Author Topic: gimme  (Read 1110 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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« on: September 14, 2007, 02:24:54 AM »
Sometimes adolescents can be dificult to deal with.  They get moody when their fathers are alcohol or drug dependant.  They are disobedient when their fathers are workaholics or have abandoned the family.  They just don't behave the way a mother would like, and that's where I come in.
Ladies, people disrespected me too.  But I learned from a very great man, Mr. V. Miller Newton, how to bring these kids into line.  Well, not always, but eventually they will run away and you don't have to bother anymore.  You can join my circle of admirers and we'll let you stay and help out even if your child rejects my learned teachings.  Many other women will share their experiences with you and you can all then use whatever means you have to give me money.  When I started All About Receiving Cash I had no qualifications whatsoever to treat addicted youth.  I worked for a while though under the great VMN and learned that what these little fuckers need is to be scared shitless and then have their disobedient souls crushed.  I start out by having someone look up their asses.  It helps to convey the message right off the bat that we aren't putting up with any of their shit.  I'll keep them away from you for the first while and you can relax and work on getting me my money.  You will have to take somebody else's rotten little bastards into your home and feed them, but by then your child should be "corrected", and he or she will be able to control the Newcomers.  Occasionally they might get raped or beaten, but it's part of learning to accept a higher power.  And trust me, there's no pussy-footing around.  If they piss me off, it's Zero Club.  We make them hold their bodily waste until WE DECIDE it's time to piss or shit.  No more entitlement to dump or pee at will.  BOOM! We'll have their Oldcomers cut their food too.  Remember how you used to do that when they were mewling, stinking babies?  Now you won't have to!  And no more listening to Druggie Music or reading Druggie poopoo.  It's Christian Rock on Shine FM and the big book or it's nothing for those ungrateful whelps!  And don't worry about the police.  I brought them online a long time ago.  In fact, if one of those druggie pukes runs, we can have CPS bring them back.  Now every once in awhile one of these piles of money, er, children, will commit suicide.  That's just another way they try to manipulate you, so throw some dirt on them and write me a cheque.  That should put an end to their denial.  
Does your child need AARC?  These simple questions should help you make that choice.
Do you have any money?
Can you get any money?
Praise me, hope to see you soon.  Please bring extra underwear and sweatpants.  Don't forget the underwear.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »