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Offline Jill Ryan

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« on: August 17, 2010, 08:41:08 PM »
Breaking News( From Woodbury Reports)
Posted: May 20, 2010 08:18

Ridge Creek School
Dahlonega, GA

Status of Ridge Creek School (Formerly Hidden Lake Academy)

Len Buccellato

May 19, 2010

Due to our name change and the addition of new curriculum, there are components that have caused some confusion with prospective parents and consultants, so we would like to take some time to clarify the situation.

Name Change: Hidden Lake Academy is now Ridge Creek Academy. The same quality of excellence in clinical, academics, sports and recreation that you knew at Hidden Lake Academy is present at Ridge Creek School. The only difference is that our average length of stay is now 12 months.

Ridge Creek School and Ridge Creek Wilderness are two separate and distinct entities. Ridge Creek Wilderness is our 28 day wilderness program and exists on a seasonal basis. Ridge Creek Wilderness also allows us to create a special academic program for the student who is lacking a few credits to graduate high school or for those students whose consultants or parents need a shorter program.

Our wilderness curriculum component at Ridge Creek School has apparently caused confusion; therefore from now on we will call it an "Adventure Enrichment Curriculum". This is offered each month for a weekend trip. There is no additional cost and it is optional for the students, it is not mandatory. However we may strongly recommend it for students who are stuck therapeutically or who need a time out space to work through some issues. Apparently this has caused some confusion among parents, especially those of girls. Students do not need to participate in the wilderness program.

Tuition is $4,800.00 per month. In these trying economic times for families, we have continued to help with financial aid, as well as other payment options.

Thank you very much for your ongoing support and if you have any additional questions please call Ridge Creek School at 706-864-4730 or visit their website at: News

Posted: Jun 9, 2010

Ridge Creek School
Dahlonega, GA

Why are there Negative Websites about Schools and Programs?

Scott Smith

June 4, 2010

Of the many difficult hurdles presented to those of us who work with families in crisis, perhaps the most daunting and hurtful are attacks from the very people that, in their time of need, sought our guidance and assistance. Often, the schools and programs that provide the strongest and highest-rated, proven support and solutions for these struggling families become the targets of the misplaced anger and unbridled aggression of those they were attempting to help. In most cases, these attacks come from families that fail to see the program to its fruition or refuse to follow the guidelines provided by the professionals in this field.

Unfortunately, the anger and frustration generated by their failure can lead some students and parents to manufacture half-truths and, in many cases, slanderous lies, for which the internet has become the platform. No school or therapeutic program in this country has escaped these vicious and, for the most part, anonymous attacks. Further, as long as the erroneous statement contains a heading like, "I was told by…" or, "A former staff member said…", there is no legal recourse available to the school or program under attack.

We at Ridge Creek urge the parents of prospective students to fully investigate any eventual placement by calling the school and/or program under consideration to request a list of families that have completed the curriculum and to contact these families for a clear and unbiased picture of the program and its effectiveness. If there are items of concern encountered on an internet site, address these with the school and its alumni. The future of a struggling child is too valuable to be trusted to a simple internet search that yields the negative attacks of those who refused the heed advice and follow suggested treatment and recovery paths.

Ridge Creek Admissions Team


June 09, 2010

Well done Scott.

This is a difficult hurdle and one that I find undermines new parents willingness/ability to connect with their chosen program-which perpetuates the issue The fear that the process may not work is enflamed because of these statements.

References are a significant step in easing the confusion of fact vs. misleading information. As with any business, the most accurate sign of a successful business (outcome) is from its consumers. They will be honest about what our best is. And they'll probably do a better job with it…


Sean Haggerty
Cedar Ridge Academy
435-353-4498 ext. 117

Copyright ©2010, Woodbury Reports, Inc.

Hidden Lake Academy was a therapeutic boarding school in Georgia . It was founded in 1994 and had an extremely strong professional reputation throughout the country. Graduates of the program and their parents continue to stay in touch. Unfortunately in 2006 Hidden Lake was the victim of a petition for a class action suit brought by a handful of parents. Even though the petition was dismissed we were unable to get the unsubstantiated statements off the web . The negative blog sites continued their slanderous attacks. On the advice of our attorneys we changed the name of the academy to Ridge Creek School. Please take a moment to link to each of the following to get a better perspective of what occurred:

Explanation of the petition
Statement about anonymous blog sites in general.
Statement from a former student
Statement from a current student
Statement from a former staff member
Link to Ridge Creek School   NOW DIRECTS ONE TO RIDGE CREEK
I had the great pleasure of visiting the Ridge Creek School this past April to conduct training with their staff. As a former Hidden Lake Academy staff member it was a pleasure to return to campus and experience first hand the development that has taken place since my departure. What an absolute breath of fresh air! The staff that I had the pleasure to work with are driven, focused and determined to make Ridge Creek School the best of its kind.
While the structures of the campus remain relatively the same the atmosphere and staff have grown! It was a great delight to see the new faces both faculty and students - it leads one to conclude that there is only room for development for this program. The current staff know they have all the potential in the world with Ridge Creek School and are prepared for just that.
I look forward to a continued relationship with Ridge Creek School and also updates on its progress!
~Shannon Travers
Former Director of Recreation
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Offline Jill Ryan

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« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2010, 10:39:06 PM »
Georgia Department of Human Resources,
Office of Regulatory Services State Form
Statement of Deficiencies
and Plan of Correction
Inspection begin date
Inspection end date:
Name of Provider or Supplier
Street Address, City, State Zip Code
Inspection Results

R 0000 Opening Comments.
The purpose of this visit was to conduct an investigation into Ga., 77483.
R 0709 290-2-5-.07(d) Inspections and Investigations.
Failure to Allow Access. Failure to allow access of the department's representative to the institution, its staff, or
the children receiving care at the institution or the books, records, papers, or other information related to initial or
continued licens
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on a requested record review and staff interview the agency failed to allow acces to the
institution's resident case records.
Findings include:
Upon a request by the surveyor to review the facility's residential case records on 1/26/2010 at
11:00 am, the surveyor was told by Staff A that the requested records were not accessible at the
time of the inspection due to the agency having technical difficulties with their electronic filing
Interview conducted on 1/26/2010 at 5:00 pm with Staff A revealed that their system " Best Note"
is down and that all information is stored there.
R 0840 290-2-5-.08(6) Staffing.
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Staffing. The institution shall have sufficient numbers of qualified and trained staff as required by these rules to
provide for the needs, care, protection, and supervision of children. All staff and volunteers shall be supervised to
ensure that assigne
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
****Based on file review and staff interview the agency failed to provide for the needs, care,
protection, and supervision of children.
Findings include:
Interview conducted on 1/26/2010 at 11:30 am with Resident #1 revealed that ( he/she recalls the
incident in question and it began when- on the day of the incident (1/9/2010),) all of the students
were in the Student Activity Center (SAC). Resident #1 stated that he/she was approached by
Resident #2 who inquired if he/she made a derogatory statement, referencing two other students
that are known by all of the students to be "a couple" and whom Resident #1 had written a racial
slur on the wall approximately a week prior. Resident #1 stated that as the confrontation
continued, a group of other students became involved . ( and the argument began to become
threatening.- delete) Resident #1 stated that during the argument, Resident #4 approached
him/her from behind and "punched him/her in the back of the head twice". Resident #1 reported
that Resident #4 was then restrained by staff? and that Resident #2 responded by becoming
irate and blocked the exit doorway that staff members were attempting to exit thru with Resident
#4. Resident #1 stated that he/she could hear the remaining students "plotting on how to hit
him/her" and then Resident #2 began to approach him/her, but "was restrained on the ground by
Staff B". Resident #1 reported that Resident #2 accompanied by Resident #3 began to fight Staff
B, punching and kicking the staff member in the face and torso area while the remaining group
of students attempted to bombard him/her. Resident #1 stated that he/she ran out of the
building, slipped on the ice covering the walkway, and fell into some shrubbery. Resident #1
stated that he/she could hear the other resident attempting to follow after him/her; however,
Resident #7 "blocked the exit way and instructed him/her to run" . Resident #1 stated that
he/she and another student left the area; however, he/she was soon stopped by a group of
residents who continued to strike him/her. The other students held them off while he/she locked
him/herself in a car until staff members arrived. The police responded shortly afterwards.
(Resident #1 stated that upon returning to his/her room, it was discovered that someone had
broken his/her electric guitar which he/she estimated to be worth four thousand dollars.- Pam
questioned the relevance. I thought you were trying to show that the residents were obviously
unsupervised at that time as well to have been able to destroy property in a bedroom, but she felt
the connection needed to be made more clear. You can either leave as is, delet or add more)
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Inspection Result
Resident #1 stated that he/she received an injury to the eye when hit by Resident #4 and
scrapes/scratches from falling into the shrubs. Resident #1 reported that he/she recalls four staff
members on duty; however; one had gone to get lunch. Resident #1 stated that staff members
did not intervene during the onset of the altercation and only responded once he/she had been
struck by Resident #4.
Interview conducted on 1/26/2010 at 12:00 pm with Resident #4 revealed that ( he/she recalls the
incident in question. Resident #4 stated that - delete ) on the day of the incident (1/9/2010),
Resident #1 was "being racist" and wrote derogatory statements using inappropriate language
in reference to ( African Americans- race ) . Resident #4 stated that while in the SAC, Resident #1
then verbalized derogatory statements using inappropriate language ( in reference to African
Americans- regarding race ) and that "a group of students got mad and beat Resident #1 up".
Resident #4 stated ("staff members- do we know which ones so that we can add their
non-identifiers? If not, leave as is) were attempting to contain the situation and deal with all of
the other students but that other students ultimately pulled ( him/her- use non identifier. unclear
if this is referring to staff or resident) away so that Resident #1 would not get beat up that bad".
Resident #4 stated that he/she recalls three to four staff members being present at the time of the
Interview conducted on 1/26/2010 at 12:30 pm with Resident #5 revealed that he/she recalls the
1/9/2010 incident ( in question- delete) and that "all of the trouble started a few weeks ago when
Resident #1 wrote "a racial slur" on the bathroom wall and staff members did not give Resident
#1 a consequence for the act. Resident # 5 stated that specifically, the incident in question
began when the students were made aware that Resident #1 had made a ( verbal- delete) racial
slur when Resident #1 and #2 began to argue. Resident #5 reported that a group of students
attempted to "fight" Resident #1 and were "able to get a few hits in when Resident #1 ran out of
the building". Resident # 5 stated that he/she and a group of other residents attempted to follow,
however were stopped by Resident #7, who ultimately "restrained and then drug him/her back
into the building. " Is this where the end of quote goes?
Interview conducted on 1/26/2010 at 1:00 pm with Resident #6 revealed that (he/she recalls the
incident in question. Resident #6 stated that on the day of the incident (1/9/2010), ( he/she-
Resident #6?) became involved in a conflict with Resident #1 upon gaining knowledge that
Resident # 1 wrote a derogatory statement ( towards African Americans- regarding race) on the
wall. Resident #6 stated, during this occurrence, he/she confronted Resident #1 about the act
and Resident #1 assured him/her that "nothing like that would happen again". Resident #6
stated that on the day of the incident in question, which was approximately a week later,
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Street Address, City, State Zip Code
Inspection Result
Resident #1 verbalized a racial slur directed at two students of different races that are involved in
a relationship.
File review conducted on 3/30/2010 of the agency's incident report, dated 1/9/2010, revealed that
the incident occurred on 1/9/2010 at approximately 4:00 pm, when staff members heard an
argument going on in the movie room of the Student Activity Center (SAC). The report states that
Staff members B, C and D observed Resident #1 being confronted by Resident #2, #4, #5, and #6
in regards to "a racist comment that he/she made towards another student". The report states
that the students surrounded Resident #1 and that staff members "tried to defuse the situation"
when Resident #4 moved behind Resident
#1 and "began to repeatedly hit Resident #1 in the head". The report stated that Staff D placed
Resident #4 into a "double arm bar restraint" while Resident #1 was escorted by Staff members
B and C into the main room of the SAC. The report states that Staff C instructed Resident #1 to
leave and go to the dorm, but Resident #1 refused to comply. The report then states that
Resident #2 "jumped in front of" Resident #1 and stated that Resident #1 was not leaving.
Resident #2 then yelled to Resident #4, #5, and # 6 asking "do they have his/her back" and will
they participate in assaulting Resident #1. The report continues to describe various efforts
employed by Resident #2 to rally residents and instances in which the residents were
disobedient and disrespectful to staff members. Ultimately the report states that Staff B got
between Resident #1 and #2 and that Resident #2 "shoved Staff B and then slapped Resident
#1". The report states that Staff B then "escorted Resident #2 to the ground and that Staff C
grabbed his/her legs". The report states that while Staff B attempted "to get into the proper
seated double arm bar restraint, Resident #3 "ran up and repeatedly kicked Staff B in his/her face
causing his/her lips to split, nose to bleed, and bruising on the forehead". The report states that
"other students and Staff D pulled Resident #3 off of Staff B and that Staff C got up to help with
the restraint. The report then states that Resident #1 ran out of the front door of the SAC and that
Resident #4, #5, #6, and #8 followed after him/her. The report continues to state that Resident #2
attempted to follow and that ultimately Staff B "placed him/her in a standing double arm bar
restraint" when Resident #3 intervened and attempted to punch Staff B. The report states that
Staff B was able " to dodge the punch and that two other residents restrained Resident #3
"followed by Staff D". The report states that "outside of the dorm, Resident #1 was hit several
times in the face; his/her right eye was swollen the next day.
Interview conducted on 1/26/2010 at 5:05 pm., with Staff A revealed that staff to client ratio at the
time of the incident was 6 staff members to 40 students. Staff A stated that he/she believes that
the number of staff members was suitable; however, he/she believes that staff members reaction
to the incident was inappropriate- was it indicated how so? If not, leave as is.). Staff A stated
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Inspection Results

that additionally there was "one clinical worker on call that lived on campus and that he/she and
another staff member arrived on campus" after being notified of the incident.
R 0861 290-2-5-.08(7) Staffing.
Reporting. Detailed written summary reports shall be made to the Department of Human Resources, Office of
Regulatory Services, Residential Child Care Unit via email or fax on the required incident intake information form
(IIIF) within 24 hours.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on file review and staff interview , the agency failed to submit a detailed written summary
report to the Department of Human Resources, Office of Regulatory Services, Residential Child
Care Unit within 24 hours.
Findings include:
File review conducted on 1/26/2010 at 12:00 pm of the agency's incident report, dated 1/9/2010,
revealed that the local county sheriff's office was contacted regarding this incident and as a
result Resident #2 and #3 were arrested and detained. The agency did not make a report of the
incident to the Department of Human Resources, Office of Regulatory Services, Residential Child
Care Unit within 24 hours of its occurrence.
Interview conducted on 1/26/010 at 5:15 pm with Staff A revealed that the agency was not aware
that a report was required to be made to the department in connection to police involvement with
residents and that he/she was under the impression that charges had to have been filed by the
R 0862 290-2-5-.08(7)(a-g) Staffing.
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This [detailed written summary] report shall be made regarding serious occurrences involving children in care,
including but not limited to:
(a) Accidents or injuries requiring medical treatment and/or hospitalization;
(b) Death;
(c) Suicide attempts;
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on file review and staff interview, the agency failed to submit a detailed written summary
report regarding serious occurrences involving children in care.
Findings include:
File review conducted on 1/26/2010 at 12:00 pm of the agency's incident report, dated 1/9/2010,
revealed that the local county sheriff's office was contacted regarding this incident and as a
result Resident #2 and #3 were arrested and detained. The agency did not submit a detailed
written summary report regarding serious occurrences involving children in care.
Interview conducted on 1/26/010 at 5:15 pm with Staff A revealed that the agency was not aware
that a report was required to be made to the department in connection to police involvement with
residents and that he/she was under the impression that charges had to have been filed by the
R 1413 290-2-5-.14(1)(d) Behavior Management.
Residents shall not be permitted to participate in the behavior management of other residents or to discipline other
residents, except as part of an organized therapeutic self-governing program in accordance with accepted
standards of practice that is con
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on file review and staff interview, residents were allowed to participate in the behavior
management of other residents.
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Inspection end date:
Name of Provider or Supplier
Street Address, City, State Zip Code
Inspection Results
Findings include:
File review conducted on 3/30/2010 of the agency's incident report, dated 1/9/2010, revealed that
the incident occurred on 1/9/2010 at approximately 4:00 pm, when staff members heard an
argument going on in the movie room of the Student Activity Center (SAC). The report states that
Staff members B, C and D observed Resident #1 being confronted by Resident #2, #4, #5, and #6
in regards to "a racist comment that he/she made towards another student". The report states
that the students surrounded Resident #1 and that staff members "tried to defuse the situation"
when Resident #4 moved behind Resident #1and "began to repeatedly hit Resident #1 in the
head". The report stated that Staff D placed Resident #4 into a "double arm bar restraint" while
Resident #1 was escorted by Staff members B and C into the main room of the SAC. The report
states that Staff C instructed Resident #1 to leave and go to the dorm, but Resident #1 refused to
comply. The report then states that Resident #2 "jumped in front of" Resident #1 and stated that
Resident #1 was not leaving. Resident #2 then yelled to Resident #4, #5, and # 6 asking "do
they have his/her back" and will they participate in assaulting Resident #1. The report
continues to describe various efforts employed by Resident #2 to rally residents and instances in
which the residents were disobedient and disrespectful to staff members. Ultimately the report
states that Staff B got between Resident #1 and #2 and that Resident #2 "shoved Staff B and
then slapped Resident #1". The report states that Staff B then "escorted Resident #2 to the
ground and that Staff C grabbed his/her legs". The report states that while Staff B attempted "to
get into the proper seated double arm bar restraint, Resident #3 "ran up and repeatedly kicked
Staff B in his/her face causing his/her lips to split, nose to bleed, and bruising on the forehead".
The report states that "other students and Staff D pulled Resident #3 off of Staff B and that Staff
C got up to help with the restraint. The report then states that Resident #1 ran out of the front
door of the SAC and that Resident #4, #5, #6, and #8 followed after him/her. The report continues
to state that Resident #2 attempted to follow and that ultimately Staff B "placed him/her in a
standing double arm bar restraint" when Resident #3 intervened and attempted to punch Staff B.
The report states that Staff B was able " to dodge the punch and that two other residents
restrained Resident #3 "followed by Staff D". The report states that "outside of the dorm,
Resident #1 was hit several times in the face; his/her right eye was swollen the next day.
Interview conducted on 1/26/2010 at 5:30 pm with Staff A revealed that he/she acknowledges that
"students were involved in the behavior managment of other students; however, maintains that
the agency does not allow students to participate in the behavioral management of other
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R 1420 290-2-5-.14(2)(c)2. Emergency Safety Interventions.
Emergency safety interventions policies and procedures shall include: ...
2. Provisions for the documentation of each use of an emergency safety intervention including:
(i) Date and a description of the precipitating incident;
(ii) Description of the
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on file review and staff interview the agency failed to document provisions for the
documentation of each use of an emergency safety intervention.
Findings include:
A file review conducted of the agency's incident report, dated 1/9/2010, indicated that emergency
safety interventions were carried out on several residents; however, there was no provision for
the documentation (on the provisions - delete) for each use.
File review conducted on 3/30/2010 of the agency's incident report, dated 1/9/2010, revealed that
the incident occurred on 1/9/2010 at approximately 4:00 pm, when staff members heard an
argument going on in the movie room of the Student Activity Center (SAC). The report states that
Staff members B, C and D observed Resident #1 being confronted by Resident #2, #4, #5, and #6
in regards to "a racist comment that he/she made towards another student". The report states
that the students surrounded Resident #1 and that staff members "tried to defuse the situation"
when Resident #4 moved behind Resident #1 and "began to repeatedly hit Resident #1 in the
head". The report stated that Staff D placed Resident #4 into a "double arm bar restraint" while
Resident #1 was escorted by Staff members B and C into the main room of the SAC. The report
states that Staff C instructed Resident #1 to leave and go to the dorm, but Resident #1 refused to
comply. The report then states that Resident #2 "jumped in front of" Resident #1 and stated that
Resident #1 was not leaving. Resident #2 then yelled to Resident #4, #5, and # 6 asking "do they
have his/her back" and will they participate in assaulting Resident #1. The report continues to
describe various efforts employed by Resident #2 to rally residents and instances in which the
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Street Address, City, State Zip Code
Inspection Results

residents were disobedient and disrespectful to staff members. Ultimately the report states that
Staff B got between Resident #1 and #2 and that Resident #2 "shoved Staff B and then slapped
Resident #1". The report states that Staff B then "escorted Resident #2 to the ground and that
Staff C grabbed his/her legs". The report states that while Staff B attempted "to get into the
proper seated double arm bar restraint, Resident #3 "ran up and repeatedly kicked Staff B in
his/her face causing his/her lips to split, nose to bleed, and bruising on the forehead". The report
states that "other students and Staff D pulled Resident #3 off of Staff B and that Staff C got up to
help with the restraint. The report then states that Resident #1 ran out of the front door of the
SAC and that Resident #4, #5, #6, and #8 followed after him/her. The report continues to state
that Resident #2 attempted to follow and that ultimately Staff B "placed him/her in a standing
double arm bar restraint" when Resident #3 intervened and attempted to punch Staff B. The
report states that Staff B was able " to dodge the punch and that two other residents restrained
Resident #3 "followed by Staff D". The report states that "outside of the dorm, Resident #1 was
hit several times in the face; his/her right eye was swollen the next day.
Interview conducted on 1/26/2010 at 5:35 pm with Staff A revealed that he/she acknowledges that
there was no documentation of the identified emergency safety interventions described.
R 9999 Closing Comments.
This visit was concluded with an exit conference. A preliminary inspection report was submitted
to the agency on 4/12/2010. A plan of correction is due ten days after receipt of the survey.
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« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2010, 10:56:59 PM »
Georgia Department of Human Resources,
Office of Regulatory Services State Form
Statement of Deficiencies
and Plan of Correction
Inspection begin date
Inspection end date:
Name of Provider or Supplier
Street Address, City, State Zip Code
Inspection Results

R 0000 Opening Comments.
The purpose of this survey is to conduct an investigation for self reported incident #GA00083346.
R 0840 290-2-5-.08(6) Staffing.
Staffing. The institution shall have sufficient numbers of qualified and trained staff as required by these rules to
provide for the needs, care, protection, and supervision of children. All staff and volunteers shall be supervised to
ensure that assigne
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
****Based on record review and staff interview, the agency failed to have sufficient numbers of
trained staff to provide for the protection of children in care.
Findings include
Review on 6/28/2010 at 4:00 pm of Resident #1's incident report, dated 6/10/2010, revealed that at
9:15 pm, Staff A went into Resident #1's room to talk with him/her about some issues Resident #1
has been struggling with throughout the day. This report indicated that Resident #1 was sitting at
the computer with another resident and Staff A began questioning Resident #1. This report stated
that at this time Resident #1 picked up the computer and threw it against the wall. The report
indicated that Resident #1 then proceeded to pick up his/her chair and broke the glass window.
This report revealed that Staff A proceeded to direct Resident #1 outside to where he/she could
calm down and regain his/her thoughts. The report then stated that Resident #1 said he/she was
not going outside until he/she dealt with something first. The report went on to state that
Resident #1 got up and ran to a room where Resident #2 was located, which was down the hall in
this dorm. This report stated that Resident #1 and #2 began fighting. According to this report
other residents began to jump in by punching and kicking Resident #1. Staff A wrote that other
staff attempted to break up the fight and was assisted by Staff B.
Review on 6/28/2010 at 4:00 pm of Staff A's training, revealed that on April 28-30, 2010 he/she
received full certification in Therapeutic Aggression Control Techniques-2 (TACT-2). Staff A's
date of hire was 3/15/2010.
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Review on 6/28/2010 at 4:00 pm of Staff B's training, revealed that on April 28-30, 2010, he/she
received verbal certification on TACT 2. Staff B's date of hire was 1/29/2010.
Review on 6/28/2010 at 4:00 pm of Staff C's file, revealed that he/she has not been trained on any
emergency safety interventions. Staff C's date of hire was 6/1/2010.
Interview with Staff D was conducted on 6/28/2010 at 3:46 pm. Staff D stated that Staff B did
complete the full TACT-2 training, but received verbal certification because she/he has a smaller
stature than the residents.
Interview with Staff A was conducted on 6/28/2010 at 2:15 pm. Staff A reported that the incident
happened on 6/10/2010. Staff A said he/she was coming in the dorms around 9:15 pm and was
going to follow up with Resident #1 as he/she requested earlier for another issue. Staff A
reported that Resident #1 was sitting at his/her computer and talking with another resident. Staff
A said Resident #1 was crying and picked up the computer and pushed it away. Staff A said
he/she offered to speak with Resident #1, but Resident #1 refused. Staff A said Resident #1 then
picked up a chair and said "not until I finish some business." Staff A said Resident #1 then threw
the chair against the window causing it to shatter. Staff A went on to state that Resident #1 ran
out of his/her room towards Resident #2's room. Staff A said Resident #1 was screaming and
running causing residents to look. Staff A said when he/she got to the room there was Resident
#1 and #2. Staff A said he/she arrived in the room the same time Resident #3 and #4 entered. Staff
A reported that there was a split second where it was just Resident #1 and #2 alone in the room,
so he/she was able to pull Resident #2 to the side. Staff A said Resident #1 was on the floor when
Resident #3 and #4 started kicking Resident #1. Staff A then stated that he/she was trying to
cover Resident #1 and deflect as many of the kicks as possible. Staff A said about 10 seconds
after he/she arrived in the room, Staff C entered; however, Staff C wasn't able to assist as much
because he/she was not trained in emergency safety interventions. Staff A said Resident #1
received about 10-15 kicks to the face and blood was everywhere. Staff A then reported that
Resident #3 pushed Staff C to the side. Staff A recalled that Staff B came in the room right after
Staff C. Staff A stated that Resident #4 pushed Staff B through a crowd of residents that were
outside the room blocking the entrance. Staff A then reported that Staff B was able to get back up
and restrain Resident #4. Staff A said when Resident #4 was restrained, he/she could be heard
and got the residents to leave the area. Staff A said Staff B was able to get the aggressors out of
the room. Staff A said he/she walked Resident #1 out of the room and and took Resident #1 to
the emergency room with Staff B. Staff A stated that Staff C was on his/her second day of work,
so he/she was trying to get the residents away, but did not restrain anyone. Staff A indicated that
Resident #1 had a broken nose, 2 chipped teeth, but no concussion. Staff A recalled that there
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were about 15 residents present in the doorway at the time of the incident. Staff A reported that at
the time of the incident there were 29 residents total, including the ones that were fighting, and
three staff members on duty for that dorm.
Interview with Resident #1 was conducted on 6/28/2010 at 2:42 pm. Resident #1 reported that at
the beginning of the day he/she had a fight with another resident that day, who was later picked
on by Resident #5. Resident #1 said she/he told his/her counselor about the issue and the
counselor spoke with Resident #5. Resident #1 said later that day Resident #2 came to his/her
room and threatened him/her. Resident #1 said he/she got angry and ran down the hall to
Resident #2's room. Resident #1 said they started fighting and all he/she can remember is being
attacked by others. Resident #1 said Staff A was trying to keep Resident #2 off of him/her, while
Staff B was trying to enter the room. Resident #1 stated that some residents blocking the door.
Resident #1 said residents were hitting him/her. Resident #1 said he/she went to the hospital and
was diagnosed with a broken nose and swelling. Resident #1 said Staff A and B took him/her to
the emergency room. Resident #1 said he/she blacked out a little when he/she was hit to the
head. Resident #1 reported that staff knew he/she was getting angry throughout the day, but Staff
A did what he/she could. Resident #1 said he/she told his/her counselor that day that he/she was
being antagonized by Resident #5. Resident #1 said he/she thinks that Staff A knew about the
problems he/she was having and that's why Staff A came to the room to talk. Resident #1 said
Staff C didn't get in the room, but Staff B was trying to keep people out of the room.
Interview with Staff C was conducted on 6/28/2010 at 3:00 pm. Staff C said on June 10th, he/she
noticed something was going on when Resident #1 broke a window. Staff C said Staff A was with
Resident #1. Staff C said he/she was floating around the dorms when he/she heard yelling. Staff
C said Resident #2 was in the hallway when Resident #1 made it into Resident #2's room. Staff C
said it was a "mad rush" between residents and staff going to the room. Staff C said when he/she
made it in the room, he/she saw Resident #2, #3, and #4 beating on Resident #1. Staff C stated
that he/she grabbed the shoulder of Resident #3 while Staff A was shielding Resident #1. Staff C
said Resident #3 was able to break free and kick Resident #1. Staff C said Staff B came in the
room after having some trouble entering due to residents blocking the doorway. Staff C said Staff
B was able to get Resident #4 to leave the room. Staff C said he/she didn't know the cause of the
fight and did not know there was tension going on that day. Staff C said he/she was with a group
of residents earlier that day when Resident #1 accidentally hit one of the residents with a stick.
Staff C said he/she was told later that this was the cause of the tension throughout the day. Staff
C recalled that there were approximately 27-30 residents present on the day of the incident and
there were 4 staff members assigned to that dorm. Staff C said he/she is not sure if all four staff
members were present, but one could have been administering medication at that time.
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Interview with Resident #2 was conducted on 6/28/2010 at 3:15 pm. Resident #2 stated that
he/she doesn't feel like staff did their job, because it took staff 5 minutes to intervene with the
fight. Resident #2 reported that Resident #1 started the fight by coming after him/her. Resident #2
said Resident #1 charged at him/her and there was no staff around. Resident #2 said Resident #1
struck first and he/she doesn't remember what happened next. Resident #2 said he/she doesn't
remember how the fight ended because he/she "pretty much blacked out."
Interview with Resident #4 was conducted on 6/28/2010 at 3:25 pm. Resident #4 did report that
staff could have done more because they knew Resident #1 was "heated" that day, but they just
let everything unfold.
Interview with Resident #3 was conducted on 6/28/2010 at 3:29 pm. Resident #3 stated that the
day of the incident his/her roommate, Resident #5, came to him/her and said he/she was afraid
that Resident #1 would kill him/her. Resident #3 said later that night he/she and Resident #2
asked Resident #1 why was he/she threatening Resident #5. Resident #3 said he/she was in
Resident #4's room when he/she heard a crash and screaming. Resident #3 said he/she saw
Resident #1 run by the room. Resident #3 said someone said that Resident #1 just broke a
window and was trying to attack Resident #2. Resident #3 said Resident #2 is one of his/her best
friends and he/she thought about Resident #1's threats to others. Resident #3 said he/she was
afraid that Resident #1 would injure Resident #2. Resident #1 said he/she was thinking that
Resident #1 had a piece of glass from the broken window. Resident #3 then admitted that he/she
pushed Resident #1 away from Resident #2 and Resident #1 turned around and hit him/her.
Resident #3 said he/she got angry and hit Resident #1 multiple times. Resident #3 said staff
intervened when Resident #1 was on the floor knocked out. Resident #3 said Staff B was
watching at the door, and Staff C had his/her arm around Resident #3's body. Resident #3 said
his/her arms were by his/her side in the hold by Staff C. Resident #3 indicated he/she stopped
fighting at that point. Resident #3 said it could have been prevented because staff knew Resident
#1 was angry that day. Resident #3 said the counselor talked with Resident #5 and told him/her
that Resident #1 threatened to kill him/her. Resident #3 said he/she is not sure how many staff
members were present this day or how long it took Staff A to enter the room.
Interview with Staff B was conducted on 6/29/2010 at 2:50 pm. Staff B reported that all day there
were rumors about Resident #1 wanting to beat up Resident #5 and that Resident #5's friends
went into Resident #1's room and asked why he/she was threatening Resident #5. Staff B
reported that Resident #1 got angry and Staff A tried to speak with Resident #1. Staff B indicated
that Resident #1 threw a chair at the window and Staff B was standing in the doorway. Staff B
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said Resident #1 then came out of the room forcefully and pointed at Resident #2. Staff B
indicated that Resident #1 and #2 went into the room and Staff A and B ran down the hallway
after them. Staff B said the other residents were there and Staff B stood over Resident #1. Staff B
reported that Resident #3 and #4 were in the room kicking Resident #1. Staff B said she/he went
behind Resident #4 and took him/her by the arm. Staff B said Resident #4 left the room. Staff B
said she/he doesn't know what Staff C was doing because everything happened so quickly. Staff
B said she/he doesn't think that Staff C physically restrained anyone. Staff B said she/he did not
use a TACT2 restraint, she/he just took Resident #4 by the arm to escort out the room. Staff B
said Resident #4 wasn't fighting back. Staff B said Resident #4 was the only one she/he
physically touched. Staff B reported that Resident #4 is his/her size and has a good rapport with
him/her, so it was easier to get Resident #4 out of the room. Staff B said Resident #3 followed
and then Resident #2 exited the room. Staff B said Staff A got Resident #1 out of the room. Staff B
indicated that there were about 35 residents total in the dorm this day. Staff B said there were 3
staff members in the room. Staff B said one staff member was administering medication with
about 10 other residents. Staff B said 2 hours before the actual fight, a resident approached a
counselor and said it might be a fight and Resident #1 should be monitored. Staff B said Resident
#1's counselor told the leader of the reflections group (where Resident #1 was located at the
time). Staff B said the group leader sent Resident #5 off campus to keep his/her separated from
Resident #1. Staff B reported that Staff A was waiting to speak with Resident #1 after the
reflections group. Staff B reported that Resident #1 was supervised close that day, but by the
time he/she got into the dorms he/she was beyond calming. Staff B reiterated that one staff
member was dispensing medication at the time of the fight and one staff member was monitoring
the residents that were waiting for medication. Staff B said she/he did not have to physically
restrain anyone. Staff B stated that the ratio is typically 4 staff to 30 residents, but sometimes
there are just 3 staff members. Staff B said as far as she/he knew, staff was talking about
monitoring Resident #1 that day. Staff B said she/he was standing in the doorway of the room
when Resident #1 came out forcefully, but due to the size difference, she/he moved and could
only follow Resident #1. Staff B said the incident happened fast and the residents moved toward
the room quickly. Staff B said the residents wouldn't move and hs/he had to push his/her way
through the door to enter the room. Staff B said the fight started about 30 seconds before she/he
entered the room.
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R 1003 290-2-5-.10(b) Assessment and Planning.
A service and room, board and watchful oversight plan shall be developed by the child's Human Services
Professional in concert with the child's primary Child Care Worker, meaning the worker who has responsibility for
supervision of the child in the living
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on record review and staff interview, the agency failed to have completed Service, Room,
Board, and Watchful Oversight plans to include activities to be followed by staff in pursuit of
stated goals and objectives for two of four plans reviewed.
Findings Include
Review on 6/28/2010 at 4:00 pm of Resident #1's Individual Service Plan, dated 5/11/2010,
revealed that the plan did not include activities to be followed by staff in pursuit of stated goals
and objectives. Resident #1 was admitted nearly two months ago.
Review on 6/28/2010 at 4:00 pm of Resident #4's Individual Service Plan, dated 2/11/2010,
revealed that the plan did not include activities to be followed by staff in pursuit of stated goals
and objectives. Resident #4 was admitted nine months ago.
During interview with Staff D on 6/28/2010 at 4:56 pm, he/she acknowledged the findings.
This rule was previously cited on 12/10/2009 and 12/3/2008.
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R 1011 290-2-5-.10(d) Assessment and Planning.
The service and room, board and watchful oversight plan shall be updated by the Human Services Professional at
a minimum of every six months and pertinent progress notes and data shall be incorporated in the plan to
measure attainment of stated goals and
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
****Based on record review and staff interview, the agency failed to ensure that the Service
Room, Board, and Watchful Oversight Plan is updated by the Human Services Professional at a
minimum of every six months for one of four files reviewed.
Findings Include
Review on 6/28/2010 at 4:00 pm of Resident #2's individual Service Plan, dated 10/30/2009,
revealed that the plan is outdated. Resident #2 was admitted over eight months ago.
During interview with Staff D on 7/16/2010 at 2:42 pm, he/she acknowledged the findings after
he/she checked the agency's data base for the current plan.
This rule was previously cited on 12/10/2009 and 12/3/2008.
R 1402 290-2-5-.14(1)(b)2. Behavior Management.
Such Behavior management policies and procedures shall incorporate the following minimum requirements: ...
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2. Behavior management shall be limited to the least restrictive appropriate method, as described in the child's
service plan pursuant to Rule
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on record review and staff interview, the agency failed to ensure that behavior
management is limited to the least restrictive appropriate method, as described in the child's
Room, Board, and Watchful Oversight Plan and in accordance with the prohibitions as specified
in the rules and regulations.
Findings Include
Interview with Resident #2 was conducted on 6/2820/2010 at 3:15 pm. Resident #2 said he/she
doesn't remember what happened during the incident, but he/she knows that he/she was in a
fight. When asked if he/she received a consequence for fighting, Resident #2 indicated that staff
sent him/her to the wilderness intervention program for 8 days.
Review on 6/28/2010 at 4:00 pm of Resident #2's Individual Service Plan, dated 10/30/2009, did
not reveal that the wilderness intervention program would be used as a behavioral management
Interview with Resident #4 was conducted on 6/28/2010 at 3:25 pm. When asked if he/she
received a consequence for involvement with the physical altercation, Resident #4 said first staff
spoke with him/her then he/she was sent to the wilderness intervention program for 8 days.
Resident #4 reported that the wilderness program is not on campus. It consists of a tavern and
the residents sleep on wooden boards.
Review on 6/28/2010 at 4:00 pm of Resident #4's Individual Service Plan, dated 2/11/10, did not
reveal that the wilderness intervention program would be used as a behavioral management
Interview with Resident #3 was conducted on 6/28/2010 at 3:29 pm. Resident #3 stated that on
6/10/2010, Resident #5 came to him/her and said he/she was afraid that Resident #1 would kill
him/her. Resident #3 said later that night he/she and Resident #2 asked Resident #1 why was
he/she threatening Resident #5. Resident #3 said he/she was in Resident #4's room when he/she
heard a crash and screaming. Resident #3 said he/she saw Resident #1 run by the room.
Resident #3 said someone said that Resident #1 just broke a window and was trying to attack
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Resident #2. Resident #3 said Resident #2 is one of his/her best friends and he/she thought about
Resident #1's problems and remembered Resident #1 threatened others. Resident #3 said he/she
was afraid that Resident #1 would injure Resident #2. Resident #1 said he/she was thinking that
Resident #1 had a piece of glass from the broken window. Resident #3 then admitted that he/she
pushed Resident #1 away from Resident #2 and Resident #1 turned around and hit him/her.
Resident #3 said he/she got angry and hit Resident #1 multiple times. Resident #3 said he/she
was sent to the wilderness intervention program and slept on a flat sheet of wood. Resident #3
said he/she was in the wilderness intervention program for 1 week.
Review on 6/28/2010 at 4:00 pm of Resident #3's Individualized Service Plan, dated 4/1/2010, did
not reveal that the wilderness intervention program would be utilized as a behavioral
management method.
During interview with Staff D on 6/28/2010 at 3:46 pm, Surveyor asked about the wilderness
intervention program. Staff D reported that wilderness intervention is used as a behavior
management technique.
Review on 6/28/2010 at 5:00 pm of the agency's Wilderness Intervention Curriculum, revealed a
form labeled "Odds and Ends". This form states the following: "Students are responsible for
maintaining their gear, equipment, and personal hygiene. If students break, lose, or do not
maintain equipment--they may have to do without (Stay within policies and procedures, and
safety). Keep wilderness student off main campus. No student is allowed in the shelter until
completion of Solo." This form also indicates that tents are utilized.
Review on 6/28/2010 at 5:00 pm of the agency's Wilderness Initiative Daily Schedule, revealed
examples of rewards given to residents which includes: extra sleeping pad, pillows. The
schedule dated May 3, 2010 indicates the following: "solo starts at 9:00 pm, students can only
communicate with staff, journal about life goals, and objectives."
Cross reference Tag 840
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R 1808 290-2-5-.18(2)(c) Physical Plant and Safety.
Each child shall be provided his or her own personal bed and mattress that is no shorter than the child's height
and at least thirty inches wide. Clean sheets, pillows and pillow cases, blankets or bed covering shall be provided
and sheets and pillow case
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on record review and staff interview, the agency failed to ensure that each child shall be
provided his/her own personal bed and mattress with pillows, blankets or bed covering.
Findings Include
Review on 6/28/2010 at 5:00 pm of the agency's Wilderness Initiative Daily Schedule, revealed
examples of rewards given to residents which includes extra sleeping pad and pillows.
Interview with Resident #4 was conducted on 6/28/2010 at 3:25 pm. When asked if he/she
received a consequence for involvement with the physical altercation, Resident #4 said that first
staff spoke with him/her then he/she was sent to the wilderness intervention program for 8 days.
Resident #4 reported that the wilderness program is not on the campus. It consists of a tavern
and the residents sleep on wooden boards.
Interview with Resident #3 was conducted on 6/28/2010 at 3:29 pm. Resident #3 stated that on
6/10/2010, he/she pushed Resident #1 away from Resident #2 and Resident #1 turned around and
hit him/her. Resident #3 said he/she got angry and hit Resident #1 multiple times. Resident #3
said he/she was sent to the wilderness intervention program as his/her consequence and slept
on a flat sheet of wood. Resident #3 said he/she was in the wilderness intervention program for 1
R 9999 Closing Comments.
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An exit conference was conducted onsite. There was one rule violation related to self reported
incident #GA00083346. There were four rule violations found during the investigation. The
preliminary report was mailed on 7/12/2010. The plan of correction is due ten days after the
receipt of this report.
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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Whooter

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« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2010, 10:58:02 PM »
The quote below is from Jill Ryans' post,  I am not suggesting those were her words.....
Quote from: "Jill Ryan"
We at Ridge Creek urge the parents of prospective students to fully investigate any eventual placement by calling the school and/or program under consideration to request a list of families that have completed the curriculum and to contact these families for a clear and unbiased picture of the program and its effectiveness. If there are items of concern encountered on an internet site, address these with the school and its alumni. The future of a struggling child is too valuable to be trusted to a simple internet search that yields the negative attacks of those who refused the heed advice and follow suggested treatment and recovery paths.

I have suggested this also and I think most here would agree that speaking with people who have gone through the program provides up to date information and the opportunity to ask questions about their child’s stay.

Everyone knows that the school is going to put you in contact with parents and students who did well (and avoid those who did not) but still it would dispel the rumors that the school is abusive, locks kids in cages, starves them or invokes psychological damage on the kids etc.

I think even the most anti program minded poster would agree that a parent would not be able to get a balanced picture of what their child could expect in a program by reading the information here on fornits.  I am sure we can agree that it is extremely biased and gathering information from various sources would be to the parents (and child’s) advantage.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Jill Ryan

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« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2010, 11:13:23 PM »
These are not my words .  It was from the previous thread, that I placed on here.  Jill Ryan
« Last Edit: August 18, 2010, 12:12:52 AM by Jill Ryan »

Offline Whooter

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« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2010, 12:03:51 AM »
Quote from: "Jill Ryan"
These are not my words .  It was from the previous thread, that I placed on here.  Jill Ryan

You might have missed that I wrote this above the post:

The quote below is from Jill Ryans' post,  I am not suggesting those were her words.....

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RobertBruce

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« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2010, 12:37:35 AM »
Whooter are you claiming that ORS reports are a biased source of information for prospective parents?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Jill Ryan

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« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2010, 12:47:58 AM »
I thought it odd that out of all the info to comment on, the ORS reports were avoided.
Robert, I moved the other thread because of the derailing.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Whooter

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« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2010, 08:44:47 AM »
Quote from: "Jill Ryan"
I thought it odd that out of all the info to comment on, the ORS reports were avoided.

I didnt avoid them I commented on the first post.  I have been reading the whole thread.  The detailed reports from the ORS are interesting and gives us insight into how regulation effects the daily operation procedures of these places.  It raises the question of whether or not regulation is effective.  
As a minimum they provide an outside look into the daily activities which otherwise would go unnoticed.  If Ridge Creek School continues to get written up for the same problems without effective corrective action then we can conclude that the process is ineffective and on the other end if the reports force Ridge Creek to implement new procedures then we can conclude that these reports (regulation) does have a positive effect.

Personally I am not a fan of regulation in general.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RobertBruce

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« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2010, 10:57:28 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Jill Ryan"
I thought it odd that out of all the info to comment on, the ORS reports were avoided.

I didnt avoid them I commented on the first post.  I have been reading the whole thread.  The detailed reports from the ORS are interesting and gives us insight into how regulation effects the daily operation procedures of these places.  It raises the question of whether or not regulation is effective.  
As a minimum they provide an outside look into the daily activities which otherwise would go unnoticed.  If Ridge Creek School continues to get written up for the same problems without effective corrective action then we can conclude that the process is ineffective and on the other end if the reports force Ridge Creek to implement new procedures then we can conclude that these reports (regulation) does have a positive effect.

Personally I am not a fan of regulation in general.


Why is that Whooter? How can you argue against added oversight and safety? Especially when it comes to kids.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline DannyB II

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« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2010, 12:07:09 AM »
Quote from: "RobertBruce"
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Jill Ryan"
I thought it odd that out of all the info to comment on, the ORS reports were avoided.

I didnt avoid them I commented on the first post.  I have been reading the whole thread.  The detailed reports from the ORS are interesting and gives us insight into how regulation effects the daily operation procedures of these places.  It raises the question of whether or not regulation is effective.  
As a minimum they provide an outside look into the daily activities which otherwise would go unnoticed.  If Ridge Creek School continues to get written up for the same problems without effective corrective action then we can conclude that the process is ineffective and on the other end if the reports force Ridge Creek to implement new procedures then we can conclude that these reports (regulation) does have a positive effect.

Personally I am not a fan of regulation in general.

Why is that Whooter? How can you argue against added oversight and safety? Especially when it comes to kids.

Because he can, drama queen.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Stand and fight, till there is no more.

Offline RobertBruce

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« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2010, 06:55:36 PM »
Not well apparently. How about you Danny? How do you feel about regulation in this industry?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »