Author Topic: Newton trying to skirt the law AGAIN  (Read 10369 times)

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Offline Woof-a-Doof

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Re: Newton trying to skirt the law AGAIN
« Reply #45 on: October 31, 2009, 08:03:13 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Woof-a-Doof"
. But the discoloration of his face spoke volumes of what was churning inside. And his eyes where cold as death itself.

I guess we can take some joy in "what's churning inside" Newton........but the facts are, he is living in a large waterfront home, has a steady gig at his latest brainwashing facility, I mean, "church", and has more followers willing to attend boring civic meetings on his behalf than the number of survivors of his abuse that opposed him.  I guess that's what bothers me the most, that this child-abusing con man in a priest costume is doing better than most of his victims, materially, anyway.

Until some survivor of his abuse kidnaps and tortures him to death, and does the same to his syphilitic consort, Ruth Ann, I don't think we can say that he has paid for his crimes.  If anything, he continues to profit from and enjoy the fruits of his crimes.  A damn shame.  We can congratulate the participants in the hearing, and each other until we are blue in the face, but that is not going to make a damn bit of difference.  Chances are, Miller Newton lives in a nicer house than you do, and has more money at his disposal.  He was able to rally more supporters to come out to the hearing, and although we may be annoying to him, no real justice has been served---even in the Corter case, Miller didn't lose a goddamn dime.  It was paid by his insurance company.  Compared to most of his victims, Miller Newton is living pretty large.  And that is the real injustice that needs to be addressed.

Yes, you said it well, he has "more money at his disposal", and "Lives in a nicer home", there is no question about that.

And yes, it woud appear more of his supporters/followers attended than did Survivors. (I personally didnt feel out numbered, cant speak for AB or RB...but he (RB) has almost a foot on me, and maybe 25lbs on me....I dont think he felt out numbered either) I think its pretty simple to figure out. Miller and his crew only live a few blocks from the city hall. The Survivors, two of us live in the county inwhich he resides, and one lives in the next county. I can not speculate why more Survivors couldnt book a flight to Tampa, or Clearwater/St.Pete airport, get a hotel, arrainge transportation, meals, take time from work, possible leave family behind to attend the hearing. My guess is however, the logistics of such a venture would have been impossible for a vast majority of us, since we are spread across the country and the globe.

As far as congradulating Survivors in attendance "Till we are blue in the face"....STOP!, why, because you are right. Our purpose was not the "couplua", I still dont know what one is, or even what one looks like, for me, it's irrevelent. However, I have been told I am am annoying, so, why not put it to good use? Sure, we are thorn in his side (can ya feel us sticking). But that is strickly for Millers benifit and to that end, look at his face, its clear to see we annoyed the hell out of him. and at the same time informed those in the hearing of his past. We aslo made valuable connections in the Madria Beach community that either live adjacent to his property, or very close by.

We approached people, without yelling, screaming, hootin and hollering ( have done that before for Mel Sembler). This type of action raises eye brows of the social elite, at least at the gatherings for Mel Sembler. Once the eye brows go up, our credibility goes down. We are viewed as crack pots, lunitics, angry mob of druggies, disenchanted misfits with an axe to grind. As such, it is easy to dismiss such a mob. Not just dismiss us as a group of people, but also dismiss everything we say. It is an approach that has been used with little if any degree of success.

Now, with the introduction of the idea of kidnapping, torture and death (not that I dont understand the sentiment) is not an answer either. Actually it is the issuing of a Terroristic Threat, illegal in most states! Issuing a Terroistic Threat, how eactly is that going to help our cause? It may satisfy a murderious rage of one or more people, yet as a whole, the Survivor community would have a huge blemmish. We are not murderers, kidnappers, or torture mongers. This is not a viable plan of action. Slowly but surely more and more Survivors are coming from the wood work and out of hiding, just beggining to get thier feet on the ground, just starting to connect the dots and come to grips with what took place and are just tasting the sweetness of VALIDATION. Then it is suggested to kidnap, torture and kill. Again, I understand the authors sentiment, I respect the years of anger and rage carried on your shoulders, I know you want nothing less than to be free of this burden, who wouldnt?

Yes, Miller is living large and I agree it is an injustice and it need be addressed. Violence will not resolve this matter. Miller got where he is today after suffering a major defeat by using legal manuvers (sp), circumventing the laws and using powers of persuasion to achieve what he has thus far. Sooooooo, if it works for a fuck like Miller, it could work for us. We have to ask ourselves, are we as tenacious as Miller Newton? Can we think outside the box?

I am not sure of the order of the church his is suppossed to be a priest of, I know "Stillahippie" is a member of the church, not Newtons church, but the Church Miller represents. Why not have him defrocked? Why not have the real CHURCH strip him of his stained collar. If the city can not remove him from his residence, and his 'church/organization', why not approach his higher authority?

You see, there are ideas that have not been explored, much less even looked at. In our Survivor Community we have several LawDawgs, Lawyers. Ok, so Lawyers have said our time is up, whatever they call it , satutue of limitations. But this is no longer about money, for some it may be, for me personally, it is not. Yet, I have never heard anything beyond the Statute of Limitations door being slammed shut....Fine, what else? Defrock the Priest? Approach leaders of his Church, present to them the facts of our lives.They suppossedly ordained him, if they reviewed the facts, with names, places, dates, information found on the internet, youtube, personal testimony. If officials of the church have no problem with his transgressions with children....we have a biger problem than Miller.

You, or some one asked for a derainged Survivor of his abuse, abduct, torture and painfully extracts the ultimate vengence upon Miller Newtons sorry ass. Your asking for a martyar (sp)? You suggest "Some derrainged survivor" to do this, who would that be? Under examination, any of us that had anything to do with Miller Newton, if closely looked at could be considered derrainged, shell shocked, suffering from PTSD, battle fatigue...whatever, that person then spends his/her life in prison and the rest of us are then viewed as a Terrorist orginization. I havent read the full "Patriot Act" but I know it touches every aspect of every American. And I am pretty sure it covers home-grown Terrorists as well. And should anything happen to Miller or Ruthie, who do you think would be first suspects? Every Survivor site would recieve search warrants to hand over IP addresses and dont think they wouldnt scour every written piece of correspondence. Once the ISP hands over the IP address's, feds knocking on the door wouldnt be far behind, confisgating every harddrive, placing everyone as a suspect. And the post suggesting kidnapping, torture and death would be charged with conspiracy to commit murder.

Again, I understand your reasoning, your emotions, your anger, your rage, your wrath, and your wish for vengence/justice. I am afraid however all of these things combined is clouding your judgement. I am not writing to offend your emotions or to dismiss them in any other way except to say, what your purposing puts us all at risk.There is but one Miller Newton and he achieved everything he has thru loop holes in the law. There are thousands of us, most extremly intellegent, We have to put our minds and body together as one and unify. What ever action we take, we must do with in the boundary of the law, we must repect his neighbors if we wish to have thier continued support. Rash statements, threats of bodily harm and the like will destroy any work that has been done up untill now.

As heated as this situation with Miller is, we must keep our cool, we have to maintain a sense of civility. We have to present ourselves with dignity, integrity, honesty and a singleness of purpose. I am not dismissing any of our emotions, I am saying that for the time being, our emotions need to be kept in check, if we ever hope to have an acceptable outcome.

Then again, I tend to fall for the Dark Humor. I mistake it for being exactly what it looks like, and so my passionate plea here. If in fact, this post I am replying to is Dark Humor...Ok ya got me again, Mea Culpa. Yet, if you were sincere, and meant notihng to be humorious in your statment, understand, that we understand. But the Law may see it as for what said. Kidnapping, torture and death.The legal system most probably will not appreciate your humor, especially in the event of harm coming to Miller or Ruthie.

I encourage:
Much Heaing
Much Peace
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
What is right is not always popular...What is popular is not always right

Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: Newton is living larger than most of his victims......
« Reply #46 on: October 31, 2009, 10:26:23 AM »
Quote from: "Destroy Newton and Celebrate It"
I certainly hope you are right, but somehow I doubt it.  If he could "silence the voices" in his head while the abuse was happening, how hard can it be for him to discount those "voices in his head" (if indeed he has a conscience, which you seem to be presupposing) twenty or thirty years after the fact??  At best, we are a minor nuisance to him, a mere annoyance......assholes like Newton HAVE NO CONSCIENCE.   The best we can hope for is that some deranged survivor of his abuse abducts, tortures, and slowly and painfully extracts the ultimate vengeance upon Miller Newton's sorry ass.

I am not suggesting he has a conscience......not at all.  I AM suggesting that he knows that his "status" in the community has been obliterated.    I think when he goes home after these things, it's more of an "oh shit" feeling.  And anger that he can't control us, can't dictate what we say and to whom and the realization that we will NEVER forget.

Until such vengeance is taken, Miller Newton is winning his war against us.......

He's not winning it against me.

I'm not looking for congratulations from anyone.  I went there for my own purpose, not necessarily to 'represent' anyone.  It does my soul good to be able to stand face to face to him and not be the scared little kid anymore.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

Offline pelberglaw

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Re: Newton trying to skirt the law AGAIN
« Reply #47 on: October 31, 2009, 11:33:26 AM »
I have read this thread with interest and was fascinated to see the video of the hearing in Madeira Beach.  I feel a need to put my 2 cents in.  What Miller Newton and his wife have no ability to handle is the reality that they were absolutely wrong about the inevitably of horrible things happening to people that did not live their lives based on his bizarre and absolute beliefs.  Newton convinced himself and then his wife  that each of their victims was a drink, a sweet, or an orgasm away from a hell described by him as prison, a mental institution, prostitution, life on the streets etc.  There is no room in the Newton world or the world of other absolutists for nuance, greys, good days and bad ones, social drinking,   Follow me or die was his message and that  instrument of a voice he still has and the confidence he was once able to project  made him a seductive lifeline for  people looking for simple (cook book or paint by numbers) answers to everything that makes all of our lives both hard and worth living.  
     The existence of those he abused who have gone on to have lives and become “regular people” with lives and jobs and friends and happiness and sadness and problems that they work through is what he and his wife have no ability to comprehend.  Their existence alone is the  proof that he is a con man.  If it is possible to first be subjected to his” treatment,”  reject it  and then go on to a productive life then the treatment was not treatment at all.  It was something much darker, perverse  and evil.
    I saw Newton’s red face on the video.   It comes from being confronted with the living proof of what he is and the scope of his crimes.  When I saw what  Anne Bonney and woof a doof and Richard Bradbury looked like on the video and I heard the comments of the city planner who survived straight and was able to explain in professional terms why Newton’s application should be denied I knew they were collectively what Newton and his followers can’t handle.  They are the living picture and proof that reduces all of his words to the dribble of  an old man who has committed sins to numerous to count and still lives in denial surrounded by a few lost souls.  
   He should have gone to prison.   He did not but he is not living large.  The rest of us need food and love and a roof over our heads to make it.  He needs followers. There are a few left but even they will eventually drift away.  The power of the internet, the survivors, the reams of documents, the legacy of Wes Fager, and the truth will keep shrinking his little world until he leaves it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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Re: Newton trying to skirt the law AGAIN
« Reply #48 on: October 31, 2009, 12:37:02 PM »
Quote from: "starry-eyed pirate"
I don't really think Miller Newton is winning anything...I certainly wouldn't want his life.  The man is some kind of a desperate, undignified fool.
:rofl:   :rasta:  :roflmao:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Re: Newton trying to skirt the law AGAIN
« Reply #49 on: October 31, 2009, 05:43:09 PM »
Ho lee shiat! Thanks for that post, St. Philip  :notworthy: And thanks to Kim, Rich, Woof, Mike, Pokrov and all other who helped make a good show of force to that sadistic lunatic.

BTW, I just posted a blog entry to Please comment and promote!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

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Re: Newton trying to skirt the law AGAIN
« Reply #50 on: October 31, 2009, 09:51:11 PM »
Quote from: "Woof-a-Doof"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Woof-a-Doof"
. But the discoloration of his face spoke volumes of what was churning inside. And his eyes where cold as death itself.

I guess we can take some joy in "what's churning inside" Newton........but the facts are, he is living in a large waterfront home, has a steady gig at his latest brainwashing facility, I mean, "church", and has more followers willing to attend boring civic meetings on his behalf than the number of survivors of his abuse that opposed him.  I guess that's what bothers me the most, that this child-abusing con man in a priest costume is doing better than most of his victims, materially, anyway.

Until some survivor of his abuse kidnaps and tortures him to death, and does the same to his syphilitic consort, Ruth Ann, I don't think we can say that he has paid for his crimes.  If anything, he continues to profit from and enjoy the fruits of his crimes.  A damn shame.  We can congratulate the participants in the hearing, and each other until we are blue in the face, but that is not going to make a damn bit of difference.  Chances are, Miller Newton lives in a nicer house than you do, and has more money at his disposal.  He was able to rally more supporters to come out to the hearing, and although we may be annoying to him, no real justice has been served---even in the Corter case, Miller didn't lose a goddamn dime.  It was paid by his insurance company.  Compared to most of his victims, Miller Newton is living pretty large.  And that is the real injustice that needs to be addressed.

Yes, you said it well, he has "more money at his disposal", and "Lives in a nicer home", there is no question about that.

And yes, it woud appear more of his supporters/followers attended than did Survivors. (I personally didnt feel out numbered, cant speak for AB or RB...but he (RB) has almost a foot on me, and maybe 25lbs on me....I dont think he felt out numbered either) I think its pretty simple to figure out. Miller and his crew only live a few blocks from the city hall. The Survivors, two of us live in the county inwhich he resides, and one lives in the next county. I can not speculate why more Survivors couldnt book a flight to Tampa, or Clearwater/St.Pete airport, get a hotel, arrainge transportation, meals, take time from work, possible leave family behind to attend the hearing. My guess is however, the logistics of such a venture would have been impossible for a vast majority of us, since we are spread across the country and the globe.

As far as congradulating Survivors in attendance "Till we are blue in the face"....STOP!, why, because you are right. Our purpose was not the "couplua", I still dont know what one is, or even what one looks like, for me, it's irrevelent. However, I have been told I am am annoying, so, why not put it to good use? Sure, we are thorn in his side (can ya feel us sticking). But that is strickly for Millers benifit and to that end, look at his face, its clear to see we annoyed the hell out of him. and at the same time informed those in the hearing of his past. We aslo made valuable connections in the Madria Beach community that either live adjacent to his property, or very close by.

We approached people, without yelling, screaming, hootin and hollering ( have done that before for Mel Sembler). This type of action raises eye brows of the social elite, at least at the gatherings for Mel Sembler. Once the eye brows go up, our credibility goes down. We are viewed as crack pots, lunitics, angry mob of druggies, disenchanted misfits with an axe to grind. As such, it is easy to dismiss such a mob. Not just dismiss us as a group of people, but also dismiss everything we say. It is an approach that has been used with little if any degree of success.

Now, with the introduction of the idea of kidnapping, torture and death (not that I dont understand the sentiment) is not an answer either. Actually it is the issuing of a Terroristic Threat, illegal in most states! Issuing a Terroistic Threat, how eactly is that going to help our cause? It may satisfy a murderious rage of one or more people, yet as a whole, the Survivor community would have a huge blemmish. We are not murderers, kidnappers, or torture mongers. This is not a viable plan of action. Slowly but surely more and more Survivors are coming from the wood work and out of hiding, just beggining to get thier feet on the ground, just starting to connect the dots and come to grips with what took place and are just tasting the sweetness of VALIDATION. Then it is suggested to kidnap, torture and kill. Again, I understand the authors sentiment, I respect the years of anger and rage carried on your shoulders, I know you want nothing less than to be free of this burden, who wouldnt?

Yes, Miller is living large and I agree it is an injustice and it need be addressed. Violence will not resolve this matter. Miller got where he is today after suffering a major defeat by using legal manuvers (sp), circumventing the laws and using powers of persuasion to achieve what he has thus far. Sooooooo, if it works for a fuck like Miller, it could work for us. We have to ask ourselves, are we as tenacious as Miller Newton? Can we think outside the box?

I am not sure of the order of the church his is suppossed to be a priest of, I know "Stillahippie" is a member of the church, not Newtons church, but the Church Miller represents. Why not have him defrocked? Why not have the real CHURCH strip him of his stained collar. If the city can not remove him from his residence, and his 'church/organization', why not approach his higher authority?

You see, there are ideas that have not been explored, much less even looked at. In our Survivor Community we have several LawDawgs, Lawyers. Ok, so Lawyers have said our time is up, whatever they call it , satutue of limitations. But this is no longer about money, for some it may be, for me personally, it is not. Yet, I have never heard anything beyond the Statute of Limitations door being slammed shut....Fine, what else? Defrock the Priest? Approach leaders of his Church, present to them the facts of our lives.They suppossedly ordained him, if they reviewed the facts, with names, places, dates, information found on the internet, youtube, personal testimony. If officials of the church have no problem with his transgressions with children....we have a biger problem than Miller.

You, or some one asked for a derainged Survivor of his abuse, abduct, torture and painfully extracts the ultimate vengence upon Miller Newtons sorry ass. Your asking for a martyar (sp)? You suggest "Some derrainged survivor" to do this, who would that be? Under examination, any of us that had anything to do with Miller Newton, if closely looked at could be considered derrainged, shell shocked, suffering from PTSD, battle fatigue...whatever, that person then spends his/her life in prison and the rest of us are then viewed as a Terrorist orginization. I havent read the full "Patriot Act" but I know it touches every aspect of every American. And I am pretty sure it covers home-grown Terrorists as well. And should anything happen to Miller or Ruthie, who do you think would be first suspects? Every Survivor site would recieve search warrants to hand over IP addresses and dont think they wouldnt scour every written piece of correspondence. Once the ISP hands over the IP address's, feds knocking on the door wouldnt be far behind, confisgating every harddrive, placing everyone as a suspect. And the post suggesting kidnapping, torture and death would be charged with conspiracy to commit murder.

Again, I understand your reasoning, your emotions, your anger, your rage, your wrath, and your wish for vengence/justice. I am afraid however all of these things combined is clouding your judgement. I am not writing to offend your emotions or to dismiss them in any other way except to say, what your purposing puts us all at risk.There is but one Miller Newton and he achieved everything he has thru loop holes in the law. There are thousands of us, most extremly intellegent, We have to put our minds and body together as one and unify. What ever action we take, we must do with in the boundary of the law, we must repect his neighbors if we wish to have thier continued support. Rash statements, threats of bodily harm and the like will destroy any work that has been done up untill now.

As heated as this situation with Miller is, we must keep our cool, we have to maintain a sense of civility. We have to present ourselves with dignity, integrity, honesty and a singleness of purpose. I am not dismissing any of our emotions, I am saying that for the time being, our emotions need to be kept in check, if we ever hope to have an acceptable outcome.

Then again, I tend to fall for the Dark Humor. I mistake it for being exactly what it looks like, and so my passionate plea here. If in fact, this post I am replying to is Dark Humor...Ok ya got me again, Mea Culpa. Yet, if you were sincere, and meant notihng to be humorious in your statment, understand, that we understand. But the Law may see it as for what said. Kidnapping, torture and death.The legal system most probably will not appreciate your humor, especially in the event of harm coming to Miller or Ruthie.

I encourage:
Much Heaing
Much Peace

Wow. Didn't think my sick sense of humor would be taken for anything other than that.  Of course I don't want to see any of Newton's victims to let him in ANY way continue to be a dtriment to them---ands certainly making Newton a martyr and themselves a murdere would be letting him have the ultimate control over them.  Personally, I think he is a pathetic old fuck, and although I intend to dance on his grave one day, I certainly don't want anyone to put him there early.  LEt the old shithead stew in the knowledge that he is scorned and hated, and once Nature takes it's course and offs the old fuck (hopefully after some serious pain along the way) we can all have a party and breathe a little easier knowing that we OUTLASTED the old child abusing pretend priest, that he and his kind are dinosaurs, doomed by natural selection to extinction.  If he is as miserable as he looked on the video of the hearing, he ain't too happy with life.  HE looks like the bitter, impotent, constipoated old fuck that he is, and he has to live with let him suffer in that Hell of his own creation, and let that be the only lasting legacy of his crimes......and don't any of his victims further contribute to the dmage he has done by harming themselves, even in some misguide, though peerfectly understadable from, my POV, desire for revenge or justice or whatever.  Whgich brings me to my main point---I don't think we, as a collective, or even as individuals, will ever see "justice" for what was done to us, it just doesn't exist in this world, or if it does, it's been doing a damn good job of hiding.  Life isn't fair, there ain't no justice, no free lunch, and Miller Newton lives on a waterfront lot......and any attempt to "bring him to justice" would not only be impossible at this point, I mean, Justice would be us getting back our formative years, and that just ain't gonna happen, can't happen, won't not only would it be impossible to get this "justice", but it would inevittably lead to more harm than good.....if nothing else, the sheer frustration of tryingto achieve some sort of retribution.   Living well is the best revenge that we can have at this point, and by living well I don't necessarily meqan having a couple of BMWs in the garage...some of the most miserable fucks I have known have had morer $$$ than living well I mean more of taking control of our own lives and renouncing any cult of victimhood.  And while I understand that confronting an abuser can be one of the most effective methods of healing or coping with the trauma they inflicted, to adopt the tactics and methods of the abuser, such as doing actual physical harm, would inevcitably lead to Virgil's martyrdom, and a regression by his victim, knowing thaht he had playe d them, made them the instrument of his attempt at sainthood and finalizing his prediction that the victim was doomed to Jails, Institutions, Etc. 'cause they wouldn't follow the Anointed Vision of Miller Cassian to anyone who may have thought I was doing anything orther than exercising a sick sense of humor, DON'T GO KILLING OR MAIMING VIRGIL OR RUTHIE.....LET 'EM ROT IN THEIR OWN EXCREMENT FOR ANOTHER FEW YEARS, IT WON'T  BE LONG< and once they die of painful natural causes, I'll burn one with you on his grave.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Newton trying to skirt the law AGAIN
« Reply #51 on: October 31, 2009, 10:29:52 PM »
If newton is alive, his existence tortures his victims. Religious folks claim that there is a hell and a heaven. Does anyone think he's going to heaven?  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  It is unfortunate that we are not "authorized" to make this ultimate choice for him, yet there seems to be an intense yearning for hoping he dies sooner than later. Time's a wastin!! God's busy enough as it is you know and reservations for heaven might sell out  :roflmao:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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Newton Snuff Film
« Reply #52 on: November 01, 2009, 08:29:53 AM »
I can envision a group of survivors (and other interested people) agitating Virgil to the point of having a coronary!!!  :rofl:  It might not be that hard to do, as he seems to get worked up whenever survivors "confront" him...the right amount of people, the right combination of words, timing, etc...I think it could happen... But first I'd like to see him defrocked. Like Woof said (and like I already knew), Stillahippie is Syrian orthodox and therefore could accomplish this. That would be great for a start...

But it would be wonderful if he just up and keeled over from anger!  :flame:   :flame:  :suicide:

I'd love to watch that!!!  :roflmao:  :rofl:  :clown:  :rocker:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Newton Snuff Film
« Reply #53 on: November 01, 2009, 10:43:16 AM »
Quote from: "Froderik"
I'd like to see him defrocked. Like Woof said (and like I already knew), Stillahippie is Syrian orthodox and therefore could accomplish this. That would be great for a start...

...and the agitated mob clamors for our hero, Still-a-Hippie, and begins to chant louder and louder: "Still-A-Hippie"..."Still-A-Hippie"

...and swift riders are dispatched to to carry the message that must get through...  "Still-a-hippie, we need you!"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: Newton trying to skirt the law AGAIN
« Reply #54 on: November 01, 2009, 10:45:32 AM »
Hasn't he been trying to tell them about Newt for a few years now?  I thought I remembered him posting rather extensively about his plans to do so.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

Offline Froderik

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Re: Newton trying to skirt the law AGAIN
« Reply #55 on: November 01, 2009, 10:48:23 AM »
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Hasn't he been trying to tell them about Newt for a few years now?  I thought I remembered him posting rather extensively about his plans to do so.
Actually, I don't think he ever got around to doing it, so it's about time!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline starry-eyed pirate

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Re: Newton trying to skirt the law AGAIN
« Reply #56 on: November 01, 2009, 11:21:33 AM »
Ok ya'll, I got an idea, but not everyone is gonna like it and maybe it might offend Still-a-hippie and members of his church, but then again maybe it'd be cool, so here it is... :eek:

What if we all just joined Hippies church and all went down there and infiltrated Father Cassians flock and then mutinied on him.  Wouldn't that be fun ??  Can you imagine it ??  Father Cassian would think he was really pullin the wool down on us when suddenly at one of the Christ by the Sea foundation prayer meetings we could suddenly rise up out of our submissive postures and hand Virgil a mutiny.  Can you imagine the look on his face when he realizes the $tr8 survivors have taken his power!  We could all be members of the church, we could become his nightmare!   :birthday:  :trophy:

...    :roflmao:  :rofl:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
If you would have justice in this world, then begin to see that a human being is not a means to some end.  People are not commodities.  When human beings are just to one another government becomes obsolete and real freedom is born; SPIRITUAL ANARCHY.

Offline starry-eyed pirate

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Re: Newton trying to skirt the law AGAIN
« Reply #57 on: November 01, 2009, 11:23:40 AM »
Quote from: "Froderik"
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Hasn't he been trying to tell them about Newt for a few years now?  I thought I remembered him posting rather extensively about his plans to do so.
Actually, I don't think he ever got around to doing it, so it's about time!

Yeah! :whip:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
If you would have justice in this world, then begin to see that a human being is not a means to some end.  People are not commodities.  When human beings are just to one another government becomes obsolete and real freedom is born; SPIRITUAL ANARCHY.

Offline starry-eyed pirate

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Re: Newton trying to skirt the law AGAIN
« Reply #58 on: November 01, 2009, 11:35:13 AM »
Quote from: "starry-eyed pirate"
Ok ya'll, I got an idea, but not everyone is gonna like it and maybe it might offend Still-a-hippie and members of his church, but then again maybe it'd be cool, so here it is... :eek:

What if we all just joined Hippies church and all went down there and infiltrated Father Cassians flock and then mutinied on him.  Wouldn't that be fun ??  Can you imagine it ??  Father Cassian would think he was really pullin the wool down on us when suddenly at one of the Christ by the Sea foundation prayer meetings we could suddenly rise up out of our submissive postures and hand Virgil a mutiny.  Can you imagine the look on his face when he realizes the $tr8 survivors have taken his power!  We could all be members of the church, we could become his nightmare!   :birthday:  :trophy:

...    :roflmao:  :rofl:

Holy Hell. I mean if someone really wanted to mess with the guy ... cause it would be a major case of turning the table on him.  There must be lots of survivors he wouldn't recognize or remember.  And it would take time and dedication to achieve the end but a hardcore and determined band of well focused survivors could join his particular foundation, no offense intended toward Hippie or his church, and slowly gain status and trust within the organization.  brining more survivors every week until the majority were $tr8 survivors and then one day, at the right time, and on red temple prayers signal, I guess he'd have to be pretty well disguised,  :rofl:  we could begin to question him and turn on him and it could get ugly...I don't know...I could see it.   :cheers:
« Last Edit: November 01, 2009, 11:38:41 AM by starry-eyed pirate »
If you would have justice in this world, then begin to see that a human being is not a means to some end.  People are not commodities.  When human beings are just to one another government becomes obsolete and real freedom is born; SPIRITUAL ANARCHY.

Offline seamus

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Re: Newton trying to skirt the law AGAIN
« Reply #59 on: November 01, 2009, 11:46:38 AM »
In order to facillitate ensuing asshattery would somebody post the following for all to see;
the addy of whom ever the antiocain church
the addy of "christfraud by the sea'

                                                      have at it. :seg:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
It\'d be sad if it wernt so funny,It\'d be funny if it wernt so sad