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Program tactics: Exposed.
« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2007, 07:24:46 PM »
i knew i was stuck when i realized it was the haunting dream i had had since 5th grade. same wall colors (deep depressing blue) same yellow chairs, same stained floor, same polls in center of room, same feeling! my dreams were right, intuition couldn't save me though.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: PFC-spin off KHK
« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2007, 11:55:00 PM »
Quote from: ""A""
i was in PFC from 04-05. are in from KHK? if so what year, and a few quick questions for you! nice thread by the way!

1st i want to tell you that i understand about having to lie! i was told on a regular basis for a year that when i was telling the truth, "i was lying" and also told that if i didn't fess up more and more and more (which i had told them everything, i wasn't that bad of a kid) that i could not and would not move up in the program! 15 hrs of therapy mon. and fri. and 10 hrs of therapy tues-thurs! exhausting. i was definately not fed properly at the building, 10 hrs with a small meal that could only carry 3 or 4 items is not enough! we got in trouble for packing too much food. even if it was like a fruit roll up, apple sauce, drink, and sandwich, that is 4 things, thats the limit! i was started over 3 times for contacting old "druggie friends" the ones that have been there for me through all different ages, and are still with me today! parents are told to throw away all clothes and all materials in childs room, as well as kick them outta the house if their child didn't graduate! this happened to me :( one more question...did they teach you how to stop shaking, and how to look and appear happy when broken? i was taken aside and taught this at staff desk, so i don't know if you learned this.

STAFF - do any of these names sound familier?
mr. franz (coordinator)
merriann hilger
mrs. huber
flaura wilsker
terri nissley
mr. beasley

Terms- do they have these at KHK?
-phaser room
-bag checks
-oldcomer blocking doors
-basics (1st group)
-serious group
-what method do the restraints involve? elbow in back face pushed into floor with rug burn, sitting on them? can you remember? (it took me a while to get some memories back)

-thats a rap
-honesty lists
-put in to see the nurse
-15 min of dodgeball, excersice for 30 if bad (richard simmons)
-going defiant
-started over
 :roll:  :(  :)  :o  :rofl:  :question:  :wink:

just clarifying that they are another spinn off, even though i already know because guess who answered the phone @ KHK- good old flaura wilsker.

yes to all of these below:

thats a rap
-honesty lists
-put in to see the nurse
-15 min of dodgeball, excersice for 30 if bad (richard simmons)

and yes to these, as well:
-started over
-phaser room
-bag checks
-oldcomer blocking doors
-basics (1st group)
what method do the restraints involve? elbow in back face pushed into floor with rug burn, sitting on them ( most times more than one person sitting on ye, and sometimes smashed into the wall, as well.)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"So, you can make me cum ...that doesn\'t make you, Jesus"....Tori Amos copyright
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Offline wdtony

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« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2007, 02:33:08 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
i knew i was stuck when i realized it was the haunting dream i had had since 5th grade. same wall colors (deep depressing blue) same yellow chairs, same stained floor, same polls in center of room, same feeling! my dreams were right, intuition couldn't save me though.

I have never heard something so wild. I believe in the mysterious truth in our dreams. I believe they can transcend time. I have had dreams come true and once had the exact same dream, the same night while spending the night with that same close friend. We knew something beyond our understanding had happened, but it happened nonetheless. Maybe one day we can interpret our dreams better and save ourselves.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline wdtony

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Re: PFC-spin off KHK
« Reply #18 on: October 31, 2007, 03:18:46 AM »
Quote from: ""A""
i was in PFC from 04-05. are in from KHK? if so what year, and a few quick questions for you! nice thread by the way!

1st i want to tell you that i understand about having to lie! i was told on a regular basis for a year that when i was telling the truth, "i was lying" and also told that if i didn't fess up more and more and more (which i had told them everything, i wasn't that bad of a kid) that i could not and would not move up in the program! 15 hrs of therapy mon. and fri. and 10 hrs of therapy tues-thurs! exhausting. i was definately not fed properly at the building, 10 hrs with a small meal that could only carry 3 or 4 items is not enough! we got in trouble for packing too much food. even if it was like a fruit roll up, apple sauce, drink, and sandwich, that is 4 things, thats the limit! i was started over 3 times for contacting old "druggie friends" the ones that have been there for me through all different ages, and are still with me today! parents are told to throw away all clothes and all materials in childs room, as well as kick them outta the house if their child didn't graduate! this happened to me :( one more question...did they teach you how to stop shaking, and how to look and appear happy when broken? i was taken aside and taught this at staff desk, so i don't know if you learned this.

STAFF - do any of these names sound familier?
mr. franz (coordinator)
merriann hilger
mrs. huber
flaura wilsker
terri nissley
mr. beasley

Terms- do they have these at KHK?
-phaser room
-bag checks
-oldcomer blocking doors
-basics (1st group)
-serious group
-what method do the restraints involve? elbow in back face pushed into floor with rug burn, sitting on them? can you remember? (it took me a while to get some memories back)

-thats a rap
-honesty lists
-put in to see the nurse
-15 min of dodgeball, excersice for 30 if bad (richard simmons)
-going defiant
-started over
 :roll:  :(  :)  :o  :rofl:  :question:  :wink:

just clarifying that they are another spinn off, even though i already know because guess who answered the phone @ KHK- good old flaura wilsker.

I was in KHK 86-88. Sounds to me like PFC is KHK. Kinda like Hardees out west is called Carl's Jr.

I must admit, there is a lot I do not remember. If we were shaking at open meeting we were seated in the back row. We had benches, not chairs. We were taught many ways to act good during open meeting. Mainly if we tried anything during open meeting, we would regret it for the foreseeable future. Also, if we were not working, we would get a snack after open meeting on friday, if we were good during the meeting. Aby other night we would not be given a snack, or what I like to call; Dinner.

I was the dodgeball winner. The smallest lightest guy in group with long skinny arms, I could slingshot that bastard faster than anyone could move. Even the big muscular staff lost to me. That was my only accomplishment in there. Only wish I could have run away instead.

We had at least an hour of PT(physical training) a day. I remember one day doing 1200 jumping jacks in a row. I never had blisters on my feet so bad in my life. PT always killed me. So little food, so much activity.

Our phaser room I think was called the rap room when I was in.
coc- chain of command
oldcomer-newcomer,  My father said it took 5 to 6 moths before I reached 2nd phase. I knew it was at least 4 before I started to lose my grasp on reality.

I was started over twice. Once on 3rd phase and once on 5th phase.

We had bag check but I think it was called "clothes" check or something.

You could put in to see the nurse but it could take weeks to actually see her if you were allowed at all. I never saw the nurse, but I was forced to take a flu shot from a doctor that made me sick for 2 weeks. For all we know, they could have been giving us experimental drugs. Don't put it past them!!!!

I'm still getting the memory of restraints back. It is slow and been a long time. i remember being sat on and I thought I would die from not being able to breath. We only got rugburn in the open meeting room. our rap room was cold hard tile. Once you got smacked down on that stuff a couple times you learned to play nice.

We had no A/C so we had this huge fan in the summer and the oldcomer guys would stand guard at the door. We knew we wouldn't make it out but we ran at the doors anyway. I think throughout the rest of the year we had an oldcomer guarding the main door entrance to the rap room.

My parents threw out all of my material possessions. I didn't learn this until I went on 2nd phase and my mother acted so happily as if she had done the world a service. All my records and posters and my guitar and amplifier. Everything a 14 year old kid was into was gone. They had been instructed to throw it all away or sell it. I admit, I didn't have much, but it meant a lot to me at the time. I don't value material possessions anymore. I value anger and hatred against tyranny and oppression.

Going defiant, I think was called acting out.

terri nissley is the only name I know. I think she is in company with penny walker.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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« Reply #19 on: November 02, 2007, 07:18:42 PM »
I am not sure who is spinning off who, but KHK and PFC are definately related.  KHK in Milford, is now Kids Helping Kids a Pathways Family Center.  They are completely merged now.  The transition began in 2004.  As of 2006 the following terms were being used at the KHK/PFC building

Terms- do they have these at KHK?
-phaser room - yes.  it was a room at household that we slept in.  The only thing that was allowed to be in it were mattresses and blankets.  Absolutely nothing else, so our overnight bags and everything else was piled up in the hall.  There were alarms on the doors and windows in every house that would sound if you opened them, a loud shrieking sound anytime we opened the door too early or something.  We also could only wear two articles of clothing to bed, and they couldn't be "street appropriate" (so no shirt and pants, it had to be underwear and a shirt, something that would be noticable if someone saw you walking down the street, also, socks counted as both articles of clothing)  before bed we did searches, feel around the chest area (on girls) pull down you underwear so the oldcomer could make sure you weren't stashing anything, and mouth checks.  The entire room had to be searched (oldcomers would basically have to run thier hands over everything, and shake out all blankets to make sure that phasers didn't hid anything)  and the oldcomers bed had to be pushed against the door.  

-bag checks we had to search through every article of clothing, every notebook, every possesion of newcomers every sunday.  Also, in the mornings before we went into the rap room we searched our newcomers to make sure they didn't have anything on them.  In the winter we were only allowed two sweatshirts.  

-oldcomer blocking doors in the building we had oldcomers stand in front of doors with chairs in front of them so that if someone did try to run the oldcomer could use the chair to try to stop them (never saw it happen, but that's what the staff told me they were for)  Also, at household, the oldcomer had to be between the newcomers and the door, and if the door was open, new comers had to be beltlooped.  Also, newcomers were beltlooped from the car to the house until the door was locked, the same going to the building.

-basics (1st group) first rap of the day, read out of the AA book, go over the steps, you had to have the steps, the serenity prayer, the mottos (think think think, first things first, and easy does it) and the 5 criteria for irrational thoughts (1. based on realtiy, 2.... does anyone remeber these??) memorized before you could put it for talk.  Every morning newcomers had to repeat these.  Every Sunday newcomers had to 'explain' the steps

-didactics we didn't have this at KHK, what is it?

-serious group This sounds like our Monday Night Rap where staff would confront anyone they didn't think was honest, and the whole group would gang up.  The lights were usually turned down for effect, there was lots and lots of yelling/screaming/crying during these.  You knew you were fucked when you were called for Monday Night Rap, lots of start overs and set backs.  We also had Reasons Rap on Friday after Homes had been called (not where you were sleeping, but who made what phase/talk/tr or whatever) when the staff would tell you why you didn't make the phase you put in for.  Depending on how you handle the situation you could very easily get started over or set back.  The worst part was, if you got started over, your parents wouldn't find out until after open meeting when you just didn't come home.

-what method do the restraints involve? elbow in back face pushed into floor with rug burn, sitting on them? can you remember? (it took me a while to get some memories back) We had the high low method, it took people out pretty easily.  The whole group would get excited and if it was a boy, it seemed like most of the guy oldcomers would end up on top of them by the end of it.  It was basically pin them to the ground however you could.  

-thats a rap our groups were called raps, but that phrase isn't sticking out in my memory

-honesty lists we called them something along the lines of list of things to 'bring out' (tell on yourself) in group.  Also we had insecurity lists where you would list every fucked up thing, or every bad/insecure thought about yourself in a list.  Then you get up in group and read the list to everyone.  It was supposed to help selfesteem levels and get rid of insecurities, go figure.  Did ya'll have insecurities... i.e. a staff member tells you to do an insecurty, basically you make an ass out of yourself in front of group by dancing or singing a song, whatever staff felt like, or wearing embarrasing clothing (like what we had wasn't embarrasing already)  etc.  

-coc ah, the Chain of Command.  We had to have this memorized too to make talk, and everything had to be spelled correctly.  If someone stopped working at KHK thier name had to be blacked out, like phasers who left, they no longer existed.

-oldcomer-newcomer check.

-put in to see the nurse Put in to do anything, put in for medication, (my answer to headache chains was to drink water and pray) put in to talk to staff, etc.  Never knew what was going to actually happen and what wasn't.

-15 min of dodgeball, excersice for 30 if bad (richard simmons) we had exersise rap everyday? I think? or only tuesday thursdays? Twice a week we had a program parent come in and teach step aerobics.   She was the nicest lady, i looked forward to that just to get out of the chairs for a little while

-going defiant Acting out for me too.

-started over all the way back to day one!
different types of set backs: 3 day to a week away from home (keep oldcomer status, but don't go to your house, take household somewhere else),
days frozen (one 4th or 5th phase when staff wanted to keep you there longer)  
being called in (you don't go to school or work, you stay in group, but keep your phase)
Being sat - on 5ht phase loosing the privledge to stand up and talk in group
Stuck to household - you had to stay with everyone you went home with the whole time, no seperating.  it made getting things done very difficult (but like everyone, the old comers always had to be w/ the newcomers, but if you had two old and two new, you couldn't split up)
set back a phase - or really go back as many as you need like 4th to 2nd or something
anyone remember any others?
Did anyone else have to do RSA's?  I don't remember what it stands for but it was a sheet you filled out to correct irrational thinking.  
Crazy how once you get going, the program lingo just starts flooding back.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #20 on: November 02, 2007, 07:33:25 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Did anyone else have to do RSA's?  I don't remember what it stands for but it was a sheet you filled out to correct irrational thinking.

The course was RSC (Rational Self Counseling) and RSA was (Rational Self Analysis).

This is where you would take a phrase like "Shit Head" and think about it "Logically" and determine that your head is not made of shit.

God the brainwashing went deep.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline wdtony

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« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2007, 07:48:21 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I am not sure who is spinning off who, but KHK and PFC are definately related.  KHK in Milford, is now Kids Helping Kids a Pathways Family Center.  They are completely merged now.  The transition began in 2004.  As of 2006 the following terms were being used at the KHK/PFC building

Terms- do they have these at KHK?
-phaser room - yes.  it was a room at household that we slept in.  The only thing that was allowed to be in it were mattresses and blankets.  Absolutely nothing else, so our overnight bags and everything else was piled up in the hall.  There were alarms on the doors and windows in every house that would sound if you opened them, a loud shrieking sound anytime we opened the door too early or something.  We also could only wear two articles of clothing to bed, and they couldn't be "street appropriate" (so no shirt and pants, it had to be underwear and a shirt, something that would be noticable if someone saw you walking down the street, also, socks counted as both articles of clothing)  before bed we did searches, feel around the chest area (on girls) pull down you underwear so the oldcomer could make sure you weren't stashing anything, and mouth checks.  The entire room had to be searched (oldcomers would basically have to run thier hands over everything, and shake out all blankets to make sure that phasers didn't hid anything)  and the oldcomers bed had to be pushed against the door.  

-bag checks we had to search through every article of clothing, every notebook, every possesion of newcomers every sunday.  Also, in the mornings before we went into the rap room we searched our newcomers to make sure they didn't have anything on them.  In the winter we were only allowed two sweatshirts.  

-oldcomer blocking doors in the building we had oldcomers stand in front of doors with chairs in front of them so that if someone did try to run the oldcomer could use the chair to try to stop them (never saw it happen, but that's what the staff told me they were for)  Also, at household, the oldcomer had to be between the newcomers and the door, and if the door was open, new comers had to be beltlooped.  Also, newcomers were beltlooped from the car to the house until the door was locked, the same going to the building.

-basics (1st group) first rap of the day, read out of the AA book, go over the steps, you had to have the steps, the serenity prayer, the mottos (think think think, first things first, and easy does it) and the 5 criteria for irrational thoughts (1. based on realtiy, 2.... does anyone remeber these??) memorized before you could put it for talk.  Every morning newcomers had to repeat these.  Every Sunday newcomers had to 'explain' the steps

-didactics we didn't have this at KHK, what is it?

-serious group This sounds like our Monday Night Rap where staff would confront anyone they didn't think was honest, and the whole group would gang up.  The lights were usually turned down for effect, there was lots and lots of yelling/screaming/crying during these.  You knew you were fucked when you were called for Monday Night Rap, lots of start overs and set backs.  We also had Reasons Rap on Friday after Homes had been called (not where you were sleeping, but who made what phase/talk/tr or whatever) when the staff would tell you why you didn't make the phase you put in for.  Depending on how you handle the situation you could very easily get started over or set back.  The worst part was, if you got started over, your parents wouldn't find out until after open meeting when you just didn't come home.

-what method do the restraints involve? elbow in back face pushed into floor with rug burn, sitting on them? can you remember? (it took me a while to get some memories back) We had the high low method, it took people out pretty easily.  The whole group would get excited and if it was a boy, it seemed like most of the guy oldcomers would end up on top of them by the end of it.  It was basically pin them to the ground however you could.  

-thats a rap our groups were called raps, but that phrase isn't sticking out in my memory

-honesty lists we called them something along the lines of list of things to 'bring out' (tell on yourself) in group.  Also we had insecurity lists where you would list every fucked up thing, or every bad/insecure thought about yourself in a list.  Then you get up in group and read the list to everyone.  It was supposed to help selfesteem levels and get rid of insecurities, go figure.  Did ya'll have insecurities... i.e. a staff member tells you to do an insecurty, basically you make an ass out of yourself in front of group by dancing or singing a song, whatever staff felt like, or wearing embarrasing clothing (like what we had wasn't embarrasing already)  etc.  

-coc ah, the Chain of Command.  We had to have this memorized too to make talk, and everything had to be spelled correctly.  If someone stopped working at KHK thier name had to be blacked out, like phasers who left, they no longer existed.

-oldcomer-newcomer check.

-put in to see the nurse Put in to do anything, put in for medication, (my answer to headache chains was to drink water and pray) put in to talk to staff, etc.  Never knew what was going to actually happen and what wasn't.

-15 min of dodgeball, excersice for 30 if bad (richard simmons) we had exersise rap everyday? I think? or only tuesday thursdays? Twice a week we had a program parent come in and teach step aerobics.   She was the nicest lady, i looked forward to that just to get out of the chairs for a little while

-going defiant Acting out for me too.

-started over all the way back to day one!
different types of set backs: 3 day to a week away from home (keep oldcomer status, but don't go to your house, take household somewhere else),
days frozen (one 4th or 5th phase when staff wanted to keep you there longer)  
being called in (you don't go to school or work, you stay in group, but keep your phase)
Being sat - on 5ht phase loosing the privledge to stand up and talk in group
Stuck to household - you had to stay with everyone you went home with the whole time, no seperating.  it made getting things done very difficult (but like everyone, the old comers always had to be w/ the newcomers, but if you had two old and two new, you couldn't split up)
set back a phase - or really go back as many as you need like 4th to 2nd or something
anyone remember any others?
Did anyone else have to do RSA's?  I don't remember what it stands for but it was a sheet you filled out to correct irrational thinking.  
Crazy how once you get going, the program lingo just starts flooding back.

RSA is an acronym for "Rational self analysis".We were given these tidy assignments on 3rd phase and up. It was a sheet of paper where you would basically write an incident that happened to you, your thoughts and feelings about it, and what the reality was as opposed to what you had thought and felt. I think it was a way to convince yourself that you were always wrong if you trusted your feelings, thoughts or even your gut instinct. It might be a positive tool outside the realm of the program but they used it for mind control.

Most of the other info brings back bad memories like, away from home and being sat. Insecurities sucked. "Being called in" was used when the groups oldcomers numbers were so low that we had to stay in group to control the newcomers. It may have been a punishment but I don't recall at this time.

I have no idea what didactics is????? Sounds like L Ron Hubbard's dianetics. That can't be good.

We weren't allowed to use the restroom at night because we were locked in. We had a bucket we called the "pee jug". Did anyone else have something like this. Us guys would use it to pee in at night and empty it in the morning.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline wdtony

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« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2007, 07:55:05 PM »
Quote from: ""Botched Programming""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Did anyone else have to do RSA's?  I don't remember what it stands for but it was a sheet you filled out to correct irrational thinking.

The course was RSC (Rational Self Counseling) and RSA was (Rational Self Analysis).

This is where you would take a phrase like "Shit Head" and think about it "Logically" and determine that your head is not made of shit.

God the brainwashing went deep.

"Shit head"  That is a funny example. I remember one time on 1st phase, I stood up to talk and said,"I can't stand it in here!". The staff member laughed at me and said." Tony, that's ridiculous, we can all see that you are standing right now". The group all joined in the laughter and I sat down. I guess that staff member was really good at the RSA.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2007, 07:59:15 PM »
Pee Jugs...... Bedroom door locked from the outside, (The door was chain locked from the outside with an alarm on it so if it was forced the alarm would go off).... clothing kept outside the room as well.

Getting started over and frozen on day zero.

Daily obs (observations).... Notes that 5th phasers would write down in a log book. 5th phasers were required to write 3 observations on newcomers and lower phasers as the staff would rely on them as to who's ass they were going to grill.

Away from home on a refresher..... One of those little mind control things that let us know what it's like to be on the lower phasers.... A tool used to keept people programmed.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Dreams from hell
« Reply #24 on: November 03, 2007, 05:11:08 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
i knew i was stuck when i realized it was the haunting dream i had had since 5th grade. same wall colors (deep depressing blue) same yellow chairs, same stained floor, same polls in center of room, same feeling! my dreams were right, intuition couldn't save me though.

UM, this is freaky but I had basically the same dream. It wasn't in 5th grade for me , though, it was around 9th grade.

P.M. me

I want to get to the bottom of the connection if there is any here.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"So, you can make me cum ...that doesn\'t make you, Jesus"....Tori Amos copyright
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Offline sicktomystomach

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« Reply #25 on: November 04, 2007, 11:40:02 AM »
Can someone tell me what T&R is?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #26 on: November 05, 2007, 02:55:41 AM »
Quote from: ""sicktomystomach""
Can someone tell me what T&R is?


T&R is Talk and Responsibility
Usually it was the step right before making 2nd phase.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"So, you can make me cum ...that doesn\'t make you, Jesus"....Tori Amos copyright
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Offline wdtony

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« Reply #27 on: November 05, 2007, 04:32:42 AM »
Quote from: ""sicktomystomach""
Can someone tell me what T&R is?


"Talk and Responsibility"

To elaborate, "Talk" is a 5 minute period where parents are allowed to talk to their kid while being watched over by an oldcomer after open meeting (under duress). "Responsibilities" are the work around the building that a newcomer gets the privilege to do such as cleaning the bathrooms, floors or serving the food while watched by an oldcomer.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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« Reply #28 on: November 05, 2007, 04:42:38 PM »
the straight inc I was at t n' r was just so we could go from our chair to the bathroom without being beltlooped, and we could take other newcs who didn't have responsibilities there. Food was served by higher phasers as well as cleaning. Newcs were supposed to be in group the whole time. khk must have been a little different in that respect.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline wdtony

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« Reply #29 on: November 05, 2007, 08:19:08 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
the straight inc I was at t n' r was just so we could go from our chair to the bathroom without being beltlooped, and we could take other newcs who didn't have responsibilities there. Food was served by higher phasers as well as cleaning. Newcs were supposed to be in group the whole time. khk must have been a little different in that respect.

Yes, there do seem to be some differences. At KHK we weren't belt looped to the bathroom on T&R either, we were followed closely though by an oldcomer. I forgot about that. We were not allowed to belt-loop anyone until we were on 2nd phase though. Food service and cleaning was done by an oldcomer and a 1st phaser with T&R.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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