Author Topic: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.  (Read 37619 times)

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Offline ZenAgent

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Re: Bury This Carcass, 2. "A New Day" (Sorry, my computer won't let me post on o
« Reply #195 on: February 28, 2008, 07:48:20 PM »
Quote from: "MONTEL"
Quote from: "Froderik"
Admins-- why not just delete this thread (and maybe unlock the other one now), it's just more of the same shit.

Keeping it locked is a good idea, in my opinion, its a good read on how moderators and Admins react to different adversities and how they abuse their power openly here on fornits by exposing people.  The original purpose of having moderators was to facilitate the discussion and help people, invite new readers and posters instead of threats and chasing people away.

Thewho again.  Log in.  I hope they tag you again.  I'm sure you do want the other one locked, you dicked up, old son.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
\"Allah does not love the public utterance of hurtful speech, unless it be by one to whom injustice has been done; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing\" - The Qur\'an

A PV counselor\'s description of his job:

\"I\'m there to handle kids that are psychotic, suicidal, homicidal, or have commited felonies. Oh yeah, I am also there to take them down when they are rowdy so the nurse can give them the booty juice.\"

Offline ZenAgent

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Re: Bury This Carcass, 2. "A New Day" (Sorry, my computer won't let me post on o
« Reply #196 on: February 28, 2008, 07:55:53 PM »
Now you can rave away as anyone you want to.  I refuse to read anymore "carcass" threads.  Have fun.  It's satisfying to see you get so worried about being "exposed".  As I recall, there was a price on your identity at one time.  Shill...  Tool...WEASEL!

Balls to you and CCM both, logged in or as anons.  Bottom-feeders...Program profiteers. 
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
\"Allah does not love the public utterance of hurtful speech, unless it be by one to whom injustice has been done; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing\" - The Qur\'an

A PV counselor\'s description of his job:

\"I\'m there to handle kids that are psychotic, suicidal, homicidal, or have commited felonies. Oh yeah, I am also there to take them down when they are rowdy so the nurse can give them the booty juice.\"

Offline TheWho

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Re: Bury This Carcass, 2. "A New Day" (Sorry, my computer won't let me post on o
« Reply #197 on: February 28, 2008, 08:25:35 PM »
Quote from: "ZenAgent"
She posted her name on another site.

And her pictures.

No magic, just an address search in CA.

Careful what you post on the internet. 

And for the last time, (you must be the who) I don't have admin status.  I see one IP - MINE.  I don't have anything to TAKE AWAY.

Do you have a clue now?

No, that wasn’t me (again), Zen.  But I would like to respond.

You feel it is okay to expose CCM’s identity because you found her name on another site.  Well, first of all it is a little weird that you were out looking for it in the first place and secondly you are a moderator here on fornits and you should be trying to protect peoples information not trying to expose them.

If the waitress in a restaurant gave your credit card information to the busboy, you would not accept the response “Well you gave me the credit card free and clear, I just gave it to the busboy for a minute or two”?… there is an implied trust that occurs when you hand your credit card over and the same applies here on fornits.  The same applies when we write private messages, we assume they are private.  If they are not we should be told that.

Now you can rave away as anyone you want to.  I refuse to read anymore "carcass" threads.  Have fun.  It's satisfying to see you get so worried about being "exposed".  As I recall, there was a price on your identity at one time.  Shill...  Tool...WEASEL!

You should run, Zen, you should hand in your mod hat and go back to posting your propaganda against PV.  That is the only reason you are here, admit it.  You could care less about anyone else.  It is evident in your handling of survivors outside your interest.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline The Fornits

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Re: Bury This Carcass, 2. "A New Day" (Sorry, my computer won't let me post on o
« Reply #198 on: February 28, 2008, 10:51:16 PM »
Ok, let me clear a few things up here. First, don't believe everything you read. Just because a couple of fellow vets are losing their tempers and good graces and accusing one another of shit doesn't mean it's actually happening.

Second, I really should update the terms of use. God! I could probably spend days on end doing things that need doing around here. Instead I'll chip away at it, delegating as much as possible to others and learning on the fly how to do that right. Wish me luck, please.

Third, moderators run their own fora their own way. I strongly recommend to them that they go as easy as possible on editing or banning or rule making and what have you because I know from experience and observation how that damages the conversation. Know how Frod got the Let It Bleed forum? He bitched about the way I was running things. I said ok, show me how it's done. He has. It's not just exactly like the rest of the fora in purpose or personality. It's something different that I could never have done quite like that. But I've been wrong about a great many things in this life and so I don't make any hard rule about it. If you don't trust the moderator w/ whatever back end info they may get then don't post to that forum. Simple.

Fourth, same goes for private messages. Just as with snail mail, the privacy of your pms is only as good as the integrity of the recipient.

Fifth, and this is most important, I think. Please try to respect one another. Don't waste a lot of time and energy worry about how some joker is going to fool other, less perceptive people. That's just so damned conceited!

Sixth, Fornits will never be the same, that's very, very true. But then it hasn't been the same since it started. Started out just a couple of us bitching and farting and trying to get some attention like Horton's li'll ol'e Who down in Whoville. We all knew each other in real life and pretty much agreed with one another about the program. For the most part, that is. Very soon the Mysterious D came along defending Straight. Quick as anything, he set up his alumni group on yahoo to gather together all the thousands of proud Straightlings and revive the 7th Step Society. I joined it and promoted it, which I think confused the hell out of him for awhile, but I'm pretty sure we're friends now. At least we're not on bad terms that I know of. I should drop him a line....

Anyway, Don did things his way and things went differently over there than they have here. Lot of good mojo has come out of the alumni group (which pretty quickly became devoid of anybody who would self identify as program Alum once old friends started talking and comparing notes) Same with ISAC. Kathy Moya is one of the people I respect most, would never do things the way I do. She's far too polite and concerned with people's feelings to let this sort of shit go. I'm glad she's doing what she's doing. It needs to be done and I'm not capable of it.

Things will never be quite the same as when this was just my hobby that I liked to share with my friends. But it'll still be damned good in some old ways and a whole lot better in some others.

Yes, the forums need to be rearranged. In fact, since we can do sub forums, I may categorize them that way. Or if I find there's very little traffic on some which are related to others, maybe I should combine them.

We'll see. I have to look around a whole lot more before I can even make an assessment. One thing that hasn't changed, I will listen with interest to just about any suggestion then take my own council and do what I think best.

Wow, this shit does attachments? Leme see how that works
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Bury This Carcass, 2. "A New Day" (Sorry, my computer won't let me post on o
« Reply #199 on: February 28, 2008, 10:55:11 PM »
WHO, GO AWAY. You are full of shit and blow your stink in my direction. Honestly, jihad this Joe Goebbels.

Quote from: "ZenAgent"
(you must be the who)

I’ve said who I am. First, you broadcast I’m CCM girl, and now the who. Ipso facto, you’ve no capability of knowing my identity so do not make presumptuous decrees. It’s unethical.

Quote from: "ZenAgent"
She posted her name on another site.

And her pictures.

No magic, just an address search in CA.

Careful what you post on the internet.

I distrust your account of how u got her personal info, as you claim, pathetically enough, to “bluff” in order “to get satisfaction.” Perhaps you are lying to “satisfy” yourself now.

But even if one accepts your story, your dead-agenting of ccm girl is dishonorable, and raises concerns

How’d you know that it was “her” on “another site?” There’s tons of names and photos on the web. How’d you know where to look, and who she was?

Secondly, posting some survivor girl’s and her family’s personal details on this forum, however ascertained, as a means of sadistic “satisfaction” is pathological.
That goes way too far. Why would you go after her family, as well -innocent bystanders? They have done nothing to you. What’s next, her kids? Mom? Gonna run over her dog?

Quote from: "ZenAgent"
I don't have admin status.  I see one IP - MINE.  I don't have anything to TAKE AWAY.

Do you have a clue now?

I don’t know what IP’s you have access to, and don't believe your info cause you like to "bluff." Can Mike or Aaron weigh in on this, please? Do moderators have any access to any IPs, at all? I don’t think this lady should have.

Quote from: "ZenAgent"
Now you can rave away as anyone you want to.  I refuse to read anymore "carcass" threads.  Have fun.  It's satisfying to see you get so worried about being "exposed".  As I recall, there was a price on your identity at one time.  Shill...  Tool...WEASEL!

Balls to you and CCM both, logged in or as anons.  Bottom-feeders...Program profiteers. 

You state I’m a “shill” and “weasel” because I don’t want to be “exposed,” yet, as you post  in anonymity are as much of a “shill” and “weasel” as I.

And because you posted a survivor girl’s personal info- her address, name, and names of her family- cruelly invading her, and her family’s privacy-  just to degrade her, you paint an illustration of why people wish to keep things completely anon. And in particular, why YOU should not have ANY access to ips.

I'm NOT ccm or who but, HELL yes, I’m afraid of being “exposed.” It’s my dream to put those who murdered me in prison. And some limp-lifed mod getting annoyed with me, and divulging sensitive material to my abusers for a “satisfaction” he doesn’t get in real-time-land is something I’d like to avoid.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline psy

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Re: Bury This Carcass, 2. "A New Day" (Sorry, my computer won't let me post on o
« Reply #200 on: February 29, 2008, 05:01:47 AM »
A few points:

 - Moderators only have access to IP info on forums they moderate.
 - Nobody is banned from the shoutbox or forum currently except spammers
 - Zen demanded ip information, yes, but he didn't get it.
 - TheWho should log in and check his PMs.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)

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Re: Bury This Carcass, 2. "A New Day" (Sorry, my computer won't let me post on o
« Reply #201 on: February 29, 2008, 05:09:48 AM »
Quote from: "OH WEHT"
Most importantly, it’s a revelation to me that moderating powers are so circumscribed. Knowing they are is comforting.
There should be a sticky explaining what moderators and administrators have the power to do, and not do.

This has always been a big point with me.  There should be some expectations as users (customers) on how our posts will be handled and/or what the rules are.

1.   Private Messages carry an implied security that the posts will not end up on the open forum.  This has been proven not to be true over and over again and was violated again today when a survivors personal information was reposted on the open forum by a fornits moderator because she didn’t agree with him.

2.   If you have a user name and cannot log in is it okay to post as a guest?  Apparently not.  I have been harassed all day because of this.  I indicated that the moderator (psy) could tag my posts if he liked, but I was asked to leave the forum if I wasn’t logged in.

3.   One of the admins became frustrated with me at one point and started fabricating posts and tagging them as my own.

4.   Another moderator became so angry that he threatened to expose me if he could get my IP address because I would release personal information on the forum.

This information can be confirmed by reading the thread:

“Bury this rotten carcass, it is starting to stink”

I think there should be a set of rules for admins to follow and what we can expect as users of the fornits forum.  There are many that do not want to post because they are not sure if they can speak openly and/or afraid to rock the boat with their opinions with fear their personal information will be exposed here.

Maybe a list of rules or assurances as we enter the individual forums would help, i.e. what are the admins and mods allowed or not allowed to do.... what personal information to they have access to.... can all admins and mods read the personal messages?......  Can they review these messages and make this information public if they like.


Please disregard my messages.  I suck cocks (and am proud of it). I should log in too...  Or better yet, check my PMs and follow my "scouts honor" agreement.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Bury This Carcass, 2. "A New Day" (Sorry, my computer won't let me post on o
« Reply #202 on: February 29, 2008, 06:12:40 AM »
Quote from: "psy"
I keep wondering where [Aaron] gets the money to be perpetually on vacation.

There's a lot of useful information in all our computers that could help a chronically unemployed hacker support his scubadiving junkets and hotel lifestyle. Credit card fraud and blackmail spring to mind. 
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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Access to IP info
« Reply #203 on: February 29, 2008, 10:29:54 AM »
Quote from: "psy"
A few points:

 - Moderators only have access to IP info on forums they moderate.

Admins have access to IP info, but not moderators anymore, even on the forums that they moderate...
(At least that's how it is right now on Let It Bleed.)

- Zen demanded ip information, yes, but he didn't get it.

The guest raised such a stink over Zen's demand, with no regard to whether or not Zen actually got that info or not.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline seamus

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Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« Reply #204 on: February 29, 2008, 11:08:42 AM »
IM NOT GOING ANYWHERE,keep bickering,he said,she said,damn sounds like the last family reunion I went to.

as I see it the main reasons for the forum should be twofold.

    1 to make some attempt to stifle programs that usurp civil liberties,and abuse children.
    2 let survivors try to get past the shit that they have suffered at the hands of said programs.It sucks to be alone in this
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
It\'d be sad if it wernt so funny,It\'d be funny if it wernt so sad

Offline Ursus

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Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« Reply #205 on: February 29, 2008, 11:15:22 AM »
Quote from: "seamus"

as I see it the main reasons for the forum should be twofold.

    1 to make some attempt to stifle programs that usurp civil liberties,and abuse children.
    2 let survivors try to get past the shit that they have suffered at the hands of said programs.It sucks to be alone in this

Amen to Seamus. Let's try to keep the primary focus where it belongs (read 1, 2).

And geez, maybe try to keep your sense of humor about it all, too, if ya can...  :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline psy

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Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« Reply #206 on: February 29, 2008, 11:18:37 AM »
Well said seamus.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)

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Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« Reply #207 on: February 29, 2008, 11:22:12 AM »
Well, it appears the reason I have not been able to log-in (The last day or so) was that I was in the process of being Banned.  Got this message this morning.  So I am using someone elses computer. are banned from posting or sending personal messages on this forum.
Commercial Spamming, intentional disruption of the forum

so I guess "Free speech ala fornits"  will be rewritten in favor of anti-program posts and propaganda....there is a new sheriff (and Deputies) in town, careful what you post everyone.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline seamus

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Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« Reply #208 on: February 29, 2008, 11:43:37 AM »
JUST FOR THE RECORD, I got no beef with psy or che,I understand the intent of what you do.I also see the who for what he is,also sue sue pseudio,I Just cant take them seroiusly,as they have never lived our common experience,and therefore, they speak from their portholes
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
It\'d be sad if it wernt so funny,It\'d be funny if it wernt so sad

Offline psy

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Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« Reply #209 on: February 29, 2008, 11:45:37 AM »
Quote from: "OH WEHT"
Well, it appears the reason I have not been able to log-in (The last day or so) was that I was in the process of being Banned.  Got this message this morning.  So I am using someone elses computer. are banned from posting or sending personal messages on this forum.
Commercial Spamming, intentional disruption of the forum

so I guess "Free speech ala fornits"  will be rewritten in favor of anti-program posts and propaganda....there is a new sheriff (and Deputies) in town, careful what you post everyone.

I'll let Ginger explain why...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)