Author Topic: Casa Rogue Interview  (Read 1583 times)

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Casa Rogue Interview
« on: February 28, 2009, 11:43:00 AM »
Q: How was your home life up to being sent to Casa by the Sea?

A:  Well, I won't sugar coat it.  I was a good kid, family oriented with a busy schedule.  I had practice for baseball, or basketball every day until high school.  Once I made the transition into public school I became rebellious, and wasn't a model member of my family.  My home life became chaotic when I was constantly flirting with trouble.

Q: Were your parents divorced?

A: Yeah, my Mother remarried when I was 13 and we moved 45 minutes north of my hometown, total culture change from private catholic school to public school; city life to woodsy life.

Q: When you say constantly flirting with trouble can you give me an example?

A: Well I guess I was never perfect.  I had always been the one in trouble since 1st grade.  Fighting; etc.  It was mostly innocent until I started experimenting with alcohol in 8th grade, and eventually marijuana and other drugs.  I started skipping class in 8th grade, and made a habit of it throughout high school.  I hung out with people way out of my age group in high school, partied, fought, and eventually started selling drugs as a sophomore.

Q: What led to you being sent to Casa by the Sea?

The final straw if you will?


A: Drug use led to several attempts at drug treatment.  The final straw was my dropping out of school after rehab, trying to stay away from my friends.  I basically was a hermit in my house for the months leading up to my being sent to Casa.

Q: Did both of your parents agree for you to be sent there?

A: Yes.  My Father was more enthusiastic because his good friend sent his Daughter there and as disgusting as it is, they recommended I go there.  They also profited thousands of dollars for referring me there.

Q: How were you sent there?

A: The infamous escorts.  I woke up at about 5 am to two men waking me up in my bed. We flew to San Diego and crossed the Mexican border illegally via car.


Q: How did the escorts treat you?

Did they talk to you at all?


A: One of them talked to me, the other was quiet.


Q: Did the escort talk about anything in particular about Casa?


A: I obviously didn't know what I was in for, so I wasn't very resistant to being forced into the car.  Once they saw I wouldn't fight, they were nice.  The chatty escort told me he, himself, went to Casa as a teenager.  He said I wouldn't like Casa, and that I'd be there for a long time.


Q: What happened once you arrived at Casa?


A: He told me to keep my mouth shut and do what I was told.


Q: What was the first day there like?


A: They processed me in a small room.  Took my clothes, shaved my head, and assigned me a uniform.  They never gave me my things back, including expensive diamonds.


Q: What was the structure at Casa like?


A: I think because I wasn't being a complete ass when I got there, they gave me about 2 hours of decent treatment.  They fed me (shit food) when I got there, and when I was introduced to the "family" they were watching a movie.  It didn't seem bad until the second day.


Q: What happened on the second day?


A: The's indescribable.  Nobody will understand what it is like until you get there.  Much worse than a least in a prison, you have rights. The second day was the first full day I was there, so I started the full schedule first thing in the morning.


Q: Can you describe the daily routine?


A: It's hard for me to recall...I was not the typical prisoner at Casa...I resisted, and that made life hell.  Being in that type of mindset is like being blacked out.  Some people call it "red out" from anger or trauma. Every "family" had a different schedule; ours started with breakfast, cereal with milk not proper to drink.  American milk made me sick for months after I came back.  Anyways, the schedule was nothing fancy.  A session of group therapy, "school" time, forced exercise, "reflection" time, etc.  Very structured and on a set schedule every day.



Q: Do you remember anything in particular that you resisted?


A: I resisted everything.  I didn't "work the program."  I didn't participate in group...Hell; I hardly even talked the whole time I was there.  The only thing I didn't resist was the "school" work, because upon getting to Casa, I was under the impression all I had to do was finish high school to get released. And I didn't resist exercise, basketball was the only thing to look forward to, although after a few months it became a time I'd get into fights.



Q: What were the group therapy sessions like?


A: Group, for most, was a time to talk to the counselor.  It was a total mind fuck.  He smiled, and tried to befriend you.  Only to try to force these crazy ideals of the program on you, "correct" your wrongdoings, and relay the information to your parents about how poorly you're doing, etc.  Especially in my case, the counselor didn't have anything good to say about me to my parents. Our counselor was a two faced asshole.  The worst part was how he would implement the method of mental abuse by telling me every day he had a letter or a package for me and saying "he forgot it" every day.  Try to imagine not knowing a single person out of all the people there, in a foreign country. The only form of communication as a lower level with the outside world is letters to your parents.  When you don't get even that, and you have to wait another day, which is an eternity in itself..., it’s like torture.



Q: What was the school work like?


A: The school work at the time I was there was done on a computer.  The courses were not terrible, but didn't teach me anything either.  The "teacher" didn't have a degree.  They were there to answer questions, not educate the children/teens.  I did the work quicker than they could understand, after I figured out a trick, which I taught to other people in my family, and they ended up finishing classes faster than they could have themselves. I'm not trying to brag about cheating, but would you judge anyone for trying to cheat that place if it would mean getting out of it faster?  They caught some of the others and it became a consequence to use that trick.  I still did it, but stopped doing the school work once my parents wrote me saying the counselor had convinced them I needed to graduate the program, as well as high school, if I wanted to leave that place with my parents' support.  In other words, if I left when I was 18, I'd be on my own at the border.


Q: What was the trick?



A: It was keystrokes to find the answers in the lessons without reading it.  Then more keystrokes to copy the lessons to a Word document, to use the same trick when you needed the answers for a test.


Q: In Casa there are six levels, how high of a level did you reach?


A: Level 2, briefly.


Q: What happened that you went back down to level one?


A: Nothing.  But the lack of progress is relayed to your parents.  Meaning they tell your parents you're not "working the program." You don't gain privileges when you don't gain levels, as well.


Q: How old were you when you went to Casa?


A: 17.  I was a strong minded 17 year old, but that place broke me mentally.


Q: How long were you at Casa?


A: Only three months before it was shut down, which was not long compared to most but when you resist like I did, it was an eternity.


Q: Did your parents or family ever contact you while you where there?


A: Only by letter.  But after my parents attended a seminar my Mother started to discover how twisted the program was.  She came to check up on me, where she was not allowed to talk to me, but looked at me through a one way mirror.  I did not know that until after I got out.  My Mother actually caused quite a scene at the seminar.  At that point she had big doubts.


Q: How did she cause a big scene?


A: She didn't like how she was being treated and talked condescendingly.  When she voiced her concerns with the person leading the seminar...The lady asked my Mother if she'd like to "give feedback" to all of the people hosting the seminar.  Which goes like this...”My experience of you is...?"  She did it, to every one of the staff members at the seminar.  It's the only time I've heard of a parent doing something like that at a seminar...A few guys approached her afterward, they were former Navy SEAL’s, and told her she had bigger balls than both of them.  Hahaha!



Q: So she said something to the effect of: "My experience of you is" and then give her opinion of a particular person?


A: Yeah.  Like, "My experience of you is that you're a condescending, rude bitch."  My Mama's a stud.


Q: Did you see any other parents visiting the school?


A: Never.  I didn't see my Mother either when she came.


Q: I was told by another person that there was a giant ant highway near the cafeteria.


A: I think that was the girl's side.  In the cafeteria my only concerns were the quality of the food, and the portions.  I was always hungry.


Q: What kind of foods did they serve?


A: I only remember bits and pieces.  Cereal.  Chicken fajitas. There was an option to get 150% portions. "Cinquenta."  I asked for it, and was never officially given it, but I would usually get away with it by saying cinquenta to the cook, and even eating the larger portion, I was always hungry. I wrote to my parents saying that I was always hungry and losing weight...They responded by saying "Your counselor says you're gaining weight."  Just a small idea of how they manipulate and twist.


Q: I am told that in Casa everyone had to speak Spanish, is that correct?


A: Many of the staff members didn't speak English.  When given permission to speak to other prisoners, you could speak English.  Like I said, I only talked when I had to, but just by listening, I know a good amount of Spanish even now.


Q: Were you ever placed in what is known as Observational Placement? I believe in your case it was known as R&R. For our readers what does R&R stand for?



A: I don't remember.  Restriction or something.  I was there the day before Casa was raided. ):



Q: What did you do to be placed in R&R?


A: I came to the realization that I needed to try to escape and would rather be taken back dead than alive...and mentally surrendering to that thought made me break down.  I broke down, crying, and shaking in anger and sadness.


Q: You wanted to escape right away?  Even though your 18th birthday was less than a year away?


A: Yeah.  I reached my breaking point, couldn't take it any longer.  That was about 1 week after my parents said they'd disown me if I didn't graduate the program. So turning 18 didn't matter, I'd still be helpless at the border.



Q: What was R&R like?


A: Dirty and humiliating.  We were switched between lying on our stomachs with our legs held up in the air and hands behind our back in a hog tied position, and a position staring at a wall a few inches away standing straight up.


Q: How long did you have to maintain such positions?


A: As long as you were in there.  Break for bathroom and food.  They took it easy on me because I think they knew that I had broken down and was crazy


Q: You were there a whole day for having a mental breakdown?


A: Yeah.  It still blows my mind to think that I planned on jumping over the wall the day Casa was shut down.


Q: Before or after the Mexican authorities came in?


A: I planned on jumping the wall that day, and then the Mexican authorities came with rifles.


Q: What happened the day Casa was shut down?


A: Celebration turned to riots.  The entire facility was trashed.  Nowhere to sleep because the bunks were trashed. One of the gunmen told one of the prisoners privately that "they're doing all they can to get us out of here."



Q: Was there anything different on that day before the Mexican authorities arrived?


A: Yeah, rumors were going around.  Officials were taking notes around the compound.  A massive headcount was done on the basketball court.  Then while we were in the classroom, the staff just disappeared.


Q: I was told that the ant highway on the girls’ side was taken care of after months of it being there and a lot of other things were cleaned up; was the same true for the boys’ side?


A: Not that I noticed, but I know that they were doing things to make the compound look legit and not abusive.  We were sheltered inside for some of the time during the riots, because I think helicopters were flying above.


Q: Such as?


A: The staff tried to appear nice.


Q: How did you feel when you knew the place was being shutdown?


A: It was a truly great feeling; which was quickly replaced with fear when the riots started.  I was pretty much the only one not to riot, because I wasn't stupid enough to risk getting sent to Mexican jail, like some kids were.  Also out of fear because many of the kids were getting re-routed to Tranquility Bay, instead of going home.


Q: Did the authorities charge them with any crimes?


A: I don't think so.  I forgot to mention also...They removed the staff because they no longer had the authority to control us, that’s why the riots started.  But when the parents started to come, they let the staff back in because the riots, and either they had to get us under control or we were going to prison.  They basically confined us in the courtyard, outdoor, until our parents came.  I don't even remember where or if we slept.  I don't remember much, besides hugging my parents.


Q: happened once you left with your parents?  Were both your biological father and mother there?


A: They were both there.  I don't remember much...Red out, like I said.  Very traumatic.  I remember being so fucking excited for a McDonald's cheeseburger at the airport.


Q: What did your parents think when they heard that Casa was shut down by the Mexican authorities?


A: I was so resentful and angry toward my parents while I was in Casa.  Once they came to get me though, I wasn't so mad.  I felt bad for telling them it was abusive.  My Dad didn't seem very apologetic...My Mother still apologizes.  My Dad seems to think I deserved it.


Q: What does your dad think of the friend that referred him to send you to Casa?  Did you inform him that parents get discounts for referring?


A: I don't know what he thinks.  He doesn't think poorly of his friend.  I do.  I'd probably beat the shit out of my Dad's friend if I saw him...and I am old school about how women should be treated.  They should be protected and appreciated.  But honestly I'd probably want one of my female friends to whoop her ass too.  I am accountable for my actions, and am not saying I was a good kid.  I needed guidance, and to be reprimanded.  However, not even criminals deserve the treatment even comparable to Casa by the Sea.  To refer someone else there is just...unbelievable...It's sick.  Disgusting, and angering.



Q: I take it that your dad's friend’s daughter still thinks highly of Casa?


A: I assume so, yes.  I feel bad for not appreciating my family.  I feel bad for putting them in a position that they'd need to take such extreme measures.  I do not blame them.



Q: How is your relationship with your parents now?


A: Very good.  I love my family and am will do all that I can to take care of them.  My Mom and Pops are a few of my best friends.  They consol me when I need advice, help me when I am in need, but most of the time we are just good friends.  Hang out, have a drink, etc.  My Dad's come out to clubs with my girlfriend and I.  He's the life of the party.


Q: Step dad or biological?


A: Biological.


Q: I thought you said that he thought you deserved Casa?


A: He doesn't think I deserved to be treated like that, but believes I deserved some sort of intervention beyond the help he was able to offer.  I wasn't controllable.  I don't regret going there.  I wouldn't take it back.


Q: I thought you were just lounging around at home after you dropped out of school?  Or was more behavior going on?



A: Well, the lack of inhibitions, goals, and dreams, is no way for a 17 year old to live.  It was only a matter of time before I started repeating old patterns.  And actually I was taking prescription drugs recreationally, also.


Q: Did your parents try to sue the school or take other legal action?


A: No.  My Mother and I tried to join a class action suit in California, which failed to get jurisdiction.  I am now waiting for approval to join the plaintiff list for the Turley lawsuit, which is pending jurisdiction.


Q: Have you ever tried to reach your dad's friends daughter?


A: No.  I'm sure I will see her again someday; I'll let fate run its course.  Sometimes I believe that I am willing to forgive because karma will not.  Other times I will personally see to the execution of revenge



Q: Is there anything you want to add?


A: Yes...I'd like to say that the most disturbing part of WWASP is the fact that there are still compounds open...Still kids experiencing what I have.  It is an ongoing fight, and the public needs to be aware of this.  I would also like to add that survivors of these programs are still healing.  It is not an easy thing to recover from.  From my experience the best way to mend is not to self medicate with drugs, or to bear resentment and keep the feelings inside.  Survivors need to continue to talk about it, especially with other survivors.  The thing that has helped me the most was finding someone to care about.  I have been doing something I never thought I'd do, and that was let someone close to my heart...Who happens to be a Casa survivor as well.  Learning to care for someone with passion and love has healed me more in the last year than the previous 4 years since I've gotten out of Casa.  Appreciating family, GOOD friends, and loved ones, is the key.  Caring for people is the way to be cared for in return.  I've found the people I know will be there for me, and I'm going to give them all I've got for as long as I can.  That is the way to be healed.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Casa Rogue Interview
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2009, 12:41:45 PM »
thank you for this interview. To whomever was interviewed: I am really blown away by your intelligence and insight

thank you
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »