Author Topic: Hyde School, The Most Truthful Informative Post I have Seen  (Read 43664 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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Hyde School, The Most Truthful Informative Post I have Seen
« on: December 17, 2005, 02:15:00 PM »
I found the below post on another thread.  I feel it is worth repeating because it is so on point!  I do not know how wrote this, but he/she covers the most important problems at Hyde.  This does not mean Hyde does not work for some, but please note, this is pretty much what you get when you attend Hyde................................................................................................

 I sincerely appreciated your thoughtful message. Your concern about Hyde students responding on this site with perhaps inflammatory words is probably just age-appropriate, but may also truly reflect their frustration in being so very suppressed 24/7 and living in a fear-oriented atmosphere....this is just my gut reaction. This gives them a venue to vent without being (hopefully) put on 2/4.

I learned of this site recently from parents of a wonderful young man who spent two years at Hyde - He did NOT want to be a senior at Hyde - he was tired of it all, and was extremely frustrated that he was constantly being pulled out of academic classes to act as a "senior Proctor" for the kids on 2/4 when the school could not find enough available seniors.

He is happy with his transtion - but Hyde put his parents through absolute hell and agony when they chose to withdraw him - recommendations and school reports and all that stuff that is required to transfer ANYWHERE were just incredibly difficult to get.........Hyde didn't want to lose this student, but they did.

They also lost my son after just one year - My husband and I were totally "on board" with Hyde and totally committed to availing us of all opportunities...........participated fully and honestly at Family Weekends and FLCs. But it started to become apparent that we, too, were living in an atmosphere of fear and "Big Brother is Watching You" - There were often many HAPA parents strolling around with flat affect on their faces and "snooping" into people's private conversations, etc. - It was just so eery - My husband and I have made some really wonderful friends at Hyde - but our bond has been the genuine laughter we shared when we were allowed "off campus" for a meal during these weekends.

But backing up a bit - our son went to Hyde with our blessing for a few reasons. He is learning disabled, has two genetic brain anomalies which impact his auditory processsing and his word retrieval abilites. He needs the structure of a "shoe box" and NOT the structure of a "football field" - he was adopted at birth and has waded through immense attachment issues.

We thought the Hyde Message was great - (It turns out that the messenger is 180 degrees opposite...)

In our interview, we were told the following:

1. There were many adopted children at Hyde - and they were about to launch special programs for these adopted children with huge issues.

2. We were encouraged to sign our son up to participate in the "LEAD Program" - a nightly special ed study hall/classroom where their individual needs would be addressed - for this, we paid an additional 2/3,000 dollars each semester.


Yes, there are many, many adopted children at Hyde - they never started any sort of help program - and when asked, they were dismissive - child's problems had nothing to do with adoption - we should just reach further into ourselves to ascertain that "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" - In an FLC seminar, I mentioned that for our son, adopted at birth, the apple fell from a different tree in another orchard.........I got the evil stare from the facilitator - a divorcee and recovered (recovering?? - as are many...) alcoholic - she chewed me out literally after the seminar broke...

LEAD Program - we paid extra thousands of dollars so our son could get the extra academic help that he truly needs. Turns out that the LEAD program has NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING, to do with helping kids with learning disabilities. It is just a mandatory study hall - staffed by whomever might be available - there was absolutely no help given to individual students - according to our son, whom we have chosen to listen to, most of the time was spent by the "proctor" critiquing, criticising and demeaning the kids.

I spoke to a few of my son's teachers periodically about his progress. Bear in my mind, it can be VERY, VERY difficult to reach a teacher - you might wait DAYS for a return phone call - not always, but often enough.

I was just blown away by one of my son's teachers - who, after several questions from me, finally admitted that her "teaching credentials" included ONLY studying a foreign language in HIGH SCHOOL and then spending a few weeks in Europe!!!! She had no certification at all!!

The other issue which transcends all of the above is the lack of adequate medical staff. I have talked to many, many parents at Hyde. Some of their children have huge medical/psychological issues. And Hyde has a nurse and nursing staff who basically distribute meds.........period!!

When my son was ill last Winter at Hyde, I was phoned to be advised that he would be taken to a local doctor. I asked for his symptons - was told what they were - and then I asked if they had read his medical history - They had NOT - My son had a life-threatening disease when he was 3/5 years old - it impacts ALL medical intervention for him - they couldn't find his records - I ended up driving to Hyde on a minute's notice to take him to their local off-campus doctor - we ended up in the local hospital for further tests - and he was much sicker than Hyde would EVER have known, because THEY DIDN'T READ HIS HISTORY or COULD NOT FIND IT. I was appalled, and this incident started to turn the tide against HYDE for us as a family.

I just thought that if they can't even take care of him medically, how on earth can they take care of his learing issues.

I don't know how many of you know that there is no doctor on the Hyde campus and there are absolutely no medical professionals on campus to help a myriad of kids with a myriad of issues.

But one tragic moment sticks in my mind - and will stick in my mind forever........and should make ANY prospective parent think twice about Hyde and its abilitiy to deal with an emergency....

A father of a Hyde-Woodstock boy collapsed outside the gym last Spring - Hyde had no doctor to help him, Hyde had no defribilator to help, Hyde eventually called a local ambulance. The father died where he fell. Hyde THEN had NO help for the many kids who witnessed this tragedy.....Hyde again had no plan...........

And they seem to have truly NO plan for much of anything, but the constant hype to solicit the almighty $$$$ at every possible gathering.

Shame on Joe Gauld - and shame on his pathetic family followers and other wierd followers.......

I have never been in such a negative atmosphere - smiles and "good stuff" is put down. Truly sad....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Hyde School, The Most Truthful Informative Post I have Seen
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2005, 05:29:00 PM »
On 2005-12-17 11:15:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I found the below post on another thread.  I feel it is worth repeating because it is so on point!  I do not know how wrote this, but he/she covers the most important problems at Hyde.  This does not mean Hyde does not work for some, but please note, this is pretty much what you get when you attend Hyde................................................................................................

 I sincerely appreciated your thoughtful message. Your concern about Hyde students responding on this site with perhaps inflammatory words is probably just age-appropriate, but may also truly reflect their frustration in being so very suppressed 24/7 and living in a fear-oriented atmosphere....this is just my gut reaction. This gives them a venue to vent without being (hopefully) put on 2/4.

I learned of this site recently from parents of a wonderful young man who spent two years at Hyde - He did NOT want to be a senior at Hyde - he was tired of it all, and was extremely frustrated that he was constantly being pulled out of academic classes to act as a "senior Proctor" for the kids on 2/4 when the school could not find enough available seniors.

He is happy with his transtion - but Hyde put his parents through absolute hell and agony when they chose to withdraw him - recommendations and school reports and all that stuff that is required to transfer ANYWHERE were just incredibly difficult to get.........Hyde didn't want to lose this student, but they did.

They also lost my son after just one year - My husband and I were totally "on board" with Hyde and totally committed to availing us of all opportunities...........participated fully and honestly at Family Weekends and FLCs. But it started to become apparent that we, too, were living in an atmosphere of fear and "Big Brother is Watching You" - There were often many HAPA parents strolling around with flat affect on their faces and "snooping" into people's private conversations, etc. - It was just so eery - My husband and I have made some really wonderful friends at Hyde - but our bond has been the genuine laughter we shared when we were allowed "off campus" for a meal during these weekends.

But backing up a bit - our son went to Hyde with our blessing for a few reasons. He is learning disabled, has two genetic brain anomalies which impact his auditory processsing and his word retrieval abilites. He needs the structure of a "shoe box" and NOT the structure of a "football field" - he was adopted at birth and has waded through immense attachment issues.

We thought the Hyde Message was great - (It turns out that the messenger is 180 degrees opposite...)

In our interview, we were told the following:

1. There were many adopted children at Hyde - and they were about to launch special programs for these adopted children with huge issues.

2. We were encouraged to sign our son up to participate in the "LEAD Program" - a nightly special ed study hall/classroom where their individual needs would be addressed - for this, we paid an additional 2/3,000 dollars each semester.


Yes, there are many, many adopted children at Hyde - they never started any sort of help program - and when asked, they were dismissive - child's problems had nothing to do with adoption - we should just reach further into ourselves to ascertain that "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" - In an FLC seminar, I mentioned that for our son, adopted at birth, the apple fell from a different tree in another orchard.........I got the evil stare from the facilitator - a divorcee and recovered (recovering?? - as are many...) alcoholic - she chewed me out literally after the seminar broke...

LEAD Program - we paid extra thousands of dollars so our son could get the extra academic help that he truly needs. Turns out that the LEAD program has NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING, to do with helping kids with learning disabilities. It is just a mandatory study hall - staffed by whomever might be available - there was absolutely no help given to individual students - according to our son, whom we have chosen to listen to, most of the time was spent by the "proctor" critiquing, criticising and demeaning the kids.

I spoke to a few of my son's teachers periodically about his progress. Bear in my mind, it can be VERY, VERY difficult to reach a teacher - you might wait DAYS for a return phone call - not always, but often enough.

I was just blown away by one of my son's teachers - who, after several questions from me, finally admitted that her "teaching credentials" included ONLY studying a foreign language in HIGH SCHOOL and then spending a few weeks in Europe!!!! She had no certification at all!!

The other issue which transcends all of the above is the lack of adequate medical staff. I have talked to many, many parents at Hyde. Some of their children have huge medical/psychological issues. And Hyde has a nurse and nursing staff who basically distribute meds.........period!!

When my son was ill last Winter at Hyde, I was phoned to be advised that he would be taken to a local doctor. I asked for his symptons - was told what they were - and then I asked if they had read his medical history - They had NOT - My son had a life-threatening disease when he was 3/5 years old - it impacts ALL medical intervention for him - they couldn't find his records - I ended up driving to Hyde on a minute's notice to take him to their local off-campus doctor - we ended up in the local hospital for further tests - and he was much sicker than Hyde would EVER have known, because THEY DIDN'T READ HIS HISTORY or COULD NOT FIND IT. I was appalled, and this incident started to turn the tide against HYDE for us as a family.

I just thought that if they can't even take care of him medically, how on earth can they take care of his learing issues.

I don't know how many of you know that there is no doctor on the Hyde campus and there are absolutely no medical professionals on campus to help a myriad of kids with a myriad of issues.

But one tragic moment sticks in my mind - and will stick in my mind forever........and should make ANY prospective parent think twice about Hyde and its abilitiy to deal with an emergency....

A father of a Hyde-Woodstock boy collapsed outside the gym last Spring - Hyde had no doctor to help him, Hyde had no defribilator to help, Hyde eventually called a local ambulance. The father died where he fell. Hyde THEN had NO help for the many kids who witnessed this tragedy.....Hyde again had no plan...........

And they seem to have truly NO plan for much of anything, but the constant hype to solicit the almighty $$$$ at every possible gathering.

Shame on Joe Gauld - and shame on his pathetic family followers and other wierd followers.......

I have never been in such a negative atmosphere - smiles and "good stuff" is put down. Truly sad....

I am so sorry you and your family had to go through that to really see the kind of place Hyde is. I also had to go through a horrible ordeal for my family to realize the kind of place Hyde is and how incredibly unsafe it is. I know that for a fact if you have a complaint about anything with them you are completely shot down. All the staff stand behind eachother (especially the lifers). The newcomers don't know any better and they all stood behind me at first, but it was clear that they were intimidated and completely backed off from me. I can honestly say that I would not send my worst enemy there. I wish you and your family the best and hope your son is receiving the help he needs.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Hyde School, The Most Truthful Informative Post I have Seen
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2005, 05:37:00 PM »
Oh plleeeeaaaase, you people are soooo dramatic.Find someone else to blame, its annoying. Hyde was a good school when I was there, a little tough, but hey what the fuck? We werent exactly angels to get sent there in the first place now, where we...So shut up already, wipe your tears :scared:  :lol:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Hyde School, The Most Truthful Informative Post I have Seen
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2005, 05:57:00 PM »
On 2005-12-18 14:37:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Oh plleeeeaaaase, you people are soooo dramatic.Find someone else to blame, its annoying. Hyde was a good school when I was there, a little tough, but hey what the fuck? We werent exactly angels to get sent there in the first place now, where we...So shut up already, wipe your tears :scared:  :lol: "

I am a parent who is interested in Hyde.  If you are a typical example of the kind of graduate who comes out of Hyde (with a cynical, judgmental attitude, etc.) you've done me a great favor.  This is not the kind of environment I want for my child.  I am much more likely to listen to the people on this website who who have described their bad experiences at Hyde in a mature and respectful way.

At this point it's hard for me to imagine sending my child to Hyde.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Hyde School, The Most Truthful Informative Post I have Seen
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2005, 06:27:00 PM »
Im not the poster who wrote the last post, but I went to Hyde for 2 1/2 years and I had a good time, and made some of the bset relationships I have ever had, and still in contact to this day! I dont agree with ALL of Hydes philosophy's, but you'll be hard-pressed to find a school that is "flawless"...Hyde is nothing but good memories for me.  

 Jake 1995-1997
Hyde- Bath, ME
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Hyde School, The Most Truthful Informative Post I have Seen
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2005, 06:34:00 PM »
On 2005-12-18 14:57:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-12-18 14:37:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Oh plleeeeaaaase, you people are soooo dramatic.Find someone else to blame, its annoying. Hyde was a good school when I was there, a little tough, but hey what the fuck? We werent exactly angels to get sent there in the first place now, where we...So shut up already, wipe your tears :scared:  :lol: "

I am a parent who is interested in Hyde.  If you are a typical example of the kind of graduate who comes out of Hyde (with a cynical, judgmental attitude, etc.) you've done me a great favor.  This is not the kind of environment I want for my child.  I am much more likely to listen to the people on this website who who have described their bad experiences at Hyde in a mature and respectful way.

At this point it's hard for me to imagine sending my child to Hyde."
Its so ironic that all these "potential parents" come on this board looking for help..I know for a fact that its the anti-Hyde assholes who are acting as if they are prospective parens to make it seem to the rest that they are actually discouraging people away, and being succesful..Please people, you guys are so gay..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Hyde School, The Most Truthful Informative Post I have Seen
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2005, 09:17:00 AM »
On 2005-12-18 14:37:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Oh plleeeeaaaase, you people are soooo dramatic.Find someone else to blame, its annoying. Hyde was a good school when I was there, a little tough, but hey what the fuck? We werent exactly angels to get sent there in the first place now, where we...So shut up already, wipe your tears :scared:  :lol: "

You are making blanket statements that do not address any of the concerns and complaints that are listed in the original post.

You use the word, "dramatic."  Hey, if telling the truth about something that happened to you at Hyde comes across to you as "dramatic" that is your problem!

Your other comment, "We weren't exactly angels to get sent there in the first place."  Maybe this is your story, but it isn't for many others.  I did not "SEND" my daughter there because she was bad.  I ENROLLED her because I was told it was a great school for kids who are not motivated in school! This was not the case.  I was LIED to and it affected her life in a very negative way!!  You can't make up 2 wasted years of a teens life!

And NO, I won't "shut up already" because it is important for potential parents to see both sides of the picture so they can make the right choice for their kids.

And by the way, if you learned how to speak at Hyde with your foul language it only validates what everyone is saying on this board!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Hyde School, The Most Truthful Informative Post I have Seen
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2005, 12:36:00 PM »
Well said!  I am having trouble understanding how some of what you guys are saying could actually happen at a school.  Isn't there anyone who oversees these boarding schools and aren't there regulations as to what they can do and not do?

A couple of questions I have is;

1.  How can kids go on this "2/4" for days or weeks at a time.  In my state you can't miss school for that length of time.  How do these kids make up the work they miss while on 2/4?  Isn't this kind of counter productive?  Also, aren't there laws about keeping kids out of school in Ct or Maine?

2. I've never heard of a school being a "non profit unless it is run by the govt or is strictly a program for some type of troubled or disabled youth."  How is Hyde classified as a non profit if it is a normal school charging A LOT of $$$ and this family The Gauld's own all this property in two states and make the kind of money they do?

3.  How is it possible to pass out meds to kids without some kind of Doctor on staff?  What if a child has a bad reaction or needs emergency care right away?

I don't mean to sound dumb by all these questions, but it seems to me that there is a whole lot wrong with the way this school operates.  Maybe someone with the school has the answers to these questions.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Hyde School, The Most Truthful Informative Post I have Seen
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2005, 03:45:00 PM »
Don't be misled by these posts!!!  Hyde has it's flaws, but the school are run very well.  If you look into that happens at ANY boarding school, there are some of the same concerns.  Half the senior class was kicked out of a pretigeous boarding school in CT last year for drinking and sex, a friend who is Dean of Students at one of the nation's oldest and most prestigeous boarding schools, suspends or expells students for breaking rules on a weekly basis!
All private schools are 501(c)(3) Non profits.  Again, look at the 990's for any school and you'll see that Hyde's salaries are WAY under the norm, and the fund raising is also a lot less.  Exeter's Annual Fund is 5 million... Hyde's is $450K per campus.  Exeter's Head makes well over $400K per year..Hyde's highest paid is Malcolm Gauld who after Salary and benefits has a hard time reaching $200K.
So Puleeeese, put hese concerns into perspective.
Thank you!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Hyde School, The Most Truthful Informative Post I have Seen
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2005, 04:05:00 PM »
On 2005-12-19 12:45:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Don't be misled by these posts!!!  Hyde has it's flaws, but the school are run very well.  If you look into that happens at ANY boarding school, there are some of the same concerns.  Half the senior class was kicked out of a pretigeous boarding school in CT last year for drinking and sex, a friend who is Dean of Students at one of the nation's oldest and most prestigeous boarding schools, suspends or expells students for breaking rules on a weekly basis!

All private schools are 501(c)(3) Non profits.  Again, look at the 990's for any school and you'll see that Hyde's salaries are WAY under the norm, and the fund raising is also a lot less.  Exeter's Annual Fund is 5 million... Hyde's is $450K per campus.  Exeter's Head makes well over $400K per year..Hyde's highest paid is Malcolm Gauld who after Salary and benefits has a hard time reaching $200K.

So Puleeeese, put hese concerns into perspective.

Thank you!"
THANK YOU GOD! Someone who actually isnt a babbling cry baby!!! Great post, keep it up! :tup:  :tup:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Hyde School, The Most Truthful Informative Post I have Seen
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2005, 10:50:00 PM »
On 2005-12-19 12:45:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Don't be misled by these posts!!!  Hyde has it's flaws, but the school are run very well.  If you look into that happens at ANY boarding school, there are some of the same concerns.  Half the senior class was kicked out of a pretigeous boarding school in CT last year for drinking and sex, a friend who is Dean of Students at one of the nation's oldest and most prestigeous boarding schools, suspends or expells students for breaking rules on a weekly basis!

All private schools are 501(c)(3) Non profits.  Again, look at the 990's for any school and you'll see that Hyde's salaries are WAY under the norm, and the fund raising is also a lot less.  Exeter's Annual Fund is 5 million... Hyde's is $450K per campus.  Exeter's Head makes well over $400K per year..Hyde's highest paid is Malcolm Gauld who after Salary and benefits has a hard time reaching $200K.

So Puleeeese, put hese concerns into perspective.

Thank you!"

What about his wife Laura Gauld's salary plus the book they wrote which EVERY parent going through any of their programs is required to buy?  What about the VERY high traveling and entertainment on the 990's?  

As far as the Annual Fund, I think this says something about the school. Former students, parents, etc are not interested in giving!  This is quite a statement for a school which has been in existence for 40 years!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Hyde School, The Most Truthful Informative Post I have Seen
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2005, 08:25:00 AM »
You are not interested in giving....don't lump everyone else in that catagory!
The school has raised almost 12M in the past year for capital projects and almost a million in annual giving.
Your propoganda is just ridiculous!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Hyde School, The Most Truthful Informative Post I have Seen
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2005, 11:02:00 AM »
On 2005-12-19 19:50:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-12-19 12:45:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Don't be misled by these posts!!!  Hyde has it's flaws, but the school are run very well.  If you look into that happens at ANY boarding school, there are some of the same concerns.  Half the senior class was kicked out of a pretigeous boarding school in CT last year for drinking and sex, a friend who is Dean of Students at one of the nation's oldest and most prestigeous boarding schools, suspends or expells students for breaking rules on a weekly basis!

All private schools are 501(c)(3) Non profits.  Again, look at the 990's for any school and you'll see that Hyde's salaries are WAY under the norm, and the fund raising is also a lot less.  Exeter's Annual Fund is 5 million... Hyde's is $450K per campus.  Exeter's Head makes well over $400K per year..Hyde's highest paid is Malcolm Gauld who after Salary and benefits has a hard time reaching $200K.

So Puleeeese, put hese concerns into perspective.

Thank you!"

What about his wife Laura Gauld's salary plus the book they wrote which EVERY parent going through any of their programs is required to buy?  What about the VERY high traveling and entertainment on the 990's?  

As far as the Annual Fund, I think this says something about the school. Former students, parents, etc are not interested in giving!  This is quite a statement for a school which has been in existence for 40 years!!"

Actually, I'm not very concerned about Hyde's finances.  Perhaps a few people there are making healthy salaries.  I imagine that most staff there make pretty average salaries given boarding school standards.

However, I am MUCH more concerned about the Hyde model, especially based on many of the comments I've read here and our family's own experiences.  There's no doubt in my mind that Hyde should be avoided at all costs, not because of their revenue but because of the widely documented abusive and negligent practices.  Our family is learning about many other schools that are run so much more professionally.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Hyde School, The Most Truthful Informative Post I have Seen
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2005, 03:55:00 PM »
On 2005-12-20 05:25:00, Anonymous wrote:

"You are not interested in giving....don't lump everyone else in that catagory!

The school has raised almost 12M in the past year for capital projects and almost a million in annual giving.

Your propoganda is just ridiculous!"

Truth is very few alumni give to this school based on the number of alumni!  Whatever..... really isn't important other than it shows many alumni families at Hyde never want to see the place again!

It is true what the other poster said.  There are much more serious concerns about Hyde besides their financial status!  I have tremendous worries about children being harmed at Hyde both psychologically and physically, especially through neglect!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Hyde School, The Most Truthful Informative Post I have Seen
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2005, 06:32:00 PM »
I was just told of this site by the mother of a former Hyde Student - her son was at Hyde for 2 years and has left to continue elsewhere. Our son, too, has left Hyde after one year to continue elsewhere.

I have read a few of the other threads...

But one comment mentioned in this thread particularly caught my eye.......and I must send a "caveat" with MY comment...

Our family had huge concerns about Hyde - eventually - their medical staff and lack thereof; their teaching staff and lack of credentials; their in-bred professional staff (family and friends) etc.

Other threads have spoken most honestly about the daily life of a child there and weekend life for the parents in FLCs and seminars. The total lack of professional staff screams for a remedy.

But what truly caught my eye here was the comparison of compensation between Hyde and Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter NH -

My brother went to Exeter - my son went to Hyde for a year - we are not even talking apples and oranges here -

A more 180 degree comparison could not have been made.

My brother went to Exeter - graduated from Yale - graduated from Columbia Law  School - was a Rhodes scholar - was a Fulbright Scholar - was a Hague Scholar - and he was sort of a middle of the class student at Exeter.  But he WAS well educated there - their reputation speaks for itself.

To compare their Headmaster's salary with Hyde's is just ludicrous.......

What does Hyde do with its money?? - They certainly don't spend it on their students' needs nor on their staff..........nor on their medical staff nor on a doctor nor on psychologists nor on psychiatrists for their kids.

If they did....their kids might perform better.

I know of six families whose children have left Hyde within the past year - EACH of these children has had to repeat a year of school - academics are not there at Hyde - so why on earth would anyone want to give money to a school that can't produce either character or age-appropriate education.

I weep for the needy kids at Hyde who are in constant fear and trembling and afraid to reach out -
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »