Author Topic: The Who offers to auction off his account for fornits!  (Read 28260 times)

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Offline TheWho

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Re: The Who offers to auction off his account for fornits!
« Reply #120 on: October 05, 2008, 07:55:35 AM »
Linking the posts would alter (increase) the number of posts under Thewho name.  The new owner may or may not want this done.  Ask psy or the new owner after I hand it over, I don’t want to get involved in all of that now.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RobertBruce

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Re: The Who offers to auction off his account for fornits!
« Reply #121 on: October 05, 2008, 11:49:08 AM »
Why would anyone care about increasing the number of your posts? None of them ever had anything meaningful to say. You're still nothing more than a sad little coward. You played all sorts of games from the shadows where you thought you'd be safe and now youre afraid to be exposed.

Come on Cindy, what do you have to hide? Allow Psy to link up your postings according to your ip address.

Psy can this be done once he pretends to leave?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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Nah, couldn't be...could it?
« Reply #122 on: October 05, 2008, 12:08:47 PM »
Could this really be TheWho talking to himself?

Nah, methinks not likely....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Re: The Who offers to auction off his account for fornits!
« Reply #123 on: October 05, 2008, 03:40:08 PM »
Deven from HLA wrote:
Why would anyone care about increasing the number of your posts?

I don’t know, why don’t you ask the new owner of the account when they win it?  I heard that they might want it “as is”.

How was the staff at HLA suppose to know that having me move a wood pile would enrage me to the point of crying all over the web and calling it abuse?

They had no idea, Deven, everyone reacts differently.  They thought it would build character in you but as we all know... oh, never mind.

None of them ever had anything meaningful to say. You're still nothing more than a sad little coward. You played all sorts of games from the shadows where you thought you'd be safe and now youre afraid to be exposed.

Aw Shucks poor little guy is not going to have anyone to troll anymore, sorry Deven.  

I only lasted about 3 weeks at HLA but I like to play it up like I attended along with all the others

Most of us who have read here long enough know that.  You are a special case, that is why we all like you so much.  Sort of like a mascot, someone has to fill the slot.  We still consider you a survivor so dont sweat it.

Come on Cindy, what do you have to hide? Allow Psy to link up your postings according to your ip address.

Psy can this be done once he pretends to leave?

That privilege goes to the highest bidder, if it means that much to you just bid a little higher, if it becomes a condition of the sale we can talk.

Cindy, Can I email you after the bidding is over so we can at least stay in touch?

On a sadder note......Deven, I am sorry to have to tell you that I am cutting you loose after this post.  You will have to release your rage on the new TheWho or someone else from now on, I will not be responding to you anymore.  Oh, Good luck with the job search.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: The Who offers to auction off his account for fornits!
« Reply #124 on: October 06, 2008, 12:25:14 AM »
Quote from: "theDeludedWho"
Most of us who have read here long enough know that. You are a special case, that is why we all like you so much. Sort of like a mascot, someone has to fill the slot. We still consider you a survivor so dont sweat it.

We, we, we.  Identify the individuals you're speaking for or drop the Royal "we".  You lonely sad shut in.  Did your boss at Webvocates transfer you to another $7 an hour trolling assignment?  Mother of God, I hope your next trolling gig is Sarah Palin.  That would be putting your relentless annoyingly flat posting style to good use.

I just posted,
to say,
"fuck you",
And I mean it,
from the bottom of my bowels.

Shit on you and anyone who looks like you, spamming infidel.  It is odd that you are leaving so close to the end of the Bush regime.

Could it be?

Fuck.  You're Dick Cheney. It should have been obvious all along.  Your daughter is gay and you sent her to ASR for a "cure" that (no surprise) was futile.  Intolerant douche nozzle.  They should throw your dinosaur ass into the La Brea tar pits after the Black man is chosen by the majority to clean up your corruption.  You ofey honkie cracker bitch.

Yrs. in deep disgust,

Abu Zalot
Son of Mustaph Al Kahal.
Most Righteous Ripped Teacher and Honored Red Eyed Prophet of Allah.
Peace Be Upon Him.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: The Who offers to auction off his account for fornits!
« Reply #125 on: October 06, 2008, 02:15:35 AM »
How can you guys waste SO MUCH time and energy on anyboby that's on a internet board??
I can't understand that at all.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RobertBruce

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Re: The Who offers to auction off his account for fornits!
« Reply #126 on: October 06, 2008, 10:51:13 PM »
Alan of Newton Mass wrote:

Deven, please just let me leave quietly. I can't handle being proven wrong again. I promise I'll really go this time. Double scouts honor.

Sorry Cindy, but you've already shown yourself to be a liar, and you have no credibility despite your obsession with it. You will continue to be held accountable until you leave tail tucked between your legs.

I don't understand why people won't accept what I say at face value, after all I took a tour of ASR that lasted close to a half an hour. If that doesnt make me an expert on the entire field then nothing else will.

I've been telling you for years Cindy, you know nothing about this industry, yet you proceeded to talk out of your ass pretending otherwise. Dont get upset for people calling you on it now.

Are you honestly going to sit there and tell me you havent found some of these abuse stories to be as hilarious as I have? Don't tell her but when my daughter would call me to whine and bitch about getting slapped around a little bit at ASR I seriously had to hold a pillow over my face to stiffle my laughter. Besides i've said this many times, its not like any of it ever happened to these little bastards anyway, and if it did, it was only because they deserved it.

No Cindy, I've never found kids being abused to be funny, and none of these kids have any reason to lie as the entire PTS is abusive. Every program. You getting abused by us on the other hand, now thats funny.

So listen, since I'm leaving anyway, can't you just let me have this troll thing? I seriously had a lot of fun arguing with myself pretending to be you, wasting bandwith.  What's the harm really?

I'm sure you did have fun Cindy, however the only person who was stupid enough to actually buy it was CCM girl. If it makes you feel better have it though. I imagine for you its sort of like playing checkers with yourself just so you can win for once. It was funny though how even when you pretended to be me, you still somehow lost. Sorry Cindy, you just aren't interesting enough for me to troll, I'm too busy actually contributing something on here, and making lives better for these kids. You wouldnt know what thats like but you should try it sometime.

Hey do you think Psy would be willing to make my numbers a sticky post? A lot of people have asked me for them?

I doubt it Cindy, no one has ever asked you for them as no one believes them. As has been proven to you on countless occasions a great deal more kids were killed in the PTS then you'd like to pretend. People have given up trying to educate you, as at this point it just doesnt seem possible.

So do you want to hear a secret? The real reason I'm leaving the board is because my daddy over at Bain Capital won't pay my proxy account bill anymore. Stupid dick! I hate him.

Times are tight Cindy, I would have thought your dad would be better off though with that bailout package that just passed.

So are you sure you dont want a job?

I told you Cindy, I already have one I enjoy very much. Besides when your factory workers are calling the INS on themselves, it suggests theres a problem.

Hey can you stop bringing up all the questions I never answered, Im worried about my street cred. Also do you think my wife is telling the truth when she says she and the gardner are just friends, and that she sleeps at his house for nocturnal plants? And are you sure you're not into dudes? I live in Mass for a reason you know?

No. Sure she is, and sorry Cindy, just not my thing.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RobertBruce

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Re: The Who offers to auction off his account for fornits!
« Reply #127 on: October 06, 2008, 11:07:45 PM »
As funny and accurate as that was, destroying Cindy using his legitimate quotes is even better. Better still is the fact that Cindy for all his talk cannot respond to legitimate quotes nor can he answer a few questions. Always the coward Cindy.

I don’t know, why don’t you ask the new owner of the account when they win it? I heard that they might want it “as is”.

I would imagine they'd want the full picture. You want to know all the hidden features when your daddy buys you a car dont you Cindy? So really what are you afraid of? Tell Psy he can link your posts.

They had no idea, Deven, everyone reacts differently. They thought it would build character in you but as we all know... oh, never mind.

Now Cindy, how would you know what forms of abuse go on at HLA, youve never set foot there.

Aw Shucks poor little guy is not going to have anyone to troll anymore, sorry Deven.

Oh its quite allright Alan. Now are we using your definition of a troll or the correct one? In this instance it seems more that you mean me holding someone accountable. In that case since youll still post from the shadows I have no doubt are banter and your unrequited love will continue. If not I'll just tear apart the retard who replaces you the same as I have with you.

Most of us who have read here long enough know that. You are a special case, that is why we all like you so much. Sort of like a mascot, someone has to fill the slot. We still consider you a survivor so dont sweat it.

Three weeks? What gave you that idea Alan?'ve been talking to Function Junction again havent you? Did you invite him over to your house again? I keep telling you those child abusers have the wrong guy, but no matter. So you are then affirming for us that an employee of HLA has broken HIPPA laws and released confidential information about a former student. Please tell us his name and contact information Cindy, it needs to be passed along to the GAO immediatly. As to mascots, I guess its a toss up between you and Sue as to who better represents the child abusing industry better. Keep working those votes Cindy, and youll be a shoe in!

That privilege goes to the highest bidder, if it means that much to you just bid a little higher, if it becomes a condition of the sale we can talk.

Not at all Cindy. Psy once he pretends to leave can it still be done with the new owners permission just by comparing ip addresses?

On a sadder note......Deven, I am sorry to have to tell you that I am cutting you loose after this post. You will have to release your rage on the new TheWho or someone else from now on, I will not be responding to you anymore. Oh, Good luck with the job search.

Good luck in your dealing with the coyotes, they can be ruthless and slave labor from across the border can be expensive. Now since youve always been too afraid to answer my questions anyway Im not sure what the difference will be. Youll still be here just posting under a different name, the same tired bullshit which I and others will prove wrong time and again. Youll still be too much of a coward and far too stupid to ever recognize it, and very little will change. If I get busy and youre still here your obsession with me will lend you to having make believe conversations with me again in a Norman and Mrs. Bates type fashion. Soooo I guess what were left with is that I'll see you soon.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Re: The Who offers to auction off his account for fornits!
« Reply #128 on: October 07, 2008, 08:58:21 AM »
Quote from: "Abu Zalot"
We, we, we. Identify the individuals you're speaking for or drop the Royal "we". You lonely sad shut in.

You probably missed the discussion.  The word “we” is sometimes used to refer to a whole section of society.  For example if you said “We” as in reference to democrats there would not be an expectation that you name every democrat.  I use it to refer to those who agree with me.  This may be 1 other person or thousands depending on the discussion.

Did your boss at Webvocates transfer you to another $7 an hour trolling assignment? Mother of God, I hope your next trolling gig is Sarah Palin. That would be putting your relentless annoyingly flat posting style to good use.

That would be fun huh?  "As for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day?" --Sarah Palin, interview with CNBC's "Kudlow & Co", July 2008

I just posted,
to say,
"fuck you",
And I mean it,
from the bottom of my bowels.

Shit on you and anyone who looks like you, spamming infidel. It is odd that you are leaving so close to the end of the Bush regime.

Could it be?

Fuck. You're Dick Cheney. It should have been obvious all along. Your daughter is gay and you sent her to ASR for a "cure" that (no surprise) was futile. Intolerant douche nozzle. They should throw your dinosaur ass into the La Brea tar pits after the Black man is chosen by the majority to clean up your corruption. You ofey honkie cracker bitch.

Cheney responded:  Look enough of those cracks, everyone knows how difficult it is for me to keep all my stories straight, let alone keeping my daughter straight Ha,Ha,Ha
When asked how important he felt the younger vote was in the upcoming election Cheney stated:
“My advisors have indicated to me that my approval rating is in the teens which I find ironic because I have difficulty relating to anyone under the age of 21.”  Then went on to say regarding his office:

The constitution was intended to be massaged a little in the favor of executive powers.  Everyone knows power is not given away but that it needs to be seized by the intended party.  My executive power as vice president is poorly defined in the constitution and therefore I need to make the rules to fit the circumstances, we are in a Constitutional crisis at the moment.  Yes I have attempted to seize the authority to override laws against surveillance and torture until after the war is over.  This will give us all time to review the problem if in fact one exists.  Lets not upset the apple cart until after we are done eating has always been a favorite saying of mine......

Yrs. in deep disgust,

Abu Zalot
Son of Mustaph Al Kahal.
Most Righteous Ripped Teacher and Honored Red Eyed Prophet of Allah.
Peace Be Upon Him.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: The Who offers to auction off his account for fornits!
« Reply #129 on: October 07, 2008, 10:07:17 AM »
Quote from: "RobertBruce"
Alan of Newton Mass wrote:

Are you really THAT much of a moron???  Knock this shit off!!  You're as much of a fucking attention whore as Who is.

And wasn't the Alan Newton disproven long ago?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: The Who offers to auction off his account for fornits!
« Reply #130 on: October 07, 2008, 10:11:52 AM »
Quote from: "TheWho"
Quote from: "Abu Zalot"
We, we, we. Identify the individuals you're speaking for or drop the Royal "we". You lonely sad shut in.

You probably missed the discussion.  The word “we” is sometimes used to refer to a whole section of society.  For example if you said “We” as in reference to democrats there would not be an expectation that you name every democrat.  I use it to refer to those who agree with me.  This may be 1 other person or thousands depending on the discussion.

Just shut the fuck up.  "We" all know that you use that term to infer to anyone new here that you're actually participating in a logical discussion.

You might want to apply for a position with the McCain campaign if this Aspen gig doesn't work out for you.  They spin as much as you and could really use your help about now.   :moon:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: The Who offers to auction off his account for fornits!
« Reply #131 on: October 07, 2008, 02:00:16 PM »
Quote from: "STFUYSA"

Are you really THAT much of a moron???  Knock this shit off!!  You're as much of a fucking attention whore as Who is.

And wasn't the Alan Newton disproven long ago?

Do you consider yourself a therapist, a referee, or a psychic. Just so you know, in real time life, you're merely insufferable
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: The Who offers to auction off his account for fornits!
« Reply #132 on: October 07, 2008, 02:34:48 PM »
Quote from: "CVC"
Quote from: "STFUYSA"

Are you really THAT much of a moron???  Knock this shit off!!  You're as much of a fucking attention whore as Who is.

And wasn't the Alan Newton disproven long ago?

Do you consider yourself a therapist, a referee, or a psychic. Just so you know, in real time life, you're merely insufferable

I's difficult to hear opinions different than your own.  I"m so sorry.  ::)

No more insufferable than RB going back and forth with Whoboy.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: The Who offers to auction off his account for fornits!
« Reply #133 on: October 07, 2008, 03:02:44 PM »
Quote from: "iozm,oiv"
Quote from: "CVC"
Quote from: "STFUYSA"

Are you really THAT much of a moron???  Knock this shit off!!  You're as much of a fucking attention whore as Who is.

And wasn't the Alan Newton disproven long ago?

Do you consider yourself a therapist, a referee, or a psychic. Just so you know, in real time life, you're merely insufferable

I's difficult to hear opinions different than your own.  I"m so sorry.  ::)

No more insufferable than RB going back and forth with Whoboy.

Oh, I don’t mind Robert. And I won’t bother pointing out your absurdity for asserting your right to voice an opinion after slamming Robert for voicing his opinion because it’s too stupid.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: The Who offers to auction off his account for fornits!
« Reply #134 on: October 08, 2008, 08:40:36 AM »
Quote from: "TheWho"

You probably missed the discussion.  The word “we” is sometimes used to refer to a whole section of society.  For example if you said “We” as in reference to democrats there would not be an expectation that you name every democrat.  I use it to refer to those who agree with me.  This may be 1 other person or thousands depending on the discussion.


Wow. You are Scary and Funny at the same time… You have delusions of grandeur, are frighteningly manipulative: with a tactic to appeal to imaginary, hypothetical sympathizers reading this forum (“we”). You pathetically misapprehend the effectiveness and reach of your tactic (1000s don’t read this forum, NO ONE will be anything but discomforted by your presumption of a collective unconscience)

My guess is that you’re Lou Woodbury, the man who tortured kids at CEDU, right?

You’ve posted at least 50 times a day for 4 years repeating yourself. You’ve made unconscionable, outrageous remarks: making fun of kids who have been tortured—literally laughing at them, “ha, ha, ha,” calling kids who have been murdered “data points” whose corpses is something “we” will take into account to improve “our” services.

You sure aint’ no regular program parent.

And if you are a program parent willing to devote SO much time to your “cause” (informing people that the rendition centers survivors say tortured them are fantastic) you’d surely provide your name, for all reformists who devote so much of themselves give their name as a way of establishing their credibility, like kat Whithead, or Liam Scheff, or any of the CAFETY gang.

So, why not do the same? After all, you care so much, and are certainly not trying to your REAL identity which is not “parent,” but predator.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »