Author Topic: psy doesn't like what you say will just ban you. fornits, as once was, is dead.  (Read 1006 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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guest-8a62: all thats left of fornits is TheWho and his fan club

[Today at 01:39:41 PM] Anne Bonney: his fan club?  who would that be?

[Today at 01:40:30 PM] guest-8a62: you, psy, monsters, all the other idiots who talk to him everyday

[Today at 01:41:08 PM] psy: so what do you suggest, 62?

[Today at 01:41:32 PM] guest-8a62: amazing you all have nothing better to do than talk to thewho

[Today at 01:41:53 PM] psy: were you in a program, guest?

[Today at 01:42:02 PM] guest-e6c0: guest is thewho.

[Today at 01:42:26 PM] guest-8a62: its too late you already compromised fornits in your attempt to deal with thewho and only strengthened his position

[Today at 01:43:21 PM] psy: how did I compromise fornits?  how?  I never gave out his IP, never did anything other than to use information everybody has to try and identify him...  how did I compromise fornits?

[Today at 01:43:24 PM] guest-8a62: now fornits is a shell of itself, and the only posters are thewho and his syncophants

[Today at 01:43:27 PM] psy: tell me that, guest?

[Today at 01:43:46 PM] guest-e6c0: Fuck you, guest.

[Today at 01:43:49 PM] guest-8a62: well if you thought you did you wouldnt be doing it now would you

[Today at 01:44:11 PM] guest-8a62: im sure you have good intentions

[Today at 01:44:15 PM] alia23: syncophants?

[Today at 01:44:16 PM] guest-8a62: but its not always about that is it

[Today at 01:44:54 PM] psy: I said how....  how?

[Today at 01:44:57 PM] psy: explain it to me?

[Today at 01:45:05 PM] psy: explain how it is my fault... please do that.

[Today at 01:45:11 PM] alia23: whats the dealeo yo?

[Today at 01:45:56 PM] guest-8a62: you wouldnt get it even if i did, like i said, or you wouldnt be doing it

[Today at 01:45:57 PM] guest-8a62: you are not at fault you are who you are

[Today at 01:45:58 PM] guest-8a62: ginger is at fault for allowing you to do it

[Today at 01:46:16 PM] psy: allowing me to do what?

[Today at 01:46:40 PM] guest-8a62: thats exactly what i mean

[Today at 01:47:03 PM] guest-8a62: the difference between pre psy admin and no is night and day, but you dont see it

[Today at 01:47:45 PM] guest-8a62: how can you explain something to someone that they dont see, thats why i dont try

[Today at 01:48:25 PM] psy: if I was misusing my admin privs I would post the Who's IP, ban him, delete every single one of his posts, read his pms, email, etc.. but I don't.  explain precisely how an admin position has comproimsed me?

[Today at 01:48:27 PM] alia23: what was the admin like pre psy?

[Today at 01:48:28 PM] guest-8a62: let me ask you this psy, did you notice changes when milk was admin?

[Today at 01:48:49 PM] Anne Bonney: wow...we're all idiots now.  Nice

[Today at 01:49:10 PM] guest-8a62: because its been no diferent with you

[Today at 01:49:10 PM] guest-8a62: different personality, different changes but changes nonetheless

[Today at 01:49:31 PM] Anne Bonney: what do you suggest, oh great and enlightened one?

[Today at 01:49:33 PM] psy: please explain how... not making accusations with no supporting evidence?

[Today at 01:49:36 PM] guest-8a62: yes engaging thewho everyday at the same time telling others its a waste of time anne, is idiotic

[Today at 01:49:40 PM] alia23: well, 8a, it seems that if there were aspects of a past situation that you liked, maybe they could be recreated now...  if you can define them, maybe you could recreate them.

[Today at 01:50:10 PM] Anne Bonney: I tell them not to make up stupid shit about him or just call him names

[Today at 01:50:33 PM] guest-8a62: it was precisely the lack of certain aspects alia, such as overbearing admins who hold personal agendas

[Today at 01:50:54 PM] Anne Bonney: I have no problem with people refuting his so called all

[Today at 01:51:13 PM] Anne Bonney:  guest-8a62: it was precisely the lack of certain aspects alia, such as overbearing admins who hold personal agendas

[Today at 01:51:17 PM] Anne Bonney: I agree with that part

[Today at 01:51:18 PM] psy: 62.. please enlighten me.  I am not closed minded.  Explain A: how I have brought this forum to a shell of itself, as you call it.. how it's gingers fault for allowing me to do that... however that was done, etc...

[Today at 01:51:47 PM] alia23: hm, yes thats a nice situation, when people are open to eachother continually

[Today at 01:51:50 PM] psy: explain how having a couple privs have made me any different ... lol.. come on

[Today at 01:51:50 PM] guest-8a62: its gingers fault in the same way it was her fault to grant milk admin powers

[Today at 01:52:03 PM] psy: how have I abused them?

[Today at 01:52:06 PM] psy: HOW

[Today at 01:52:17 PM] psy: TELL ME

[Today at 01:53:22 PM] guest-8a62: there are too many instances to list psy

[Today at 01:53:32 PM] alia23: well, psy, it sounds like maybe 8a is trying to express that whatever ongoing dispute has been going on with this who person may be really effecting people's state of mind?

[Today at 01:53:32 PM] guest-8a62: this entire forum has become your personal pet project

[Today at 01:53:36 PM] psy: well go for it...

[Today at 01:53:49 PM] Rachael: <3<3<3

[Today at 01:53:53 PM] Rachael: hello

[Today at 01:53:57 PM] psy: name one example if there are so many!

[Today at 01:54:01 PM] alia23: Smiley

[Today at 01:54:05 PM] psy: Smiley

[Today at 01:54:47 PM] alia23: i dont know, but psy maybe it would behoove you to try to make peace with this person.... ??

[Today at 01:55:11 PM] guest-8a62: there are too many to get into listing them, you will just try to detract individual examples when the truth is obvious to those who have watched fornits change

[Today at 01:55:39 PM] psy: again... if there are so many examples, please list just one... or a few.. go ahead

[Today at 01:55:41 PM] guest-8a62: but if you want some from just this week how about you outing milk and threatening him

[Today at 01:55:43 PM] guest-e6c0: We're gonna nail his ass to the wall next time!

[Today at 01:55:45 PM] guest-8a62: threatening to call the cops which was a blatant lie which you admitted

[Today at 01:56:08 PM] guest-8a62: attempting to out thewho

[Today at 01:56:09 PM] guest-8a62: deleting your own posts as guest

[Today at 01:56:12 PM] guest-8a62: moving the slower forums which you mdoerate to the top

[Today at 01:56:32 PM] guest-8a62: threatening guests to reveal their ips

[Today at 01:56:54 PM] guest-8a62: none of these things happened before you had the power since milk was admin and he did the same things

[Today at 01:56:55 PM] Nihilanthic: <- lollin

[Today at 01:57:04 PM] Nihilanthic: rofl

[Today at 01:57:07 PM] guest-8a62: adding sue scheff bullshit to the front page

[Today at 01:57:29 PM] guest-8a62: asking for money and not delivering what you promised

[Today at 01:57:32 PM] guest-8a62: shall i go on

[Today at 01:57:36 PM] Nihilanthic: ?

[Today at 01:58:06 PM] alia23: so it sounds like you feel that the way he's doing things generally is sort of anger driven?  less about the whole group, more about personal preferences?

[Today at 01:58:10 PM] psy: well.  the movie is taking longer than I expected, I admit

[Today at 01:58:19 PM] Nihilanthic: TALKING OUT OF GROUP

[Today at 01:58:27 PM] alia23: ?


[Today at 01:58:38 PM] guest-8a62: yes alia but then professes ideology of fornits when it suits them

[Today at 01:58:47 PM] Nihilanthic: TheWHo is an angent provocateur and generally a one-man DDoS of thought.

[Today at 01:58:47 PM] psy: also, anybody can delete their posts as guest if they make a request with an admin and they can prove they wrote it

[Today at 01:58:51 PM] guest-8a62: blatant hypocrisy

[Today at 01:59:06 PM] Nihilanthic: yeah we do what we want when we want to do it and nobody HAS to be here.

[Today at 01:59:09 PM] Nihilanthic: So GTFO?

[Today at 01:59:12 PM] guest-8a62: telling people you cant delete harmful posts about them, then deleting posts for yourself

[Today at 01:59:18 PM] psy: no.. my opinions changed.  I should not have un-banned the who.

[Today at 01:59:21 PM] Nihilanthic: we've stated our agenda from the get go, anon.

[Today at 01:59:35 PM] Deprogrammed: psy take it easy on yourself the movie to be good will take time

[Today at 01:59:39 PM] Nihilanthic: We want programs, the industry, and people who work for them in one way or another to go away and never come back.

[Today at 01:59:39 PM] guest-8a62: power corrupts

[Today at 01:59:45 PM] Nihilanthic: what is being corrupted?

[Today at 01:59:49 PM] guest-8a62: absolute power corrupts absolutely

[Today at 01:59:52 PM] Anne Bonney: hey, I gotta admit that this place has changed drastically from when I found it 6 years or so ago

[Today at 02:00:04 PM] Nihilanthic: We want a idiot who stops communication and rational thought and a thread derailer gone

[Today at 02:00:20 PM] Anne Bonney: how you gonna do that Niles?

[Today at 02:00:22 PM] guest-8a62: you cant do that niles so then what

[Today at 02:00:25 PM] Nihilanthic: AB - fornits is doing more than passively education

[Today at 02:00:28 PM] guest-8a62: you think thewho is too retarded to use a proxy

[Today at 02:00:38 PM] Nihilanthic: Oh, I could put a lid on it pretty quickly. I culd exhaust TW's proxies within a week.


[Today at 02:00:41 PM] Anne Bonney: I didn't say it wasn't

[Today at 02:00:41 PM] alia23: well it sounds like you guys have a very serious and common fundamental philisophical disagreement.....

[Today at 02:00:43 PM] psy: I don't have absolute power.  All my moderation actions are logged.

[Today at 02:00:49 PM] Nihilanthic: I dodge bans like you breathe. I doubt he's as resourceful as me.

[Today at 02:00:56 PM] Nihilanthic: alia what are we disagreeing upon here?

[Today at 02:01:21 PM] guest-8a62: and nobody is watching the store though psy

[Today at 02:01:23 PM] guest-8a62: or doesnt care

[Today at 02:01:28 PM] psy: Ginger is.

[Today at 02:01:46 PM] alia23: it sounds like psy and nih are interested in pro actively creating change around these ideas, while it seems like 8a is interested in a more communication oriented approach.

[Today at 02:01:49 PM] guest-8a62: it took a lot to get milk un adminned

[Today at 02:01:49 PM] Anne Bonney: Ginger hasn't been actively involved for quite some time

[Today at 02:01:51 PM] psy: look... i take my position as admin very seriously, and I don't break teh rules

[Today at 02:02:00 PM] psy: alia.. shut up

[Today at 02:02:07 PM] alia23: ok bye!

[Today at 02:02:12 PM] Nihilanthic: Alia, communication can't work with someone like TW going out of his way to stop it and poison the well.

[Today at 02:02:18 PM] guest-8a62: see there is the hypocrisy im talking about

[Today at 02:02:25 PM] Anne Bonney: psy...what was that for?

[Today at 02:02:27 PM] guest-8a62: someone posts "kids should take staff out"

[Today at 02:02:28 PM] Nihilanthic: I've yet to see a single post without a 50/50 signal to program speak ratio

[Today at 02:02:49 PM] guest-8a62: and you threaten the cops? why? because you thought it was thewho or milk

[Today at 02:02:49 PM] guest-8a62: some survivor makes a threat, you say nothing

[Today at 02:03:15 PM] guest-8a62: how often do you check ips in the forum so you have a gods eye view of whats transpiring before responding?

[Today at 02:03:31 PM] Nihilanthic: Its called covering the forum's ass in a litigious society.

[Today at 02:03:56 PM] guest-8a62: was that the first threat youve seen niles? how about the worst?

[Today at 02:04:05 PM] Deprogrammed: Question why should have psy put up with those threats anon?

[Today at 02:04:07 PM] guest-8a62: no. psy uses his power to intimidate posters

[Today at 02:04:08 PM] psy: yes... i had to.  you can't make death threats against programs on a moderated shoutbox and expect me to allow it.. if I did, i would be liable and this server could disappear

[Today at 02:04:09 PM] Nihilanthic: Do you think Im stupid enough to repeat it

[Today at 02:04:11 PM] guest-8a62: he said as much in the transcript that followed, i read it

[Today at 02:04:25 PM] Nihilanthic: JZ wouldn't let this server go away so easily.

[Today at 02:04:39 PM] psy: no... but it could easily be confiscated

[Today at 02:04:49 PM] Nihilanthic: Nevertheless I don't see 8a62 as anything but an attempt to be at best, a devils advocate, and at worst, someone trying to tweak Psy.

[Today at 02:04:52 PM] guest-8a62: sure psy, default to your moral obligations

[Today at 02:05:00 PM] Nihilanthic: So, is there some point you're getting to?

[Today at 02:05:03 PM] guest-8a62: i know thats not the truth

[Today at 02:05:05 PM] psy: and sorry, alia.. but 8a is not interested in a communciation based approach.

[Today at 02:05:08 PM] Nihilanthic: Or are you purely here to fuck with people?

[Today at 02:05:10 PM] psy: no

[Today at 02:05:15 PM] Nihilanthic: Ban him already

[Today at 02:05:20 PM] psy: will do.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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I posted this to make it clear this forum does not support freedom of speech, as it once did.

Not that it should matter, but I am a program survivor who holds a differing view as those in charge. I believe in freedom of speech and that there should not be overbearing admins with absolute power to implement their personal agendas. I expressed my opinion in this chatroom and was banned just because I don't agree with what Psy thinks.

You hath become what you hate Psy. Fornits is no different than any program now. You NEED to limit communication it would seem, what a sad day this is. This is not the first time, but since it has happened repeatedly I feel the need to speak out to warn others who are under the illusion this forum supports freedom of speech.

Here I thought the idea of fornits was to attempt change the rules of the program? Looks like I was wrong.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Round II via Proxy to allude Psy's ban

guest-25fb: as you see psy has deemed himself the arbitrar of what is important enough for us regular people to read

[Today at 02:23:00 PM] Rachael: shut the fuck up guest

[Today at 02:23:03 PM] psy: of this shoutbox.. yes.

[Today at 02:23:03 PM] guest-25fb: this is censorship

[Today at 02:23:05 PM] Anne Bonney: AB we're in a info-war if you didn't notice

[Today at 02:23:07 PM] guest-25fb: what do programs and this forum now have in common?

[Today at 02:23:11 PM] Nihilanthic: Unless you want to tail him and re-re-re-re-re-re-post debunkings of his shit, AB, leaving him is doing more harm than good, and not to us, but to new people who might be influenced by it and send their kids off.

[Today at 02:23:17 PM] guest-4268: guest, it's not censorship

[Today at 02:23:21 PM] guest-e6c0: Are you suggesting psy should ban himself?Huh??

[Today at 02:23:24 PM] guest-25fb: they both need to limit communication to get their point across

[Today at 02:23:24 PM] Nihilanthic: And I'd say fuck a paid provateur's free speech if it hurts someone

[Today at 02:23:25 PM] guest-4268: you're just a jackass.

[Today at 02:23:29 PM] Anne Bonney: oh pleeze Niles.....I've been through a program.  I'm quite aware of what's going on, thankyouverymuch

[Today at 02:23:50 PM] Nihilanthic: This isn't a program, this is him trying to sell his services.

[Today at 02:24:03 PM] psy: yes... and parents are taking up his offers, apparantly

[Today at 02:24:03 PM] guest-25fb: try calling psy a jackass, you will be banned

[Today at 02:24:06 PM] guest-e6c0: TheWho is program-cocksmoker.

[Today at 02:24:08 PM] Nihilanthic: ok then, do you think he woudln't recommend edcons or parents?

[Today at 02:24:09 PM] guest-25fb: i support your right ot call me a jackass

[Today at 02:24:15 PM] Anne Bonney: what you gotta do.....bye guys....I gotta get home

[Today at 02:24:19 PM] psy: you're not banned.. only if you derail this shoutbox

[Today at 02:24:19 PM] Nihilanthic: Do you think he hasn't tried to get people to use programs?

[Today at 02:24:26 PM] guest-4268: if we advocate ignoring him, isn't that also "program" bullshit.

[Today at 02:24:28 PM] guest-25fb: according to who?

[Today at 02:24:37 PM] psy: he sells ASR and SUWS

[Today at 02:24:39 PM] guest-25fb: was the chatter you just banned dereailing? didnt seem like it to me

[Today at 02:24:42 PM] guest-e6c0: riddle me this: How do you derail a shoutbox?

[Today at 02:25:02 PM] guest-4268: ask guest 25

[Today at 02:25:02 PM] psy: by responding to you

[Today at 02:25:07 PM] Deprogrammed: nye anne

[Today at 02:25:11 PM] guest-25fb: do fornits a favor psy, resign from your admin position

[Today at 02:25:11 PM] Deprogrammed: bye

[Today at 02:25:13 PM] psy: night anne

[Today at 02:25:23 PM] psy: put up a thread about it...

[Today at 02:25:30 PM] Nihilanthic: I like how limiting the communication of a programmie whose trying to suck people in and manuipulate people before they can find out (via free speech)  that he is full of shit...

[Today at 02:25:31 PM] guest-25fb: gookin was intellingent enough to figure this out at one time

[Today at 02:25:34 PM] Nihilanthic: is "being like a program"

[Today at 02:25:39 PM] Nihilanthic: 9_9

[Today at 02:25:42 PM] guest-25fb: too bad his anti admin rebellion didnt hold

[Today at 02:25:48 PM] psy: demand my resignation, and make sure to state how i've broken the rules of my position

[Today at 02:25:56 PM] Nihilanthic: If this bullshit didn't mean kids got sent off I'd not care.

[Today at 02:26:06 PM] Nihilanthic: psy, just fucking ban him, and be final about it.

[Today at 02:26:10 PM] guest-25fb: an honorable man would resign themselves psy

[Today at 02:26:10 PM] guest-25fb: you will hold on tooth and nail

[Today at 02:26:16 PM] Nihilanthic: There is no gain to letting him stay or even discussing it and you know it.

[Today at 02:26:19 PM] guest-25fb: i have more important battles to gith

[Today at 02:26:21 PM] Nihilanthic: Leave it to philosophers

[Today at 02:26:24 PM] guest-25fb: fight*

[Today at 02:26:31 PM] Nihilanthic: WE dont need more people going away, and we dont need more kids going

[Today at 02:26:37 PM] Nihilanthic: leaving or discussing further will do more damage. cut your losse.s

[Today at 02:26:44 PM] psy: honorable men don't hide behind proxies and anonymity.. but nobody is forcing you to be honorable

[Today at 02:26:54 PM] psy: yes.. i agree, nieles

[Today at 02:26:56 PM] guest-25fb: i need proxies because you keep banning me for nothing

[Today at 02:26:58 PM] Nihilanthic: ITs an information war, and we're trying to educate people who are totally unaware of this before HE gets to them first.

[Today at 02:27:08 PM] Nihilanthic: If it was just talking about things without active attempts to maniupulate and brainwash, whoopie do

[Today at 02:27:18 PM] psy: bye

-- this is where i was banned again --

[Today at 02:27:22 PM] Deprogrammed: good luck the program has years on us anyway

[Today at 02:27:32 PM] Deprogrammed: ye know?

[Today at 02:28:09 PM] Deprogrammed: All we can do is actively do our best to educate

[Today at 02:28:17 PM] psy: Ginger agrees with us all, niles, which is why she wants more moderated forums on fornits, and a more parent friendly place to get clear, concise information... not propoganda, but the truth

[Today at 02:28:21 PM] Deprogrammed: no matter what anyone else does

[Today at 02:28:39 PM] Deprogrammed: wow

[Today at 02:29:14 PM] psy: TTI will always be unmoderated, i'm afraid, but I think we should start posting less in there and more in forums like the YLF where we can concentrate on ending this industry and tellint parents our side of the story without whospam

[Today at 02:30:06 PM] guest-6e5e: Fornits is being whittled down to a shell of it's old self

[Today at 02:30:27 PM] Deprogrammed: Psy, did ginger say this to you?

[Today at 02:30:29 PM] psy: quit proxying up, asshole ((wasn't me psy, did you ban them too?))

[Today at 02:30:41 PM] psy: Yeah.. we talked about it on the phone yesterday

[Today at 02:30:53 PM] psy: she also is looking to recruit writers for the fornits front-page

[Today at 02:31:52 PM] Deprogrammed: What has sparked this change in her?

[Today at 02:31:56 PM] Deprogrammed: do ye know?

[Today at 02:32:09 PM] Deprogrammed: This is a drastic change

[Today at 02:32:12 PM] psy: probably TheWho

[Today at 02:32:27 PM] Deprogrammed: speculation or do you know?

[Today at 02:32:34 PM] psy: he's like a natural disaster... like Niles said, a machine gun nest..

[Today at 02:32:53 PM] Deprogrammed: he doesnt bother me b/c I dont let him

[Today at 02:32:57 PM] psy: don't know if it's that much of a change.. TTI is still unmoderated...

[Today at 02:33:04 PM] Nihilanthic: Look, we're at war.

[Today at 02:33:07 PM] Deprogrammed: is there something I may be missing here?

[Today at 02:33:09 PM] Nihilanthic: Its information, not bullets.

[Today at 02:33:17 PM] Nihilanthic: TheWho is a fucking sniper we keep catching and letting go.

[Today at 02:33:23 PM] Deprogrammed: It is a drastic change

[Today at 02:33:27 PM] Nihilanthic: we know what he has done and keeps going

Fornits posters should be informed of the fundamental change in fornits that is taking place. Freedom of speech is no longer respected. Psy was put in charge to forcibly create a "pro parent" atmosphere. Fornits is becoming a shell of what it once was. Thanks guest for that quote,  you were probably banned for expressing this opinion as well.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline psy

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bull  if anybody has any questions or takes this crap seriously...  i'll answer, but I won't respond to trolls.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)

Offline Anonymous

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Just so everybody knows, Psy's definition of troll is anybody who disagrees with him.

As of now, all guests have been banned from the shoutbox. Psy doesn't like hearing contrary opinion, just like programs.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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During the course of the previous hour's chat, I watched Psy ban three other guests besides myself. Now he has taken down the ability to read through the history so I can't repost his pro-censorship rhetoric. Fornits is the new struggling teens, with Psy in charge.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline psy

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Quote from: "Guest"
During the course of the previous hour's chat, I watched Psy ban three other guests besides myself. Now he has taken down the ability to read through the history so I can't repost his pro-censorship rhetoric. Fornits is the new struggling teens, with Psy in charge.

No.. I don't know what is wrong with the shoutbox history.  i'm trying to figure it out.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)

Offline The Monsters

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maybe we have missed it... but anytime we have seen psy ban anyone it's been to them being idiots and talking massive ammounts of shit.

Although we do agree he shoulent ban them and they do and should have the right to speak their mind even if it is filled with cotton and saw dust, we understand why psy gets pissed at them.

we think even the who should be able to speak openly on the box.

Just because we want someone to go away does not mean we should ban them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anne Bonney

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[Today at 02:29:14 PM] psy: TTI will always be unmoderated, i'm afraid, but I think we should start posting less in there and more in forums like the YLF where we can concentrate on ending this industry and tellint parents our side of the story without whospam

OK, now that's partly what I'm talking about.  Fornits is THE ONLY PLACE that is totally open and unmoderated/uncensored.  There's plenty of room out there for everyone.  Fornits has done pretty damn well for the years its been active, especially considering it was totally grassroots and up against people like SueSue, Newton, Sembler etc.  Fornits has persisted always, largely I think, in part to teh complete free speech rules.  Set up TONS of forums.  Flood the airwaves!  (I feel like I'm channeling Happy Harry Hard-on).  The truth will come out.  There's no putting the toothpaste back in the tube. 
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

Offline Ursus

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Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
[Today at 02:29:14 PM] psy: TTI will always be unmoderated, i'm afraid, but I think we should start posting less in there and more in forums like the YLF where we can concentrate on ending this industry and tellint parents our side of the story without whospam


OK, now that's partly what I'm talking about.  Fornits is THE ONLY PLACE that is totally open and unmoderated/uncensored.  There's plenty of room out there for everyone.  Fornits has done pretty damn well for the years its been active, especially considering it was totally grassroots and up against people like SueSue, Newton, Sembler etc.  Fornits has persisted always, largely I think, in part to teh complete free speech rules.  Set up TONS of forums.  Flood the airwaves!  (I feel like I'm channeling Happy Harry Hard-on).  The truth will come out. 

I agree. I also feel quite uncomfortable with the amount of banning that has been going on lately in the Shout Box. I'm beginning to think of it as the Ban Box.

Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
There's no putting the toothpaste back in the tube.

Is that like trying to put a bear's binnis back where it came from?  ;)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anne Bonney

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Quote from: "Ursus"
Is that like trying to put a bear's binnis back where it came from?  ;)

Well, now lemme think.  Yanno, I'm not sure.  I don't think I've ever tried that with a bear, as far as I recall.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

Offline Anne Bonney

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I have to say that this does NOT sound like Ginger.  I'd like her confirmation of said conversation.

[Today at 02:28:17 PM] psy: Ginger agrees with us all, niles, which is why she wants more moderated forums on fornits, and a more parent friendly place to get clear, concise information... not propoganda, but the truth

[Today at 02:28:21 PM] Deprogrammed: no matter what anyone else does

[Today at 02:28:39 PM] Deprogrammed: wow

[Today at 02:29:14 PM] psy: TTI will always be unmoderated, i'm afraid, but I think we should start posting less in there and more in forums like the YLF where we can concentrate on ending this industry and tellint parents our side of the story without whospam

[Today at 02:30:06 PM] guest-6e5e: Fornits is being whittled down to a shell of it's old self

[Today at 02:30:27 PM] Deprogrammed: Psy, did ginger say this to you?

[Today at 02:30:29 PM] psy: quit proxying up, asshole ((wasn't me psy, did you ban them too?))

[Today at 02:30:41 PM] psy: Yeah.. we talked about it on the phone yesterday

[Today at 02:30:53 PM] psy: she also is looking to recruit writers for the fornits front-page

[Today at 02:31:52 PM] Deprogrammed: What has sparked this change in her?

[Today at 02:31:56 PM] Deprogrammed: do ye know?

[Today at 02:32:09 PM] Deprogrammed: This is a drastic change

[Today at 02:32:12 PM] psy: probably TheWho
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa