Author Topic: STRAIGHT books, screenplays, etc.  (Read 3999 times)

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Offline misbehaver

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STRAIGHT books, screenplays, etc.
« on: January 29, 2002, 04:11:00 PM »
While I recognize the First Ammendment, I can't help but question the motives of some of these projects. Sure, some will be positive, some negative and probably a mix of both. I'm not trying to quell anyone's ability to produce media.

My position is kinda like Jack Nicholson's line from the film "A Few Good Men":
"You want the TRUTH? You can't handle the TRUTH". Many of these books and screenplay projects are written by Straight clients, but the whole idea of rehashing,thus empowering the Straight experience disturbs me. Do we really think most readers want to know exactly what went on in the Program? I think not. I also wonder where the profit margin factors into the equation...

The whole idea reminds of why my vet brothers won't go see a war movie. Haven't we had enough? How can we be expected to let go of this horror if someone wants to exploit it/us once again? Again, please don't think I'm trying to speak for everyone involved or discount some great documentation of life in Straight. Jason
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline kaydeejaded

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« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2002, 05:34:00 PM »
Yeah I do understand your point but the veitnam movies in my opinion aren't for the vets because they do know what happened. The straight stuff will be for those who weren't in Straight so maybe people can realize that this shit happens and not let it happen to their kids. Really people do not beleive they way we were treated, they don't understand it and cannot imagine that it really goes on. I don't really care about them making some money if the ends justifies them means. I hope that it will put some sort of stigma against the places like one big long neverending bad advertisement.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
or those who understand, no explanation is necessary; for those who don\'t, none will do

Offline misbehaver

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STRAIGHT books, screenplays, etc.
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2002, 06:33:00 PM »
From kaydeejaded:
"I don't really care about them making some money if the ends justifies them(sp) means"

Would you mind some actual video of the atrocities that occurred in the Program?
This could be evidence of a possible felony.
Projects like we're discussing will be snuffed due to political ramifications. Maybe some Hollywood liberals will run the gauntlet and help us poor Straightlings; while cashing in Bigtime.?

You ask a few Vietnam vets about "the end justifying them(sp) means". It took Robert Macnamara 30 years to admit he fucked up. I won't wait that long. Jason
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2002, 07:19:00 PM »
Hey Misbehaver, Great speaking with you earlier.

I get what you're saying. Not everyone really wants to rehash this shit or expose the private details of their lives to public scrutiny. There are hundreds of thousands of us, though, who've spent some time in these places. Some are inclined to be muck rakers, some are not. I have as profound a respect for anyone's fourth amendment rights as for their first amendment rights.

But anyone who's acting to influence public policy according to Program dogma automagically waives their right to privacy in this particular area of their lives, imho. And anyone who volunteers to engage in public debate on the issue is fair game within the scope of what they decide they want to divulge. I have never gone looking in anyone's background except for public figures. So I'll probably never win a Pulitzer, but I don't have a lot of enemies either.

Thanks for all the kudos about our work. We're trying to pull together all of the documentation we can on people associated with the Program who currently hold positions of public influence and responsibility. I think the people who've given them their confidence deserve a little gratis background check. :wink: Some people find it therapeutic to talk about their experiences with people who's been there. Others find it more therapeutic to talk about their experience to current or prospective employers of these bastards.

Leme make this a long one. For most of the past 20 years, I've tried my level best to forget all about my weird little history and to overcome the neurotic hangover that it left me with. For the most part, I think I was over it some years ago. There were always reminders, but I'd gotten pretty adept at brushing them off as paranoia.

At the same time, I've watched a lot of issues with varying degrees of interest. Homeschooling and public education, for example, and the whole thing on crypto export, clipper chip and all the rest. Drug policy has been a growing interest of mine just because it's SO wrong. And, I think, it was also about looking under the bed for the boogie man just to make sure he wasn't really there.

So I've seen all kinds of material from all different perspectives about Ian MacDonald, Wm. Bennette, Daryl Gates and DFAF, Dr. Nehaus bogus research; the lot generally considered to be the most rabid and unballanced drug warriors on the planet. I never suspected that any of these people would have anything to do with Straight till Brother Jeb! introduced his new and improved drug war strategy, now with more coerced treatment for kids.

Now, I remembered that the Bush family had been very cozy with Straight via the Nacy Reagan's holy jihad, which started while King George was VP.

So I contacted some drug policy reformers with what I thought would probably be taken as a classic Southern fairy tail, "Ya'll just ain't gonna' b'lieve this shit!" but I had to start somewhere cause it was freakin' me tf out that this guy in the governors' mansion seemed to be threatening to spread the Program accross the land at my expense.

Turns out, they knew all about it, had even awarded Richard Bradbury Activist of the Year for shutting down the last Straight location in, I think it was, `93. Arnold Trebach, founder of Drug Policy Foundation, had even written a chapter of his `85 book "The Great Drug War", about Fred Collins' experience with the Program. DFAF is Straight, Inc after a couple of name changes, and they generally run Florida state politics. You have some interesting shit goin down around Cincinatti there, I wonder how influential KHK parents are in local public policy?

Holy sheep shit, Batman! All these fuckin years I thought I was just paranoid. Sometimes I think I liked it better that way, when it was just me and the world was more-or-less allright. But now I'm pissed! These sons of bitches are putting my kid through psyche treatment in school (DARE, Peer Counseling), patroling my neighborhood via militarized local law enforcement (Multijurisdictional Counterdrug Taskforce), pushing piss testing in the workplace (also by government subsidy) and feeding Colombia's civil war and the Taliban. It's not my imagination afterall. Every time I step out the door or switch on the idiot box, I'm reminded of the damned Program and it is real.

I'm not real concerned about making right what was wrong 20 years ago. I had plenty of oportunity to sue or protest or do something back then. I decided, instead, to not give the muthuh fuckuhs another minute of my life. I regret that now. I could have used the money as much as the credibility among family and strangers that I might have had if I had won. And I have to wonder whether I might have been able to help save some people all the trouble, so I guess I owe you and your family an apology. Of course, on the heels of that I have to wonder if I had the strength at the time to do anything but grab my ass and run; I might have just broke myself on it and accomplished nothing.

For me, this is all about the present. I enjoy raising hell in a very public way. On a personal level, I need to know the odds on whethter or not the cop in my rear-view mirror or the talking head on tee vee is a true believer; I know that many are not but they're not talking. How come? What might I do to make it more practical for them to speak up? My dad raised me to be extremely patriotic. That means that I'm responsible to get done whatever I think needs doing. Anyone who's skeptical, good. A little skepticism a little earlier on would have saved us all a lot of trouble! If you're disinclined to even think about all this, that's cool too. I know you won't go along with the Program in whatever form, I'm seeking to influence those who otherwise might.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Antigen

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STRAIGHT books, screenplays, etc.
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2002, 07:33:00 PM »
On 2002-01-29 15:33:00, misbehaver wrote:
From kaydeejaded:
"I don't really care about them making some money if the ends justifies them(sp) means"

Would you mind some actual video of the atrocities that occurred in the Program?

This could be evidence of a possible felony.

Projects like we're discussing will be snuffed due to political ramifications. Maybe some Hollywood liberals will run the gauntlet and help us poor Straightlings; while cashing in Bigtime.?

You ask a few Vietnam vets about "the end justifying them(sp) means". It took Robert Macnamara 30 years to admit he fucked up. I won't wait that long. Jason

I'd love to see some actual video. Not at all sure if I'd publicize it, at least not without obscuring some faces. There are plenty of people who might be harmed on some way just by having their face show up in relation to this story.

There's one advantage that we have over the political powers that be; money... or rather need of it. Do you have any idea how much time and effort goes into secureing all of the public funding to sustain the piss testing industry alone? If employers generally knew that the costs in terms of losing good employees, pissing off the ones you don't lose far outweighted the insurance cost breaks and non-existant intended benefits the industry would collapse overnight.

They can squash one story, or five or a dozen as they crop up. But they can't watch the editorial departments of every newspaper and talk radio show in the country all at once. Never mind the Rave scene!

As far as some people making money, that hasn't happened yet so that might be a moral dilema for a future day. But there's nothing morally wrong about being compensated for providing a valuable service to willing customers. If someone wants to publish a book and people want to read it, I hope the author makes a million bucks. At least I know that's one million that will NOT be invested in the political careers of any of these program idiots or their evil schemes.

The ends justify the means? C'Mon, that's what they say about war. There's nothing imoral about writing a book, provided that what you present as fact is fact and it doesn't hurt anyone who doesn't need hurtin'.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline FaceKhan

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STRAIGHT books, screenplays, etc.
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2002, 08:20:00 PM »
Employee drug screenings are estimated to cost businesses between $10,000 and $20,000 for every positive. It is only cost effective if a person is so drug dependent that he can't do his work, in which case the inability would be so obvious you would hardly need a test to justify firing them. Therefore it is never cost-effective. Employee drug screening has been on the decline in recent years but it is still more than 50% I think.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
All of the darkness of the world cannot put out the light of one small candle.\"

Offline kaydeejaded

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« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2002, 11:16:00 AM »
I really don't think that there is any video in exsistance that shows the real deal in there. They would not let that be documented. Only video I know of was pre-planned by staff and they shipped the misb's out to safe houses, to protect their image.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline misbehaver

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« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2002, 02:35:00 PM »
Ya know I might just be WRONG on this issue.
I think that part of my reluctance to support or offer input for some of these creative works is that I'd be forced to admit some of the things that I did while in Straight. I've shoved this stuff so far down that it almost feels threatening to fully expose the "Truth"
Maybe, I should deal with some of my own demons before prejudging the manner in which anyone else finds their release.  Jason
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2002, 12:08:00 PM »
Jason, that's perfectly cool with me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline misbehaver

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STRAIGHT books, screenplays, etc.
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2002, 04:35:00 PM »
Ginger, thanks again for your support while chatting the other day. I started thinking about some of the more violent episodes and can't clearly define many of my acts as self defense. I reached a point that I not only targeted certain individuals, I took pleasure in the actual exchange of injuries. That's the kinda stuff I have difficulty taking resposiblity for.

For instance, one day in a Guy's rap some kid whose host family really like me; I mean the host Dad showed me pics of his tour in Vietnam, let me hug his 13 yr. old daughter, etc. His son resented me and called me out, I didn't wanna mess him up, so I just gave him a solid punch to the solar plexus. He shut up

The staff comes running at me, smiling, telling me that they FINALLY got me on assault charges. The host Dad refused to back the program and wouldn't sign the charges. That's the shit that hurts, not that I busted a few people up(and took some bad hits), but that I somehow broke the bond of a Father protecting his Son. Without some of the host families supporting me (indirectly), I never would have been able to hold out for 6 months as a misbehaver. Can't wait for tonite's dreams...Jason  

[ This Message was edited by: misbehaver on 2002-01-31 14:25 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Carmel

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« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2002, 12:01:00 PM »
I dont know if this helps...but I envy you.  I always wished that I hadnt gone in so cowed as I did.  I look back and wish that I had been more resistant.  I think the people who didnt comply with the program had a little more upstairs than the rest of us.  

You were surviving, probably a lot better than those of us who just went along.  You cant be expected to be so accountable for the way you acted.  You were just defending your mind.  if that meant taking pleasure in others pain, maybe thats what you needed at that time to keep it together.  

We all did what we had to to keep it together....and now we can laugh and cry and talk about it all with a new perspective.  Dont feel bad.  I was to afraid to lash out, god do I ever wish that I had though.

There was a girl that used to attack me all the time, like you said....targeting people.  I fought back once because there was no one close enough to restrain her and she would have pummeled my brains out had I not lashed back.  I got put on a refresher for it.

I dont hold a single bit of it against her.  She was stronger than me.  Mentally I mean...she wouldnt let them and their insanity in. I cant really see it from your point of view...but maybe I can help you to know that what you were doing was not all that horrible given the circumstances.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
...hands went up and people hit the floor, he wasted two kids that ran for the door....."
-Beastie Boys, Paul Revere

Offline misbehaver

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« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2002, 06:29:00 PM »
Carmel, they got in...Deeper than I ever thought, I appreciate your kind words, but I refused to feel during my Straighttime. I managed to detach; completely, or so I thought. But,I refocused my dysfunction; allowing me to transform into someone that I refused to admit that I'd become. A loser in a no win situation; this fed my appetite for vengence, violence, etc.

That allowed me the the freedom to lack compassion and care, concern, etc. EXCEPT for those willing to fight with me. Yep, I sure felt stupid when the other "hardcore" misbehavers threw their shoes at me when I got pulled off the floor after restraint. I'd never felt so alone. I couldn't drag my own family into this nightmare unless I went along. In a way, I felt that by fighting Straight to the very end, they (my parents) could be somehow protectected from being sucked all the way in. That was my twisted way of taking responsibility. Tough Love???

A combative teenager merged easily into a brutal adult? I was in Straight in 1986, but unlike many "phasers" I never stopped fighting. I never will. It's my job. Fortunately, we live in a time when my vocation is demanded. And well paid. Jason
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline kaydeejaded

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« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2002, 05:48:00 AM »
I never got into a physical fight until Straight, I was scared to death of the people I met at Straight. They were so much older(I was 14) and bigger (just under 5 feet) than me. They drove me to violence, to where I did not care if I won or not as long as I got a few shots in. I lost the concern that I would get hurt or I would lose. I really can only credit Straight with that.
       In some ways I am grateful I guess because I can pretend not to be afraid when I am, now. I seem to be more confident than I was before, but I am not. I am still scared. I just act like I am not and sometimes convince everyone but me.
        Straight I rail against everyday, hating them being resentful to my parents ect.. But they are the defining influence in my life. Maybe I am pathetic but it is true. They changed my veiw of the world and although they were WRONG in their ways I would be a different person today if I did not spend 13 months with them.
         I did not get out as a gradutate or even a changed sober person. I was messed up but aware of the lies always below the surface of everything, everyone and every story. This is a trait that angers my family even my friends but it is true. I did not make the lies I only decided to see them and accept the fear that comes along with reality. The fear that probably kept the spieces alive for years before man oraganized and dominated this planet.  
        I think that it was the frightened man who made rules to live by. Guidelines to eliminate suprises and keep things under his control. It was the confident who was so sure in the final outcome he saw no reason to control the fates that led him there. I do not need to be told what to do is what I am saying don't tell me shit, I was given the instincts to do what is right for myself. For the holy rollers then if I am wrong in anything that I do then your God is not perfect and in your very thought you are against him for he made me, And homosexuals by the way! While we are are at it! :wink:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
or those who understand, no explanation is necessary; for those who don\'t, none will do

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2002, 11:59:00 PM »
On 2002-01-31 13:35:00, misbehaver wrote:
 I reached a point that I not only targeted certain individuals, I took pleasure in the actual exchange of injuries. That's the kinda stuff I have difficulty taking resposiblity for.

Believe me, I know what you're saying. I didn't do a whole lot of physical violence on anyone. There's only one time I remember hitting someone. It was self defense, but it was political; had nothing do do with the girl that I hid.

I'd come back from splitting, been marathoned for some hours; I like to think it was around 4 for some reason but I realy don't remember. I didn't hit back when I was 1 against 4 or so. That would just be dumb. I didn't even yell back. I knew were spending valuable moral the longer they didn't get a rise out of me.

Afterward, excercise rap. I had a bad case of bronchitis and asthma. I complied with walking, that was reasonable. But trying to run brought on severe coughing and choking fits. But they wouldn't quit pushing and staff was pulling people aside and telling them to push me harder. So, at some point, I decided brinksmanship was in order and decided to sucker punch the next bitch who dug her nails into my back. (Remember, girls, long nails were a sign of 'doing good' because picking or biting them was avoidance?)

Well, the next girl was Kim, who'd never hurt anyone that I remember. And she wasn't really putting much entheusiasm behind the harrasment; she'd just come up behind me and it was her turn. But I'd made up my mind. Mainly because I really hated the last girl who'd poked me in the back till I almost fell over. She really was a snotty bitch. That and the fact that I really couldn't take much more.

My dad was an old WWII vet and lifetime evangelical NRA member. He taught me to seriously consider at what point violence really was in order and to understand that that was a point of no return. Well this was it. So poor Kim comes up behind me and does her part to keep staff from dunning her for 'being weak with me' and 'not showing enough love for' me. I gave her a roundhouse that put her on the floor. I didn't even know who she was till it was too late to pull back.

Nothing happened that I can remember. I remember walking around the far side of the big group room and seeing all these people hovering over her. [To: any lurkers unfamiliar with Program culture, Yeah they kept running and I kept walking. Staff hadn't told anyone to quit, had they?] I was braced for a serious takedown but none came. Not a word was ever said to me that I remember. But then, there's about a year that I don't remember.

That was the only time I ever remember striking out violently. But I did my share of the psyche crime to avoide it. I tried my best to mitigate without taking any risk. I was saving that up. I never broke a rule until I started planning to split. I saved/stle lunch money and got up an hour early on the pretense of studying to knock down a couple of cups of hi intensity Folgers Crystals solution to try and lose some wieght (ugly girls should never hitchhike!).

That means that I acted as a spy and a CO and a snitch and a mindfucker for all the time I was angling for the door. I have so much more respect and affection for whoever it was who broke my nose than for all those who helped break my mind. The bitch of the whole thing is that I can't remember who's who and they're probably the same people.

BTW, I didn't answer right the last time. Just wasn't focused, I guess. It doesn't matter what I think, does it? But that's the best expression that came to me for what I was trying to say.

Wrong? How can you be wrong? This is your business. Whatever you decide is, by definition, right. Isn't it?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline misbehaver

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STRAIGHT books, screenplays, etc.
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2002, 11:11:00 PM »
email me. [email protected]

Jason. Please?nicey.nice....
Not tryin to sound needy;if ya got something to say,I'd love to hear ya.your determination and spirit are rare, not to be wasted. Jason

[ This Message was edited by: misbehaver on 2002-02-08 20:28 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »