Author Topic: TCI Video in the development  (Read 2742 times)

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Offline Che Gookin

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TCI Video in the development
« on: December 29, 2008, 10:44:41 PM »
I haven't had a chance to provide much in the way of content for the page. I'm debating creating a video of a live restraint using TCI, as applied by PV.

I was trained in TCI back in 2000 or so, went on to learn PAR, then Sama, and recently CPI. I do know a thing or four about restraints having applied them so very many times myself, and having been in one or two.

What I need from yall is some information.

I know how I'd do a single TCI hold.

I know how to do a tandem TCI hold.

but from what I understand PV does these big mama jama rugby-esque scrum style holds with multiple people getting in on the action.

I need details..
lots of them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: TCI Video in the development
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2008, 03:48:44 PM »
don't forget this PV restraint story.


We had the school day off so we watched a movie (a very rare incident). We watched the Phantom of the Opera which I had last watched with my boyfriend and parents, who I was still missing terribly. I was then called to go to family therapy with my mom. She showed up with Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. My therapist told her I wasn't allowed to have it, but that she could leave it in the staff refrigerator. WHAT THE HELL? Why would she want to contribute to that fat woman's obesity problem??? Anyway, My mother was trying to ask me questions about the program. How it was, what it was, what we did. My therapist said that It was not productive. My mom then asked me to fill out a 3x5 card so that I could see my guardian ad litem. That's when I got pissed. I had already filled out that 3x5 on many occasions, which they are not supposed to refuse according to the patient rights and I knew that my mom had been trying to get me an appointment with her already for ages. I was already in a bad place because of that movie thing and really upset about the ice cream ordeal and my therapist calling my session unproductive, but the 3x5 really did it. I think I threw a tissue box at her. She decided to call staff down there and end the session. Then she said that if I could calm down she would let me stay. Then, for no real reason she changed her mind and I really flipped. I left the room and went into the hallway at which point she should have used her air horn. She did not. I could have gotten away. I sat in the hallway and was not finding room to breath between all the tears, snot, and shaking from being more upset than I think I've ever been in my life. My therapist came out and again, made me a deal that if I could remain calm and be productive, then I could finish my hour. She, again for no reason changed her mind at which point about five or six staff members proceeded to escort me back to the unit. My therapist seemed to have the desire to see how upset she could get me. That may be a distortion, I'm not certain, but the way she acted just seemed very intent on making things worse for me. She was walking my mom to her car as I was being escorted, so yes I could see my mom walking away from me and all I wanted was to be held in her arms like I was a baby. Staff had me by the arms and I was becoming very resistant to them. I tried to break free because, like I said, all I wanted was my mom. The crowd of staff members made some pretty swift movements and all of the sudden I was down on the ground, the deck leading into the unit. My head was being mashed onto chicken wire that I could feel cutting me on my face closer to my eyes. I could also feel it tearing the skin on my elbows, wrists, knees, ankles, and feet. I was screaming and couldn't stop. An alarm was going off in the background. I could feel someone sitting on my upper back, knees, and bottom. Then all of the sudden I was above each of their heads, floating across the unit into the time out room where I could again feel my head being mashed into the floor and the weight of people on my body. I heard someone say "she's bleeding!" and the voices of 8 or so staff members in the time out room, and even more standing around it on the unit. I couldn't breathe at all. My hair was in my mouth and, with the weight of a body on my back and my head being held down, I could not feel the normal sensation of my lungs exchanging oxygen for carbon dioxide. After a while I could feel my clothes being yanked off of me and my shoes taken off. Some women lifted me up and put what I thought was a sheet under me, then realized that I was supposed to be putting my arms through the sleeved of a set of hospital gowns. I ate in the time out room with no utensils and waited for what seemed like hours until they let me out again. Group therapy was terrible after that. A team leader accused me of trying to get restrained so that my mother could take pictures. She said that she knew that my mother had told me to get restrained. They did not believe that that had not been the case. I was then put on "mom restriction". After the restraint I remained bruised and scared for about a week or so and had a really bad breakout on my eyelids for about a month. That turned into a really bad case of dry skin all around my eyes which they couldn't tell me what it was and could only give me lotion that really just didn't do anything.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »