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Offline Froderik

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« Reply #45 on: October 02, 2008, 03:07:32 PM »
Quote from: "z.kufn. m"
Do you vote according to what your dick tells you?
All politics aside, there's a certain bitchiness about her that just does it for me.  :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #46 on: October 02, 2008, 03:21:57 PM »
Here's the "straight talk express" that you won't hear from any candidate. Lenders get their money from the government. How much money they get depends on whether the loans are "performing" or "non-performing". A non-performing loan is one where either the payments are being made late or not at all, which of course would enter the property into the first stage of foreclosure. When a bank holds a note (loan, mortgage) that is not performing their ability to aquire capital from the gov. goes down. When their borrowing power goes down they can't approve as many loans, less loans means they have to tighten their restrictions on who can get a loan and they make less $. Today there are about 1.5 million people that are in some phase of foreclosure at any given moment, and for the last 10-20 yrs it has been roughly 1 million (12-18 million homes a year, that's alot of homes.) So the last thing the bank ever wants is a foreclosure, they want the loans to keep performing so they can keep borrowing and increase business, and they DEFINITELY don't want to hold property. So what did they do 20 yrs ago to stop the increasing stockpile of homes they were absorbing? They satisfied their own greed by appealing to the greed in everyone else. They created a situation where the most profitable stage in the foreclosure process was no longer the actual moment when the home is foreclosed on  at the ctiy courthouse, where investors can only buy with cash. They taught people people to seek out distressed owners before the foreclosure took place, and the best part here is you don't need all cash, you assume the already existing loan (if it's FHA / VA gov't loan from Fannie Mae or FreddieMac) or buy the property "subject to" the existing financing. First let's look at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They typically give loans to people in government services and what makes their loans special is that the mortgage is "assumable", meaning the property owner can sell their house directly to a buyer and the loan can be re-written in the new buyers name. The new buyer now holds the exact same mortgage without having to be approved by a bank or pay a re-financing fee, this is a perfect situation for an investor and therefore are targetted. So what happens is we have a program that is intended to help our army (or other gov't workers) but these gov't loans, with great terms, end up in the hands of investors. In fact this same loan will get passed from hand to hand through the years until finally real estate appreciation hits a roadblock. Years later many of these loans have been bought into legally and with no oversight, by people who could never afford them and were banking on the market appreciating. Now Freddie and Fannie, and the taxpayer of course, are paying for not regulating the terms of their loans by absorbing a flood of inventory and needing to get bailed out.
So what was the banking industry and wall street response to this 20 years ago? To do the exact same thing. Instead of absorbing more foreclosed homes they started teaching people to buy out distressed property before this happened, and instead of having a "non-performing" loan on their books they had a performing loan which justified borrowing more and then making more loans, keep in mind this is business and it is a legal requirement for them to make their stock holders the most $ they can, so it's really not that people are choosing to be corrupt but it is their resposibility under the law to take advantage of a loophole where they can.
How does this work? It's pretty simple, all it required was to expose the process the banks go through in doing business. Right now anyone who owns a home with a mortgage can sell it legally without needing to consult the bank. In fact on the HUD closing documents there is a box you check if you are buying a property "subject to" the existing financing. The only difference between a bank loan and a gov't loan is that on a bank loan there is a "due on sale" clause giving the bank the right to call the loan due if the property is sold. But guess what, the bank isn't going to do anything. All they are concerned with is that the payments keep coming so the loans keep performing and they can keep borrowing so they can MAKE MORE LOANS. And what's more is that, since these loans are now performing, the lender needs to loosen the standards on who can be approved for a loan to continue growing. This lead to even more people being approved that could not afford it, which meant more foreclosures, which meant more investors, which meant the same bad loan getting sold over and over until the artificially inflated home values and the owners who couldn't afford them hit the ceiling and now this bubble is exploding.
This is why we are in the dilemma we're in now. And that's just the housing mess, the debt/credit industry is a whole nother story. In short the super rich are squeezing every last dime, and then some once they squeeze out all the credit, out of people. And where is all that money getting re-invested? China, a country just starting to boom. This bail out is not going to solve this problem, only prolong it and keep peoples jobs and investments stuck in the same system of feeding on failure. Although it is a bad situation It won't be the end of everything. It might surprise some of you to know Mexicans are buying up U.S. property ever increasingly. America's economy is in a downturn and the dollar is falling in value. This country is already verging on being the worlds Wal-Mart, pretty soon foreigners will be flocking to the U.S. because, by comparison to what they are paying, property here is dirt cheap. Neither presidential candidate is going to admit they can't solve this problem. Bottom line is the majoity of people in this country are living in their investments and they already owe more than it is worth. If things keep progressing this way we will convert from being a nation of owners to a nation of renters and the rent check will be going to foreign investors that don't even live in this country.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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« Reply #47 on: October 02, 2008, 03:39:24 PM »
Quote from: "shit+fan"
If things keep progressing this way we will convert from being a nation of owners to a nation of renters and the rent check will be going to foreign investors that don't even live in this country.
Where's that damn :shudder: emoticon when you need it?!?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #48 on: October 02, 2008, 06:03:12 PM »
Quote from: "shit+fan"
Here's the "straight talk express" that you won't hear from any candidate. Lenders get their money from the government. How much money they get depends on whether the loans are "performing" or "non-performing". A non-performing loan is one where either the payments are being made late or not at all, which of course would enter the property into the first stage of foreclosure. When a bank holds a note (loan, mortgage) that is not performing their ability to aquire capital from the gov. goes down. When their borrowing power goes down they can't approve as many loans, less loans means they have to tighten their restrictions on who can get a loan and they make less $. Today there are about 1.5 million people that are in some phase of foreclosure at any given moment, and for the last 10-20 yrs it has been roughly 1 million (12-18 million homes a year, that's alot of homes.) So the last thing the bank ever wants is a foreclosure, they want the loans to keep performing so they can keep borrowing and increase business, and they DEFINITELY don't want to hold property. So what did they do 20 yrs ago to stop the increasing stockpile of homes they were absorbing? They satisfied their own greed by appealing to the greed in everyone else. They created a situation where the most profitable stage in the foreclosure process was no longer the actual moment when the home is foreclosed on  at the ctiy courthouse, where investors can only buy with cash. They taught people people to seek out distressed owners before the foreclosure took place, and the best part here is you don't need all cash, you assume the already existing loan (if it's FHA / VA gov't loan from Fannie Mae or FreddieMac) or buy the property "subject to" the existing financing. First let's look at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They typically give loans to people in government services and what makes their loans special is that the mortgage is "assumable", meaning the property owner can sell their house directly to a buyer and the loan can be re-written in the new buyers name. The new buyer now holds the exact same mortgage without having to be approved by a bank or pay a re-financing fee, this is a perfect situation for an investor and therefore are targetted. So what happens is we have a program that is intended to help our army (or other gov't workers) but these gov't loans, with great terms, end up in the hands of investors. In fact this same loan will get passed from hand to hand through the years until finally real estate appreciation hits a roadblock. Years later many of these loans have been bought into legally and with no oversight, by people who could never afford them and were banking on the market appreciating. Now Freddie and Fannie, and the taxpayer of course, are paying for not regulating the terms of their loans by absorbing a flood of inventory and needing to get bailed out.
So what was the banking industry and wall street response to this 20 years ago? To do the exact same thing. Instead of absorbing more foreclosed homes they started teaching people to buy out distressed property before this happened, and instead of having a "non-performing" loan on their books they had a performing loan which justified borrowing more and then making more loans, keep in mind this is business and it is a legal requirement for them to make their stock holders the most $ they can, so it's really not that people are choosing to be corrupt but it is their resposibility under the law to take advantage of a loophole where they can.
How does this work? It's pretty simple, all it required was to expose the process the banks go through in doing business. Right now anyone who owns a home with a mortgage can sell it legally without needing to consult the bank. In fact on the HUD closing documents there is a box you check if you are buying a property "subject to" the existing financing. The only difference between a bank loan and a gov't loan is that on a bank loan there is a "due on sale" clause giving the bank the right to call the loan due if the property is sold. But guess what, the bank isn't going to do anything. All they are concerned with is that the payments keep coming so the loans keep performing and they can keep borrowing so they can MAKE MORE LOANS. And what's more is that, since these loans are now performing, the lender needs to loosen the standards on who can be approved for a loan to continue growing. This lead to even more people being approved that could not afford it, which meant more foreclosures, which meant more investors, which meant the same bad loan getting sold over and over until the artificially inflated home values and the owners who couldn't afford them hit the ceiling and now this bubble is exploding.
This is why we are in the dilemma we're in now. And that's just the housing mess, the debt/credit industry is a whole nother story. In short the super rich are squeezing every last dime, and then some once they squeeze out all the credit, out of people. And where is all that money getting re-invested? China, a country just starting to boom. This bail out is not going to solve this problem, only prolong it and keep peoples jobs and investments stuck in the same system of feeding on failure. Although it is a bad situation It won't be the end of everything. It might surprise some of you to know Mexicans are buying up U.S. property ever increasingly. America's economy is in a downturn and the dollar is falling in value. This country is already verging on being the worlds Wal-Mart, pretty soon foreigners will be flocking to the U.S. because, by comparison to what they are paying, property here is dirt cheap. Neither presidential candidate is going to admit they can't solve this problem. Bottom line is the majoity of people in this country are living in their investments and they already owe more than it is worth. If things keep progressing this way we will convert from being a nation of owners to a nation of renters and the rent check will be going to foreign investors that don't even live in this country.

What do you do for a living and what program were you in? Just curious.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #49 on: October 02, 2008, 06:04:57 PM »
Quote from: "shit+fan"
Here's the "straight talk express" that you won't hear from any candidate. Lenders get their money from the government. How much money they get depends on whether the loans are "performing" or "non-performing". A non-performing loan is one where either the payments are being made late or not at all, which of course would enter the property into the first stage of foreclosure. When a bank holds a note (loan, mortgage) that is not performing their ability to aquire capital from the gov. goes down. When their borrowing power goes down they can't approve as many loans, less loans means they have to tighten their restrictions on who can get a loan and they make less $. Today there are about 1.5 million people that are in some phase of foreclosure at any given moment, and for the last 10-20 yrs it has been roughly 1 million (12-18 million homes a year, that's alot of homes.) So the last thing the bank ever wants is a foreclosure, they want the loans to keep performing so they can keep borrowing and increase business, and they DEFINITELY don't want to hold property. So what did they do 20 yrs ago to stop the increasing stockpile of homes they were absorbing? They satisfied their own greed by appealing to the greed in everyone else. They created a situation where the most profitable stage in the foreclosure process was no longer the actual moment when the home is foreclosed on  at the ctiy courthouse, where investors can only buy with cash. They taught people people to seek out distressed owners before the foreclosure took place, and the best part here is you don't need all cash, you assume the already existing loan (if it's FHA / VA gov't loan from Fannie Mae or FreddieMac) or buy the property "subject to" the existing financing. First let's look at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They typically give loans to people in government services and what makes their loans special is that the mortgage is "assumable", meaning the property owner can sell their house directly to a buyer and the loan can be re-written in the new buyers name. The new buyer now holds the exact same mortgage without having to be approved by a bank or pay a re-financing fee, this is a perfect situation for an investor and therefore are targetted. So what happens is we have a program that is intended to help our army (or other gov't workers) but these gov't loans, with great terms, end up in the hands of investors. In fact this same loan will get passed from hand to hand through the years until finally real estate appreciation hits a roadblock. Years later many of these loans have been bought into legally and with no oversight, by people who could never afford them and were banking on the market appreciating. Now Freddie and Fannie, and the taxpayer of course, are paying for not regulating the terms of their loans by absorbing a flood of inventory and needing to get bailed out.
So what was the banking industry and wall street response to this 20 years ago? To do the exact same thing. Instead of absorbing more foreclosed homes they started teaching people to buy out distressed property before this happened, and instead of having a "non-performing" loan on their books they had a performing loan which justified borrowing more and then making more loans, keep in mind this is business and it is a legal requirement for them to make their stock holders the most $ they can, so it's really not that people are choosing to be corrupt but it is their resposibility under the law to take advantage of a loophole where they can.
How does this work? It's pretty simple, all it required was to expose the process the banks go through in doing business. Right now anyone who owns a home with a mortgage can sell it legally without needing to consult the bank. In fact on the HUD closing documents there is a box you check if you are buying a property "subject to" the existing financing. The only difference between a bank loan and a gov't loan is that on a bank loan there is a "due on sale" clause giving the bank the right to call the loan due if the property is sold. But guess what, the bank isn't going to do anything. All they are concerned with is that the payments keep coming so the loans keep performing and they can keep borrowing so they can MAKE MORE LOANS. And what's more is that, since these loans are now performing, the lender needs to loosen the standards on who can be approved for a loan to continue growing. This lead to even more people being approved that could not afford it, which meant more foreclosures, which meant more investors, which meant the same bad loan getting sold over and over until the artificially inflated home values and the owners who couldn't afford them hit the ceiling and now this bubble is exploding.
This is why we are in the dilemma we're in now. And that's just the housing mess, the debt/credit industry is a whole nother story. In short the super rich are squeezing every last dime, and then some once they squeeze out all the credit, out of people. And where is all that money getting re-invested? China, a country just starting to boom. This bail out is not going to solve this problem, only prolong it and keep peoples jobs and investments stuck in the same system of feeding on failure. Although it is a bad situation It won't be the end of everything. It might surprise some of you to know Mexicans are buying up U.S. property ever increasingly. America's economy is in a downturn and the dollar is falling in value. This country is already verging on being the worlds Wal-Mart, pretty soon foreigners will be flocking to the U.S. because, by comparison to what they are paying, property here is dirt cheap. Neither presidential candidate is going to admit they can't solve this problem. Bottom line is the majoity of people in this country are living in their investments and they already owe more than it is worth. If things keep progressing this way we will convert from being a nation of owners to a nation of renters and the rent check will be going to foreign investors that don't even live in this country.

What do you do for a living and what program were you in? Just curious(and impressed).
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #50 on: October 02, 2008, 06:06:13 PM »
weird double post.

Also, this place is Dead with a capitol D. A Tad Sad
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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I Luv Sarah Palin
« Reply #51 on: October 02, 2008, 08:50:46 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #52 on: October 02, 2008, 11:36:54 PM »
Palin is such an embarrasment I'm starting to believe the Reps. chose her to throw the election.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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True Love
« Reply #53 on: October 03, 2008, 08:42:22 AM »
I (Froderik) am the real father of Sarah Palin's most recent child. She and I had an erotic relationship off and on for the past 8 years. We would meet whenever she was in Washington at a very posh hotel. We made hot monkey love together, we did the nasty all night long. Our sexual encounters were the stuff of legends because nothing was off limits. Sarah Palin and I engaged in the following: sadomasochistic bondage, whipped cream and other delights, swinging naked from chandeliers, bizarre role playing (with and without midgets), pagan sexual rituals, demon sex, casual sex, drug induced sex and so much more. Sarah and I bonded with one another; we were crazy about each other! Yes we had a child and we named it Che Gookin. Unfortunately her lawyer later changed his name to Squat Toilet. Anyway, it will take years of court battles to reclaim my child and the money but I will prevail one day. Sarah Palin, I miss you and the good times we had together, all the drugs we did together. Sarah, I wish you were here so I could cut your head off with an axe just like you always wanted me to. Me love you long time. I will never forget you. XXX
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #54 on: October 03, 2008, 02:39:52 PM »
Here's one of the McCain/Palin base that Caribou Barbie appeals to.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline CCM girl 1989

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Re: True Love
« Reply #55 on: October 03, 2008, 03:00:29 PM »
Quote from: "Froderik"
I (Froderik) am the real father of Sarah Palin's most recent child. She and I had an erotic relationship off and on for the past 8 years. We would meet whenever she was in Washington at a very posh hotel. We made hot monkey love together, we did the nasty all night long. Our sexual encounters were the stuff of legends because nothing was off limits. Sarah Palin and I engaged in the following: sadomasochistic bondage, whipped cream and other delights, swinging naked from chandeliers, bizarre role playing (with and without midgets), pagan sexual rituals, demon sex, casual sex, drug induced sex and so much more. Sarah and I bonded with one another; we were crazy about each other! Yes we had a child and we named it Che Gookin. Unfortunately her lawyer later changed his name to Squat Toilet. Anyway, it will take years of court battles to reclaim my child and the money but I will prevail one day. Sarah Palin, I miss you and the good times we had together, all the drugs we did together. Sarah, I wish you were here so I could cut your head off with an axe just like you always wanted me to. Me love you long time. I will never forget you. XXX

Well, that explains why the kid is retarded.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f you were never in a program, or a parent of a child in a program, then you have no business posting here.

Offline Froderik

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Wee Todd Ed
« Reply #56 on: October 03, 2008, 03:35:05 PM »
:D  :ftard:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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« Reply #57 on: October 03, 2008, 03:44:18 PM »
Quote from: "McCain supporter"
Here's one of the McCain/Palin base that Caribou Barbie appeals to.

Jesus Christ, just kill me now.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #58 on: October 03, 2008, 05:41:03 PM »
Quote from: "shit+fan"
Palin is such an embarrasment I'm starting to believe the Reps. chose her to throw the election.

Exactly that. Harriet Miers all over again.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

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« Reply #59 on: October 04, 2008, 07:32:41 AM »
Holy inbred Jed batman.

Can you imagine the 'after party' with that crew?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »