Author Topic: Does Deborah's Anti-Psychiatry posts help anyone?  (Read 12382 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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Does Deborah's Anti-Psychiatry posts help anyone?
« Reply #45 on: June 18, 2005, 12:54:00 PM »
Hey Wow, or I mean Anonymous,

What kind of statement is this:
"Public sex education is a couple hours, and takes place when you are in SIXTH GRADE! If you think this is better than parents can provide, WOW."

Did you read somewhere that the government if forbidding the parents from teaching their kids?

I always understood school to be another learning opportunity to augment what happens at home and in a childs life. Am I wrong?

Are you saying parents are restricted to what they can talk to their kids about, or is your statement purposeless?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Paul

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Does Deborah's Anti-Psychiatry posts help anyone?
« Reply #46 on: June 18, 2005, 12:55:00 PM »
Hey Wow, or I mean Anonymous,

What kind of statement is this:
"Public sex education is a couple hours, and takes place when you are in SIXTH GRADE! If you think this is better than parents can provide, WOW."

Did you read somewhere that the government if forbidding the parents from teaching their kids?

I always understood school to be another learning opportunity to augment what happens at home and in a childs life. Am I wrong?

Are you saying parents are restricted to what they can talk to their kids about, or is your statement purposeless?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Paul

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Does Deborah's Anti-Psychiatry posts help anyone?
« Reply #47 on: June 18, 2005, 01:29:00 PM »
On 2005-06-18 09:52:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-06-14 23:27:00, Paul wrote:

"Please post if Deborah's posts have either

helped or hurt anyone?"

I find her posts to be very informative and helpful. Why do you feel the need for this public judgement, or rather, what purpose is this thread to serve, if any? ::crybaby:: "

You may not have had the opportunity to follow this thread from the beginning. It started when Deborah kept slamming psychiatry, and not offering an alternative.

The correct method of suggesting medical protocols is to "offer" other modalities, not just criticize existing treatment protocols.

Her statements are outrageous. I have had ECT and psychotropic medication, if an uneducated reader seeking mental health treatment read Deborah's posts and Ginger's endorsement they would believe that all ECT treatments and medications cause permanent brain damage.

Well, the 500,000 treatments of ECT per year in this country and the 25 million on psychotropic medications do not have the prevalent brain damage that they so boldly rant about.

So, what is the problem with just letting them go on and on with their believe system. In the case of influencing someone medical treatment whether it be cancer, or mental health the reader should be able to receive un-biased information and make
their own decisions - voluntarily.

When I post the leading organizations for alternative treatments, as a courtesy, to anyone who is seeking that information, Deborah criticized that. There was no winning with her.

For instance Safe Harbor is the largest non-pharma organization. I tried to help them with California's MHSA funding. Deborah criticized that. What is up with her 360-degree angst should really be the question.

Then Deborah contacted Safe Harbor to utilize some information against me, I guess. What really happened is that I was able to provide Wendy, and Dan at Safe Harbor other MHSA sites that have been helpful.

I have enjoyed communicating with them. I am sure Deborah will be critical, and make her slanderous statements toward me, but hey, what I do is what I do. Voluntarily, of course, just as Safe Harbor is voluntarily communicating with me.

There is now a protocol that Safe Harbor can bring to the MHSA process as a result. This is a fantastic development. What I fear is that Wendy and Dan's Scientology not being listed prominently on the Safe Harbor website will backfire as all their front groups do. People get upset when they find out this information, whether it is deception or not. People will just toss out the Scientology based ideas, whether they come from Safe Harbor or other front groups.

Scientology will never change, they will just go on criticizing psychiatry just like Deborah and Ginger regardless of how happy someone is with their treatments, of whatever type they are getting. Thus they just mis-inform the readers or lose their credibility.

Now, again, why did I start this thread?

The last straw was when I realized how many different threads that Timoclea made his opinions known to Deborah and she just slammed his choices.
So enough was enough, and I created this thread.

Please understand, if someone does not want to go to a psychiatrist, fine. If someone does not want to take psychiatric medications, fine.

That is all no controversy, no slamming any organizations or people's current choices.

Choice, that is what it is all about.

Information is the key, the less bias the better. If one is biased, that is ok, if disclosed. If not disclosed then their creditability is in question.

Finally, if you think her posts are helpful, then wonderful.

Say, "yes, I find Deborah very helpful"

That is it, thank you very much.

Now, why is it that you felt the need to question my motivation?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Paul

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Does Deborah's Anti-Psychiatry posts help anyone?
« Reply #48 on: June 20, 2005, 02:25:00 AM »

On 2005-06-15 18:31:00, Antigen wrote:

"Oh, are you shittin' me? Deb provides a great deal of background and research info to these discussions.

Has no one ever done searches on these "resources" and Scientology before?

OK, here is on on that Deborah uses to post on the thread:

"Mental Health Screening in Schools Signals the End of Parental Rights"

Search: Scientology

      Welcome to our Scientology Resource Library!
      ... Monks to help others - Dec 22, Scientology Volunteer Ministry launches New Holiday Hope ... of America. - parents for label-free, drug-free education ...
      Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR)
      ... Church of Scientology International. ...
      ablechild/breaking news
      Breaking News. Tom Cruise Slams Child Psychiatrists. CRUISE LAUNCHES WAR ON PSYCHIATRISTS ... as part of a week-long special about his scientology beliefs, the movie hunk declares, "I'm going right after psychiatry ...
      Senator John Ensign Takes the Lead in Protecting Children
      ... On our website alone, we have over 300 signatures of parents nationwide that have ... established by the Church of Scientology in 1969 to investigate and expose ...
      Parents Call on Senate to Prohibit Coerced Psychiatric Drugging in Schools
      ... similar abuse and coercion on her website, which was written in support of the Child ... founded by the Church of Scientology in 1969 to investigate and expose ...
      Parenting Quotes
      Share This Page. Report Abuse. Edit your Site. Browse Sites. " Previous | Top 100 | Next " Jane's Pages. Parenting Quotes
      Bush Signs Legislation Prohibiting Forced Medication of Children
      ... health watchdog established by the Church of Scientology, in applauding Congress for passing precedent-setting ... [edit on 04/12/5 by ...
      Outside The Beltway : Brooke Shields and Tom Cruise in War of the Words
      ... However, as a dedicated follower of Scientology, Cruise is of the belief that mind-altering medications of any ... http://www.MINDFREEDOM.ORG. http://www.ORTHOMED.ORG. http://www.ABLECHILD.ORG ...
      Memos Display Drug Firms
      ... was particularly unpopular among followers of the Church of Scientology. It was not until this year that ... attacks by the Church of Scientology, which was lobbying to get Prozac ... ... rug_firm...
      Alex Jones Promotes Scientologist
      ... from, which is a Scientology-affiliated organization. ... 2005, attended the awards ceremony of this Scientology front group ... ... tes_scie...
      Welcome to my website
      Ralph Waldo Emerson Check out these links What is REALLY happening to our money...
      Sean Hannity Promotes Church of Scientology Front Group ... (845) 677-4118 Sheila Matthews National Vice President...
      Issue: School Violence - Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) ... Privacy Policy Established in 1969 by the Church ofScientology ...
      Over 500 Parents Say Schools Coerced Them to Administer Psychiatric Drugs to Children
      ... Weathers' website, lists the names of parents who report they've been coerced ... 1969 by the Church of Scientology to investigate and expose psychiatric violations ...
      Buffalo Scientology Info
      And, yes the Church of Scientology likes to take the credit for people?s successes. ... ...
      Over 500 Parents Say Schools Coerced Them to Administer Psychiatric...
      Mrs. Weathers' website, lists the names of parents who report they've been ... in 1969 by the Church of Scientology to investigate...
      Celebrities Urge Senate to Move on Bill Against Forced Psychiatric...
      ...organization, Parents for a Label and Drug Free Education ( She is frequently ... established by the Church of Scientology in...
      RehabNZ/ Criminal Rehabilitation. Improving Society. Drugs. Drug Rehabilitation & Training.
      Links. Scripps Alcohol Treatment Center. Scripps McDonald Center is a nationally recognized organization dedicated to alcohol treatment. The Vitamins And Nutrition Centre
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anonymous

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Does Deborah's Anti-Psychiatry posts help anyone?
« Reply #49 on: June 21, 2005, 12:17:00 PM »
On 2005-06-18 09:55:00, Paul wrote:

"Hey Wow, or I mean Anonymous,

What kind of statement is this:

"Public sex education is a couple hours, and takes place when you are in SIXTH GRADE! If you think this is better than parents can provide, WOW."

Did you read somewhere that the government if forbidding the parents from teaching their kids?

I always understood school to be another learning opportunity to augment what happens at home and in a childs life. Am I wrong?

Are you saying parents are restricted to what they can talk to their kids about, or is your statement purposeless?"

Um, no I didn't say that at all. Thanks for trying to put words in everyone else's mouth though. You don't want a debate, you simply want to try and prove everyone else wrong. I am not sure of your motive, but these threads are a waste of time. Have a good life Paul.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Paul

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Does Deborah's Anti-Psychiatry posts help anyone?
« Reply #50 on: June 21, 2005, 12:53:00 PM »
On 2005-06-21 09:17:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-06-18 09:55:00, Paul wrote:

"Hey Wow, or I mean Anonymous,

What kind of statement is this:

"Public sex education is a couple hours, and takes place when you are in SIXTH GRADE! If you think this is better than parents can provide, WOW."

Um, no I didn't say that at all. Thanks for trying to put words in everyone else's mouth though. You don't want a debate, you simply want to try and prove everyone else wrong. I am not sure of your motive, but these threads are a waste of time. Have a good life Paul."

I was responding to your statement in the quote above ...

I am not trying to prove anyone right or wrong, just to state the facts.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Deborah

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Does Deborah's Anti-Psychiatry posts help anyone?
« Reply #51 on: June 26, 2005, 12:43:00 AM »
***You may not have had the opportunity to follow this thread from the beginning. It started when Deborah kept slamming psychiatry, and not offering an alternative.

I?ve been posting here for 4+ years and although I?m not obligated to ?offer alternatives? if I ?slam? psychiatry, I have posted links to many alternative sites.

***The correct method of suggesting medical protocols is to "offer" other modalities, not just criticize existing treatment protocols.

You?re full of it Paul. The majority of my contributions to this subject are articles and/or quotes from professionals. And my opinion, which I am entitled to.  I am bound by no industry ethic. I am not practicing without a license.

***Her statements are outrageous. I have had ECT and psychotropic medication, if an uneducated reader seeking mental health treatment read Deborah's posts and Ginger's endorsement they would believe that all ECT treatments and medications cause permanent brain damage.

Provide the url?s to support this exaggeration.

***Well, the 500,000 treatments of ECT per year in this country and the 25 million on psychotropic medications do not have the prevalent brain damage that they so boldly rant about.

That may be the case. And there are lots of flatliners and people with very poor memories. Have you noticed a problem with this?

***So, what is the problem with just letting them go on and on with their believe system. In the case of influencing someone medical treatment whether it be cancer, or mental health the reader should be able to receive un-biased information and make their own decisions - voluntarily.

That?s what I?ve been saying to you since our interaction began. You can not tolerate criticism of the industry. Hell, you can't even tolerate articles that expose the industry.  ?I? am not influencing anyone?s ?medical treatment?although, those I cite, may. I?d love to have a front row seat at the debate between you and several PhD psych professionals I know. It would be a KO in the first round.

***When I post the leading organizations for alternative treatments, as a courtesy, to anyone who is seeking that information, Deborah criticized that. There was no winning with her.

Which organizations? url?

***For instance Safe Harbor is the largest non-pharma organization. I tried to help them with California's MHSA funding. Deborah criticized that. What is up with her 360-degree angst should really be the question.

Pauly dear, I realize your memory isn?t up to par, and your emotional attachment to this issue prevents you from thinking clearly.  But, here?s how it went down. You attacked me for 'selectively promoting' certain alternatives, and specifically for not ?promoting? SH. When I provided a couple of url?s then your attack became focus on SH. I thought I?d check out your claims and contacted SH. Bottom line, I think you?re trying to be a detective?. And people who are not good detectives should stick to just asking point blank questions. You appear fairly rational, but if one follows your comments on the SH topic, it appears you?re pro one day, and con the next. You claim to refer people to them, then attack them as the enemy.

***Then Deborah contacted Safe Harbor to utilize some information against me, I guess.

Paranoia Paul. When you post on a public forum, it becomes public information. I quoted you verbatim. Please humor me and tell me what ?information? you think I used against you.

***What really happened is that I was able to provide Wendy, and Dan at Safe Harbor other MHSA sites that have been helpful.

Oh, here we go. Now you support SH getting funding.  

***There is now a protocol that Safe Harbor can bring to the MHSA process as a result. This is a fantastic development. What I fear is that Wendy and Dan's Scientology not being listed prominently on the Safe Harbor website will backfire as all their front groups do.

Let?s be honest, for the sake of being honest. Isn?t it more accurate to state that you ?hope?, not ?fear?. And you now support them being funded inspite of the fact that their methods aren't 'evidence based' and they 'deceive' the public by not disclosing their religion....  Your wishy-washy sometimes borders on schizy-schazy, Colombo.

***Scientology will never change, they will just go on criticizing psychiatry just like Deborah and Ginger regardless of how happy someone is with their treatments, of whatever type they are getting. Thus they just mis-inform the readers or lose their credibility.

Just like Deborah and Ginger and many more of all different races, religions, and persuasions. You just can?t seem to get it, that your right to psychiatric treatment is not in jeopardy, nor is anyone else?s. I do believe that people are not getting accurate or adequate information from their doctors, therefore aren?t making genuinely informed decisions. If you think the articles/opinions I post are ?misinformation? then prove it. And stop the whining and attacks on me, it?s just pathetic.

***The last straw was when I realized how many different threads that Timoclea made his opinions known to Deborah and she just slammed his choices. So enough was enough, and I created this thread.

Url please. The ?correct method? for accusing someone is to post the url to support your claim. FYI, Timoclea is a woman.

***Please understand, if someone does not want to go to a psychiatrist, fine. If someone does not want to take psychiatric medications, fine.  That is all no controversy, no slamming any organizations or people's current choices. Choice, that is what it is all about.

Amen, brother. We agree on that point.

***Information is the key, the less bias the better. If one is biased, that is ok, if disclosed. If not disclosed then their creditability is in question.

Paul, this is the crux of your difficulty, I believe, with this issue. You label anything other than what comes from the industry as ?biased? misinformation, and consider everything they say to be the truth. That?s just not the case.  

***OK, here is on on that Deborah uses to post on the thread:  "Mental Health Screening in Schools Signals the End of Parental Rights"  Search: Scientology

Are you implying that Ablechild is a front group for Scientology, Paul? Or attempting to discredit them for having a similar mission? Why don?t you contact the ladies at Ablechild and just ask a direct question. While you?re at it, ask them why they are so opposed to the industry. Ask them how the industry harmed/killed their children. Then post their reply. Paul there really are many, many people who are anti-psych who aren?t  Scientologists. I guess it?s probably easier for you to imagine only one ?enemy?, but it?s just not the case.

I ditto Anon?s comment:
Um, no I didn't say that at all. Thanks for trying to put words in everyone else's mouth though. You don't want a debate, you simply want to try and prove everyone else wrong. I am not sure of your motive, but these threads are a waste of time. Have a good life Paul.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Paul

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Does Deborah's Anti-Psychiatry posts help anyone?
« Reply #52 on: June 26, 2005, 12:58:00 AM »
It is all pretty simple.

If you would have made posts about treatments,
regardless of what they are, that are different
than the currently accepted practices, then
you would not have received any posts from me.


If you had made posts about how to opt-out of
any school program then I would have believed
you to be an advocate helping people.


You don't do that.


Regarding my post about and Scientology, my reference was posted, refer
to that not me. Just as you ask of me.


Thanks for taking the time to respond.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Paul

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Does Deborah's Anti-Psychiatry posts help anyone?
« Reply #53 on: June 26, 2005, 01:53:00 AM »
"***For instance Safe Harbor is the largest non-pharma organization. I tried to help them with California's MHSA funding. Deborah criticized that. What is up with her 360-degree angst should really be the question.

Pauly dear, I realize your memory isn?t up to par, and your emotional attachment to this issue prevents you from thinking clearly. But, here?s how it went down. You attacked me for 'selectively promoting' certain alternatives, and specifically for not ?promoting? SH. When I provided a couple of url?s then your attack became focus on SH. I thought I?d check out your claims and contacted SH. Bottom line, I think you?re trying to be a detective?. And people who are not good detectives should stick to just asking point blank questions. You appear fairly rational, but if one follows your comments on the SH topic, it appears you?re pro one day, and con the next. You claim to refer people to them, then attack them as the enemy."

Ok, I guess I have not made myself clear.

I am against anyone who invalidates anothers experience. That is all.

Safe Harbor doing protocols on food and mental illness if fine. Safe Harbor being critical of people who utilize another kind of treatment style
is not good. Safe Harbor not being upfront about being run by Scientologist and their dogma influenced by it is bad.

My ability to refer those looking for a nutritional answer to their mental illness is easy, I tell them the largest group is Safe Harbor. They are run by Scientologist, one doesn't need to be a Scientologist to participate with Safe Harbor, but should know the hierarchy.

If the person who is asking me wants to call them,
that is their choice. I feel comfortable referring poeple to whatever they want if I have the information available.

Now panning Safe Harbor's potential protocol to California's Mental Health Services Act. They have what could be a good thing. If they introduce it without identifying themselves as Scientologist it probably won't fly. If they are upfront it might.

That is all, not complicated, no conspiracy on my part. Pretty simple stuff.

I don't ridicule anyone's doing anything. I do step in and ask that they don't invalidate another's experience. I guess I didn't make myself clear in the past on Fornit's. If that is the case, I apologize.


Regarding your thinking or accusing me of being a detective? Now what are you talking about?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anonymous

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Does Deborah's Anti-Psychiatry posts help anyone?
« Reply #54 on: June 26, 2005, 02:48:00 AM »
***Safe Harbor doing protocols on food and mental illness if fine. Safe Harbor being critical of people who utilize another kind of treatment style is not good. Safe Harbor not being upfront about being run by Scientologist and their dogma influenced by it is bad.

It's late, so I might have missed it... but it doesn't appear to me that SH does any 'prescribing' of any particular 'protocol'. They seem to cite and refer to professionals, link to information, provide testimonials, etc. In the 'find a practitioner, there is at least two doctors listed in my state who I know are not Scientologists.
What part of their 'protocol' do you believe to be 'Scientologist dogma'? I know little, but saw nothing of that nature. No specific 'protocol'.
If they were not promoting Scientology 'protocol', why do you feel the individuals should divulge their religion?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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Does Deborah's Anti-Psychiatry posts help anyone?
« Reply #55 on: June 26, 2005, 02:49:00 AM »
Not sure why that post came through as Anon, but that was me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Paul

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Does Deborah's Anti-Psychiatry posts help anyone?
« Reply #56 on: June 26, 2005, 04:07:00 AM »
On 2005-06-25 23:48:00, Anonymous wrote:

"***Safe Harbor doing protocols on food and mental illness if fine. Safe Harbor being critical of people who utilize another kind of treatment style is not good. Safe Harbor not being upfront about being run by Scientologist and their dogma influenced by it is bad.

It's late, so I might have missed it... but it doesn't appear to me that SH does any 'prescribing' of any particular 'protocol'. They seem to cite and refer to professionals, link to information, provide testimonials, etc. In the 'find a practitioner, there is at least two doctors listed in my state who I know are not Scientologists.

What part of their 'protocol' do you believe to be 'Scientologist dogma'? I know little, but saw nothing of that nature. No specific 'protocol'.

If they were not promoting Scientology 'protocol', why do you feel the individuals should divulge their religion?"

Good point! Perhaps their website does not reflect that they are influenced by COS.

During a personal dialog, via email, there was
a discussion of a mutual person that we know
who is doing poorly.

It was stated that it was because he was on medications.

I corrected that statement to state that he was
not on medications, nor the supplement regimin.

The metioning of medications causing the whole
problem continued.

I then had to respond that this person got sick
first, prior to any medications and that it was
innapropriate to blame all the problems on medication that came after the illness manifested.

That is when an otherwise intelligent person, who I enjoy corresponding with is influenced by COS dogma.

That is my opinion, that is all.

The Safe Harbor website most likely does not reflect this, I stand corrected.

Regarding why should they divulge their religion?
The COS is so controversial on their anti-psychiatry position and their use of front groups so prevelant that if it is not divulged it is my belief that the individual seeking Safe Harbor's information and referrals will feel deceived.

Thanks for brining it up.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Paul

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Does Deborah's Anti-Psychiatry posts help anyone?
« Reply #57 on: June 26, 2005, 04:44:00 AM »
On 2005-06-25 21:43:00, Deborah wrote:

***OK, here is on on that Deborah uses to post on the thread:  "Mental Health Screening in Schools Signals the End of Parental Rights"  Search: Scientology


For your information.

I have been searching daily for a news account of Ayalla Kaufman's story. So far no third party news accounts have appeared.

I just did another search and this showed up, a press release, not a news article.

Hey, there is Annie Armen's link ...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Antigen

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Does Deborah's Anti-Psychiatry posts help anyone?
« Reply #58 on: June 26, 2005, 02:33:00 PM »
Ok, I really shouldn't have to go to this much trouble to get you to quit misusing my server. And now that I think I've probably at least made it inconvenient for you to ignore my requests, now you decide to engage in some conversation?

Paul, PM me. If you promise to quit flooding, I'll lift those bans. If you continue to flood (even if you take an occasional break and add something meaningful) I'll take it to your isp.

I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.
--Frank Lloyd Wright, American architect

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Deborah

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Does Deborah's Anti-Psychiatry posts help anyone?
« Reply #59 on: June 26, 2005, 06:41:00 PM »
***Now panning Safe Harbor's potential protocol to California's Mental Health Services Act. They have what could be a good thing. If they introduce it without identifying themselves as Scientologist it probably won't fly. If they are upfront it might.

I am not the person to defend or speak for Scientology, so don't' assume that is what I'm doing.
Just a point of clarification-
Why wouldn't it 'fly' if they don't idenitfy their religion?

I would like to understand the thinking behind your disdain. CofS if a legally sanctioned religious organization, correct?

Are you implying that MHSA might discrimination in terms of SH not receiving these funds- if they otherwise qualify- due to the owner/officers religious affliation?

Are Christian groups required to divulge their religious affiliation and which group has influenced their thinking? Afterall, they are some of the most dangerously violent people on the planet, in case you haven't noticed.

Sounds to me, like you may be supporting/
suspecting discrimination here. Or is there something else you have 'forgotten' to tell?

Paul, I'm beginning to think you just talk to be talking. If you'd read my posts you'd know that I have posted information on alternative treatment AND articles on how to opt out of the screening programs.... unfortunately, I have also posted articles that expose that it is not being implimented as it is supposed to be.

Many of the Ablechild/Scientology links you posted don't work. Can you offer a clear, concise statement regarding the point you're trying to make about the two? I wouldn't want to misrepresent your intention when I contact them to let them know your on a public forum slandering them without giving them the benefit of a response to your suspicions. By the way, I have a copy of a statement from them in which they have addressed this issue. I know their position, but I think you should ask yourself and stop assuming.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here: