Here lies CEDU. Named for Charles E. Deitrich, CEDU lies as his greatest prodigal child. Now grown to giant fat, ineffectual, ineficient, mean father of several thousand who will recieve nothing except the legacy of this horrendous giant of a monster's father- a final inheratince of emotional debt. Leftover promissory notes to the soul of the world. CEDU, the prodigal son has returned and will lie in this grave for eternity. A few of his spoled spawn WILL carry on the message that THERE is no one in the world but YOURSELF in the likeness of CEDU. And they will believe until they are in their swollen and wrtetched coffins that there is ONLY LIFFE and DEATH in life and choosing life according to CEDU is the only way at achieving legitimate KNOWLEDGE about humankind and LOVE.
It is fitting that the word LOVE should even come up in eulogizing such an overbearing, facist father that my father CEDU was. God bless the bastard and piss on his grave and his selfish legacy of greed and anger. I finally have acceptance, and finally the forgiveness in me to acknowledge that this anger is LIFE, and it is LOVE. The real kind, for a real father, and the real humankind. Thanks for dying, you separtist, hate-monger, you abusive, self- loving, narcissistic tyrant. May your inflicted soul see the err of behaving in totality as you lay in your debt of light, your blackened shrine to a failed attempt at illuminating the world with your misguided ideology.
He died a lingering death, and will be remembered my many, but few with respect.