Author Topic: blownawaytheidahoway  (Read 26349 times)

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Offline stina

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« Reply #45 on: November 03, 2007, 04:12:46 PM »
I'm pretty sure that was end user error, ie. me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
I used to be Snow White but I drifted.

Offline try another castle

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« Reply #46 on: November 03, 2007, 07:46:11 PM »
That ginormous poster haunts me. It was like it was strategically placed to taunt us every time we'd come up those damn stairs.

 ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::

You mean this?

Yup. I made that. Part of it, anyway. Used to be sooo proud of it, too. Now I look at it and go "What crap."

Hehe. Why do I feel like I am being baited?

Could just be my runaway I-am-the-center-of-the-world solipsism. But in my defense, I know a couple of people who *would*, indeed,  joke with me about that.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #47 on: November 04, 2007, 01:42:02 AM »
Quote from: "try another castle"

Hehe. Why do I feel like I am being baited?

Could just be my runaway I-am-the-center-of-the-world solipsism. But in my defense, I know a couple of people who *would*, indeed,  joke with me about that.

Nobody hacked me. I'm just ... shall we say new. I didn't sign on before I posted those comments and now I've properly learned my lesson. If I don't want to be a voice from nowhere I must sign in first. Got it.

Wow though. I can't believe you still have a picture of that...or that you had a part in its design. I can understand having some pride in it at the time, honestly there were moments when I was there that the sentiment didn't freak me out, when I actually was appreciative of being a part of it all. I know that some people out there will disagree but I would be remiss if i didn't put that out there.

My memories are fuzzy, and I can't wait to read blownawaytheidahoway's book (turns out oddly enough that Blown was my first big brother at RMA, he graduated a month after I got there, and we just reconnected). I feel that it will really bring everything from that time into focus for me. I've been reading through these posts for the last week or so, since this forum was brought to my attention, and I understand and can relate to what everyone has said. I have at times said to people that if I hadn't been sent there I don't know where I'd be. Not that I fear I'd have ended up dead or in prison, but at the time I was sent away there was some serious drama going on in my family. Things that had been going on for years. Bad stuff. Physical stuff. I was headed down a path that probably would have ended up being detrimental to me, and my friends (though I loved them and considered them my only family) haven't all ended up where I assume they'd want to be now.

I've had a lot of stuff come up in the past weeks, things that I didn't realize could still effect me this way, but I still can't say that I'm not thankful for the experience. It made me a lot stronger, it gave me a sense of self that cannot be taken away (by myself or anyone else). I survived and completed things that I would not have thought I was previously capable of. And yeah, there were staff there that completely abused the power that they had. Caroline scarred me in ways that will never completely heal, along with some of the other staff that should never have been in the position with children that they were. But I was close with one staff member who gave me love along with the so called "tough love". I don't know if any of you knew John Aaron. He was hardcore, and he told me a lot of things that I didn't want to hear, but ultimately he was an amazing figure in my life, and the relationship I had with him allowed me to heal a lot of my issues with my father. He was a good man. I don't know what happened to him, I heard he was one of the die hards that stayed with the school until it became as monstrous as I heard it became. But I'm digressing.

I want to hear about people's wilderness challenges. Because that was the one experience for me that truly made me who I am today. There was no agenda out there. I truly believe that that was one of the few things the school offered that was pure. Maybe some of you disagree, but I'd like to hear from all of you on that.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline stina

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« Reply #48 on: November 04, 2007, 01:52:33 AM »
Dammit! That last post was me, I really truly thought I was still signed in but apparently fornits booted me after a few hours. Annoying. I am most definitely not a voice from nowhere. I'm coming in loud and clear from so cal. Anyway. I still want to talk about wilderness challenges. Thoughts?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
I used to be Snow White but I drifted.

Offline try another castle

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« Reply #49 on: November 04, 2007, 01:57:48 AM »
What the hell is up with John Aaron? Why does everyone have such a hard on for him?  ::huh::  

I knew him pretty well, and he sounded like he was much more of an interesting guy back when he was a smoke -jumper... then CEDU took away his nuts and handed him a summit key.

re: the hacking mention. I just got thrown off, because normally anonymous postings were listed as "guest", and now they are listed as "a voice from nowhere". Today was the first time I saw the change, so I got confused.

Yeah, I did that stupid fucking poster. Most of it, since I was the school's art whore, and I was soooo proud of that "honorable" distinction. Oh we need a banner, oh, we need a poster, oh, we need someone to design the new childrens propheet scroll, oh, hey, can you draw a dolphin for my little sister? She's coming out of the truth tonight!  a.r.t.w.h.o.r.e. I actually got talked to in a rap when I was in quest because I did something that didn't meet their standards.

So, when they said, hey, there's a new staff workshop coming up, it's a big deal, and we want you to design the poster, make it, and have anyone you'd like to help you out with it. Now, as the here forever poster was your eyesore, mine was the camelot poster from the staff workshop which was held years before. Granted, it didn't have the school's horrible taunt "here forever" up there in gothic blackletter, (in my defense, I didn't do those. I suck at typography) but it still totally sucked. As a result, I felt honored that I could put something up to replace that piece of crap. And but so... the here forever poster became the new piece of crap.

What did they end up replacing that with, BTW?

Interesting you bring up the wilderness challenge. I think that was the only time during my stay there that I can actually still consider peaceful and enjoyable in retrospect. We went to the owyhee desert.

For me, normally anything that causes any kind of sensory association with the school is negative, especially if I smell something similar to what it was like there. I know that every so often I will be somewhere and smell something that smells almost exactly like Idaho dirt in the fall, just as the morning frost begins to melt. The only reason I know this is because that's the smell I smelled every morning as I started my work detail for my fucking full-time. I'd climb up on the rock wall with my tamping iron and shovel, and catch that sickly sweet whiff of the clay and soil that I had been using as mortar for the rocks. And then I would take my shovel and break through the frost that was still there, so I could start my work.

As a result, whenever I smell that smell, I associate it with isolation, hopelessness, survival, futility

When I went to the owyhee, that was the first time I had ever smelled sage. At first, I hated it. I thought it smelled like rotten mustard. But  by the end, I loved the smell, and I still love it. The whole expedition itself had its annoyances, but was mostly removed from bullshit, despite the fact that Richard was one the support staff.

Seriously, the best time I ever had at that school was on my four day solo. I was finally away from all of those FUCKERS!!! The staff, the school, my utterly shitty peer group who I hated with every fiber of my being. I was by myself! I realized that, with the exception of the shorter solos that we had on the quest and discovery, this was the first time I was going to be entirely unsupervised. For four fucking days! Woo  hoo! Several people in the peer group were like "oh I'm scared to be alone." "oh how on earth am I going to survive four days on one bag of gorp?" "oh, what if an animal eats me?"

Oh suck it up, you sad twats, do you have any idea what a fucking break you're getting? The staff are going to come by and check on you for a few seconds every day by walking by, making sure you are still alive, and dropping off whatever ridiculous envelope, from one of  your friends in the peer group above yours, that has some quote from martin luther king jr. or from the book jonathan livingston seagull, and THAT IS IT!

So, with this newfound sense of freedom, do you know what I did? NOTHING!!!

And it was AWESOME!

So, when I smell sage, I think... sanctuary.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2007, 02:47:18 AM by Guest »

Offline stina

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« Reply #50 on: November 04, 2007, 02:43:54 AM »
I'm on a tangent at this point i think, I've had a few really good Belgium beers tonight. But I just thought of something else I wanted to say. I'm currently at a turning point in my life (I've had a few others as I'm sure we all have). I was laid off from my job 6 months ago, and at first I welcomed the down time. But at a certain point it becomes a problem. Don't know if any of you have experienced the unemployment check coming in, it creates this sense of not really needing to be completely accountable to anyone. But it ends and then you have to figure out what it is that you're going to do. I got lucky and found a position as a loan officer with a really solid company. And then I managed to have myself a complete anxiety attack, and it was all the old fear, doubt, terror really...and the whole RMA thing came into play. The fact that we know WAY too much about our insecurities and doubts...the internalization of all of really hit me. It was like the perfect storm. And now I'm at the end of the week, I seem to be being successful, and honestly, I'm taking 5 milligrams of zanax a day, for the last few days. It's made everything manageable. I don't know why my mind works the way it does. And I wish I didn't need that to make me able to deal with this. But, fuck, it really has made all the difference anxiety-wise. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I still struggle so much, relationships, myself, I think things into the ground. And it's not like I remember the tools or whatever, but it's like it's ingrained in everything I do. But I wouldn't trade it. I have moments at that school that mean the world to me.

I still want to talk about the wilderness challenge.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
I used to be Snow White but I drifted.

Offline try another castle

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« Reply #51 on: November 04, 2007, 03:11:59 AM »
I wrote about the wilderness challenge in my previous post. After I was finished bitching about the here forever poster. The whinging was definitely a deterrent from reading the rest of the post. :P

Hm..  funny... as I was reading your entry, and you started talking about the stress you were going through, I thought "I bet a xanax would help" and then you immediately follow up with that. hehe.

I have been fired from my fair share of jobs, and not laid off but FIRED. Or, I did the you-can't-fire-me-if-I-resign-first thing.

I've been on unemployment, state disability, federal disability. I've gone from fully functional to tanking the next week and not being able to hold down a job. I'm in school again getting my second bachelors in a field that I hope will have a long enough lifespan to get me a nest egg before everything is outsourced to those fuckers in India. I've also managed to whittle down my prescriptions to a manageable amount, thanks to a decent shrink, and have started alternate forms of treatment such as acupuncture, tuina and craniosacral therapy. (I didn't buy into this crap until my friend gave me a treatment and holy fuck does it work.) I've started an exercise regimen, and I'm eating better. (but still not often enough.)

Anyway, yeah, that's my current list of coping skills/strategies.

And then I managed to have myself a complete anxiety attack, and it was all the old fear, doubt, terror really...and the whole RMA thing came into play. The fact that we know WAY too much about our insecurities and doubts...the internalization of all of really hit me. It was like the perfect storm.

I think one of the worst side effects of that school is hyper-vigilance. Always second guessing, obsessing about how stupid you are when you make a mistake, profusely apologizing (or at least, I do, but I'm getting better at it.). I've learned to just kind of let go. okay I fucked up. so what. it's over. When I have thoughts that disturb me, I float above my head and say "okay, there's a thought... and there it goes." As my yoga teacher once said... "sometimes you just kind of have to sit back and watch things appear and disappear."

I find that is useful with *any* kind of invasive thought, no matter what it is or where it comes from.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #52 on: November 04, 2007, 10:05:19 AM »
fantastic advice castle, but most people can't just "watch it go by", invasive thoughts need the shift in perception and self perception. The more shit you go through, the harder it is to know that without an outsourced expert.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline dishdutyfugitive

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« Reply #53 on: November 04, 2007, 10:52:26 AM »
All warnings for not mixing alcohol with certain drugs are accurate yet exagerated. However, the alcohol warning for Xanax needs to be heeded. More than a few beers with Xanax your'e asking for trouble.

It is fair to say there were some good staff there (john aaron in your case). But those rare helpful staff/student relationships  were squashed by the overwhelming long lasting mindfucking cultish toxicity of the place.

The challenge was great. But to me it was just another blue-ball activity there. Looking back on it the following would have made RMA a billion times better.
1. take away 90% of the staff, (worst case scenario replace them with lobotomized adults)

2. have kids go on a challenge trip every 60 days

3. 1 (two hour) group rap once every 2 weeks. minimal yelling/crying/indicting/emotional issue drama tolerated (when truly needed) - not mainlined and required. I'm talking bare fucking minimum here folks.

4. 2 (90 minute) 'one on one' therapy sessions a week with a bonafide caring experienced psychiatrist.

5. Replace propheets/workshops with a few 1 day (9am - 5pm) forums that allow kids to prepare for post graduation issues.

6. Get rid of the 'fix it' mentality.  Let teenagers be teenagers. You can't fix a kid (or human for that matter ) like you can fix a transmission. Teenagers act out because they came from unhealthy homes. All they need is to develop and experience the sense of 'home' and 'family'. Caroline screaming her head off putting the fear of god into everyone is not what goes on in a healthy home/family.
You got a 180 teenagers that have behavioral problems???? Plant a bunch of good mentors around them and they'll gravitate to them at a natural pace. You think 'troubled teens' like being troubled teens? Fuck no. They want a sense of home and family but have had home/family turned on them and injured by it. So at first they'll be wary but if kids have 1 uncanny ability it's the ability to quickly determine if someone is lying or not being genuine.

Holy shit - did I just give away the million dollar idea for free? I guess the problem is is that you can't create that environment. It's too expensive and the ratio of troubled teens to the pool of qualified staff is 1:billion. Therefore you get these chop shop, TBS's whose agenda is based on $$$ profit. They use power hungry cult loving staff to operate their smoke & mirror apparati  to manipulate desperate parents to buy their lie.

You nailed it. On of the long lasting detrimental effects is Hyper-vigilance.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline dishdutyfugitive

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« Reply #54 on: November 04, 2007, 10:53:54 AM »
oops double post...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #55 on: November 04, 2007, 12:26:07 PM »
Quote from: ""dishdutyfugitive""
All warnings for not mixing alcohol with certain drugs are accurate yet exagerated. However, the alcohol warning for Xanax needs to be heeded. More than a few beers with Xanax your'e asking for trouble.

I appreciate the concern...they were small beers, and I have been on the receiving end of lots and lots of zanax and lots and lots of alcohol, on purpose, and have many a war story. This is unique in that I don't want to use it to get high, I was super careful, this is the first time that I've taken it in the doctor prescribed way, and I'm finding that it is working wonders. But I do appreciate the warning. I just love myself a good Belgium beer.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline dishdutyfugitive

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« Reply #56 on: November 04, 2007, 01:05:50 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline stina

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« Reply #57 on: November 04, 2007, 07:05:01 PM »
Quote from: ""try another castle""
What the hell is up with John Aaron? Why does everyone have such a hard on for him?  ::huh::  

Yeah, I did that stupid fucking poster. Most of it, since I was the school's art whore, and I was soooo proud of that "honorable" distinction. Oh we need a banner, oh, we need a poster, oh, we need someone to design the new childrens propheet scroll, oh, hey, can you draw a dolphin for my little sister? She's coming out of the truth tonight!  a.r.t.w.h.o.r.e. I actually got talked to in a rap when I was in quest because I did something that didn't meet their standards.

First things first, I don't recall ever having a hard on for John Aaron. I could be wrong, seeing as my memories are so hazy, me, it took me a long long long time to appreciate him. He was just really the only staff member that bothered to really get to know me, plus he was the first really healthy adult male friendship I'd had. So maybe I did have a hard on for him. hmmmmm.

That art whore stuff is h i l a r i o u s. I actually laughed out loud. And that's good because I'm a little annoyed with the Chargers and have been in a foul mood since they blew it in Minnesota earlier today. I'm also a little annoyed that I care that much about football. It's a new thing in recent years, but dammit, My name's Stina and I love the Chargers (just not today).

Anyway, whatever. I was talking to my mom earlier today, and she brought up this memory she had of a time she came to visit me at RMA and I was on work assignment for whatever asinine reason. And they told her that if she wanted to come see me she'd have to do the work assignment with me. So that day I was filling in potholes with gravel on the upper road to the house. This consisted of dragging a wheelbarrow back and forth to the stupid gravel pile conveniently located down by the farm. So my mom decides that this is ridiculous and why aren't we just using the gravel that's built up by the side of the road? Now I knew that there were going to be repercussions, but hey, my mom suggested it and I innocently went along with it. And not 5 minutes later Steve Rookie comes out of the house and actually got into a cat fight with my mom. It was the best thing ever. My mom telling Steve Rookie where he could stick the gravel. It was beautiful.

My mom had a whole new respect for the bullshit I had to put up with there from then on. And told me on my homevisit a month later that if I wanted to stay home I could. But at that point I wanted to finish it. Plus I thought I was in love (uh huh). Of course he split right after that. Ain't love grand.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
I used to be Snow White but I drifted.

Offline dishdutyfugitive

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« Reply #58 on: November 04, 2007, 07:28:57 PM »

That's a great story - you're mom telling Rookie to bugger off!

The chargers did set an NFL record today - 109 yard missed field goal return.  But unfortunately this year the Packer's seemed to have mystically traded their win/loss of last year with the win/loss of the charger's season last year.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline stina

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« Reply #59 on: November 04, 2007, 07:29:45 PM »
Quote from: ""dishdutyfugitive""
The challenge was great. But to me it was just another blue-ball activity there. Looking back on it the following would have made RMA a billion times better.
1. take away 90% of the staff, (worst case scenario replace them with lobotomized adults)

2. have kids go on a challenge trip every 60 days

3. 1 (two hour) group rap once every 2 weeks. minimal yelling/crying/indicting/emotional issue drama tolerated (when truly needed) - not mainlined and required. I'm talking bare fucking minimum here folks.

4. 2 (90 minute) 'one on one' therapy sessions a week with a bonafide caring experienced psychiatrist.

5. Replace propheets/workshops with a few 1 day (9am - 5pm) forums that allow kids to prepare for post graduation issues.

I agree, there should have been a challenge every 2 months. Being out on those mountains was the best I ever felt at that school. And that's saying something, considering my peer group went out in January, it was so fucking cold, with those enormous backpacks and those goddamned cross country skis. I HATE those things. And traversing, good lord. I was pretty much convinced that I was going to die somehow, whether it was hypothermia, or being eaten by something, or falling off a mountain...I just knew that I wasn't going to be coming back. Of course, none of that happened. Although one of the kids in my peergroup went headfirst down a 10 foot treewell. That was actually pretty funny. But having that sense of accomplishment and peace was very cool. Although I could have done without the 100 mile run back to campus.

And yeah, it would have been nice if there had been some post-graduation preparation instead of just expecting all of us to fall flat on our faces and cutting us off from the only support group we had for 6 months after leaving. That was bullshit.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
I used to be Snow White but I drifted.