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New Documents added
« on: July 15, 2007, 05:45:45 PM »
The following link depicts the sick and twisted minds of the clinical therapists there at KHK. They seem to think making the kids draw their tombstones and writing eulogies from the third-person perspective is a good way to get a kid off drugs. Personally, I could understand showing a picture of a cemetary scene or something, like they do in school when they show the drunk driving accident remnants. Taking it to this level is just absurd!  :flame:

The following link will show you the "rights" the kids have according to the program.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline hp456

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« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2007, 08:44:05 PM »
I remember that rap!  We had to draw our tombstone, and we also had to write a fairly lengthy obituary separately.  Then they called on someone to talk about it, like if they hadn't come to KHK how their life would have been, how they were terrible to their family, what horrible people they were, always just putting yourself down, but KHK was the beacon of light! I had forgotten about those kinds of raps.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline hp456

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« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2007, 08:46:44 PM »
The rights were posted above the water fountain, I believe that there was another page.  I remember asking an oldcomer if I could file a complaint, and they said I could but it wouldn't matter anyway.  I don't think anyone in my group actually put through one, I remember wondering how any clients would have been able to get a hold of these people anyway, with no access to a phone or even snail mail.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Rusty Goat

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« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2007, 10:36:44 PM »
I have many thoughts about the rights issue, but the main one is that the kids are not allowed to talk to their parents as per KHK staff judgement. According to at least the Virginia laws, drug treatment of minors and adults is considered voluntary by rule. That chain of command crap is just that... crap! When mom and dad decide to put their kid in KHK, they know full well that the kid will not be allowed by program rules to talk to them until the program staff decides it is ok. They don't even know where their kid is staying at night... right? Essentially, this is no different than parent approved kidnapping in my opinion. Back in the 1800's, kids were usually never allowed to speak at the dinner table. KHK is not the dinner table, so to speak, its a highly abusive environment that cuts off the communication between parent and child in order to help the kid feel so damn helpless that they have to conform or they will suffer grave consequences. Hell, they may even suffer those consequences anyway, even if they conform right away. The whole time the kid is being kept away from mom/dad, the staff is giving the parents a lecture about how their kid isn't ready to speak to them or whatever, making the parent think that their kid is SO bad off that he/she will die without further treatment in their program. So, when open meeting comes, no talk, oh well, the parent will never know what happened that week except from what the staffer told them.
No parent who has any sense of responsibility to their child should ever put their kid in the care of anyone who will not allow that child to talk to them ANYTIME they need to for whatever reason. In the case of detention or something, yeah, the jail is jail, what do you expect? KHK is a "non-profit" OUTPATIENT drug treatment program????????? Give me a break!!!!!!!!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Nonconformistlaw

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« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2007, 07:13:00 PM »
Quote from: ""hp456""
I remember that rap!  We had to draw our tombstone, and we also had to write a fairly lengthy obituary separately.  Then they called on someone to talk about it, like if they hadn't come to KHK how their life would have been, how they were terrible to their family, what horrible people they were, always just putting yourself down, but KHK was the beacon of light! I had forgotten about those kinds of raps.

I think Straight did similar raps only I dont know if we had to write an obituary. I think what you were subject to, being forced to draw your tombstone and write an obituary is horrible and its low, manipulative as all hell, and in my mind completely inappropriate. I dont see any therapudic value in this whatsoever. Sorry you were subjected to that crap.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
quot;In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.\" George Orwell

Offline Nonconformistlaw

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« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2007, 07:17:00 PM »
Quote from: ""hp456""
The rights were posted above the water fountain, I believe that there was another page.  I remember asking an oldcomer if I could file a complaint, and they said I could but it wouldn't matter anyway.  I don't think anyone in my group actually put through one, I remember wondering how any clients would have been able to get a hold of these people anyway, with no access to a phone or even snail mail.
I was wondering if newcomers were even allowed to stop at the water fountain and read it? And what you are saying was the same way in Straight....chain of commands usually went nowhere. And you raise another good point. Because of the rules prohibiting phone calls or mail of any sort on 1st phase, it was literally impossible to report any wrongdoing to outsiders. This is one aspect of the program that I believe is particularly dangerous and naturally inappropriate. Kids need to be allowed to have access, w/o supervision to a phone for their protection.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
quot;In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.\" George Orwell

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« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2007, 07:53:48 PM »
have ya'll checked them PM's lately?   :wink:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline 2003

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« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2007, 10:05:21 PM »
I think I know who you are... I sent ISACC the RIP tombstone that is currently posted on the website.
I think I am realizing the same shit you are about KHK, and it's really freaking me out.  I feel really alone with everything, too.
Did you live in Cincinnati with a family from KHK for a year after graduation?
Forgive me if I have mistaken you for someone else.
Nevertheless, I would love to get in contact you and exchange information.
Let me know what you think about getting in contact with one another.  I hope you're the person I think you are.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Rusty Goat

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« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2007, 12:15:16 AM »
One thing I'd like to see would be the form that the parents fill out at intake granting KHK the right to take the kid and place them in a host home. I see some unbelievable and highly aggravating ambiguity in the fact that the PFC/KHK rules clearly state that the parents do not know where their kid is staying, but that PFC/KHK does not need a license to decide which PFC/KHK foster home their client is living but THAT's OK cuz the parent is paying them $$$ to 'foster" the kid. ODJFS said that this is how they avoid being licensed as a foster home referrer. The PARENTS screw up by voluntarily PAYING KHK/PFC to house their kid. Yet another HOW is this OUTPATIENT? This is incredible!  

Was at anytime a KHK client in the same household for longer than 2 weeks? If not, what is the policy of PFC/KHK to switch newcomers around? I saw something about drop-offs and thought I'd ask whoever might know...

Do people or these parents know how long we stood HEEL-TO-TOE at the end of Open Meeting Review smellin farts and feelin that breath on our necks while going through the "Drop-off" list? I am sure there are lots of straight inc/khk/pfc/safe etc vets that would concur with this most unpleasant experience. Hell, even every damn night actually, not just after the review. Jeez.!!!!  :flame:  :flame:

Did they have HEEL TO TOE at KHK/PFC?

Sorry, had to vent there,  :rofl:

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline 2003

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« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2007, 01:49:21 PM »
Ours wasn't called heel to toe.  Our was called reading the "homes" list every night, and on the weekends, the out of town oldcomers got to go home all weekend while I had to stay and watch all the newcomers.  The "drop-offs" were when the out of town oldcomers would be dropped off at my house late on Sunday, but most of the time I would have to do all the Sunday bullshit by myself:
Search all newcomer's items, and all out of town oldcomer's items (VERY Scruntizingly, in all the shampoo bottles and pant leg creases)
Read and sign EVERYTHING newcomers draw or write
Have newcomers recite and explain steps in detail

This all took FOREVER to complete, especially when I'd have 5 other n/c's living with me, and only one out of town o/c on sunday.  Only when it was finished were we allowed to watch a movie.  Sometimes that didn't happen.

As far as households, when I was a n/c, I was at a different house basically every night.  Once I had to sleep in a shitty Milford trailer park on the ground in a tiny room with only a cum-covered sleeping bag and pillow.  I tried to pretend it was glue.  I had no choice.

That trailer should never have been a foster home, but it was, because we were low-life drug addicts, and at least we were sober.

I had never even drank before, and was clean for 2 months before entering KHK.  Michelle Dool told me after I had been in there for 9 months that I shouldn't have been in there at all.  By that point I was so brainwashed that I was happy to have been so "lucky" to be put in there.   I was 15, and very innocent still.  My parents pain $26,000, so that's why I stayed in there.  I also helped them out a lot, too.  I kept everyone under control.  I was the top girl phaser for almost my whole phases, so of course I stayed and they loved me.  

If anyone has recent stories of PFC or KHK, let me know.  I would love to talk to you more about them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline hp456

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« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2007, 11:29:11 PM »
2003, i'm pretty sure i know who you are, actually because of that tombstone, i know that handwriting and birthday.  but i'm confused because i thought you were under a different profile name... check your messages.  at least you made it past your tombstone date, you were supposed to have died in may, lol sorry i have a twisted sense of humor.

The only things that newcomers were allowed to read were the aa book, na book, the bible (while i was there, there was this mini rebellion about being allowed to read the bible, some of the kids wanted to be allowed all religious books, the staff didn't know how to handle that one), and the signs in the building, which included the rights page.  I would actually read that over and over because it was one of the only things i was allowed to see.  i used to have to bring out reading up in group, along with rocking out, i'm sure straight had that one too.  

No, the parents of the newcomers are not allowed to know where their kids are staying at night.  And for some of the kids in my group, that was for over a year.  As far as the parent approved kidnapping... that's my entire story to a T.  

I might have been at the same home for more than two weeks at a time.  There was a period when the group was really small, and I was one of the only oldcomers, so i would go to the same household in cincinnati for extended periods because there were not that many host families.  All the money for housing wasn't going to the host homes so it seemed.  I heard several of the parents complaining of the financial burden that comes with taking home an extra four kids a night.  It's times like these that I wish I had worked on staff so I would know more of the details.  I don't want to rag on the actual parents though.  The host families were amazing and treated me like their own child, and after all, they were brainwashed too.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Nonconformistlaw

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Re: RG
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2007, 10:22:26 PM »
Quote from: ""2003""
Ours wasn't called heel to toe.  Our was called reading the "homes" list every night, and on the weekends, the out of town oldcomers got to go home all weekend while I had to stay and watch all the newcomers.  The "drop-offs" were when the out of town oldcomers would be dropped off at my house late on Sunday, but most of the time I would have to do all the Sunday bullshit by myself:
Search all newcomer's items, and all out of town oldcomer's items (VERY Scruntizingly, in all the shampoo bottles and pant leg creases)
Read and sign EVERYTHING newcomers draw or write
Have newcomers recite and explain steps in detail

This all took FOREVER to complete, especially when I'd have 5 other n/c's living with me, and only one out of town o/c on sunday.  Only when it was finished were we allowed to watch a movie.  Sometimes that didn't happen.

As far as households, when I was a n/c, I was at a different house basically every night.  Once I had to sleep in a shitty Milford trailer park on the ground in a tiny room with only a cum-covered sleeping bag and pillow.  I tried to pretend it was glue.  I had no choice.

That trailer should never have been a foster home, but it was, because we were low-life drug addicts, and at least we were sober.

I had never even drank before, and was clean for 2 months before entering KHK.  Michelle Dool told me after I had been in there for 9 months that I shouldn't have been in there at all.  By that point I was so brainwashed that I was happy to have been so "lucky" to be put in there.   I was 15, and very innocent still.  My parents pain $26,000, so that's why I stayed in there.  I also helped them out a lot, too.  I kept everyone under control.  I was the top girl phaser for almost my whole phases, so of course I stayed and they loved me.  

If anyone has recent stories of PFC or KHK, let me know.  I would love to talk to you more about them.

Just to Straight it was also reading of the homes each night...I believe the phrase for it was "Home situations". The heel toe part the other poster was describing was the manner in which we had to stand in line for an eternity as staff figured out homes. This usually took so long because of the size of the group (hovered around 200), always coming in and out of the staff office and to group to ask "who can take another newcomer" and the entire process of constantly shifting the homes around then finally hearing the final homes situations for the evening. There are times I swear we stood heel toe in line for an hour or more. It was excruciating! Not to mention smelly, painful, etc.

In Straight oldcomers also had to search newcomer items in the exact manner you described...and then some...inspecting underwear, all clothing items, the seams as you described, the pockets (pulling them inside out) inspecting toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc., rejecting anything with the slightest bit of alcohol content....frequently mouthwash or rejecting any other "no, no's." The list of no no’s was endless….no stylish (aka imagy) clothes, no belts, no jewelry, etc. What seems to be different is that in Straight this process was done during "clothes search." In the Milford building the clothes search room was immediately after entering the back door but before entering the doors to the group room. Clothes search was done during Monday & Friday open meetings by a few oldcomers who were selected for the "privilege" of doing so.

Newcomers were allowed to watch a movie? That was never allowed in Straight unless shown in group..."Not My Kid" was one movie shown to group. Figures, of course they would let us see the propaganda. ...Other than that, no one could ever watch a thing on tv until 3rd phase and even then the shows were pretty strictly controlled. I don’t recall ever having free access to the tv even when I was “allowed” to watch.

In Straight oldcomers had to go over newcomer MI's .....a process always done extremely late at night and when one oldcomer had more than one nuke MI to go over it did take eternity. Then showers...geez was that ever complicated...nuke hands had to be visible to the oldcomer as the oldcomer showered. That was damn uncomfortable holding hands against the inside of the shower or on top of the shower rod. Then of course supervising nuke showers. All of us crammed in the bathroom cause the oldcomer had to "be aware" of all nukes at all times. Damn slow process...not to mention ridiculous, humiliating, degrading, etc.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
quot;In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.\" George Orwell

Offline wdtony

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« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2007, 06:27:24 PM »
Quote from: ""Rusty Goat""
I have many thoughts about the rights issue, but the main one is that the kids are not allowed to talk to their parents as per KHK staff judgement. According to at least the Virginia laws, drug treatment of minors and adults is considered voluntary by rule. That chain of command crap is just that... crap! When mom and dad decide to put their kid in KHK, they know full well that the kid will not be allowed by program rules to talk to them until the program staff decides it is ok. They don't even know where their kid is staying at night... right? Essentially, this is no different than parent approved kidnapping in my opinion. Back in the 1800's, kids were usually never allowed to speak at the dinner table. KHK is not the dinner table, so to speak, its a highly abusive environment that cuts off the communication between parent and child in order to help the kid feel so damn helpless that they have to conform or they will suffer grave consequences. Hell, they may even suffer those consequences anyway, even if they conform right away. The whole time the kid is being kept away from mom/dad, the staff is giving the parents a lecture about how their kid isn't ready to speak to them or whatever, making the parent think that their kid is SO bad off that he/she will die without further treatment in their program. So, when open meeting comes, no talk, oh well, the parent will never know what happened that week except from what the staffer told them.
No parent who has any sense of responsibility to their child should ever put their kid in the care of anyone who will not allow that child to talk to them ANYTIME they need to for whatever reason. In the case of detention or something, yeah, the jail is jail, what do you expect? KHK is a "non-profit" OUTPATIENT drug treatment program????????? Give me a break!!!!!!!!


Is PFC/KHK a non-profit or a for-profit organization?   -Tony
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: New Documents added-Wondering
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2007, 06:38:37 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
The following link depicts the sick and twisted minds of the clinical therapists there at KHK. They seem to think making the kids draw their tombstones and writing eulogies from the third-person perspective is a good way to get a kid off drugs. Personally, I could understand showing a picture of a cemetary scene or something, like they do in school when they show the drunk driving accident remnants. Taking it to this level is just absurd!  :flame:

The following link will show you the "rights" the kids have according to the program.

I was wondering what ever happened to that federal declaration that was listed for khk by a survivor on ISAC's website???
I don't see it there anymore. Am I somehow overlooking it?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2007, 10:07:00 PM »
Tony, they're all 501c3 orgs.

Go to  type in seperately,

tristate drug rehabilitation and counseling program inc.

pathway family center

kids helping kids

drug free america foundation

you might have to create a login account, but either way, you'll see how they are classified and what they pay their staff, etc... it's probably a several hour adventure, if you have time,  :wink:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »