Author Topic: PORTER COUNTY  (Read 628 times)

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« on: April 13, 2007, 03:52:05 PM »
In response to the recent article about the commissioners trying,
without public advertisement, to approve the $200,000 for Pathway
Family Center opening:

If I were a Porter County taxpayer, I would be APPALLED that
my "leaders" were paying for kids to be systematically abused for
profit under the guise of drug treatment. Why do I even care? I live
in Virginia. That should say something about the seriousness of this
STRAIGHT, Inc. survivors tried to warn people up there about the
INHERENT fraud and systematic physical/psychological abuse that is
present in programs designed by and descended directly from STRAIGHT,
Inc. No matter what "they" say, it is a fact. It saddens and disgusts
me that adults elected by the citizens of Porter County would spend
such large amounts of taxpayer money to support this abuse. Is this
still going to happen after the commissioners have been presented
with clear evidence from knowledgeable and experienced experts on
this subject? Child abuse is a crime. Why are these program people
immune to prosecution and why in God's name are they being supported
by Porter County funds? This reeks of corruption and cynicism to all
ends! Shame on them!

There were virtually no public supporters at the public forum back in
January. The only folks that attended that meeting were Pathway
staff, clients, brokers, supporters, DEA etc... Where was the general
public? Porter County administrators are making a serious mistake by
giving Pathway $200,000 of taxpayer money. Paying for continuing this
legacy of abuse and corruption certainly casts shame upon each and
every person who supports it. It is time to remove


President, ISAC Corporation
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »