Author Topic: Kids being "tighten up" with Gospel  (Read 1362 times)

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Kids being "tighten up" with Gospel
« on: August 24, 2011, 03:53:16 AM »
Beth Watson Drinnen: Friday's gospel music event unites community, By Beth Watson Drinnen, Knox News, August 23, 2011

On Friday, singers, dancers and ministers from all over the country will be convening on Market Square to express themselves through the medium of gospel music.

"We wanted to bring people in the Christian community together in an open place," explained Pastor Frankie Slay, one of the event's organizers. "There will be food, gospel music and fellowship. There's nothing like being on the Square!"

The event, Saturday Night Gospel, is free and has been held for the past three years on a Saturday night. This is the first year it has been held on Friday. Saturday Night Gospel is sponsored by Lifesavers, Inc., a nonprofit affiliated with the True House of God ministries in East Knoxville.

Slay has been part of Lifesavers, Inc. since it began in November 1996. Her mother, the late Bishop Bobby Jean Moore, started the organization to create change in the community following the death of her son and Slay's brother, Phillip Moore, to violent crime. Since that time, Lifesavers Inc. and the trio of programs that fall under it, has been a visual and consistent reminder for change.

Lifesavers Inc. houses three separate programs. The first, named for Slay's brother, is the Phillip Moore Boot Camp. The free weeklong summer camp is held in conjunction with the Knoxville Police Department Probation and Parole division. Slay said its main purpose is to instill behavior management skills and self-esteem into children ages 7 through 13.

"We're not a corrective program, we're preventative," she clarified. "None of our kids has been through the juvenile system. The kids who come through the program are just kids whose parents want to tighten them up a little bit."

Children who volunteers feel need extra help to stay on track will be paired with volunteer mentors through the police department.

Lifesavers Inc. also sponsors the "Loving our Seniors" and "Loving Our Community" ministries. "Loving Our Seniors" is a minor home repair ministry that began last summer in response to the need Slay and Minister Mattie Rice saw when visiting elderly in the community. Slay and Rice asked other churches in the community to get involved, and because of the skills, talents, and donations they brought to the program, the "Loving Our Seniors" program has been able to provide services to area seniors free of charge.

Through the "Loving our Community" program, under which the Christmas from the East community parade, back to school parties, and the Saturday Night Gospel event fall, positive living and strong community ties are promoted.

"It's a community effort," said Slay. "It's open to all communities, but right now East Knoxville and the inner city is the most deprived community. A lot of things have been attempted to bring it up, but still it stands in dire need of all kinds of resources. We just want to be a helper to our brothers and sisters who need us."

For more info on the 6-10 p.m. Saturday Night Gospel event, or any other Lifesavers Inc. programs, call XXX-XXX-XXXX

Let us hope that it doesn't end up like a "Jesus Camp"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Police department taking kids to boot camp
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2011, 10:53:55 AM »
From the above article in the OP:

    Lifesavers Inc. houses three separate programs. The first, named for Slay's brother, is the Phillip Moore Boot Camp. The free weeklong summer camp is held in conjunction with the Knoxville Police Department Probation and Parole division. Slay said its main purpose is to instill behavior management skills and self-esteem into children ages 7 through 13.

    "We're not a corrective program, we're preventative," she clarified. "None of our kids has been through the juvenile system. The kids who come through the program are just kids whose parents want to tighten them up a little bit."
    There's an article from 2007 on WBIR Knoxville regarding this program: "Police department taking kids to boot camp." Given Google News Archive's current state of affairs, this article appears to be currently unavailable. A brief description survives, however, as an introduction to a Topix thread dedicated to discussion of same:

      "Some Knoxville kids are getting a bit of discipline. The Phillip Moore Outreach Youth Boot Camp aims to keep them out of trouble and teach them self-respect. In the process, they're doing good for their ..."[/list][/size]
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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      Offline Ursus

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      Comments: "Police department taking kids to boot camp"
      « Reply #2 on: August 26, 2011, 11:00:52 AM »
      Here's that Topix thread... A number of these comments appear to have been deleted by the Knoxville Topix moderator (#s 8, 9, 13, 17, 22, 26).

      Comments left for the above article, "Police department taking kids to boot camp" (2007, WBIR Knoxville), #s 1-20:

      #1 hatemonger · Knoxville, TN · Jul 17, 2007
        i hope the instructors are able to strike the kids with whatever need be. these kids are the lowest of the low and need some good old fashioned discipline.
      #2 NightSerf · Location hidden · Jul 17, 2007
          hatemonger wrote:
          i hope the instructors are able to strike the kids with whatever need be. these kids are the lowest of the low and need some good old fashioned discipline.
          [/list][/size]Do you have some inside information on this? Jake Jost omitted any details about how the kids were selected for the boot camp. His title is "Investigative Producer," but this is a very scant fluff piece, and he writes like a rookie. I'm not impressed.

          Anyway, tell us why you believe that these kids are the lowest of the low and need to be beaten into submission.[/list]
          #3 cathy · Atlanta, GA · Jul 17, 2007
            I believe some better read up on what goes on in some of these boot camps first I have heard of this boot camp.Some kids dont come out of these boot camps alive.There beaten and abused in some of these boot camps around the US.I know a family that had there kid put in one just because he skipped school a few times and he was only 14 or 15 and this child die didnt want his son to get out and he ended up being in a boot camp till he was 18 yrs old and where the boot camp he was at was really bad kids were beaten and tortured.Boot camp is not good for a child.Its some of these parents that need to go to bootcamp and to learn how to dicipline there child at a early age so they won't end up on the streets and in trouble
          #4 No Name · Knoxville, TN · Jul 18, 2007
            Give me the number I have a teen that needs this. I'm seriuos!!!!
          #5 No Name · Knoxville, TN · Jul 18, 2007
              cathy wrote:
              I believe some better read up on what goes on in some of these boot camps first I have heard of this boot camp.Some kids dont come out of these boot camps alive.There beaten and abused in some of these boot camps around the US.I know a family that had there kid put in one just because he skipped school a few times and he was only 14 or 15 and this child die didnt want his son to get out and he ended up being in a boot camp till he was 18 yrs old and where the boot camp he was at was really bad kids were beaten and tortured.Boot camp is not good for a child.Its some of these parents that need to go to bootcamp and to learn how to dicipline there child at a early age so they won't end up on the streets and in trouble
              [/list][/size]Just by reading your staement I clearly can see that you have no children. This place is getting so bad with this child abuse. When that kid is acting up in the store and you try hard to calm them down, bust that kids ass and hope that someone is looking and even call the police. That's whats wrong with these kids today, too many nosey people that can't keep to themselves. The camps that your reffering to are in different countries.[/list]
              #6 NightSerf · Location hidden · Jul 18, 2007
                  cathy wrote:
                  I believe some better read up on what goes on in some of these boot camps first I have heard of this boot camp.Some kids dont come out of these boot camps alive.There beaten and abused in some of these boot camps around the US.I know a family that had there kid put in one just because he skipped school a few times and he was only 14 or 15 and this child die didnt want his son to get out and he ended up being in a boot camp till he was 18 yrs old and where the boot camp he was at was really bad kids were beaten and tortured.Boot camp is not good for a child.Its some of these parents that need to go to bootcamp and to learn how to dicipline there child at a early age so they won't end up on the streets and in trouble
                  [/list][/size]Could you provide this old skeptic some references so that I can check this story out? The name of the child that died would be a start.[/list]
                  #7 NightSerf · Location hidden · Jul 17, 2007
                    I just spent a little time looking at a few pages on these youth boot camps. They focus on Florida and a number of deaths: one resulted from a beating by guards, two were suicides, and two were medical cases in which the guards neglected to obtain medical help in violation of their own policies. Jeb Bush was notable for dragging his feet in the investigative process.

                    In my view, the Court should be reviewing these camps to see whether they cross the line into the territory of cruel and unusual punishment.

                    If Lee Msrvin Anderson, 14, is the only case I found where an inmate was actually beaten to death, How many such beatings have occurred in which the inmate survived? If two inmates were driven to suicide, how many others were driven close to the edge and left with lasting psychological damage? If two died from medical neglect, how pervasive is that neglect? Most alarmingly, if Anderson's death was saved from a coverup mostly by a videotape, were there other questionable deaths where the cover-ups were successful? These are questions that need to be answered so that the camps can either be shut down or operate with out the shadows of doubt and suspicion that now surround them.

                    That being said, there is no reason to believe that the camp we are looking at falls into the same category. This program is run annually as a variation on summer camp. The kids are not held as inmates and presumably are not locked in cells. Participation is not involuntary. These are kids who have been identified as being "at risk."

                    There is also no justification for calling them "the lowest of the low" or advocating that the officers be allowed to beat them, and if hatemonger, who hides behind his very apt net handle, can be identified, I would suggest that the teens in question find a lawyer and sue him for libel.
                  #10 race against time · Clinton, TN · Jul 18, 2007
                    You'll get your a** kicked for a remark like that. I hope you open up your trap in front of someone so they can shut it for you. I guess that you should call yourself "racist proud republican."

                    Proud Republican wrote:
                    The zoo rewarded the kids for their hard work. Keepers let them meet some of those animals up close and personal.
                    ROFL, so the kids got to meet some black people? lollololol
                    #11 NightSerf · Location hidden · Jul 18, 2007
                        Proud Republican wrote:
                        <quoted text>
                        Is it really so hard for you to go type in "child dies at boot camp" into Google. Or maybe you've been living under a rock for the last 3 years in regards to the news?
                        [/list][/size]I did. The reason for my post was to point out that vague assertions of that sort are not credible without either a reference or at least more exact details. Even if some of the foolish and gullible will take what is said at face value, saying something does not make it true. Unfortunately, this forum seems to be heavily populated with people who decide whether to believe what they read according to how it fits with their preconceived ideas rather than actually evaluating it for accuracy. Our society could be much improved by a huge dose of skepticism.[/list]
                        #12 overtaxed · Orlando, FL · Jul 18, 2007
                          We need more boot camps for punks.
                          Military level discipline and hard labor for 18 hour days.
                          After which, working full-time and being respectful will be a piece of cake, as (hopefully) will be "staying clean"
                          No more coddling criminals of ANY AGE!!!!
                        #14 DDJ · Knoxville, TN · Jul 18, 2007
                          Are these kids assigned through Juvenile Justice?
                        #15 rdd · Powell, TN · Jul 18, 2007
                            Proud Republican wrote:
                            The zoo rewarded the kids for their hard work. Keepers let them meet some of those animals up close and personal.
                            ROFL, so the kids got to meet some black people? lollololol
                            [/list][/size]HELLO STUPID.......I believe they are talking about the furry or feather covered don't start with the race thing....people like you who try to bring race into everything make me sick.[/list]
                            #16 race against time · Clinton, TN · Jul 18, 2007
                              IF I KNEW WHO YOU WERE I'D KICK YOUR REPUBLICAN A** MYSELF!

                              Proud Republican wrote:
                              <quoted text>
                              I think racist proud republican may be a few characters too long. Maybe I could abbreviate republican to rep. Or maybe something like Prd for proud. RST may work for racist too. LOL
                              #18 TEAM ME · Oak Ridge, TN · Jul 18, 2007
                                I think the boot camps are a swell idea due to the fact that we have such a huge parental failing in child discipline. If you as a parent aren't going to do it, let someone that knows how! They will be better off and become productive members of society.
                              #19 ewylie · Location hidden · Jul 18, 2007
                                Hmm... I dont know if thats something to really be proud of.

                                Proud Republican wrote:
                                <quoted text>
                                I think racist proud republican may be a few characters too long. Maybe I could abbreviate republican to rep. Or maybe something like Prd for proud. RST may work for racist too. LOL
                                #20 maggie mae · Knoxville, TN · Jul 18, 2007
                                    NightSerf wrote:
                                    <quoted text>
                                    Could you provide this old skeptic some references so that I can check this story out? The name of the child that died would be a start.
                                    [/list][/size]NightSerf, google on aspen boot camp. I believe the Koxville week long boot camp is more discipline oriented than the boot camps that are wilderness oriented and use survival techniques.[/list]
                                    #21 cathy · Atlanta, GA · Jul 18, 2007
                                      No Name I am infact a mom of a good teenager who is repectful to me and anyone he knows.And I know there kids out there that so really need to be straighten out but I know a kid that was sent to one in a Mississippi boot campwhich I dont know if it is still open because of the hurricane but it was a bad boot camp Im not saying there all bad but most are.And I believe there was a killed killed in a boot camp in Fla not long ago also.Its been awhile sence I read up on boot camps.Maybe some parent need to google teen bootcamps and there are some horrible things being done to kids in them .There are bad kids out there but today is alot different then when I was a kid I can see a good kid getting into the wrong crowd and start getting into trouble and parents get to where they can't do anythang with them and send them to a boot camp before reading up about where there sending them and there kid ends up hurt with broken arms,ribs alot of abuse.Im not saying the knoxville bootcamp does this but have read so many stories about it just wanted to put my 2 cents in
                                    #23 NightSerf · Location hidden · Jul 19, 2007
                                        cathy  wrote:
                                        No Name:
                                        I am in fact a mom of a good teenager who is respectful to me and anyone he knows. I know there kids out there that really need to be straighten out, but I know a kid that was sent to one in a Mississippi boot camp (which I don't know if it is still open because of the hurricane), but it was a bad boot camp. I'm not saying they're all bad, but most are.

                                        Also, I believe there was a kid killed in a boot camp in Fla not long ago. It's been a while since I read up on boot camps. Maybe some parents need to google "teen boot camps:" there are some horrible things being done to kids in them.

                                        There are bad kids out there, but today is a lot different than from when I was a kid. I can see a good kid getting into the wrong crowd and starting to get into trouble, and parents getting to where they can't do anything with them and sending them to a boot camp before reading up about where they're sending them, and their kid ends up hurt with broken arms, ribs a lot of abuse. I'm not saying that the Knoxville boot camp does this, but I have read so many stories about it and just wanted to put my 2 cents in.
                                        [/list][/size]Cathy, I try no to criticize grammar, spelling, and such, but it would make your posts much more readable if you'd put a space after each punctuation mark and use paragraphs. I've taken the liberty of editing your post above to make it more readable without changing the content. You have great ideas, and your writing is basically sound--much better than most. That little bit of extra effort will add enormously to your credibility so that you can become one of the significant voices on this forum.[/list]
                                        #24 cathy · Atlanta, GA · Jul 19, 2007
                                          NIGHTSERF I am not on here to win the spelling bee or a A in my typing.Im not a good typer I admit it and never have been and really can't stand anyone that puts down other people because of there flaws.I come in here to pace a comment abot the stories I read.I am not here to argue or put people down because there typing or spelling isn't good.You must have made straight A's in stupidity and thats all I will say about that.
                                        #25 NightSerf · Location hidden · Jul 20, 2007
                                            cathy wrote:
                                            NIGHTSERF I am not on here to win the spelling bee or a A in my typing.Im not a good typer I admit it and never have been and really can't stand anyone that puts down other people because of there flaws.I come in here to pace a comment abot the stories I read.I am not here to argue or put people down because there typing or spelling isn't good.You must have made straight A's in stupidity and thats all I will say about that.
                                            [/list][/size]I was not putting you down, but giving advice. Your writing is actually pretty good, and the amount of effort to make it excellent would be slight. I urge to to set aside your ego and make that effort.[/list]

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                                            Offline Ursus

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                                            Comments: "Police department taking kids to boot camp"
                                            « Reply #3 on: August 26, 2011, 11:28:49 AM »
                                            Comments left for (unaccessible) article, "Police department taking kids to boot camp" (2007, WBIR Knoxville), #s 21-33:

                                            #27 NightSerf · Location hidden · Jul 20, 2007
                                                PDG wrote:
                                                <quoted text>
                                                Who in the hell do you think you are? Why don't you worry about helping yourself Mr.Grammar Patrol, I swear get a life MORON!!!!!!!!!!
                                                [/list][/size]I am an adult who controls his temper and never calls anyone a moron.[/list]
                                                #28 Zoompad · Stafford, UK · Jul 12, 2007
                                                    cathy wrote:
                                                    No Name I am infact a mom of a good teenager who is repectful to me and anyone he knows.And I know there kids out there that so really need to be straighten out but I know a kid that was sent to one in a Mississippi boot campwhich I dont know if it is still open because of the hurricane but it was a bad boot camp Im not saying there all bad but most are.And I believe there was a killed killed in a boot camp in Fla not long ago also.Its been awhile sence I read up on boot camps.Maybe some parent need to google teen bootcamps and there are some horrible things being done to kids in them .There are bad kids out there but today is alot different then when I was a kid I can see a good kid getting into the wrong crowd and start getting into trouble and parents get to where they can't do anythang with them and send them to a boot camp before reading up about where there sending them and there kid ends up hurt with broken arms,ribs alot of abuse.Im not saying the knoxville bootcamp does this but have read so many stories about it just wanted to put my 2 cents in
                                                    [/list][/size]I am a victim os sexual abuse. When I was 11 I was raped. I cried a lot, and locked myself in the bedroom to scream, because of what was being done to me, I couldn't cope with the shame. Social Services were called in, and I was put into a "place of safety" which was basically a boot camp. This place was being run by paedophiles. The man in charge used to make the boys dress in silky shorts and then he would spank them with a slipper called "Boris" or the other slipper called "Percy". Then he looked at their bare bottoms, the excuse he used was to inspect them for damage, but really he was getting his sexual kicks off it.

                                                    He came to the bedroom when I was crying and he punched me because I could not stop crying. So I punched him back, and he put me in a cell, where I lost my mind. I smeared the walls with shit and attacked everyone who tried to get in. Then they were all scared of me and they put me in a psychiatric hospital. It was like going to heaven after being in such a terrible place.

                                                    And I was only put there in the first place because I was a victim of rape!

                                                    Who knows what is going on in these places. And more importantly, who cares?[/list]
                                                    #29 cathy · Atlanta, GA · Jul 21, 2007
                                                      Zoompad my heart goes out to you.I have read alot of stories from kids that have been to boot camps and my sons friend was sent there by his dad that has nothing to do with him and his mom was living with a man that didnt like this kid and him mom was hooked on drugs.And this kid was such a good kid and this kid turned his moms boyfriend end for growing pot and this kids dad suggest he be sent to a bootcamp in mississippi at age 14 or 15 and was only suppose to be there for 6 months and his dad decides he wants him there longer so he didnt get out till he was 18 and all this kid do was skipped to days of school.And the bootcamp they sent him to was in Missippi which is a bad one alot of abuse.And what made me so mad this childs dad has read all about the abuse these kids that have been there and still sent his son there.And Zoompad my heart goes out to you and I hope more parents will do some research before they send there kids to a bootcamp because I would hate to see another kid go threw what you went threw kids are getting killed in these places and thats not right.
                                                    #30 cathy · Atlanta, GA · Jul 21, 2007
                                                      PDG I couldn't have said it better myself.Nightserf I seen a few misspellings in your typing to and a few errors also so dont go putting someone down because your not perfect either.
                                                    #31 NightSerf · Location hidden · Jul 21, 2007
                                                        cathy wrote:
                                                        PDG I couldn't have said it better myself.Nightserf I seen a few misspellings in your typing to and a few errors also so dont go putting someone down because your not perfect either.
                                                        [/list][/size]Quite true. My keyboard skills are extremely poor, which is one of the reasons why I put nearly twice as much time into editing as I do into writing. Posting is hard work for me, and I don't always catch every error. Unlike you, though, I take constructive criticism well, which is one of the reasons that I write so much better than I did, say ten years ago.

                                                        You have the potential to be a very good writer--much better than most of the others who post here. You obviously give what you are saying some real thought. I would not have bothered to offer any advice if I had not seen that talent. Now that it is obvious that you have no interest in improving your skills, though, I shall bother you no more. As I said, as much as I enjoy it, writing is hard work for me.[/list]
                                                        #32 DavidM · Indianapolis · Jul 21, 2007
                                                            NightSerf wrote:
                                                            <quoted text>
                                                            Do you have some inside information on this? Jake Jost omitted any details about how the kids were selected for the boot camp. His title is "Investigative Producer," but this is a very scant fluff piece, and he writes like a rookie. I'm not impressed.
                                                            Anyway, tell us why you believe that these kids are the lowest of the low and need to be beaten into submission.
                                                            [/list][/size]I hope that these kids are not yelled at. It might damage them for life.
                                                            It might be a legal defense in court."I was sent to boot camp and they yelled at me whaaaaaa.

                                                            This is exactly what is wrong in American today. Want to go with me to
                                                            Basic training in 1964? Now we have to handle people with kids cloves
                                                            Instead of making men out of little boys.[/list]
                                                            #33 NightSerf · Location hidden · Jul 21, 2007
                                                                DavidM wrote:
                                                                <quoted text>
                                                                I hope that these kids are not yelled at. It might damage them for life.
                                                                It might be a legal defense in court.“I was sent to boot camp and they yelled at me whaaaaaa.
                                                                This is exactly what is wrong in American today. Want to go with me to
                                                                Basic training in 1964? Now we have to handle people with kids cloves
                                                                Instead of making men out of little boys.
                                                                [/list][/size]Your logic does not make sense because the situations are not analogous. Basic training is for young men who are preparing for military service, and currently those recruits are there by choice. These camps are for much younger children who are not becoming soldiers and are not there by choice. What is good for young men can be traumatic for children.[/list]
                                                                #34 Boss302 · Oak Ridge, TN · Jul 21, 2007
                                                                  Just keep correcting grammer and spelling serf
                                                                  Just seems like your better at that than
                                                                  the insight you pretend to have
                                                                #35 NightSerf · Location hidden · Jul 21, 2007
                                                                    Boss302 wrote:
                                                                    Just keep correcting grammer and spelling serf
                                                                    Just seems like your better at that than
                                                                    the insight you pretend to have
                                                                    [/list][/size]I was making a substantive response to an equally substantive post. Why not do the same instead of sniping at those who are at least trying to explore the subject? I'm sure you are capable of much more: put your brain to work and show us what you can do.[/list]
                                                                    #36 Boss302 · Oak Ridge, TN · Jul 21, 2007
                                                                        NightSerf wrote:
                                                                        I was making a substantive response to an equally substantive post. Why not do the same instead of sniping at those who are at least trying to explore the subject? I'm sure you are capable of much more: put your brain to work and show us what you can do.
                                                                        Snip for a Snip Take care[/list]
                                                                        #37 No Name · Knoxville, TN · Jul 23, 2007
                                                                            NightSerf wrote:
                                                                            <quoted text>
                                                                            Cathy, I try no to criticize grammar, spelling, and such, but it would make your posts much more readable if you'd put a space after each punctuation mark and use paragraphs. I've taken the liberty of editing your post above to make it more readable without changing the content. You have great ideas, and your writing is basically sound--much better than most. That little bit of extra effort will add enormously to your credibility so that you can become one of the significant voices on this forum.
                                                                            [/list][/size]Who gives a Sh*t about the contents of her paragraph..GEEZZZZ!!! I can see you have nothing to do with your time[/list]
                                                                            #38 No Name · Knoxville, TN · Jul 23, 2007
                                                                                NightSerf wrote:
                                                                                <quoted text>
                                                                                I am an adult who controls his temper and never calls anyone a moron.
                                                                                [/list][/size]By looking at the piacture a very old man that can control his temper, looks like you have had plenty of years of training on how to type and spell.[/list]
                                                                                #39 ganu · Albertville, AL · Jul 23, 2007
                                                                                  You know serf, I've read this entire thread and I see that it's taken a drastic departure from the original subject. It's probably just best to let it alone and try somewhere else. Yeah, I see that you were basically saying that it's hard to read someone's post when things are bunched together, but a few here are only interested in name calling and cheap kidney shots. Nice self control you displayed, though. I will say that.

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                                                                                « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                                                                                Phillip Moore Outreach Center
                                                                                « Reply #4 on: August 27, 2011, 01:00:38 PM »
                                                                                According to BizFind, Phillip Moore Outreach Center is classified as an "addiction treatment center":

                                                                                  Phillip Moore Outreach Ctr
                                                                                  224 Pickering St
                                                                                  37914-5950 - Knoxville (Knox)

                                                                                  Tel. 8655463759

                                                                                  Sales: Unavailable
                                                                                  Number of employers: Unavailable

                                                                                  Category: ADDICTION TREATMENT CENTERS KNOXVILLE
                                                                                  Subcategory: ADDICTION TREATMENT CENTERS
                                                                                  « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                                                                                  Phillip Moore Outreach Center/Lifesavers Inc.
                                                                                  « Reply #5 on: August 27, 2011, 06:55:41 PM »
                                                                                  They're depicted a bit differently on Compassion Coalition's website:

                                                                                  Compassion Coalition, amongst other things, also appears to function as a faith-based charity umbrella or clearinghouse in the Knoxville area. I did notice that they include one or two Teen Challenge programs/ministries in their list of participating organizations (above link).
                                                                                  « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                                                                                  Offline Froderik

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                                                                                  « Reply #6 on: August 27, 2011, 07:04:40 PM »
                                                                                  Kids being "tighten up" with Gospel

                                                                                  Something troublesome about this title...  :moon:  :timeout:  :ftard:
                                                                                  « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

                                                                                  Offline Ursus

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                                                                                  Re: Hmm....
                                                                                  « Reply #7 on: August 28, 2011, 02:19:44 PM »
                                                                                  Quote from: "Froderik"
                                                                                  Kids being "tighten up" with Gospel
                                                                                  Something troublesome about this title...  :moon:  :timeout:  :ftard:
                                                                                  :rofl: ...The quote attributed to Pastor Frankie Slay in the above article:

                                                                                    "We're not a corrective program, we're preventative... None of our kids has been through the juvenile system. The kids who come through the program are just kids whose
                                                                                  parents want to tighten them up a little bit."[/list]

                                                                                  I s'pose it remains to be seen ... who's screws are, in fact, loose here.
                                                                                  « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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