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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #45 on: October 09, 2008, 01:57:36 PM »
Quote from: "BuzzKill"
Did you look at the footage of Mr. Sutton's interview?  

Did you look at Sarah Palin's ties to various, nefarious anti-American groups hell bent on seceding from the nation?  Did you look at what the Alaska Independence Party represents?  Did you look at her video addressing the AIP and wishing them luck on their endeavors?  Did you look at any of the articles Ursus linked you to?

Nah, didn't think so.

Ostrich. ... thSand.jpg
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline BuzzKill

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #46 on: October 09, 2008, 02:06:22 PM »
Quote from: "duh!!!!"
Quote from: "BuzzKill"
He is clearly an old gentleman. He has the speaking pattern of an older person. But what he says is sharp and articulate. I see no sign at all of old timers disease having removed his memory or shuffled his deck.

I disagree.

I think it is deplorable that the Obama campaign would falsely claim the old guy is demented to cover up for the worrisome assoication of their candidate.

Way to read the fucking article there babe.  Sutton's OWN FAMILY put out the statement.

Your welcome. But your making a terrible mistake.

And I would say the same to you, but I expect that coming from someone who still believes in adult fairy tales.  And I think that's really the problem here.  The evangelicals are so skeert of the big, bad, black man "takin' mah guns, rapin' are wimins and eatin' babies" that they can't see straight.  

Calm down.  Relax.  Smoke a bowl or something.  He's not gonna force you to have an abortion or call you to prayer 5 times a day.  Sheesh.  Talk about fear mongering.

As I said, You can take it however you want. What it means to me is mine.

And I'm asking what that meaning, to you, is.  From your postings, I take it as you shit all over what could be a good time.

You mistake my meaning in a number of ways my friend :)

I'm not actually afraid at all. I am strangely at peace with it all. But I do see bad times ahead, and I see Obama in the white house making them much worse.

I do resent being painted as holding onto my guns and religion b/c I am to ignorant and deprived to know any better.
And I also resent being painted a racist for daring to point out that the Obama's are. They are you know. They have to be to have the friends, supporters and assoicates they have. I don't want anti-Semites and rabid racist in the white house, weather they are KKK or Nation of Islam.  The evidence that the Obamas are aligned and idealisticly compatible with the Nation of Islam is undeniable and overwelming.  

 Oh, BTW, I do realize that Mr. Sutton's family put out that statement. I am sure they have no undue bias or interest in the outcome of this election. (and Ken Kay has only the teen's welfare at heart) The statement was on Obama's web site - and so I say "the Obama campaign" is despicable for making the old gent out to be demented. I am quit sure they requested the statement from his family in very strident language. I imagine something like: "What the FuK!!! Shit Fire, you old son of a bitch! Do you know what you just did?! You told the truth after we've worked so hard to cover it up!! Your a crazy old coot, and that's just what your going to say so we can sweep this thing back under the rug! Now - write it up!"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #47 on: October 09, 2008, 02:26:12 PM »
Quote from: "BuzzKill"

You mistake my meaning in a number of ways my friend :)

I know you're attempting to be humorous, but if he had said that ONE MORE TIME the other night, I'm afraid I might have been physically ill.

I'm not actually afraid at all. I am strangely at peace with it all.

Your postings tell a different tale.

I do resent being painted as holding onto my guns and religion b/c I am to ignorant and deprived to know any better.

I'm sure you do and it was a poor choice of words, but devastatingly accurate.

And I also resent being painted a racist for daring to point out that the Obama's are. They are you know. They have to be to have the friends, supporters and assoicates they have. I don't want anti-Semites and rabid racist in the white house, weather they are KKK or Nation of Islam.  The evidence that the Obamas are aligned and idealisticly compatible with the Nation of Islam is undeniable and overwelming.  

I really don't know what to say to that.  If you are that disconnected from reality, no facts presented will penetrate your narrow little mind.

Oh, BTW, I do realize that Mr. Sutton's family put out that statement. I am sure they have no undue bias or interest in the outcome of this election. (and Ken Kay has only the teen's welfare at heart) The statement was on Obama's web site - and so I say "the Obama campaign" is despicable for making the old gent out to be demented. I am quit sure they requested the statement from his family in very strident language. I imagine something like: "What the FuK!!! Shit Fire, you old son of a bitch! Do you know what you just did?! You told the truth after we've worked so hard to cover it up!! Your a crazy old coot, and that's just what your going to say so we can sweep this thing back under the rug! Now - write it up!"

Speculation is fun, isn't it?  Why let facts, or the absence thereof, get in the way of a good conspiracy?

You are exactly the type of person that scares the living hell out of me.  Obviously, you're a relatively intelligent woman but blinded by your religious beliefs.  I'm sorry for you.  Really I am and I don't mean that as a put down, although undoubtedly you'll take it that way.

I do have faith, however (pun intended) that religion will go the way of other myths as science advances and critical thinking will be the norm.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #48 on: October 09, 2008, 02:27:28 PM »
And Buzzkill, I'll be waiting patiently for your responses to the Palin articles.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline BuzzKill

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #49 on: October 09, 2008, 02:31:18 PM »
Quote from: "Sarah??"
And Buzzkill, I'll be waiting patiently for your responses to the Palin articles.

I've been having trouble getting it posted.

Quote from: "Sarah P"
Quote from: "BuzzKill"
Did you look at the footage of Mr. Sutton's interview?  

Did you look at Sarah Palin's ties to various, nefarious anti-American groups hell bent on seceding from the nation?  Did you look at what the Alaska Independence Party represents?  Did you look at her video addressing the AIP and wishing them luck on their endeavors?  Did you look at any of the articles Ursus linked you to?

Nah, didn't think so.

Ostrich. ... thSand.jpg

I've read a great deal about Palin over the past few weeks. Some of what is posted on Fornits I am already very familiar with.  The media is covering Sarah Palin pretty extensively. Its hard to miss this stuff on her. But this stuff on Obama? Your not going to see it talked or written about much. People don't know about most of these issues. For example, did you (or do you) have any idea who Raila Odinga is?


And unless you watch Fox you don't know a thing about the FBI and 11 states finding massive voter registration fraud with ACORN, and Obama's close ties with ACORN (as a field staff trainer and as their attorney) or about the federal monies that go to them b/c no one else is talking about it. Its is just astonishing.

As for the AIP - this would not be good for the US of A; but I have to say I understand why they feel as they do and I have some sympathy for their POV. Maybe this is the southern gal in me.  But I also think they exist more to bring some focus their legitimate grievances than from any real intent to cede from the union. In this, I too would certainly wish them luck.

In any event, I don't think all of your worries and woes about the republican VP candidate are anywhere near as worrisome (and dangerous) for this country as those concerning the top of the Democratic ticket.

Now, I've got some things to do, so I am going to disappear again. ;)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #50 on: October 09, 2008, 02:38:51 PM »
Quote from: "BuzzKill"
Quote from: "Sarah??"
And Buzzkill, I'll be waiting patiently for your responses to the Palin articles.

I've been having trouble getting it posted.

Uh huh.  Your tirades about Obama seem to come through just fine.

The media is covering Sarah Palin pretty extensively. Its hard to miss this stuff on her. But this stuff on Obama? Your not going to see it talked or written about much. People don't know about most of these issues. For example, did you (or do you) have any idea who Raila Odinga is?

That's because there is a big difference between some tenuous AT BEST ties to some long ago 60s radicals and the VERY RECENT affiliation AND MEMBERSHIP of the Palins with the AIP.

And yes, I did know who Odinga was.

And unless you watch Fox you don't know a thing about the FBI and 11 states finding massive voter registration fraud with ACORN, and Obama's close ties with ACORN (as a field staff trainer and as their attorney) or about the federal monies that go to them b/c no one else is talking about it. Its is just astonishing.

Getting your prefab excuses for losing the election ready for deployment, I see.

As for the AIP - this would not be good for the US of A; but I have to say I understand why they feel as they do and I have some sympathy for their POV. Maybe this is the southern gal in me.  But I also think they exist more to bring some focus their legitimate grievances than from any real intent to cede from the union. In this, I too would certainly wish them luck.

So, in other words you didn't read up on it at all.

In any event, I don't think all of your worries and woes about the republican VP candidate are anywhere near as worrisome (and dangerous) for this country as those concerning the top of the Democratic ticket.

And I would submit that Palin's a tad more worrisome given McSame's health.  Again, if you're that disconnected from reality as to buy into the "OMG!!!  Obama's a secret turrist mulin!" bullshit, I hold little hope for you.

Now, I've got some things to do, so I am going to disappear again. ;)

Surprise, surprise.

For when you get back, what do you think of Palin being qualified to run the country?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline BuzzKill

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #51 on: October 09, 2008, 08:52:57 PM »
Uh huh. Your tirades about Obama seem to come through just fine.

That last one took three tries. I have no idea why.

That's because there is a big difference between some tenuous AT BEST ties to some long ago 60s radicals and the VERY RECENT affiliation AND MEMBERSHIP of the Palins with the AIP.

The radical and vicious associations Obama has are actually close ties (even very close ties) and not at all tenuous. Nor is the radicalism limited to the 60 and 70's. It has changed very little since then.

I think these connections much more troubling than association with the AIP. The AIP has yet to call for butchering people; or incited the butchering of people; or insisted that god dam America; or declared any god who won't help in the destruction of the white race must be killed; or bombed federal buildings and bragged about it to this day.

But, if you have anything showing Sarah Palin is a member of the AIP party, I'd like to see it. Your not referring to the clip of her addressing the AIP before their convention are you? If so, you might want to take another look and give a more careful listen.

Getting your prefab excuses for losing the election ready for deployment, I see.

No. If Obama wins it will be because he is pleasant to listen to and look at. But, there is a very big news story being ignored by the media b/c it reflects badly on their golden boy. It is now 12 states that are investigating ACORN along with the FBI and the voter registration fraud is massive and truly outrageous in its audacity.

So, in other words you didn't read up on it at all.

 I have seen a good deal about it going back maybe the past ten years. I can't recall exactly when I first learned about it. As I said, I have some sympathy for their grievances and understand their POV.

And I would submit that Palin's a tad more worrisome given McSame's health. Again, if you're that disconnected from reality as to buy into the "OMG!!! Obama's a secret turrist mulin!" bullshit, I hold little hope for you.

We see the world differently, you and I. I see the top of the democratic ticket as far more worrisome than the bottom of the Republican.  The people who propelled Obama into his current exalted position are in fact terrorist; and most are in fact either Nation of Islam, or might as well be, considering their rhetoric. This isn't bull shit. It is the truth. You can ignore it if you want to, but it is still the truth.  

Surprise, surprise.

For when you get back, what do you think of Palin being qualified to run the country?

Look, you don't really expect me to sit here and baby-sit fornits do you?  

 Palin is far more qualified and experienced than Obama. This is just another fact. The man has zero executive experience. He has barely gotten his feet wet in the senate. Palin has been the governor of a major mineral and energy producing state; and judging from her approval ratings, a very good governor.  I'd have no problem voting for her over Obama, if that where the choice I had.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #52 on: October 10, 2008, 12:00:46 AM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline BuzzKill

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #53 on: October 10, 2008, 11:32:25 AM »
Why the AIP and the religious right like and support Sarah Palin is a legitimate question. It is a legitimate concern for some voters.

Why William Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Louis Farrakhan, Kaleid Al-Monsour, Tony Rezco, Odinga, Chavez, Quadafie, Ahmadinejad, and groups like Hamas and Al-Quaeda, like and support Barrack Husain Obama, is also a legitimate question. This is also a ligament concern for some voters.

In my mind, the current state of world and US affairs makes these concerns about Obama a much more serous matter.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline psy

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #54 on: October 10, 2008, 01:55:40 PM »
Ya know, Buzz.  A lot of the reason we've had so many troubles in our foreign policy is precisely because we refuse to talk to or negotiate with those who we label as "terrorists", such as Hamas, even when they are the legitimately elected government (and thus supported by the people).  You can't fight an entire people.  It's either: kill them all off, or talk to them and see if something can be worked out.  Refusing to talk, as this administration has done and McCain will do has lead and will likely lead nowhere good.

As for the our support for Israel.  Most outside the united states see it as very one sided, and as such, we're not going to be in a credible, neutral position as an arbiter and expect the "other side" to take us seriously.  Personally, I'd let the whole lot kill each other until they get tired of it but IF we are going to attempt to negotiate a peace, it's just not going to stick if we're viewed (and rightly so) as supporting one side over the other.  We give and sell advanced arms to Israel and tolerate them owning (and being very willing to use) weapons of mass destruction while the opposite is true of other nations in the region.  This isn't even to mention Israel's tactics towards war where "collateral damage" seems to more or less be OK.  We stood by and interfered with an alternative UN backed solution, letting Israel absolutely flatten lebanon for a second time (not to mention litter the place with grenade-sized cluster munitions that have been known to maim and kill years later)...  We even gave them muntions to help.  That sort of behavior does not place us in a positive light to the other counties of the region.  Israel is an ally, yes, but they cannot be given carte-blanche to do whatever they like to their neighbors.  If we are percieved as supporting them in oppressive actions against other countries and peopels of the region, what result other than hostility can you expect?  Either we stop taking sides and start trying to negotiate a peace (not my preference, as i'm mostly an isolationist), or we simply stay out of it and let them kill each other until they get sickened of it (as happened in Northern Ireland after the Omagh bombing).  Any other course of action will just guarantee that the thousands of years of violence will continue.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #55 on: October 10, 2008, 02:03:22 PM »
OMG!!! How dare you criticize Israel!  You anti-Semite!  No wonder you support Barrack HUSSEIN obama!

hey Nazi--where's your swastika?

Talking bad about Israel=you are a bomb-throwing Islamic terrorist, doncha know.......
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #56 on: October 10, 2008, 02:12:15 PM »
Quote from: "BuzzKill"

The radical and vicious associations Obama has are actually close ties (even very close ties) and not at all tenuous.

I disagree.

Nor is the radicalism limited to the 60 and 70's. It has changed very little since then.

Wow.  I completely disagree.   Ya know, I heard one of the news stations this morning talking about how most of these Rep. holdouts are the "get off my lawn" generation that wish the world was still like it was in the 50s.  The only constant is change.  Get over it.

I think these connections much more troubling than association with the AIP. The AIP has yet to call for butchering people; or incited the butchering of people; or insisted that god dam America; or declared any god who won't help in the destruction of the white race must be killed; or bombed federal buildings and bragged about it to this day.

The founder of AIP actually did say some pretty fucked up shit about America.

And another esteemed member of the AIP....

But, if you have anything showing Sarah Palin is a member of the AIP party, I'd like to see it.

Her husband was for years. ... 9468.story
Sarah Palin's ties to Alaskan Independence Party are played down
The McCain campaign denies his running mate supports the party's separatist bent.
By Michael Finnegan, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
September 3, 2008
Tonight, Sarah Palin will be nominated as the Republican Party's choice for vice president of the United States.

But back home, she has cheered the work of a tiny party that long has pushed for a statewide vote on whether Alaska should secede from those same United States. And her husband, Todd, was a member of the party for seven years.

Your not referring to the clip of her addressing the AIP before their convention are you? If so, you might want to take another look and give a more careful listen.

Uh huh.  And?

No. If Obama wins it will be because he is pleasant to listen to and look at.

Damn.  You sure claim a lot of your opinions as facts.  Seems to be a common thing with you guys.

But, there is a very big news story being ignored by the media b/c it reflects badly on their golden boy. It is now 12 states that are investigating ACORN along with the FBI and the voter registration fraud is massive and truly outrageous in its audacity.


So, in other words you didn't read up on it at all.

Quote from: "BuzzKill"
I have seen a good deal about it going back maybe the past ten years. I can't recall exactly when I first learned about it. As I said, I have some sympathy for their grievances and understand their POV.

So, in other words you didn't read up on it at all.

We see the world differently, you and I. I see the top of the democratic ticket as far more worrisome than the bottom of the Republican.  The people who propelled Obama into his current exalted position are in fact terrorist; and most are in fact either Nation of Islam, or might as well be, considering their rhetoric. This isn't bull shit. It is the truth. You can ignore it if you want to, but it is still the truth.  

It's YOUR truth Buzz.  Not everyone buys into the bullshit.  Thank Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Palin is far more qualified and experienced than Obama.  This is just another fact.

There aren't enough "rolling on the floor laughing my ass off" emoticons to express my amusement at that idiocy.
Damn.  You sure claim a lot of your opinions as facts.  Seems to be a common thing with you guys.

The man has zero executive experience. He has barely gotten his feet wet in the senate. Palin has been the governor of a major mineral and energy producing state; and judging from her approval ratings, a very good governor.  I'd have no problem voting for her over Obama, if that where the choice I had.

It pretty much is.  McCain's not going to last very long.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline psy

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #57 on: October 10, 2008, 02:38:48 PM »
Quote from: "Buzzkill"
Palin is far more qualified and experienced than Obama.  This is just another fact.

87 - Graduates with BA in Journalism from Univ of Idaho (yet wasn't able to name a single newspaper she reads in the Couric interview)
Palin attended several colleges and universities. In 1982, she enrolled at Hawaii Pacific College but left after her first semester. She transferred to North Idaho community college, where she spent two semesters as a general studies major. From there, she transferred to the University of Idaho for two semesters.[10][11] During this time Palin won the Miss Wasilla Pageant[12][13] then finished third in the 1984 Miss Alaska pageant,[14][15] at which she won a college scholarship and the "Miss Congeniality" award.[16] She then attended Matanuska-Susitna community college in Alaska for one term. The next year she returned to the University of Idaho where she spent three semesters completing her Bachelor of Science degree in communications-journalism, graduating in 1987.
92-95 - city council
96-02 - Mayor of Wasila (population ~6000)
03-04 - Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
03-05 - Ted Stevens Excellence in Public Service, Inc.
06-08 - Governor of Alaska

(8 years total, 11 if you count the three on city council)

91 - Graduated Harvard Juris Doctor (J.D.) magna cum laude
Obama entered Harvard Law School in late 1988. At the end of his first year, he was selected, based on his grades and a writing competition, as an editor of the Harvard Law Review.[19] In February 1990, in his second year, he was elected president of the Law Review, a full-time volunteer position functioning as editor-in-chief and supervising the Law Review's staff of eighty editors.[20] Obama's election as the first black president of the Law Review was widely reported and followed by several long, detailed profiles.[20] During his summers, he returned to Chicago where he worked as a summer associate at the law firms of Sidley & Austin in 1989 and Hopkins & Sutter in 1990.[21] After graduating with a Juris Doctor (J.D.) magna cum laude from Harvard in 1991, he returned to Chicago.[19]
92 - Director of Illinois' "Project Vote" - sucessfully achieves target goals
92-04 -
1992, Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years, being first classified as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996, and then as a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004
93-02 -
He also, in 1993, joined Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, a twelve attorney law firm specializing in civil rights litigation and neighborhood economic development, where he was an associate for three years from 1993 to 1996, then of counsel from 1996 to 2004, with his law license becoming inactive in 2002.
97-04 - State Legislator
04-08 - US Senator

(11 years in government, far more if you consider his background in law (application of government), specializing in civil rights)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline BuzzKill

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #58 on: October 10, 2008, 08:27:35 PM »
Executive experience Psy. She has it, and he doesn't. She doesn't have a lot, but he doesn't have any.

As to the AIP stuff, I have followed it with some interest and I have known about it (the AIP) for many years. As I say, I have some sympathy for their grievances. I'm really not alarmed that Palin's husband was once a member. I'm not bothered at all that she, as governor, addressed the AIP prior to their convention. If you watch it and keep in mind she is the governor, and of an opposing party,I think you'll note a bit of mirth in her tone as she points out what they (she as a republican gov. and the AIP) can agree on. The inference being there are other things they do not agree on.  

And again, I have to say, this in no way compairs with the assoications of Barack Hussain Obama.  

My quip that Obama would win b/c of his pleasant looks and speaking ability may have been flippant. It is true that he has plenty of support by those who agree with his agenda and vision for America. There are others who will vote for McCain for the same reason. But there are an awful lot who will vote for who ever they like the looks of - who ever seems "cool" - and what they actually say, or think, or do, matters not at all with these folks. Sadly, these folks can be the margin of win or loose in national races as close as ours are. In this case, they will swing it for Obama.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Sarah Palin's Dominionist Ties
« Reply #59 on: October 11, 2008, 07:37:55 AM » has an interesting report on the Ayers-Obama connection.  I recommend you read it, Buzz. ... ayers.html
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)