Author Topic: Trying to figure out your angle  (Read 13889 times)

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Offline BuzzKill

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Trying to figure out your angle
« Reply #30 on: May 08, 2007, 10:06:31 PM »
///And as for you Buzzkill. There is a differance between the fruits of the spirit and the aposolic gifts.///

Of corse. I was just trying to point out that the work of the Holy Sprit in the believer's life is still manifested in the fruits of the Sprit; so why not also the gifts?

///The fruits of the spirit are evidence of the holy sprit in ones life. ///

Of corse - but also too the gifts.
Check out I Corinthian's chapter 12. You'll read Paul's explanation of the purpose for the gifts. Verses 8 through 11 list the various gifts. Also toward the end, there is a listing, and  Paul explaining that no one person has them all, or should expect to.  

In chapter 14, you can read Paul explain how the gifts should be used for the edification of the church - and that there should be order and harmony in the service - and not a lot of disorderly babbling so that unbelievers would think them all crazy.

As for when the gifts will come to an end; check out I Corinthian's Chapter 13, verse 8 through 13. I'd like to know what you make of them. We can discuss it in a PM or email if you'd prefer.

///More ove all your referances are in the apostolic era, there are no referances to these gifts outside that era in scripture, no referances in the old testament, nor any referances after the letters.///

Well sure they are all in the Apostolic era. When else would they have been written? Thats when the New Testament was written. I disagree that there is no mention in the Old Testament. Perhaps, you are forgetting the Prophets, (See II Peter Chapter 1 verses 19 through 21)  and how often they were led by the Sprit; or Spoke a word that came to them from the Sprit; or the miracles they did - the greater wisdom given to them by the Sprit - The Old Testament is chock full of the workings of the Holy Sprit. They may not have used the word "gift" but they absolutely did have the Holy Sprit working through them in the same way as in the Church age.

What reference would there be after the letters? I'm not sure I understand your meaning here.

///In Rev is mentions prophcey and visions and alike, but seriously, we are no where close to revalations, the world is not nearly that bad yet. ///

Well, we could debate this too, if you'd like. Let me know if you want to discuss it further.

///But accusing people who have no manafested gifts of having a luke warm faith is almost absurd, the gifts are not even a centeral tenant of the faith, if you believe in them or not.///

If you'll take a look at that list of gifts - I think you'd agree that any believer who lacked having any of them would indeed be luke-warm at best. Salt with out flavor might be another way of putting it.  Some of those gifts may seem rather  mundane - but where would the Church be with out gifted teachers? Those gifted with administrative abilities? Those gifted with hospitality? If there were no churchmen with the gift of great Faith? All are important and all are among the gifts you may receive from the Holy Sprit.

As a believer, you have been given spiritual gifts - think about it - they are there. Think about how you can and should use what ever your gift is for the help of others - because they are all about helping others in some way or another.

But your right - this is not a Salvation issue. You need not believe that speaking in tongues (or any gift) is a true manifestation of the Holy Sprit to be saved. In some cases, I fear you'd be right. But it seems a shame to discount the work of the Holy Sprit in your life - or the lives of other believers. It is meant as a help to you - a comfort. Jesus spoke of the Comforter that would come to the church (see the gospel of John, chapter 14) and it seems a shame to say, no - I don't want it, or even believe in it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline nimdA

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Trying to figure out your angle
« Reply #31 on: May 08, 2007, 10:14:54 PM »
And the Irish had booze. These modern day Fundies only drink when they think no one is looking.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
am the metal pig.