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Offline Oscar

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Fornits posters are invited to visit ALA
« on: August 09, 2009, 03:59:47 AM »
Is actual truth important?, Talk page on the Datasheet

If there is a statement posted on the Internet, and there is very little, or no accuracy to the statement, is there value? I guess there is... when I was a child my parents would read bedtime stories to me. Even as a child I knew that these stories had no truth to them. Meaning the stories never really happened, and they were ALL "make believe". But these "make believe" stories still had value. I really enjoyed those moments when my parents would read the fairy-tales. Good bonding moment. However, as I reviewed the "Fornitswikicopy" defining Abundant Life Academy, I had a flashback, and a chuckle. I remembered the fairy tales my parents read to me as a child.
I really can't find any truth or accuracy to anything written about Abundant Life Academy on Fornit's, or Fornitswikicopy. If there is any truth, it has been twisted and purposely manipulated to fit an obvious agenda. However, I believe that Fornits has every right to exist, and to state their belief's, opinions, and stand behind their cause. I even support their right to misrepresent Abundant Life Academy. There is a place for Fornit's, and I choose to support their right to think how they want, and to express their views, without hinderance.
America is a great country, where organizations like Abundant Life Academy and Fornits can exist, together, both organization able to exercise their freedoms. I will fight for Fornit's and their right to express their beliefs, and to stand for their cause. Although I personally don't agree with Fornit's, on anything, I do appreciate the fact that they are active participants in their right to promote their attitudes, values, and beliefs. It is the American ideal of freedom. It also gives me the opportunity to practice tolerance, and respect for those who are different from myself. There is one thing that is discriminatory intolerance. Discriminatory intolerance the foundation of racism, sexism, ageism, or any other form of intolerance or discrimination. Intolerance toward others for no other reason but that they are different from the majority is small mindedness. We all must fight against intrusions of those who want to force others to be conformed to the norm.
In the United States our constitution even gives us the right to be intolerant,hateful, and even mean spirited. The constitution, and our right to free speech, allows us to push our views and opinions upon others, and to even coerce, intimidate, and harass those who don't agree with us. In other words, organizations like Fornit's can shove their beliefs down our throats, lie about others, make false statements to deceive, fabricate untruths meant to hurt, and use the written word to take other's right (as well as dignity) to follow their heart and live free. Moreover, Fornit's can recruit others to become fellow allies and support their constitutional right to be intolerant of any other view other than their own. Free speech, if free speech, even speech that we don't agree with.
Neo-Nazi organizations, and other radical right-wing groups like Fornit's have many things in common. More than you would realize. They are able to use hate speech, intolerance, and arrogance to advance their opinions, values, and beliefs. These types of organizations, right-wing radicals like Fornit's have every right to do so, and I pledge to defend their right to attack others through the written word. Why? Because freedom and free speech means something to me. Fornit's right to their opinion and the expression of that opinion is the freedom that is worth defending.
At Abundant Life Academy our hope is to lead others to be independent thinkers, life long learners, to question everything, and to find your own values and beliefs, without demeaning or debasing those who are different. You see, organizations like Fornit's have the right to be complete conformists, and to blindly follow the ideals of others, even if it is radical. This is Amercia! But at Abundant Life Academy our hope is that our students would feel free to express their own ideas and opinions, without taking the right of others to do the same. To us, the young person who is conformed through coercion is a young person that is not allowed to exercise true liberty. Forcing others to conform, and forced to become intolerant towards others beliefs, is a type of prison that we would want all others to avoid. We hope to encourage our students to stand for Fornit's right of expression.
Our joy is to find similarities and common ground with those who think differently than us. Our hope is that our students do not view the opinions of others to be "wrong", and their own views to be "right". What is wrong to just know that our views are "different" from one another? What is wrong with protecting each others right to express our unique views? We hope to teach people to stand up and fight for everyone's right to follow their heart, even when we do not agree with what they believe. True freedom and liberty can be found in standing for others and ensuring their right to exist, express, and to debate... without using coercion. Our fight is to ensure that Fornit's can express their view, not to condemn them, or to shut them off from following what they believe.
I can assure you of this. Fornit's is not investigating Abundant Life Academy. They have never visited our school, nor have they spoken to any one on our staff. They don't know our hearts, and they don't know our willingness to stand with them on common ground. But we invite them to visit. We invite them to investigate. We invite them to express themselves in person. We invite them to share their opinions with us, in person. I will guarantee that they will be allowed to express themselves, and they will be respected and honored, even if they strongly hate us.
I believe that if Fornit's did take our invite to visit they will find us to be the complete opposite of what they have portrayed us to be. Therefore, I must believe that if they did come and visit, and spend some quality time with us, they would correct the errors and fabrications that they have posted about us on the Internet. And, even if they don't correct the errors they have written, I have to believe that when they come face-to-face with us, they would be people of integrity, and stand with us, in common ground. To do so, would be to denounce intolerance, and to support our right of expression, and to stand with us in protecting everyone's constitutional right to free speech. Fornit's and Abundant Life Academy have a unique opportunity to stand on common ground and to fight for each other's freedom and liberty. I might not agree with Fornit's opinions, but I do believe that they would find that we have a lot more in common that either one of us realizes.
I would like to state several things... such as the fact that Fornit's accurately reported that Nevada CPS did come into ALA and took custodial rights of the students, removing them from our Nevada campus. But they left out some important facts. Fornit's did not report that the White Pine County District Court ruled that CPS of Nevade abused their authority, and in doing so violated the civil rights of Abundant Life Academy, our students, and their parents. What Fornit's did not report was the fact that most of the CPS personnel involved in the illegal removal of the sutdent's were fired or demoted for what they did. Careers of the some CPS employees were ruined. What Fornits did not report is the fact that during the original court hearing that CPSNevada employee who testified was found to have lied under oath Their original testimony was impeached. When given the chance to correct their testimony,and re-testify, all but one of the CPS people admitted to lying to the court, and subsequently changed their testimony. What Fornit's did not report is that Abundant Life Academy sued CPS Nevada, and the employees of CPS personally, and ALA won the law suit. What Fornit's failed to report is that Abundant Life Academy won both cases filed against the State of Nevada and Child Protective Services, and won a 1.14 million dollar verdict.
If Fornit's came to visit ALA, and found us to be different than what they have portrayed us to be, I believe that they would be more than willing to correct the mis-truths and misrepresentations they have posted about us. And, ALA would have to proclaim that Fornit's is seriously committed to protect the First Amendment Rights of all Americans, even Abundant Life Academy. We would be honored to do so. The invite is open ended.
Craig Rogers

Due to the distance and experiences from our succesful attack on world terrorism, we have to decline. As Danes we feel, we have the information we need about everything in the world and settle with writing our judgment in our country. It is worked for more than 1,000 years for us. That doesn't mean that we feel that this invitation should not be given to other posters, who have the opportunity to drop by.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Fornits posters are invited to visit ALA
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2009, 10:13:54 AM » ... iption.htm

The truth is that ALA is not the answer, Jesus is...

What happens if a student at ALA doesn't believe in Jesus at ALA?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Re: Fornits posters are invited to visit ALA
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2009, 11:23:43 AM »
I believe you are taking the wiki way too seriously.  If you read thru it you will see it is set up like the fairy tales that you described.  Instead of Ogres and dungeons they use Gulags, kiddie prisons and abductors.  Anyone reading this gets the idea fairly quickly that it is tongue and cheek and written by someone who is angry with the school and has an agenda.  It isn’t structured or written for information purposes or to be taken seriously.  
I encourage the wiki to continue as it is a healthy outlet for those who didn’t do well in the program environment.  We all are aware that there are plenty of unhealthy outlets that these kids could be engaged in.... so let the Wiki continue!!!  Write on!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Re: Fornits posters are invited to visit ALA
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2009, 11:28:27 AM »
If Jebus is the answer, what was the question?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline BuzzKill

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Re: Fornits posters are invited to visit ALA
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2009, 12:21:21 PM »
Ginger - just curious - if the trip were paid for - would you go?
Do you suppose he means to be inviting anyone who posts on Fornits?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Re: Fornits posters are invited to visit ALA
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2009, 12:56:20 PM »
I don't know if I'd go or not. I think he supposes that Fornits is an organization that would select a representative. As stated, the invitation is invalid--return to sender, addressee unknown. In context, it seems to me Craig meant to invite Oscar as he would be the primary person responsible for compiling the info. in the wiki. And he has already delcined.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Inculcated

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Re: Fornits posters are invited to visit ALA
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2009, 01:24:13 PM »
It seems very of the now for them to call others right wing.
Neo-Nazi organizations, and other radical right-wing groups like Fornit's have many things in common. More than you would realize. They are able to use hate speech, intolerance, and arrogance to advance their opinions, values, and beliefs. These types of organizations, right-wing radicals like Fornit's have every right to do so, and I pledge to defend their right to attack others through the written word. Why? Because freedom and free speech means something to me.  :soapbox:  
Femmanon, somebody here might have a flat screen for you.
WHO ARE TROUBLED TEENS? Troubled teens are adolescents that have no respect for authority and mainly disrespect their parents. They do not care about society or their families. They do not feel any responsibility towards their parent. Adolescence is a point of life where the world no longer seems large, in fact some people who were once large are now quite small, and teens no longer respond to threats the way they may have as small children.
We have found those adolescents that have Defiance Disorder are very confrontational and need to have life their own way.
(They’ve dropped the opposition part of ODD. What’s the criterion for a DD diagnosis?) While I was looking that up I was offered a link to this school. ... =Home&src=
The mentality of the world teaches our children that they can be anything they want to be (self-realization). It is a big lie. For example, not everyone is destined to play in the NFL or NBA. Not every child is meant to be a rap star, or a model. To teach a child that they can attain anything through hard work, despite many realities to the contrary is to mislead them. Destiny is not about working hard and making all the right moves, rather true destiny is something that we are born to accomplish. Our destiny is in Christ.
(… quotes some scripture and goes on for a bit. Bla Bla Bla )
Click here for ALA  PHILOSOPHY Pt. 2
... is where they get to in to it
(Bla bla black sheep have you any… Sorry, I got bored)
Embedded in the very fabric of your destiny is the enablement to fulfill it. God has not equipped the American adolescent to be successful through defiance, disobedience, drug use, or any other anti-social activity. The ability to fulfill our destiny is woven into our fabric, a part of our DNA. For example, one of the greatest inherent needs is the "need for significance". We all have it, and teens do all kinds of inappropriate things to try to fill that need. The only way for any of us to fulfill the need for significance is to walk in our God-ordained destiny. Destiny is not something you can make happen; rather it is something that makes YOU happen.
(Blah scripture blah ….Have you any wool pull over the eyes of those who' are scared of life? yes sir yes sir three bags full. )

Here comes the war for salvation stuff:
There is a battle raging for the soul of every teenager. Therefore, the only reasonable course that we have is to understand the battle, fight it, and be victorious. The battle is between good and evil, God and satan. It is a battle for life of the youth of America , and their soul is the prize of the winner. Understanding this battle will mean everything to the life of a teenager. Everyday, the enemy is either taking ground, or ground is being taken back.
God created us to be free, as we can never fulfill our destiny without the freedom to do so. God gives us freedom to choose between good and evil. He also gives us the choice between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of darkness. It is up to us. God gives us the option to choose Him and His liberty, and the enemy tries to force us to give up our liberty in return for his false promises. Furthermore, where God wants us to walk in freedom, the enemy's goal is trap us in bondage and torment.
" Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty ..." 2 Corinthians 3:17
The basic difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of darkness is that God wants to set us free through power and liberty, and the enemy wants to imprison us in fear, oppressions, and bondage. In the Kingdom of God there is faith and freedom, and in the Kingdom of darkness there is hopelessness and peril.
Freedom involves choice, and with choice there is consequence, both good and bad. This means that with freedom comes "responsibility" and "accountability". If one desires to be free, one also must be responsible and accountable. The enemy deceives the teenager into believing that there is no value in being responsible or accountable. As a result the enemy deceives the teenager into believing that responsibility and accountability are against them and only results in being held back. However, we are all called to rule with God. Since God will not release true authority without a corresponding commitment to responsibility and accountability, those who refuse to be responsible and accountable never attain the true freedom and are forever held in bondage.
For those of us who are free in Christ it is our job to break the chains of bondage (schemes) of the enemy. The chains of the enemy are meant to keep our youth in darkness. It is the job of Abundant Life Academy to help your child break free!
These people are freaky.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
“A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free”  Nikos Kazantzakis

Offline Oscar

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Re: Fornits posters are invited to visit ALA
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2009, 03:32:18 PM »
The major part of the article is compiled by Rotsne and Paulu. Because CO asked them to use proxy when on a "research visit" I really don't know how far from this place they are right now. Last I heard they were not together.

But it would be a rule violation to engage in personal talks with either clients or former clients. That does prevent them from finding out the truth by visiting the faciliy. The reason for this rule of none personal contact is that we cannot risk a bogus claim of using a vulnerable person for personal gain.

We have been able to get a very accurate description of the inside of several facilities from other sources.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Oscar

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Re: Fornits posters are invited to visit ALA
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2009, 03:37:02 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
I believe you are taking the wiki way too seriously.  If you read thru it you will see it is set up like the fairy tales that you described.  Instead of Ogres and dungeons they use Gulags, kiddie prisons and abductors.  Anyone reading this gets the idea fairly quickly that it is tongue and cheek and written by someone who is angry with the school and has an agenda.  It isn’t structured or written for information purposes or to be taken seriously.  
I encourage the wiki to continue as it is a healthy outlet for those who didn’t do well in the program environment.  We all are aware that there are plenty of unhealthy outlets that these kids could be engaged in.... so let the Wiki continue!!!  Write on!!
What is wrong with the wiki? Does it and all the various activities we involve uselves in on not do the job when it forces the founder to post such an invitation on the talk page?

We are open for improvement. How about starting a thread about how Wiki version 2 aka a CMS based version should be structured?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Fornits posters are invited to visit ALA
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2009, 04:04:27 PM »
That was TheWho. Unless it's full of bullshit that suits his tiny little mind, it isn't good for him.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Fornits posters are invited to visit ALA
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2009, 05:44:46 PM »
I would be happy to visit ALA, drop a load in their toilet, leave a picture of Jesus getting raped by the devil, then walk out the front door!  The founder of ALA can suck my cock.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: Fornits posters are invited to visit ALA
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2009, 08:42:07 PM »
Right after you drop that nice flatuent load be sure to scatter a few copies of the escaper's guide printed on the back of a local map.

Go go go go go!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Fornits posters are invited to visit ALA
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2009, 09:36:04 PM »
Che gookin likes to make butt chocolate compact, like fudge cake rammed with sausage. yes, yes, you do! you like that big hairy man cock up your ass and chingachong cock in your mouth. the only thing che likes more than cock in shphincter and cock and mouth, is two big multicolored cock in his shfincter like icecream cone swirl and one in his mouth.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »