Author Topic: Rachel Uchitel, Cedu Celebrity, NY It Girl, Tiger Woods, etc  (Read 13381 times)

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how to curb self-importance 101
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2009, 12:18:38 AM »
Quote from: "Matt"
I hope with all this coming out Rachel might be able to use it to bring down everyone involved with Cedu.

You're kidding, right?

Castle's reasons against celebrity poster children:

1. Nobody cares
2. Why should someone be noticed for some obscure duck farm that they went to 20 years ago? Would you?
3. Look at the "famous" people who we know are alum. Rachel (slutty media whore and a mistress), Joe Francis (slutty media whore with a rape conviction) Paris Hilton (slutty media whore all around). Do any of these people look like the type who would give a shit? Fuck, I doubt they even remember they were there. I doubt they remember what they did last Wednesday.
4. Not only do I not care if they ever breathe the word "CEDU", I don't care if they ever breathe again. The only reason I find value in their existence is as a constant reminder why being famous is a total suckfest.
5. CEtards who approach these subhumans in an attempt to find common ground with them are only making themselves look just as bad. All three of these guys are beneath contempt, and I don't care where the fuck they went to school.
6. If you want a poster child so bad, do it yourself.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Son Of Serbia

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Re: Rachel Uchitel, Cedu Celebrity, NY It Girl, Tiger Woods, etc
« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2009, 06:13:52 PM »
Quote from: "Matt"
I hope with all this coming out Rachel might be able to use it to bring down everyone involved with Cedu. I'm sorry her private life from 20 years ago is being used. But all the evilness of Cedu and places like it should be brought down and she might just be the one to do it. I got the in January of 92, so I just missed her but wish I could have known her while I was there.

If you're the same Matt who split with Leslie B., then I knew you, and believe me when I say you are much better off having NOT known Rachel Uchitel - In fact you would have hated that bitch as much as I did!  Rachel fully embraced the "evilness of Cedu" as you put it- and even worse, she actively participated in it.

I think TAC summed things up nicely concerning "cedu celebrities" in his response to you - but I just want to add that Rachel Uchitel isn't going to stick her neck out for cedu victims or anybody else for that matter, she's not the type.  

Self-Centered, Greedy, Conceited, Dishonest, Manipulative, always looking to exploit
every situation to own benefit regardless of who she hurts in the process - this is what
the Rachel Uchitel I remember was all about.  I wouldn't be surprised to hear that
Rachel blackmailed Tiger Woods for keeping her mouth shut about their affair - In
fact, this is what I would've expected from her.  I know some people reading this may
find my words about Rachel to be harsh - but please remember that I knew the bitch,
and my observations concerning Rachel's character are based on my own personal
experience(s) with her.  My opinion of Rachel Uchitel is well informed - be sure of that!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Rachel Uchitel, Cedu Celebrity, NY It Girl, Tiger Woods, etc
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2009, 08:25:29 PM »
I'm sure I sound bourgeois (and f*ck you if you think so), but I really don't understand how women (or men) go for married people with families.   I don't care how rich or charismatic they are - it's a crappy thing to do...  

And to go further and flaunt the texts, pictures, and other evidence?  I would feel so ashamed if I were in there shoes.  The last thing I would do is broadcast it. Don't they think of the children involved?

To me, it's a blight on self respect and also, the irreparable cost of the children's well being.  

I would never want that on my conscious.

At any rate, Uchitel's behavior certainly doesn't argue well on behalf of Cedu's all important, "Brother's Keeper."  Or is it Values? Add the sh- to NY "It" Girl and thats sounds about right.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: how to curb self-importance 101
« Reply #18 on: December 03, 2009, 09:25:07 PM »
Quote from: "TAC"
Quote from: "Matt"
I hope with all this coming out Rachel might be able to use it to bring down everyone involved with Cedu.

You're kidding, right?

Castle's reasons against celebrity poster children:

1. Nobody cares
2. Why should someone be noticed for some obscure duck farm that they went to 20 years ago? Would you?

CEDU is no less an obscure duck farm than Bergen-Belsen, and no less a worthy subject of civic investigation.

Reading up on Rachael…seems she works PR for a night club/ may / may not have had sex with Tiger Woods. Wouldnt think she’s a ‘celebrity’ enough to attract attention. (Still, anyone interested in reaching out to her for help though, go for it. Though it seems, she drank the koolaid and became something of a wash out?)

Jackie Danforth (sp.?) outing Mommy Dearest (Barbara Walters) for butchering her with a prison- cult would be something.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: how to research your own advice 101
« Reply #19 on: December 03, 2009, 09:37:52 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
You're kidding, right?

CEDU is no less an obscure duck farm than Bergen-Belsen, and no less a worthy subject of civic investigation.

Reading up on Rachael…seems she works PR for a night club/ may / may not have had sex with Tiger Woods. Wouldnt think she’s a ‘celebrity’ enough to attract attention. (Still, anyone interested in reaching out to her for help though, go for it. Though it seems, she drank the koolaid and became something of a wash out?)

Jackie Danforth (sp.?) outing Mommy Dearest (Barbara Walters) for butchering her with a prison- cult would be something.
In the summer of 1984, Jackie ran away from home and for a month Walters did not know
where her 15-year-old daughter was. When Jackie was found Walters made the difficult
decision to send her daughter to an alternative school for troubled teens in Idaho.
Danforth stayed in the program for three years and credits the program with saving her

Today, Danforth has come full circle. After meeting and marrying wilderness guide Mark
Danforth, she opened a camp in northern Maine called "New Horizons." At a recent visit
to the camp she told Pauley she feels her own experiences help her get through to
teenage girls at risk. "These girls obviously are doing the same things that I did. So
when some of the girls act out, try to run, and things like that, which is very
normal, typical, I have a better understanding of what my Mom went through."

These days, Danforth's life is focussed on other people's daughters, troubled
teenagers like she used to be, but she has made the decision not to have children of
her own. As for Walters, "She wants grandchildren bad," Danforth tells Pauley. "She
loves kids. My mom is the most nurturing person in the world."

After the show, you can log on to our Web site at to
learn more about Danforth's wilderness program, New Horizons. ... 00041.html
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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NBC's Jane Pauley interviews Barbara Walters, Jackie Danfort
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2009, 11:48:41 PM »
...In the summer of 1984, Jackie ran away from home and for a month Walters did not know
where her 15-year-old daughter was. When Jackie was found Walters made the difficult
decision to send her daughter to an alternative school for troubled teens in Idaho.
Danforth stayed in the program for three years and credits the program with saving her
life. ...
This was actually an interview with both Jackie and her mother, Barbara Walters, conducted by Jane Pauley. It starts out as follows:

    "Tonight Barbara Walters returns to NBC for an exclusive interview with "Dateline
    NBC's" Jane Pauley. Walters and daughter Jackie Danforth talk for the first time about Jackie's troubled childhood, and how Jackie has put her past to use helping another generation of teens."

    Date of that broadcast:

      Coming up on Dateline Friday
      Dateline NBC

      Fri, 18 Oct 2002[/list]
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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      Re: Rachel Uchitel, Cedu Celebrity, NY It Girl, Tiger Woods, etc
      « Reply #21 on: December 04, 2009, 12:39:55 AM »
      Looks like  Rachel's five minutes of fame are about up.  I don't understand why a woman would want to look so pug-ugly, inflating her lips until they look like Julio Cesar Chavez used her face for a punching bag.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

      Offline Anonymous

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      Re: Rachel Uchitel, Cedu Celebrity, NY It Girl, Tiger Woods, etc
      « Reply #22 on: December 04, 2009, 12:44:52 AM »
      Danforth probably can't do much else besides suck the bucks from some parents...Nice going Barbara...
      I remember when another celebrity, Angela Lansbury, found  herself with a couple of "troubled" kids she and her husband put their careers on hold, moved to Ireland and spent time with them, getting the whole family on track.  I always thought that was pretty cool AND her kids have real jobs today.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

      Offline Anonymous

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      Re: Rachel Uchitel, Cedu Celebrity, NY It Girl, Tiger Woods, etc
      « Reply #23 on: December 04, 2009, 03:38:23 AM »
      CEDU is no less an obscure duck farm than Bergen-Belsen.

       :roflmao:  :roflmao:

      that's a pretty good troll! LOL. Good luck with that one.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

      Offline Son Of Serbia

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      Re: Rachel Uchitel, Cedu Celebrity, NY It Girl, Tiger Woods, etc
      « Reply #24 on: December 09, 2009, 05:05:27 PM »
      Question:  What's the difference between Tiger Woods & Santa Claus?

      Answer:  Santa Claus stops after he does three Ho's!    ;D
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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      Re: Rachel Uchitel, Cedu Celebrity, NY It Girl, Tiger Woods, etc
      « Reply #25 on: December 25, 2009, 07:46:02 AM »
      I graduated in the same class as Rachel. We were good friends. I have not seen her in many years... we do still have contact on facebook. Its sad to see her now. I almost can't recognize her after all the horrible plastic surgery. I know her issues with her non existent 'father figure' in life. We all cope in different ways, clearly she is fulfilling her void by the belief that being a 'sex object' will give her that fulfillment. Beyond all the ridiculous try-hard sexy stuff, of course there lies a deep insecurity. It's a shame she has bought all the modern day bullshit and gone down the path she has. She is looking older than her years and trying way too hard. I hope she works her self out. Its a lonely path she taking at the end of the day.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

      Offline Son Of Serbia

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      Re: Rachel Uchitel, Cedu Celebrity, NY It Girl, Tiger Woods, etc
      « Reply #26 on: December 30, 2009, 04:21:26 PM »
      Quote from: doesn'tmatter
      I know her issues with her non existent 'father figure' in life.

      Well this would certainly explain Rachel's unhealthy fixation on Guy Bonnano during her Cedu years and their sickening fondness for one another.  Guy was Rachel's "daddy" at Cedu, that's for sure.  

      I remember the way Rachel would jump up and run to Guy whenever he entered the room.  
      It was not unlike the way my 5 year old son runs to front door when I come from work, shouting "DADDY's Home!", and giving me a big hug & kisses.  That's a pretty normal
      interaction between a 5 year old and their parent - but it's really disturbing when you're watching 16 year old interact the same way with a much older man who isn't even related
      to her.  Rachel would shout "Guy's here!" or "Guys back!"- well at least she didn't call him
      "Daddy" in public - but the big enthusiastic hugs and kisses were all there.  Later, more
      often than not, you'd find Rachel sitting on Guy's lap - was he telling her bed time stories?
      Did they talk about the first that came up (in Guy's pants)?  Who knows? I never listened
      to their conversations - just seeing them together was gross enough.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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      Re: Rachel Uchitel, Cedu Celebrity, NY It Girl, Tiger Woods, etc
      « Reply #27 on: March 29, 2010, 12:01:45 PM »
      I think what everybody seems to be forgetting here is that Rachel was as much a victim of Cedu as any of us were.  Just because a student there bought into the Cedu religion hook, line, and sinker, doesn't mean that they weren't also a victim.

      In fact, they were MORE SO a victim, and their struggles after CEDU coming to terms with "WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED THERE TO ME?" must have been much, much wors those of us who were able to hold a secret place inside us where we knew it was all b.s., and that we were just playing the game so we could get back home and do our time as smoothly as possible.

      Rachel had terrible issues with her father, and Guy simply took advantage of it.  Remember- HE WAS THE ADULT.  SHE WAS JUST A CHILD.

      Obviously, she still hasn't sorted it all out, but I don't hate or feel any animosity to her for it.  Yeah...she "blew me away" a few times there...I could care less nowadays.  Even today, she's still a victim of CEDU, because bottom line- SHE DIDN'T GET THE HELP SHE SHOULD HAVE AS A damaged teenager.  Rather, they REINFORCED the concepts of looking to damaged older men.  In Rachel's, mind, she must still think as a child, to be going with all these rotten men.  She just needs some help....and I'm sorry she never got it.  I don't want to tear her CEDU would have taught us to do.  Rather, I'd just tell her- sorry, you've had such a rough go.  We all have.  Hope you can figure it all out.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

      Offline Che Gookin

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      Re: Rachel Uchitel, Cedu Celebrity, NY It Girl, Tiger Woods, etc
      « Reply #28 on: March 29, 2010, 06:39:12 PM »
      Some good points CiC.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

      Offline Whooter

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      Re: Rachel Uchitel, Cedu Celebrity, NY It Girl, Tiger Woods, etc
      « Reply #29 on: March 29, 2010, 07:36:21 PM »
      If you take a look at her Bio she seems to have done very well since she left CEDU.  She weathered losing her fiancé on 9/11in the WTC attacks and then went on to became a nightclub manager and event planner in New York City.  I am not familiar with CEDU but her time there apparently turned her around and set her on a good path and obviously she turned into a strong woman based on how she is handling all of this controversy.

      Tiger Woods. Although never had the benefit (or the need of a program), is the one who is struggling through all of this.

      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »