Author Topic: AARC Scampede Cultjam  (Read 9758 times)

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Offline ajax13

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Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« Reply #30 on: July 08, 2009, 05:35:39 PM »
As with all AARColytes who have posted here, you didn't debate any facts.  You tried to legitimize AARC, insulted the people speaking out against it, cried that you were being attacked, and then resorted to the final desperate AARColyte gambit of assailing me, without addressing a single point related to AARC's practises.  But just so you don't forget, the amateur staff employed by AARC use a method of behaviour modification that involves breaking down the individual through isolation, group coercion and an array of other control methods taken from Synanon and it's follow up phony drug treatment programs such as Kids.  These methods, having never been scientifically proven to remedy drug addiction, have shown a tendency to cause long-term psychological harm to those exposed to them.
Bye bye AARcolyte, enjoy the day!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"AARC will go on serving youth and families as long as it will be needed, if it keeps open to God for inspiration" Dr. F. Dean Vause Executive Director

MR. NELSON: Mr. Speaker, AADAC has been involved with
assistance in developing the program of the Alberta Adolescent
Recovery Centre since its inception originally as Kids of the
Canadian West."
Alberta Hansard, March 24, 1992

Offline Guest44431444

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Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« Reply #31 on: July 08, 2009, 05:44:55 PM »
ajax13 - Please, enlighten us all as to how you have become such an expert on AARC and recovery when you've never even been through the door?

I would love to sit here and watch you make even more of an ass out of yourself, but I think my job here is done, you have been outed as a troll who has nothing better to do than try and argue facts that you don't have any clue about and to make outrageous bullshit based accusations.

You have attempted to pin "staff" or "AARColyte" labels on anyone who cares to call your bullshit and tell you to your face you have no clue what you are talking about - you've never even seen the inside of the building!

You've never been to AARC, Straight or Kids - so what the hell opinion of yours should matter more than one who has.

Why don't you go and play around in the knitting forums - I am sure you'd have some great insight to knitting as well.

Care to take it offline - please, e-mail me again with more of your tirades and threats!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ajax13

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Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« Reply #32 on: July 08, 2009, 05:57:54 PM »
AARColyte, you are still welcome to present facts about AARC that contradict those that I have pointed out.  None of them are opinions.  As always, feel free to point out which of those facts could only be learned by being an AARC client.  Now AARColyte, if you really wanted to take it offline, you would have sent me a PM, as I did you.   So as with all disingenuous AARColytes, it's as hard for those of us reading your incoherencies to determine your agenda as it must be for you.  By the by, why do you keep referring to time being wasted in this forum, yet you continue to post and continue to to make statements devoid of any pertinent facts or details.  Critical thinking is a skill that is sorely lacking in all of you AARColytes.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"AARC will go on serving youth and families as long as it will be needed, if it keeps open to God for inspiration" Dr. F. Dean Vause Executive Director

MR. NELSON: Mr. Speaker, AADAC has been involved with
assistance in developing the program of the Alberta Adolescent
Recovery Centre since its inception originally as Kids of the
Canadian West."
Alberta Hansard, March 24, 1992

Offline Guest44431444

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Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« Reply #33 on: July 08, 2009, 06:12:53 PM »
That should have read - wasting my time with you.

You are clueless - have absolutely no clue what you are even talking about outside what has been brought into these forums or hearsay.

You consistently bash Dr. Clause - but you've never even met the ass clown - so that makes your comments against him void.

See what I am getting at ajax13 - you don't even have a peg leg to stand on - your credibility just went down the toilet.

- I was there - twice.
- Was one of the first 25
- Never was or will be a staff member
- Knew Brian, Peter, Jocelyn and Bill very well
- Watched Anthony struggle with delusions every day
- Know of only 3 people still sober after graduating during my time there
- Understand how the program runs
- Was part of several RAPS
- Can validate the claims about Oldcomers vs. Newcomers
- Can validate the claims of the power hunger that Dr. Clause has
- Can validate the policy about not allowing people to leave
- Can validate that the Stanhope's have a real policy for sending people there (addicted or not - I was admitted in by Dr. Stanhope)

and the list goes on and on....

Where are your facts ajax13 - might be a little difficult for you to come up with considering you've never been or even stepped foot in.

Again - why are you here? Why do you hang around a recovery center forum when you have no experience with any of the one's listed here?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ajax13

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Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« Reply #34 on: July 08, 2009, 06:23:53 PM »
Silly AARColyte, which of these facts regarding Dean Vause is made "void" if one has not met him?
Dean Vause has repeatedly presented himself as a mental health professional, when he is not.
Dean Vause claims to have devised the system used in AARC when in fact it came directly from Kids.
Dean Vause was an employee of Kids, a criminal entity that fraudulently diagnosed people with medical conditions they did not have, and subjected these people to an array of human and civil rights abuses.
Dean Vause became the Executive Director of AARC, which began as a branch of Kids.
Dean Vause called Christine Lunn and Rachael O'Neil liars on national television when they made public allegations regarding the abuse they suffered in AARC.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"AARC will go on serving youth and families as long as it will be needed, if it keeps open to God for inspiration" Dr. F. Dean Vause Executive Director

MR. NELSON: Mr. Speaker, AADAC has been involved with
assistance in developing the program of the Alberta Adolescent
Recovery Centre since its inception originally as Kids of the
Canadian West."
Alberta Hansard, March 24, 1992

Offline Guest44431444

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Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« Reply #35 on: July 08, 2009, 06:32:34 PM »
All you had to do was watch the Fifth Estate special to disseminate that information.

Anyhow - if you have nothing better, then I best be on my way to more productive things with my day albeit this is kind of fun.

I still want to know - why are you on a recovery center forums speaking about AARC, Straight, Kids or recovery as to which you have no experience in any.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« Reply #36 on: July 08, 2009, 06:37:21 PM »
Well guest 44431444, I have met "the ass clown" in person, and dare I say that ajax knew more about him than I ever did. If Dr.Clause did in fact invent a miraculous treatment model for addiction, don't you think they'd be using it around the world, and teaching the AARC model in universities by now? I wonder why it's taking so long to catch on. Maybe it's because I just can't picture an educated professor teaching a room full of psychology students: "If you have a client who won't admit powerlessness, throw him against the wall. Try making fun of his appearance. Tell him that no one loves him and that he's a loser who has ruined the lives of everyone around him. Or if a client tells incidents that contradict your diagnosis of addiction, berate them and call them a liar until they admit to committing heinous acts in order to feed their addiction. And the most important thing to drill into their heads is that they would be dead without you. Then, if ever they decide that their experience at AARC was negative and damaging, hey - at least they're alive, right?"
When/if AARC gets shut down, I'm sure Dr.Clause will have a promising career as a psychic. It's truly amazing how he's able to predict the deaths of all of his inmates. Also remarkable how he called Christine a liar before Gillian Findlay had a chance to even tell him about her allegations. Quite remarkable indeed.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ajax13

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Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« Reply #37 on: July 08, 2009, 06:39:14 PM »
AARcolyte, you said that my comments regarding Vause were void if I hadn't met him, and that's simply not the case.  You claimed you were debating here, but you didn't present any facts contradicting those already presented here.  And, lest we forget, you took the time to insult the people who went out to protest AARC on the week-end, calling the protest an epic fail, this after stating that those who were in disagreement with you were so because you stayed clean.
I sincerely doubt that you have anything more productive to do with your time.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"AARC will go on serving youth and families as long as it will be needed, if it keeps open to God for inspiration" Dr. F. Dean Vause Executive Director

MR. NELSON: Mr. Speaker, AADAC has been involved with
assistance in developing the program of the Alberta Adolescent
Recovery Centre since its inception originally as Kids of the
Canadian West."
Alberta Hansard, March 24, 1992

Offline Guest44431444

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Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« Reply #38 on: July 08, 2009, 06:45:56 PM »
I'm not defending Dr. Clause - he's a loose cannon with fake credentials...

I just don't like when people who assume they know and make an insinuation. i.e I am staff member, AARColoyte, cult member, etc. when they don't even have a stitch of evidence to back up their claim.

It is obvious the ajax13 speaks from hearsay and not from experience that is fact.

One needs to look in the mirror and check the motives when speaking about something they have no experience with - it would be like speaking about being a heroin junkie when I've never even seen the stuff and / or only heard of what the high is like, etc.

Appreciate the input Guest.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« Reply #39 on: July 08, 2009, 06:47:21 PM »
Quote from: "ajax13"
AARcolyte, you said that my comments regarding Vause were void if I hadn't met him, and that's simply not the case.  You claimed you were debating here, but you didn't present any facts contradicting those already presented here.  And, lest we forget, you took the time to insult the people who went out to protest AARC on the week-end, calling the protest an epic fail, this after stating that those who were in disagreement with you were so because you stayed clean.
I sincerely doubt that you have anything more productive to do with your time.

How does it help anything to belittle this “guest” survivor?….

As you’ve never been victimized by these institutions, your denunciation of this person for not being “sincere” or "pure" enough in his abhorrence for AARC is especially unseemly.

What is your problem with the guy? That he thought the protest wasn’t handled well? That he doesn’t use the exact language you want him to in every  medium? Your expectations, and reactions to people falling short of meeting them are not respectful.  You exhibit the same transgressive behaviors associated with culticly indoctrinated people.

It’s OK for this guy to have an opinion on the protest, to use unclear language in personal emails, and even to see the AARC in shades of grey.

If you’d actually been victimized by one of these organizations, you might treat their survivors with compassion and respect, instead of demanding “purity” and trying to hurt them when they fail to exhibit it.

Your abusive manner might chase someone away from fornits who needs it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Guest44431444

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Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« Reply #40 on: July 08, 2009, 06:53:26 PM »
ajax13 - your comments are getting repetitive, are you running out of "facts"?

The protest on the weekend was at best, a way to piss off the "AARColytes" across the road - you have been asked to provide evidence of news coverage, etc and you did not - why?

I saw the protest and was embarrassed for those people that were there - why were you literally perched on the Glenmore instead of on the main AARC road? It's public property.

I do have much better things to do then argue with someone of your stature - but I want the facts out in the open, not just BS spewed from someone who hangs out on a recovery forum who a) Has never been to AARC, Straight or Kids and b) has no concept of recovery other than to take every opportunity to shove their ideology down people's throats...

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ajax13

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Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« Reply #41 on: July 08, 2009, 07:05:42 PM »
I haven't been asked to provide anything, AARColyte.  Perhaps WDTony was asking you to provide some video of the protest.  As was stated earlier, you called the protest an epic fail even though it apparently made the local television news.  There has never been any previous local television coverage of AARC indicating any of the serious problems inherent in the sect, so obviously the protest was not a failure.  You haven't brought any facts pertaining to AARC out in the open.  Your reference to my ideology is a complete non sequitor, unless you consider my opposition to the fraudulent and dangerous nature of AARC as ideology.  You haven't argued anything.  You insulted the people who oppose AARC, then you made two ridiculous claims that the facts about AARC and Vause can only be known by those who've been in AARC and met Vause.
Guess what AARColyte?  I've never been to Yankee stadium, but I'm fairly certain that people play baseball there.  But please, don't let me keep you from your busy schedule.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"AARC will go on serving youth and families as long as it will be needed, if it keeps open to God for inspiration" Dr. F. Dean Vause Executive Director

MR. NELSON: Mr. Speaker, AADAC has been involved with
assistance in developing the program of the Alberta Adolescent
Recovery Centre since its inception originally as Kids of the
Canadian West."
Alberta Hansard, March 24, 1992

Offline Guest44431444

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Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« Reply #42 on: July 08, 2009, 07:12:52 PM »
Insulted people who oppose AARC - pardon?

You have been the one with the insulting demeanor towards people who have actually been there and yet, they are "staff" or "cult members".

Your only concern is defending public knowledge in a forum where you clearly have no experience outside of hearsay or media reports.

Again - ajax13, why are you here? What brought you here - just seem like a place you could bully people via threats via PM and attacking them on the forum?

There are enough people who have actually been to AARC / Straight and Kids that can shed enough light with fact not fiction.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Guest44431444

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Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« Reply #43 on: July 08, 2009, 07:13:57 PM »
Quote from: "ajax13"
Perhaps WDTony was asking you to provide some video of the protest.

But you are the AARC / Straight / Kids expert.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ajax13

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Re: AARC Scampede Cultjam
« Reply #44 on: July 08, 2009, 07:27:47 PM »
AARColyte, you've repeatedly stated that reading my posts was a waste of your time, referring to them as dribble twice, although I am sure you meant drivel.  Yet you seem to hang on my every word.  It's very confusing being an AARColyte I'm sure.  Never quite sure what you want to say or do.  You're itching to say and do something, but you're all befuddled.  You made the ridiculous statement that one must have been in AARC and met Vause to make an accurate statement regarding either.  That was patently silly.  So now you're implying that what I've said about AARC is fiction.  I will give you this, you are consistent.  You have provided not one single fact related to AARC nor contradicing those that I have stated.  But you stil imply that I'm using fiction.  Think AARcolyte, what is it that you're trying to do?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"AARC will go on serving youth and families as long as it will be needed, if it keeps open to God for inspiration" Dr. F. Dean Vause Executive Director

MR. NELSON: Mr. Speaker, AADAC has been involved with
assistance in developing the program of the Alberta Adolescent
Recovery Centre since its inception originally as Kids of the
Canadian West."
Alberta Hansard, March 24, 1992