Author Topic: Ex-Cop Makes Video Advising How to Hide Your Stash  (Read 1128 times)

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Ex-Cop Makes Video Advising How to Hide Your Stash
« on: December 23, 2006, 08:17:32 PM »
An ex-narc cop has produced a video, Never Get Busted Again that gives advice on how to safely conceal your stash, avoid fitting drug trafficker profiles, and "fool canines every time".  The heroic ex-swine says he is pro-legalization of marijuana because the drug war results in incarceration of nonviolent potheads while releasing violent thugs into the community.

Seriously, when the drug war has gotten to this point,  where the man his superiors called "the best narcotics agent in the state, possibly the country" is producing and selling a video advising people on ways to use , transport, and deal drugs without  legal problems, the Drug War is obviously a failure of biblical and epic proportions.  Many people find rugs and drug use appealing to them for a myriad of reasons, and will continue to do so regardless of the legal status of the substances they enjoy.  Gettin' high is here to stay, Betty, and there ain't a goddamn thing you can do about it.  This would be like a Medal of Honor recipient advising the Viet Cong how to conceal their movements and offering other tactical information.  The DFAF and other suck-ass loser organizations are the last dying breaths of the anti-drug militants.  They are like the Japanese soldiers thast had been hiding in caves since 1945, refusing to surrender.  Getting high on drugs is becoming more and more acceptable every day, and marijuana use has been approved by voters in several states.  Wake up, you slimy, scab-infested cooze, and realize that you and your ilk are dinosaurs, soon to be left in the dust by the ever-changing forces of Nature that have guided our evolution into the current drug-using organism that we are today.  It's in our genes, Betty, it's in our blood......WE ARE THE DRUGGIE MENACE THAT YOU ARE AFRAID OF, AND WE HAVE COME FOR YOUR CHILDREN.......     OUr philosophy of acceptance and encouragement of chemically-altered hedonic experimentation and engineering has proven to be the superior model for future evolution and benficial mutations.  We will continue to grow, spreading our "drug culture" mems into the collective consciousness of the entire human race; I will tell you this, Betty:  you, Mel, and all the other mental midgets at the DFAF and related organizations will be only vaguely remembered, if at all, and only as a source of amusement at the folly that once shroudishly enveloped the nation like the foul aroma of your syphilitic crotch envelops all the foolish anti-drug legislation that you and your ilk have been lurking behind.  Future generations will leave swine excrement on your graves, as a suitable ornament, representing your contributions to human civilization.

Even your own law enforcement officers know your side has lost the Drtug War, Betty.  Your life's work has been a futile undertaking, not even a pothole on the highway of chemical delights that the human race is running down, with the pedal to the metal and all cylinders firing.  Drugs and what you call the "druggie lifestyle"--the pursuit of pleasure and the engineering of a hedonic and hedonistic future--are here to stay.  Semblerism, Newtonism, the DFAF and all other outmoded, worn-out, and ultimately foolish schools of thought which oppose the use of drugs for spiritual, recreational, and hedonistic purposes have no presence in the Future
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline GregFL

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Ex-Cop Makes Video Advising How to Hide Your Stash
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2006, 12:14:55 PM »
awesome video.  I love it when a non drug user advocates the end of prohibition.

Like it or not, the message is much more effective when someone without a personal usage issue makes the point.

It is even more effective when that person spent his life enforcing the laws which he now seeks to impune.

great stuff.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »