Author Topic: Letter Writing Campaign  (Read 2339 times)

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Letter Writing Campaign
« on: October 14, 2002, 07:44:00 PM »
Howdy Folks, I am James Lloyd, I was a trainee at the Atlanta Gulag and was a phaser from 83-85.

Mike Moore recently made a film about Columbine called Bowling for Columbine, it addresses the Gun culture adn its effects on our society.

I encourage all of us to write a letter to Mike's public email address and request that he take up the story of the cult and those who founded and promoted it, as well as the tortures that took place inside.

he can be contacted at:

[email protected]

This guys is probably our best chance at getting the story into a film format and show at a major festival where it may have some impact.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Letter Writing Campaign
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2002, 08:21:00 PM »
All ready did!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline clamor

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Letter Writing Campaign
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2002, 06:52:00 AM »
Dear Message Board,

 I had a problem with my computer and everything was wiped but, system's back up, I got it running quickly but had to start making my desktop over again...a lot has been going on and I have by NO MEANS abandoned what I think is a juicy yet traumatic writing job

It's time to get this word out about the "atrocity exhibition" at Elan.  We need to finish cleanly with Act one/ Scene one.

We can make this project

"A Battalion of Shotdowns"

"Elanite in E8 Asylum"

"Tight House"

I started out wanting to write an article... and Matt convinced me to do more, so I hope it's worth it, it has been so far...

If you go with your new documentary friend then I would love to interview him, before I go ahead and finish what I want to do, in the  Lights, Camera, Action! :smile:

I wrote Dan Bostdorf too. The letter is available on request and in it I said it would be GREAT if he would pave the way for the work that I am now trying to get done.  We have a saying "The Show Must Go On" and, it must and the cards MUST be laid out on the table with all honesty.  I said this to Mr. Bostdorf.  

I said, look, let's put things out in the open NOW and let's HELP and play on the same team. I think there is integrity in someone who has hung in there and kept the faith that justice would be served for (as I read him) 10 years?  

Basically, I said there is NO proprietary thing, no owning thing of the time of  "Child Slavery" and  "poorhouses" and sometimes things resonate greatly and still, I don't see anything wrong with multiple angles and perspectives...

I am trying to focus on everything, in a way, and as of this date, I think "A Battalion of Shotdowns" of the above mentioned story line is just WAITING to burst out and be told, we can wait but I am just using "Elanite" as the title when I write...

I need-- interviews, I want signatures saying you are willing to let me write about what I hear, I would like to interview with as many of you as I can....

I have an M.A. in Creative Writing and Professors of writing (one who wrote television) and friends who write screenplays will attest to my grand and glorious name :smile:

There's a nice juicy poem at a small ezine online right now that has a pretty nice layout (I can also find that page), and I have been the editor of a literary magazine (Kudzu Review), acted, "adapted" some poetic pieces by playwright Sam Shepherd into an excellant live theater script set up for a bank of televisions and cued to sound...

I am a playwright (produced) and actress/videographer/documentary (shorts) writer who has studied with Pulitzer Prize winning playwright Edward Albee whom I studied under and who taught me and encouraged me lots..

I am pitching you now, but I really need your pitch get ready for the wind up :smile:

 I am not going to drop what I was doing because someone else is interesting too.  Good for him. I hope he gets you all good and riled up like a tent revivalist and then we take it from there in however many directions the story of a PEOPLE LOST IN TIME wants to go.  

Please, don't be nervous or shy, call him! And while you are at it email me at [email protected] through at least next week and then will check back but update with new address at Earthlink...see next para...

I wish people would call me more. I have broadband coming (finally and AMEN) this weekend and can finally take down what we say in phonecalls so I can post those things, and if I take this class in Digital Film-making, well, I may be ready to shoot as soon as Spring, which is very soon..often there is no such swift date for these things. As I said, that is IF I follow the path of Digital Film-making-- there is also a job writing in L.A. and a certificate in computer art so I can produce "E-Writing" which I think has a future that's clear, along with editing documentaries and "other" on digital machines!

Theatre is about "Collaboration" which Elan has made all of you very suited to (I have noticed from posts and phone calls so far)

But, by now you MUST KNOW that just because your story has not been told doesn't mean it will not be--  and if not by one of your own (who I think should at least do most of the guiding) then by someone that understands your meanings....I am working on publishing an article even now :smile:

There is far more than ONE STORY here.  It would be silly (I think) and childish to hedge bets or be competitive with peers, so in a spirit of open-ness I am going to also contact this fellow writer (or perhaps he works more on the video end, I didn't catch his production, sounds interesting though).

Well, I hope people recall the TIME and EFFORT I have been putting into learning elanish...and to be an "elanite" in title only.

It's been quite a lot of work.  

PS: Matthew I am very sorry to say that I have lost your email address in the "puter crash" and miserable about it, that is why I was unable to call.  I am now set up with a MUCH MORE ROBUST system here in NYC.  

I only wish we all lived much closer, perhaps we should start getting set up for a real conference on Elan...i think it's time to think in all sizes instead of thinking with limits...don't ya think :wink:


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
if one gave birth to a heart on a plate it would cry \"love\" and twitch like the lopped leg of a frog\" Djuna Barnes

Offline clamor

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Letter Writing Campaign
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2002, 08:10:00 AM »
I'm sorry, I found the sentence about him being the "best chance" something said of a patient that's tried EVERYTHING else and has now is encouraged  to try Laetrile:P  What is UP with that?.  

In our defense:  Writers have avid imaginations and generally more than one iron in the fire (I am writing another script called Killers, and am doing "consulting" on a documentary short in November with my assistant and her sister).  

Anyway, I already PITCHED your man without knowing him; going on good will, faith, and hope and the obviousness that taking chances there makes sense here!

In return, all Plaasma Box Theater asks is that the false potrayel of "writer scarcity"  be ended to give persons a chance to make engaged, and well-thought decisions.  

It would seem; from the standpoint of Plaasma Box that "the more the merrier" when it comes to such a very complex matter as the Teenage Gulag system-proper and Elan Enterprise in particular.

Your Comrade in Arms,

Liz Mourant
Plaasma Box Collective
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
if one gave birth to a heart on a plate it would cry \"love\" and twitch like the lopped leg of a frog\" Djuna Barnes

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Letter Writing Campaign
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2002, 10:29:00 AM »
This seems like a bad replay of something I read on another site. What the fuck are you talking about Liz? Go exploit someone else.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »