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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2008, 12:04:00 PM »
Quote from: "BuzzKill"
Looks like our Bruin friend won't be voting for the McCain/Palin ticket ;)

Obviously many wont. But I do think people ought to take a good long honest look at the top of the opposing ticket. There are aspects of this man's candidacy that are not getting the attention they deserve and I fear there is a great deal that indicates a real hostility toward our nation and the majority of its people; as well as toward Israel.

Someone please explain why it's our responsibility to take such good care of Israel?  I get helping our allies, but it just seems to go beyond reason where Israel's concerned.

He has a long list of close associates and good friends and family members who are deeply and openly hostile to America and Americans. Some go so far as to call for the butchering of "whites" & "white Jews" insisting it is what God wants them to do. Some refer to white American's and Jews as skunks and gutter people. Others have gone so far as to bomb federal buildings and brag about it 40 years later, wishing they had done more. These are people who sympathized with Charlie Manson's attempt to start "Helter Skelter". He was discovered and "made" by these very people. He is their candidate.

Citation please.  Don't just throw out the latest talking points.  Please post facts to back that up.  And be careful when throwing around the guilt by association deal.  Two words......Keating Five. ... ing-five/1

In my mind, this hostility is of far greater concern than the opposing VP's possible hostility to porn in the library or gay marriage books in the children's section. In my mind, thinking this is a greater national concern than electing into the presidency a man with such a history, and such friends, and so little (zero) executive experience, is nothing short of insane.

Palin's stance on Choice, wanting to ban books and belief in a '"'young world" (yes, she actually believes dinosaurs and man walked the earth together) bother me but what bothers me MORE is that she's a flaming IDIOT!!  And it worries me because of McCain's health.  I shudder to think of what would happen to this country should she get in office.  Hell, she's already talking about expanding the powers of the VP ala Cheney.  Do we really need more of what we've had the last 8 years??
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline BuzzKill

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #16 on: October 06, 2008, 11:56:56 PM »
He has a long list of close associates and good friends and family members who are deeply and openly hostile to America and Americans. Some go so far as to call for the butchering of "whites" & "white Jews" insisting it is what God wants them to do. Some refer to white American's and Jews as skunks and gutter people. Others have gone so far as to bomb federal buildings and brag about it 40 years later, wishing they had done more. These are people who sympathized with Charlie Manson's attempt to start "Helter Skelter". He was discovered and "made" by these very people. He is their candidate.

Citation please.


I assume you know about the Rev. Wright. (and Wiliam Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn)

Lets deal here with Al Mansour.

go hear:


Open the link to the college years. Pull the slide tab to 2:50 and let it run. You'll see tape of one al-Mansour  and you'll see and hear him discribe how white people can be mutilated and it is OK, b/c it is what God wants.

This is in keeping with similar thought expressed by the founder of Black Liberation Theology, James Cone - as described by Obama's pastor, the Rev Wright. This is also in keeping with the teaching and theology of the Nation of Islam - which Obama is also closely linked to by his relationship with Louis Farrakhan. As with the Weatherman - he and Farrakhan are close neighbors with many mutual friends and significant  events attended together. I'll let you Google that if you want to. You may also want to Google Obama+Saul and Obama+Rezco.

If you refuse to watch a Fox report,  go hear:


or Read:


Obama Had Close Ties to Top Saudi Adviser at Early Age

Wednesday, September 3, 2008 5:58 PM

By: Kenneth R. Timmerman

New evidence has emerged that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was closely associated as early as age 25 to a key adviser to a Saudi billionaire who had mentored the founding members of the Black Panthers.

In a videotaped interview this year on New York’s all news cable channel NY1, a prominent African-American businessman and political figure made the curious disclosures about Obama.(See Video Clip Below)

Percy Sutton, the former borough president of Manhattan, off-handedly revealed the unusual circumstances about his first encounter with the young Obama.

“I was introduced to (Obama) by a friend who was raising money for him,” Sutton told NY1 city hall reporter Dominic Carter.

“The friend’s name is Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, from Texas,” Sutton said.“He is the principal adviser to one of the world’s richest men. He told me about Obama.”

Sutton, the founder of Inner City Broadcasting, said al-Mansour contacted him to ask a favor: Would Sutton write a letter in support of Obama’s application to Harvard Law School?

“He wrote to me about him,” Sutton recalled.“And his introduction was there is a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends up there because you used to go up there to speak. Would you please write a letter in support of him?”

Sutton said he acted on his friend al-Mansour’s advice.

“I wrote a letter of support of him to my friends at Harvard, saying to them I thought there was a genius that was going to be available and I certainly hoped they would treat him kindly,” Sutton told NY1.

Sutton did not say why al-Mansour was helping Obama, how he discovered him, or from whom he was raising money on Obama’s behalf.

A Sutton aide told Newsmax that Sutton, 88, is ailing and is unlikely to do additional TV interviews in the near future. The aide could not provide additional comment for this story.

As it turned out, Obama did attend Harvard Law School after graduating from Columbia University in New York and doing a stint as a community organizer in Chicago.

The New York Times described how transformative his Harvard experience became for the young Obama:“He arrived there as an unknown, Afro-wearing community organizer who had spent years searching for his identity; by the time he left, he had his first national news media exposure, a book contract and a shot of confidence from running the most powerful legal journal in the country.”

The details of Obama’s academic performance are well known: At Harvard, Obama rose to academic distinction becoming the editor of the Harvard Law Review and graduating magna cum laude.

Less known are the reasons al-Mansour, an activist African-American Muslim, would be a key backer for a young man from Hawaii seeking to attend the most Ivy of the Ivy League law schools


watch the clips. this is the man who sought out help getting Barack Husain Obama into Harvard.

or just go here: http:// pull it to about 3:00 and listen.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2008, 09:34:39 AM by BuzzKill »

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Barack Obama & Raila Odinga
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2008, 09:29:27 AM »

You tube video explaining who Raila Odinga is, his election with Barack Husain Obama's support, and the horrid ethic violence afterward.

Odinga campaigned and was elected as the agent of change
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2008, 09:42:30 AM »
what does this have to do with sarah palin?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2008, 11:09:31 AM »
Quote from: "BuzzKill"
I assume you know about the Rev. Wright. (and Wiliam Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn)

Lets deal here with Al Mansour.

go hear:


Open the link to the college years. Pull the slide tab to 2:50 and let it run. You'll see tape of one al-Mansour  and you'll see and hear him discribe how white people can be mutilated and it is OK, b/c it is what God wants.

Do you really want to go there??  Let's take a look at Palin's minister, shall we? ... rah-palin/

Palin’s minister drives out witchcraft, makes Obama’s minister look completely sane in comparison

September 25, 2008 by ElfNinosMom

Thomas Muthee is a minister from Kenya who has repeatedly preached at Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin’s church (Wasilla Assembly of God).  This is not some long-past connection, nor is it a situation where the church one time invited a visiting minister who they didn’t know was a wackjob.  Muthee has been a visiting minister there since 2005, and most recently preached at Palin’s church this past weekend.

From Wikipedia:

    Muthee and his wife returned home to Kenya from Scotland, where he had finished his graduate studies, in 1988.[3][4] They soon felt that they were “called by God to Kiambu” and after six months of prayer, research, and “spiritual mapping,” they came to believe that a witch known as “Mama Jane” was the cause of crime and spiritual oppression in the area.[1][3][4][5][6] Muthee alleged that “top government and business leaders [were] afraid to do anything without her approval,” that at least one person per month would die in a car accident in front of her “divination house” (otherwise known as Emmanuel Clinic), and that she harassed his congregation.[3][4][7] According to Muthee, soon after his followers began to pray that God would either save or oust Mama Jane,[3][4][7][8] three young people died in another apparent accident in front of Mama Jane’s clinic.[3][4][7] The angry townsfolk wanted to stone her in retaliation, and when the police entered Mama Jane’s home to intervene, they were apparently startled by what they believed to be a demon and shot her pet python to death.[3][4][6][7][8] Mama Jane was then questioned by police, after which she left town.[3][4][8] Since then, Muthee has frequently referred to his witch-hunt as an example of successful spiritual warfare.[6]

    The event was depicted in two videos by George Otis, Jr.,[9][10] in which Muthee claimed that the crime rate in Kiambu dropped drastically after Mama Jane left.[1][3][5][7][11][12] However, Workgroup “Back to the Bible,” headed by Pastor Rien van de Kraats of Kamperland, Netherlands, found no police reports or any other sources that backed up this claim.[12]

In the video below, after enumerating how religious people should take over the entire country, he drives witchcraft away from Sarah Palin.


(video embeded in that page, linked above)  Imagine if some religious nut came into your neighborhood and declared that one woman was causing all the problems because of her practice of witchcraft.  Then that nut scared, pressured and then rallied the local politicians to raid her home and drive her out of her hometown in order to 'save the town'.  What, pray tell, would you call that?  Hmmm?     Yep, that's right.  Terrorism, in its most local and simplest form.  

This is in keeping with similar thought expressed by the founder of Black Liberation Theology, James Cone - as described by Obama's pastor, the Rev Wright. This is also in keeping with the teaching and theology of the Nation of Islam - which Obama is also closely linked to by his relationship with Louis Farrakhan. As with the Weatherman - he and Farrakhan are close neighbors with many mutual friends and significant  events attended together. I'll let you Google that if you want to. You may also want to Google Obama+Saul and Obama+Rezco.

You've been reading way too much Free Republic.

Buzz, you don't like him because you've bought into the nonsense that he's a secret muslim and that directly flies in the face of YOUR chosen adult fairy tale.  Palin is your kinda gal though, dontcha know [wink]   ::)  .  Good, god fearing "Murican woman.   Unfortunately, she's the worst thing to come along to freedom, intelligent and critical thought, feminism and compassion in a very long time.  And McCain jumped the shark long ago.  Too bad.  There was a time when I respected and would have voted for him, but he bears zero resemblance to the man he used to be.  Kind of sad and pathetic really.  And all these "he's an evil turrist" claims are nothing but the desperation of the McCain/Palin team, realizing that not many are falling for their bullshit.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2008, 08:42:44 PM »
I do believe Obama is far more idealistically aligned with the Nation of Islam, than with any kind of Christian thought. The evidence for this is overwhelming.  This is a concern because of the hostility (the extreme hostility) those in the Nation of Islam hold toward "white America" and anyone Jewish.  That Obama shares this hostility seems evident from his choice of friends and associates and political supporters, as well as those he supports politically.  

Sarah Plain's situation with the witch hunter is in no way comparable. He was a guest at her church, not her pastor for 20 years. As for his "witchy" concerns, being African, it was not odd that he was concerned with witch craft. They take it more seriously than you or I would. In Africa, it is far more real.  The same could be said of Hati.  You may think this the grossest ignorance, but this man from Africa would strongly disagree and think you ignorant for doubting it. But who ever is right on the subject of witch craft, his prayer was for another person's protection from evil, no matter how silly you think it was.  

The clips and articles I provided you above do not pertain to Obama's Pastor, but rather to the man who helped get him into Harvard: Al-Mansour. His politics are very disturbing (as demonstrated in the clips) and call for great evil to be carried out against me and mine (and probably you and yours) and so I can't help but think his keen interest in Obama's career is far more dangerous and worrisome than the VP with a once upon a time African guest preacher praying she be protected from the evil of witch craft.

Another of the clips referenced above have to do with Obama's Islamic Kenyan cousin, Raila Odinga, who ran for president there, on a platform of change, with Obama's support, won, and then began the change he promised in the form of ethnic cleansing. Its true. It isn't talked about, but it is still true.

Obama's pastor. For 20 years. His much admired spiritual mentor.  I assume there is no need for me to provide clips or articles. Surely you've seen him ranting. Did you see him explaining the importance of James Cones Book Black Power and Black Liberation Theology?  Have you seen him explaining this is what his church believes?  Have you not read the many hatefilled and violent calls to destroy found in Cone's books?  Just as with Al-Mansour, his god is a god who wants to see white people butchered.  This is true. Like it or not, it is a documented fact.

Now, as far as I know, the Rev Wright didn't call for the butchering of white American's, but he did call for his god to dam America, and he did frequently rant with a rabid and paranoid hate against white people. And, Obama sat and soaked it up for 20 years.

The Rev. Wright is good pals with Louis Farrakhan. He traveled with Louis Farrakhan to visit Omar Quadifie. He admires both men. Both men hate and despise America and Israel.  It seems Obama's spiritual mentor is much more comfortable and in agreement with the Nation of Islam, than any kind of Christianity - excepting that practiced by the KKK.  Both are gross perversions of the Biblical message.  

Tony Rezco.  Obama's Syrian friend; the one to which he owes his fine home. True, he gave back some cash, but he is still enjoying his fine home thanks to the very sweet deal Rezco provided on the real estate before his conviction.

William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. Home grown terrorist proud to this day of the terror and destruction they brought about. Ayers hired Obama to manage the grant monies he received to Radicalize youth. Not to improve literacy. Not to strengthen math and science scores for the inner city kids. The grant request was for monies to radicalize youth; and Obama was the man Ayers hired to distribute the funds. This was what Obama did as a community organizer.  And as has been mentioned, it was in the Ayers home that Obama launched his political career.

And another unspoken little tid-bit that could complicate things for us, should Obama be elected is the fact that no matter what I think; no matter what Obama claims; Islam considers him Islamic. No one knows if this would help or hurt diplomatic relations.


The man doesn't know how many states there are

And he won't let us get at our own oil. (often admitted from the stump) And he wants to raise taxes when the economy is strangled. (often admitted from the stump) And he couldn't name one thing he would change about his spending plan despite the current economic problems. (in the last debate) And he refuses to vote for legislation to protect babies Born Alive after attempted abortion. http://

But your worried about Sarah Palin. . .

OK. Thats the beauty of America. I just hope you don't live to see any real change.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #21 on: October 07, 2008, 10:52:19 PM »
Quote from: "BuzzKill"
I just hope you don't live to see any real change.


Tell me, are you seriously wishing an early death on Obama supporters?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #22 on: October 08, 2008, 10:00:03 AM »
Quote from: "BuzzKill"
I just hope you don't live to see any real change.


Lovely Xtian values you display there honey.  I musta really struck a nerve there, huh?

[inhales deeply]
I love the smell of neocon/evangelical desperation in the morning.

 ;D  :rasta:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline BuzzKill

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #23 on: October 08, 2008, 11:24:20 AM »
Quote from: "guest"
Quote from: "BuzzKill"
I just hope you don't live to see any real change.


Tell me, are you seriously wishing an early death on Obama supporters?

Good Night Marie - No, not at all. I am surprised anyone would take it that way. But maybe I did express myself poorly. Maybe I should have said I hope We don't live to see any real change - to America and American's.  Change, I will remind you, can be very bad indeed. When I consider Obama's friends, and political supporters and those whom he supports, and when I consider what he has actually done in his life, I feel the change he promises will be of the most negative sort. I hope I am wrong.  Thats what I ment.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #24 on: October 08, 2008, 11:26:02 AM »
Quote from: "BuzzKill"

Lets deal here with Al Mansour.


Obama Had Close Ties to Top Saudi Adviser at Early Age

Wednesday, September 3, 2008 5:58 PM

By: Kenneth R. Timmerman

New evidence has emerged that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was closely associated as early as age 25 to a key adviser to a Saudi billionaire who had mentored the founding members of the Black Panthers.

In a videotaped interview this year on New York’s all news cable channel NY1, a prominent African-American businessman and political figure made the curious disclosures about Obama.(See Video Clip Below)

Percy Sutton, the former borough president of Manhattan, off-handedly revealed the unusual circumstances about his first encounter with the young Obama.

“I was introduced to (Obama) by a friend who was raising money for him,” Sutton told NY1 city hall reporter Dominic Carter.

“The friend’s name is Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, from Texas,” Sutton said.“He is the principal adviser to one of the world’s richest men. He told me about Obama.”

Sutton, the founder of Inner City Broadcasting, said al-Mansour contacted him to ask a favor: Would Sutton write a letter in support of Obama’s application to Harvard Law School?

“He wrote to me about him,” Sutton recalled.“And his introduction was there is a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends up there because you used to go up there to speak. Would you please write a letter in support of him?”

Sutton said he acted on his friend al-Mansour’s advice.

Barack Obama Got Into Harvard On His Own Merits

The Race:

Barack Obama (D) vs. John McCain (R): President of the US
Discuss and Debunk

The Smear:

Uninformed e-mails and right wing opinion articles have been stewing over a discredited claim about Barack Obama’s acceptance into Harvard Law School. They claim he was supposedly helped by a Muslim businessman and ex-Black Panther named Khalid al-Mansour—yet another in the many attempts to bring Islam and 60s radicals into the debate.

The Truth:

Barack Obama and Khalid al-Mansour have never met and do not know each other at all. Manhattan borough president Percy Sutton, now approaching 90 and struggling with a foggy recollection of over 20 years ago, thought that al-Mansour had asked him to write Obama a letter of recommendation for Harvard Law School, and said so on a local New York television station. While it is widely known that Obama financed his Harvard education by working small jobs and taking out college loans, Sutton wrongly believed that al-Mansour had been raising funds for Obama—an impossibility, as both Sen. Obama and al-Mansour have made it very clear that they do not know one another.

The confusion was finally put to rest when Mr. Sutton’s family released a statement saying that Percy Sutton’s statement was false, expressing regret for Sutton’s inadvertent mistake, and asked for understanding and compassion for this elderly respected public servant. You can read the statement here: ... story.html

Once again, smear merchants want to confuse the electorate about Barack Obama’s faith and connections. Mr. Sutton seems to have made an honest mistake in his recollections, but mendacious fringe conservative elements have taken advantage of this poor man’s confusion and tried to turn it into evidence of Obama’s supposed “otherness.” But the facts are already well known, and you can read about how Obama funded his education from Lynn Sweet’s reporting in the Chicago Sun-Times: ... 20.article
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #25 on: October 08, 2008, 11:29:05 AM » ... story.html

September 06, 2008
Categories: Barack Obama
Sutton family retracts Obama story

Conservative bloggers have, understandably, spent some time in recent days chasing suggestive comments made by the former Manhattan borough president Percy Sutton earlier this year.

Sutton had suggested in an interview that a former Black Panther and advisor to Saudi royals, Khalid al-Mansour, had played some previously unknown role in Obama's pre-political life.

I wrote about the story in detail here; Obama's camp, apparently puzzled and eager to put the story to rest, flatly denied his knowing al-Mansour, and details of Sutton's account appeared not to make sense.

After I wrote it, al-Mansour also called me back, and said he'd never met Obama, and had no idea where the story came from; his only hesitance in denying it, he said, had been in contradicting Sutton, "a dear friend, his health is not good."

This evening, a spokesman for Sutton's family, Kevin Wardally, e-mailed over a statement that (because there's absolutely no other evidence for the story, and much that contradicts it) seems to put the story to rest for good:

    The information Mr. Percy Sutton imparted on March 25 in a NY1 News interview regarding his connection to Barack Obama is inaccurate. As best as our family and the Chairman's closest friends can tell, Mr. Sutton, now 86 years of age, misspoke in describing certain details and events in that television interview.

    We regret this unfortunate incident and we ask good conscientious people to extend compassion and grace to Percy Sutton, a man who has served America in many capacities; an officer with the Tuskegee Airmen in World War II and as a public servant who was the first elected African-American Manhattan Borough President.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #26 on: October 08, 2008, 11:31:15 AM »
Quote from: "BuzzKill"
Quote from: "guest"
Quote from: "BuzzKill"
I just hope you don't live to see any real change.


Tell me, are you seriously wishing an early death on Obama supporters?

Good Night Marie - No, not at all. I am surprised anyone would take it that way. But maybe I did express myself poorly. Maybe I should have said I hope We don't live to see any real change - to America and American's.  Change, I will remind you, can be very bad indeed. When I consider Obama's friends, and political supporters and those whom he supports, and when I consider what he has actually done in his life, I feel the change he promises will be of the most negative sort. I hope I am wrong.  Thats what I ment.
Makes sense; it's just one of those "one could interpret the statement one way or the other, but ~this is how i actually meant it" sort of moments. I get those all the time.  ;D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #27 on: October 08, 2008, 11:38:35 AM »
Who's Marie?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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« Reply #28 on: October 08, 2008, 11:42:49 AM »
She knew Donnie; she was a little bit country...

ps- i miss the old set of emoticons.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Dreammate
« Reply #29 on: October 08, 2008, 11:46:18 AM »
Quote from: "Froderik"
She knew Donnie; she was a little bit country...

I hear they have ties to a known religious cult.  :D

ps- i miss the old set of emoticons.

You and me both!

'Cept I like this guy......
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »