Author Topic: New Horizons Youth Ministries  (Read 3029 times)

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Offline PastorBlossomsLoveChild

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New Horizons Youth Ministries
« on: September 15, 2007, 11:15:50 AM »
I didn't see NHYM listed in the gulag school list and it should most definitely be there. NHYM is headquartered in Marion, IN and has satellite schools called Escuela Caribe and Mountain View Academy in Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic. Missanabee Woods Academy is located in Canada. New Horizons Academy is hidden in the woods in Marion, IN. For more info on why I think these should be listed, check out our website at and/or shoot me an email. [email protected]

Here are a couple of testimonials to get you started:
Statement from student of Escuela Caribe, NHYM 2005-2006:
"I was put on a support called "separation". I was sentenced to stand
outside on the porch facing a wall pretending to scrub it. I was not
permitted to look away from the wall at anytime. When I took meals I
could not acknowledge anyone or say anything. When I used the bathroom
everyone had to leave the room. When I was at school they put me in
the quiet room, solitary confinement. I was given a bucket to use as
the facilities and it wasn't changed the whole week. I eventually got
dehydrated because no one brought me water and from standing at all
times for meals. I was taken to see the nurse and the nurse was
furious. I was given Pedialyte and forced to continue my punishment."

Statement from Escuela Caribe Student 2000-2002:
"I became very ill and was not taken seriously when I complained of
severe abdominal pain. One Tuesday morning I vomited on the floor next
to my bed; I'd also vomited in the toilet the night before. My
housefather accused me of gagging myself to get out of work and
claimed that a high-ranker heard me make gagging noises. Despite
having puked twice and feeling feverish (although my temperature was
never taken) I was forced to go to work. After about 15 minutes it was
obvious that something was wrong with me. I was allowed to return to
the house to rest.. Over the next couple of weeks I had recurring
diarrhea and abdominal cramps. I showed clear symptoms of giardiasis
contracted from the school's unsanitary water supply. My housefather
continued to accuse me of malingering. Eventually the school nurse
took me to a local doctor who took urine and bile samples from me. I
tested positive for giardia. Nevertheless, my housefather still
berated me for feeling sick and expected me to do the same workload as
before. I was on "bucket support" because it took me a long time to
relieve my bowels. The staff accused me of dawdling in the bathroom.
At first the staff timed me whenever I used the restroom, but when my
timing didn't improve they put me on "bucket support." This meant I
had to urinate and defecate in a bucket and show the contents to a
high-ranker who verified that I had indeed needed to relieve myself.
At first bucket support was only at the house. To avoid the
humiliation of excreting in a bucket, I held my BMs until I was at
school. But the Home Life Director caught on to my ruse and gave me
bucket support at school as well. The next morning I couldn't bear the
shame of using the bucket so I used the toilet as I'd been doing. I
was promptly ushered to the Home Life Director's office for swats."

Statement from Escuela Caribe student, 1995-1997:
"We were both in a pushup position for an hour then thrown around and
put back into a pushup position. "We were" given swats that night. If
I remember correctly we had a session with Mr. xxxxx about it as well
and received more swats. My bunkmate was handcuffed to the sink and
made to sleep on the floor that night. They threatened to do the same
to me but I was so tired. I didn't even put up a fight."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »