Author Topic: The Real Sue Scheff in My Own Words and At My Wits End  (Read 1651 times)

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The Real Sue Scheff in My Own Words and At My Wits End
« on: February 03, 2007, 08:13:16 AM »
From: Sue Scheff
To: Lisa Irving
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001
Subject: Hi Lisa?.

I have been contacted by a parent here in Ft. Lauderdale that says they (several program parents) want me & Ashlyn to attend support meetings here. However, Randall stated to me that Lynn claimed that many parents ?don?t want Ashlyn and myself?. At the the time I didn?t want the list of parents that don?t want me, however, after this parent just called me, they (program parents) are requesting the list and so am I.

Please have Lynn forward the list of parents that are not welcoming me and my daughter to meetings and Discovery Graduations. I don?t expect to hear ?confidential statements? here, since they should not be ashamed of their decission. I am also in the process of getting a manual from another support group leader, that she states, ?we are welcome?.

I do know for a fact, Lori and Ashley Neuman attend these meetings, and Ashley, like Ashlyn did NOT graduate.

Thank you Lisa, for your time and support in the above matter. I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting many parents that I have worked with on their referrals. I don?t believe I ever sent you the final newsletter about my venture with public service?.. It is below for you to read. I believe it says it all, as far as my support for the program, however mostly ?bringing families back togethers??..

Sue Scheff ? please read below? this was sent to many WWASP parents dated January 2001.

Hello Referral Team??.

Long time, I know. Many of you already know that my daughter has come home after 6 months at CSA. Her transformation is nothing short of a miracle. She is doing fantastic! I believe the program has saved her life along with God guiding us. I know many of you are thinking, ?wow, she didn?t graduate?, no she didn?t. I am a firm believer that God made us all different and that was not a mistake. Many children need the complete program, and I do encourage graduation. However, I recognize that every child was sent with different issues. Some more severe than others.

Ashlyn, my daughter, was not a ?bad? child for years. Quite the contrary. She was on the National Gymnastics Team, has awards and trophies from all over the country, and had always been a parents ?dream? child. However, at age 13, during a practice, she broke her foot in 5 places. One of the worse breaks possible. With this, she continued to train for 6 months ?in the cast?! Her self-esteem went so far down, we couldn?t see it. Finally, on Mother?s Day 1999, she announced to me she was quitting gymnastics! I was devastated, but respected her wishes.

Now at age 14, she wanted to try to ?fit in? with the ?normal? teens. My first mistake, she convinced me to let her try public school. She had never been. That was the worse 2 months of my life. She became involved with Wicca, (witchcraft), and eventually was withdrawn from my Christian beliefs, didn?t believe in God, and was spiraling downward. I immediately put her back into private school, however she would come home to ?hang? with the public school peers.

When I stepped back and analyzed the situation, I discovered I need to make a drastic decision. Ashlyn had lived in a ?glass house? for so many years with her gymnastics, now the house was shattered. With this, I surfed the net for hours/days?.. looking for help. As you all know, she ended up at CSA. The best decision I have ever made! I believe God had his hand in it all the way.

Ashlyn is successfully coaching gymnastics at a local gym she where her career started. Her Team girls just love her and she loves them back. She has brought her tools from the program to enhance her coaching skills. She is by far, one of the best coaches there. The love and joy thaqt is seen on Ashlyn when she is coaching is a sight I hadn?t seen in over a year. God lead Ashlyn exactly where she was needed. Only he added extra steps in between to even make her better. She will be returning to her private school on Jan. 29th for a second semester.

Wow, have I bored you yet?? it is leading to my reason for writing?..

Last year at this time I was completely falling apart with a daughter into Wicca. I never thought life would be the same. I would look up and say ?why me, what did I do wrong to create this?? I am a single parent raising 2 children and was doing my best, then this hit me with a ton of bricks. Last year, you couldn?t tell me that anything good could come from this. How??????..if it wasn?t for all the darkness, the new light wouldn?t be shining through?? I welcome all you to my new business:

P.U.R.E. Inc., - Parents Universal Referral Experts, Inc. ? God knew exactly what He was doing all along. Only I couldn?t see it at the time. When I decided to take this leap, I never imagined what was in store for me. My first sign was when we were looking for office space, I came across a small sign in a window next to my friends office. It said ?For Rent?. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would be sharing space with a ?Juvenile Criminal Attorney?! That was God letting me know we are on the right road. Then when I contacted the phone company, our toll free number ends in PURE?.. now what were those chances???? Our logo, which you will see on our web-site, is a Dove with a branch?. ?bringing families back together?. A dove is a symbol of love, and this dream was created from love. Our web-site is Please check it out? should be done by Feb 1st- 5th. So far it is looking fantastic! God lead us to a great web-site Designer.

My partner in this venture, is Sandra Atkins. She has been a friend for many years and is a beautiful Christian woman. We have been looking for a business to open for the past 3 years, however, always hit road blocks. She went through a divorce, and I was having my own problems. Sandra has her Master?s Degree in business, along with a General Contractor?s License. She is also a single mother of 3 children. Her knowledge and intelligence combined with my first hand experience will compliment each other to make PURE Inc. a great success. We plan on expanding our horizons by also referring to Private Schools, Learning Centers and Military Schools. That, of course, is our goal for the future. Right now, we are concentrating on helping parents with their struggling teens.

I want to thank you for your encouraging letters, your kindness and your gratitude. I have spoken to many of you personally and have enjoyed assisting you all with getting referrals. When you see our web-site, please feel free to send your comments or suggestions. Also call me if you need any help with the referrals. I know many of you have requested copies of my letters that I sent to schools and doctors offices about the program. During this time of moving into our new office, I am totally swamped. Please re-send me your fax numbers and I will forward them to you as soon as possible.

I am always a phone call or e-mail away and I will always keep you in my prayers.

I would like to than Randall Hinton, at Teen Help, for all his support and time with my referrals and with the parents on this team. Also Diane Lucchetto, Mary Golley and Cindy Day, who inspired me to be my best and take that leap. Included is Kathi Colton, who added the web-site idea to many parents, and is constantly helping them through the steps. Rhonda Nemechek & June Gowing who gave me the encouragement to go forward. Most of all I thank God, for guiding me and allowing me to touch you all and the many to follow. I kept ignoring His calling, however, when I stepped left and ?listened??.. P.U.R.E. Inc. was created!

Let?s end as we always do?.. ?Prayerize, Visualize, Actualize?! Go help others?.please ?Pay it Forward? and share all my ideas with other new parents?.if any one needs back issues of my ?ideas:, please let me?..

With loving prayers and gratitude,
Sue Scheff
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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The Real Sue Scheff Speaks the Truth as I See It
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2007, 08:26:49 AM »
Below I, the real Sue Scheff, am talking about my beautiful daughter Ashlyn Scheff.  Ashlyn was at WWASP's Caroline Springs Academy for about 6 months from June to Decemember 2000.  

I convinced my Ashlyn to go with me to WWASP secret seminars and to help me convince other parents to sell the WWASP program to parents who had no idea what was going on.  I was one of WWASP's top sellers of their programs and I got other parents to sell and I got some of the money for it.  Here are my exact words written by me and not a ghost writer, like this beginning and like what is on my website.  In other words I did not write a lot of what is on my web but I did write what is below.

Our Devine Mission

by Sue Scheff

As the parent of a struggling teen, I felt helpless. God knew exactly what he was doing; only I could not see it at the time. When I finally decided to take this leap of faith, I could have never imagined what was in store for me. The transformation in my teenager was nothing short of a Miracle.

I am now part owner of PURE Inc. and share office space with a Juvenile Criminal Attorney. We are a free service to parents of struggling or out of control teens. We provide information and resources on programs and specialty programs that are designed for teens that are struggling. We strive to serve as a reference point for parents, and can address any questions or concerns they may have.

Our logo is a Dove ::dove:: carrying an olive branch ; and our goal is "Bringing Families Back Together". This is our symbol of love and this business was truly created out of faith, hope and love??? Our Personal motto is Prayerize, Visualize and Actualize.

Next issue:

Boarding Schools

New programs Spotlight

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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My Friend Kevin Richey to Me Sue Scheff in Kevin's Own Words
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2007, 08:35:15 AM »
I really wish Kevin was not so honest.  He ratted me out and I got sued by WWASP for fraud under the Lanham Act.

------Original Message------
From: Kevin Richey
To: Ken Kay
Date: August 17, 2001
Subject: Sue Scheff

The last contact I had with Sue was 8 18 (sic 16) she emailed a lead to me. In our last conversation probably last week July she said she thought our programs were good but that our Seminars were terrible. She said she would continue to send referrals to me for Majestic Ranch as she didn't have any other resources for younger kids 7-12. She said she had placed 8 kids that week in Red Cliff or Red Rock not sure which. She asked me to manipulate the referral system and give 2 referrals to her so she wouldn't have to pay Diane Luchetto for 2 referrals that she somehow received from her. She said she had given Diane about 12 referrals. I told her that I couldn't change that information in our computer system and that I didn't feel right about doing it if I could.

Kevin Richey
Teen Help
Admission's Coordinator
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2007, 08:51:50 AM »
Background investigation.  

Correction:  I Sue Scheff actually was selling WWASP and having my beautiful daughter Ashlyn help me, right after she got out of WWASP's Carolina Springs Academy.  She hated me for it but I made her and told her I would send her back if she did not help me.

I then hooked up with Donna Hedrick sometime in the middle of 2001.  What really got to me is that WWASP refused to pay me some referral fees that I think they owed me.  

To hell with WWASP I thought and Donna convinced me there were other programs we could sell and cut out the middle man WWASP.  I wanted to get even with WWASP for ripping me off!  This is what they get if ya ask me.

Donna Headrick was convicted of some kind of welfare fraud and was in prison. WWASP didn't know about this. But Donna died before they got her in court anyway. Donna claimed she was a "social worker" like Izzy claims she is a "legal professional". Donna lied as does Izzy.  I LOVE them both dearly.

Donna Headrick and I started our own referral business but of course I already had PURE up and running for 6 months.  I got the  fees and it was none of Donna's business how much I was making.  Donna and I told parents were were "saving" children and "bringing families back together."

Donna talked to the news media a lot and we tried hard to shut down Carolina Springs Academy.  Competition you know!  

I then hokked up with Marie Peart hook up. Marie is a pro at conning and so is Sue and Donna H. so we three ladies become business partners.  Marie has 2 criminal convictions for fraud and that means she had 'street credibility' with me.  Marie sold WWASP for like 15 years or something.  I knew I could count on my Marie!

One of Marie's convictions is in north Utah and one in south Utah where she lives and can be checked with courts.

Now here I am being attacked by you fools on fornits!  None of you understand what I have been through and how WWASP RAPED ME!!!  I hate all of you.  I am THE HERO who BRINGS FAMILIES BACK TOGETHER for a little fee.


Thank you all for listening to MY STORY.
Sue Scheff
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2007, 09:00:22 AM »
Quote from: ""TS Waygookin""
May god have mercy on your soul Sue Scheff for what you profess to do in his name.

FUCK YOU Waygookin!  Weren't you some kind a staff at a program?

Who are YOU to JUDGE me you ASSHOLE?

Umm...sorry.  I need to say I'm sorry 'cause God doesn't like my anger.

Did I tell you about my beautiful Ashlyn and my handsome brilliant Scottie?  Am I boring you?

Prayalize, visualize, actualize! (My motto)  I made this up all by my self!
Sue Scheff
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »