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Offline Che Gookin

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Survial Escape Resistance Evasion Manual for the TTI
« on: April 07, 2009, 04:48:50 AM »
I've decided to collate all the data I've gathered over the years of the various forums of Escaper's guides and turn it into one large easy to print up html file. I hope this guide will include the following information:

1) Resisting Brainwashing

2) Program Methodology

3) Modes of Escape

4) Survival Skills

Note that the effort is in part satirical in nature. By creating such a guide to fill the need for it even though those in need won't be able to access it the mere existance of such a document should raise some eyebrows.

I hope.. beats me if it will or not..

Either way.. It'll make programmies cry and we can have fun mailing it to different facilities as religious documentation to piss them off.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: Survial Escape Resistance Evasion Manual for the TTI
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2009, 04:50:25 AM »
God damn it.. I still can't edit my posts... meh..

any reasonable suggestions are welcome.

And no Milk I won't put anything in it about going home and killing your parents.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: Survial Escape Resistance Evasion Manual for the TTI
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2009, 04:51:49 AM »
The Ultimate Survivor
By: Chuck SalterWed Dec 19, 2007 at 12:39 AM
The Army's Special Forces SERE course was designed by a Green Beret who relied on its four elements -- survival, evasion, resistance, and escape -- to return home from the Vietnam War in one of that war's most improbable survival stories.

The Army's Special Forces SERE course was designed by a Green Beret who relied on its four elements -- survival, evasion, resistance, and escape - to return home from the Vietnam War in one of that war's most improbable survival stories.

In 1963, Special Forces first lieutenant James "Nick" Row, a 25-year-old West Point grad, was assigned to the dangerous MeKong Delta, where he advised and organized local South Vietnamese troops. During a failed early morning raid on October 29, his company was overtaken by Viet Cong guerrillas, and while bandaging an injured soldier Rowe was taken prisoner.

It was the beginning of a five-year nightmare in which he endured death threats, beatings, arm and leg irons, dysentery, hepatitis, jaundice, endless propaganda, and long periods of isolation (two years in all).

Much of the time, he was confined to a bamboo cage in the woods of U Minh, aka "The Forest of Darkness." When he was allowed out during the day, he made traps that he used to catch animals to avoid eating the rotten fish and rice that he was given.

The VC experimented with various methods of torture to weaken Rowe. But he didn't cave in and he didn't die. He became known as Mr. Trouble to his captors, because of his refusal to cooperate and his repeated attempts to escape. After five years, the VC discovered that he fooled them into thinking he was an engineer when in fact he was a Special Forces soldier. It was the last straw. They sent him off to be executed. On New Year's Eve in 1968, as he was being moved, Rowe heard an Army helicopter flying overhead and overpowered his guard. He ran into a field and waved down the helicopter. Within days, a photo of the bearded, hollow-cheeked Rowe and the story of his dramatic rescue was all over the news.

For years, he turned to writing as a catharsis, chronicling his extraordinary experience in the book Five Years to Freedom. In 1981, he returned to the military as a lieutenant colonel and oversaw part of the Green Berets' training at Fort Bragg. It was there that he designed the Army's highest level SERE course. Part of the training included stories of what he and his fellow POWs endured. For the SERE instructors, Rowe is the embodiment of a survivor, and they speak of him with reverence. "You hear what he went through and you think, 'I would have quit,'" says John, SERE's chief instructor today. "It literally brings tears to my eyes."

Rowe eventually returned to Southeast Asia in 1988. The following year, while working as a military advisor to the Philippine armed forces, he was assassinated by leftist rebels who ambushed his car in Manila. Rowe, 51, was buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Today, the Special Forces survival school that he created at Fort Bragg bears his name.

Part of the document will include stories of successful program escapes. If someone has some links to these posts I'd be much obliged if you folks could post them up for me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: Survial Escape Resistance Evasion Manual for the TTI
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2009, 08:22:32 AM »
Search Escape Resisting Evasion Manual for the Troubled Teen Prisoners

A work of fiction


Che Gookin

* The stories contained within are real events.

Chapter 1:

A brief overview of the Troubled Teen Industry and how it can possibly affect you.

What exactly is the Troubled Teen Industry? In short the Troubled Teen Industry is a very diverse body of organizations who wish to deprive you  of your freedom so that they might make money.  They use a variety of techniques to deceive, intimidate, and harm those that are lured into its grasp. While this document is intended to serve as a work of fiction the following comments regarding the Troubled Teen Industry are very real. First, allow me to take a few minutes of your time to use your imagination.

Go into your room and close the door. Turn off the lights and imagine yourself asleep. Think about how comfortable your bed is and how relaxing it is just to lay on it without any interruptions. Think about that nice warm feeling you get at three in the morning that you get when you jump back into bed after a trip to the bathroom. It is quite nice isn’t it?

Now imagine two large men smashing down you door and dragging you out of bed while shouting at you to not struggle. Imagine those same two men dragging you out into the street, your parents no where to be found, and shoving you in a car. Imagine be driven or flown to a place far from your home and being sent to a school that the two strangers who have ignored you protests for the last one thousand miles telling you that this school will help you with your problems. Maybe if you are lucky the two men might even stop for McDonald’s and you’ll be able to make a break for it.

You’ve made that break, you are running to the police, and the police promptly hand you back over to the two men as they are licensed transportation escorts hired by your parents to transport you  to the school. Upon arrival you are strip searched, you probably will be drug tested, you’ll be sent to a group of total strangers, and just maybe you might be lucky enough to have your shoe laces in your shoes. However, chances are you’ll be given a distinctive uniform and assigned to an older member of your group who will watch your every move. Sounds exciting I’m sure, but the question that leaps to my mind is, “What country do we live in again?”

This is America right? Don’t we get some sort of due process before being deprived of our rights? Guess what my friends in America children are the chattel of their parents. Until you turn eighteen and in some cases even after the age of eighteen your parents can have what I just asked you to imagine happen to you fat any time, any place, and all for a fairly reasonable price. Parents do not have to turn to the police or the courts to get permission either. You can be sent away without a day in court. The above mental exercise happens all to commonly every single day in America.

Just last year before a Congressional Committee the head of NATSAP (National Association of Theraputic Schools and Programs), a very skittish lady named Jan Moss, stated that the programs in NATSAP dealt with 20,000 young men and women last year alone. That is merely the programs in NATSAP as there are many more programs who have schools located all over the country. WWASP (World Wide Association of Specialty Schools), a non-member of NATSAP, has its own chain of schools that prides itself on its competitive rates. For even more contrast one can look at the Roloff Schools and a few others. The point being made here isn’t to do a book report on the Troubled Teen Industry but to prepare the reader to escape from them.

The more information you have from the beginning the  better as Escape and Evasion begins before capture and not after.

Chapter 2

The OODA Method:

Identifying the enemy and Fleeing before being sent to a program.

On the odd chance that you stumble across some literature or correspondence in your home from some strange school you might have just gotten lucky. Take a note of the name and do a Google search on the internet. Modern intelligence agents use Google all the time so you might as well use it. Besides it is free and it just might save your life and sanity.  If the school has any articles written about it take the time to look it over. It may well just be a college prep school that your parents ended up getting some literature about.

You may find some articles about the school. Print them up and read them carefully. If the school has had deaths at it due to suicide, staff induced murders through restraints, or deaths due to neglect you need to advise your parents accordingly.  How you plan to go about this highly depends on how your parents are acting. Use the OODA method to observe them carefully. Are they acting normally around you or are they getting all paranoid for no apparent reasons?  Once you’ve collected the information against the school you need to move quickly in order to preserve your freedom. Present it to your parents if you feel comfortable doing so or flee. We’ll talk more about fleeing in a few paragraphs. For now let’s discuss what to do in the event that the school doesn’t have any articles but a website.

Look for the following on the school’s website.

Structured Environment
Level system
Positive Peer Culture

These are all huge signs that you probably are going to wake up some day twenty years down the road in a puddle of sweat from a Post Traumatic Stress Induced nightmare. Dig deeper and make a few calls to the facility pretending to be a parent. Ask them to clarify what the consequences involve and if they allow free communications with the outside world. I went to a boarding school that had all sorts of consequences but we also had free use of pay phones in a private location to call anyone we wanted.  Likewise we also had trips off campus on a regular basis to go into town in the school vans where we could wander around unattended. It made for the perfect opportunity to get in all sorts of trouble, hence the consequences.  If you are sure that this school isn’t such a place and that you are heading straight into a den of mental torture and physical abuse you have a choice to make.

Use the OODA technique to sound out your parents if you think you have the time to do so. You are the expert regarding your parents so use your best judgment. Keep in mind that if you are caught running for your freedom you’ll probably be sent to a program upon capture. Be very sure of your decision and once you’ve decided you need to act promptly. If you think your parents are absolutely serious about shipping you off to one of these schools then plan and implement an escape plan. On the other hand you have to weigh out the chances that your parents took one look at the literature and already decided against it. Remember, not all parents are computer illiterate morons and some of them can use Google as well. You make the call as it is your freedom, life, and mental health on the line.

Once you’ve made the decision to flee you need to create an escape kit. This kit should be a sturdy backpack of nondescript appearance to carry your clothing in. Put in it a few changes of clothing wrapped in plastic, some Ramen noodles, candy bars, and bullion cubes for food, and a large rubber poncho. The poncho works wonders for keeping you dry and acting as a blanket. The rubber will trap your body heat inside of it and keep your fairly warm in mild conditions.  Inside of your backpack you need to make sure you have two water bottles as well as a sturdy knife of the lock blade variety.  If you can get your hands on a Rand McNally Road Atlas you will be well advised to do so. Another vital item is a small bottle of bleach and a eye dropper. Two drops of bleach will kill just about everything in a gallon of water, but make sure you have  the bleach in a strong bottle that won’t break open on you.

Use this list as a guide:

Three changes of clothing
Rubber poncho  
Small blanket
Ramen noodles
Candy bars or nutrition bars
2 water bottles
Sturdy lock blade knife
Rand McNally Atlas.

Once you’ve pulled this material together then you need to get ready to make your exit. Most escapers tend to run to the first obvious place. Do not go to your best friend’s house, do not go to your girlfriend’s house, and definitely steer clear of any family member’s house.  If you absolutely believe that your parents are going to deprive you of your freedom and you are willing to take the risks(death, jail, all sorts of nasty crap) then you have to run.  Prior to leaving your house go to the computer and print up the following:

A bus schedule to the nearest large city.
A map of that nearest large city.
A list of homeless shelters in that nearest large city.

Promptly crumple them all up after circling a few key points as in phone numbers to shelters and locations and leave the crumpled balls of paper somewhere your parents will find them. Now here comes the absolute important part and I’ll put it below in large bold print;

Don’t go anywhere near this location.

What you are doing is creating misinformation. By salting the area with bogus information you’ll be laying a false trail. The next thing I’d do is leave a note for you parents. By doing this you’ll be informing them that you haven’t been murdered and kidnapped. Clearly lay out your issues and the reasons why you are escaping from possible death and mental distress that you’ll undergo in a program. Also if you have the time use or some other free email service to open an account. Leave the account name and password for your mom and dad. Tell them you’ll regularly being leaving saved drafts of messages on this account for them.

This establishes a line of communication that is nearly impossible for them to track you with unless you get stupid and tell them where you are.

Once you’ve done this you need to lay your second trail of misinformation. If you have the money go to the bus station, a very large one, and buy a bus ticket with your debit card or a credit card that your parents let you use. Do not steal their credit cards as this is a crime and it will only give them more leverage on you with the police. Once you’ve purchased this ticket get on the bus about ten minutes before it leaves, and then get off to go to the bathroom when the driver isn’t around and don’t come back. Your second trail of misinformation has been laid. Make sure this ticket goes to somewhere in the entire opposite direction you plan to head.  We’ll come to finances in a minute.

Once you’ve jumped ship and are officially escaping you’ll need cash, food, and maybe medication. The issues of medication present all sorts of problems for which I have no reasonable answers to give.  However, if you have a few month supply on hand be sure to bring it along with you. Once you’ve looted your stash of money, drained your bank account, and have converted all your assets to cash you need to move fast with a low profile.

Moving fast with a low profile means doing some simple things to change your look. If you have long hair  go get a hair cut. If you have short hair buy a hat. If you have a bunch of piercing take them out. If you dress like a bum then go to the nearest Goodwill and buy a couple nice shirts and pairs of pants. Believe me when I say this your picture will probably end up in the hands of the police quite rapidly. You don’t have the time and resources at your hands to completely change your look, but you do have the time to dispense with the obvious. Moving fast is another issue that creates a set of complicated problems.

You’ve already laid your trail of misinformation to send your parents, the police, and in some cases private detectives on a wild goose chase. Keep in mind that there are people who hunt people for a living. They hunt people like you. This demands you put as much distance between yourself and them as you can in a hurry. Now that you’ve created your new look for your alter-ego that we already covered go get the hell out of your town and head to the nearest large college city.

College towns are full of young kids all running from something, mostly lunatic parents or themselves. You’ll be able to blend in as a young freshman and probably be able to score free meals and couches for several months. It is even possible you will be able to pick up some decent false ID that you can use to get a job. The logistics of applying for a job are a pain in the neck but many towns have day labor offices that only require one form of major ID. This saves you the migraine of having to provide a social security card. The other perk of a large college city is free shit.

By free shit I mean:

Computer labs
In some cases places to eat

The biggest thing to remember here is you are going to have to network and meet as many people as you can to survive. Create a network of friends and people who will help you out with a place to sleep when you need it. Take great care to avoid parties that are out of control and other dangerous situations as you are probably being hunted by the Police. Getting busted at a frat party is more or less a promise that you’ll be sitting in a program in short order. Just keep your head down until you are eighteen and then request your birth certificate from your state and get on with your life.

Now some of you  are probably wondering why I bothered to even suggest opening a line of communication with your parents. These are your parents and even if they are the douche bags who want to send you to prison without a trial they still do love you in their own weird way. Take the time to check in with them on a weekly basis and let them know you are still alive. Do not be lured home by their false promises of not being sent to a program. Just do the right thing and use the email account strategy to keep them informed that you are still ticking and that this situation will resolve itself when you are eighteen and legally an adult.

Just don’t be a fool and give your parents any hint as to your location.

here are the first two chapters. They are very rough so be gentle. Comments and ideas needed so feel free to suggest them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: Survial Escape Resistance Evasion Manual for the TTI
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2009, 08:54:03 AM »
CCM girl's escape from Cross Creek Manor I believe:

Once I was 16 my therapist basically told me that I was never going home, and that I was going to be there until my 18 birthday. I think the reason he did this was because he ran out of excuses why my parents weren't allowing me to come home. I was always trying my best to work on things, and not get into trouble. I thought it was my fault that I was still there, and that it was because I was just not trying hard enough. I think the staff thought I deserved to be there. I could see why. Especially because there were times I would have incidents of hurting myself or others (usually staff). But, how the hell could you blame me??? I was put into these institutions, and basically forgotten about. For no real good reason I might add.

So, I took matters into my own hands. I took a vacuum cord and found the only window without an alarm, and flung it out the window. I almost broke my neck getting out of there, and the burns to my hands from the vacuum cord ripping through them was very painful. Did I tell you I landed right in front of a late night staff meeting in progress? Yep. Sure did! I guess they had waited until we were all in bed to have this meeting. Let me tell you how fun it was to feel the pain of the impact in the parking lot from the jump, then having to get up and run for my life!!!! It was funny seeing the look of shock, then them bolting out of their seats to get to the front door to come chasing after me!!!!!!!

They never did catch me. So, I lived a year on my own in St. George before my Aunt and Uncle found me. I then moved to California to live with them so I could graduate high school. I learned a lot from them. My 3 cousins became my brothers and sisters. I can't tell you how nice it was to finally be a part of a family who loved, and cared about me. From time to time I would make bad choices, but that is all a part of growing up. I take that back! Actually that's just a part of life!!!!!

Thanks antsy..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Survial Escape Resistance Evasion Manual for the TTI
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2009, 08:22:48 PM »
Can they send you to wilderness if you refuse the blood test?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: Survial Escape Resistance Evasion Manual for the TTI
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2009, 08:29:55 PM »
I don't know.....

I wasn't aware that they required blood tests. What sort of blood test would it be for?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: Survial Escape Resistance Evasion Manual for the TTI
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2009, 04:06:17 AM »
Search Escape Resisting Evasion Manual for the Troubled Teen Prisoners

A work of Satirical Fiction


Che Gookin

* The stories contained within are real events.

Chapter 1:

Cletus, a man of humble up brings, sits down at his computer. He takes another drink of lite beer(Also a man of poor taste) and begins to write.

“Chapter 1:

A brief overview of the Troubled Teen Industry and how it can possibly affect you.

What exactly is the Troubled Teen Industry? In short the Troubled Teen Industry is a very diverse body of organizations who wish to deprive you  of your freedom so that they might make money.  They use a variety of techniques to deceive, intimidate, and harm those that are lured into its grasp. While this document is intended to serve as a work of fiction the following comments regarding the Troubled Teen Industry are very real. First, allow me to take a few minutes of your time to use your imagination.

Go into your room and close the door. Turn off the lights and imagine yourself asleep. Think about how comfortable your bed is and how relaxing it is just to lay on it without any interruptions. Think about that nice warm feeling you get at three in the morning that you get when you jump back into bed after a trip to the bathroom. It is quite nice isn’t it?

Now imagine two large men smashing down you door and dragging you out of bed while shouting at you to not struggle. Imagine those same two men dragging you out into the street, your parents no where to be found, and shoving you in a car. Imagine be driven or flown to a place far from your home and being sent to a school that the two strangers who have ignored you protests for the last one thousand miles telling you that this school will help you with your problems. Maybe if you are lucky the two men might even stop for McDonald’s and you’ll be able to make a break for it.

You’ve made that break, you are running to the police, and the police promptly hand you back over to the two men as they are licensed transportation escorts hired by your parents to transport you  to the school. Upon arrival you are strip searched, you probably will be drug tested, you’ll be sent to a group of total strangers, and just maybe you might be lucky enough to have your shoe laces in your shoes. However, chances are you’ll be given a distinctive uniform and assigned to an older member of your group who will watch your every move. Sounds exciting I’m sure, but the question that leaps to my mind is, “What country do we live in again?”

This is America right? Don’t we get some sort of due process before being deprived of our rights? Guess what my friends in America children are the chattel of their parents. Until you turn eighteen and in some cases even after the age of eighteen your parents can have what I just asked you to imagine happen to you fat any time, any place, and all for a fairly reasonable price. Parents do not have to turn to the police or the courts to get permission either. You can be sent away without a day in court. The above mental exercise happens all to commonly every single day in America.

Just last year before a Congressional Committee the head of NATSAP (National Association of Theraputic Schools and Programs), a very skittish lady named Jan Moss, stated that the programs in NATSAP dealt with 20,000 young men and women last year alone. That is merely the programs in NATSAP as there are many more programs who have schools located all over the country. WWASP (World Wide Association of Specialty Schools), a non-member of NATSAP, has its own chain of schools that prides itself on its competitive rates. For even more contrast one can look at the Roloff Schools and a few others. The point being made here isn’t to do a book report on the Troubled Teen Industry but to prepare the reader to escape from them.

The more information you have from the beginning the  better as Escape and Evasion begins before capture and not after. “

Chapter 2:

Not being content to leaving his work undone Cletus returns to his trusty computer after a night prowling a local topless dancing bar.  He cracks open a fresh can of lite beer and writes.

“Chapter 2:

What  to expect, in general, from a program.

Each program has its own mode of operation. Even ones in a large company tend to have their own operating procedures. It is difficult to cover all of these procedures given the sheer number of programs, but  it is possible to give you a glimpse of what goes on in a program by examining one in detail. However, be reminded that all programs are different and you should keep your eyes and ears open to gather as much information as possible if captured and forcibly detained at one of these private prisons(minus the due process of course). The program we will examine shall be called Tree Springs and it is located primarily in the  Southern United States.

Tree Springs was founded in the 1980s under the leadership of one Mike Wilson. This Mike Wilson character decided that he wanted to start his own program/torture farm after working for another in the state of Georgia. Mike Wilson, a prick of the first order who ought to be fed into a blender for starting a company that has gone on to abuse thousands of kids, has since left his own company and started another in the same industry.  

One hopes that a coyote will drop an anvil on his head one day, but one never hopes out loud.

Tree Springs has a specific operating procedure for new residents. At this torture farm the kids are separated from their parents and strip searched and drug tested. They  are then turned over to their new group and given a buddy watcher.  This groups consists of 10 to 14 boys and typically one counselor who probably had a degree in English Lit. Now this is where things get a little strange, but in the industry we are discussing it is probably considered tame.

The new resident will be told that in order to progress through the program he has to confess to his numerous misdeeds and admit he needs to be in the program. So the first few days in the program the new resident will not only be observed by his buddy watcher, a fellow student who knows he’ll move up the stage system quicker if does a good job supervising his buddy, he’ll also be carefully monitored by the counselor who is under the impression that the kid is either a drug fiend of a serial killer. This implies that despite the protestations of the youth that he is being sent to the program for hating his PE teacher he’ll be utterly ignored and forced to either concoct some bogus confession or pour out the most painful intimate details of his existence in front of a group of strangers.  At Tree Springs they call it therapy.

Other therapy is the treatment teams interventions. A group of unlicensed English lit majors will get together every week and decide the fates of the residents in their groups. If they deem fit they’ll place interventions on the individuals or the whole group to prompt them to “work the program”. These interventions can range from the harmless to the severe. One harmless intervention is being required to talk about your feelings when you look angry to the severe of being forced to hold onto a piece of rope and having your shoelaces removed for being a suspected runaway prospect. Therapy at Tree Springs has a licensed professional side as well.
You’ll be spending twenty minutes a month with the facility psychologist. In this time she’ll probably be more interested in you medications than anything else. You can well be assured that if Tree Springs can find a pill to stuff down your throat they will. Everything from uppers to downers to lefties and righties. The job of the facility psychologist is to make recommendations to the company psychiatrist so that she can fill out a prescription. On the upside she’s a fairly nice harmless old lady and probably the only one there who won’t make you want to stab her in the face with a pencil. Don’t waste the pencil you’ll need it later for school.

Tree Springs offers a modern school facility that you’ll spend three hours a day in. This time will be spent toiling away doing homework under the supervision of a licensed teacher. You won’t be taking the materials out of the building with you as all the kids use the same textbooks and don’t expect internet access. That is only for staff to cruise for porn when no one is around at night. Three hours a day you’ll be sitting in a chair books cracked working away like the champ you are, but at least you aren’t outside in the heat and cold.

Was it mentioned that you’ll be living in a cabin with no running water? Well my friends it is true. You will be living in a cabin with no running water. If you want water you’ll be hauling it to campsite in five gallon jugs. The water is for your cooking and cleaning that you’ll be doing on campsite. The bathroom is the timeless one holer outhouse that typically can be smelled before it can be seen. The campsite itself, depending on the group and the counselor, will either be fit only for a pack of wild dogs or fairly habitable.

Some groups at Tree Springs are fairly motivated (Meaning they have a clean Nazi for a counselor)  and your living conditions will be fairly decent. You’ll have a clean cabin, clean bedding, and the campsite will be in fairly decent order. The ones that aren’t up to par will probably be littered in rat feces, dirty bedding, dirty clothing, and the campsite itself will be in a poor state of repair. Either way you won’t be showering up on your campsite that is also sitting on the end of a trail that generally goes up a dangerous rocky trail that more often than not is covered with ice in the winter.

So where will you shower? On the main campus in the shower houses with the rest of your group. Be advised that most groups won’t require you to change your clothing right after you take a shower. This means you’ll be climbing into the same nasty dirty clothing you wore all day as soon as your finish. The residents not having any real motivation to keep their prison clean won’t put to much effort into cleaning the showers either unless they are forced to do so.  The same can’t be said for the dining hall though.

The dining hall is kept fairly clean by the groups who take turns cleaning it and cooking the food once a week. However, the food itself is bland institutional garbage. It is all very unremarkable and you’ll either loose weight from not eating or gain weight from stuffing so many carbohydrates down your own throat. The same menu is repeated more or less without variation for week after week. Friday nights are always special with red bean burritos that will leave your cabin at a high risk from a methane gas explosion. A balanced weekend meal, provided by the dining hall and eaten on campsite, is considered to be potato chips, white bread, and baloney with condiments.

I know my friends.. Balanced meal for a prisoner on death row maybe..

Speaking of death row do you know that a death row prisoner has the right to making uncensored phone calls to their attorney?  Tree Springs won’t allow you this, but you will be able to make weekly phone calls under the supervision of your group and counselors. Manipulating your parents is strictly prohibited and your group will bring it up if you are overheard attempting it. Your mail will be screened and you will not be allowed to write anyone but those approved by your parents. A far cry from the civil liberties granted those convicted to death for murdering and raping is it not?

While you haven’t and won’t ever be convicted of a crime you will be facing the judgment of your counselor. If you attempt to runs away from the group you’ll be stopped. I don’t mean nicely either as your counselor will run you down and jump on you.  In other facilities children have been injured and killed. In Tree Springs it hasn’t happened yet, but certainly not for the lack of trying. See further on in the book for the chapter on Staff attempting murders via restraints. Even if the staff is in the wrong for restraining you the incident will be swept under the rug and blamed on you. Remember you are the youth and the staff is the grand humanitarian for putting his or her life on hold for helping you in your time of need, despite the fact that the only thing you really need isn’t in a program.

A recent murder inflicted on a resident in Florida showed several staff members jumping a young man who was refusing to exercise. After getting caught on camera for beating the boy to death they still weren’t  immediately drug behind the courthouse and hung by the necks until dead under the old oak tree. An article posted online discussing the matter was littered with comments stating, “The boy had it coming.” This is the mentality which you face from the general public and the authorities regarding restraints. So be smart, keep a low profile, and stay out of fights.

Other programs run their by their own methodologies. Here is a brief overview of what you can expect:

1) In Straight Inc. and even today in its off shoots kids are forced to sit ramrod straight in a chair for 12 hours a day. If they try to get up to go to the bathroom they’ll be restrained by staff or higher ranking peers.

2) In Peninsula Village kids first go to a secured unit until they are deemed fit to join a regular group. In this secured unit you are required to sit on your bed for lengths of time running into several hours and you will be restrained if you attempt to get up to go to the bathroom.

3) In the infamous Rocky Mountain Academy, now Northwestern Academy, the students are required to attend workshops in where they are reduced to tears or forced to confess to having sex with animals to avoid further persecution from their own group or the people running the session. They are also kept deprived of food and sleep to make them easier to control and forced to hug each other in group hugs called, “smush sessions”.

4) No one is quite sure what the story is with the Aspen Education Group programs but we do know that a lot of kids sure seem to end up dead in them. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions from that.

5) WWASP schools have so much notoriety it is difficult to know where to being. Tranquility Bay in Jamaica is renown for making kids lay face down on the concrete floor for hours on end. Attempting to get up off the floor leads to you getting restrained. This is among other things in a seemingly endless list of abuses that have cropped up at all the WWASP schools. While several have been shut down many are in operation.

One particular perverse WWASP school known as Spring Creek Lodge  used to have an isolation room called the hobbit. Not only did they charge parents extra for the privelage of having their kids safely locked away in the hobbit they ended keeping kids in the hobbit for weeks on end.

In complete isolation…

6) The Roloff Schools founded by Lester Roloff who was the genius who jumped in his plane with several young girls in tow despite warnings of bad weather to only get himself and the girls killed in a plane crash. At these lovely places the boys and girls are forced to kneel on pencils for several hours. Seriously it sounds trifling till you kneel on a pencil on a hard floor yourself for several hours.  

7) Absolutely one of the list toppers is any school ever ran or in operation by Mark and Cheryl Sudweeks. These two loveable douche bags were ran out of Canada for animal cruelty, kicked out of Mexico, and charged by the state of Utah for hazing. They later plead no contest to the misdemeanor charges and lost a 400,000 dollar lawsuit filed against them by several irate parents.

 Therapy for Cheryl includes getting the kids to beat the hell out of the ones she doesn’t like, feeding them left over food from a nearby restaurant,  making a kid sleep on a shelf  for the night, and not limited to but not excluding numerology. Trust me when I say that numerology has absolutely nothing to do with modern or ancient psychotherapy.

8) Those who are keen on sitting around a lot can get plenty of this in Elan. The Elan School provides a loving environment where you can spends days at a time sitting in a corner on a stool doing absolutely nothing.

The key points to remember here are that programs will do what they need to in order to preserve their flow of money. They will lie to parents, they will lie to the authorities, they will lie to you, and they‘ll lie to who ever it takes to keep you in the program. Cash flow must be maintained at all costs and no truth is so precious that it can not be sacrificed on the altar of profitability in a program. Even worst the program will cut their own costs to increase profits by providing substandard clothing, food, and housing. Once inside the walls of one of these places your future will be a bleak one indeed.  “

Chapter 3:

Cletus after having a hard day of being the village ruffian decides to get in some more writing. He pops a can of lite beer, opens a bag of potato chips, and switches on his favorite video, “Lord of the Clit Rings”. Once ready he begins to write.

“Chapter 3:

The OODA Method:

Identifying the enemy and Fleeing before being sent to a program.

On the odd chance that you stumble across some literature or correspondence in your home from some strange school you might have just gotten lucky. Take a note of the name and do a Google search on the internet. Modern intelligence agents use Google all the time so you might as well use it. Besides it is free and it just might save your life and sanity.  If the school has any articles written about it take the time to look it over. It may well just be a college prep school that your parents ended up getting some literature about.

You may find some articles about the school. Print them up and read them carefully. If the school has had deaths at it due to suicide, staff induced murders through restraints, or deaths due to neglect you need to advise your parents accordingly.  How you plan to go about this highly depends on how your parents are acting. Use the OODA method to observe them carefully. Are they acting normally around you or are they getting all paranoid for no apparent reasons?  Once you’ve collected the information against the school you need to move quickly in order to preserve your freedom. Present it to your parents if you feel comfortable doing so or flee. We’ll talk more about fleeing in a few paragraphs. For now let’s discuss what to do in the event that the school doesn’t have any articles but a website.

Look for the following on the school’s website.

Structured Environment
Level system
Positive Peer Culture

These are all huge signs that you probably are going to wake up some day twenty years down the road in a puddle of sweat from a Post Traumatic Stress Induced nightmare. Dig deeper and make a few calls to the facility pretending to be a parent. Ask them to clarify what the consequences involve and if they allow free communications with the outside world. I went to a boarding school that had all sorts of consequences but we also had free use of pay phones in a private location to call anyone we wanted.  Likewise we also had trips off campus on a regular basis to go into town in the school vans where we could wander around unattended. It made for the perfect opportunity to get in all sorts of trouble, hence the consequences.  If you are sure that this school isn’t such a place and that you are heading straight into a den of mental torture and physical abuse you have a choice to make.

Use the OODA technique to sound out your parents if you think you have the time to do so. You are the expert regarding your parents so use your best judgment. Keep in mind that if you are caught running for your freedom you’ll probably be sent to a program upon capture. Be very sure of your decision and once you’ve decided you need to act promptly. If you think your parents are absolutely serious about shipping you off to one of these schools then plan and implement an escape plan. On the other hand you have to weigh out the chances that your parents took one look at the literature and already decided against it. Remember, not all parents are computer illiterate morons and some of them can use Google as well. You make the call as it is your freedom, life, and mental health on the line.

Once you’ve made the decision to flee you need to create an escape kit. This kit should be a sturdy backpack of nondescript appearance to carry your clothing in. Put in it a few changes of clothing wrapped in plastic, some Ramen noodles, candy bars, and bullion cubes for food, and a large rubber poncho. The poncho works wonders for keeping you dry and acting as a blanket. The rubber will trap your body heat inside of it and keep your fairly warm in mild conditions.  Inside of your backpack you need to make sure you have two water bottles as well as a sturdy knife of the lock blade variety.  If you can get your hands on a Rand McNally Road Atlas you will be well advised to do so. Another vital item is a small bottle of bleach and a eye dropper. Two drops of bleach will kill just about everything in a gallon of water, but make sure you have  the bleach in a strong bottle that won’t break open on you.

Use this list as a guide:

Three changes of clothing
Rubber poncho  
Small blanket
Ramen noodles
Candy bars or nutrition bars
2 water bottles
Sturdy lock blade knife
Rand McNally Atlas.

Once you’ve pulled this material together then you need to get ready to make your exit. Most escapers tend to run to the first obvious place. Do not go to your best friend’s house, do not go to your girlfriend’s house, and definitely steer clear of any family member’s house.  If you absolutely believe that your parents are going to deprive you of your freedom and you are willing to take the risks(death, jail, all sorts of nasty crap) then you have to run.  Prior to leaving your house go to the computer and print up the following:

A bus schedule to the nearest large city.
A map of that nearest large city.
A list of homeless shelters in that nearest large city.

Promptly crumple them all up after circling a few key points as in phone numbers to shelters and locations and leave the crumpled balls of paper somewhere your parents will find them. Now here comes the absolute important part and I’ll put it below in large bold print;

Don’t go anywhere near this location.

What you are doing is creating misinformation. By salting the area with bogus information you’ll be laying a false trail. The next thing I’d do is leave a note for you parents. By doing this you’ll be informing them that you haven’t been murdered and kidnapped. Clearly lay out your issues and the reasons why you are escaping from possible death and mental distress that you’ll undergo in a program. Also if you have the time use or some other free email service to open an account. Leave the account name and password for your mom and dad. Tell them you’ll regularly being leaving saved drafts of messages on this account for them.

This establishes a line of communication that is nearly impossible for them to track you with unless you get stupid and tell them where you are.

Once you’ve done this you need to lay your second trail of misinformation. If you have the money go to the bus station, a very large one, and buy a bus ticket with your debit card or a credit card that your parents let you use. Do not steal their credit cards as this is a crime and it will only give them more leverage on you with the police. Once you’ve purchased this ticket get on the bus about ten minutes before it leaves, and then get off to go to the bathroom when the driver isn’t around and don’t come back. Your second trail of misinformation has been laid. Make sure this ticket goes to somewhere in the entire opposite direction you plan to head.  We’ll come to finances in a minute.

Once you’ve jumped ship and are officially escaping you’ll need cash, food, and maybe medication. The issues of medication present all sorts of problems for which I have no reasonable answers to give.  However, if you have a few month supply on hand be sure to bring it along with you. Once you’ve looted your stash of money, drained your bank account, and have converted all your assets to cash you need to move fast with a low profile.

Moving fast with a low profile means doing some simple things to change your look. If you have long hair  go get a hair cut. If you have short hair buy a hat. If you have a bunch of piercing take them out. If you dress like a bum then go to the nearest Goodwill and buy a couple nice shirts and pairs of pants. Believe me when I say this your picture will probably end up in the hands of the police quite rapidly. You don’t have the time and resources at your hands to completely change your look, but you do have the time to dispense with the obvious. Moving fast is another issue that creates a set of complicated problems.

You’ve already laid your trail of misinformation to send your parents, the police, and in some cases private detectives on a wild goose chase. Keep in mind that there are people who hunt people for a living. They hunt people like you. This demands you put as much distance between yourself and them as you can in a hurry. Now that you’ve created your new look for your alter-ego that we already covered go get the hell out of your town and head to the nearest large college city.

College towns are full of young kids all running from something, mostly lunatic parents or themselves. You’ll be able to blend in as a young freshman and probably be able to score free meals and couches for several months. It is even possible you will be able to pick up some decent false ID that you can use to get a job. The logistics of applying for a job are a pain in the neck but many towns have day labor offices that only require one form of major ID. This saves you the migraine of having to provide a social security card. The other perk of a large college city is free stuff.

By free stuff I mean:

Computer labs
In some cases places to eat

The biggest thing to remember here is you are going to have to network and meet as many people as you can to survive. Create a network of friends and people who will help you out with a place to sleep when you need it. Take great care to avoid parties that are out of control and other dangerous situations as you are probably being hunted by the Police. Getting busted at a frat party is more or less a promise that you’ll be sitting in a program in short order. Just keep your head down until you are eighteen and then request your birth certificate from your state and get on with your life.

Part of getting on with your life includes your education. One of the reasons why I suggest relocating to a large university town is the availability of free classes. This doesn’t mean you have to enroll in the class either. Find a large class and sit in the back and take notes. Given most university profs really aren’t that creative they probably reuse the same material over and over again. If you get a well documented and complete set of notes you can either reuse them yourself of sell them to incoming students. Colleges all have libraries and other multimedia labs. Use them as they are free and they rarely require you to provide identification. There are two things you absolutely must considering getting your hands on in short order once you make your break for freedom.

The first is a detailed guide on the  high school equivalency exam, or GED. Get a good guide and study that book back and forth. When you turn 18 go out and take the exam and be sure to pass it. Once you’ve taken this exam and you’ve been diligent about educating yourself you’ll be able to slide into any decent community college. The hard part is entirely up to you in educating yourself outside of the traditional channels of education. On the positive side you won’t be forced to be another drooling drone in some boring high school class.  The next thing you need to get is a bit more complicated, but doable.

It is the all purpose  library card. If you can’t score a library card don’t worry to much about it. I prefer actual books myself, but there are thousands of books available on the internet. Either way get access to information and utilize it for you education. Read books of all sorts to broaden your horizons. If you can get access to the library I strongly encourage you to read biographies, but that is my own personal material of reading. I simply encourage this as you will for all intents and purposes be filling a void in your life and by educating yourself it will keep you occupied and out of trouble.

By trouble I mean several different kinds. You could get lonely and call your old girlfriend Mary Jane Rottencrotch who is probably already banging someone else. Don’t do it and further don’t call home to mom and dad so they can get your general location on caller ID even if you think you are being cute by using the pay phone down the block. Other trouble includes your new friends and telling them what is going on. Don’t do it as all you have to say is you are working to save up money to get  into school and you decided to move into the area to get a head start on things. Just come up with a low key story that allows you to wiggle your way out of having to tell anyone your real details. Get used to saying, “I don’t like talking about it,” with a really pained expression that implies your parents are Mr. and Mrs. Attila The Hun. A big thing to remember is keeping your eyes open for opportunities.

because you are hiding out from your neurotic parents you will need money. The best way, in my opinion, to earn easy cash is utilize craigslist. Because you are in a college town and you are posing as someone working on getting into college most people will understand your desire to work under the table. Just tell them that if you make to much money it will kill your student loan eligibility. Keep your eyes open for gigs and jobs on websites and community bulletin boards as well. You might not only find some easy jobs, but meet some useful people. Get used to keeping business cards and phone numbers for later use, and be sure to buy a good quality prepaid cell phone the first chance you can. It allows people to contact you for these opportunities. However, it should not be used as that line of communication I brought up earlier.

Now some of you  are probably wondering why I bothered to even suggest opening a line of communication with your parents. These are your parents and even if they are the douche bags who want to send you to prison without a trial they still do love you in their own weird way. Take the time to check in with them on a weekly basis and let them know you are still alive. Do not be lured home by their false promises of not being sent to a program. Just do the right thing and use the email account strategy to keep them informed that you are still ticking and that this situation will resolve itself when you are eighteen and legally an adult.

Just don’t be a fool and give your parents any hint as to your location. “
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Survial Escape Resistance Evasion Manual for the TTI
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2009, 12:28:50 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
United we stand....divided....we fail!

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Re: Survial Escape Resistance Evasion Manual for the TTI
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2009, 08:05:31 AM »
Search Escape Resisting Evasion Manual for the Troubled Teen Prisoners

A work of Satirical Fiction


Che Gookin

Chapter 1:

Cletus, a man of humble up brings, sits down at his computer. He takes another drink of lite beer(Also a man of poor taste) and begins to write.

“Chapter 1:

A brief overview of the Troubled Teen Industry and how it can possibly affect you.

What exactly is the Troubled Teen Industry? In short the Troubled Teen Industry is a very diverse body of organizations who wish to deprive you  of your freedom so that they might make money.  They use a variety of techniques to deceive, intimidate, and harm those that are lured into its grasp. While this document is intended to serve as a work of fiction the following comments regarding the Troubled Teen Industry are very real. First, allow me to take a few minutes of your time to use your imagination.

Go into your room and close the door. Turn off the lights and imagine yourself asleep. Think about how comfortable your bed is and how relaxing it is just to lay on it without any interruptions. Think about that nice warm feeling you get at three in the morning that you get when you jump back into bed after a trip to the bathroom. It is quite nice isn’t it?

Now imagine two large men smashing down you door and dragging you out of bed while shouting at you to not struggle. Imagine those same two men dragging you out into the street, your parents no where to be found, and shoving you in a car. Imagine be driven or flown to a place far from your home and being sent to a school that the two strangers who have ignored you protests for the last one thousand miles telling you that this school will help you with your problems. Maybe if you are lucky the two men might even stop for McDonald’s and you’ll be able to make a break for it.

You’ve made that break, you are running to the police, and the police promptly hand you back over to the two men as they are licensed transportation escorts hired by your parents to transport you  to the school. Upon arrival you are strip searched, you probably will be drug tested, you’ll be sent to a group of total strangers, and just maybe you might be lucky enough to have your shoe laces in your shoes. However, chances are you’ll be given a distinctive uniform and assigned to an older member of your group who will watch your every move. Sounds exciting I’m sure, but the question that leaps to my mind is, “What country do we live in again?”

This is America right? Don’t we get some sort of due process before being deprived of our rights? Guess what my friends in America children are the chattel of their parents. Until you turn eighteen and in some cases even after the age of eighteen your parents can have what I just asked you to imagine happen to you fat any time, any place, and all for a fairly reasonable price. Parents do not have to turn to the police or the courts to get permission either. You can be sent away without a day in court. The above mental exercise happens all to commonly every single day in America.

Just last year before a Congressional Committee the head of NATSAP (National Association of Theraputic Schools and Programs), a very skittish lady named Jan Moss, stated that the programs in NATSAP dealt with 20,000 young men and women last year alone. That is merely the programs in NATSAP as there are many more programs who have schools located all over the country. WWASP (World Wide Association of Specialty Schools), a non-member of NATSAP, has its own chain of schools that prides itself on its competitive rates. For even more contrast one can look at the Roloff Schools and a few others. The point being made here isn’t to do a book report on the Troubled Teen Industry but to prepare the reader to escape from them.

The more information you have from the beginning the  better as Escape and Evasion begins before capture and not after. “

Chapter 2:

Not being content to leaving his work undone Cletus returns to his trusty computer after a night prowling a local topless dancing bar.  He cracks open a fresh can of lite beer and writes.

“Chapter 2:

What  to expect, in general, from a program.

Each program has its own mode of operation. Even ones in a large company tend to have their own operating procedures. It is difficult to cover all of these procedures given the sheer number of programs, but  it is possible to give you a glimpse of what goes on in a program by examining one in detail. However, be reminded that all programs are different and you should keep your eyes and ears open to gather as much information as possible if captured and forcibly detained at one of these private prisons(minus the due process of course). The program we will examine shall be called Tree Springs and it is located primarily in the  Southern United States.

Tree Springs was founded in the 1980s under the leadership of one Mike Wilson. This Mike Wilson character decided that he wanted to start his own program/torture farm after working for another in the state of Georgia. Mike Wilson, a prick of the first order who ought to be fed into a blender for starting a company that has gone on to abuse thousands of kids, has since left his own company and started another in the same industry.  

One hopes that a coyote will drop an anvil on his head one day, but one never hopes out loud.

Tree Springs has a specific operating procedure for new residents. At this torture farm the kids are separated from their parents and strip searched and drug tested. They  are then turned over to their new group and given a buddy watcher.  This groups consists of 10 to 14 boys and typically one counselor who probably had a degree in English Lit. Now this is where things get a little strange, but in the industry we are discussing it is probably considered tame.

The new resident will be told that in order to progress through the program he has to confess to his numerous misdeeds and admit he needs to be in the program. So the first few days in the program the new resident will not only be observed by his buddy watcher, a fellow student who knows he’ll move up the stage system quicker if does a good job supervising his buddy, he’ll also be carefully monitored by the counselor who is under the impression that the kid is either a drug fiend of a serial killer. This implies that despite the protestations of the youth that he is being sent to the program for hating his PE teacher he’ll be utterly ignored and forced to either concoct some bogus confession or pour out the most painful intimate details of his existence in front of a group of strangers.  At Tree Springs they call it therapy.

Other therapy is the treatment teams interventions. A group of unlicensed English lit majors will get together every week and decide the fates of the residents in their groups. If they deem fit they’ll place interventions on the individuals or the whole group to prompt them to “work the program”. These interventions can range from the harmless to the severe. One harmless intervention is being required to talk about your feelings when you look angry to the severe of being forced to hold onto a piece of rope and having your shoelaces removed for being a suspected runaway prospect. Therapy at Tree Springs has a licensed professional side as well.
You’ll be spending twenty minutes a month with the facility psychologist. In this time she’ll probably be more interested in you medications than anything else. You can well be assured that if Tree Springs can find a pill to stuff down your throat they will. Everything from uppers to downers to lefties and righties. The job of the facility psychologist is to make recommendations to the company psychiatrist so that she can fill out a prescription. On the upside she’s a fairly nice harmless old lady and probably the only one there who won’t make you want to stab her in the face with a pencil. Don’t waste the pencil you’ll need it later for school.

Tree Springs offers a modern school facility that you’ll spend three hours a day in. This time will be spent toiling away doing homework under the supervision of a licensed teacher. You won’t be taking the materials out of the building with you as all the kids use the same textbooks and don’t expect internet access. That is only for staff to cruise for porn when no one is around at night. Three hours a day you’ll be sitting in a chair books cracked working away like the champ you are, but at least you aren’t outside in the heat and cold.

Was it mentioned that you’ll be living in a cabin with no running water? Well my friends it is true. You will be living in a cabin with no running water. If you want water you’ll be hauling it to campsite in five gallon jugs. The water is for your cooking and cleaning that you’ll be doing on campsite. The bathroom is the timeless one holer outhouse that typically can be smelled before it can be seen. The campsite itself, depending on the group and the counselor, will either be fit only for a pack of wild dogs or fairly habitable.

Some groups at Tree Springs are fairly motivated (Meaning they have a clean Nazi for a counselor)  and your living conditions will be fairly decent. You’ll have a clean cabin, clean bedding, and the campsite will be in fairly decent order. The ones that aren’t up to par will probably be littered in rat feces, dirty bedding, dirty clothing, and the campsite itself will be in a poor state of repair. Either way you won’t be showering up on your campsite that is also sitting on the end of a trail that generally goes up a dangerous rocky trail that more often than not is covered with ice in the winter.

So where will you shower? On the main campus in the shower houses with the rest of your group. Be advised that most groups won’t require you to change your clothing right after you take a shower. This means you’ll be climbing into the same nasty dirty clothing you wore all day as soon as your finish. The residents not having any real motivation to keep their prison clean won’t put to much effort into cleaning the showers either unless they are forced to do so.  The same can’t be said for the dining hall though.

The dining hall is kept fairly clean by the groups who take turns cleaning it and cooking the food once a week. However, the food itself is bland institutional garbage. It is all very unremarkable and you’ll either loose weight from not eating or gain weight from stuffing so many carbohydrates down your own throat. The same menu is repeated more or less without variation for week after week. Friday nights are always special with red bean burritos that will leave your cabin at a high risk from a methane gas explosion. A balanced weekend meal, provided by the dining hall and eaten on campsite, is considered to be potato chips, white bread, and baloney with condiments.

I know my friends.. Balanced meal for a prisoner on death row maybe..

Speaking of death row do you know that a death row prisoner has the right to making uncensored phone calls to their attorney?  Tree Springs won’t allow you this, but you will be able to make weekly phone calls under the supervision of your group and counselors. Manipulating your parents is strictly prohibited and your group will bring it up if you are overheard attempting it. Your mail will be screened and you will not be allowed to write anyone but those approved by your parents. A far cry from the civil liberties granted those convicted to death for murdering and raping is it not?

While you haven’t and won’t ever be convicted of a crime you will be facing the judgment of your counselor. If you attempt to runs away from the group you’ll be stopped. I don’t mean nicely either as your counselor will run you down and jump on you.  In other facilities children have been injured and killed. In Tree Springs it hasn’t happened yet, but certainly not for the lack of trying. See further on in the book for the chapter on Staff attempting murders via restraints. Even if the staff is in the wrong for restraining you the incident will be swept under the rug and blamed on you. Remember you are the youth and the staff is the grand humanitarian for putting his or her life on hold for helping you in your time of need, despite the fact that the only thing you really need isn’t in a program.

A recent murder inflicted on a resident in Florida showed several staff members jumping a young man who was refusing to exercise. After getting caught on camera for beating the boy to death they still weren’t  immediately drug behind the courthouse and hung by the necks until dead under the old oak tree. An article posted online discussing the matter was littered with comments stating, “The boy had it coming.” This is the mentality which you face from the general public and the authorities regarding restraints. So be smart, keep a low profile, and stay out of fights.

Other programs run their by their own methodologies. Here is a brief overview of what you can expect:

1) In Straight Inc. and even today in its off shoots kids are forced to sit ramrod straight in a chair for 12 hours a day. If they try to get up to go to the bathroom they’ll be restrained by staff or higher ranking peers.

2) In Peninsula Village kids first go to a secured unit until they are deemed fit to join a regular group. In this secured unit you are required to sit on your bed for lengths of time running into several hours and you will be restrained if you attempt to get up to go to the bathroom.

3) In the infamous Rocky Mountain Academy, now Northwestern Academy, the students are required to attend workshops in where they are reduced to tears or forced to confess to having sex with animals to avoid further persecution from their own group or the people running the session. They are also kept deprived of food and sleep to make them easier to control and forced to hug each other in group hugs called, “smush sessions”.

4) No one is quite sure what the story is with the Aspen Education Group programs but we do know that a lot of kids sure seem to end up dead in them. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions from that.

5) WWASP schools have so much notoriety it is difficult to know where to being. Tranquility Bay in Jamaica is renown for making kids lay face down on the concrete floor for hours on end. Attempting to get up off the floor leads to you getting restrained. This is among other things in a seemingly endless list of abuses that have cropped up at all the WWASP schools. While several have been shut down many are in operation.

One particular perverse WWASP school known as Spring Creek Lodge  used to have an isolation room called the hobbit. Not only did they charge parents extra for the privelage of having their kids safely locked away in the hobbit they ended keeping kids in the hobbit for weeks on end.

In complete isolation…

6) The Roloff Schools founded by Lester Roloff who was the genius who jumped in his plane with several young girls in tow despite warnings of bad weather to only get himself and the girls killed in a plane crash. At these lovely places the boys and girls are forced to kneel on pencils for several hours. Seriously it sounds trifling till you kneel on a pencil on a hard floor yourself for several hours.  

7) Absolutely one of the list toppers is any school ever ran or in operation by Mark and Cheryl Sudweeks. These two loveable douche bags were ran out of Canada for animal cruelty, kicked out of Mexico, and charged by the state of Utah for hazing. They later plead no contest to the misdemeanor charges and lost a 400,000 dollar lawsuit filed against them by several irate parents.

 Therapy for Cheryl includes getting the kids to beat the hell out of the ones she doesn’t like, feeding them left over food from a nearby restaurant,  making a kid sleep on a shelf  for the night, and not limited to but not excluding numerology. Trust me when I say that numerology has absolutely nothing to do with modern or ancient psychotherapy.

8) Those who are keen on sitting around a lot can get plenty of this in Elan. The Elan School provides a loving environment where you can spends days at a time sitting in a corner on a stool doing absolutely nothing.

The key points to remember here are that programs will do what they need to in order to preserve their flow of money. They will lie to parents, they will lie to the authorities, they will lie to you, and they‘ll lie to who ever it takes to keep you in the program. Cash flow must be maintained at all costs and no truth is so precious that it can not be sacrificed on the altar of profitability in a program. Even worst the program will cut their own costs to increase profits by providing substandard clothing, food, and housing. Once inside the walls of one of these places your future will be a bleak one indeed.  “

Chapter 3:

Cletus after having a hard day of being the village ruffian decides to get in some more writing. He pops a can of lite beer, opens a bag of potato chips, and switches on his favorite video, “Lord of the Clit Rings”. Once ready he begins to write.

“Chapter 3:

The OODA Method:

Identifying the enemy and Fleeing before being sent to a program.

On the odd chance that you stumble across some literature or correspondence in your home from some strange school you might have just gotten lucky. Take a note of the name and do a Google search on the internet. Modern intelligence agents use Google all the time so you might as well use it. Besides it is free and it just might save your life and sanity.  If the school has any articles written about it take the time to look it over. It may well just be a college prep school that your parents ended up getting some literature about.

You may find some articles about the school. Print them up and read them carefully. If the school has had deaths at it due to suicide, staff induced murders through restraints, or deaths due to neglect you need to advise your parents accordingly.  How you plan to go about this highly depends on how your parents are acting. Use the OODA method to observe them carefully. Are they acting normally around you or are they getting all paranoid for no apparent reasons?  Once you’ve collected the information against the school you need to move quickly in order to preserve your freedom. Present it to your parents if you feel comfortable doing so or flee. We’ll talk more about fleeing in a few paragraphs. For now let’s discuss what to do in the event that the school doesn’t have any articles but a website.

Look for the following on the school’s website.

Structured Environment
Level system
Positive Peer Culture

These are all huge signs that you probably are going to wake up some day twenty years down the road in a puddle of sweat from a Post Traumatic Stress Induced nightmare. Dig deeper and make a few calls to the facility pretending to be a parent. Ask them to clarify what the consequences involve and if they allow free communications with the outside world. I went to a boarding school that had all sorts of consequences but we also had free use of pay phones in a private location to call anyone we wanted.  Likewise we also had trips off campus on a regular basis to go into town in the school vans where we could wander around unattended. It made for the perfect opportunity to get in all sorts of trouble, hence the consequences.  If you are sure that this school isn’t such a place and that you are heading straight into a den of mental torture and physical abuse you have a choice to make.

Use the OODA technique to sound out your parents if you think you have the time to do so. You are the expert regarding your parents so use your best judgment. Keep in mind that if you are caught running for your freedom you’ll probably be sent to a program upon capture. Be very sure of your decision and once you’ve decided you need to act promptly. If you think your parents are absolutely serious about shipping you off to one of these schools then plan and implement an escape plan. On the other hand you have to weigh out the chances that your parents took one look at the literature and already decided against it. Remember, not all parents are computer illiterate morons and some of them can use Google as well. You make the call as it is your freedom, life, and mental health on the line.

Once you’ve made the decision to flee you need to create an escape kit. This kit should be a sturdy backpack of nondescript appearance to carry your clothing in. Put in it a few changes of clothing wrapped in plastic, some Ramen noodles, candy bars, and bullion cubes for food, and a large rubber poncho. The poncho works wonders for keeping you dry and acting as a blanket. The rubber will trap your body heat inside of it and keep your fairly warm in mild conditions.  Inside of your backpack you need to make sure you have two water bottles as well as a sturdy knife of the lock blade variety.  If you can get your hands on a Rand McNally Road Atlas you will be well advised to do so. Another vital item is a small bottle of bleach and a eye dropper. Two drops of bleach will kill just about everything in a gallon of water, but make sure you have  the bleach in a strong bottle that won’t break open on you.

Use this list as a guide:

Three changes of clothing
Rubber poncho  
Small blanket
Ramen noodles
Candy bars or nutrition bars
2 water bottles
Sturdy lock blade knife
Rand McNally Atlas.

Once you’ve pulled this material together then you need to get ready to make your exit. Most escapers tend to run to the first obvious place. Do not go to your best friend’s house, do not go to your girlfriend’s house, and definitely steer clear of any family member’s house.  If you absolutely believe that your parents are going to deprive you of your freedom and you are willing to take the risks(death, jail, all sorts of nasty crap) then you have to run.  Prior to leaving your house go to the computer and print up the following:

A bus schedule to the nearest large city.
A map of that nearest large city.
A list of homeless shelters in that nearest large city.

Promptly crumple them all up after circling a few key points as in phone numbers to shelters and locations and leave the crumpled balls of paper somewhere your parents will find them. Now here comes the absolute important part and I’ll put it below in large bold print;

Don’t go anywhere near this location.

What you are doing is creating misinformation. By salting the area with bogus information you’ll be laying a false trail. The next thing I’d do is leave a note for you parents. By doing this you’ll be informing them that you haven’t been murdered and kidnapped. Clearly lay out your issues and the reasons why you are escaping from possible death and mental distress that you’ll undergo in a program. Also if you have the time use or some other free email service to open an account. Leave the account name and password for your mom and dad. Tell them you’ll regularly being leaving saved drafts of messages on this account for them.

This establishes a line of communication that is nearly impossible for them to track you with unless you get stupid and tell them where you are.

Once you’ve done this you need to lay your second trail of misinformation. If you have the money go to the bus station, a very large one, and buy a bus ticket with your debit card or a credit card that your parents let you use. Do not steal their credit cards as this is a crime and it will only give them more leverage on you with the police. Once you’ve purchased this ticket get on the bus about ten minutes before it leaves, and then get off to go to the bathroom when the driver isn’t around and don’t come back. Your second trail of misinformation has been laid. Make sure this ticket goes to somewhere in the entire opposite direction you plan to head.  We’ll come to finances in a minute.

Once you’ve jumped ship and are officially escaping you’ll need cash, food, and maybe medication. The issues of medication present all sorts of problems for which I have no reasonable answers to give.  However, if you have a few month supply on hand be sure to bring it along with you. Once you’ve looted your stash of money, drained your bank account, and have converted all your assets to cash you need to move fast with a low profile.

Moving fast with a low profile means doing some simple things to change your look. If you have long hair  go get a hair cut. If you have short hair buy a hat. If you have a bunch of piercing take them out. If you dress like a bum then go to the nearest Goodwill and buy a couple nice shirts and pairs of pants. Believe me when I say this your picture will probably end up in the hands of the police quite rapidly. You don’t have the time and resources at your hands to completely change your look, but you do have the time to dispense with the obvious. Moving fast is another issue that creates a set of complicated problems.

You’ve already laid your trail of misinformation to send your parents, the police, and in some cases private detectives on a wild goose chase. Keep in mind that there are people who hunt people for a living. They hunt people like you. This demands you put as much distance between yourself and them as you can in a hurry. Now that you’ve created your new look for your alter-ego that we already covered go get the hell out of your town and head to the nearest large college city.

College towns are full of young kids all running from something, mostly lunatic parents or themselves. You’ll be able to blend in as a young freshman and probably be able to score free meals and couches for several months. It is even possible you will be able to pick up some decent false ID that you can use to get a job. The logistics of applying for a job are a pain in the neck but many towns have day labor offices that only require one form of major ID. This saves you the migraine of having to provide a social security card. The other perk of a large college city is free stuff.

By free stuff I mean:

Computer labs
In some cases places to eat

Food and shelter are the keys to your survival. Without food you starve and without shelter you can’t sleep a full night’s sleep, and without either you can’t work. Before running out the door take the time to write down a list of the following information regarding your destination:

Homeless shelters
Women’s shelters
Food banks
Charitable organizations
Employment offices

In short you want every possible contact you can organize to ensure you won’t starve to death within your first week of freedom. You’ll be arriving with very little money and with only what you can carry on your back. Use Craig list and community bulletin boards to find jobs, low cost housing, and other items like clothing and computers. Above all be prepared to do a great many dirty jobs to earn money, sleep in places that you normally wouldn’t allow a dog to sleep, and eat things that probably won’t appeal to you.

The biggest thing to remember here is you are going to have to network and meet as many people as you can to survive. Create a network of friends and people who will help you out with a place to sleep when you need it. Take great care to avoid parties that are out of control and other dangerous situations as you are probably being hunted by the Police. Getting busted at a frat party is more or less a promise that you’ll be sitting in a program in short order. Just keep your head down until you are eighteen and then request your birth certificate from your state and get on with your life.

Part of getting on with your life includes your education. One of the reasons why I suggest relocating to a large university town is the availability of free classes. This doesn’t mean you have to enroll in the class either. Find a large class and sit in the back and take notes. Given most university profs really aren’t that creative they probably reuse the same material over and over again. If you get a well documented and complete set of notes you can either reuse them yourself of sell them to incoming students. Colleges all have libraries and other multimedia labs. Use them as they are free and they rarely require you to provide identification. There are two things you absolutely must considering getting your hands on in short order once you make your break for freedom.

The first is a detailed guide on the  high school equivalency exam, or GED. Get a good guide and study that book back and forth. When you turn 18 go out and take the exam and be sure to pass it. Once you’ve taken this exam and you’ve been diligent about educating yourself you’ll be able to slide into any decent community college. The hard part is entirely up to you in educating yourself outside of the traditional channels of education. On the positive side you won’t be forced to be another drooling drone in some boring high school class.  The next thing you need to get is a bit more complicated, but doable.

It is the all purpose  library card. If you can’t score a library card don’t worry to much about it. I prefer actual books myself, but there are thousands of books available on the internet. Either way get access to information and utilize it for you education. Read books of all sorts to broaden your horizons. If you can get access to the library I strongly encourage you to read biographies, but that is my own personal material of reading. I simply encourage this as you will for all intents and purposes be filling a void in your life and by educating yourself it will keep you occupied and out of trouble.

By trouble I mean several different kinds. You could get lonely and call your old girlfriend Mary Jane Rottencrotch who is probably already banging someone else. Don’t do it and further don’t call home to mom and dad so they can get your general location on caller ID even if you think you are being cute by using the pay phone down the block. Other trouble includes your new friends and telling them what is going on. Don’t do it as all you have to say is you are working to save up money to get  into school and you decided to move into the area to get a head start on things. Just come up with a low key story that allows you to wiggle your way out of having to tell anyone your real details. Get used to saying, “I don’t like talking about it,” with a really pained expression that implies your parents are Mr. and Mrs. Attila The Hun. A big thing to remember is keeping your eyes open for opportunities.

Because you are hiding out from your neurotic parents you will need money. The best way, in my opinion, to earn easy cash is utilize craigslist. Because you are in a college town and you are posing as someone working on getting into college most people will understand your desire to work under the table. Just tell them that if you make to much money it will kill your student loan eligibility. Keep your eyes open for gigs and jobs on websites and community bulletin boards as well. You might not only find some easy jobs, but meet some useful people. Get used to keeping business cards and phone numbers for later use, and be sure to buy a good quality prepaid cell phone the first chance you can. It allows people to contact you for these opportunities, but it is not for you to call mom, dad, or friends when you get lonely.

Now some of you  are probably wondering why I bothered to even suggest opening a line of communication with your parents. These are your parents and even if they are the douche bags who want to send you to prison without a trial they still do love you in their own weird way. Take the time to check in with them on a weekly basis and let them know you are still alive. Do not be lured home by their false promises of not being sent to a program. Just do the right thing and use the email account strategy to keep them informed that you are still ticking and that this situation will resolve itself when you are eighteen and legally an adult.

Just don’t be a fool and give your parents any hint as to your location.”

Chapter 4

Cletus fresh from the fresh green pastures of Paradoxia VI is feeling the urge to write. To satisfy this urge he opens up a bottle of fine Mjnionian X Brandy and pours himself a glass. He takes a small sip and savors the fine tasting beverage and he begins to tap away on his keyboard.

“Chapter 4:

So you don’t want to run?

Fleeing for you life isn’t for everyone. I certainly wouldn’t have entertained it as my first option when I was a young fellow. Food, shelter, employment, identification, medical care, and all sorts of other issues crop up. One should also take the time to mention things like ‘helpful’ family members who turn you over to the police to ‘save’ your life. Other major issues include evading the police and potential private investigators hired by your parents to ‘save’ your life. So it is not inconceivable that you decide to stay and fight it out with dear old mum and dad.

First, you need to establish if your parents really are going to ship you to a program. You could simply ask them if you feel safe with that, or you can resort to other measures. Do keep in mind that by verbally confronting you parents whilst wielding a baseball that you’ve driven a railroad spike through might seem appealing at the time, but will have the exact opposite response. You’ll not only be heading to a program you’ll have the blessing of your local judge to do so. Take it from me that you’d be better off avoiding this approach. As always you need to keep in mind that programs like you in their system sooner rather than later.

Programs use a legion of used car salesmen who have sold their souls to the devil to pressure you parents into tossing you into the program’s not so loving embrace. These admissions counselors really are cretins and liars of the first order who ought to be drowned along with all the lawyers. They’ll do all sorts of things to get you and your parent’s money out of your parent’s grasp. Chances are by the time they are done selling the program to your parents you’ll be about twenty four to forty eight hours away from being drug out of bed by your ankles by two large men with particularly small testicles and high pitched voices from steroids abuse.

You’ll get the two goons hired from the nearest Gold’s gym if you are lucky. If you are unlucky you’ll get Rick Straun a notorious drunk and child abuser. This cretin was fired from his job as a police officer, and now assures parents he’ll keep their kids safe during their transport to a program. Everyone please try not to urinate on yourself laughing like I did. A bit of a mess to clean up and al. If you get tipped off, and it isn’t likely you will have any warnings,  don’t waste any time.

So let’s say you get lucky and are given the distinct impression via e-mail, papers left out, or a voice mail that your parents are in the process of having your freedom ripped off you like a stripper’s g-string at a drunken frat party. Running isn’t an option for you for whatever reasons you have. Information immediately becomes the vital key to your survival, and I’m not being flippant either as dozens of kids have been killed in programs. Don’t waste any time in beginning to utilize the OODA principle listed earlier in this manual.

Once Again:

The observations come in active gathering of information. If you are lucky enough to have the name of the program then use Google to collect articles or to view their website. You want to know if anyone has sued the program, been killed by the program, died due to neglect in the program, or have reported abuse from staff members or peers in the program.  Gather as much information and articles as you quickly can and print them up for future reference.

Once you’ve done this you want to call the Admission’s office, be sure to disguise your voice and practice your lines first, and ask them about yourself. Don’t actually ask them about you, but pretend to be one of your parents and find out if you are really going to be enrolled in the program. The best way to do this is to  request an update on the admission’s packet. If they give you confirmation that your paperwork is being processed you now are the grand prize winner of a really crappy deal, but you might as well consider having some fun with it.

If it was me and the Admission’s officer seemed to be clueless that I wasn’t who I claimed to be I’d tell them, “I’m sorry, but myself and the missus have decided not to send our child to your school at this time and we will be contacting you later.” Another good one would be to tell them your child contacted some vile disease and is in the hospital. But keep in mind that the chances of the Admission’s officer calling back for an update is quite high, and the likelihood of you getting a hold of a Admission’s officer that is mentally retarded quite low.  The idea while amusing is fraught with dangers of tipping your parents off that you were tipped off.

Once your parents know that you are aware of your pending date with abuse, torture, and possible death they’ll obviously react like the good program puppets they are quickly becoming. So be subtle about how you go about observing and try not to ask obvious questions like, “So how about that school over in Texas, I heard they like to drag girls behind cars, you know anything about that?” Once you have confirmed your impending great misfortune and you’ve decided to stay you need to begin to quickly access your options.

Here are a list of suggestions:

A) Find a very sympathetic relative to intervene. Try not to get your Uncle Ned who has spent half of his life in and out of Prison. I doubt he’ll sway your parents much for some reason.

B) If your family is religious, but not a bunch of fundamentalism whack jobs, you can always hope that the pastor or priest might be willing to help.

C) If you are looking at spending time in a real hell hole you could always involve CPS and request to be moved to a foster home. You’ll need to call Child Protective Services and ask them the specifics on this process as it varies from state to state.

D) Good friends of the family often have a lot of sway and influence that can be exerted. Give it a try and hope for the best.

E) Another ploy is to find a school that you like and beat your parents to the punch by asking to be sent to it.  Do a Google on boarding schools and call them before you frantically start waving around printouts about some place that for all you know could be worst than where your parents want to send you.

F) Call around to the free legal service groups that are found in your Yellow Pages and get legal assistance. Depending on your age you might be able to file for legal emancipation if your case is strong enough.

G) Another strategy is to use the internet to find various web forums who play home to survivors of various programs.  See if you can get one, a rationale and intelligent sounding one, to call your parents to convince them of what a pit they have chosen for their child.

In the end you have to use your judgment and keep your options open. Even if you have decided not to flee I still strongly advise you putting together an escape kit. Literally consider barricading your door at night to not allow escorts easy access into your room. Keep a safe line of escape open so that if they do try to force your door you can still escape the room. Above all you do not want to go anywhere with an escort. Do whatever it takes to ensure that they do not get your hands on you, because they’ll do their best as they don’t get paid if you aren’t dropped off at the program.”

Chapter 5:

Cletus finishes severing the head off his neighbor’s Shetland pony in the name of dark humor and he leaves said head impaled on the neighbor’s front lawn. After this work out, as he spent nearly three hours chasing the damn pony through the woods, he decides to write.

“Chapter 5

Fighting  Escorts

Escorts don’t get paid by the mile, they get paid by the child delivered. To an escort you are a commodity that  must be transported in order for them to get paid. Your job as a potential sufferer from abuse, torture, and potential death is to stall or stop this escort all together. To accomplish this mission you need to stop looking at escorts as if they were human beings. This dehumanization process will allow you to mentally prepare yourself to fight dirty.

If you have to fight an escort do it to win. In most encounters the child does not have any warning. They are simply drug out of bed at three in the morning. Keep in mind that you’ll be confused and scared. One moment you will be sleeping and the next you’ll have two strangers waking you up with some fairly bad news. Escorts often have handcuffs and usually have no qualms about physically wrestling you to the ground if you try to run. Your ability to fight will be severely hindered, but not completely negated.

Keep these words in mind:

‘When in Death Ground, Fight.’

Sun Tzu- The art of War.

Because it is a war you will be pulled into. It won’t be fought with any sort of glory or honor, but the stakes will be your freedom or your life. From the very second the escorts enter your room you are being forced into a state of war. These sub-human pieces of filth have entered your room at 3 in the morning with the intent of hauling you to a program in where you face the very high possibility of being abused, tortured, injured, or killed.  Keeping this in mind is part of the dehumanization process of escorts.

Escorts are not human.
Escorts do not deserve mercy.
It is ok to lie to escorts.
It is as good thing to fight them.
It is ok ambush them.
If you injure them be sure you do so in a way that prevents them from reproducing. (go for the balls)

It probably isn’t a very bright idea to kill any of them as the legal authorities will take a dim view of it no matter how you try to spin it. However, if you do have to fight and you do win you always have the claim of, “Damn man, I woke up and two strangers were forcing me out of bed. I didn’t know who they were so I defended myself.” Most people will probably emphasize with this reaction and I suspect you’d probably not be charged due to you acting from a diminished capacity(That capacity being your state of confusion stemming from being woken up by two strangers at 3 in the morning). If you do fight pick your time and method of attack.

You never want to have to fight these lowlife sub-human pieces of filth when they have the advantage. The biggest advantages they have are size and numbers. Be smart and wait till one of them can’t get their hands on you. Once you are certain you can safely flee by setting up an escape route in your mind then make your attack. I’m an old fashion sort of fellow who has never played nice in a fight and I’ve been in several, and as is such I have a few rough and dirty pointers.

Because you are fighting for you life target these areas:

The throat

-punching someone in the throat will leave them unable to breath.

The groin

- This will stun them for a period of time

The eyes

- This will blind them

Take the time to look at your hands and think what you can do with them. You can make them into fists that are great for punching in the throat or groin. You can stab people in the eyes or throat with your extended rigid fingers. While you are at it take the time to look at your knee. If you need to take that knee and swiftly bring it up into the escort’s groin. Another tactic is head butting and this one works fairly well as people tend not to expect it. Bring back your forehead and slam it into the escort’s nose, and if you do it fast enough or hard enough you’ll break his nose, but always remember the point isn’t to beat them unconscious.

You merely want to stun them long enough for you to make your escape. I mentioned earlier about establishing an escape route before you attack. If you just stand there laughing at the guy while he is holding his bloody face that you just head butted his partner will jump you and restrain you. This isn’t a lovable wresting session either. Compare it to having two adult gorillas jump up and down on you. Successful escapes from restraints are infrequent. Do not spend any time admiring your handwork and promptly make use your escape route..

Let’s say your lines of escape are blocked and you can’t possibly fight your way out. This happening is a distinct possibility so be prepared for it. Your other options are passive resistance and being very vocal. No matter what you choose you should always keep assessing chances to escape and you need to be frequently reminding yourself that escorts aren’t real humans and shouldn’t be treated as such.

Once you  realize you can’t fight consider these options:

Passive Resistance- Simply refuse to move and make them carry you every where.

Fake Medical Emergency- Seriously use that asthma for your benefit for a change. Carry on so loudly they have to take you to a hospital. Once there request to speak to a licensed social worker because you feel an impending mental crisis. Once the LSW is in the room tell him or her everything and hope for the best. If they seem to disregard you pleas for help tell them you want to kill yourself and demand to be sent to the psych ward for evaluation.

Vocal Resistance- If they take you to the airport simply act like the biggest maniac you can. Start screaming, “Rape” and whatever else comes to mind. Airlines won’t let you on the plane if you are acting like a crazy man/woman.

Whatever you do always keep in mind that it is your duty to resist escorts and that escorts are not human. These people are the gatekeepers of and industry that thrives off lies, pain, and humiliation. If you trust them you will be sitting in a program for an unspecified period for time with limited contact to the world and no legal representation. Consider these last question, how many children who were killed in programs were transported by escorts?

Did the deaths of their former clients stop them from ever escorting another child to a program?

Not likely.”
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: Survial Escape Resistance Evasion Manual for the TTI
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2009, 07:07:52 PM »
Antigen wrote:Yes. But bear in mind that there are varrying degrees and moods of publicity. I'm trying to find this old thread but having no luck. The OP was a 16yo girl who's boyfriend had been disappeared into a WWASP program. She started a Myspace page titled something like "Save Alex". I posted a static ad for that thread w/ the boy's picture taken from the girl's Myspace page. As I recall, at that time we had almost a complete corner on the market of people who were willing, able and inclined to investigate this topic.

    * The good: Despite the bad and the truly ugly developments, some serious minded and well informed people provided the same kind of good advice as you're getting now. A few people sent copies of Maia Szalavitz Help At Any Cost to the various social workers, schoolpeople, clerks of court, lawyers, etc. Others personally contacted those same officials with their own experience and (eghhem) interacted with family members and friends on the forum. In the end, if I'm remembering right, a writ of habeas corpus got the kid out, but the judge asked him the kind of questions he knew to ask because of the information that had been provided to all parties.
    * The bad: There was so much publicity and all bearing the kid's last name (he was a legal adult) that it brought a lot of stress onto everyone involved.
    * The truly ugly: The things this kid's mother, sister and aunt said about both of these kids was just disgusting! For example, they took a punk rock band "friend" off of the girl's myspace and characterized that as both of them consorting with heroin addicts.

When you find those people willing and able to give concise, relevant information, put them in touch with the people charged with contributing to any decisions that may be made in his case. But I wouldn't advise anybody to go so far as using surnames or other blatantly identifying information in any public space unless you're up for living a very-real and quite protracted episode of Maury guest hosted by Jerry Springer. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It can be fun if you can keep your sense of humor about it. But it is a very hard row to ho.
Please keep us updated and don't hesitate to ask for any help you may need.

I definitely need to add  this in there..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Miss Antsy Pam

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Re: Survial Escape Resistance Evasion Manual for the TTI
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2009, 10:27:41 AM »
Keep going Che!!   Chapter 5 was good....let's keep it coming!

Seriously...this IS important information.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
United we stand....divided....we fail!

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: Survial Escape Resistance Evasion Manual for the TTI
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2009, 09:31:44 PM »
I will on Monday. Just to damn busy on Saturday and Sunday with work this week. Had some extra classes tossed onto my schedule, but I'm good for the rest of the week.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: Survial Escape Resistance Evasion Manual for the TTI
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2009, 06:54:59 AM »
Chapter 6

Cletus decides that he is tired of fooling around. He slams his fist onto his desk and screams, “By jove I’ll do some writing today!” He begins to furiously type away at his keyboard and soon looses track of time around him.

“Chapter 6

Preparing to Escape

Well obviously you’ve made it to the program at this point. Everything before this point was either being utterly surprised or trying to avoid the program all together. Chances are you were utterly surprised and you weren’t mentally prepared to fight your way free of the program escorts or to run away from them. This happens all to frequently as the percentages generally favor the programs in these situations. Surprise works wonders in war and snatching unsuspecting kids out of bed at three in the morning. Don’t loose any sleep over it as you’ll definitely need your sleep for what is about to come.

Once you get to the program you immediately need to begin observing your surroundings. You’ll find out quickly enough where you are, but it is critically important that you get a rough idea of the lay of the land and the general workings of the program. Without this information your bid for freedom won’t work at all as most likely you’ll end up lost in the woods wandering around in circles. The kind of information you want is listed here for you:

Geographic location - Where the hell am I?
Terrain data- desert, forest, mountainous and etc.
Transportation nodes- bus station, railway tracks, and major free ways.

Once you’ve figured all of this information out you are roughly half way to making your bid for freedom, but the hard part is yet to come. Keep in mind most of this information is pretty obvious stuff that tends to snap right up in front of you even as you are being driven to the program. An open pair of eyes is far better than an open mouth as programs thrive on snitching.

Most programs run with a system of levels. You as a new member are on the bottom level. The kids who have snitched, lied, and abused their way into the good graces of the staff are up at the top. This makes your enemies many and your friends none, because those higher level kids thrive off the power and privileges that come with their positions like a back alley pervert gets his kicks off a dirty Sanchez. Do not show up asking for directions to the nearest bus station as this will get you watched carefully, and this is something you definitely want to avoid.

Part of your preparations are mental in scope. You have to really work up a massive measure of resolve to bide your time. In order to do so you have to resign yourself for accepting your fate for the time being. Follow all instructions, don’t lash out, and do your best to meld into the background. Don’t let your anger work against you by talking back to higher stages or staff as that only draws more attention your way. You’ll be watched like a hawk by both staff and higher stages, and believe me when I say both groups have a vested interest in seeing to it that your escape fails.

Staff members have a mandate to keep their charges well corralled inside of the program. Believe it or not some programs have tracking dogs they use to hunt kids down. Others use search parties made up of higher status kids to do the work. Other programs offer rewards to local citizens for capturing escapers. Programs also have resorted to hiring Private Detectives to regain their profit makers. The vested interest the program has in you is merely profit. If they have to many escapes word gets around that they aren’t one of those mythical good programs.

The myth of the good program is part of what tends to drive upper stages to participate in hunts for escapers. Programs have no qualms about threatening people with transfer to a tougher facility. I suspect that programs would even threaten this change of venue to a kid they were in the process of restraining/attempting to murder. Every so often this does happen in a program and it only drives up the fear and paranoia of every single child in it. Other upper stages are simply just pricks who need a good beating, but we are here to talk about escaping and not hosting a blanket party.

Now that you are aware of your surroundings, you’ve established yourself  as a quiet presence in the group, and you are not being focused upon as much  you are ready to make your next series of preparations to escape. Escaping from a program is infinitely more difficult than escaping before you get to the program, but not impossible. Like escaping from home you need to create an escaper’s kit. Programs in all their paranoia glory tend to forget that even the most mundane items make wonderful escaping tools.

Use this list to prepare:
1) Bag to carry your gear in.
2) basic food staples- many programs give out packaged items for meals or snacks. Keep these hidden till ready.
3) some sort of bottles to carry water in.
4) Bleach if you can get it to sanitize water with. 2 drops per gallon.
5) Change of clothing.

You really shouldn’t spend very much time preparing these items. If you can’t get all of them then don’t bother as the longer you wait the longer you risk being discovered. Don’t show any behaviors that your normally wouldn’t and be sure everyone around you thinks it is just another day in hell for you. Upper stages and staff are perceptive enough most of the times and changes in behavior tend to tip people off that something is amiss. During these preparation times you must very carefully think through your route of escape and the timing.

The route of your time must be selected with great care. Programs tend to draw some raving idiots for employees, but they also get some highly intelligent individuals. On top of this the program is used to dealing with escapers. They have a history of chasing down escapers they can draw upon . This institutional knowledge generates a workable set of procedures  for capturing escapers.  Most escape procedures aren’t even written down as they are exist as a living knowledge handed down from one abuser to the next.

A general set of procedures are:

1) Upon report of a run away all groups are put under close supervision.
2) Extra staff is sent to canvass buildings and empty campsites near the school.
3) Obvious escape routes are put under watch.

This might not seem like a lot, but keep in mind a staff member tends to be under-stimulated by his/her  job and the same can be said for high level kids as well. An escape works wonders to get the blood flowing and you’ll have a woods full of pursuing staff members after you in no time. Shortly after that if the program has a search team of high status kids they’ll be out looking for you. During all of this people are making phone calls to the police, local stores, bus stops, and other high profile places reporting your escape. Once your lack of presence is noted a whole machine will kick into motion to run you down, and I literally mean run you down and if needed tackle you to drag you back against your will.

The timing of your escape is crucial. If you bolt in the middle of the day you’ll be run down nearly immediately. You might get lucky, but in general most people who make a break for it at night have a better chance of making a successful homerun. Likewise you never want to run on a weekday as most of the office staff is on duty. I suggest making your break on the weekend when the program has less staff on duty, and if possible waiting until there is some event that is tying up large numbers of staff members.

Such events can include:

-Off campus trips for other groups.
-Off campus trips for your group, but keep in mind your escape kit won’t go with you.
-Groups who are on quarantine for the flu.
-A riot.
-Another escape attempt that is in progress might be a good time, but keep in mind the woods will already be filled with people searching for the first escaper.

You really need to use your judgment and try to pick the right time. However, waiting to long can weaken resolve. Ideally you want to make your break for freedom within a month to two months of arriving. Waiting longer can cause all sorts of issues like attachment to the group(Believe it or not it does happen), or being lulled into staying by promises from your parents. As much as you want to get your parents to believe that your surroundings are abusive they are being told by the program you will try to manipulate them.

Programs manipulate parents, and programs punish those who try to tell the truth to their parents. Despite this some kids are pulled by their parents by the larger majority are not and they suffer the wrath of the program for daring. I’m not suggesting you don’t try as it seems like it is expected that you do, but keep in mind that the program is expecting it and will be proactive about stopping you. Just be cautious about keeping your escape preparations undetected as your captors will watch you closely during this time. Still, kids are pulled by their parents all the time so you never know, and it is always worth a try.”

Chapter 7

Cletus keeps on typing in his quest for excellence.

“Chapter 7

Successful Escapes
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Survial Escape Resistance Evasion Manual for the TTI
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2009, 03:49:12 AM »
Where is Chp. SEVEN?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »