Author Topic: Isabelle Zehnder Referred Patti TWICE, NOT ONCE!!!  (Read 1268 times)

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Isabelle Zehnder Referred Patti TWICE, NOT ONCE!!!
« on: July 08, 2007, 01:28:10 PM »
Isabelle Zehnder wrote two emails referring PATTI to "her friend Sue" at PURE:  The email to her MySpace friend Sandy on May 8, 2007 confirms the referral by Izzy; and includes PURE's email address and phone number.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Isabelle
Date: May 8, 2007 5:54 PM

Hi Sandy,

I e-mailed her my friend's name and website to contact for safer programs. Have her go to and call the 800 number (which is 800-730-7260). Either Marie or Sue should answer, both have experience in finding safer alternatives.

Please ask Patty if she received my e-mail, would you? I included all that info in there. She can also call me if she needs to - 360-903-3951.

Take care, hope all goes well with her nephew. And no - we don't want to see what happens if there's no payment.

Any word on how Desiree's doing?

Love, Isabelle

From: [email protected]
>Subject: Arrangements
>Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 19:32:51 +0000
>Hi Patty,
>We just got off the phone so you know the person to contact is James.
>His direct number is 435-229-9378. The main number at Sunrise
>Adolescent Transport is 435-673-3202.
>The person to contact re the programs is Sue at 954-349-7260. She is
>aware of the situation so just let her know I sent you to her. I
>normally don't give out her direct, home phone number but she said OK.
>She has over 7 years experience helping families so I feel confident
>she'll steer us in the right direction, if we need to go that direction.
>Here's a link to my website regarding coaching in case you want to go
>route: Please let the family know I am
>available to talk with Jason soon after they pick him up from TB. Often
>it is beneficial for me to talk to the child to let them know what is
>happening and why. The kids trust me once they know who I am and what I do.
>If you would like to help CAICA by making a donation, please go to
> and click on the Visa/MasterCard Donate button. We'd
>really appreciate it!
>Talk to you soon,

Izzy referred Patti to PURE before any email or telephone exchanges began between Patti and Isabelle; YET Izzy wants to claim SHE WAS DUPED?

It appears obvious that referring Patti to PURE was Izzy's goal from the beginning.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Isabelle Zehnder Referred Patti TWICE, NOT ONCE!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2007, 02:19:06 PM »
Funny how the truth just keeps on RISING TO THE TOP.

Thanks for the clarification, guest.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Isabelle Zehnder Referred Patti TWICE, NOT ONCE!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2007, 03:32:00 PM »
Date:   May 7, 2007 11:35 AM

Subject:   FW: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Hello


This is Patti Atwoods that I had previously forwarded her other email to you. Do you have/know of a list of boarding schools/programs that are in the US that are legit? Maybe you can email her some info????

I'm not sure if her address shows up when I forward stuff but she's on my friends list on the second page.

Let me know is you can help.


Excerpts from Pattiā€™s e-mails to Sandy from May 3 to May 7, 2007:

I have no objections to my nephew attending "an academic boarding school" away from home--if that is my sister's desire. But, I do object to my nephew being at TB, after everything I have read about this facility on the internet. I am hopeful if I can offer my sister other alternatives, that hopefully I can convince her to remove her son from TB, and place him in a safe, academic school that can meet his academic, as well as his behavioral needs.

I don't think my nephew can simply move back home after this very stressful experience; but at this time, I do not have alternatives to offer. I would gladly have him live with me, but at this time, I do not believe my sister would be open to such an arrangement. She would view my offer as "interferring."

I am just worried sick.

I can't imagine interesting my sister in a lawsuit at this stage, when she is not even discussing the fact that enrolling Jason at TB is a grave error.

If a summer-type-program could be presented to my sister; with an academic boarding school lined up for the fall; I believe my efforts to get Jason released from TB might be successful.

Are you aware of any type of dude-ranch-type programs, or outdoors summer programs that might offer services to teens with problems?

This would allow time to look at permanent academic boarding schools for the fall semester.

I will work with my sister, as far as the finances, as long as the school is not one of these "behavor modification" programs.

I have no "custodial rights" and do not want to antagonize my sister, and cut off all communications. She is my only contact with Jason, at this point.

[This coming from someone setting Sandy up, who is not the true aunt of this child]:

When I read your site about TB, I just felt a "connection."

Since I do not have any custodial rights; I don't know what I can do, other that try to convince my sister to remove Jason from TB.

[Again, coming from someone who is fabricating the story]:

My nephew, Jason--his biological father is not in the picture. He and my sister were never married, and he has never had any contact with my nephew. My sister's current husband and Jason do not get along, at all--and that was causing much of the conflict in this home situation. Another conflict is Jason tried to run away to my home, and my sister seems to blame me for not supporting her decision for placing him at TB. I asked her to read the CAICA website herself. Hopefully this will help her to realize what a mistake she has made.

I will see how she reacts after reading this material. Right now, I am not really sure. I was hopeful that D was attending a new school that you could recommend parent-to-parent to my sister, and that she would be open to your suggestion.

This is the first "special school" that my nephew has been enrolled in. It's my understanding that TB was chosen because of my nephew's history of running away from home; so the school officials recommended this out-of-the-country placement, rather than one of their schools in the States.

My sister was planning on using my nephew's college fund to pay the outrageous tuition; but since my firm controls this fund, I am not releasing his college fund at this time. I am not convinved that any real educational opportunities are being offered at TB.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Isabelle Zehnder Referred Patti TWICE, NOT ONCE!!!
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2007, 03:52:10 PM »
Izzy has "revised" the WHO IS PATTI ATWOODS blog once. Perhaps she needs to revise again and admit that PATTI told her about the academic only boarding school, Stephens Academy in Austin, Texas.   PATTI interests were just that: An Academic Boarding School, and NOT A PROGRAM:  ISN'T THAT CORRECT, IZZY?

And Izzy: Who advised that the Sunrise Adolscent Transport escorts should go to Jamaica and bring this teen home without any family members in attendance?  It's been reported that you did Izzy. It is hearsay that Izzy offered to arrange everything with the TB facility, and the transport company.
Was Sunrise Adolescent Transports perhaps paid less money if family members and their attorney tagged along, Izzy?  Was that perhaps the problem?
It appears that Sunrise was to be lots more than "a glorified taxi service," as claimed by Izzy.  Both Patti and her husband were referred to JAMES at Sunrise . It doesn't appear that the husband and family attorney required a "gloried taxi driver."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »