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How it works
« on: March 24, 2017, 01:29:33 PM »
I'm 54 right now and no kids never married, etc. they all seem to be whores out there
I have no idea why maybe it's the dumb movies or something. I was in love with this
Ice princess when I was grabbed by the CEDU experiment. Mel Wasserman admitted
It was an experiment, he said CEDU will always change. He admitted he was Jewish too
And he was no genius mathematician like Lance Small at UCSD, probably a Jewish
Reject at that time. But we stuck with it, say one plus years back in circa 1979 and
Some of us may have stayed "perfectly in agreement" some may have strayed but if
You were lucky you got in that Summit workshop with Mike Allgood and signed a one
Liner whatever that was about. Now we have Debbie Wasserman in Washington but
That one doesn't look like Mel but Stacy Wasserman was up there in her bikini when
We were there and the Jews are at war with Islam so if you know anything about islamic
Mafia go to and tell them all and thank Jeff Cohen. He said his name means king
Of the Jews - that should keep you safe for now because no one knows who is or was Islam
Or what power this skinhead gang has, etc. But remember those red and white matches?
Red & White means Hells Angels biker gang so you've got one on them if you need it.
Thank Ed Denebeim a Jewish math major friend of mine from UC Berkeley. Sen. Feinstein
may be very upset with Ed, I have no idea.
o What