emotions of people who express difficult feelings when you are unable to do so. That you cannot understand that even the use of the word whore in reference to her is insulting and cruel. Sociopath didn't bother me. That was just another label you wanted to see her wear. Along with whore. Where you got it from? It's part of your sick and twisted mind. You chose sociopath for her, because one insult is not enough for you. A woman comes to this site, tells a sad story, and your response is to make fun of her crying, make fun of her being labeled, make fun of her pain. Every survivor story is a joke to you.
She came at  me to attack and called me a sociopath and I responded by asking her how it would feel to label her a whore, sociopath etc..... but see you missed all of that because you wanted to see me as the evil one who attacks people.  Attacking a program parent doesn’t really matter to you, you showed no empathy and never stepped in to say  whoa... you shouldn’t call whooter a sociopath, he didn’t do anything to you......  You only stand up for one point of view?

All survivors stories you try and portray as happening decades after leaving the schools even when the story is told as happening during the program. It's always about blame with you. Just like the programs.
Wow, you are missing a lot of links there.  I guess you expect everyone to just believe you lol.. remember?  

How ironic. You truly would enjoy watching young girls crying in a chair after being called a whore, wouldn't you? You would want to be the one calling her that, wouldn't you? You would revel in her pain and anguish, her fear as she looked around wondering if anyone else thought the same thing, wouldn't you? We have a label for that as well. It is called sadism. You enjoy causing pain to others. And then laughing about it.
Those are your words RMA  lol ... now I am a sociopath and a sadist!!  See what I mean?  And people here get pissed and cry foul if a trained Educational consultant can recognize ODD, ADHD or other problems without meeting the child.  Does it work both ways?

Think about it
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: The Only Instance of Abuse "Admittance" by Staff of MBA
« Reply #50 on: December 06, 2009, 07:36:52 PM »
Whooter, you are not really dealing with your issues. It's obvious you carry around alot of anger, it's time to deal with that in a safe way. I am here to help, you should take advantage of that. I really don't understand why this scares you so much. What are you so afraid of?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Troll Control

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Re: The Only Instance of Abuse "Admittance" by Staff of MBA
« Reply #51 on: December 07, 2009, 09:29:35 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Whooter should sit on the haircut chair and wear a sign that says Don't Trust Me.  I'm A Lair.

Yeah, Whooter is a huge liar.  And he gets all ragey constantly.  He has a lot of anger issues.  And an extensive criminal record he wants to avoid talking about too.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The Linchpin Link

Whooter - The Most Prolific Troll Fornits Has Ever Seen - The Definitive Links
"Looks like a nasty aspentrolius sticci whooterensis infestation you got there, Ms. Fornits.  I\'ll get right to work."

- Troll Control

Offline Troll Control

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Re: The Only Instance of Abuse "Admittance" by Staff of MBA
« Reply #52 on: December 07, 2009, 09:44:59 AM »
Don't believe Whooter's ficticious story about his 'daughter.'  It has been well established that WHooter in fact had two sons, one killed himself after being forced into SUWS and ASR, the other estranged himself from Whooter and de4clared he believed Whooter was complicit in the death of his wife (the boy's mother) while the bot was locked up at HLA.

Whooter wants people to believe he's just a 'regular parent,' but lookee here:

Quote from: "Guest"
Oh, boy.  This quote probably goes further than any in the entire "indictment" of TheWho.  This one is a zinger.  You know how TheWho is always saying he "has no ties to the industry" or He's "just a regular parent"?  Well, he he is admitting otherwise:

Quote from: "TheWho"
Quote from: ""RobertBruce""
Oh no no no Cindy, you claimed there was a "long debate" and that it was decided that "we" were only going to look at TBS's as you define them.

Who specifically is "we"?

The debate was long, Bob...  many wanted to start with "Wilderness data" and I argued that the real money was in the TBS industry, so lets start there, although wilderness is usually the inital phase of any decent TBS.  So we went round and, Bob have been a key player in collecting and presenting data on the entire industry and I have been focusing on small segments at a time.
I dont want to put names out there, people want to be anon's.

Whooter is evidently an expert on "where the money's at" in the Troubled Teen Industry.  Why would he try to pass himself off as something other than an industry guy?  That's not honest at all.

Quote from: TheWho"
I argued that the real money was in the TBS industry, so lets start there...

That one quote really says it all, doesn't it?  The 'regular parent' argument is totally false (Whooter is lying).  Plus, 'who' spends five-plus years on a survivor message board trying to do damage control for programs, especially ASR and HLA (both confirmed to be abusive and HLA sued out of business).

Whooter's lame, fake, 'life story' just doesn't paass the smell test, folks.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The Linchpin Link

Whooter - The Most Prolific Troll Fornits Has Ever Seen - The Definitive Links
"Looks like a nasty aspentrolius sticci whooterensis infestation you got there, Ms. Fornits.  I\'ll get right to work."

- Troll Control

Offline enola

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Re: The Only Instance of Abuse "Admittance" by Staff of MBA
« Reply #53 on: December 07, 2009, 12:29:16 PM »
..and on top of that you are suggesting that I be labelled somehow to warn people about what “you” have decide I am. I bet you would be the first one to cry a river if you had to wear a sign around your neck in a program reading “Sociopath” or “Whore” etc. . But this is your first order of business if you gained the power seat.
You seem to be no better than those you criticize in the program......Interesting isn’t it?

I already did cry a river with the label whore around my neck, with snot bubbles, swollen face, the whole 9 yards.  I did the same with the word worthless spray painted on a sheet wrapped around my body.  The same when I sat at a desk facing the wall for 3 months...I am comfortably numb with labels.

Perhaps if you, yourself went to MBA, RMA, CEDU, ASPEN Ranch, etc., you would be numbed as well, as you would have endured not only the labeling of such words, the literal "wearing" of such labels, also the constant reminders of possessing these qualities by staff screaming these words to you, amidst 'profanity laced group sessions', staff encouraging your peers to call you such words, staff making you say these words, repeatedly to yourself in the mirror...staff, adults, of whom you are expected to trust, staff of whom you are expected to assume that everything they say is true, staff of whom you would never question, whether it be context, intention, authority, knowledge, training...

Sociopath is a perfect cloak for you, based on your words and actions on this board.  Just like staff assumed worthless and whore where the perfect cloaks for me, at 12, based on what little they knew of me, using key points as ammunition--adoption, molestation, strained relationship with parents.  You are obviously a cold, apathetic individual, in whatever your truth is.  Whether it be the story you insist upon telling, that you have or had a daughter in one of these programs, that you are the grieving father of a son of whom went through one of these programs and died of an overdose, or just an industry official paid to be on these boards for damage control.  I don't believe I need to spell out each individual instance.  If you are the 2 former descriptions, feel free to PM me, and I will explain.  But I am leaning more toward a lowly paid employee of whom the Industry hired to come on boards like these and turn attention away from the testimonies and truths of past students.  You are probably paid a sad salary to come on here, picking your own disguise, for the sole purpose of wrapping your cold arm around a questioning parent, turning them away from reading the experiences of past students, most those experiences being horror-filled, and proverbially saying, "Come, come over here, let me show you the wonderful swimming pool we have."  

Any of the 3 scenarios of your "truth" would point toward you having no conscience, an empty soul, and/or severely in need of therapy.  But not tough love, as we went through.  That would most likely turn you into a crazed lunatic.  Perhaps you just need a hug, and a snot-bubble-filled crying session.  

You seem to be very good at your job.  From what I have seen, you have successfully turned attention away from students' pain filled postings, and into a Whooter bashing session.  Bravo.  If you are not a Sociopath, you certainly play one well here.

And as such, the above will be the last quote of yours I will use.  I suggest others do the same.  I came to this forum to express myself.  To express my pain, for comfort from others and to comfort others.  

However, if you or someone like you are going to portray the buzzing bee in the room, I can just find somewhere else to go.  So you won.  Congratulations.  I hope you give yourself a big pat on the back.  I'm sure you have driven many others away.  You have done your job well. Just realize that those who see this and those you drive away eventually end up finding each other, "in droves", and take action on another platform, i.e. The Press, as in bad press, as in the worst nightmare for the Industry.  Thank goodness for copy and paste.  We can use you, with all your posts, as an appetizer of the ugly truth that is the abusive Troubled Teen Industry.  

The money will eventually run out, and you, just as Alex, Bill, Sharon, and all of the others, will be "standing in the unemployment line", just like 80% of the rest of the country.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: The Only Instance of Abuse "Admittance" by Staff of MBA
« Reply #54 on: December 07, 2009, 01:20:35 PM »
Quote from: "enola"
I already did cry a river with the label whore around my neck, with snot bubbles, swollen face, the whole 9 yards. I did the same with the word worthless spray painted on a sheet wrapped around my body. The same when I sat at a desk facing the wall for 3 months...I am comfortably numb with labels.
Enola, why do you label other people that you do not know then?  It lessens the credibility of your own story when you can so easily thrust the same label around other peoples necks so easily.  
Sociopath is a perfect cloak for you, based on your words and actions on this board. Just like staff assumed worthless and whore where the perfect cloaks for me, at 12, based on what little they knew of me, using key points as ammunition--adoption, molestation, strained relationship with parents.
So in your own wards you are saying you are just as justified to call me a sociopath as the staff were of calling you a worthless whore.  You base this on what little you know of me, just like the staff did.  So if you felt that to be wrong why do you do it to others?

Then you go on to choose three scenarios which may describe me.  So what you do know is at least 66% (2 out of 3) of those  stories you read about me are lies... so what does that tell you about the stories here?  Do you just get to choose one and deem it true and then proceed to judge me?  If this is how you treat people then you have a long road ahead.  Use you head, dont be a follower like RMA Survivor etal who are easily duped and manipulated into what others want him to believe by buying into false stories about programs and others.

Make up your own mind about people.

Good Luck.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Troll Control

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Re: The Only Instance of Abuse "Admittance" by Staff of MBA
« Reply #55 on: December 07, 2009, 01:26:53 PM »
Let me help you label Whooter.  Let's look at his own words, shall we?

Quote from: "Guest"
Oh, boy.  This quote probably goes further than any in the entire "indictment" of TheWho.  This one is a zinger.  You know how TheWho is always saying he "has no ties to the industry" or He's "just a regular parent"?  Well, he he is admitting otherwise:

Quote from: "TheWho"
Quote from: ""RobertBruce""
Oh no no no Cindy, you claimed there was a "long debate" and that it was decided that "we" were only going to look at TBS's as you define them.

Who specifically is "we"?

The debate was long, Bob...  many wanted to start with "Wilderness data" and I argued that the real money was in the TBS industry, so lets start there, although wilderness is usually the inital phase of any decent TBS.  So we went round and, Bob have been a key player in collecting and presenting data on the entire industry and I have been focusing on small segments at a time.
I dont want to put names out there, people want to be anon's.

Whooter is evidently an expert on "where the money's at" in the Troubled Teen Industry.  Why would he try to pass himself off as something other than an industry guy?  That's not honest at all.

So, we can clearly see from Whooter's own words he goes to industry meetings to advise his industry peers where "the real money is, the TBS industry".  What is his interest in where the money's at in the TTI?  Why did he fly 1200 miles for an industry meeting about where the money is?  Would any "regular parent" do this?  Clearly, Whooter is part of the TTI.  Specifically, he's John Reuben of STICC and he uses Jevenile Justice funds to put convicted kids from jail into Aspen programs to mingle unsupervised with more or less regular kids.

Don't be chased off, enola.  Whooter has already been exposed, so we just need to keep reminding the newest readers that he's in the troubled teen business and that he's an unmitigated liar.

Seriously, what could be Whooter's explanation of the above quote?  He never seems to address it (lols).
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The Linchpin Link

Whooter - The Most Prolific Troll Fornits Has Ever Seen - The Definitive Links
"Looks like a nasty aspentrolius sticci whooterensis infestation you got there, Ms. Fornits.  I\'ll get right to work."

- Troll Control

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Re: The Only Instance of Abuse "Admittance" by Staff of MBA
« Reply #56 on: December 07, 2009, 02:29:32 PM »
Quote from: "enola"
..and on top of that you are suggesting that I be labelled somehow to warn people about what “you” have decide I am. I bet you would be the first one to cry a river if you had to wear a sign around your neck in a program reading “Sociopath” or “Whore” etc. . But this is your first order of business if you gained the power seat.
You seem to be no better than those you criticize in the program......Interesting isn’t it?

I already did cry a river with the label whore around my neck, with snot bubbles, swollen face, the whole 9 yards.  I did the same with the word worthless spray painted on a sheet wrapped around my body.  The same when I sat at a desk facing the wall for 3 months...I am comfortably numb with labels.

Perhaps if you, yourself went to MBA, RMA, CEDU, ASPEN Ranch, etc., you would be numbed as well, as you would have endured not only the labeling of such words, the literal "wearing" of such labels, also the constant reminders of possessing these qualities by staff screaming these words to you, amidst 'profanity laced group sessions', staff encouraging your peers to call you such words, staff making you say these words, repeatedly to yourself in the mirror...staff, adults, of whom you are expected to trust, staff of whom you are expected to assume that everything they say is true, staff of whom you would never question, whether it be context, intention, authority, knowledge, training...

Sociopath is a perfect cloak for you, based on your words and actions on this board.  Just like staff assumed worthless and whore where the perfect cloaks for me, at 12, based on what little they knew of me, using key points as ammunition--adoption, molestation, strained relationship with parents.  You are obviously a cold, apathetic individual, in whatever your truth is.  Whether it be the story you insist upon telling, that you have or had a daughter in one of these programs, that you are the grieving father of a son of whom went through one of these programs and died of an overdose, or just an industry official paid to be on these boards for damage control.  I don't believe I need to spell out each individual instance.  If you are the 2 former descriptions, feel free to PM me, and I will explain.  But I am leaning more toward a lowly paid employee of whom the Industry hired to come on boards like these and turn attention away from the testimonies and truths of past students.  You are probably paid a sad salary to come on here, picking your own disguise, for the sole purpose of wrapping your cold arm around a questioning parent, turning them away from reading the experiences of past students, most those experiences being horror-filled, and proverbially saying, "Come, come over here, let me show you the wonderful swimming pool we have."  

Any of the 3 scenarios of your "truth" would point toward you having no conscience, an empty soul, and/or severely in need of therapy.  But not tough love, as we went through.  That would most likely turn you into a crazed lunatic.  Perhaps you just need a hug, and a snot-bubble-filled crying session.  

You seem to be very good at your job.  From what I have seen, you have successfully turned attention away from students' pain filled postings, and into a Whooter bashing session.  Bravo.  If you are not a Sociopath, you certainly play one well here.

And as such, the above will be the last quote of yours I will use.  I suggest others do the same.  I came to this forum to express myself.  To express my pain, for comfort from others and to comfort others.  

However, if you or someone like you are going to portray the buzzing bee in the room, I can just find somewhere else to go.  So you won.  Congratulations.  I hope you give yourself a big pat on the back.  I'm sure you have driven many others away.  You have done your job well. Just realize that those who see this and those you drive away eventually end up finding each other, "in droves", and take action on another platform, i.e. The Press, as in bad press, as in the worst nightmare for the Industry.  Thank goodness for copy and paste.  We can use you, with all your posts, as an appetizer of the ugly truth that is the abusive Troubled Teen Industry.  

The money will eventually run out, and you, just as Alex, Bill, Sharon, and all of the others, will be "standing in the unemployment line", just like 80% of the rest of the country.

Enola, dont let thewho drive you away. Try the CAN forum. Its filth will be deleted there.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: The Only Instance of Abuse "Admittance" by Staff of MBA
« Reply #57 on: December 07, 2009, 05:11:37 PM »
Enola, Just be a little cautious about what you read here.  If people don’t provide a link to the original post then it may be a fake in an attempt to make someone look bad.  It happens all the time.

See the post below as an example of what can be done.
Quote from: "RMA Survivor"
Quote from: "enola"

Sorry for the negativity towards MBA.  I just get frustrated sometimes and say things I don’t mean.  The time I spent at MBA has been a tremendous help to me. They helped me to work out my issues, which without MBA I could have never accomplished that on my own
I understand,enola, I was helped at RMA too but I use fornits as a sound board to vent sometimes.  We are all human.  Hope you enjoy it here.  Don’t let Whooter run you off.  Besides him we are a good bunch of people who support each other.

So unless the above post can be traced back to an original with your avatar then it could be a fake (which the above one is).
« Last Edit: December 07, 2009, 07:01:50 PM by Whooter »

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Re: The Only Instance of Abuse "Admittance" by Staff of MBA
« Reply #58 on: December 07, 2009, 05:15:50 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Don't believe Whooter's ficticious story about his 'daughter.'  It has been well established that WHooter in fact had two sons, one killed himself after being forced into SUWS and ASR, the other estranged himself from Whooter and de4clared he believed Whooter was complicit in the death of his wife (the boy's mother) while the bot was locked up at HLA.

Whooter wants people to believe he's just a 'regular parent,' but lookee here:

Quote from: "Guest"
Oh, boy.  This quote probably goes further than any in the entire "indictment" of TheWho.  This one is a zinger.  You know how TheWho is always saying he "has no ties to the industry" or He's "just a regular parent"?  Well, he he is admitting otherwise:

Quote from: "TheWho"
Quote from: ""RobertBruce""
Oh no no no Cindy, you claimed there was a "long debate" and that it was decided that "we" were only going to look at TBS's as you define them.

Who specifically is "we"?

The debate was long, Bob...  many wanted to start with "Wilderness data" and I argued that the real money was in the TBS industry, so lets start there, although wilderness is usually the inital phase of any decent TBS.  So we went round and, Bob have been a key player in collecting and presenting data on the entire industry and I have been focusing on small segments at a time.
I dont want to put names out there, people want to be anon's.

Whooter is evidently an expert on "where the money's at" in the Troubled Teen Industry.  Why would he try to pass himself off as something other than an industry guy?  That's not honest at all.

Quote from: "TheWho"
I argued that the real money was in the TBS industry, so lets start there...

That one quote really says it all, doesn't it?  The 'regular parent' argument is totally false (Whooter is lying).  Plus, 'who' spends five-plus years on a survivor message board trying to do damage control for programs, especially ASR and HLA (both confirmed to be abusive and HLA sued out of business).

Whooter's lame, fake, 'life story' just doesn't paass the smell test, folks.

So, because this can be traced directly to Whooter's [aka "TheWho" before he agreed to auction his account off and QUIT POSTING ON FORNITS, which he lied about - surprise, surprise] "avatar" it is therefore TRUE.  Whooter is an industry man.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Whooter - The Most Prolific Troll Fornits Has Ever Seen - The Definitive Links
"Looks like a nasty aspentrolius sticci whooterensis infestation you got there, Ms. Fornits.  I\'ll get right to work."

- Troll Control

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Aspen / CRC Health / Bain Capital
« Reply #59 on: December 07, 2009, 06:43:27 PM »
Quote from: "enola"
Actually, I have been reading some--ok, actually way too many--of his posts, and I appreciate his comments.  It only proves my opinion (along with many others) that these people, are sociopaths http:// , incapable of feeling remorse or guilt, from most of the staff who run these programs to the money-hungry corporations that control them.  In fact, ASPEN is a branch from Mitt Romney's CRC Health (see http:// )
"CRC Health
In 2006, Aspen Education Group was purchased by the even larger CRC Health Group, an arm of the Mitt Romney-founded private investment firm Bain Capital Inc. Since the merger, though, CRC's performance has been lackluster."

There's actually quite a bit about Aspen / CRC Health / Bain Capital connections that are distributed throughout the forum, though not so much recently... Two threads from amongst the many:

    Big Fish CRC Trawls The Waters
      BAIN CAPITAL - Why Should You Care
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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