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Bush Using Drugs to Control Depression, Erratic Behavior ... 4921.shtml

Editor, Capitol Hill Blue
Jul 28, 2004, 08:09

President George W. Bush is taking powerful anti-depressant drugs to control his erratic behavior, depression and paranoia, Capitol Hill Blue has learned.

The prescription drugs, administered by Col. Richard J. Tubb, the White House physician, can impair the President's mental faculties and
decrease both his physical capabilities and his ability to respond to a crisis, administration aides admit privately.

"It's a double-edged sword," says one aide. "We can't have him flying off the handle at the slightest provocation but we also need a
President who is alert mentally."

Angry Bush walked away from reporter's questions.
Tubb prescribed the anti-depressants after a clearly-upset Bush stormed off stage on July 8, refusing to answer reporters' questions about his relationship with indicted Enron executive Kenneth J. Lay. ... ff_001.jpg
"Keep those motherfuckers away from me," he screamed at an aide backstage. "If you can't, I'll find someone who can."

Bush's mental stability has become the topic of Washington whispers in recent months. Capitol Hill Blue first reported on June 4 about
increasing concern among White House aides over the President's wide mood swings and obscene outbursts.

Although GOP loyalists dismissed the reports an anti-Bush propaganda, the reports were later confirmed by prominent George Washington
University psychiatrist Dr. Justin Frank in his book Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President. Dr. Frank diagnosed the President as a "paranoid meglomaniac" and "untreated alcoholic" whose "lifelong streak of sadism, ranging from childhood pranks (using
firecrackers to explode frogs) to insulting journalists, gloating over state executions and pumping his hand gleefully before the bombing of
Baghdad" showcase Bush's instabilities.

"I was really very unsettled by him and I started watching everything he did and reading what he wrote and watching him on videotape. I felt
he was disturbed," Dr. Frank said. "He fits the profile of a former drinker whose alcoholism has been arrested but not treated."

Dr. Frank's conclusions have been praised by other prominent psychiatrists, including Dr. James Grotstein, Professor at UCLA Medical Center, and Dr. Irvin Yalom, MD, Professor Emeritus at Stanford University Medical School.

The doctors also worry about the wisdom of giving powerful anti-depressant drugs to a person with a history of chemical dependency. Bush is an admitted alcoholic, although he never sought
treatment in a formal program, and stories about his cocaine use as a younger man haunted his campaigns for Texas governor and his first
campaign for President.

"President Bush is an untreated alcoholic with paranoid and megalomaniac tendencies," Dr. Frank adds.

The White House did not return phone calls seeking comment on this article.

Although the exact drugs Bush takes to control his depression and behavior are not known, White House sources say they are "powerful medications" designed to bring his erratic actions under control. While Col. Tubb regularly releases a synopsis of the President's annual physical, details of the President's health and any drugs or
treatment he may receive are not public record and are guarded zealously by the secretive cadre of aides that surround the President.

Veteran White House watchers say the ability to control information about Bush's health, either physical or mental, is similar to Ronald
Reagan's second term when aides managed to conceal the President's increasing memory lapses that signaled the onslaught of Alzheimer's

It also brings back memories of Richard Nixon's final days when the soon-to-resign President wondered the halls and talked to portraits of
former Presidents. The stories didn't emerge until after Nixon left office.

One long-time GOP political consultant who - for obvious reasons -asked not to be identified said he is advising his Republican Congressional candidates to keep their distance from Bush.

"We have to face the very real possibility that the President of the United States is loony tunes," he says sadly. "That's not good for my
candidates, it's not good for the party and it's certainly not good for the country."

© Copyright 2004 Capitol Hill Blue
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Bush taking powerful psychotropic for mood swings and obsene
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2004, 11:05:00 AM »
Shit - I've known he was one crazy mo fo for a long time now.  Look at his genes and his crazed brother in Florida.  It runs in the family.  Babs is one crazed bithch, his little brother is a mean muther fucker and egotystical maniac, his daddy was director of the CIA, gotta be fucked up for that....and, they have the semblers as their blow buiddes.

The presidnet and the  entire bush family crazy?  Imagine that.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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Bush taking powerful psychotropic for mood swings and obsene
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2004, 01:12:00 PM »
Americans are 'depressed' and medicated to an unprecedented degree. It's time for us to wake up to the fact that we are looking for well-being in all the wrong places. We are not living in a pro-human society, and will continue to until our social policies consider the needs of all, not a few.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Deborah

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Bush taking powerful psychotropic for mood swings and obsene
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2004, 10:28:00 PM »
Aspartame, Anti-Depressants And Bush
By Jerry Mazza
Online Journal
Contributing Writer
"When divine power plans evil for a man, it first injures his mind."

First we have Dr. Justin Frank, the prominent Washington psychiatrist and author of the book, Bush on the Couch, Inside the Mind of the President, characterizing George W. Bush as suffering from "character pathology," including "grandiosity" and "megalomania," seeing himself, America and God as interchangeable, a truly unholy trinity. Now we have an article by Dr. Betty Martini, Political Sanity vs. Neurotoxins: U.S. President [sic] Being Given Powerful Anti-depressants which Interact with Aspartame, published in U.N. Observer & International Report.

As Dr. Martini tells us, "The first correspondence I had with President [sic] George Bush was when he was Governor of Texas. He was about to sign into law the Dietetics Practice Act. At the time, Monsanto owned NutraSweet and I explained that the dieticians were Monsanto's media hacks and that his law granted them a monopoly, which is against most state constitutions. (They passed it anyway). I sent him a packet about aspartame, showing him that it is a deadly chemical poison and the dietitians push it and defend the manufacturer. He wrote back that he disagreed - and he also got hooked on Diet Coke."

It should be noted that Dr. Martini, while not a physician, has worked in medicine for 22 years. She's best known as the founder of Mission Possible International, which works with doctors worldwide to remove aspartame from food, drinks and medicine. Dr. Martini reports that 75 percent of all the complaints to the Food and Drug Administration are about the ill effects of aspartame.

Concerning George Bush, Dr. Martini notes, "So far, the president [sic] has exhibited memory loss to such an extent that the Atlanta Journal Constitution published that he appeared to need to be coached for each word. She refers to that scene at the end of Fahrenheit 911, in which Bush attempts to quote an old saying, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." As Dr. Martini points out, "he couldn't remember the end of it so after saying, 'Fool me once, shame on you, he looked around and thought and then said, 'And don't do it again.' You could see he couldn't remember."
Dr. Martini points out that Bush "has also had a blackout which is notorious of aspartame and he complained of joint pain. Aspartame hardens the synovial fluids and causes agonizing joint pain."

This seems like a case of cruel but ironic justice, Bush signing a bill for a drug that puts him in danger. But the danger goes far beyond Bush's mental and physical health. As Dr. Martini says, "The phenylalanine in aspartame at 50 percent is neurotoxic and goes directly into the brain." That is, anybody s brain who uses it: men, women or children. "It lowers the seizure threshold and depletes serotonin," she adds, "and when you lower serotonin, it triggers paranoia, manic depression or bi-polar brain disorder, hallucinations, mood swings and suicidal tendencies. It also interacts with all anti-depressants and you can get a double whammy with some of these
psycho drugs."

In fact, the side effects of depression, paranoia, mood swings were also noted in the article Sullen, Depressed President Retreats into Private, Paranoid World," by Capitol Hill Blue Editor Theresa Hampton and William D. McTavish, a follow-up to Hamtpon's article, Bush Using Drugs to Control Depression, Erratic Behavior. All in all, this doesn't add up to a comforting picture of the most powerful individual on earth, George W. Bush.

Only a few White House intimates, such as Karl Rove or Karen Hughes get to speak with Bush; of cabinet members, the truly scary John Ashcroft, fellow born-again, is the leading shoulder to lean on. Can't you see them all sitting around a conference table drinking Diet Coke and forgetting what the agenda was? Perhaps that's why we lost most of our civil rights with the USA PATRIOT Act. They forgot there was a Bill of Rights. Certainly it seems so in regard to not funding the $26 billion "No Child Left Behind Act," or Bush's campaign promise not to engage in "nation building," switching once he seized office, as if to Diet Pepsi, to the hegemony of a "A New World Order.
There are so many forgotten promises: to cut taxes for working families, but the wealthiest ended up with the lion's share of the current, budget-busting cuts. And there was the announcement that the war in Iraq was over on May 1, 2003, though the death toll keeps rising as the fighting rages on with no end in sight.

Perhaps the forgetting, the paranoia, the mood swings, the depression, are infectious, above and beyond the aspartame or anti-depressants. Perhaps that's the double whammy Dr. Martini was referring to. After all, there we have the paragon of propriety, Dick Cheney, hurling an expletive at a senator who challenged his no-bid Iraq contracts to Halliburton, of which he was, and in a way, seems to continue to be, CEO, or OOC (out of control). What's more, if we have Ashcroft forgetting the entire Bill of Rights, what about W forgetting the separation of church and state embodied in the First Amendment.

In fact, we have an administration so paranoid it has given the least number of press conferences in the history of television. And we have a president [sic] whose first impulse was to reject a formal investigation into 9/11. Not that the 9/11 whitewash has produced any great revelations. That said, let's return to Dr. Martini, aspartame, and another Bush stalwart, Donald Rumsfeld, and their impact on us all.

Aspartame and Donald Rumsfeld

As reported on, May 9, 2004, "aspartame is a drug, not just an additive, found in diet soft drinks and over 5,000 foods, drugs and medicine. According to top doctors and researchers, aspartame causes headache, memory loss, seizures, vision loss, coma and cancer. It worsens or mimics the symptoms of such diseases and conditions as fibromyalgia, MS, lupus, ADD, diabetes, Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue and depression." Relevant Bush and millions of other drinkers and ex-drinkers, "Further dangers highlighted are that aspartame liberates free methyl alcohol. The resulting chronic methanol poisoning affects the dopamine system of the brain causing

Curiously, in George W. Bush's "Summary of Medical History August 4th, 2001, when he was 55 years, old, the physician, Dr. Kenneth Cooper notes in the President's [sic] Social History:

"Tobacco: An occasional cigar.

"Alcohol: None.

"Caffeine: Diet sodas and coffee."

The abundant use of diet drinks can function as a kind of replacement
addiction, with some of the equally dangerous side effects mentioned earlier Now if aspartame is so dangerous, how did it ever go public? That's a matter of profit and Republican politics.

Aspartame was discovered in 1965, bringing with it a raging debate over the sugar substitute's health risks. From lab testing on rats, it was learned the drug induced brain tumors. On Sept. 30, 1980, the FDA Board of Inquiry agreed and denied the petition for approval. In 1981, as the Reagan era cranked up, Arthur Hull Hayes, the new FDA Commissioner ignored the ruling and approved aspartame for dry goods. As noted in the 1985 Congressional Record, then CEO of Searle Laboratories, Donald Rumsfeld, said that he would "call in his markers" to get the drug approved. Rummy was then on President
Reagan's transition team. A day after he took office, he appointed Hayes.

As Dr. Martini tells us, "When Donald Rumsfeld was CEO of Searle, that
conglomerate manufactured aspartame. For 16 years the FDA refused to approve it, not only because it's not safe, but also because they wanted the company indicted for fraud. Both U.S. prosecutors hired on with the defense team and the statue of limitations expired. They were Sam Skinner and William Conlon. Skinner went on to become Secretary of Transportation, squelching the cries of the pilots who were having seizures on this seizure-triggering drug, aspartame, and then Chief of Staff under President [sic] Bush's father ...
Even Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is a former Monsanto attorney. (Monsanto bought Searle in 1985, and sold it a few years ago). When Ashcroft became attorney general, Thompson from King and Spalding Attorneys (another former Monsanto attorney) became deputy under Ashcroft (attorneys for Nutra Sweet and Coke).

"However, the FDA still refused to allow Nutra Sweet on the market ... It interacts with all antidepressants, L-dopa, Coumadin, hormones, insulin, all cardiac medication, and many others. It also is a chemical hyper sensitization drug so that it interacts with vaccines, other toxins, other unsafe sweeteners like Splenda, which has a chlorinated base like DDT and cause autoimmune disease. ... Despite the fact that the FDA has known this for a quarter of a century and done nothing even though it's against the law ... Searle went on to build a Nutra Sweet factory and had $9 million worth of inventory."

Rumsfeld, as Dr. Martini pointed out, was on Reagan's transition team. And the day after Reagan took office, he selected FDA Commissioner Arthur Hayes to approve aspartame. Despite the FDA setting up a Board of Inquiry of top scientists, who pointed out the drug's dangers and revoked the approval, Hayes overruled the board and then went to work for the manufacturer's PR agency, Burson-Marstellar. He's never spoken to the press since.

Despite three congressional hearings, a general outcry of "poison," Senator Orrin Hatch, also paid by Monsanto, made sure that Senator Howard Metzenbaum s bill, calling for independent studies of aspartame's toxic effects, never got out of committee. The bill, S. 1557, also would have put a moratorium on the drug. The further studies of its effects on the population would have looked at interaction with drugs, seizures, fetus health, and even behavioral problems in children, due to the depletion of serotonin caused by
the phenylalanine in aspartame.

According to an April 26 news release from the National Justice League, lawsuits were filed in three California courts against a dozen companies that produce or use aspartame as a sugar substitute in their products. The companies included Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Bayer Corp., the Dannon Company, William Wrigley Jr. Company, Wal-Mart, ConAgra Foods, Wyeth, Inc., The NutraSweet Company, and Altria Corp. (parent company of Kraft Food and Phillip Morris).

Dr. Martini recommends that consumers read all labels on any food, medicine or drinks they intend to consume. That might be great advice for a president [sic] struggling to maintain his own clarity if not his office. One wishes those who voted for Bush had read his label, to find out just how deadly he could be, and will be, if elected this time.

- Jerry Mazza is a free-lance writer who resides in New York City. He can be reached at ... mazza.html
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Tony Stark

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Bush taking powerful psychotropic for mood swings and obsene
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2004, 11:16:00 PM »
Just think what might happen if he really goes nuts :rofl: I say keep him drugged. He needs it. :roll:

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-- Journal of Applied Polymer Science  Vol. 47, 1984

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline SyN

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Bush taking powerful psychotropic for mood swings and obsene
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2004, 11:29:00 AM »
I agree to keep him sedated, but not as president.  Thats probably why he cant ride a bike though.  All drugged out.  His numbers keep slipping though, and thank god for that.  His last speach alone droped him several points.  People see more and more what a mean idiot he is.  This site is great though check it out.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
A word to the wise is infuriating.\"

Offline Tony Stark

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Bush taking powerful psychotropic for mood swings and obsene
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2004, 01:09:00 PM »
I agree....and if he does get re-elected I hope he has the guts to eventually step down.You, resign. This man is a coma-cozie only with our service men and women. He's got a civilian government in place just in case of some kind of anarchy just to make sure the checks and balances get paid. The least he could do for me is stop the taxing of my VA pension. I go to the VA for meds and you see a bunch of older vets sitting around the TV listening to dubya speak and utterly going into stiches of laughter, saying "aw bullshit"ect....I mean this guy is a real puppet. I wonder sometimes if he has like an earphone in his ear with Karl telling him what to say. While all the while his top advisors are leading hime around a maze with some sort of thing going on in his head about how he's president of the United States, He took an oath on the bible, he reads his bible daily and has to pray daily. Lets face it, he was destined for failure as a president. He's a fearless leader.......but we are not either one of us in favor of his complex as a leader... he belongs in retirement in a chapel library. with stained glass windows and all. It's a joke an absolute joke and whoever created him as a leader put all kinds of crazy ideas in his head and continues to..........HMMMMMMM who would that be?Karl? Daddy Bush? His brother Jeb got reported on community radio as to have sent off an e-mail to somewhere stating about how to not say where the money came from.Probably some kind of crooked campaign money for his brother dubya, I don't know. Maybe Jeb is eyeing the white house too someday? lol I don't knw that either. I remember him saying in the newspaper around that time as saying"They are going to shoot me for what I'm going to do". Dubya wants the doctors to over-ride the lawyers and I've got a fucking crazy idolating puppet from the spirit world doctor who has mis-diagnosed me. None of these doctors that I have can make up their mind what they think the problem is. Dubya says a land of law should be without lawyers to protect us from dumbass quacks? And how everyone of us is getting mental health screening.HA! This place will really be a nut-house then. Those shrinks have a motto"show me a sane man and I'll cure him for you"It's all eastern philosophy living in the west. It's all a made up button pushing string pulling mind control game. There is no Psychiatric label.No such thing really exists. It's just a bunch of symptoms treated by catagorization. These drugs were probably created before there was an illness discovered. Keep him on the couch, take that computer-chip out of his head and let him step down. I agree with you, he needs to take a break and retire. I don't want everyone to be on a couch at the mercy of some headshrinker without protection from lawyers. :rofl:

The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good.' target='_new'>George Washington

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory Of the Coming Of The Lord\"

Offline SyN

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Bush taking powerful psychotropic for mood swings and obsene
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2004, 02:50:00 PM »
It just shows that the republican we elect is not the one who runs the country.  Besides I think It is his daddy that has him numbed out on drugs.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
A word to the wise is infuriating.\"

Offline Tony Stark

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Bush taking powerful psychotropic for mood swings and obsene
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2004, 03:05:00 PM »
Maybe it was his Daddy that told him to go after Saddam also.I dunno...... :question:  :question:  :question:

Every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the tenor of the commission under which it is exercised, is void. No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid. To deny this, would be to affirm, that the deputy is greater than his principal; that the servant is above his master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves; that men acting by virtue of powers, may do not only what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid."
--Alexander Hamilton    

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory Of the Coming Of The Lord\"