Author Topic: Used to teach at CEDU middle and high school  (Read 25407 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #15 on: December 19, 2005, 10:52:00 AM »
that is EXACTLY how it worked at RMA at the same time.
I shared a very similar experience with the added pressure of having to relate to peers at the same time afterwards in a real school. man i must've been wierd.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline FormerTeacher

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« Reply #16 on: December 19, 2005, 12:03:00 PM »
I didn't post this because I feel I'm to blame for anything.  I didn't buy into the program.  I started in May and was out of there by December.  It wasn't for me.  The "therapy" going on was screwing things up more than it was helping.  I didn't have to go to raps to know this.  The kids told me.  My last week there I was pretty honest with my students and how I felt toward the school.  There were even a couple of kids that ran away and I saw them in the town and told them they could come stay at my house if they wanted.

No one needs to 'chew me out.'  I didn't do anything that was worthy of being chewed out.  I thought perhaps if the one student that I recognized here had her chance, she might be angry with me because I think she's pretty angry with CEDU, and for a short, short time, I represented the academic part of the CEDU program.  And what a joke it was.

Imagine being two weeks out of college, no teaching experience, thrown into a 'classroom' with 8 kids of all different ages and asked to teach them all different things.  Impossible.  I didn't live in the mountains, and had no knowledge of what went on at CEDU before getting hired there.  My friends didn't tell me about the 'therapy' going on there.

Now I teach in the public schools and have been doing so since I left CEDU.  I'd take the gangbangers and shithead I run across there over CEDU "therapy" any day.[ This Message was edited by: FormerTeacher on 2005-12-19 09:23 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2005, 12:20:00 PM »
nice one. I like him. he's a dick without cedu ed.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline FormerTeacher

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« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2005, 12:24:00 PM »
BTW, I'm a 'she,' not a 'he.'
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2005, 12:39:00 PM »
rooowr! ffffffffttttttttttt.
God i hated that place.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2005, 12:41:00 PM »
On 2005-12-19 07:09:00, Son Of Serbia wrote:


On 2005-12-19 04:16:00, former CEDU therapist wrote:

"It's the "counselors" who are the real issue here. That teacher was just educating - the business was in two parts. The "emotional growth" part and the school."

I agree with FCT that the Cedu program was broken down into 2 parts: "emotional growth" & academic. However, I also must add that Cedu failed miserably in both areas.

Everyone here who isn't brainwashed knows that the so-called "emotional growth therapy" is totally worthless. It's a sham, because "Emotional Growth" is not therapy. It is interrogation coupled with verbal abuse and psychological torture.

I did not "grow" emotionally at cedu.  Cedu did not give me any useful "tools" to take with me. What I did take with me was a ton of unecessary stress, horrible memories of suffering, and nightmares, which lasted for the better part of a year.  Suffice to say that Cedu failed me in terms of meeting my  "emotional" needs.

It is also a known fact that Cedu's academic program was sub par at best.

Actually, when I was at Cedu (1991-92), the academics were almost non existent.  

We had formal schooling (english, math, history) only 2 mornings per week!  We didn't have science class at all. Cedu gave science credits for chopping wood ("earth science") and shoveling shit on their farm ("farm science")!

We never had homework either.  Additionally,work assignments were done during class time! That means that people on full times or indefinates missed classes for weeks or even months at a time. I probably spent 2/3 of my time at Cedu on work assignments, when I was supposed to be getting an education.

When I left cedu, I was Years behind other kids my age academically.  I spent the remaining 2 years of high school playing catch up and doing extra credit work, just so I could graduate on time. Obviously, Cedu completely failed to meet my academic needs.

I agree with FCT that there is a difference

between someone who was just at Cedu to teach, and seasoned child-abuser veterans like Guy Bonanno, Russ Decker, and Rudy Benz.  However, even back then at the age of 15, I remember being fully aware that Cedu's academics were shit and that my education was being seriously neglected.  The few real Teachers we did have at cedu (meaning staff who actually had teaching degrees from real colleges), must have seen this too.  I always wondered why they didn't speak out more, or notify the proper authorities and try to change the program.  I realize that the teachers needed a paycheck, but isn't it considered unethical to knowingly give your students a sub par education?  

I'm for one am still trying figure out how I got straight A's & B's on all of my Cedu

report cards, when I spent 2/3 of my classes digging ditches or scrubbing pans!

[ This Message was edited by: Son Of Serbia on 2005-12-19 07:18 ]"

of the most distinguishing features that I had thought was just "personality quirks" I later found to be related to traumatic encounters. I jump when someone comes into my periphery and have other hyper sensative awareness of my immediate surrounding and environment. I always make a noise on the threshold of a door because I was encouraged to do such things in my modification when I was a youngster. In situations involving large groups of people I can identify whose attention I have instinctively. If I'm correct or not doesn't matter, I will approach the person. I have never been used to the "games" people play. I'm direct and since leaving my place so many years ago and while there I've had few friends though I've always been "popular". I've had more fistfights and romantic interludes than Prince has had names. But at other times I am reclusive and depressed and during these times I know that the world is fucking with me and I have no control and I think about the feeling I had at that place and how depression was dealt with...I become estranged from anyone and can't leave the house. I think about suicide. I come to this site and see and remember about my time there so long ago, and for so long I've tried to make it work for me, use my "tools". IT helps little, as I've chosen to feel what I feel. It can't be chemical. All the doctors and especially my shrink are wrong, don't they know that everything I need is inside of me. I'm supposed to feel good when I feel bad. There must be a reward for this trouble inside. This is a lot of my life that is effected by the experience I endured. I bought in fully to the idea that I was nothing and my life would go nowhere for two years. Then in six months the place that had so ruefully worn away any individual thinking and rendered me not much more than a scared, betrayed slave; changed into a shelter from the outside world. We were threatened with the realities of the street and warned that without program thinking we were destined for failure. Then they turned us loose after a dinky graduation ceremony and that was that. The only thing, ergo, I got from the program was that without it I'm lost. I hate the program because there is no program. The only thing gained was a euphoric utopian bubble that lasted for a little while, ending exactly the first time I confronted one of my friends or roomates by program standards. There was no message. There is no secret. The program did nothing but hurt. ME. The real ME. Whatever depression related problems or teenage angst I had when I went there was distracted from or distorted by lengthy group sessions in which I was told what my problems were starting on the first day by people whose names I hadn't even learned yet. "Confrontation" style therapy ripped me and my already delicate disposition towards the world and my family life, and replaced it with NOTHING but more angst and indecision. It left me with almost no social skills and a distain for manual labor.
I digress, but in the end these places fuck royally with you religiously/spiritually, pyschologically, and painfully. The emotional growth aspect is equal to rage. It fed on anger and it spawned it likewise.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Son Of Serbia

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« Reply #21 on: December 19, 2005, 12:56:00 PM »
On 2005-12-19 09:03:00, FormerTeacher wrote:

"I didn't post this because I feel I'm to blame for anything.  I didn't buy into the program.  I started in May and was out of there by December.  It wasn't for me.  The "therapy" going on was screwing things up more than it was helping.  I didn't have to go to raps to know this.  The kids told me.  My last week there I was pretty honest with my students and how I felt toward the school.  There were even a couple of kids that ran away and I saw them in the town and told them they could come stay at my house if they wanted.

No one needs to 'chew me out.'  I didn't do anything that was worthy of being chewed out.  I thought perhaps if the one student that I recognized here had her chance, she might be angry with me because I think she's pretty angry with CEDU, and for a short, short time, I represented the academic part of the CEDU program.  And what a joke it was.

Imagine being two weeks out of college, no teaching experience, thrown into a 'classroom' with 8 kids of all different ages and asked to teach them all different things.  Impossible.  I didn't live in the mountains, and had no knowledge of what went on at CEDU before getting hired there.  My friends didn't tell me about the 'therapy' going on there.

Now I teach in the public schools and have been doing so since I left CEDU.  I'd take the gangbangers and shithead I run across there over CEDU "therapy" any day.[ This Message was edited by: FormerTeacher on 2005-12-19 09:23 ]"

I was not not inviting people to attack you, nor did I suggest that you personally are to blame for Cedu's infinite short comings.  I recognize that by being fresh out of school, you probably didn't know what you were getting into.  

Actually several staff who were hired and fired during my time at Cedu expressed similar sentiments.  Cedu had a knack for hiring people right out of school and corrupting them (the staff who stayed). Those staff who refused being corrupted by the program were either fired, or left on their own. It sounds like you were among the latter group, and I do respect that. I also appreciate your honesty regarding cedu's joke academics.


 [ This Message was edited by: Son Of Serbia on 2005-12-19 10:01 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline FormerTeacher

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« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2005, 04:16:00 PM »
Thanks Son of Serbia.  My original intention for posting this was just to let former students know that not all of the teachers at CEDU were "the bad guys."  After I left, my friends continued to work there, and only then did I really piece together all the stuff that went on.  I guess I was pretty ignorant to what exactly was entailed in the 'emotional growth' part of the program -- I honestly believed that parents knew what went on and that's why they paid for it.  Only after I left did I put it all together -- again, fresh out of college, and like Son of Serbia said, they were looking for young recent college graduates to corrupt and who they could hopefully get to perpetuate the destruction.

Anyway, even though I said I don't feel like I deserve to be 'chewed out,' I understand the anger toward anyone who used to work there, in whatever capacity, and I'm fine with that.  In my heart of hearts, I know that I tried my best to be myself and I sincerely believe that no one there is worse for being my student.  I call myself a 'former teacher' at CEDU, which is pretty funny because 'CEDU teacher' is pretty much an oxymoron.

I wish you all the best.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2005, 06:49:00 PM »
You people are ongoing pathetic. And usually dead on wrong.

Remember when the CEDU schools closed? Serb and the whole brat pack were oh-so-sure the whole CEDU chain wouldn't ever open again.

I mean it was all over to listen to people on this board nobody would ever invest in reopening them, the name was tainted no one would ever be associated with the CEDU name or concept again.

Guess somebody's crystal ball was way off cuz they are back.  The buyers are investing heavily in all the schools.  The only reason RMA isn't up and running along with the rest is extensive renovations.

And the new owners have hired back about all the old school staff they can get and want to keep the CEDU concept like it was before Brown Schools screwed things up

Here forever folks Whether you all like it or not some awfully knowledgable business people at a billion dollar entity think these schools are a good bet for success and useful in helping troubled kids So btw do a lot of kids who attended and went on with their lives instead of whining on a web site because their little fweelings got hurt during a rap about ten years back

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline FormerTeacher

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« Reply #24 on: December 19, 2005, 11:24:00 PM »
Hmm, anonymous, so whining about how Son of Serbia was wrong is better than whining about how much CEDU sucked?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #25 on: December 19, 2005, 11:31:00 PM »
On 2005-12-19 15:49:00, Anonymous wrote:

Here forever folks Whether you all like it or not some awfully knowledgable business people at a billion dollar entity think these schools are a good bet for success and useful in helping line their pockets with all the cash they can bilk out of gullible parents, all-the-while happily forcing their bullshit view of the world on unsuspecting, very vulnerable teens and causing lasting damage to countless kids.

There, fixed that for ya!  :tup:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #26 on: December 20, 2005, 04:35:00 AM »
I would like to point out that when you taught at Cedu as a female teacher time had changed since I was a student.  When I was student Classes consisted only two days a week and learning about how to build things in the woods as science, propheets as a class, and I never recieved the help I needed in the classes.  None of my classes transfered to the high school that I ended up transfering too when I was done with Cedu even though I was told that it would.  I was way behind and had to attend two years of summer school just to catch up.

For the therapist that saw the student and didn't like what you saw why didn't you bring it up and raise an issue back then.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline former CEDU therapist

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« Reply #27 on: December 21, 2005, 12:04:00 AM »
Thank you for asking! I made major issues of it, called the county, called the cops, wrote letters, complained to asministrators, and actually was fired. Big surprise. I wasn't even that upset to be fired and I had not found a new job yet. That place was HELL for a REAL therapist... even though we had nothing to do with the program. Hell. You know why? Because I was TRAINED and I KNEW how to help people!

I suggest that before you make accusations or go on the attack, you be sure you have all the information you need. Most people here are on the same side!

And even those few months will stay with me forever. I actually was traumatized by it. And I learned that the cops and the county hated CEDU, the county never placed kids there, the state was suspicious, and the cops were continually investigating. For the rest of my life, I will have bad memories of CEDU. The only good thing was the great kids I got to know.

On 2005-12-20 01:35:00, Anonymous wrote:

For the therapist that saw the student and didn't like what you saw why didn't you bring it up and raise an issue back then."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Son Of Serbia

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« Reply #28 on: December 21, 2005, 09:13:00 AM »
On 2005-12-19 15:49:00, Anonymous wrote:

"You people are ongoing pathetic. And usually dead on wrong.

Remember when the CEDU schools closed? Serb and the whole brat pack were oh-so-sure the whole CEDU chain wouldn't ever open again.

I mean it was all over to listen to people on this board nobody would ever invest in reopening them, the name was tainted no one would ever be associated with the CEDU name or concept again.

Guess somebody's crystal ball was way off cuz they are back.  The buyers are investing heavily in all the schools.  The only reason RMA isn't up and running along with the rest is extensive renovations.

And the new owners have hired back about all the old school staff they can get and want to keep the CEDU concept like it was before Brown Schools screwed things up

Here forever folks Whether you all like it or not some awfully knowledgable business people at a billion dollar entity think these schools are a good bet for success and useful in helping troubled kids So btw do a lot of kids who attended and went on with their lives instead of whining on a web site because their little fweelings got hurt during a rap about ten years back


You forgot to mention was that your Flagship School: Cedu Running Springs was bought by the jewish organization Chabad, and now serves as a hebrew religious retreat.  This means that freaks like you will never abuse kids there again. You lost your biggest, most recognized, and therefore most profitable campus! Cedu-RS is GONE FOREVER, and I like that VERY MUCH!

HAHAHA :lol:  

[ This Message was edited by: Son Of Serbia on 2005-12-21 06:29 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #29 on: December 21, 2005, 10:14:00 AM »
That's right, there will be no more CEDU-RS. That leaves bumfuck Idaho as really the only destination for CEDU newbies. Which means CEDU, or UHS, or whatever, is not going to enjoy much of the business Californians drove to them back in the day. CEDU-RS really was the flagship. Many of those at BCA, RMA, and NWA were just spillover from the enrolled to capacity CEDU-RS. We'll see how long it is before the rebirth of CEDU goes under once again. I give it two years.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »