I find the story not only intriguing, but also quite adept in pointing out how through monetary desperation, the feeling of being wanted, or even a real drive to actually help can have a much higher price that any young adult realises.
I think that anyone who is looking to take a job as a "councilor" or any other type of job that gives one an authoritarian position over others, should be required to read such stories as this. Though these horrors (IMHO) are far more tramatic to children, even adults (many non violent offenders) in out local prisions and jails are being subjected to a like midset.
Waygookin, What has happened to you is not uncommon. What is uncommon is for the sleeper to awaken and realise the horrors that they have portrayed. Everyone was born with a conscious, but not everyone was taught that it was worth listening to.
I take my hat off to you for your courage, and I for one can not wait to read rest of your story. The way you have thus far drawn the lines that can take one from a normal thinking human being, even with the best intentions, into one who never questions the contents of the coolaid and participate. Even at a subconscious level (as you have pointed out, not recalling exacly whay you said, even at the time, but realising the results) when you still have that voice, how ever small, telling you this is wrong.