Author Topic: Some Serious Research is in Order  (Read 1299 times)

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Some Serious Research is in Order
« on: June 08, 2007, 01:02:28 PM »
Hello survivors. I don't really have time to post a lot right now, but I would like to get people interested in some more serious research on the subject of mind control cults.

Personally I have gained a lot of understanding which has been helpful just researching exactly what constitutes torture -- yes Straight, Inc. tortured us, by UN and US Army definitions. I have also had illumination by doing some library of congress research, for example, you can search in the Congressional Record for "Straight, Inc.", and there's Sam Ervin telling Congress in '74 that the LEAA can't fund The Seed anymore, and there's Jack Wolfe Congressman of VA drumming up monies and support for Straight, Inc. right in the middle of Congress in '82 or '84 I think, which I think is inexcusably irresponsible.

I don't have a lot of time for this right now. I hardly get to the internet. But I think we should make some more effort to get to the bottom of this, and that means some more serious study and research about what Straight did to us. And by that I mean looking into the doctors and everyone connected with Straight, parallels with other scientific mind control shit, like check into Stanford Research Institute. Also you can find some medical journals and find Dr. Schwarz of Straight VA published studies on the topic of stuttering, and the question in my mind is why he never spoke out against Straight -- Dr. Schwarz, there was a boy in Straight when I was there who would never ever speak, when they stood him up tears might roll down his cheeks but he would never speak. And I find Dr. Schwarz a violator of human rights and a violator of the Hippocratic Oath, but beyond my indignation I think there is some looking into some things to be done. Discovering some of this stuff just helped me put things in perspective, like even more than researching PTSD or whatever, to really understand that in some healthier circles of health care and child care advocates the methods Straight used would be totally unacceptable and absolutely considered child abuse.

Just to read that '74 Congressional Record document wherein Sam Ervin describes the 3-day break-the-prisoner tactic, which I recall they still did in Straight, take a new person, sit them in front row for three days, don't let them speak, watch the change come over their face, watch them break down. That's a tried and true tactic of mind control and Straight used it on us, and no matter how much some people were caught up in the Drug War frenzy, I am just saying I think there is no reason to think there weren't some Nazi scientists watching the shit go down.

I just think it is highly worthwhile, and maybe a route to some new life on the internet discussion forums to dig deeper. Personally I think there is some truth to the MK-ULTRA stuff. Personally I suspect Stanford Research Institute and other similar institutions have no compunction. Personally I think we were on some level used and may still be used as guinea pigs, and I'd like to see some effort to dig this information out because the facts are already out there, for example, one can get _The Plutonium Files_ at the library, and consider the Tuskegee syphilis experiments, the LSD experiments and a lot of other stuff done to people without their consent.

I think the "USA" was some sick shit from the early days, and I think a discussion of religion and what they did to the people who were already here is in order. There is a tragic history of terrible terrible abuse in this country, and sure yah it was the native americans and the blacks and now it is white kids subjected to torture, but not just torture, something called cultural reeducation, and there are parallels to that in what the colonizers did all over the world to the cultures and people who were there before -- forced government schooling, taking children from their families, forced sterilization, divesting people of their way of survival and their cultural rituals.

You might find that getting yourself an education, not in a school but right on your own internet connection, is very liberating. You know, the Maasai have age group sets, the young men go out away from the rest of the people for a while, and when they return they are painted up like zebras and stuff, dancing out of the woods to their people again. It's one of the most beautiful movie scenes I have ever seen. The human soul can attune to beauty. There's people all over the world raising their children different ways, and I think: "you will know us by the fruits we bear".

So now I will say that maybe we don't want to go into the dark underbelly to look at all the Nazi shit. Sometimes people turn away, and I have meant to post some stories from "Talking About People", an anthropology textbook. Now I don't think anthropology is necessarily evil, but I know Nazis have been involved in it, and I think "scientists" are foolish to think they don't cause a change in their subjects just by looking at them. I know I feel it. Science is often cruelty. It hurts to be a subject or object. For example, in _Silent Thunder_ Katy Payne and her researchers are studying the deep noises elephants can make people can hardly hear, they put up recordings then of calls elephants made a few weeks back or whatever to see how the elephants will react and I'm thinking Katy you insufferable bitch you're just confusing the elephants, they don't get that it's a recording, the elephants talk about the news, they talk about who's doing what and where they are and you are putting out false news. But Katy had a dream, the elephants told her "we did not show you these things so you could tell other people" but she did tell other people, she wrote and published a book, and if in the end it revealed how deeply unethical "science" can be, let that be the perhaps unintended gift of the elephants.

That's all for now. The Library of Congress internet site is Some of the stuff I found I had to go to actual book stacks of the Congressional Record, which any university library near you should have. There are databases with archived news stories, and some good databases students and researchers use that can get you old journal articles and stuff. I wish I could hint people in totally the right direction, but I'm not sure what it is yet. I just hate to see survivors hating themselves still, and people going round and round about hating staff and all that shit. I think there are bigger fish to fry, and some big works to get done like passing some restitutional acts for survivors of all these schools and stuff like Canada already did. I feel connected to all subjugated peoples and all children abused by government programming schools. I think the deep story of this country is that we have to uncover the shit. All will be revealed, all will be healed, all will be redeemed. It's not so much us against them as it is a struggle of the human heart to understand what true ethics really are in human interactions, what a good and true way is. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and guide us in Thy ways. We, survivors of cruel programming, ask for protection and healing for our minds, bodies, hearts and souls. May our suffering bring understanding, and may our understanding heal the future.

-A Human Girl
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Some Serious Research is in Order
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2007, 04:09:50 PM »
I have no fucking desire to do research on straight.  The research I do is for my business and I get paid for it.........damn good as well, I might add.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Some Serious Research is in Order
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2007, 04:10:50 PM »
I agree with you and thanks for your post and your spitit. I have also done some research and it is very involved politically...I know the nazi links.....the propoganda docs and scientists brought over to US and given jobs...and the LSD experiments on uninformed prisoners for the purpose of mind control....all the incriminating evidence is available and its not enough just knowing anymore...something needs to be done....  find and retain a class action lawyer and take this all the way to the US Supreme Court for some real exposure, truth, and change???? lawyer in FL??? maybe this sounds wildly optimistic or just stupid but I am ready and willing to affect change...I have 2 small children so the thought of them going through anything close to what I did is not acceptable! I have not registered here yet but will as 'happy' next time your on.........I went through GT second gen. straight inc. 87-89.... Thanks again for your post fellow human........
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Some Serious Research is in Order
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2007, 04:12:52 PM »
I agree with you and thanks for your post and your spitit. I have also done some research and it is very involved politically...I know the nazi links.....the propoganda docs and scientists brought over to US and given jobs...and the LSD experiments on uninformed prisoners for the purpose of mind control....all the incriminating evidence is available and its not enough just knowing anymore...something needs to be done....  find and retain a class action lawyer and take this all the way to the US Supreme Court for some real exposure, truth, and change???? lawyer in FL??? maybe this sounds wildly optimistic or just stupid but I am ready and willing to affect change...I have 2 small children so the thought of them going through anything close to what I did is not acceptable! I have not registered here yet but will as 'happy' next time your on.........I went through GT second gen. straight inc. 87-89.... Thanks again for your post fellow human........
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline happy

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Some Serious Research is in Order
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2007, 07:56:28 PM »
I think people want to believe in their goverment and that their gov. acts with is more popular and accepted and definately easier b/c you dont have to do any research you just have to believe them when they speak?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
he important thing is to NOT stop questioning. - Albert Einstein
Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them. - Lady Bird Johnson

Offline Anonymous

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Some Serious Research is in Order
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2007, 08:35:02 AM »
I want to thank you for your post. I think it was much needed for the general public.
I think though, if you seek out a few survivors that have in fact done some deep research into what exactly happened and why , some of the findings published some not.
I reluctantly drop names here but I think I know that they would be happy to give you the research you seek including the Nazi information which was dug up by survivors but not posted or published. To the best of my knowledge, it wasn't published so as not to protract from the current issue. I believe having spent a short time with one of them and seen the documents for myself they have a very long list of who was involved , the purpose and method used and the history of that method.
If you would like to find out more along the lines you suggested you might seek out Shelby E. Marti H. and Richard B.
I think that you are correct though that a study or article written purely on the motive and method of Straight should be written.
I also think it would behove you and your cause to contact them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »