Author Topic: Sembler, Crist PAC and maybe Barker connection?  (Read 5430 times)

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Sembler, Crist PAC and maybe Barker connection?
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2006, 08:04:22 AM »
Now whos fucking with other peoples lives?

You all are a piece of work!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline GregFL

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Sembler, Crist PAC and maybe Barker connection?
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2006, 10:32:37 AM »
I am sure you mean "pieces" of work.


In all seriousness, who are you speaking of?  I am not aware of anyone on this message site "interfering" with anyone's life, including any politician.

I will say this, if you google Charlie crists name and "the seed" you will already see that it has been brought up in other venues, not by us and certainly not by me.  I couldn't care less where Charlie spent his teenage years and I certainly believe that people who went thru what we went thru 30 years ago don't deserve to have it dredged up in their adult years.  To that end, I would never broach this topic.  Ever.

There is another side to this however.  Charlie Crist, in his capacity as a politician in Florida and specifically as Attorny general has had evidence for years of these places and the allegations of abuse, brainwashing, illegal inprisonment etc. Certainly, with his father serving on the seed advisory committe in St Pete in the early 70s, the modality is no stranger to the Crist family. Crist also says he is continuing in the tradition of Jeb Bush.  Jeb Bush sat on the board of directors of a seed knock off program called SAFE, Inc.  as early as just a few years ago.  However, when his own daughter was arrested on Drug charges, she went into treatment in a different facility.  Is that of public interest?  Why would he not put his own kid in synanon style confrontation 'treatment'? What were his reasons, and how does that comport with his position as a director of one such facility?  Interesting political questions, no?  you see, here we are comparing a politicians personal life to public sector decisions he makes.  This is politics, and if you like this sort of thing, then you will understand why the subject of Crist's possible connection to this style of treatment is coming up in other venues.

Now, if these people who set public policy have a personal interest in perpetuating a system that has been accused of abusing children for over thirty years, and some of these people have a personal connection to said system, is it the public's right to know this?  There are many people not connected to people who frequent this message site that are attempting to end the crimes of the "teen help industry".  Right here in Florida, we have had injuries and even deaths at the hands of synanon based treatment facilites and recently had one at the hand of "teen boot camp". The allegations of mental torture and abuse can be found right here on this website.   All of these places operate under the assumption that abusing children is necessary to "HELP" them.

So, that people (not people from this website mind you)  are calling bullshit on this is their right.  When you decide to enter the political arena you understand that your positions on certain matters will be compared to your personal experiences.  That is part of the political game.

So, coming full circle in this conversation.  I Personally won't involve myself in this subject, and I wish any politician, or for that matter any private person  with a past in involuntary lock down as a child for crimes of culture clash, well I personally wish them peace and privacy.  However, when these people engage themselves in public life and do things that go on to perpetuate the "teen help industry" then maybe, just maybe, they are going to end up answering to some personal questions pertaining to it.  Not by me, mind you, but by people with political axes to grind.

That is out of my area of interest, but I understand both sides.  You will never see me 'outing' anyone who was in the Seed.  I don't think that is right, appropriate, nice or even fair.    Nor, even if I was so inclined, do I personally know whether Charlie Crist was one of the early St Petersburg kids that went to the Seed Ft. Lauderdale.  Nor do I personally care.  I don't know him and don't wish to involve myself in his life, politics, neither or both.

Does that help you clear up anything?  Do you still want to insult people here, or is your anger perhaps misguided?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Stripe

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Christ, Crist for governor?
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2006, 10:38:07 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Now whos fucking with other peoples lives?

You all are a piece of work!!!

In response, I suppose it is unrealistic to expect any politician to respond to such an inquiry. But then again, if one has nothing to hide, then there's no problem.  Most of the people posting here have owned up to their  involvement in the mess and are no worse off for doing so.

If there is any truth to his involvement, then I think he should own up to it.  As any attorney general should know, it's not a crime to be a victim of a crime.  

But, get this:  He's taking money from nearly every single frigging Sembler business entity in Florida - SIXTY-SEVEN - to the tune of $33,499.68 over about a ten day period during the month of June, 2006. Let me add also the TSCPR Family Partnership for another $1000 - again a Semberl company located at 5858 Central Avenue in St. Pete, plus an additional $500 each from two of TSCPR Florida, Inc. corporate officers Craig Sher and Jeffrey S. Fugua.

Let's just say that even IF he disagreed with the past philosophy and was forced in and held against his personal choice like so many others, or even IF he disagrees with the current day therapeutic treatment model - he would be hard pressed to express those opinions publicly.  He's in too deep with these folks.


So, has he been bought?  I guess that depends on where we draw the line.  Just for kicks, I note that Crist also receives money from a couple of drug testing business and another 527 charitable/education drug org. as well. So, if you still think he's not in someone's pocket, yerfoolinyerself.

It's legal, no quesiton about it.  But money talks.  And of course, bullshit walks.  In this case, all the way to the governor's house in Tallahassee.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The person who stands up and says, ``This is stupid,\'\' either is asked to `behave\' or, worse, is greeted with a cheerful ``Yes, we know! Isn\'t it terrific ?\'\' -- Frank Zappa

Offline GregFL

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Re: Christ, Crist for governor?
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2006, 12:03:26 PM »
Quote from: ""Stripe""

In response, I suppose it is unrealistic to expect any politician to respond to such an inquiry. But then again, if one has nothing to hide, then there's no problem.  Most of the people posting here have owned up to their  involvement in the mess and are no worse off for doing so.


See, I don't necessarily agree with that,especially IF he was there AND he was there involuntarily.  I respect the right of all people to keep this private and would not do anything personally to inhibit that desire.

It does become a matter of political interest, However, when he is receiving money from the Semblers, who fund The Drug free america Foundation, which also referrs people to...ding..ding..ding...

Seed based treatment facilities like SAFE, Kids helping Kids and others.  These treatment facilities trace their lineage right back to the Seed.  Directly.

  Notwhithstanding, The Drug Free America Foundation is Really Striaght, Inc.  

Yep, its true.  THE DFAF is the exact same corporation that ran Straight, Inc.  they just changed the name to DFAF.  lookie....


Document Number
735636 Date Filed
04/22/1976 Effective Date
None Status



Ambassador Mel Sembler
Betty S. Sembler

The DFAF actively refers people to Seed style treatment facilities.  Charlie crist is best friends, and a recipient of over 30,000 dollars from Sembler and his companies directed towards his election account.

Is anyone starting to get why this is of political interest?  I personally am not interested, but I certainly understand why I think it will be addressed during this election.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Stripe

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Sembler, Crist PAC and maybe Barker connection?
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2006, 01:37:20 PM »
Well, like I wrote, it's not crime to be the victim of a crime.  And you are right, Greg.  "Outing" someone is neither polite nor kind. However, just because you chose to take the high road does not mean that the fact of one's involvement with the seed, or straight or any other program does not mean that it won't be held against them.  By the public and by program proponents.  

It goes to the issue of credibilty, and when a politician avoids the questions, and avoids the issues, well in my book, he or she loses creditiblity.  

I know being an ex-seedy is no big deal in the grand scheme of things.  It's closed chapter for most.  Especially Betty Sembler - who advises us all to "get over it."   But program involvement is a two edged sword wielded by the likes of Betty and Mel Sembler and all of the other proponents of these programs.

Oh? You were in the seed? Straight?  SAFE?  As that line of thinking goes - you must be bitter or angry, or mentally deranged because you dare to quesiton the morality of what these places do people.  It follows then that nothing you say, no argument you put forth is credible were a "druggie".

I think the guy needs to answer questions.  Questions about his campaign support from the Sembler machine and about why, as Attorney General, he has chosen to look the otherway when he has had opportunities to take action and stop the abuses.

Oh sure, he can jack someone for selling over-priced generators or gas gouging in hurricane panics.  But hey, that's easy because the citizens call and complain, everyone is behind it and it's got full and complete public support.  

Not so with the drug programs.  That  subject is difficult, unpopular and dirty.  It appears that for Charlie, it's easier to just take the blood money and look the other way.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The person who stands up and says, ``This is stupid,\'\' either is asked to `behave\' or, worse, is greeted with a cheerful ``Yes, we know! Isn\'t it terrific ?\'\' -- Frank Zappa

Offline GregFL

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Sembler, Crist PAC and maybe Barker connection?
« Reply #20 on: September 08, 2006, 03:33:33 PM »
Which is why he is garnerning interest from those in political circles interested in stopping the madness.

Also, you forgot one thing usually pegged on an ex programite...whether it be 'seedling' , 'safeling' , 'straightling', or whatever 'ling' you are unfortunate enough to have in your background.

When people know it, they assume you are a former addict, that you really really *needed* help.  You are forever assigned all the myths that go along with addiction, even tho you probably were never an addict.  "once an addict, always an addict".  "One more X and he/she will be right back", etc. "he/she has a disease", etc  etc.   You now own all the drug war lies and myths told over the last fifty years.

I imagine any politician with this background would guard it fiercely.  I cannot understand what would motivate a politician with this background to accept money from people who founded "straight Inc." , are connected right back to The Seed St Pete. and by proxy to his father and the seed advisory board, and participate actively, 30 years later, in supporting these type places.

It almost sounds like a political death wish, IMO.  For this reason, and this reason alone, I have my doubts he  was ever in the Seed.  If he was, he would be insane to associate with the Semblers, at least publically.  And I too think he will be answering  hard questions at some point by some reporter that is interested in the entire Teen Help industry saga.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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crist, pac et al
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2006, 04:16:55 PM »
reply not to all and sundry, simply stripe, ginger, greg.. hey! having some difficulty containing my rage, so plz forgive, i'll try to talk reasonable.. first, not in order.. ginger.. you are one hell of a researcher. that's what's needed to get to the bottom of this, it's an ongoing racket, not so much different than the ku klux, or the national so0cialist worker party or thier kin, .. enough already, i've paid enough of a price for their beliefs.. so haVE YOU.. SECOND STRIPE didn't mean to yell.. yes you are absolutely right.. hard to say, so i'll just try.. one of the prices i've paid in my life is this.. i was, through false evidence, labeled a 'druggie', a liar.. and yet..i was raised in military tradition, such that your word was your entire identity.. it wasn't that i didnn't smoke rope, and i never denied it, especially when there might be consequence.. i simlpy wasn't a liar, and i took pride in that.. i did what i did, thought what i thought, said what i said.. no apologies. another and equal imperative was that i must never betray another.. so when they forced me to tell stories about 'drug use' welll, the name was never exact, , the time was never exact, the drug used could never be corroborated, no evidentiary chain could be established, so they wopuld look like fools if they tried.. and they did, and i was beaten for it.. these people were absolutely the worst gangsters i have ever seen, always looking to get someone else to harm, someone to suborn, blackmail, to turn-out.. one of the hardest things i've done yet is to face extensive background check as an adult, for a clearance.. the fear was immense.. and yet.. I'VE DONE NOTHING WRONG! IT'S TIME WE ALL TURNED ON THEM.. a burn can run both ways.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Sembler, Crist PAC and maybe Barker connection?
« Reply #22 on: September 09, 2006, 06:52:26 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Now whos fucking with other peoples lives?

You all are a piece of work!!!

It's a hard thing to be a politician cause you gotta walk that narrow line. I think the public has a right to know the influences of the people in whom they vest public trust.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Stripe

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In all fairness
« Reply #23 on: September 11, 2006, 11:14:10 AM »
I though I should check to Tom Gallager's campaign contribution records to see if he received any support from the Semblers.  Alas, Tom - one too many political makeovers made you an unpopular guy in the Sembler camp.  Tom G. did not garner any political contributions from the Sembers even though he was also a republican candidate for a place on the November ballot. So, it's Charile all the way and not die-hard republican support.

It is interesting to note that the current republican candidate for Attorney General, Mr. Bill McCollum, has only recieved $2,100 from the Sember groups.  However, Tom Lee, republican candidate for Florida's Chief Financial Officer position has received $11,000 in Sembler group contributions.  Charlie Bronson, republican candidate for State Agricultrual Commissioner has only received $500.

What should we think?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The person who stands up and says, ``This is stupid,\'\' either is asked to `behave\' or, worse, is greeted with a cheerful ``Yes, we know! Isn\'t it terrific ?\'\' -- Frank Zappa