Author Topic: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?  (Read 3852 times)

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2009, 06:13:09 PM »
do you understand what "CONSTITUENCY" means?

it's the people who vote, not the people who run the party.

It doesn't help if a party is feminist if their CONTITUENTS (the VOTERS, meaning the redneck redstate husbands of the women targeted by sarah palin) are NOT.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2009, 06:31:57 PM »
Republicans support Sarah Palin, other than the elite rino's in NYC or DC. Republicans didn't turn out in huge numbers because of McCain, he's way too liberal. Most republicans I talked to said they wanted McCain to lose to give Sarah a chance at the top of the ticket in 2012. I'll bump this thread in 2013 when Sarah is being sworn in, wait and see.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2009, 08:02:48 PM »
and where do you live, texas? alaska? alabama? no wonder....

it's not just DC and new york. It's illinois, Massachusetts, new hampshire, vermont, CALIFORNIA, new mexico, oregon, washington state, rhode island, colorado, pennsylvania.....Palin doesn't stand a chance in any of those states.

all she's getting are the southeast, texas, arizona maybe, midwest from ohio through idaho minus illinois, utah, the dakotas, montana, alaska and possibly maine. the only people that support palin are the rural democrats. rural areas dont have big populations (naturally) and therefore less votes electoral votes. You cant carry the election on just the rural red states. You have to have the majority in at least three of the following: california, new york, Pennsylvania, texas and florida (out of the big ticket states).  Washington, ohio, illinois, india, michigan and jersey are also deal breakers or makers. Those states are outside of Palin's political grasp.

I see a very different political future for Palin. she will run for president, but drop out. The presidential run will give her enough support to supercharge her career and allow her to become apointed to a white house position (in a republican victory), simmilar to what hillary clinton did, or maybe run for senate. A successful presidential run then drop out at the last minute can often guarantee a seat in the senate.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2009, 12:10:34 PM »
heres a video of sarah palin, little bits of interviews. If you dont see how retarted she is from this video, you must be retarded yourself!

"I can see russia from alaska" ROFLMAO!

What other supreme court decisions do you disagree with?
"hmmm...ummmm....ummmm....hmmm.....what other decisions? (lemme think of a way to spin this so i can keep talking)

as i said, STUPID. therefore, PUPPET.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2009, 01:22:00 PM »
"You can actually see Russia from land in Alaska"

That's the quote from the youtube video you just posted. This is a true fact, you can see Russia from land in Alaska. She didn't say she can see it from her house, or from Wasilla, like SNL repeatedly repeated.  If you don't believe me, google it. As far as the supreme court question, she isn't a lawyer reading briefs on every case decided by the Supreme Court. How many Americans if asked this question would be able to quote a case without giving it some thought first? I'm sure if Sarah knew she was going to be thrust into the national spotlight she would of studied up. Do you think if you were interviewed a reporter would be able to construct a similar gotcha situation and make you look stupid? Of course they could, if they wanted to, they can make anybody look like a fool. The media hated Sarah from day one, and while they left Obama's family alone out of respect they dragged Sarah's family through the mud.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Carmel

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #20 on: August 29, 2009, 01:29:26 PM »
She quit her post as Governor of Alaska.

I dont care who you are or what you stand for.....who has ever progressed politically into the biggest seat in the whitehouse by dumping their post ahead of schedule for personal reasons?  If she cant even hack being governor, how in all hell is she gonna take the heat in the white house?  Piled on top of the fact that this woman is ignorant and  ill-spoken....we;d have better luck getting Britney Spears in office.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
...hands went up and people hit the floor, he wasted two kids that ran for the door....."
-Beastie Boys, Paul Revere

Offline Carmel

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #21 on: August 29, 2009, 01:41:03 PM »
Quote from: "Palin 2012. Bank on it!"
"You can actually see Russia from land in Alaska"

That's the quote from the youtube video you just posted. This is a true fact, you can see Russia from land in Alaska. She didn't say she can see it from her house, or from Wasilla, like SNL repeatedly repeated.  If you don't believe me, google it. As far as the supreme court question, she isn't a lawyer reading briefs on every case decided by the Supreme Court. How many Americans if asked this question would be able to quote a case without giving it some thought first? I'm sure if Sarah knew she was going to be thrust into the national spotlight she would of studied up. Do you think if you were interviewed a reporter would be able to construct a similar gotcha situation and make you look stupid? Of course they could, if they wanted to, they can make anybody look like a fool. The media hated Sarah from day one, and while they left Obama's family alone out of respect they dragged Sarah's family through the mud. could she NOT know she was going to be thrust into the spotlight? She was running for the Vice Presidency. Come on! And "studying up"? As a potential leader of my country I expect the candidate to be versed in the issues of law and politics...for more than just five minutes before a damn interview.

And I dont know what you saw, but Palin did a bang-up job of making a foolish radical momo out of herself all by her lonesome.  She is still doing it, with all this death panel garbage, etc.  Drug her family through the mud? Her family is comprised of every distasteful moral stereotype on the planet. Infidelity, teen pregnancy, religious radicalism, criminal history....Palin is straight outta Compton man!  If you follow your local supermarket tabloids, which I get the feeling you do, the most talked about celebrities in the media are those who are dishing out drama to be exploited.  She didnt run a tight ship, she wasnt smart enough to.  A person like that, man or woman has no place making decisions for the majority, shes not just stupid, shes dangerous.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
...hands went up and people hit the floor, he wasted two kids that ran for the door....."
-Beastie Boys, Paul Revere

Offline Anonymous

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #22 on: August 29, 2009, 02:00:42 PM »
to whom'tmay concern: scientology is a good one, world wide, moonies also, world wide and very quietly influential. also you may investigate "the forum", or  ken wilbur is currently forming a cult. ( kind of Nietsche-an, sort of proto Nazi, if you like, bound to be the very next thing") then there's meher baba, currently in a faddish resurgence,maybe it'll last, maybe it won't. Personally, i care no more for Indian cranks than I care for any other sort.
It's up to you finally, if your taste runs to violence, then that's the way I'd go. if not, and carrots and mung beans are your taste, then go with a permute of the "Gaia" philosophies. If, on the other hand, your taste runs to social primacy at any cost, is completely a-moral, nice clothes,cars, estate etcetera, then i'd recommend you attend an Ivy-league university and become versed in the 'cult-du-jour'. ,as practiced by the extant regime.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #23 on: August 29, 2009, 02:05:49 PM »
"She was running for the Vice Presidency. Come on!"

She didn't run for VP, she was picked by McCain with only a couple of days notice.

"And "studying up"? As a potential leader of my country I expect the candidate to be versed in the issues of law and politics...for more than just five minutes before a damn interview."

Then Why doesn't America just declare the person with the highest IQ leader for life? It's because a good leader isn't always the smartest person in the room. One reporter's gotcha question has you declaring her incompetent, I guess you've never had to think for a moment about what you are about to say.

"Her family is comprised of every distasteful moral stereotype on the planet. Infidelity, teen pregnancy, religious radicalism, criminal history....Palin is straight outta Compton man! "

So now every potential political leader is to be held responsible for the people in their family? The 'sins' that you list are just steretypes that democrats use to smear republicans. Infidelity? Did Sarah cheat on her husband? Teen pregnancy? Would you rather she force her teen to get an abortion like dems, is that somehow morally superior to how she reacted? They are Christians, and all dems think that in of itself is radical. Criminal history? Um, what? Has somebody in your family ever been arrested? Should you be held liable for them? Judge not lest ye be judged.

"She didnt run a tight ship, she wasnt smart enough to.  "

She wasn't running any ship, it was McCain's campaign not hers. She did what she was told, and treated like trash even by McCain's people. When she introduces herself again to the American people it will be on her own terms this time and things will be very different.

"A person like that, man or woman has no place making decisions for the majority, shes not just stupid, shes dangerous."

This is what all dems say. She is stupid? What are all you in elementary school still? Why don't you just complain about her severe case of coodies? The difference between dems and conservatives is made clear in your statement. Sarah doesn't want to make decisions for the majority since conservatives think people know how to run their lives best. Dems want to elect their sacred leader to make all their decisions for them from birth till death. That's why Sarah will be president of the United States come Jan 2013. It's a sure thing!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #24 on: August 29, 2009, 02:14:00 PM »
Quote from: "Carmel"
She quit her post as Governor of Alaska.

I dont care who you are or what you stand for.....who has ever progressed politically into the biggest seat in the whitehouse by dumping their post ahead of schedule for personal reasons?  If she cant even hack being governor, how in all hell is she gonna take the heat in the white house?  Piled on top of the fact that this woman is ignorant and  ill-spoken....we;d have better luck getting Britney Spears in office.

She can't raise money for her national presidential campaign if she is governor of Alaska, that's the law. So she decided to leave the state in the hands of her Lt. Governor who shares her political views, freeing her up to raise the millions of dollars necessary to run in the republican primary. Seems pretty darn clever if you ask me! As far as the name calling, do people forget she was elected as governor to the largest state in the union? That's an accomplishment most of us cannot claim for ourselves, give respect where respect is due.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #25 on: August 29, 2009, 02:24:30 PM »
Quote from: "Palin 2012. Bank on it!"
"You can actually see Russia from land in Alaska"

That's the quote from the youtube video you just posted. This is a true fact, you can see Russia from land in Alaska. She didn't say she can see it from her house, or from Wasilla, like SNL repeatedly repeated.  If you don't believe me, google it. As far as the supreme court question, she isn't a lawyer reading briefs on every case decided by the Supreme Court. How many Americans if asked this question would be able to quote a case without giving it some thought first? I'm sure if Sarah knew she was going to be thrust into the national spotlight she would of studied up. Do you think if you were interviewed a reporter would be able to construct a similar gotcha situation and make you look stupid? Of course they could, if they wanted to, they can make anybody look like a fool. The media hated Sarah from day one, and while they left Obama's family alone out of respect they dragged Sarah's family through the mud.

in order to see Land in russia from alaska, you have have to travel into the middle of the north pacific to an uninhabited rock island about the size of a pitcher's mound which happens to belong to alaska, from which you can see with high-power binoculars on the horizon a similar yet russian rock-island the size of a pitcher's mound. Both of those rock islands are in the middle of nowhere in the north pacific, hundreds of miles away from any inhabited place in alaska.

Furthermore, if you knew anything about russia you'd know that the geographical region located across from alaska is fairly worthless. they have ports, oil, and fish, but thats about it. Theres very few people that live there, and nowandays most of em are actually chineese or korean, not russian. it's an economic asset to russia because it gives them easy access to the pacific, but it pretty much ends there. And if russia were to attack the united the fuck would alaska be a viable target? How does seeing being able to see a rock island in russia from the middle of the ocean that belong to america help in any way, or give precedence to an individual, to know what is going on in russia? or give them precedence for security?
in addition, Russia is a country with a sharply declining and mostly incompetent population.....Russians are either running away en masse to the U.S or EU or they are drinking and smoking themselves to death. i'm not exaggerating, it's a well-documented and well known threat to russia.  They are by no means even a slight threat to the united states. LOL@ "when putin rears his ugly head". REAAAAALLY? and what exactly is putin going to do to america? or to alaska? we are very valuable to russia. you should be more worried about china, or what other people (those iraqis we have pissed off so much) might do with Russia's mismanaged and mafia-controlled stock of soviet era weapons, not what putin will do. He's not even president anymore (still figurehead tho).  So any candidate who actually sees russia as a threat is a complete idiot who i may have to question weather they have been living under a rock the past thirty years (in palin's case, she has been living under a rock - a rock called "alaska"). I also must question how effective they must be at diplomacy (one of the top responsibilities of a president or VP) If they say things like what palin said about russia.

oh really? people can decide best? hmmm. that runs contrary to republican principles and precedent. i think you got things a little mixed up. Also i would recommend reading up about greek history. the downfall of the athenian empire was based on their insistence on democracy.

most people are stupid, which is why people like sarah palin become popular. if you allowed "the people" to make all the decisions you'd run the country into the ground. thats why we have representatives in the houses, instead of public forums.

LARGEST STATE OF THE UNION? HAH! geographically, yes. 99% of alaska is uninhabited and over 70% is nearly impossible to reach without specialized equipment and training. alaska is the 47th most populated or 4th least populated state in the nation. the population in alaska is 686,000. The population of manhattan island in new york is 1,634,000 people - in 23 square miles. So there are almost three times as many people in manhattan as in all of alaska. Getting elected governor of alaska is like being elected to a borough city council seat in new york city.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #26 on: August 29, 2009, 02:32:06 PM »
You misquoted Palin from the video you posted. Now that you realized what she said is true, you are making excuses about how you think it's technically not true. What she said is a fact, end of story.


Alaska is the largest state in the union. It's a fact, period. Have you been elected governor of a state, even a small one?

"most people are stupid, which is why people like sarah palin become popular. if you allowed "the people" to make all the decisions you'd run the country into the ground. "

You'd make a great communist.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #27 on: August 29, 2009, 02:39:50 PM »
not to mention, there are about 100x times the about of russian citizens living in new york than in alaska, despite Alaska's proximity! I would think a new yorker would have more knowledge of russia and russians than an alaskan.

Sure, she cant raise campaign funds as governor (dont know the truth to that...will look up). It can be argued that she stepped down to avoid the alaska political corruption probe (latest convict - ted stevens). Furthermore, they had to get her out of the spotlight to avoid any personal attacks (pregnant teenage daughter, drug-dealing mother in law, excessive personal expenditures on vanity items) and let her study up.

a candidate doesnt need to study up. One of the qualifications that should be required for every political candidate is very good knowledge and grasp of american history and law. Palin doesnt know anything when it comes to that. as the above said, she's been living under a rock.

she's not even a good orator. she's just a pretty face to attract the housewives and appeal to their husband's good old fashioned dick-hardening testosterone. I bet you're just a housewife, or heading there, yourself. Thats the only reason i can see anyone would want to vote for them ......  that or a complete lack of brains or education.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #28 on: August 29, 2009, 02:42:30 PM »
you obviously have a total lack of comprehension. it is the largest state of the union geographically. It's population is the 4th lowest in the united states. THATS A FACT. GET OVER IT. getting elected governor of alaska is the political equivalent of getting elected councilmember in new york city.

No. i am not a communist. I am a patriotic american with a thorough grasp of our system. You have no clue what you are talking about. We elect representatives to make decisions for us - representatives with brains. if we let people make the decisions, we would run the country into the ground. maybe you should read up on history.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #29 on: August 29, 2009, 02:44:21 PM »
I never said that was not a fact what she said in the video.

I said it was an absolutely idiot thing to say which has no bearing whatsoever on the effective political reality.

as i said, open a book, or a newspaper, go to school,  then come back and talk to me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »