Author Topic: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon  (Read 318732 times)

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Offline DannyB II

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-min
« Reply #1170 on: June 22, 2010, 03:13:41 PM »
Anne wrote DannyBoy no mind.  He clings on to anyone, as long as it's against survivors.  He's an attention whore who has some kind of inferiority complex regarding the fairer sex and tends to lash out at us.  
And I'd love to see Tim come back and address your post on the previous page....point by abusive point.

Now how can you be taken seriously when you talk like this, "clings to anyone, against survivors (I am a survivor),  attention whore, inferiority complex and lashes out at us, fairer sex".
My problems have been with you not jaredsmom. She does not want to be bothered with our spats.
I would have hoped that over the weekend you would have calmed down a bit, so we could get back to normal.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Edited: Wednesday, October 06, 2010
« Reply #1171 on: June 22, 2010, 03:14:34 PM »
Edited: Wednesday, October 06, 2010
« Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 03:44:32 PM by Joel »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-min
« Reply #1172 on: June 22, 2010, 03:47:00 PM »
Quote from: "jaredsmom"
Thank you, Ursus.  that was the point I was trying to make.
Danny wrote:
Let me be the first to tell you legitimately, you are full of shit.

Now, Danny, you say:
I would have never harnessed any energy whatsoever, except Tim didn't limit his experience to this board.  I see you have 992 comments since you became a member on March 10th of this year.  That's an average of 10.55 comments per day, in different forums.  I think not only are you using way too much energy in here,  you also have little to do outside.  Go on a date, read a book, walk your dog.  In other words, enjoy life.

OH, so because Tim is speaking on several boards, you felt compelled to come to the rescue and save all the weak, from his verbal campaign of undermining.

Y'all is Southern slang for "you all" which indicates plural.  I am one person.  If you feel I'm part of a collective, I am not.  I did not say you were lying or brainwashed.  In fact, I am glad that the programs do actually help some people.  Not everyone deserved to be sent, but if you were one of them and got the help you needed, then I'm very happy for you.

Oh you are part of a collective, I guess it must be sub-conscious.
Whether the programs helped folks or not is not my point. My point is your attacking Tim because he is positive about Roloffs and that is wrong.
Stop trying to find reasons to validate your vindictive behavior.

This part just gives me warm fuzzies.  Tim and Danny bonding over feeling like the underdogs on Fornits.  Because you don't just want to get the positive message out, but you want to fight the "evil liars" until they repent and tell the truth.  Or maybe you just want to have the last word.  Perhaps you are just bored and like a good argument.  Either way, It warms me to see that this is what you are like after becoming much better people because of your experiences.  I like to think I became a better person because of the choices I've made in my life.  That's just me.  I don't want to give a one-year program too much credit for the other 30+ years of my life.  Call me selfish.

Do we need to say more, she does it for us.
Why have I got to do all the work here, though you were easy. One post and your true colors come out in your last paragraph to me.
Thank You jaredsmom.
I am so happy to see what YOU have done with your life.
Like I said when I started my response here, your full of shit.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-min
« Reply #1173 on: June 22, 2010, 04:25:02 PM »
Quote from: "Joel"

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What do you think about not posting on fornits for a couple of days?  I think you take this website to serious and it's time to take a break. this point I really think he just cant' help himself.  It's almost compulsive with him.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-min
« Reply #1174 on: June 22, 2010, 04:44:38 PM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Do we need to say more, she does it for us.
Why have I got to do all the work here, though you were easy. One post and your true colors come out in your last paragraph to me.
Thank You jaredsmom.
I am so happy to see what YOU have done with your life.


Like I said when I started my response here, your full of shit.

Are you even capable of learning?  "You are" full of shit = the contraction, "you're"...not "your"...."your" is possessive.  As in, illiteracy is one of your problems.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

Offline DannyB II

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-min
« Reply #1175 on: June 22, 2010, 06:00:21 PM »
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Do we need to say more, she does it for us.
Why have I got to do all the work here, though you were easy. One post and your true colors come out in your last paragraph to me.
Thank You jaredsmom.
I am so happy to see what YOU have done with your life.

Like I said when I started my response here, your full of shit.

Are you even capable of learning?  "You are" full of shit = the contraction, "you're"...not "your"...."your" is possessive.  As in, illiteracy is one of your problems.

No, Anne.  guess what your full of shit, two. as in 2 people.........:seg2:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Paul St. John

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Enough, Danny!
« Reply #1176 on: June 22, 2010, 11:27:03 PM »
Do we need to say more, she does it for us.

Yes, Danny.. You need say more, because so far, you have said nothing, here.  Nothing.

Why have I got to do all the work here, though you were easy. One post and your true colors come out in your last paragraph to me.

The paragraph by Jaredsmom, where she says that she takes credit for her own choices, rather then attributing the course of her life to a single year in a program?

  Because if that is not one of the most rational statements that I have ever read, I don t know what is.

Thank You jaredsmom.
I am so happy to see what YOU have done with your life.

Why do you take issue with a person taking responsibility for their own life? What is your argument against it?

Like I said when I started my response here, your full of shit.

This woman is not full of shit.  You know as well as I do that you are.  

Danny, these habits of yours are going to have to change.  Every so often you contribure something of at least slight value.  You need to start making that the norm now.

There are only 2 ideal solutions as I see them.  One is that you learn to control yourself.  If this cannot be achieved, then the other is for you to leave.  If your habits cannot be overcome, you must be overcome.  If your habits cannot go away, then you have to go away.

People should not have to worry about opening up, posting, and using this site for what most consider it's rightful purpose, out of fear thta you might attack them.

Grow up, Danny.  Stop attacking people and trying to hurt them.

Paul St. John

PS Your mind is weak, Danny.  I can see it very clearly.  It is due to the kindness and the mercy of the people here, that you feel as comfortable as you do.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-min
« Reply #1177 on: June 23, 2010, 02:20:09 PM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Do we need to say more, she does it for us.
Why have I got to do all the work here, though you were easy. One post and your true colors come out in your last paragraph to me.
Thank You jaredsmom.
I am so happy to see what YOU have done with your life.

Like I said when I started my response here, your full of shit.

Are you even capable of learning?  "You are" full of shit = the contraction, "you're"...not "your"...."your" is possessive.  As in, illiteracy is one of your problems.

No, Anne.

So, that's a're (see? contraction of you + are) incapable of learning?  Well, that explains quite a bit.

guess what your full of shit, two. as in 2 people.........:seg2:[/size][/i][/b]

[Sigh]....  ::) ......DannyBoy, "your & you're" was yesterday's lesson, not "to, too & two".  

Oh...and as far as me posting as different people - more projection on your (see?  possessive) part.  I post under one name and one name only.  You, on the other hand.....well, we're all aware of your (again, please note the possessive) multiple personalities.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

Offline TimScrivener

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Re: To Tim Scrivener
« Reply #1178 on: June 23, 2010, 06:57:12 PM »
Quote from: "jaredsmom"
I've thought for a long time on how to address you.  I asked you a question on the yahoo group, but by then you were angry at all those in the group and you refused to reply.  I won't ask the question again, I'll just leave you with my perspective.  My perspective on you, Tim, not the homes.
Why you decided it was your job to step up and defend the program is unclear to me.  Yet, you felt the urge to do so.  Your method was to find posts made here and call the authors of the posts liars.  You offered semantic evidence of why the posts could not be true, not stopping to consider that things may be different now than when the author of the post was there.  You speak to us as if you are the know-all and see-all of the Roloff homes.  In doing so, you became that which we have been conditioned to abhor.

I don't consider myself to be the know all and see all of the Roloff Homes, but I do have experience of a greater span of time than any that I have seen here. The reason I defend the homes here is because everything I see is negative and I KNOW, no doubt, that much of it is LIES. Sorry but that's the fact and you can deny it if you want be it's a fact.
Quote from: "jaredsmom"
It's like this, Tim:  We gain NOTHING in telling our stories here.   We hope some parent may see it and maybe change their minds about sending someone, but seriously...when does someone really come in here for that?  We tell our stories because something motivated us to run a search about the homes, and we stumbled here.  We read the stories and we felt some sort of validation.  So we shared our experience too.  Yes, we all define abuse differently,

I'm sorry, but didn't you just accuse me of thinking I am the know all and see all? And here you are saying we, we, we. Do you speak for everyone that posts their negative experience here. Do you see their motives? They are all pure and honest people, that's why they all went into the homes. No one on here ever lies about their experience? Are you sure? Because you KNOW that everyone is just like you.

Quote from: "jaredsmom"
I will give you that much.  I am one of the first to admit my stay there was not as bad as others.  Still, I can recount three episodes that I would (and a court would probably agree) define as abuse to me.  However, I'm not a scarred person because of those instances.  There are people here, though, that went through so much worse than what I went.  I know it happened.  I saw it.  I heard the accounts.  These people were called "rebellious" and chastised because they wouldn't conform to the program, so they were abused.  Not spanked, as I don't consider that abuse.  Spanking, or "licks", as we called them, was a common occurrence.  So common that it wouldn't phase us anymore.  So abusive methods of punishment were developed.

I have said that there were cases of abuse. What you fail to understand that what you call being conformed to the program basically breaks down to Breaking the rules. I'm not justifying any event where the line between correction and abuse was crossed, but don't try to make rule breakers sound like they were completely innocent. Again you use the term we, and us when referring to people being rebellious and being chastised. I'm glad you are honest enough to admit you were rebellious.

Quote from: "jaredsmom"
 Then there are other horrors: teenage mothers told that the only hope for their babies was to give them up.  What you can't understand, Tim, was that we didn't know other options.  In our young minds, we were being told by our mentors the "right" thing to do.  Even if everything in our hearts was telling us that it wasn't the right thing, we followed.  We followed because to not do so brought on unpleasant consequences.  Our actions were motivated by fear.  It was to the points that our own thoughts would frighten us sometimes.  Like if we thought of a rock song, because someone said something that reminded us of it, we felt we were doing something wrong.

Again you use the word we. So are you saying you gave up a child? Or are you just speaking for the people that did?
Quote from: "jaredsmom"
Yet I understand their reaction to you.  You undermined their experience.  You called them liars.  You had no agenda, other than to bring them down again.

Good thing you're here to take up for them. And is that really my agenda? Now you're speaking for me also?

Quote from: "jaredsmom"
In the name of what, Tim?  Of God?  Of Roloff Enterprises?

Why don't you tell me since you're speaking for everyone else here?

Quote from: "jaredsmom"
 They don't need you to be their lawyer.  If the program helps people, and I am not going to say no one has been helped, then the results speak for themselves.  You don't have to feel the need to defend them.  Start your own site promoting the good and allow former students to do the same.  But let those who feel differently express themselves as well.  It's their story, and you are not the one who should tell it.

The program does help people and the results do speak for themselves. I am not defending anyone or anything, I'm trying to offer a different perspective. I'm questioning those things that I don't agree are true. I'm exposing the things here that are wrong and are lies for what they are. I'm saying that the Roloff Homes are NOT the evil place that they are saying it is. People are evil, we are sinners, but the purpose of the Homes is to help people. There have been people that worked there that did evil things. Guess what, you won't find any place on Earth where that isn't true.

It seems to me that you know that there have been many people helped there. I think you know that for the most part, it's a good place. That's my perspective on you. I won't even try to speak for you as you have for everyone else. Maybe instead of just accepting every bad account on here you should remember that some people do lie.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-min
« Reply #1179 on: June 23, 2010, 08:10:00 PM »
Danny wrote:
Do we need to say more, she does it for us.

Why have I got to do all the work here, though you were easy. One post and your true colors come out in your last paragraph to me.

Thank You jaredsmom.
I am so happy to see what you have done with your life.  

Like I said when I started my response here, your full of shit.  

Anne wrote:
Are you even capable of learning?  "You are" full of shit = the contraction, "you're"...not "your"...."your" is possessive.  As in, illiteracy is one of your problems.

No, Anne

So, that's a're (see? contraction of you + are) incapable of learning?  Well, that explains quite a bit.
guess what your full of shit, two. as in 2 people.........

Oh...and as far as me posting as different people, more projection on your part.  I post under one name and one name only.  You, on the other hand.....well, we're all aware of your multiple personalities.

No I did not mean that you are posting as to different people, I meant that too people were bashing me on the same thread. YOu
How am I doing, I really don't know which Danny is writing here......Anne.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline TimScrivener

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Re: To Tim Scrivener
« Reply #1180 on: June 24, 2010, 04:13:45 PM »
Quote from: "curioussooz"
Yes Tim some people do indeed lie......however, I have not found that to be true with survivors of that wicked place.  Even your own fucking god isn't blessing it anymore....come on man wake up!!  When you say yourself you have watched it diminish what does that tell you????  You are a sick fuck to continue to beat up on people who have already been beaten down by your fucking evil religeon.

If you would, please show me where I "beat up on people". It seems to me that its you that are "beating down" people with your viscous attacks on me, and on my religion. By the way, I don't have a god. I have the God. I don't expect you to get the difference but I just wanted to correct you on that part.

But you are wrong about Him not blessing the ministry. The fact is that at this time, He is blessing it in many ways. The most important is people are getting saved. The Homes that are there now are helping many people get their lives straightened out, and all your hateful ranting and railing and cussing can not change that one bit. I sorry you are so bitter.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Paul St. John

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-min
« Reply #1181 on: June 24, 2010, 04:29:17 PM »
The one and only god... He can do just about anything..

so why not let him fight his own battles there, Tim?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-min
« Reply #1182 on: June 24, 2010, 04:40:53 PM »
Quote from: "Paul St. John"
The one and only god... He can do just about anything..
so why not let him fight his own battles there, Tim?

So why not STFU, lill johnny. I just could not help
Only kidding.....Paul.
Hey so when do we go out for a beer and discuss this quagmire we find our selves in.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2010, 05:26:32 PM by DannyB II »
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Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: To Tim Scrivener
« Reply #1183 on: June 24, 2010, 04:53:56 PM »
Quote from: "TimScrivener"
By the way, I don't have a god. I have the God. I don't expect you to get the difference but I just wanted to correct you on that part.

 :roflmao:   :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

Offline Paul St. John

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-min
« Reply #1184 on: June 24, 2010, 06:54:35 PM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Quote from: "Paul St. John"
The one and only god... He can do just about anything..
so why not let him fight his own battles there, Tim?

So why not STFU, lill johnny. I just could not help
Only kidding.....Paul.
Hey so when do we go out for a beer and discuss this quagmire we find our selves in.

Well... That's gonna be a hard one, Danny.. See, I am having dinner with Tim Schrivener tomorrow..

.... and the next day, Whooter, and I protesting public schools.... ( Our hope is to get every American child into a program)

Hmmmm... The day after that, I'm chilling with "Suck It".  we are gonna hit the clubs and looks for chicks.  I figure if he can go the whole night without speaking, maybe someone actually will suck it, and then perhaps, we won t have to deal with him anymore...

Oh , but the next night is good...... Wait...  Wait.. No. That doesn t work either. I'm suppose to hang with Art. We were planning on going heckling. I usually get bored of that after awhile, but then I just hook Art up with some mannequins...  he names one Sharon, and one Mark Babitz , and it seems to keep him busy all night...

The best is when he pretends to be a king... " LIAR!!!!"   "LIAR!!!", he yells...  " YOU ARE CONDEMNED TO DEATH FOR THE CRIME OF LYING!!!!!"

He has so much fun.. It really is adorable..

Maybe, after that, Danny...

I know a nice place in the Bronx... But we ll have to get our stories straight before we go in there.  The Bronx is up and coming.  The Bronx has the best schools.. I would consider faking autism, just to go to a program for autistics in the Bronx.  I think if we build the rest of our view of the Bronx, around the basis of those statements, we won t offend anybody.......
...... and most importantly, god will know that we are not bigots, and we can tell ourselves that we are good people.

Yeah.. so I think it is a date, Danny...

I'll give you the address in the Bronx, and we'll meet there.

Paul St. John
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »