Author Topic: Odyssey House, SLC  (Read 1961 times)

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Offline Given1Shot

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Odyssey House, SLC
« on: September 26, 2009, 10:06:41 AM »
Does anyone have any thoughts on the Odyssey House in downtown SLC? I have a daughter who is on Meth. It is not a pretty picture. The ghosts of my past are haunting me right now as I am a survivior not only of myself, but of Straight, Atlanta, 1983-1985. I don't know what to do anymore and I am seeking out treatment for her in a residential form, but non abusive form of treatment. She has to have something, I know this to be true, but the question is Where?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Odyssey House, SLC
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2009, 10:34:50 AM »
Do you have a relative she can live with for a while? Aunt? Grandmother? Something?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Given1Shot

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Re: Odyssey House, SLC
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2009, 10:54:30 AM »
I wish I did. My folks are 83 years old and are not able to take care of her, much less absorb the venom spewing that she is on a constant rampage with . Basically I am stuck. Hate, Hate, Hate the thought of putting her into a rehab, but I am losing site of any other alternatives.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Odyssey House, SLC
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2009, 02:33:35 PM »
Post pics, if she's hot, I'll take her in.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Odyssey House, SLC
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2009, 04:26:56 PM »
Quote from: "Given1Shot"
Does anyone have any thoughts on the Odyssey House in downtown SLC? I have a daughter who is on Meth. It is not a pretty picture. The ghosts of my past are haunting me right now as I am a survivior not only of myself, but of Straight, Atlanta, 1983-1985. I don't know what to do anymore and I am seeking out treatment for her in a residential form, but non abusive form of treatment. She has to have something, I know this to be true, but the question is Where?
I don’t have enough information from your post to know why you feel residential treatment is necessary. I do not know why you are considering Odyssey House in particular.

I can understand that while she is in the throes of methamphetamine use there is a sense of urgency and overwhelm that comes with your desire to help her. Please, don’t let this desperation cause you to disregard what you know of the harms that can come from these programs.
Have you considered a strictly clinical detox setting that would last no longer than thirty days? (Preferably one that isn’t a “feeder” into programs) For all of their lacking, this is where I consider public hospitals to have an advantage in what they offer. At least from there, both of you would have an opportunity to evaluate the situation calmly and (for her part, hopefully) clearly.

What sort of support system does she have? Specifically, does she have friends and family who are not using? What sort of support system do you have? If there are people in your life whose assistance/guidance could be helpful, ask them to participate.

You mentioned Straight and your conflict about placing your daughter in a program, because of what you experienced there. Don’t lose sight of that. While I have no personal experience with Odyssey House, I can tell you that they (like many other Synanon spawns) operate with the same confrontational attack therapy designed to break down an individual. These tactics are abusive and while they do often produce short terms gains like cessation of drug use, they are damaging…even debilitating. The messages imparted to recipients of treatment of this kind can be as cruel and damaging as the underlying sources of the issues being badly mishandled by this process. Furthermore, the infantilizing program-dependency instilled in some by programs of this nature is derived of the assumption of an addict being stunted in growth. This condemnation is imposed and reinforced until accepted. Any coping skills provided are limited to (and hindered by) the “belief” that one had failed in life pre-program and that survival depends on adherence to the program.  

Modern day connection between these organizations includes events like “Run for your life”-hosted by Odyssey House with Daytop and Samaritan participating.

A quick scan through the “testimonials” posted on Odyssey House satellite location website reveals some familiar language. Both Sarah and Jared begin their stories with the exact same phrase “My life was complete chaos”. More quotes include: “I had to develop a new image of myself and new self-confidence. This began with me being able to look people in the eyes.” (“JE “He continues to "give back" by helping our organization secure grants. We are proud of him and acknowledge him for all of his hard work!)” All I wanted to do was quit using drugs, but in their program, I was given more than I could have ever hoped for…Odyssey teaches many of the same rules for life, that my employer tries to instill in its members…An open, honest, environment will help people get well, and truly bring out the best in people. Tomorrow, I will have been working at my job for 4 years. This is the longest I had ever held a job before. I love my work, and know I will be working here for a long time. Without Odyssey House, I know that I would not only have never gotten a job where I have one today. I know that I would not have been able to keep it even if I had, but more importantly, I wouldn’t have been alive to ever apply. I know that the way life was going, I was lucky enough to live long enough to get into treatment.” (CW) “Since I have came to Odyssey House I have opened up and talked about things that I swore to myself I never would. I have learned that helping people means holding them accountable and standing my ground even if they do get mad at me. I have also learned that it is ok for me to say no and stand up for myself, that I am worth it.…I have also learned how to reality test things and how to hold others accountable for what they have done, instead of trying to take responsibility for them.”

Many of these modern day incarnations have evolved to include healthy aspects of treatment like job training, etc. It is that which they emphasize in their PR.  They have not come so far that they are willing to depart from the formulaic short sighted destructive methods used against you in Straight. Much like their spawn anon and on kind, this program is a promote from within its own ranks thought reform environment staffed by individuals “saved from themselves” by this organization and very eager to blindly help your child see the light. They may mean well, but they do harm.

Please exhaust all other options before considering this program for your daughter.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
“A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free”  Nikos Kazantzakis

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Re: Odyssey House, SLC
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2009, 04:36:18 AM »
I have been wondering.

What is her strong side? What kind of interests does she have? Art, music etc?

I was thinking of a normal boarding school a kind of exotic place like in Europe?

Of course she cannot go there without being detoxed, so a little stint in a wilderness is needed. Without recommending a specific program I would look at a family-oriented program. We know that wilderness programs are killers and we also know that a night in the wilderness at the end doesn't give the parents any knowledge of how hard it is. So you have to go into the program from the very start. It will be hard for you with your luggage but it is exactly why you have to go with her. She will be able to see how hard it affects you.

I have not been in a program, but was it one of my kids, who were using, I would bring a close relative to Sweden with that knowledge where we will hike with the child interupted by some exercises. We would simply pay for a time on a high rope course with an instructor when the drugs is out of the blood stream. Then I would find a normal boarding school near family-members or friends living far away, so there are some people I can have reporting local gossip back to me. This boarding school should include some activities which she is interested in, so she can pursue those. It will help keeping her thoughts away from the addictions.

I can not say anything bad about the Odyssey House, but I can see that they use a level system. You know first hand what a level system includes of risk. You have to think about how you can reach her while she is sleeping in their version of the "phaser room".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »