Author Topic: Aspen Education Group deceptively markets short term invalid  (Read 11666 times)

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Re: Aspen Education Group deceptively markets short term invalid
« Reply #90 on: September 27, 2009, 11:38:07 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Bottom line is that the kid was allowed to wander the facility completely unsupervised by any Aspen staff.  this is not a 'secure and structured' environment to beging with.  Then he was arrested and put in jail because of the program's actions in handling the behavior they said they could 'cure' when the parents enrolled him.  So they failed to provide the appropriate environment and they failed to offer any therapy services, then to top it off, they left the kid in worse condition than when he arrived - untreated AND in jail AT THE PROGRAM'S REQUEST.  

This is a travesty at many different levels, and unfortunately, this so-called 'outcome study' is bogus because it doesn't take into account at all the 50-65% of kids like Matt Pence that never 'graduate' their programs.  These palces have a 50-65% failure rate RIGHT OFF THE TOP.

This sends a clear message that if you are not willing to do the work in these places then you are out on your butt.  If you break the rules and break the laws you will be held accountable.  Its a tough lesson to learn when you havent had your feet held to the fire previously, but it is a good life lesson for Matthew.

As far as the study goes, I think it is a good call to only include those kids who finished the program to keep the data consistent.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Troll Control

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Re: Aspen Education Group deceptively markets short term invalid
« Reply #91 on: September 27, 2009, 12:19:54 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Bottom line is that the kid was allowed to wander the facility completely unsupervised by any Aspen staff.  this is not a 'secure and structured' environment to beging with.  Then he was arrested and put in jail because of the program's actions in handling the behavior they said they could 'cure' when the parents enrolled him.  So they failed to provide the appropriate environment and they failed to offer any therapy services, then to top it off, they left the kid in worse condition than when he arrived - untreated AND in jail AT THE PROGRAM'S REQUEST.  

This is a travesty at many different levels, and unfortunately, this so-called 'outcome study' is bogus because it doesn't take into account at all the 50-65% of kids like Matt Pence that never 'graduate' their programs.  These palces have a 50-65% failure rate RIGHT OFF THE TOP.

This is right on.  The other guy saying only grads should be counted is like counting only those who survive heart surgery in success data while ignoring those who didn't make it.  Dishonest at best,
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The Linchpin Link

Whooter - The Most Prolific Troll Fornits Has Ever Seen - The Definitive Links
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Offline Whooter

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Re: Aspen Education Group deceptively markets short term invalid
« Reply #92 on: September 27, 2009, 01:07:38 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Bottom line is that the kid was allowed to wander the facility completely unsupervised by any Aspen staff.  this is not a 'secure and structured' environment to beging with.  Then he was arrested and put in jail because of the program's actions in handling the behavior they said they could 'cure' when the parents enrolled him.  So they failed to provide the appropriate environment and they failed to offer any therapy services, then to top it off, they left the kid in worse condition than when he arrived - untreated AND in jail AT THE PROGRAM'S REQUEST.  

This is a travesty at many different levels, and unfortunately, this so-called 'outcome study' is bogus because it doesn't take into account at all the 50-65% of kids like Matt Pence that never 'graduate' their programs.  These palces have a 50-65% failure rate RIGHT OFF THE TOP.

This is right on.  The other guy saying only grads should be counted is like counting only those who survive heart surgery in success data while ignoring those who didn't make it.  Dishonest at best,

I think it depends on the study.  The majority of heart studies are done on those patients which have successfully completed a heart transplant.  They then track these patients over time.  There are other studies which show how many patients make it thru surgery.  But they are 2 separate studies, but I do understand the confusion and the need for this type of information.  

A study showing how many kids make thru to the end of a program would be a great study.  I would be interested to know how many are sent home for breaking the rules, run away and get kicked out etc. and the "mean time" a student spends at a program.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RMA Survivor

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Re: Aspen Education Group deceptively markets short term invalid
« Reply #93 on: September 27, 2009, 02:18:53 PM »
Yes, but in studies related to heart transplants, they generally inform you of the pertinent details such as the fact that it is only being conducted on those who successfully underwent surgery and walked away.  Later some die, and some live.  But the scope of the survey is known and explained.  Also, the statistics are readily available because generally there is a great deal of follow-up  after these surgeries for years to come as the transplant itself doesn't mean the person is out of the woods.

Whereas with Aspen and other programs, they hire people affiliated with the industry to conduct specific studies, clearly limited in scope in order to portray a false success rate.  They could do a survey telling how many prisoners complete their first week and it would amount to about the same thing.  

The number of kids who complete the program is of no value since it is basically a teenage prison camp.  The teens are not allowed to leave without parental permission, running away or breaking the law.  No different than real prison really, except you would exchange parental permission for court permission.  That kids are forced to stay there for the entire duration of the program is therefore a useless source of data to base a survey on.  Unless you have solid, long term data ranging in to multiple years, preferably at least ten, to determine the value of the program well after it is completed, the survey would have limited value.

I just got in to contact with my former "older brother" from my old program.  In a brief email, he rattled off about twenty five students who there while I was there, and nearly every single one of them had run in to problems ranging from going back to drug use, alcoholism, problems with their parents, suicide.  The same reasons and more that they went in to the program to begin with.  These are people who are now in their forties, some almost fifty.  So more than a quarter century after attending a program, run by the same people who founded Aspen and Monarch, these former teen prisoners are not all faring well.  Many eventually came around and made something more of their lives, but the bulk had not, and those that had took at least fifteen years.  So add that to your survey!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Whooter

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Re: Aspen Education Group deceptively markets short term invalid
« Reply #94 on: September 27, 2009, 03:40:50 PM »
Quote from: "RMA Survivor"
Yes, but in studies related to heart transplants, they generally inform you of the pertinent details such as the fact that it is only being conducted on those who successfully underwent surgery and walked away. Later some die, and some live. But the scope of the survey is known and explained. Also, the statistics are readily available because generally there is a great deal of follow-up after these surgeries for years to come as the transplant itself doesn't mean the person is out of the woods.
Those are referred to as boundary conditions.  I think they parallel each other well.  The program used those patients who successfully completed the program as the heart patient study did.
The data may be available, but not to everyone. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
Whereas with Aspen and other programs, they hire people affiliated with the industry to conduct specific studies, clearly limited in scope in order to portray a false success rate. They could do a survey telling how many prisoners complete their first week and it would amount to about the same thing.

As with the heart study they have people who had previous relationships with hospitals.  Almost every doctor would have to intern in a hospital of some sort and thereby create ties to the industry they will eventually be studying and critiquing.  This is quit normal.

The number of kids who complete the program is of no value since it is basically a teenage prison camp. The teens are not allowed to leave without parental permission, running away or breaking the law. No different than real prison really, except you would exchange parental permission for court permission. That kids are forced to stay there for the entire duration of the program is therefore a useless source of data to base a survey on. Unless you have solid, long term data ranging in to multiple years, preferably at least ten, to determine the value of the program well after it is completed, the survey would have limited value.
I think the number who end up leaving would make for a good internal study to see how well they choose their students based on perceived success.  These we would not see and would be for internal use only to adjust how they screen prospective student.
The programs I am familiar with do not hold students against their will.  If they break the rules their parents will be contacted and if it continues they will be sent home.  We have already seen this with Matthew Pence.  This is very common.

As for the length of the study post program I disagree.  There could be many other stimuli which would effect the students post program especially 10 years out.  The program is tasked with getting the student back on track and through their adolescence.  If they choose to go back off track later in life the program cannot effect this.
I just got in to contact with my former "older brother" from my old program. In a brief email, he rattled off about twenty five students who there while I was there, and nearly every single one of them had run in to problems ranging from going back to drug use, alcoholism, problems with their parents, suicide. The same reasons and more that they went in to the program to begin with. These are people who are now in their forties, some almost fifty. So more than a quarter century after attending a program, run by the same people who founded Aspen and Monarch, these former teen prisoners are not all faring well. Many eventually came around and made something more of their lives, but the bulk had not, and those that had took at least fifteen years. So add that to your survey!

Addiction is a life long struggle.  I have friends from highschool who are no long with us, struggling with addiction and worse.  These people never went to a program.  Maybe it would have helped them maybe not.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Troll Control

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Re: Aspen Education Group deceptively markets short term invalid
« Reply #95 on: September 27, 2009, 07:03:19 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Bottom line is that the kid was allowed to wander the facility completely unsupervised by any Aspen staff.  this is not a 'secure and structured' environment to beging with.  Then he was arrested and put in jail because of the program's actions in handling the behavior they said they could 'cure' when the parents enrolled him.  So they failed to provide the appropriate environment and they failed to offer any therapy services, then to top it off, they left the kid in worse condition than when he arrived - untreated AND in jail AT THE PROGRAM'S REQUEST.  

This is a travesty at many different levels, and unfortunately, this so-called 'outcome study' is bogus because it doesn't take into account at all the 50-65% of kids like Matt Pence that never 'graduate' their programs.  These palces have a 50-65% failure rate RIGHT OFF THE TOP.

This is right on.  The other guy saying only grads should be counted is like counting only those who survive heart surgery in success data while ignoring those who didn't make it.  Dishonest at best,

Yes, any valid study would track all participants in the program, not just cherry-picked ones.  50-65% of kids who eneter programs are not helped at all and leave the program.  Of the ones who finish, especially Aspen programs, many wind up dead from suicide or overdoses, but these are not counted in the surveys either.  So maybe 25% finish and do well, which is a 75% failure rate.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The Linchpin Link

Whooter - The Most Prolific Troll Fornits Has Ever Seen - The Definitive Links
"Looks like a nasty aspentrolius sticci whooterensis infestation you got there, Ms. Fornits.  I\'ll get right to work."

- Troll Control

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Re: Aspen Education Group deceptively markets short term invalid
« Reply #96 on: October 04, 2009, 02:39:25 AM »
Dear lord in Heaven. In a fraction of the time you people spend in a circle jerk with Who, you could go get the damn facts and post them. Course, by page 2, he knew that any rational person had stopped reading and only got his propoganda.

1999 Behrens Clinical Director for Youth care ... me=Behrens

2002 Founded Canyon Research

2003 - 2005 Behrens conducting surveys ... 060817.htm
2004 Behrens doing Consulting for AEG ... 0626.shtml

2006 Behrens completes her survey results passed off as Independent Study ... 5360.shtml
"We also tried to eliminate all students discharged from the programs before graduation because the clinical staff thought it was actually an inappropriate placement, or when they felt the program couldn't be helpful to the child. As a result, the operating assumption of the study is that the students included in the analyzed data were those who were appropriately placed." ... 5494.shtml
Comment: ....It would be helpful to know more about Dr. Behren’s research design and methodology. I presume she drew a random sample for the study; otherwise, the results cannot be generalized to the school/residential population at large.
Jerry W Clark
Dba Behavioral Services Ltd
Reno, NV

No Jerry, she didn't. Families from 9 Aspen programs participated in her "study". She and all her staff have links to Aspen programs.

Jan Moss applies the "study" of 9 Aspen programs to entire industry
Disclosure Statement:  Aspen Education Group provided funding for this study.

2006 Behrens is a contributor to NATSAPs "Journal of Therapeutic Schools and Programs. ... 5456.shtml

(April 26, 2007) According to an article on PRNewswire, Elliot Sainer, President of Aspen Education Group (AEG), Cerritos, CA, announced "AEG is extremely pleased to learn of the very positive findings from the final phase of our industry's first long-term, multi-year clinical study on the effectiveness of private therapeutic residential programs for adolescents. AEG will continue to advocate for new industry research that will further illustrate and promote the best practices and methodologies and enhance our industry's abilities to produce positive and long-lasting results in adolescent therapeutic education."

I guess he was pleased. He paid her to present AEG in the best possible light.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Aspen Education Group deceptively markets short term invalid
« Reply #97 on: October 04, 2009, 02:56:22 AM »
ps If any of this information regarding the connection between Behrens and AEG is important, best go capture those pages before AEG has them removed/edited.
My guess is that Who so confidently put out the challenge to find anything that wasn't on the Fornits server, because he'd been busy cleaning up the internet, erasing all proof of the connection.
Well, we'll see if NATSAP removes the disclaimer that AEG paid for the study of 9 of their programs which Jan Moss then attempts to apply to the entire industry.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Aspen Education Group deceptively markets short term invalid
« Reply #98 on: October 04, 2009, 03:06:01 AM »
Gosh guys, sorry for the confusion. I sincerely believed it to be an independent study. I had no idea AEG provided the funding.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Aspen Education Group deceptively markets short term invalid
« Reply #99 on: October 04, 2009, 03:18:42 AM »
Quote from: "Guest29"
ps If any of this information regarding the connection between Behrens and AEG is important, best go capture those pages before AEG has them removed/edited.
My guess is that Who so confidently put out the challenge to find anything that wasn't on the Fornits server, because he'd been busy cleaning up the internet, erasing all proof of the connection.
Well, we'll see if NATSAP removes the disclaimer that AEG paid for the study of 9 of their programs which Jan Moss then attempts to apply to the entire industry.

so was that done?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Aspen Education Group deceptively markets short term invalid
« Reply #100 on: October 04, 2009, 04:40:39 PM »
Correction: The Disclaimer is here
Jan Moss applies the "study" of 9 Aspen programs to entire industry
Disclosure Statement: Aspen Education Group provided funding for this study.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Aspen Education Group deceptively markets short term invalid
« Reply #101 on: October 04, 2009, 05:10:44 PM »

Are you interested in helping our society, stay posted, we will have a web site soon Center for Anti Defamation of Professional Youth Workers

We are going to get a seasoned attorney who has a practice relegated to national  internet defamation,  and who ever donates a certain amount will have access to our strategies and tactics to shut down Michael Crawford's little Fornit Defamers, and their overall revenge insurgency against some good folks.  Granted it all stems from hurt and anger but some of us are innocent of abuse and have had enough!

This dirty mouthed little punk Che was afraid of the big bad streets of Redlands, because deep down he is a boob and yet he uses profanity that his name sake Che Guevara would consider childish. Keep your conversation going with him he will finally loose it and start talking about having sex with farm animals. Ursus thinks he is really  cute and admires his cruddy little mouth.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Aspen Education Group deceptively markets short term invalid
« Reply #102 on: October 04, 2009, 05:23:27 PM »
Quote from: "Anti Defamation of Youth Workers"

Are you interested in helping our society, stay posted, we will have a web site soon Center for Anti Defamation of Professional Youth Workers

We are going to get a seasoned attorney who has a practice relegated to national  internet defamation,  and who ever donates a certain amount will have access to our strategies and tactics to shut down Michael Crawford's little Fornit Defamers, and their overall revenge insurgency against some good folks.  Granted it all stems from hurt and anger but some of us are innocent of abuse and have had enough!

This dirty mouthed little punk Che was afraid of the big bad streets of Redlands, because deep down he is a boob and yet he uses profanity that his name sake Che Guevara would consider childish. Keep your conversation going with him he will finally loose it and start talking about having sex with farm animals. Ursus thinks he is really  cute and admires his cruddy little mouth.

You've been talking about this ever since you crashed the LAYNE MEACHAM poopy party.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Aspen Education Group deceptively markets short term invalid
« Reply #103 on: October 04, 2009, 05:44:12 PM »

Are you interested in helping our society, stay posted, we will have a web site soon Center for Anti Defamation of Professional Youth Workers

Anti Defamation of Youth Workers
We are going to get a seasoned attorney who has a practice relegated to national  internet defamation,  and who ever donates a certain amount will have access to our strategies and tactics to shut down Michael Crawford's little Fornit Defamers, and their overall revenge insurgency against some good folks.  Granted it all stems from hurt and anger but some of us are innocent of abuse and have had enough!

This dirty mouthed little punk Che was afraid of the big bad streets of Redlands, because deep down he is a boob and yet he uses profanity that his name sake Che Guevara would consider childish. Keep your conversation going with him he will finally loose it and start talking about having sex with farm animals. Ursus thinks he is really  cute and admires his cruddy little mouth.

Che's Latest.......too cowardly to give his name.
Ah the little scared boy, Che whatsup?   Now Che lets hear from you...........let er roll what is your real name impress Che Guevara and don't continue your little burgués, Che Guevara would know what this means, look it up.  Get that porno foul mouth of yours reved up and keep responding.  The cruddier the better.  Remember you are building a record.  Lets hear your beastiality stuff.  Are you to big of a coward to identify yourself as Che .   Wouldn't Ali have the guts to give his name, c'mon you little spoiled brat.  Ali didn't have the money your parents did so quit trying to identify with Che or Ali, your a little dirty mouthed punk, NOW CARRY on you are on record.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Aspen Education Group deceptively markets short term invalid
« Reply #104 on: October 05, 2009, 01:41:19 PM »
Will you be using Benchmark's attorneys?  In your noble quest to stop the foul-mouthed Fornitscators?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »