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Offline Anonymous

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Re: AARC's Congenital Disease
« Reply #90 on: August 19, 2008, 04:58:40 PM »
Quote from: "psy"
Quote from: "vinny's fav guest"
AND where in the dictionary do I find "marvelousness"? I can see why you didn't quite catch on to how treatment for addiction works and that your kid is sick and needed help. It is a double wammy with you - stupid and self-absorbed!

Ok, i stand corrected !  

not a word most intelllectual folks would use  and Tami is not among them   ::puke::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: AARC's Congenital Disease
« Reply #91 on: August 19, 2008, 08:53:05 PM »
It's not very often I'm ever in a position to have to defend my character. Those who know me, unlike you, know why.

I have to say your response was a laughable one, and didn't even address what I was saying at all. Maybe you should read it again and try to come up with a more relevant response.

Considering we don't know each other, you seem to have strong opinions of me. Since you don't know me, and only limited information about me or my life was provided to AARC, I can only accredit this to assumptions and gossip learned through AARC. Read a few of my other posts. Maybe you should talk to the people directly involved in a situation, or try to find out the facts instead of blindly attacking them based on the goal oriented opinions of others.

Let's take a look at what you wrote:

Dear Tami/"a mom": uhm unlike you , some people have lasting friendships and a life built on community and they keep in contact with others where they work or play or whatever.

So because you don't know of my lasting friendships, they don't exist? Or you were told I have no lasting friendships? Or do you mean friendships with only people from AARC or who are in support of AARC? Please be more specific. You don't know where I work or play so how could you know whether I keep in contact with individuals from those places?

I was referring to the unnatural affiliation many parents/grads maintain post treatment, such as the activities referred to in my last post. This affiliation becomes stronger than the bond with their OWN children to the point that contact and a relationship with these children will be severed should the client/child or sibling/child leave AARC or AARC ideals behind. In my opinion, that is, indeed... sick.

Parents of youth in a drug treatment center (aside from AARC and others LIKE AARC) do not go on to work there. They also don't abandon their former lives, activities, family, friendships for "new" program related friendships and "new" program ways to live their life, which you would call a life built of community. As independent adults most parents are capable of making life decisions without having to consult with their child's rehab center.

MY life was built from the moment I was born. This will never change, I am self-absorbed as I value freedom of thought and the freedom for me and my family to believe what we believe not what someone else tells us to believe, and to be powerful and have control over our own lives. My life was not built from the moment I entered AARC. Unlike some other people in AARC, I still have my own life. I didn't start a new life during AARC and continue with this new life after AARC. My friends were my friends before AARC, and they are still my friends now. I guess I have no friends from AARC because it doesn't work that way does it? Friendships started in AARC, were severed when I was forced to stop attending, those individuals were "not allowed to talk to me" because I was no longer in AARC. Those who did talk to me, did so in hushed tones and "off the record". Prime example of the lack of independent thought and decision making and fear that goes along with being an AARC participant.

How does that make them 'sick'? Oh yes, in your healthy mind it does!

How does my aspiration to live my own life and not one created for me by AARC make me "sick"?

I don't recall saying anything about lasting friendships, a life built on community and keeping in contact with others where you work or play as being "sick". How did you interpret that from what I said?  My healthy mind sees nothing wrong with those things. However, I don't consider drug rehab "work", as in a career or employment or "play" as in a hobby or recreation. I especially don't consider drug rehab a "community".

Our purpose in attending AARC was to receive qualified help for the issues my son was dealing with at the time, not to join the ranks and add to the unification of the AARC, the AARC alumni or the AARC Society. A rehab center, in this case, initially described to me as a place to address root causes of my son's criminal activity, a place to receive mental health treatment, and a place to receive family therapy, is not and should never be considered "a community".

But we all know it is in the case of AARC, and thank you for affirming this.

roflmao You, unfortunatley for your kid were so self-absorbed you refused to do what it took to support your kid

Perhaps you don't have children? My family is my FAMILY. AARC is a place. We are a unit, always have been and always will be. I love my children (both of them, so no, I'm not going to kick the handicapped one out into the streets with NO way to look after himself, just because AARC expects it - maybe that's something you would do, and something other parents in AARC were willing to do, but not me)

I always have, always will and am currently doing whatever it takes to support my kids. My motivation comes from love, understanding and respect. And they know this.

so it was downloaded to someone else

Yes, since our rights were violated by AARC's "ever-changing-and-adaptable-to-suit-situation-if-it-helps-AARC- get-what-it-wants-follow-the-book-but-not-at-all-rules" my son was not only deprived of contact with his supportive family who loves him, he was also made to believe he had been abandoned, that he was worthless and his family didn't care if he lived or died, and that I wasn't even his legal parent anymore. He of course knows this is not true, because reality and his life history before and now after AARC just doesn't coincide with the facade that was repeatedly presented to him only during his time in AARC.

AND, my son had to have a host home SOMEWHERE to fulfill his duties, I mean treatment, didn't he?

Being a renter as opposed to a homeowner, my landlord was not keen on me putting bars on his property and locking up supposed drug addicted adolescents and adults against their will, in with other supposed drug addicted adolescents and adults. As a person with morals, personal integrity and the concern for other people's safety, not to mention my own legal liablity, I wasn't keen on this idea either. More so now, that I've heard accounts of rape, beatings, emotional abuse and sleep deprivation that has occurred in host homes. I am extremely glad that my household was not subjected to the ethical and legal accountability of such a potentially dangerous situation.

And my 17 year old's legal guardian it was a real cakewalk to not know of his whereabouts or well being for almost a whole year. But what do parental and childrens' rights have to do with this?

How is my son's oldcomer from that "Downloaded" family doing anyway, after being treated, graduated and released? The one responsible for supervising and mentoring my child without my knowledge or consent?

He's in jail isn't he? What a good role model! Yet another AARC success story/miracle!

Seriously though, I am grateful that my son was (according to him) well looked after in his host home, and the parents were very kind to him. In the forced absence of his own family he became fond of his host home parents. And I am grateful to them for taking care of my son. It is extremely generous of that family to commit yet ANOTHER year + of their lives to support the AARC cause. Again the unnatural affiliation, and people being manipulated into doing for AARC. I have talked to many parents who were resentful of the things expected of them at AARC, all the many things that were unrelated to "therapy" but completely applicable to the development of a "unified community".

I refused to be manipulated, and against outstanding odds I did in my heart what was right, and I am more convinced of that now than ever before.

Call it "sick" if you want. I will call it "strength".

I'm very happy to know that the 1 year in AARC could not destroy the 18 year relationship I have with my son. I am happy because that parent/child relationship has been destroyed in the same manner in more families than I would like to think about.

and now you write your BS just like GElliot on websites,

So he ISN'T the only one! I thought he was alone in his unjustified complaints about the AARC program? I guess there are others who were hurt by this place hey? Wow, think about it.

bitching about what other parents unreservedly did for their kids because they actually love their kid more than their time.

I honestly couldn't really care less what other people do, generally. Except for the fact that other people's participation has allowed programs like this to exist, for if they didn't my own family would have never gone through what we have gone through for the past year.

I also care about kids, and I care about siblings who are discarded when their parents choose one child over another because it was expected of them.  People love their child AND their time AND their life. Parents showing their support for their kids by performing menial tasks around the center whenever someone snaps their fingers? That is supporting your kid? Painting and cleaning the center, providing housing and food for other children while paying for your own child to receive these things at the expense of yet another parent and vice versa? Giving your resources and spare time to AARC, when the kid is completely unaware of anything you've done because there is a total lack of communication? I'm afraid that is unreservedly (at least outwardly) doing for the PROGRAM, not their CHILD. Questioning these irrational things is not a sign of lack of support for a child. It is a normal and rational response to being taken advantage of!

That is not therapy, that is not support, that is succumbing to peer pressure and intimidation and allowing yourself to be controlled through fear, guilt and obligation.

I love my kids more than my time, I can't even compare that... my kids ARE my time. I've foregone sleep more often than not in my support of my kids. My once thriving business has been practically destroyed over my love and support of my kids.

But you have contradicted yourself, in the same way AARC contradicts themselves. In AARC parents are taught to disconnect emotionally from their children. To "work their own program". We were told our kids are monsters, and they are going to do horrible things, and we need to be prepared to handle it. We weren't even allowed to ask direct questions regarding our child's treatment, or their well being. No communication is allowed. How does the this comply with ANY model of family therapy? Of which the main component IS communication. I've consulted the experts, that isn't therapy.

Unlike countless AARC graduates my kids KNOW I love them, my kids don't now, and thank God never again, will have to live with the fear that if they don't comply with AARC rules, and follow the AARC lifestyle that their relationship with me will be severed and all support from me will be withdrawn. They do not and will NEVER have to live with fear and paranoia thinking that they may get "caught" associating with the wrong people, or if they don't do this thing or that thing expected of them it will cause significant problems in either their life or in their relationship with me or each other.

They know that my love is, always will be, and always has been unconditional!

No mother who actually cares for their kid would abandom them cause things look a little too time consuming as you keep writing about when you complain about AARC.

Do you honestly believe, with everything I've written that I don't actually "care about my kid"? I would also like to know where I keep writing about anything being too time consuming???

you also like to spread the same BS as GE and attack AARC grads who say they were helped at AARC.

I talk about my own experiences, my own beliefs, my own research, my own opinions and my own life. Where did I attack an AARC graduate who said they were helped by AARC?

How interesting . . another happy person just helping others out . . . ??

Do you mean me or GE? If you mean me... you're right! I am a happy person. I always have been a generally happy and optimistic person. I'm participating in a forum discussion, which is applicable to my life because of my experiences. If this helps others, great, if not, it still helps me.

There truly are some people who should have been neutered in Alberta and not the ones deemed 'mentally handicapped'. You sure should have been a candidate, your poor kid . . .

Really? You would prefer a province of "mentally handicapped" people?

I know of no people who have been "neutered" especially females.

Honestly ... Wow! What a passionate statement! I am truly interested in the level of contempt you hold for someone you don't even know. What impact do I or either of my kids have on your life personally? Seriously. Have you always been this way with people you don't even know? I feel sorry for you. This kind of attitude could only create difficulty in your life and relationships.

But, if you had your wish would "neuter" have taken place before I had ANY children, including the AARC graduate in my family?  I wonder how this graduate would feel knowing you think it would have been preferable had he never been born at all? If he just failed to exist. Is his life that worthless now that he's maintaining his 18 year relationship with his own mother and brother? Is your organization that closed that you will discard one of your own so readily? Wow, you really did care about that kid hey? Or maybe your upset he's decided to live his own life and not become forever enslaved to the AARC program? Does it stink when they leave and you need to start training another one from scratch? Is that it?

Maybe I should have been "neutered" before having a mentally handicapped child, who holds high standards of excellence and responsibility for himself and the treatment of other people? I guess his principal and teachers would have never had the opportunity to give him honors with distinction and to claim time and time again that they are honoured to know him and that he is an asset to any school or organization in which he participates.

The world definitely needs LESS people like that! I am extremely proud of my two kids, and the fine people they are growing up to be. Seriously, considering you do not know me, or my family, get a grip!

AND where in the dictionary do I find "marvelousness"?

I bet you have a hard time matching socks too hey?

I can see why you didn't quite catch on to how treatment for addiction works and that your kid is sick and needed help.

I actually have an extremely good grasp on how AARC's method of treatment works. I've had nothing but time for the last year figuring it out. Not knowing me, or knowing what I do and how resourceful I am, I guess you wouldn't know that though.

My kid, my family for that matter entered AARC with a misrepresented notion of what we would be receiving. Unlike most kids who are ambushed by their parents, destroying all levels of trust, MY kid knew he was going to AARC. AARC wanted me to trick him, make him think he was picking up a bike or something from the facility. I guess treatment is more effective that way. Having more than a shred of respect for my son and his right to have some decision over what happens to him in his life, I refused to trick or con him. He knew he had problems and wanted help for those problems. He is now receiving appropriate help for his issues, not issues he needed to fabricate to ever make it out of your program.

It is a double wammy with you - stupid and self-absorbed!

I don't blame you for thinking this way. It's what you've been taught. You don't know anything about me or my life to know any different. There is no point of reference to base an accurate assessment on.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: AARC's Congenital Disease
« Reply #92 on: August 20, 2008, 02:19:52 AM »
Tami Dearest. we read with interest your description of how put out you were with the time commitments and your derogatory attitude towards those parents who did what was necessary for their kids. Didn't your kid ask to stay but you weren't willing to. Had nothing to do with your other child I am sure, you make it very clear that AARC was too labout intensive and that you didn't want your child there even if he felt he was getting help that you are determined to say he wasn't getting.
Anyway, just to remind you. Take a good look at your response to Noah, how compassionate and kind a mother you must be.

This is from ... need-help-

T. Brown wrote:

I am the mother of a young man currently in AARC. He's been in this facility since the summer of 2007 and has recently turned 18.
We were grossly deceived by this program, it's destroyed my family. With close to 400 families going through there, why was your 'family' the only one "grossly deceived"?T

he program claims a client's home is not safe to live in until further in treatment so the client stays with another family until the whole family has gone through therapy. The key issue with this concept is that to restore the family unit the family needs to talk to each other. This does NOT happen at AARC.  "
you say you spent the last year studying about AARC - and without actually doing the program you think you understand it by "studying" it outside of the program. You are obviously a comedian -  you think that sounds reasonable. You obviously do not know what is required to help a 'family unit' affected by addiction (what your kid was diasgnosed with if he was admitted to AARC). Explain to me how only one member in a family can be suffering and no one else is - the entire family is in treatment because the entire family needs help. Didn't your son's behaviour affect you and your other kid, or are you going to lie and say oh, not at all we are happy and optimistic and things are just grand - BS.

AARC claims you speak to your child, but it is a closely monitored exercise in which the client explains an experience of drug or alcohol use. The parents say "I love you" and that is all. I don't consider this conversation and I don't consider this therapy. This type of exercise would not restore the family unit. In addition to this, the "Talk" exercise is only allowed if the client has "earned the right".

hmm other parents seemed to get that each family member needs to focus on resolving their own stuff and as they all start doing this then they begin to resolve things between each. Other people get that, what is so hard for you to understand. You likely think there is nothing wrong with you, which certainly is not reflected in how you attack AARC and graduates like Noah.

My son has an autistic sibling. I was under the impression that my son and I would meet at the program twice a week for family therapy. This is not what happened. We were required to attend the program twice a week for a lecture by Dean Vause which didn't vary much from week to week. Even though the topics would change the content was the same. We are told our children are bad, they hurt us, they have an incurable disease and we need to detach from our children and work our own program to protect ourselves when our kids hurt us. Example after example of former client's "gone wrong" were given to us, those who took their own lives, took the lives of others, were in jail or for whatever reason no longer with the AARC program. The only former clients who seemed to be ok after graduation were those still directly connected to the program.  THAT is your belief, does not make it true. Quite impossible there are WAY more past grads doing well than the number that are participating at AARC. However, is it ok if they have alumni events or is that to "sick"for you. They shouldn't ever get together again . .even if they found other similar things they had in common besides treatment??  would that be ok Tami? We are told some our kids will die in treatment, this is terrifying! They hold the parents hostage through fear, guilt and manipulation. If you really talked to some parents and read some accounts of what they were experiencing BEFORE ARRC, they were ALREADY living in that fear, are you going to say you were not afraid for your kids life before AARC,or was he just out past 10 pm curfew so there were no real worries. AND be honest, let's hear how he ended up in AARC, please describe the course of events. I would like to know They withhold information and gain your compliance bit by bit. Once you comply with anything they ask you are basically hooked. Do you have a thing about control?

While in AARC my younger autistic son was being counseled without my knowledge or consent, he was given a workbook to complete that was totally beyond his reading and comprehension level. This workbook has been evaluated by professionals and deemed to have no therapeutic value and could only be detrimental in the context of family therapy. In addition to this the leading questions only isolate the family members opposed to uniting them.

The program was highly bizarre in that as a parent you are required to provide increasingly more of your time and resources to the program. The time commitment is more than 2 days a week as originally stated. The program decides what a parent can afford to pay even though they claim they don't turn anyone away due to financial difficulties. And the program restricts what a parent can earn due to time constraints as well as not allowing anyone else to live in the household. Some people such as me rely on this help with the rent.  
WOW and a time commitment of more than 2 days per week is too much for a kid you say you DO love? and you feel grossly misled and AARC wouldn't make sure that parents in your circumstance were supported - complete crap and you know it. AARC has paid the full price for some clients , tell us why they wouldn't insure that you could get the most help possiblewithout those concenrs.There have been lots of different situations in families that they have had to accommodate, I am sure because families are generally very disrupted if addiction is taking palce? DID YOU give them the complete truth, or is this the pot calling the kettle black?
Parents do not volunteer their homes as host homes. There is no choice or option here. Running a host home is a requirement of parents with the expense that goes along with it.

These "host homes" are unlicensed, if they were licensed they would violate city fire by-laws. The homes and the people in them do not undergo a child welfare check or a police record check.

Parents are told not to participate in the treatment clients receive in the host home; the newcomers are directly the oldcomer's responsibility.  In your case this would be very helpful because you seem to be very resistant to there possibly being some problems with how yourfamily was doing prior to your kid being brought there bacuse he was in crisis. your concept of what is healthy is questionable

The "oldcomer" clients participate in "oldcomer training week" which prepares them for their job as an oldcomer in which they are directly responsible for "newcomer" clients.  AND your problem with this is?
One week of training to look after the "worst of the worst" drug addicted kids who are, apparently, too destructive and disruptive to be treatable at any other facility.  Now who is manipulating fact - one week, what about the 5-6 months recovery work prior to them becoming 'oldcomers' and likely AARC counsellors are on call at all times or are you going to try to tell us they are not

I have personally seen "oldcomers" falling asleep in their chairs at meetings due to sheer exhaustion.  REALLY, did you ask them this

Once on level 3 (of 4) of the program the clients are attending the school at AARC, they are still oldcomers responsible for newcomers and they may (in the case of my son) work for another family in the AARC program. These clients are paid a very low wage compared to the labour market and they are required to open a joint bank account.

Even before my son was back in school it has been decided for him that he will travel to another country and study addictions. His only drug related charge was removed from his charges to accomplish this. And who told you that, please be honest.

I know my son lost his independent counsel and was appointed a new lawyer who is also on AARC's "legal committee". At that point I lost any say over what happened to my son who was still my dependant and still under the age of 18.  Did he request to stay in AARC to a judge?

Any deviation from the program requirements will result in a termination from the program and complete alienation from your child.  Or was your deviation total resistance and were you threatening the wellbeing of your kid and other kids by wanting others to adopt your idea of what neds to be done for a family - oops wasn't your family in treatment for a crisis and how could your level of thinking that was in that crisis be healthier than a treatment centre that is helping 100s of parents and kids? That is ususally the only reason people get terminated from a treatment program

Siblings who can not participate in the program are required to be removed from the household. If this can't be arranged the parents will be terminated from the program, deemed unwilling to co-operate with what is expected of them and they will lose contact with their child.

This child is then convinced they need to avoid contact with their family for their own sobriety. This is what happened in our case.  Were you at all supportive of your kid's wish to get help. Why didn't you see about taking your kid somewhere else?

100% compliance is expected and if the parents for whatever reason can not comply they are considered sick, unhealthy and in denial. Program participants are told that the other parents not in attendance don't care if their child lives or dies, or else they would do what is required to be there. I know of several parents, including me who have been terminated from the program.   was your deviation total resistance and were threatening the wellbeing of your kid and other kids. That is ususally the only reason people get terminated from a treatment program

Parents who place their children in this program have the option to remove them.

Children who are court ordered to this program without parental consent do not have this option.  When a kid is under the order of a court it is  because a parent has lost control of them long before this. So, what was it in your case?

According to the Gov't of Canada, private treatment facilities are a completely unregulated industry. It's a "Buyer Beware" industry. A parent in this situation can peition a court to send their kid to another treatment centre that is suitable, did you do thi?

This being the case and since there is no protection for youth as there would be had they been ordered to attend a regulated facility, it is my belief that the courts should not have jurisdiction to order youth to such facilities. There is no accountability.  And when kids are not in control by their parents, who should take charge?

These youth in particular have no protection through Children's Services. The onus is on the parents to protect their children, and parents of these court ordered children are unable to protect them. The Child Advocate can not help them as they are not "child welfare" clients and the youth lose all rights.   Why was YOUR child in that situation?

During my short time with the AARC program I witnessed and heard accounts of many serious abuses, including but not limited to: Rape, beatings in the host homes, clients being spit on, and clients cutting themselves in treatment and receiving no psychiatric or medical help. Sounds like right out of Greg Elliot and spouse's journal , Tami  . . surprise, suprise I've witnessed clients being absent for several meetings, clients being "set back to step one" for frivolous reasons that have nothing to do with the 12 steps of AA. I've witnessed people's values being shredded and horrible public displays of humiliation.  ALL your perceptions, heresay and you were there HOW LONG before you decided you knew better than people that have succesfully treating kids and families for 15 years? You state these things without complete knowledge of what the hell needs to happen through lack of understanding of addictions/treatment etc. et.c I really would like to know how you think you know more than people who have worked in this field for decades  

This program has deceived the clients, the parents, the public, the media and the Province of Alberta. REALLY and how about all the supporters. Are you going to try to tell people here that there are not hundreds of supporters, people that have been thru AARc and not that come from all walks of life - professionals - media, health care people, legal system people etc. etc

From my own experiences with the AARC program, I agree with Greg and Tony's statements.  You are paroting Greg, Tami !! LOL

I would like to mention that from reading this article it doesn't seem that the author is discrediting licensed and regulated facilities; it's the deceptive, unlicensed facilities that are of concern.

As a parent of special needs kids, I was completely blind to the fact that a facility such as this one would not have to be properly licensed and regulated by at least Alberta Health and Wellness or AADAC or even Alberta Mental Health.

Brainwashing vulnerable kids and their families (JUDGEs LAWYERS, CEO's of large corporations and DOCTORs etc.etc. that have gone through the complete program to graduation are brainwashed? tell me how that happened to them?) to join the ranks of these facilities and holding them hostage psychologically is simply unethical they need to be stopped. And what is your vocation or what is it about YOU, Tami that makes you think that you are above all these these people that they were more vulnerable and could be brainwashed.
Thank you for writing this article.

NOw, let's see how Tami responds to a young kid writing in:
May 12 at 04:02 PM

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Noah wrote:

I've been graduated from AARC for about 7 months now. I'm still sober and my life is better than ever, I was never once abused not have seen any abuse throughout my experience in AARC. Although marijuana and mushrooms were my drug of choice, (usually seen as not a problem by parents) I was high all day everyday, and selling both substances. I had dropped out of school, and my life was out of control. AARC was very hard to go through as it was the biggest change I've ever had to make. And I am forever grateful for it. 11 and a half months of hard work and repairing my life is definitely worth it in the long run. I'd rather much spend 11 and a half months straightening up my life and living a happy one at that, to an older age compared to living a life of despair and chaos for a shorter amount of time. If anyone has questions feel free to email me!

Jun 11 at 01:23 AM

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Noah wrote:

You can reach me at [email protected].

Jun 11 at 01:24 AM

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T. Brown wrote:

So Noah,

You walked out the doors of AARC 7 months ago and never looked back?

Don't have to "give back"?

You AND your parents are no longer going to meetings at AARC?

Your family is no longer acting as a "host home" to other clients?

You're no longer attending holiday dinners at AARC?

You didn't leave "AARC" and join the "Alumni"?

You were never refused use of a telephone or access to your own family during any of your time at AARC?

You were at school 10 months of the year?

You were never physically restrained and could walk out the door anytime you wanted to?

The way you describe your "addiction" could easily describe many of the people I went to high school with who outgrew this behaviour and became responsible, contributing members of society.  Wow, do you wonder why she was terminated from AARC
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: AARC's Congenital Disease
« Reply #93 on: August 20, 2008, 07:45:43 AM »
The more you post these desperately defensive rants about AARC (which really aren't defenses....they're just attacks on this mother who dares to question the great and powerful oz), the more it convinces me that nothing has really changed since it was KIDS or Straight.  This is exactly how Straight and Newton handled criticism.  EXACTLY.  

So much for compassion for what they believe are fellow "addicts" who just haven't accepted the "gift of awareness" yet.  You people sicken me.

Some suggested reading for you.

EMOTIONAL CONTROL - The control of the individuals emotional life

This manipulates a person's range of feelings. Guilt and fear are
used to keep control. Cult members cannot see the control by guilt and
like other abuse victims are conditioned to blame themselves when things
are wrong, even grateful when a leader points our their transgressions.

Fear is used to manipulate two ways.  The first is to create an
outside enemy (we vs them) who is persecuting you.  The second is the
fear of punishment by the leaders if you are not "good enough."  Being
"good enough" is following the ideology perfectly.  The most
powerful emotional control is phobia indoctrination.  This can give
the person a panic reaction at the very thought of leaving the
group.  It is almost impossible to conceive that there is any life
outside the group. There is no physical gun held to their heads but the
psychological gun is just as if not more powerful.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

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Re: AARC's Congenital Disease
« Reply #94 on: August 20, 2008, 03:43:33 PM »
I worked on my response to this for a while. My son told me it's a waste of time arguing with these idiots and they're just fishing for information.

It's true though, I have no need to defend myself any further. It's all just a waste of time, because those who know me and those who matter know the truth and the way things went down, exactly as I've described them. I've already explained everything they're asking in other posts anyway. So if you guys/girls want to continue wasting your own time attacking my character, feel free, but I'm sure you have better things to do.

I don't really blame them for being pissed, my son is a great kid! Would have been an awesome asset to their organization. Guess they'll have to find another "golden child" Back to step 1.

I do find it interesting though, that the AARC offense waited until my son was out of AARC and back home before attacking my character and integrity here in fornits?

All the backpedaling "AARC is SO accommodating" etc., is just proving how badly they lie and work on an element of deceit because ... it just didn't happen. IF they were accommodating, then they would have BEEN accommodating.

My kid has an excellent memory, he knows what was said to him and when. The AARC lies are piling up at an astonishing rate.

Love truly does conquer all!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: AARC's Congenital Disease
« Reply #95 on: August 20, 2008, 03:45:51 PM »
Does your kid lick your pussy now?  :P
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: AARC's Congenital Disease
« Reply #96 on: August 20, 2008, 03:48:14 PM »
Please disregard the last post. That person is obviously disturbed and belongs in a rubber room.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: AARC's Congenital Disease
« Reply #97 on: August 20, 2008, 04:41:37 PM »
Quote from: "Still just a mom"
I don't really blame them for being pissed, my son is a great kid! Would have been an awesome asset to their organization. Guess they'll have to find another "golden child" Back to step 1.

Oh please don't flatter yourself. Your kid is as hooped as you and is no apparent asset to AARC. Go bother some other treatment centre that lets you drop off and pick up later. Then you'll you be more easily able to rent your place with other renters and make as much $$ as you can and then can fuck up him up again once they come out.
I do find it interesting though, that the AARC offense waited until my son was out of AARC and back home before attacking my character and integrity here in fornits?

uhm, numnuts you were attacked once you arrived at Elliot's behest , you know after he turtled!!. . . too fucking stupid for words

All the backpedaling "AARC is SO accommodating" etc., is just proving how badly they lie and work on an element of deceit because ... it just didn't happen. IF they were accommodating, then they would have BEEN accommodating.

Backpetallng and HOW is that so? The fact is that they did accommodate your kid didn't they, inspite of your resistance to the HARD work involved.

My kid has an excellent memory, he knows what was said to him and when. The AARC lies are piling up at an astonishing rate.

YES, he took advantage of all the people trying to help him and took their stuff, graduated and thanked them all and then hmmmmmmmm  once he gets around you again - he changes his mind, he is NOt addicted, they abused him and Vause/AARC are a fraud. I am sure everything he reported to you, you had a sick twist to screw him up with. Just wish he would stay away from the other kids who actually stayed well and didn't use the good graces of professionals and parents alike only to start up with the Elliot/Tami drivel.

Love truly does conquer all!

Yep, keep us posted. It will be the same old story you and he will start fighting again, he'll pull his same old shit and you'll come back here whining and  blaming it on AARC because you and he co-signed the delusion that he really never had an addiction problem. you and your family do not deserve what the AARC people did for you. But that was about them having compassion so in the end they didn't lose by supporting your screwed up kid while you went to the bar.

Hey and what about your attack of NOAH?  please explain, it would be great to hear!! Doing crack is the same as any kid in highschool, right  You are SUCH a loving and healthy MOMMY   ::puke::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: AARC's Congenital Disease
« Reply #98 on: August 20, 2008, 05:49:17 PM »
This moron is obviously Josh Penner. He is borderline retarded, and is likely trying to get hired back by AARC so he can intimidate children and try to impress their parents by his great "program"

Fortunately Josh speaks loudly for the kind of place AARC is, and I bet they cringe when they read his posts. Any parent would read his posts and think whether or not their child should be exposed to this kind of "recovery" . Nice job!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: AARC's Congenital Disease
« Reply #99 on: August 20, 2008, 06:33:44 PM »
Quote from: "Josh Penner is an idiot"
Fortunately Josh speaks loudly for the kind of place AARC is, and I bet they cringe when they read his posts. Any parent would read his posts and think whether or not their child should be exposed to this kind of "recovery" . Nice job!


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: AARC's Congenital Disease
« Reply #100 on: August 20, 2008, 06:36:25 PM »
Quote from: "Captain Fornits"
Please disregard the last post. That person is obviously disturbed and belongs in a rubber room.
:D  :D  :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: AARC's Congenital Disease
« Reply #101 on: August 20, 2008, 07:19:02 PM »
Quote from: "Josh Penner is an idiot"
This moron is obviously Josh Penner. He is borderline retarded, and is likely trying to get hired back by AARC so he can intimidate children and try to impress their parents by his great "program"

Fortunately Josh speaks loudly for the kind of place AARC is, and I bet they cringe when they read his posts. Any parent would read his posts and think whether or not their child should be exposed to this kind of "recovery" . Nice job!

Nope, you the IDIOT, man!!! roflmao
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: AARC's Congenital Disease
« Reply #102 on: August 21, 2008, 12:03:17 PM »
Hey and what about your attack of NOAH? please explain, it would be great to hear!! Doing crack is the same as any kid in highschool, right You are SUCH a loving and healthy MOMMY

Noah stated he did marijuana and mushrooms, not crack.

My "attack" was asking pointed questions, that were never answered by the way. There was nothing abusive about it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: AARC's Congenital Disease
« Reply #103 on: August 21, 2008, 08:09:47 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
My "attack" was asking pointed questions, that were never answered by the way. There was nothing abusive about it.

REALLY how "laughable" Isn't that a matter of perception!!!  roflmao

take a GOOD look at what that kid wrote and your response again - it sure shows why you might just be a hazard to your kid's wellbeing.

And why is it important whether Noah and/or his parents are engaged in ANY of those activities within your "pointed" questions?????
Because you have a strange idea that parents investing time in support and treatment of their kid in crisis is somehow WRONG??    :wall:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: AARC's Congenital Disease
« Reply #104 on: August 21, 2008, 08:13:03 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
My "attack" was asking pointed questions, that were never answered by the way. There was nothing abusive about it.

REALLY how "laughable" Isn't that a matter of perception!!!  roflmao

take a GOOD look at what that kid wrote and your response again - it sure shows why you might just be a hazard to your kid's wellbeing.

And why is it important whether Noah and/or his parents are engaged in ANY of those activities within your "pointed" questions?????
Because you have a strange idea that parents investing time in support and treatment of their kid in crisis is somehow WRONG??    :wall:

So, you're still not going to answer the questions then, huh?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »